UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /07 /#launchpad-yellow.txt
Initial commit
[12:09] <gary_poster> benji frankban gmb call in 2, getting yrl
[12:09] <gary_poster> url
[12:09] <gary_poster> bac is out today iirc
[12:10] <gary_poster> my computer might freeze :-(
[12:11] <gary_poster> benji frankban gmb https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fb165b8e9fd0231431873de20d5678c0bf8e3692?authuser=1&hl=en-US
[12:13] <gary_poster> benji yoohoo
[12:14] <benji> gary_poster: coming
[12:33] <benji> gmb: I can't decide if pairing would be helpful or not. Let me try the pair-with-myself-by-holding-two-sides-of-a-conversation approach first and if I get in too many arguments with myself I'll call you in to break up the fight.
[12:33] <gary_poster> benji, you were to pair with frankban :-)
[12:33] <gmb> benji, Okay. Also, I believe frankban is today's nominated victim.
[12:33] <benji> s/gmb/frankban/
[12:33] <gmb> :)
[12:33] <gary_poster> :-)
[12:33] <gmb> Story of my career.
[12:33] <gary_poster> heh
[12:35] <frankban> benji: :-) ok
[12:35] <frankban> gmb: the mp is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/tests-randomization/+merge/109103
[12:36] <gmb> Thanks frankban
[12:40] <frankban> gary_poster: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-1003040-again/+merge/109128 ? s/10/60
[12:40] <gary_poster> A work of staggering genius frankban. :-) approved and thanks
[12:40] <frankban> lol
[13:29] <gary_poster> gmb, I have a call with frankban in 2 but I was going to set up termbeamer for us for afterwards. What is your gtalk/gmail acct?
[13:29] <gmb> gary_poster, graham.binns@gmail.com
[13:30] <gary_poster> gmb, cool, sent you invite to chat
[14:13] <gary_poster> gmb, I'll be ready to rumble in about 7
[14:13] <gmb> Okay, I'll grab a cup of tea in the interim
[14:32] <gary_poster> gmb, and by 7, I mean 19. https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fe09ad549a1b2d982cc2f0cae36ef68dc90231a0?authuser=1&hl=en-US
[15:48] <gmb> Anyone know why I'm seeing this in LXC?: ImportError: No module named convoy.meta
[15:48] <gmb> (when running make)
[15:49] * benji takes lunch to run the earnest money to the listing agent.
[15:52] <gary_poster> gmb, no, but convoy is something that rick and deryck worked on
[15:52] <gmb> Okay, I'll ask 'em.
[15:52] <gmb> Cheers.
[15:53] <gmb> gary_poster, When using --load-list, is there anything special besides providing the path to the file that I need to do? Running with --load-list=... at the moment results in 0 tests running.
[16:13] <gary_poster> gmb, no that should be sufficient
[16:16] <gary_poster> gmb, I could not stop myself: the two tests are lp.app.browser.tests.test_launchpad.TestErrorViews.test_GoneError
[16:16] <gary_poster> lp.testing.tests.test_testing.TestFeatureFlags.test_set_feature_flags_raises_if_not_available
[16:16] <gmb> gary_poster, Haha, thanks :)
[16:16] <gary_poster> but you still need to be able to run them :-)
[16:16] <gmb> Well, yes.
[16:16] <gmb> But I'll work on that bit.
[16:16] <gary_poster> :-) k
[16:17] * gmb needs to write a script for the get-gary-to-bisect-and-find-the-problem approach
[16:17] <gary_poster> :-)
[16:25] <gary_poster> Oh! gmb! I meant to talk to you about what you ended up doing for the UDS Launchpad spin up. I have a plan on how to do it with Juju, but wanted to make sure you hadn't already solved it
[16:43] <gmb> gary_poster, Ah. My answer was to have an EBS-backed AMI, in the end, because doing it any other way was horribly slow.
[16:44] <gmb> But I was trying to work this out to a rapidly approaching deadline (whilst trying to avoid bikeshedding with Gustavo)
[16:44] <gmb> So I'm open to other options.
[16:48] <gary_poster> gmb cool! Do you have a sec for another quick call? I'd like to talk you through my idea and see what you think.
[16:49] <gmb> gary_poster, Sure, let me get FF up and running again.
[16:49] <gary_poster> cool
[16:49] <gary_poster> gmb https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/a416cf496fa2f47279276ac3a90996f786ace593?authuser=1&hl=en-US
[18:31] <gary_poster> benji https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/0bc32772bf2edfd99b32b346d8550447ae12bfc8?authuser=1&hl=en-US
[18:31] <gary_poster> no rush
[20:11] <gary_poster> benji, you want to hang out? If so, do you want me to make the hangout?
[20:16] <benji> gary_poster: sounds good
[20:16] <gary_poster> cool
[20:17] <gary_poster> benji https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f79b459eac9c732f75a6d290814f5e28e28b06d2?authuser=1&hl=en-US