UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /12 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:18] <natman> Does anyone use Telepathy in Kubuntu? I am using Kopete atm
[00:54] <Yankees52> how do u defrag?
[01:00] <skreech_> Yankees52: YOu don't need to
[01:48] <su_> well i managed to get my issues resolved without asking for support here. :) Was trying to get music from a share on a network into a playlist
[01:49] <su_> was able to access the network share by typing the name of the computer in the address bar, and using movie player
[01:50] <skreech_> Sweet
[01:50] <skreech_> what's the sharing protocol ?
[01:50] <su_> :D ttfn - i really like the kde interface. would like to resolve issues with the gtk stuff looking clunky - have used lxappearance and also the GTK button on the umm... kde theme preferences thingie
[01:50] <skreech_> mpris? dlna? ssh? samba?
[01:50] <su_> well it's smb://
[01:50] <skreech_> ah ok
[01:50] <su_> in the path - talking to 2 different windows machines
[01:51] <su_> i just couldn't see the share, had to type in the computer name
[01:51] <su_> i'm running 12.04 and switched to KDE, have some learning to do - but definitely prefer it
[01:51] <su_> over the new gnome
[01:52] <su_> i'm going to look up on kio slaves to see what i can learn there, read about it somewhere
[01:53] <su_> i'm really pleased with kubuntu, it's solid, stable - and powerful. Doesn't feel like I'm playing with a tinker toy with icons as big as my palm
[01:54] <su_> tatafornow, thanks to the Kubuntu community! <3 <3 <3 <3
[01:58] <skreech_> :-)
[01:58] <skreech_> That's nice
[04:04] <mr-rich> When the <BLEEP> is the point release due?
[04:12] <L3top> I expect at the end of July. Point releases are scheduled at 3 month intervals after release.
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[05:00] <dahlia> how do I screenshot a window?
[05:08] <skreech__> dahlia: Press print screen
[05:26] <masani> Hello
[05:26] <skreech__> Hello
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[05:44] <akaruna> Hi folks
[06:24] <lordievader> Good morning
[06:25] <Jarris> hi
[06:26] <Jarris> after a crashed relese-upgrade, i reinstalled kubuntu with my old partions and did not format them. the installation was succesfull but at reboot, after selecting kernel, i am not able to enter Lukspw. it is asked for but my keyboard ist totaly useless at that point, dont even able to switch to other ttys.. can you help me?
[06:30] <lordievader> Jarris: I am afraid not, not sure what you mean with lukspw. Why didn't you format root when you installed it?
[06:31] <Jarris> i mean the luks promt
[06:31] <Jarris> i dont want to loose things in /root for example
[06:32] <lordievader> Jarris: You could copy those to /home (assuming /home is on a different partition)
[06:32] <Jarris> and the installer told me he will remove /etc /var and /usr
[06:32] <lordievader> Jarris: Or to a secondary (back-up) drive.
[06:33] <lordievader> Jarris: He'll probably overwrite most things, yes.
[06:35] <lordievader> Jarris: What it probably is that there are mixed files of the new and old install that are conflicting and making the system useless. So what I would do is boot into a live-cd, back-up the important files and re-install the system this time formatting the root partition (/)
[06:40] <kish> small channel
[06:41] <kish> i bet no one will say hi to me in 5 minutes
[06:41] <kish> #ubuntu is different ;)
[06:41] <lordievader> Hey kish
[06:41] <kish> 1525 users in #UBUNTU and here we have 258 nicks idling for hours and hours
[06:41] <kish> oh hi lordievader
[06:41] <lordievader> kish: But yes this channel is indeed smaller, but so what?
[06:41] <kish> lordievader, so i bet finding support for kubuntu related stuff is harder
[06:42] <kish> i wish i hadnt installed kubuntu, honestly
[06:42] <lordievader> kish: There are usually quite a few people active here. Or you could try forums.
[06:42] <lordievader> kish: Do you have a problem?
[06:42] <kish> lordievader, not right now.
[06:43] <kish> my general experience is that kde apps crash at the most inconvenient times
[06:43] <lordievader> kish: If you really want to go to ubuntu you can also install the package ubuntu-desktop.
[06:43] <kish> lordievader, hmmm!
[06:44] <kish> does that get me EVERYTHING installed that i would normall get if i installed ubuntu directly?
[06:44] <Jarris> lordievader: i am doing so -.- but the kubuntu installer could have told "this will not work"
[06:44] <lordievader> kish: Yup its the same thing, as if installing it from a live-cd (or at least it has been my experience, I went the other way, unity -> kde)
[06:45] <kish> unity sucks
[06:45] <kish> i never figured out how ot use it
[06:45] <kish> to*'
[06:45] <lordievader> Jarris: Your right, perhaps it should.
[06:46] <lordievader> Jarris: But wait a minute, doesn't it complain about the not formatting?
[06:46] <kish> i love star wars
[06:47] <kish> i want to be chewbacca
[06:47] <kish> fly with han solo
[06:47] <kish> turn solo over to jabba the hutt
[06:48] <lordievader> kish: Star Wars is off-topic, please join me on #kubuntu-offtopic if you want to talk about Star Wars.
[06:48] <kish> lordievader, no need to be rude
[06:49] <lordievader> kish: I am not being rude, I'm following rules.
[06:50] <Jarris> lordievader: i sayes somthing like "this might be a problem for teh installation" but i thpught i would become a error if it realy becomes a problem for the installation, but it ended with no errors ...
[06:51] <lordievader> Jarris: I see, well re-install is probably easiest.
[06:53] <Jarris> hammm, i did already work for over 16 h on trying to get the problems fixed after the pependecie problems while release-upgrade -.-
[06:53] <lordievader> Jarris: That's not good to hear.
[07:40] <drox_> qualcuno può aiutarmi?
[07:40] <drox_> Buon giorno, io avrei bisogno di creare un altro utente su una stessa macchina ma bloccare la possibilità di andare in internet tutto su una stessa macchina, la creazione del nuovo utente la ho fatta è il bloccare la navigazione che non riesco
[07:40] <bazhang> !it
[07:40] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[07:45] <drox_> excusme i have a answer, i will want block acces internet my children. How do i do?
[07:48] <lordievader> drox_: I think it is a good idea to read this: http://www.howtogeek.com/54036/how-to-create-a-family-friendly-ubuntu-setup/
[07:50] <drox_> lordievader: thx i hope my english are sufficent
[07:50] <drox_> :D
[07:51] <lordievader> drox_: Good luck!
[07:57] <frogonwheels> drox_: possibly k9 for linux might do it?
[07:57] <frogonwheels> er sorry unavailable.
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[09:29] <openos> hello
[09:29] <openos> there is any alternative to gnome do and synapse in kde
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[09:41] <jollyjumper> djdjdjd
[09:41] <bazhang> jollyjumper, ?
[09:41] <jollyjumper> What is this group
[09:41] <bazhang> kubuntu support
[09:42] <jollyjumper> are there others channels?
[09:42] <bazhang> yes
[09:42] <bazhang> !alis | jollyjumper
[09:42] <ubottu> jollyjumper: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*
[09:42] <jollyjumper> can you give me some names?
[09:42] <bazhang> check above
[09:52] <lordievader> Hello everyone
[10:00] <Jarris> hi
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[10:05] <lordievader> Hey Jarris
[10:13] <Jarris> lordievader: fresh installed system workes like a charm :)
[10:13] <mydogsnameisrudy> morning
[10:16] <lordievader> Jarris: Good to hear :)
[10:18] <rethus> my mic input working anymore
[10:18] <rethus> after upgrade from 11.04 to 12.04
[10:19] <rethus> sound output works find, but no mic input
[10:20] <rethus> have try all settings with pavucontrol
[10:20] <rethus> none was working for mic-input
[10:22] <mydogsnameisrudy> try alsamixer
[10:23] <mydogsnameisrudy> rethus: see if any have MM on them for muted
[10:25] <rethus> have start alsamixer and set both mic to unmute...
[10:25] <rethus> than i got for realy short time some action on the meter in pavucontrolll... than a low noise on speaker, and no mic anymore
[10:26] <mydogsnameisrudy> well hang around a bit someone will come on soon and help ya out
[10:28] <lordievader> mydogsnameisrudy: You mean BluesKaj?
[10:29] <mydogsnameisrudy> or you lordievader
[10:29] <mydogsnameisrudy> ;)
[10:30] <markus_> moin
[10:30] <lordievader> mydogsnameisrudy: I'm not good with mics, so I guess that ain't a good idea XD
[10:30] <lordievader> Hey markus_
[10:30] <markus_> I had 1300 updates yesterday. Updated directly from 10.04 to 12.04 :)
[10:31] <markus_> took like an hour
[10:31] <lordievader> markus_: And it worked out allright?
[10:31] <markus_> yes. works perfectly
[10:31] <lordievader> markus_: Nice!
[10:32] <markus_> I run linuxmint 12 kde flavour on my laptop. and it pretty much look sthe same now
[10:32] <BlouBlou> I have to run win7 on a netbook because of the warranty :S
[10:33] <BlouBlou> anyways, I might remove it and burn the warranty
[10:33] <lordievader> BlouBlou: Dual-boot isn't an option?
[10:33] <BlouBlou> lordievader: I asked it, but they told me "you can't modify anything"
[10:34] <BlouBlou> so I said "so I can't install any software, right?"
[10:34] <markus_> when you restore the bootloader windows support guys will not even notice a difference :D
[10:34] <BlouBlou> and they told me "you can't modify os"
[10:34] <lordievader> BlouBlou: You are not modifying the os...
[10:34] <BlouBlou> lordievader: that's what I said, but they're mediamarks's workers
[10:34] <lordievader> BlouBlou: What kind of a netbook is it anyways?
[10:35] <BlouBlou> it's a packard bell dot s
[10:35] <BlouBlou> with a intel atom N570, 1gb ram and 250hdd
[10:36] <lordievader> BlouBlou: Odd that you get such a warranty, you buy the hardware you should be able to do with it what you want...
[10:37] <BlouBlou> lordievader: as they told me, that's only for desktop pcs
[10:38] <mydogsnameisrudy> BlouBlou: look into running kubuntu off a usb stick ..
[10:39] <BlouBlou> mydogsnameisrudy: would kubuntu work fine on that netbook? I was thinking about something lighther, for example xubuntu or so
[10:40] <mydogsnameisrudy> BlouBlou: if you like xubuntu run that i would say
[10:41] <BlouBlou> I don't remember how much ram does kubuntu need
[10:42] <BlouBlou> well, if win7 can work with aero in there, I think kubuntu should work better
[10:42] <BlouBlou> as it doesn't use too much memory
[10:42] <lordievader> BlouBlou: For a desktop kubuntu its: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu#System_requirements
[10:43] <BlouBlou> amazing, it would work fine
[10:45] <lordievader> BlouBlou: Probably yes.
[10:46] <lordievader> BlouBlou: And this too is probably interesting: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/put-kubuntu-10-04-on-a-flash-drive-using-windows/
[10:49] <fasta> How do I get drkonqi for kubuntu?
[10:49] <fasta> Something crashed and it says it cannot find the debugger application.
[10:50] <fasta> What is the dbg package for systemsettings?
[10:56] <mydogsnameisrudy> fasta: see if kubuntu-debug-installer is loaded
[10:57] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[10:57] <mydogsnameisrudy> morning BluesKaj
[10:57] <lordievader> Hey BluesKaj How are you doing?
[10:58] <BluesKaj> morning mydogsnameisrudy , hi lordievader ...fine thanks
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[11:03] <AikiLinux> Hello , is this the right place to ask questions about Kubuntu Trinity kde3 ?
[11:06] <BluesKaj> AikiLinux, not sure , depends on the question ...not many here using trinity remix
[11:08] <AikiLinux> the question is simple , how can i keep my GUI kde3 , with out any kde4 packages seeping in? the default install adds maveric repo's and that causes kde4 apps to be installed and libs to create conflicts
[11:08] <AikiLinux> i tried commenting them out , and that limited my ability to add base applications
[11:12] <BluesKaj> AikiLinux, check this out ..this repos list might keep your sources packages in kde3 territory, http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html
[11:15] <AikiLinux> and how can i remove all the new kde4 libs ?
[11:23] <BluesKaj> AikiLinux, I don't know ...never had to do that . Maybe you should ask in #kde .
[11:24] <AikiLinux> ok , thanks
[11:45] <viteac> anybody tried install second language(not language system) on kubuntu 12.04...?
[11:48] <lordievader> viteac: How do you mean exactly?
[11:50] <viteac> @lordievader I cannot install and use polish keyboard, I were seting everythin in System Settings and locale but............. nothing.
[11:53] <lordievader> viteac: Have you check Keyboard Layout settings under Input Devices in the System Settings?
[11:54] <viteac> lordievader: no I did not, I do it now
[11:56] <viteac> lordievader: thanks a lot pal
[11:56] <viteac> you made my life easer :-)
[11:57] <lordievader> viteac: No problem, here to help.
[11:59] <BluesKaj> I'm not real happy with system settings separation of related functions into different categories ..in some cases the choices make no sense at all to me
[12:00] <lordievader> True, quite a few times it let's you look for a while to find that the setting you are looking for is in some stange place.
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[12:25] <BluesKaj> mydogsnameisrudy, run cat /proc/asound/modules , to see if the right sound module is loading
[12:25] <aboudreault> Hi
[12:25] <aboudreault> Why linux can't detect proper screen modes when using a displayport to vga converter
[12:26] <aboudreault> I know the information pass through the cable since a Mac can detect the proper display modes
[12:27] <aboudreault> and when I try to add the mode with xrandr.... the monitor tells me I have the proper mode... but the screen is like 2 inches too big on the right
[12:28] <BluesKaj> aboudreault, you have no vga output?
[12:29] <aboudreault> my laptop only has DP :(
[12:29] <aboudreault> most of all new laptop only has this too
[12:30] <lordievader> aboudreault: What kind of a secondary display are you using?
[12:30] <BluesKaj> no dpi or hdmi?
[12:30] <aboudreault> no
[12:31] <aboudreault> lordievader, very normal Dell monitor
[12:32] <lordievader> aboudreault: The resolution you are trying to run at is supported by the display?
[12:32] <aboudreault> yes
[12:32] <aboudreault> listed on the spec
[12:36] <lordievader> aboudreault: In the display manager the display does show up?
[12:36] <aboudreault> no, it only shows 1280xYYY. My monitor supports 1920x1080
[12:37] <lordievader> aboudreault: So the display shows up, just with the wrong resolution?
[12:38] <aboudreault> yes, and not the proper size
[12:39] <aboudreault> the screen has 2 more inches on the right
[12:39] <aboudreault> I can see it when I move a window or maximise it
[12:40] <lordievader> aboudreault: Have you tried forcing the right resolution onto it? http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/guerrilla-tactics-force-screen-mode-ubuntu
[12:40] <aboudreault> lordievader, I do not have any xorg.conf :/
[12:41] <lordievader> aboudreault: You don't need xorg for it.
[12:41] <aboudreault> ha ok xrandr
[12:41] <aboudreault> testing
[12:49] <aboudreault> lordievader, doesn't seem to work.
[12:49] <aboudreault> The only wayt I can get the screen to fit the monirtor is by modifying the Pixel Clock setting in the monitor setting
[12:50] <lordievader> aboudreault: Does it have a resolution of 1980x1080 (native?) now? And modifying the Pixel Clock isn't an option?
[12:51] <aboudreault> Yes, 1920x1080 native. My monitor: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&cs=04&l=en&sku=320-2943
[12:52] <lordievader> aboudreault: So is it showing that resolution?
[12:53] <aboudreault> no ...
[12:53] <aboudreault> told you :P
[12:53] <aboudreault> I have to add the resolution with xrandr all the times
[12:53] <lordievader> aboudreault: You can put that into a script and let it load on boot.
[12:53] <aboudreault> but xrandr doesn't work neither
[12:54] <aboudreault> The screen has 2 extra inches on the right
[12:54] <lordievader> aboudreault: After forcing the resolution it still does not show 1920x1080?
[12:54] <aboudreault> the resolution seems to be right... but the size doesn't fit the monitor
[12:55] <aboudreault> there is 2 inches hidden on the right
[12:55] <AikiLinux> I have an odd issue where apt-get is failing on "Package sudo is not installed" , but i am running sudo fine
[12:55] <AikiLinux> how can i fix this ?
[12:55] <lordievader> aboudreault: That is odd, have you tested the dp -> vga on another pc with the same monitor?
[12:56] <lordievader> AikiLinux: Try "sudo apt-get install sudo"
[12:56] <AikiLinux> that gives a list of 3 other packages that provide sudo , but does not install
[12:57] <lordievader> AikiLinux: Have you changed anything in your sources? Try it again btw after running "sudo apt-get update"
[12:58] <aboudreault> lordievader, will do
[12:58] <AikiLinux> i get this error "update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sudo: file does not exist"
[13:00] <lordievader> AikiLinux: This is in my sudo file in that dir: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1037144/
[13:01] <lordievader> AikiLinux: The permission is 755.
[13:02] <AikiLinux> thanks , but still no , for some reason it wants to remove the sudo-kde3 package where everything depends on it
[13:03] <AikiLinux> how can i tell it to clean that command ( basiclly remove it from the queue) >
[13:03] <lordievader> AikiLinux: Ahh right, you where running the kde3 remix, forgot that for a sec.
[13:03] <AikiLinux> and trying to clean it
[13:04] <lordievader> AikiLinux: No idea, perhaps somebody else knows?
[13:04] <lordievader> AikiLinux: Don't they have a support forum or something where you can get better support?
[13:05] <AikiLinux> waiting on it
[13:05] <lordievader> AikiLinux: I see here that they have their own channel here on freenode: #trinity-desktop
[13:05] <AikiLinux> i just find it too
[13:06] <AikiLinux> joined it and will try , thanks for the help
[13:06] <lordievader> AikiLinux: No problem, and good luck!
[13:41] <user> Hi all.
[13:41] <user> I've got a problem with my 12.04
[13:42] <user> When i move notification bubble, it seems to always have a 1 px spacing at right and bottom of the screen
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[13:58] <Solak> Hello.
[13:58] * Solak has a problem with upgrading an old 9.04 system: upgrade doesn't work, new install of 12.04 doesn't work either because of no pae support (cpu).
[13:58] <lordievader> Hey Solak
[13:59] <Solak> I think I can do two things: upgrade to 10.04 LTS or download 10.04 LTS and install it from cd (in the hope that it doesn't have a problem with a missing pae)
[13:59] <lordievader> Solak: What system are you running?
[14:00] <Solak> lordievader: 9.04
[14:00] <lordievader> Solak: System hardware I mean.
[14:02] <Solak> lordievader: Pentium Celeron M
[14:02] <Pici> 10.04 did not require PAE
[14:03] <Solak> lordievader: to be more precise: Acer TravelMate 2301
[14:04] <Solak> Pici: 10.04 is LTS and does have support till 2015?
[14:04] <Belial`> 2013 i believe.
[14:05] <Pici> 2013 for the desktop.
[14:05] <lordievader> Solak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS
[14:06] <Solak> hmm, that's within a year...
[14:07] <Solak> The less I have to do with reconfig, the better... only thing I want is it to be safe when connected.
[14:07] <Solak> I guess 9.04 is too much outdated to be safe, but the bext best version would be ok.
[14:08] <Pici> The core packages will still continue to be updated until 2015, since they are shared with the server release.
[14:09] <Solak> Pici: yes, but what about Firefox, Thunderbird? They are probably not core packages... besides, I didn't see upgrades of 9.04 in a long time.
[14:14] <Solak> Pici: I was thinking about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty
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[16:44] <georgeperkins> I have a program which uses a network license which I identify using an environmental variable (i.e. UGS_LICENSE_SERVER=27000@idsvr1.engineering.com ; export UGS_LICENSE_SERVER). When I installed kubuntu over Ubuntu, this worked fine
[16:46] <georgeperkins> but now on a clean kubuntu, it doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help me figure out the missing dependancies?
[16:46] <blackwolf12333_> Hi
[16:46] <blackwolf12333_> ehm i need help, i can't get qt4 working on my lubuntu, how do i get that to work?
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[16:48] <blackwolf12333> nvm, ill ask in the wright chan
[17:00] <trappist> is there something wrong with this rsync arg? I get Unexpected remote arg: root@
[17:04] <trappist> nm solved it with -e "ssh -l trappist"
[17:31] <akshayratan> i am using ubuntu 11.10 and want to cahnge to debian distro...how can it be done?
[17:33] <mydogsnameisrudy> you would have to install debian , what do you want to do ?
[17:34] <mydogsnameisrudy> akshayratan: are you using kubuntu? kde desktop
[17:35] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: yes..
[17:35] <mydogsnameisrudy> akshayratan: so why change what is wrong?
[17:36] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: i am working on a KDE-project...there are some errors in that..and everybody on irc also is using debian and know only methods /dependencis in that to solve..so i am stuck
[17:37] <mydogsnameisrudy> are you dual booting with windows?
[17:37] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: yes..
[17:38] <mydogsnameisrudy> akshayratan: and you have tryed fixing your problems ?
[17:38] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: i am trying hard...but still not successful...
[17:39] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: se i have 3 choices...
[17:39] <mydogsnameisrudy> not sure why running debian kde would change much
[17:39] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: upgradation of ubuntu to 12.10 , use debian sid or build qt myself
[17:40] <mydogsnameisrudy> maybe ask on #kde and see what they say
[17:40] <mydogsnameisrudy> if your going to move to debian you would have to load it over kubuntu or triple boot it with win and kubuntu
[17:41] <mydogsnameisrudy> depends on hard drive room
[17:42] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: ok..i will ask my mentor about it and then consult you thereafter..
[17:42] <mydogsnameisrudy> well have fun with it then ;)
[17:42] <akshayratan> mydogsnameisrudy: thank you !
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[18:08] <boromir> HI. I'm new to KDE. How can I hide programs from menu in KUBUNTU?
[18:11] <DarthFrog> boromir: use kmenuedit.
[18:13] <boromir> DarthFrog_,I can't find it ? I put this in terminal dpkg -L kde-workspace-bin | grep kmenu | wc and get this 0 0 0
[18:18] <mydogsnameisrudy> boromir: run kmenuedit in konsole
[18:18] <boromir> ok
[18:19] <boromir> mydognameisrudy: there's no option to hide program only delete
[18:20] <lordievader> Good evening
[18:20] <mydogsnameisrudy> hey lordievader
[18:20] <lordievader> Hey mydogsnameisrudy how are you?
[18:21] <mydogsnameisrudy> tired did to much today
[18:33] <Solak> hmm, after 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.04, kde doesn't start anymore... I guess that requires a reinstall.
[18:35] <lordievader> Solak: Perhaps not, does the system give any kind of error?
[18:40] <Solak> lordievader: not that Ican see, after the first gfx screen with 4 dots, it simply stops.
[18:41] <lordievader> Solak: A black screen? What kind of gfx card do you have? Do you also have a secondary machine?
[18:42] <Solak> seems to be a lock, remote ssh login isn't possible (no route to host). it's a black screen, without cursor.
[18:42] <lordievader> Solak: Do you know what kind of gfx card you have, also do you have a secondary machine?
[18:43] <Solak> reinstall kubuntu-desktop didn't work.
[18:43] <Solak> lordievader: what do you mean by 'secondary machine'?
[18:43] <lordievader> Solak: Another pc, with an internet connection.
[18:44] <BluesKaj> lordievader, i think solak is on TTY , using irssi
[18:45] <Solak> lordievader: yes, the one irc runs on...
[18:45] <Solak> lordievader: http://www.immortalsgate.com/dkauk/Laptops/Acer_Travelmate_2301WLMi.htm
[18:46] <Solak> lordievader: Intel Extreme Graphics 2 isn't very imformative...
[18:46] <lordievader> Solak: No not really. But it isn't an ATI/Nvidia. Did the live-cd work?
[18:46] <Solak> BluesKaj: ack, but that is yet another system, the acer appears completely down.
[18:47] <Solak> lordievader: the live-cd is 12.04, that didn't even boot because of missing pae in the cpu...
[18:47] <lordievader> Solak: I mean the live-cd of 10.04 (was it 10.04?)
[18:48] <BluesKaj> Solak, that's a fairly old laptop ..recommend you try the alternate install and perhaps a less demanding ubuntu version like xubuntu
[18:50] <Solak> lordievader: I installed 9.04, but I now upgraded to 10.04... if 10.04 is still available I could create a cd and boot from that.
[18:51] <Solak> BluesKaj: kde4 runs perfectly on the system, at least the one that comes with 9.04. Anyway, perhaps xubuntu has another kernel?
[18:51] <lordievader> Solak: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/
[18:52] <BluesKaj> Solak, yes
[18:53] <Solak> Intel 852GM seems to be the gfx chipset.
[18:55] <Solak> BluesKaj: ok, thanks. I'll first try to fix the current 10.04LTS, if that doesn't work I'll try xubuntu...
[18:55] <Solak> lordievader: thanks, I'm downloading the .iso right now...
[18:55] <lordievader> Solak: Is there a mention of tmpfs in /etc/fstab? Here someone with 10.04 also had a black screen and that was his fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/568779
[18:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 541511 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #568779 MASTER: [i855] GPU lockup (apport-crash)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[18:57] <Yankees52> who owns kubuntu
[18:57] <lordievader> Yankees52: The community?
[18:57] <BluesKaj> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/05/blue-systems-no-plans-to-change-kubuntu , Yankees52
[18:59] <Solak> lordievader: that seems to be the one...
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[19:00] <Solak> lordievader: I could try to boot in failsafe mode, see if that works. But in the long term, I need a real fix.
[19:00] <lordievader> Solak: If you do have it in the fstab try commenting it, and reboot.
[19:01] <Yankees52> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsil_Trouble
[19:01] <Yankees52> wrong room sorry
[19:02] <Oxymoron> Hi, I am wondering. Have someone here managed to install Sonos Desktop Controller 3.8+? And no answer in winehq at all.
[19:15] <BluesKaj> Yankees52, this is the bluesystems company http://blue-systems.de/
[19:16] <Solak> lordievader: fstab looked 'normal'. I guess I just install xubuntu... failsafe x doesn't work either.
[19:31] <lordievader> Solak I see, good luck!
[19:37] <ansgar_> I'm trying to use the alt cd to reinstall on my laptop but it can't seem to install grub2. Is there a workaround to get it installed?
[19:47] <BluesKaj> ansgar_, which kubuntu version
[19:47] <ansgar_> 12.04
[19:48] <ansgar_> I've never had this problem before. the error reads "unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda" I've tried the various partitions as well: /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3
[19:49] <BluesKaj> ansgar_, did you set up the partitions manually or did you use the auto option?
[19:50] <ansgar_> manually, this is a dual boot laptop
[19:51] <welkgura> hi there??
[19:51] <lordievader> Hey welkgura how are you?
[19:51] <BluesKaj> ansgar_, which partition is / ?
[19:51] <welkgura> lord am fine thank you
[19:52] <ansgar_> i have /boot on sda3, / itself is on an encrypted lvm
[20:00] <BluesKaj> ansgar_, not real familiar with using /boot and lvm partitions , but why encrypt the / partition , unless you have no /home
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[20:10] <ansgar_> I have /home /usr, etc on lvm volumes on the encrypted volume: full disk encryption.
[20:11] <BluesKaj> then I don't see how to install grub on encrypted /
[20:12] <ansgar_> "/boot" bas to be visible: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1205372
[20:12] <ansgar_> only it's not working this time.
[20:14] <BluesKaj> ansgar_, recommend you ask in #ubuntu , there more ppl there , hence a better chance to get the right answer
[20:14] <ansgar_> thanks, i'll try there
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[21:00] <rhino_> hi, i tryed to install kubuntu on old asus L3400 but it is impossibile. How it comes that with lower configuration virtual box handles installation within few minutes but real machine seems to suck? Thanks for reply.
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[21:23] <alrea7> hi
[21:23] <BarkingFish> Evening guys - we have a problem with one of the servers, I think - I've tried apt-get update and run that with --fix-missing too, and I'm getting this from apt-get upgrade
[21:23] <alrea7> is there new kubuntu ?
[21:23] <BarkingFish> Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.236-0precise1_i386.deb Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.canonical.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
[21:24] <BarkingFish> any thoughts please?
[21:24] <alrea7> u mean hack???????????
[21:24] <BarkingFish> alrea7: Which one are you using now?
[21:24] <BarkingFish> alrea7: no, I didn't.
[21:25] <alrea7> ubuntu 12.04
[21:25] <BarkingFish> then no, 12.04 is our latest release :)
[21:25] <alrea7> yes but no new kubuntu ?
[21:25] <BarkingFish> yes, kubuntu is also 12.04
[21:26] <BarkingFish> kubuntu and ubuntu are on the same release schedule, a new version of kubuntu comes out the same time as ubuntu does
[21:26] <alrea7> isit beter than ubuntu
[21:26] <BarkingFish> i wouldn't know, I've never used ubuntu
[21:26] <alrea7> what u advice me 2 use
[21:26] <alrea7> ok
[21:26] <BarkingFish> I'm biased, alrea7 - I'd say use kubuntu, but then again, I've been using KDE based systems for years
[21:27] <alrea7> i use kubuntu before ilove it its good
[21:27] <BarkingFish> well there you are then :) If you like it, come back to it :)
[21:27] <alrea7> do you have link to download kubuntu ?
[21:28] <BarkingFish> !download
[21:28] <ubottu> Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php
[21:28] <alrea7> ok
[21:28] <BarkingFish> there you go :)
[21:28] <mkhan3189_> I see more than you see :: I C++
[21:28] <alrea7> by the way
[21:28] <BarkingFish> yes?
[21:29] <alrea7> what is best ftp in kde to use
[21:29] <mkhan3189_> alrea7: filezilla
[21:29] <BarkingFish> for a server you mean?
[21:29] <mkhan3189_> oh well it depends what do you mean by "best"
[21:29] <BarkingFish> I do all my ftp downloads directly through a browser, I don't worry about specialist programs
[21:30] <alrea7> ihave dreambox i hardly conect it with pc then shared wit net but icant edit it itry all ftp
[21:30] <BarkingFish> as for servers, I've never run an ftp server, so I don't know anything on those
[21:30] <alrea7> ok
[21:30] <BluesKaj> BarkingFish, my method for the flash plugin is a bit differnt than most ..I DL the latest flashplayer from adobe , extract the file , then copy the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins .
[21:31] <alrea7> ok
[21:31] <BarkingFish> BluesKaj: it's part of the updates which are due though, BluesKaj - i would rather not mess with other things when it's due anyhow :)
[21:31] <BarkingFish> i'm just mystified why it's missing that package off of canonical's archive
[21:32] <BluesKaj> odd that the plugin installer won't install from the repos
[21:32] <alrea7> i notice in cairo dock theme some prplemes as it ask me to paste or copy panel theme to usr ext but icant make copy it rejected me
[21:33] <BarkingFish> never mind, it's done it now - I just ran through again, and it looks like the connection on my wifi timed out, so it lost access to the pool, BluesKaj :)
[21:33] <BarkingFish> everything is updating as it should now
[21:33] <BluesKaj> ok BarkingFish
[21:34] <alrea7> today itry to use wine i download xvd but its old and not working is whine good any way iremove it as it cause trople to my internet
[21:45] <BluesKaj> alrea7, xvd ?
[21:45] <alrea7> yes
[21:45] <BluesKaj> what's that ?
[21:46] <alrea7> video player
[21:46] <alrea7> codeing
[21:47] <alrea7> it work mostly for subtitles i use arabic subtile which vlc cant encode it
[21:50] <alrea7> is zorin os good
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[23:50] <Yankees52> is kde more memory hungry than unity?