UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /07 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[06:51] <Riddell> morning
[06:51] <Riddell> apachelogger: sure put amarok beta on kubuntu.org if you want
[06:57] <jdrab> hi guys is this type of warnings/notices somehow important? KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry _whatever_ in "some_desktop_filel.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon)?
[07:01] <Riddell> jdrab: nope but feel free to add in the semicolon if it bothers you
[07:02] <jdrab> ty Riddell
[07:03] <jdrab> it doesn't bother me but it looks ugly in konsole :P
[07:03] <Riddell> turn off debugging in kdebugdialog if it's annoying, it's off by default (or should be) for that reason
[08:21] <Riddell> debfx: did you say there was a package missing a copying file?
[08:22] <debfx> Riddell: kde-base-artwork
[08:23] <debfx> and audiocd-kio doesn't have a license for its docs
[08:24] <debfx> same for libkcddb and probably some others
[08:26] <Riddell> debfx: hum any idea where kde-base-artwork is upstream?
[08:27] <debfx> Riddell: it's in svn
[08:27] <debfx> apparently git can't handle large wallpapers
[08:31] <Riddell> kde-base-artwork done
[08:36] <debfx> yay
[08:37] <debfx> so today is 4.8.4 release day and we have one broken and one semi-broken tarball ...
[08:37] <tazz> fun
[08:40] <Riddell> debfx: is that actually going to be released? not waiting on more patches?
[08:42] <debfx> they are not public yet so there is still hope that they will be fixed
[09:06] <annma> hi, are they packages for Kubuntu for 4.8.80?
[09:08] <Riddell> annma: we're working on them, you need them by the weekend?
[09:08] <annma> users ask them
[09:08] <annma> well beta2 will be tagged
[09:08] <annma> so no need to work on beta1
[09:09] <annma> I thought I saw a bug report from Kubuntu with 4.8.80 so I wanted to be sure there are none
[09:09] <Riddell> oh there's still need, I'm fixing problems with beta 1 right now (upstream licencing, distro packaging etc)
[09:09] <Riddell> no public ones yet
[09:10] <annma> OK I'll answer the user, thanks a lot Riddell
[09:21] <yofel_> bulldog98: what's "libpkgs_gen_strict_local_shlibs = kapman" ?
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[09:35] <yofel> nvm
[09:41] <yofel> bulldog98: why did you add that though?
[09:52] <yofel> hm, did DEB_NO_COMPRESSION=1 loose it's effect? Here all packages are xz compressed anyway.
[10:54] <yofel> kubotu: newversion digikam 2.6.0 http://sourceforge.net/projects/digikam/files/digikam/2.6.0/
[10:54] <kubotu> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1009943
[10:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1009943 in digikam (Ubuntu) "Please update digikam to 2.6.0" [Undecided,New]
[11:07] <apachelogger> Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'apturl %u'.
[11:07] <apachelogger> no goody goody
[11:08] <apachelogger> yofel: dunno, amarok had a manual xz entry
[11:08] <apachelogger> which then of course overrides whatever pkg-kde does
[11:10] <debfx> yofel: you need to set DEB_NO_XZ=1
[11:10] <yofel> ah, thx
[11:11] <apachelogger> wah?
[11:11] <apachelogger> Oo
[11:11] <apachelogger> sicne when?
[11:11] <apachelogger> and why?
[11:11] <yofel> well, the current equivalent for DEB_NO_LZMA I guess
[11:11] <debfx> since I uploaded pkg-kde-tools to the ninjas ppa
[11:11] <debfx> it's not in the archive yet due to beta freeze
[11:12] <apachelogger> yeah, but where is that var name change from?
[11:12] <debfx> I changed the compression from lzma to xz
[11:12] <apachelogger> mhhh
[11:12] <apachelogger> debfx: please compat var handling
[11:13] <apachelogger> lzma is algorithm equivalent to xz, no point in explicitly requiring everyone to change their rcs
[11:17] <debfx> hm yeah we should change the var handling anyway
[11:18] <debfx> DEB_NO_COMPRESSION=1 shouldn't require DEB_NO_{XZ,LZMA}
[11:20] * yofel wonders what the point of libkdegamesprivate is
[11:20] <yofel> it's full of public symbols, which were in libkdegames before mostly
[11:20] * Peace- packaged on ppa plasma pannel collection
[11:20] <Riddell> yofel: no abi compatibility usually?
[11:21] <apachelogger> yofel: share symbols across kde games, while not being abi compat
[11:21] <apachelogger> hence why it is private
[11:21] <yofel> nah, they bumped the SOVERSION of libkdegames to 6
[11:21] <apachelogger> ^^
[11:21] <apachelogger> yofel: because they moved the symbols
[11:21] <yofel> ah well, let's see what happens
[11:22] <apachelogger> apparently the symbols are only useful to a very specific set of apps in kdegames, so they created a lib for those symbols
[11:24] <yofel> ah, that makes sense then
[11:30] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegames] Philip Muškovac * 155 * debian/ (22 files) (log message trimmed)
[11:30] <CIA-44> * New upstream beta release - drop packages for libraries that were removed
[11:30] <CIA-44> upstream: + libkggzgames4 + libkggzmod4 + libkggznet4 - switch libkdegames5a
[11:46] <yofel> Riddell: do we have a kde-l10n packaging equivalent for calligra-l10n or did you upload those by hand so far?
[11:48] <Riddell> yofel: I think I just did it by hand
[11:49] <yofel> ok
[11:49] <Riddell> bash for loops make it easy to do for me
[11:49] <yofel> yeah, that's what I'll do too unless you've got a script lying around?
[11:50] <Riddell> I don't
[11:50] <yofel> k
=== dasKreech is now known as Daskreech
[11:55] <ikonia> guys, have you got/considered writing a guide to "how to give us a bug report" eg: the info needed, the steps you would want doing / confirming before the bug even hits you
[11:56] <ikonia> I'm struggling to guide someone in how to give you valid/solid info, and wondered if you had anything written up
[11:58] <Riddell> there probabaly are bits but out of date
[11:58] <Riddell> and hidden in a wiki somewhere
[11:58] <yofel> hum, we do have a bug reporting page, but that's so old it's better not to point people to that
[11:59] <ikonia> I'm seeing some pretty big holes trying to guide this user, would it be helpful to put something together, I've certainly seem some obvious holes that would waste development time confirming
[11:59] <ikonia> or is it not something that crops up often enough to warrent concern
[11:59] <ikonia> I'm seeing it quite key because this users information is totally different than what he's putting in bug reports because he "didn't think"
[12:00] <ikonia> but one user does not a problem make
[12:00] <yofel> the releavant page is https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting - but that hasn't been updated since lucid or so, and it's mostly focused on apport which isn't the case today
[12:01] <Riddell> and of course most bugs should go upstream unless you have reason to think it's a kubuntu specific one
[12:01] <ikonia> that's probably more of a valid point than I'd considered
[12:02] <ikonia> most of the issue I'm seeing shouldn't really be seen by someone working on the upstream process though as they are just nonsense and lacking solid info
[12:02] <ikonia> that however is not your problem, thank you for the thoughts,
[12:03] <Riddell> it is if we don't get bug reports upstream when they should be
[12:03] <ikonia> I agree with that, but if the bug report to upstream is "I'm using kubuntu 12.10 and blah isn't working" then you find out it's a bodged 12.04 with some 12.10 packages and some manual hacks, it's a wate of everyones time
[12:04] <ikonia> I'll ponder how to best address it
[12:04] <Riddell> upstream should ideally have a page with info for each distro even if it's just a link back to us, but like the "where to download kde" question it's fiddly to solve right
[12:04] <ikonia> that would be a good bit of info yes
[12:04] <ikonia> or maybe each distro valide it's an upstream bug and pass on with solid info
[12:04] <ikonia> but then that's a resource/time waste
[12:05] <Riddell> yeah that's why we gave up on doing that
[12:05] <ikonia> oh, so you did try that
[12:06] <Riddell> that's still the preferred way in ubuntu and debian and the like, it means most bugs just end up rotting
[12:08] <ikonia> that may explain the 20,0000000000000+ in launchpad
[12:09] <ryanakca> apachelogger: I can't forward everybody from #kubuntu-bugs to #kubuntu-devel without being an op in #kubuntu-devel according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuide#Forwarding_Users
[12:09] <ryanakca> (and my attempts at doing so)
[12:10] <ikonia> ryanakca: I can get that sorted for you if you want ?
[12:10] <ryanakca> ikonia: Sure, if you want
[12:10] <Riddell> ikonia: you have super powers on freenode?
[12:10] <ikonia> it's fine if you're in the middle of it, but I needed to speak to some of the council chaps on something else so I can request it while I'm there
[12:10] <ikonia> Riddell: ha ha, not at all
[12:10] <ikonia> only certain channels
[12:11] <Riddell> oh I can just give ryanakca ops on this channel but I don't recall how right now
[12:11] <ikonia> /msg chanserv op ryanakca
[12:11] <ryanakca> methinks
[12:11] <ryanakca> oops
[12:12] <ikonia> /msg chanserv op #kubuntu-devel ryanakca
[12:12] <Riddell> 13:11 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Channel ryanakca is not registered.
[12:12] <ikonia> (sorry missed out the name of the channel)
[12:12] <ryanakca> or /op ryanakca
[12:12] <ryanakca> ikonia: Feel like joining #kubuntu-bugs to test?
[12:12] <ikonia> sure
[12:13] <ikonia> 13:12 -!- Cannot join to channel #kubuntu-bugs (You are banned)
[12:13] <ikonia> you sure......
[12:13] <ikonia> may want to check those settings ;)
[12:13] <ryanakca> /mode #kubuntu-bugs +b *@*$#kubuntu-devel
[12:13] <ryanakca> correct?
[12:13] <ikonia> no no
[12:13] <ikonia> that's a ban forward
[12:13] <ikonia> you want a channel forward
[12:14] <ikonia> there is a different syntax I think
[12:14] <ikonia> ahhh I wonder if I can't join as I'm in here
[12:14] <ikonia> hang on
[12:14] <ikonia> perfect
[12:14] <ikonia> there you go
[12:14] <ikonia> works
[12:15] <ikonia> I was already in here so it failed
[12:15] <ryanakca> ikonia: Excellent, thanks!
[12:15] <ryanakca> ikonia: Could you please remove ubot2 from -bugs ?
[12:16] <ikonia> kubuntu-bugs
[12:16] <ikonia> (just checking)
[12:16] * ryanakca nods
[12:16] <ikonia> no problem, just requested it's removal
[12:17] <ikonia> take a few minutes
[12:17] <ikonia> (only a few people have access to the physical server it runs on )
[12:17] <yofel> ryanakca: can you do the same thing with #kubuntu-testers? That channel is equally useless
[12:17] <ikonia> guys instead of forwarding, may I just suggest having them closed/set to invite only
[12:18] <ikonia> although a forward is fine
[12:19] <ryanakca> yofel: I don't have access to that channel, only Hobbsee and mhb do.
[12:19] <yofel> ah
[12:19] <ryanakca> Given that nickserv hasn't seen mhb in over a year, Hobbsee is your only bet :)
[12:22] * Riddell wonders how to give ryanakca permanant op powers
[12:22] <ikonia> ryanakca: access list flats
[12:22] <ikonia> /set
[12:22] <ikonia> oops
[12:22] <ikonia> that was meant for riddle cleawrly
[12:22] <ikonia> clearly
[12:24] <ryanakca> /msg chanserv access #kubuntu-bugs add foo OP
[12:24] <ryanakca> methinks
[12:24] <ryanakca> where foo is the nick
[12:24] <Riddell> ryanakca: done
[12:25] <ryanakca> Riddell: Thanks
[12:32] <ikonia> ryanakca: that's useful to know, I didn't know op was an alias chanserv would take when setting flags
[12:44] <yofel> in docbooks, the authors don't automatically have the copyright over the docs, but only if they put themselves in the <copyright> section as well, right?
[12:46] <Riddell> yofel: I'm not sure what you mean, authors always have copyright over what they write (unless it's under employment)
[12:46] <Riddell> but debian/copyright can't get every single author especially if they don't give themselves credit
[12:47] <yofel> Riddell: I'm wondering about the kmix one: http://paste.kde.org/494648 - only one author is in the copyright, and one copyright holder isn't in the authors section
[12:47] <yofel> so I'm wondering what to put in debian/copyright
[12:47] <apachelogger> Riddell: re under contract ... depends on the country
[12:48] <apachelogger> Riddell: e.g. france doesn't have copyright assignment
[12:48] <Riddell> apachelogger: probably but I didn't say contract I said employment
[12:49] <Riddell> it's not assignment it's just what happens with employment (in juristication I'm familiar with there's probably exceptions)
[12:49] <apachelogger> ah, true, though I don't remember the details anyway
[12:49] <Riddell> yofel: Documentation copyright &copy; 2010 Gaurav Chaturvedi
[12:49] <Riddell> would be good enough for me
[12:50] <apachelogger> Riddell, yofel: how about just mentioning that documentation copyright lies with their individual authors?
[12:51] <apachelogger> as general purpose solution
[12:51] <yofel> well, I'm *trying* to use dep5, and that doesn't allow such a vague formulation. I'll just put them all in
[12:51] <apachelogger> yofel: it doesn't?
[12:52] <Riddell> I wouldn't accept that in debian/copyright as an archive admin, a name is better than just "whoever wrote it"
[12:52] <apachelogger> yofel: Formatted text, no synopsis: one or more free-form copyright statement(s).
[12:53] <yofel> ah, true
[12:53] <apachelogger> Riddell: both the source and the compiled html contains the information
[12:53] * yofel re-reads
[12:53] <apachelogger> Riddell: explicitly stating the copyright
[12:53] <yofel> apachelogger: that's exactly what the copyright file should tell you though without reading those
[12:57] <apachelogger> say documentation was initially written 5 years ago by 3 people, translated in 15 languages, the software was since released twice a year every year, betwen releases per language one additional author slammed in a piece of new documentation
[12:57] <apachelogger> that is 153 attributions for documentation alone
[12:58] <apachelogger> apply the same to translations you have 303 attributions for localization
[13:00] <apachelogger> imagine that is dragon ... which has something like 5k sloc, and ~5 attributed copyright holders
[13:05] <apachelogger> say one attribution check takes you on average one minute, after 5 years you spend 300 minutes checking attributions on a signle package :P
[13:07] <BluesKaj> hey all
[13:07] * yofel blelieve he spent 300 minutes just checking attribution in nepomuk-core *once*
[13:07] <yofel> *believes -.-
[13:08] <apachelogger> my point exactly
[13:08] <apachelogger> aso what the policy says about that
[13:08] <apachelogger> "In addition, the copyright file must say where the upstream sources (if any) were obtained, and should name the original authors."
[13:08] <apachelogger> mind the should and authors
[13:09] <apachelogger> attributed copyright holder ~= author, if you want to do it properly you'd have to also track unattributed contributions by going through the vcs or something :P
[13:09] <yofel> are we going to bother uploading beta1 to quantal? If not I won't repackage stuff to add license copies
[13:10] <apachelogger> yofel: is sufficient stuff packaged to make it testable?
[13:10] * apachelogger should pack -.-
[13:10] <yofel> from what I see only multimedia stuff is missing
[13:10] <yofel> and broken bindings
[13:11] <apachelogger> throw it in some public PPA then so people can do testing, then upload b2 to quantal
[13:11] <yofel> +1
[13:11] <apachelogger> oh, isn't b2 tagging today?
[13:12] <yofel> it is IIRC
[13:12] <yofel> we *should* hurry up a bit ^^
[13:12] * apachelogger points out that unlike ubuntu kde actually has an ics file :P
[13:13] <apachelogger> yofel: no time to hurry up, must attribute documenters in detail :P
[13:13] <yofel> well, so far nepomuk is the only license mess I've encountered
[13:13] <yofel> rest is ~fine~
[13:25] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kmix] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (15 files in 4 dirs) import kmix packaging
[13:38] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer] Philip Muškovac * 34 * debian/ (changelog control rules) * New upstream beta release * Drop transitional kdegraphics-strigi-plugins package, moved to meta-kde * Add -dbg package
[14:43] <JontheEchidna> so after alpha1 today we're set to start uploading 4.8.80 to the archive?
[14:45] <Riddell> yep
[14:45] <Riddell> well once 4.8.80 is done and tested in ninjas
[14:50] <JontheEchidna> I guess I'll run a test install from ninjas then ;-)
[14:53] <JontheEchidna> hmm, dist-upgrade w/ ninjas wants to remove kubuntu-desktop
[14:54] <JontheEchidna> Depends: kdemultimedia-kio-plugins, but it is not installable
[14:54] <Riddell> uh oh
[14:54] <Riddell> ah, I'll add in a transition package for that then
[14:57] <yofel> kdepim done?
[14:57] <yofel> (that's what I'm waiting for before upgrading)
[14:57] <Riddell> yofel: worked for me yes
[15:06] <debfx> I hope someone is still running 4.8.3 to test 4.8.4 once kdepim finished building :)
[15:11] <JontheEchidna> My computer at work has 4.8.3, but I've been out sick yesterday and today, so I've not been able to test
[15:11] <BluesKaj> debfx, yes , I'm also on 12.10 tho
[15:13] * JontheEchidna runs off to town to get some more cold medicine
[15:17] <bulldog98> yofel: that’s for the kapman to be linked against the libkdegamesprivate
[15:18] <bulldog98> yofel: for making it depend against the exact version of that, that’s what the debian guys told me to do with libkdegamesprivate
[15:43] <ulysses> Hello, I installed Rocs on Precise, and the toolbar buttons don't have icons: http://imageshack.us/f/232/rocsprecise.png/
[15:45] <Riddell> sounds like a beastie
[15:45] <ulysses> the icons are installed, but Rocs doesn't use them
[15:46] <yofel> fun, I have those, but here rocs itself has no application icon
[15:46] <ulysses> that's an upstream bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=299332
[15:46] <ubottu> KDE bug 299332 in icons "Application Icon for Rocs" [Wishlist,New: ]
[15:47] <annma_> some icons exists
[15:47] <annma_> Top Center Base Left Right have icons
[15:48] <annma_> ulysses: what does Torles mean?
[15:48] <ulysses> annma_: Delete
[15:48] <annma_> it has an icon
[15:48] <annma_> what version is it?
[15:49] <ulysses> Rocs 1.6.0, KDE 4.8.3, Qt 4.8.1
[15:49] <yofel> release?
[15:49] <yofel> (kubuntu)
[15:49] <ulysses> Kubuntu 12.04 with standard repositories
[15:49] <annma_> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/06/07/plasma-desktopCOj699.png
[15:50] <annma_> 1.60 KDE 4.8.3
[15:51] <annma_> ulysses: the bug report you mentioned is for the Application icon, not the toolbar icons
[15:58] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/meta-kde] Philip Muškovac * 39 * debian/ (changelog control) Add meta package for kdemultimedia
[16:02] <ulysses> annma_: I see
[16:26] <ulysses> no idea or question?
[16:27] <ulysses> annma_: I wanted to mention this bug report: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=299332
[16:27] <ubottu> KDE bug 299332 in icons "Application Icon for Rocs" [Wishlist,New: ]
[16:27] <ulysses> but that is still not relevant
[16:28] <annma_> this is the application icon
[16:28] <annma_> not the toolbar icons
[16:29] <annma_> the application icon is the one that appears in the K menu and on top left of the window
[16:29] <annma_> all toolbar icons exist
[16:29] <annma_> you saw my screenshot, right?
=== annma_ is now known as annma
[16:30] <ulysses> yes, I saw, and the toolbar icons exist here too, but Rocs doesn't use them
[16:31] <annma> those icons are specific for rocs
[16:31] <annma> so Kubuntuis missing them or your installation is wrong
[16:32] <ulysses> the icons are in /usr/share/kde4/apps/rocs/icons/hicolor/
[16:35] <annma> for me they are in $KDEDIR/share/apps/rocs/icons/hicolor/
[16:35] <annma> $KDEDIR is like your /usr
[16:36] <annma> mine is different
[16:36] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/audiocd-kio] Philip Muškovac * 3 * debian/ (changelog control rules) * drop direct dependency on libkcddb4 for audiocd-kio * make transitional package pull audiocd-kio in * add debug package
[16:36] <ulysses> $KDEDIR is empty for me
[16:36] <yofel> that's unset by default
[16:37] <annma> ulysses: $KDEDIR doe snot matter here
[16:37] <annma> the rest of the path matters
[16:37] <annma> you have a kde4/ I don't have it
[16:37] <annma> in the path
[16:38] <annma> I build and install from kde sources
[16:38] <ulysses> I installed with the package manager
[16:39] <annma> look in /usr/share/kde4/apps/ for other programs that have an icons/ folder and look if those other programs show their icons
[16:40] <annma> I am saying that it is either a packaging bug or on your installation something is wrong
[16:40] <annma> you need to find out what is wrong as the icons are there
[16:41] <ulysses> Dolphin has a dolphinui.rc, Kate has 16x16 icons, Okular has 16x16 and 32x32 icons
[16:42] <annma> only apps with specific icons will have icons there
[16:43] <annma> generic icons are elsewhere
[16:43] <annma> Kate has only generic icons
[16:43] <annma> try another Edu app if you have one, KLettres for example
[16:43] <ulysses> apt-cache policy rocs says it is 4.8.2
[16:44] <ulysses> but kate is 4.8.3 e.g
[16:48] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/audiocd-kio] Philip Muškovac * 4 * debian/copyright fix copyright syntax
[16:53] <ulysses> I asked someone to install Rocs, he has Ubuntu and the icons appears for him
=== annma_ is now known as annma
[16:57] <ulysses> annma: KLettres screenshot: http://imageshack.us/f/189/kelttres.png/
[16:57] <annma> same
[16:57] <annma> icons missing
[16:58] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/audiocd-kio] Philip Muškovac * 5 * debian/ (7 files) * add libaudiocdplugins4 and audiocd-kio-dev packages * add missing install files * used versioned breaks/replaces against kdemultimedia-kio-plugins
[16:58] <annma> the icons exist since ages, I am the KLettresdevel so I know
[16:58] <annma> ulysses: your installation has a problem
[16:59] <ulysses> strange
[17:09] <kubotu> ::workspace-bugs:: [1004593] LFE disappears on 5.1, 4.0 has LFE channel, high pitched squeals (bit shifting?), several ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1004593 (by Abraham Mara)
[17:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1004593 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "LFE disappears on 5.1, 4.0 has LFE channel, high pitched squeals (bit shifting?), several versions" [Undecided,Opinion]
[17:13] <yofel> apachelogger: did you make kubotu overly verbose?
[17:14] <BluesKaj> must be analog LFE
[17:16] <yofel> Riddell: while dep5 is lax in a few places, please note that the rule for empty lines is the same as in the control file
[17:17] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/ffmpegthumbs] Philip Muškovac * 2 * debian/ (changelog control copyright) * add libswscale-dev and pkg-config to build-depends * fix copyright syntax
[18:01] * yofel dives into 4.8.80
[18:05] <JontheEchidna> my upgrade's almost done, so far so good
[18:06] <JontheEchidna> I don't think I've ever had a KDE +1 release go so smoothly. :)
[18:19] <yofel> re
[18:20] <yofel> kde-base-artwork is missing and according to the widget I have no battery, but works otherwise
[18:24] <yofel> (the upgrade went without errors btw XD)
[18:24] <annma> the battery missing is fixed
[18:24] <annma> we reverted a commit
[18:25] <yofel> ah, then perfect :)
[18:25] <annma> the Quality Team we set up is working hard
[18:28] <annma> if yo uhave bugs to submit don't forget to set up the version and if it's a regression you can add the keyword "regression"
[18:39] <yofel> will do
[18:42] <shadeslayer> yofel: strangely enough that bug was present in neon as well
[18:42] <shadeslayer> oh wait, it's in KDE 4.8.3 as well
[18:42] <shadeslayer> nvm
[18:49] <shadeslayer> O_O
[18:50] <shadeslayer> yofel: is all of 4.8.80 done?
[18:50] <yofel> most of it so it's upgradable
[18:50] <shadeslayer> ...
[18:50] <yofel> oh, pairs is missig
[18:50] <afiestas> mmm
[18:50] <yofel> *missing
[18:51] <shadeslayer> yofel: are you working on calligra/digikam?
[18:51] <afiestas> anybody knows if gtalk is working on old good kopete?
[18:51] <afiestas> (Kubuntu 12.04)
[18:51] <shadeslayer> it should
[18:51] <yofel> calligra, feel free to take digikam if you want, but make it close #885324
[18:51] <afiestas> shadeslayer: can you test it? or are youusing it?
[18:51] <shadeslayer> yeah, I was looking at that bug :)
[18:51] <afiestas> because it doesn't for me, no error so far
[18:51] <shadeslayer> afiestas: let me test
[18:52] <afiestas> thx
[18:52] <shadeslayer> afiestas: which KDE version?
[18:52] <afiestas> mm whatever kubuntu 12.04 has
[18:52] <afiestas> in master it works for sure I have it configured in my workstation for when ktp breaks xd
[18:56] <shadeslayer> afiestas: yes, wfm
[18:56] <afiestas> wfm?
[18:56] <shadeslayer> Mamarok: Happy Birthday! :D
[18:56] <shadeslayer> afiestas: works for em
[18:56] <shadeslayer> s/em/me/
[18:56] <kubotu> shadeslayer meant: "afiestas: works for me"
[18:57] <Mamarok> shadeslayer: thank you, you are just 3 hours early :)
[18:57] <shadeslayer> stupid humans and their time zones
[18:57] <afiestas> shadeslayer: talk.google.com, 5223 and al 3 checkboxes checked?
[18:57] <shadeslayer> afiestas: heh, yeah :D
[18:57] <afiestas> pse
[18:57] <afiestas> maybe after update
[18:58] <shadeslayer> afiestas: this is on 4.8.3
[18:58] <afiestas> after all the fine-tunning I've done to my worksation, KDE defaults seems mmmm
[18:59] <afiestas> don't wanna say something ugly but ,mmmm moderately horrible?
[18:59] <afiestas> xD
[18:59] <afiestas> for my taste ofc
[19:02] <starbuck> afiestas: docs or stfu :P
[19:03] <afiestas> starbuck: I'd rather do patches to change the defaults :p
[19:04] <afiestas> since I will have to work on the laptop for the rest of the week I will have time to check what I have changed in the workstation and needs to be changed upstream
[19:09] <skaet> Riddell, Alpha 1's now published.
[19:16] <afiestas> shadeslayer: update + restart fixed the kopete thing
[19:16] <shadeslayer> heh
[19:16] <afiestas> let's see if rekonq wants to play youtube videos now (sans flash)
[19:17] <shadeslayer> doubt it
[19:17] <JontheEchidna> my 4.8.80 upgrade seems to have gone well :)
[19:17] <JontheEchidna> aside from the battery regression mentioned earlier
[19:19] <afiestas> what's is this package-updater pckager?
[19:19] <annma> battery bug report is https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=301033
[19:19] <ubottu> KDE bug 301033 in widget-battery "Battery Not present" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]
[19:19] <shadeslayer> hah
[19:19] <shadeslayer> those black buttons look so out of place
[19:19] <afiestas> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/06/07/plasma-windoweddT2070.png
[19:20] <JontheEchidna> afiestas: that'll download flash for you
[19:20] <afiestas> I didn't ask for it :S
[19:21] <JontheEchidna> apparently you did...
[19:21] <afiestas> I mean, I click on the thing because it said "updates"
[19:21] <afiestas> and I do want updates, I don't consider flash one xD
[19:24] <JontheEchidna> yofel, Riddell: now that the archive is open again and we have (at least) two confirmed good upgrades to 4.8.80 from ninjas, I'll start uploading the packages to quantal
[19:24] <JontheEchidna> feel free to join in ;-)
[19:24] <shadeslayer> yofel: any reason why you have a copyright in digikam-2.5.0/debian/copyright ?
[19:24] <yofel> JontheEchidna: wait
[19:25] <JontheEchidna> ok
[19:25] <yofel> pairs should be added to kdeutils metapackage in meta-kde
[19:25] <yofel> it's not packaged yet though
[19:25] <yofel> but adding it should be fine
[19:26] <JontheEchidna> that would technically make the kdeutils package uninstallable
[19:26] <yofel> shadeslayer: because we never merged from debian after I re-packaged 2.0 I think
[19:26] <shadeslayer> okie
[19:26] <yofel> and I've dumped copyright assignment
[19:26] <JontheEchidna> wouldn't it be better to wait until it's packaged, and then do a new release of meta-kde with paris included?
[19:26] <JontheEchidna> s/paris/pairs
[19:27] <yofel> well, currently meta-kde has kdemultimedia too, which is uninstallable as well until audiocd-kio is through SOURCE NEW
[19:27] <Daskreech> Hi just checking in on the build status for KDE 4.8.80
[19:27] <yofel> so I don't think it matters much
[19:27] <shadeslayer> Daskreech: we're just discussing what's left
[19:27] <yofel> we'll have held packages in any case
[19:28] <JontheEchidna> yeah, probably not that important in an alpha
[19:28] <yofel> hm
[19:29] <yofel> JontheEchidna: sorry, pairs is kdeedu
[19:29] <JontheEchidna> ah, right
[19:29] <JontheEchidna> I'll start by throwing kde4libs up, then your or me or whoever can do the meta-kde update
[19:29] <Daskreech> shadeslayer: ah that's what I was picking up on :)
[19:30] <yofel> I'll do it then
[19:30] <JontheEchidna> sounds good
[19:31] <JontheEchidna> yofel: do we remove the "a" suffix on the upstream versions?
[19:31] <yofel> I don't think so
[19:31] <JontheEchidna> ok
[19:32] <JontheEchidna> that would kind of screw -ninjas users
[19:32] <yofel> did we have anything new otherwise? kdemultimedia is there, I added paris, and kde-base-artwork belongs into kubuntu-meta IMO
[19:33] <JontheEchidna> I think that's it for new stuff
[19:34] <yofel> *pairs
[19:34] * yofel wonders how often he already mistyped that...
[19:34] <JontheEchidna> :P
[19:34] <Daskreech> I'll check in later
[19:35] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/meta-kde] Philip Muškovac * 40 * debian/ (changelog control) releasing version 5:76~pre1ubuntu1
[19:36] <yofel> Daskreech: we're uploading now, but things might be broken for a while as there are several new package again that replace older ones
[19:37] <JontheEchidna> btw, looks like Debian's going to do qt3 removal this weekend
[19:37] <debfx> yofel: we might want to name the binary package of kde-base-artwork like the source package
[19:37] <yofel> didn't we?
[19:38] <debfx> ah it's not uploaded at all
[19:38] <yofel> I mean the dependency on it (if what I said was ambigous)
[19:39] <debfx> in bzr I called it kde-ksplash-default but I think kde-base-artwork would be better
[19:41] <JontheEchidna> btw, I did a reboot after the 4.8.80 upgrade and didn't get a ksplash
[19:41] <debfx> right, because kde-base-artwork is missing
[19:41] <yofel> because the new one is in kde-base-artwork
[19:41] <JontheEchidna> ah, ok
[19:42] <debfx> we probably don't want to split the files in kde-base-artwork in multiple packages
[19:51] <CIA-44> [kdelibs] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607195116-20fpgc37jmywca7j * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[19:56] <JontheEchidna> hmm: kmix: error while loading shared libraries: libkdeinit4_kmix.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[19:57] <yofel> *blink*
[19:58] <yofel> -.-
[19:58] <yofel> sorry
[20:00] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kmix] Philip Muškovac * 2 * debian/kmix.install add missing libkdeinit4 files
[20:00] <yofel> that's what happens if you rewrite the install file and have not-installed still in place...
[20:09] <shadeslayer> heh, fun, VKontakte seems to be disabled and yet the install files and the appropriate rules seem to be in place
[20:10] <shadeslayer> hah, the series file doesn't apply the patch
[20:21] <CIA-44> [kactivities] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607202106-ckr8pt5cbl7314w6 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[20:21] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/pairs] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (11 files in 3 dirs) import pairs packaging
[20:25] <yofel> /tmp/buildd/calligra-2.4.90/plugins/reporting/maps/KoReportItemMaps.h:32:26: fatal error: MarbleWidget.h: No such file or directory
[20:25] <yofel> *headdesk*
[20:25] <yofel> do they enjoy making calligra fail to build because of marble for just about every release? -.-
[20:26] <CIA-44> [kdepimlibs] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607202622-54bsa2feq2bbyzj9 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[20:38] <CIA-44> [kate] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607203818-duqizbm5y6ftc1o9 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[20:40] <JontheEchidna> hmm
[20:40] <JontheEchidna> yofel: should soprano have been uploaded at this point?
[20:41] * JontheEchidna fears that he dun goofed >.>
[20:42] <yofel> well, probably for kdepimlibs
[20:42] <yofel> considering we're almost at 4.8.85, I would just upload soprano now and fix things later
[20:43] <yofel> iirc there's only one thing that depends on newest soprano anyway
[20:43] <JontheEchidna> nepomuk-core?
[20:47] <yofel> yeah
[20:51] <JontheEchidna> hmm, I can't seem to download soprano from ninjas via the web interface
[20:51] <JontheEchidna> yofel: would you mind uploading it to quantal?
[20:51] <yofel> can't, needs universe upload rights
[20:51] <yofel> ah wait
[20:51] <yofel> soprano?
[20:51] <JontheEchidna> yea
[20:51] <yofel> can do
[20:51] <JontheEchidna> thanks
[20:52] <JontheEchidna> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+files/soprano_2.7.56%2Bdfsg.1-0ubuntu1~ppa2.dsc is what I tried, but it does some sort of 404
[20:52] <yofel> you can't dget from ninjas
[20:52] * yofel uses apt-get source
[20:53] <JontheEchidna> I'm just trying to click the link on the ppa website :P
[20:53] <yofel> oh, dunno ^^
[20:53] <shadeslayer> JontheEchidna: via chrome?
[20:53] <JontheEchidna> thought that's a good point, I should set up a deb-src entry to avoid this in the future
[20:53] <JontheEchidna> shadeslayer: yeah
[20:53] <shadeslayer> JontheEchidna: bug in chrome iirc
[20:53] <shadeslayer> a really old one
[20:53] <JontheEchidna> :/
[20:53] <shadeslayer> use rekonq
[20:53] <shadeslayer> :D
[20:54] <debfx> or use the new pull-ninjas-source from kubuntu-dev-tools
[21:13] <CIA-44> [libkdcraw] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607211336-kzu2f1vzifr5941l * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[21:14] <shadeslayer> Anyone planning to ARM builds?
[21:14] * shadeslayer has to check if digikam 2.6.0 compiles
[21:17] <CIA-44> [libkexiv2] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607211745-rx5sz18vy2wkl2r5 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[21:20] <CIA-44> [libksane] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607212020-dwqnmgf2993kqc87 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[21:23] <CIA-44> [libkdeedu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607212323-g7axr8su7tksbupl * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[21:23] * yofel wonders why dpkg doesn't depend on quilt if you're using 3.0 (quilt) ...
[21:23] <micahg> yofel: internal implementation AIUI
[21:26] <CIA-44> [libkcompactdisc] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607212554-qicc368s2w69keex * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[21:26] <yofel> ah...
[21:27] <yofel> seems to be so indeed, that explains some things
[21:28] <CIA-44> [libkcddb] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607212824-6i0alxq0u29gkzk1 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[21:30] <CIA-44> [libkipi] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607213020-xfm8ewbxcttzsi1b * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[21:36] <CIA-44> [kde-baseapps] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607213557-88fe4gj4kb0jub8v * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[21:39] <shadeslayer> ScottK: how come there's no pkg-kde-tools installed on the arm boxes?
[21:39] <CIA-44> [nepomuk-core] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607213947-8nxzzorts8n8k0jn * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80a-0ubuntu1
[21:40] <ScottK> shadeslayer: IIRC, there is. Perhaps it's just not new enough.
[21:41] <shadeslayer> dh: unable to load addon kde: Can't locate Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/kde.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 8) line 2.
[21:41] <ScottK> pkg-kde-tools_0.9.3ubuntu4_all.deb is installed.
[21:42] <shadeslayer> whoa, that's *old*
[21:43] <yofel> debfx: are you going to upload pkg-kde-tools?
[21:43] <ScottK> Current pkg-kde-tools needs a newer dpkg than is available there.
[21:44] <shadeslayer> :S
[21:44] * ScottK has to go soon, so feel free to update it.
[21:44] <CIA-44> [okular] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120607214426-qalp3e40tll8fdxa * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[21:45] <shadeslayer> Can't even emulate armel using qemu on my VPS because it'll cry about running out of memory
[21:45] <shadeslayer> ScottK: just needs a newer dpkg?
[21:46] <ScottK> Yes, but I don't want to backport dpkg.
[21:46] <ScottK> Maybe you can make it work well enough without libdpkg-perl
[21:46] <BluesKaj> got a ppa for 4.8.4 ?
[21:46] <shadeslayer> I'm too scared to backport dpkg because if I mess it up it'll render the system unusable
[21:47] <shadeslayer> *it might render the
[21:47] <BluesKaj> ninja?
[21:47] <yofel> it is in ninjas for precise
[21:48] <shadeslayer> btw is there a script that uploads all the new tars?
[21:48] <shadeslayer> or do you do it by hand?
[21:48] <yofel> you mean archive uploads?
[21:49] <shadeslayer> yes
[21:49] <yofel> I work half-automated from bzr using this: http://paste.kde.org/495104/
[21:50] <BluesKaj> yofel, ok , so I'll stay out of it on quantal ... I have precise on the other drive , so I'll switch over
[21:50] <yofel> quantal is just getting 4.8.80
[21:50] <BluesKaj> yes , I have it
[21:51] <JontheEchidna> most of the first-level blue nodes are up now
[21:52] <JontheEchidna> I won't be able to do workspace due to my crappy connection
[21:52] <yofel> I'll do oxygen-icons, that'll keep me busy for a bit
[21:53] <shadeslayer> -> sleep, digikam still building, will test and upload tomorrow
[22:00] <CIA-44> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/oxygen-icons] Philip Muškovac * 101 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.8.80-0ubuntu1
[22:03] <Daskreech> yofel: Back ;) thanks. I'm showing KDE off at a Conference this weekend (Konference?) and decided to use Kubuntu. Others are doing Debian and Fedora. Hopefully I can get KDE 4.9 installed by say mid day tomorrow so I can play with it and know what not to show off as it crashes. I think Debian can handle the KDE 4.8 series fine
[22:15] <Riddell> Daskreech: dunno how soon backports will be done
[22:15] <Riddell> I'd like to do them first thing tomorrow but they always take longer than expected
[22:17] <Daskreech> Of course they do :)
[22:18] <Daskreech> Riddell: I may consider the hairy choice of jumping to +1 to get 4.8.80
[22:19] <Riddell> I'm having no problems with the alpha of +1
[22:19] <Riddell> and you can install it from ninjas if necessary
[22:21] <Riddell> debfx: 4.8.4 is out
[22:24] <genii-around> Daskreech:
[22:25] <Daskreech> hi genii-around
[22:25] * genii-around makes more coffee
[22:47] <Daskreech> Coffee is good