UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /07 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[03:38] <jackh> ogra_: we also have 4470 panda?
[04:00] <virtuald> <3
[05:10] <satellit_trim> testing sugar desktop IRC on TrimSlicePro
[10:59] <_william_> ls
[11:53] <rbasak> infinity: please could you review and sponsor my debdiff in bug 1004018? "make all_build" works. Is there anything I've missed?
[11:53] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 1004018 in debian-installer "Add highbank images" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1004018
[12:45] <jtaylor> anyone with access to arm hardware want to help me verify if fftw3 neon extensions work?
[12:59] <muriani> jtaylor: if I had my ubuntu sd in the panda, I would
[12:59] <muriani> at it is relevant to my interests
[13:00] <jtaylor> ubuntu is not required I just want to test if the runtime detection works
[13:00] <muriani> the source download doesn't seem to have the test make target like the beta source did
[13:00] <muriani> ok, well, I don't have any bootable sd in my machine atm :P
[13:00] <muriani> and my panda's about 15 miles away
[13:01] <muriani> I know that when I built from source gnuradio detected it when it builds
[13:01] <muriani> btu when I run make test on gnuradio, it failed qa_fft :/
[13:02] <jtaylor> I want to test it for the debian package
[13:02] <jtaylor> it should also work on hardware without neon
[13:02] <jtaylor> so my interest is the runtime detection
[13:02] <jtaylor> and if it actually speeds it up
[13:02] <jtaylor> their check:http://paste.ubuntu.com/1028526/
[13:07] <xranby> jtaylor: can you post a complete example
[13:08] <xranby> that would allow me to test it quicker on more machines and not waste time completing the testcase
[13:09] <jtaylor> one moment
[13:16] <jtaylor> xranby: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1028546/
[13:16] <jtaylor> the build takes a long time
[13:17] <jtaylor> if possible executed on a machine with neon and one without
[13:19] <xranby> jtaylor: have you tested running this code on a non-arm machine?
[13:19] <xranby> jtaylor: your second paste do only contains the commands you executed.. the code is still missing
[13:20] <xranby> did you give me the correct paste?
[13:20] <jtaylor> replacing neon with sse and avx works fine
[13:20] <jtaylor> on amd64
[13:21] <jtaylor> you mean a paste with source download and extracting?
[13:21] <xranby> jtaylor: yes... how else would you expect me to test it?
[13:23] <xranby> jtaylor: if you want us to help testing the autodetect code.. then post a working example including only this test
[13:24] <jtaylor> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1028566/
[13:44] <satellit_> I have a 64 GB SDXC (Sandisk) formatted fat. Can I install to it on my TripSlicePro and boot from it? Any help appreciated. (I do not want to interfere with the 32GB internal HD)
[14:40] <djszapi> ogra_: hey
[14:41] <djszapi> ogra_: for some reason, I cannot make the pandaboard sleep with Ubuntu 12.04. I am sure this worked before the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS installation, but I have not unfortunately tried this until now. Even "echo mem > /sys/power/state" does not put the pandaboard into suspended mode. Got a clue ?
[14:42] <ogra_> sorrym, no, i'm on vacation (i'm actually not here, just sorting some non-work stuff)
[15:03] <angs> has anyone used wifi doggle in ad hoc mode in ubuntu?
[16:00] <ogra_> GrueMaster, heh, your son gets famous, i just read a raspberry article in the most popular german online IT news that praises win32imager over the top (and actually has a direct download likg for the zip in the article)
[16:00] <ogra_> *link
[16:02] <prpplague> hehe
[16:02] <prpplague> GrueMaster: we use it for our validation images for panda....
[16:04] * LetoThe2nd read it too.
[16:04] <GrueMaster> Excellent!
[16:05] <GrueMaster> Which reminds me, I need to update it soon. Next rainy weekend...
[16:05] <ogra_> prpplague, somke challenge for your next panda netbook project ... http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/07/thd-n2-kirf-macbook-air-ics/#continued
[16:05] <LetoThe2nd> and i guess they got blackmailed to give a positive conclusion in the end, because the main text was... lets call it medioce at best.
[16:05] * prpplague looks
[16:06] <prpplague> ogra_: yea i wish i could show you want _do_ have working, hehe
[16:06] <GrueMaster> Ugh, Cortex-A8? Better to use dual core.
[16:06] <ogra_> not for that price !
[16:07] <ogra_> a complete netbook for $149
[16:09] <GrueMaster> I wouldn't hesitate to pay $199 for a dual core. Much snappier.
[16:09] <ogra_> heh, indeed
[16:10] <GrueMaster> Although I'm not sure where I would use it in my current role.
[16:10] <prpplague> ogra_: nice looking item
[16:10] <prpplague> ogra_: that would be easy to "upgrade"
[16:10] <ogra_> go ahead, i'll buy one ;)
[16:14] <prpplague> hehe
[16:14] <muriani> I'd love to use my old psion netbook-pro as local user i/o for my panda
[16:15] <muriani> would have to figure out how to wire up the touchscreen, display, and keyboard though
[16:15] <prpplague> muriani: hehe, pretty easy, i've done a toshiba libretto with omap4
[16:16] <muriani> That migh be an easier solution... I'm just not sure what interfaces they used on the nbp
[16:17] <muriani> would have to do some research. I like the form factor though, although the screen resolution is a *little* limited
[16:18] <ogra_> psion ? thats 800x480 or so, right ?
[16:18] <muriani> 800x600
[16:18] <ogra_> yeah
[16:18] <muriani> linux on that thing is a bit of a bear. Nearly unusable, at least in its current state
[16:19] <muriani> but then it's a pxa255 or some such
[16:21] <muriani> it would have a much shorter battery life running a pandaboard, for sure :)
[16:22] <muriani> Might be easier to have the panda interface as a module that plugs into the rear of the unit or some such.
[16:30] <dsa> does ubuntu-arm have network-manager?
[16:31] <ogra_> ubuntu-arm is exactly the same as ubuntu-x86 if you use the desktop images
[16:31] <dsa> I use rcn-ee's image,
[16:31] <dsa> root@omap:~# sudo service network-manager stop
[16:31] <dsa> network-manager: unrecognized service
[16:32] <dsa> is it normal to not to have network-manager?
[16:32] <ogra_> oh, well, talk to rcn-ee about rcn-ee images :)
[16:32] <dsa> I have not seen him for 2 days
[16:32] <ogra_> well, we only do the official images here ... cant tell if he uses NM in his
[16:33] <dsa> why there is no offical ubuntu image for beaglebone whereas it is available for beaglebone?
[16:33] <dsa> *beagleboard
[16:33] <dsa> the last one
[16:33] <dsa> :)
[16:34] <ogra_> because nobody in the ubuntu teams has a beaglebone
[16:35] <dsa> I hope beagle people will provide beaglebone to your team some day
[16:35] <dsa> have you ever created ad hoc wlan network with embedded boards?
[16:35] <ogra_> nope
[16:35] <prpplague> and/or no one on the beagle team pays canonical to support it
[16:36] <ogra_> prpplague, nobody pays canonical to support the ac100 or mx5 either
[16:36] <prpplague> true, but $$ makes things go faster, hehe
[16:36] <ogra_> oh, put omap4 in that list too
[16:37] <ogra_> the only paid arm arches we have atm are the supercomputing arm thingies :)
[16:37] <ogra_> afaik
[16:37] <dsa> I set one ubuntu board in ad hoc mode by iwconfig. but I can not see it on my laptop by "iwlist wlan0 scan". I wonder if anyone experienced could suggest me any documentation/instruction or something else?
[16:38] <prpplague> ogra_: yea, but omap4 was paid early on
[16:38] <ogra_> yep, and is our best supported platform atm
[16:53] <satellit_> I have a TrimslicePro and and Ubuntu Update Manager keeps trying to install Linux kernel image for version 2.3.38 on Trim_Slice and fails as it is not signed...How do I get it to run? "Requires installation of untrusted packages" and fails
[18:40] <satellit_> answered...never mind
=== satellit_trim is now known as satellit_armTS
[23:56] <TypoNAM> is anybody else having problems with ddd hanging with opening session in Ubuntu 12.04? I can't get it to do anything except exit and it prompting me cause gdb is busy...