UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /05 /#lubuntu.txt
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[03:33] <erisVortex> good night. i'm stuck with this audio problem under lubuntu 12.04: http://askubuntu.com/questions/146552/lubuntu-12-04-every-sound-has-echoes could anybody help me fix this?
[03:42] <surt> Hi guys, I've noticed some gtk apps use one gtk themes and other apps use others...any suggestions?
[03:43] <Unit193> What theme did you select? Are you using the default Lubuntu theme? I'd bet it's because whatever theme you are using doesn't support GTK3.
[03:44] <TheWonderingGuru> Hello everyone
[03:44] <TheWonderingGuru> Quick question.
[03:44] <surt> Unit193: Yeah could be. I installed a theme from the net, dropped it into the .themes folder, and added the openbox theme too.
[03:44] <TheWonderingGuru> Did they get rid of the main menu application in lubuntu 12.04?
[03:44] <surt> How do I know which of my apps are gnome3 themes?
[03:45] <surt> -themes
[03:45] <Unit193> GTK3, and you either google, or look at the application info. :P
[03:45] <Unit193> Launch it from terminal for example.
[03:45] <Unit193> TheWonderingGuru: Main menu application?
[03:45] <TheWonderingGuru> The app that you use to modify applications for the main menu.
[03:46] <Unit193> Never had one.
[03:46] <TheWonderingGuru> In Lubuntu 11.10 it says main menu in the preferences section
[03:46] <TheWonderingGuru> I can't find it in 12.04
[03:47] <Unit193> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_make.2BAC8-add_an_application_to_the_.22start.22_menu.
[03:47] <TheWonderingGuru> Thank you kindly
[04:22] <windbuntu> is there anything that ubuntu can do that lubuntu cannot do?
[04:26] <mi3> hello
[04:27] <Unit193> Technically, they are both on the same repo so you can install nautilus, unity and friends.
[04:27] <mi3> err yes, ubuntu has LTS supports that lubuntu does not
[04:27] <mi3> err yes, that too
[04:27] <Unit193> LXDE doesn't, the kernel and base progrmas do.
[04:28] <Unit193> But all Lubuntu maintained programs do not.
[04:42] <windbuntu> i would like it if lubuntu did the 5/lts
[04:43] <Unit193> If you'd like to help with the backporting and testing, maybe in the future there can be.
[04:44] <windbuntu> ok , is that difficult to do?
[04:45] <windbuntu> i do run lubuntu now but its in my vm atm
[04:45] <Unit193> Well, not exactly easy, and less people to do it.
[04:46] <windbuntu> im about to put vista to sleep in one of my laptops and make it a one os computer with lubuntu...id like to see it run on a dual core with 2 gig ram'
[04:47] <windbuntu> but i suppose some would say...if its dual core run ubuntu
[04:47] <windbuntu> will i really see the spped difference if i have hte right specs to run ubuntu?
[04:47] <windbuntu> speed*
[04:47] <Unit193> It's in the preferences of the user, doesn't really have anything to do with capabilities of the computer. :P
[04:47] <Unit193> And if you are running it on a slower computer jow, yes.
[04:48] <windbuntu> i dont do a lot with computers, nothing fancy, i burn dvd's, test distros, report bugs, videos, dual boot, vm's nothing fancy.
[04:49] <windbuntu> but now lubuntu looks like its good even on networking
[04:49] <windbuntu> which i havent gotten into yet
[04:50] <windbuntu> i like torrenting
[04:50] <windbuntu> but for some reason i just love the basic look of the lubuntu desktop
[04:50] <windbuntu> and the old fashioned menus
[04:51] <windbuntu> even though i like unity too
[04:51] <windbuntu> those are my 2 favorites ubuntu and lubuntu followed by w7 and xp pro
[04:52] <windbuntu> im tired of running lubuntu in a vm though vm's kinda suck
[04:52] <windbuntu> i want to dedicate a computer to it
[05:13] <windbuntu> what is backporting
[05:17] <Unit193> !backport
[05:17] <ubottu> If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging
[05:23] <windbuntu> brb
[05:25] <TheWonderingGuru> Does anyone know where the folder containing the system default wallpapers is located in lubuntu 12.04 lts?
[05:52] <JohnDoe_71Rus> may be /usr/share/lubuntu[backgrounds|lxde]
[05:59] <Unit193> He's gone, but it is /usr/share/backgrounds/ and /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/.
[09:40] <leszek> hi
[10:51] <koleoptero> hey all
[10:52] <koleoptero> I need some help with a couple of problems
[10:53] <leszek> koleoptero: just ask your question. all of us will help you if we can :)
[10:53] <koleoptero> one is: lxkeymap keeps dying on me, I can't configure the system to add the two more keyboard layouts that I need
[10:53] <koleoptero> leszek: yeah I was typing lol
[10:53] <leszek> koleoptero: oh thats good, because I am the dev on lxkeymap :P
[10:54] <koleoptero> the second is: where on earth do I add something to start with the system, openbox's autostart.sh obviously doesn't work
[10:54] <koleoptero> leszek: really? =D
[10:54] <leszek> koleoptero: first of all lxkeymap
[10:54] <leszek> did you install the update which is in the proposed repository ?
[10:55] <koleoptero> ah no I didn't enable proposed, damn completely forgot to try that first
[10:56] <leszek> koleoptero: for the autostart just create a *.desktop file with the thing you want to autostart and add it either to ~/.config/autostart (autostart for your user only) or /etc/xdg/autostart (for every user)
[10:58] <koleoptero> damn I hoped there was something like autostart.sh somewhere. :/
[10:58] <koleoptero> perhaps I'll add a desktop file that points to it
[10:59] <koleoptero> it'd be nice if we could add items to lxsession-edit :)
[11:00] <leszek> koleoptero: there is an lxsession autostart file , but I am not sure where its located
[11:00] <leszek> let me try searching it
[11:00] <koleoptero> I tried yesterday but didn't find it
[11:01] <leszek> I found it
[11:01] <leszek> /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
[11:02] <koleoptero> isn't that global?
[11:02] <leszek> yeah thats global
[11:03] <leszek> I am not sure if there is a local equivalent
[11:05] <koleoptero> hmmmm, can't I define a sequence of layouts to use with the system and a key sequence to use to switch them?
[11:06] <leszek> koleoptero: you can
[11:06] <leszek> if you open tools -> profile
[11:06] <leszek> you can add multiple layouts
[11:07] <leszek> and under options you can set a key to switch
[11:07] <koleoptero> oh yeah saw it
[11:07] <leszek> but there is still a gtk bug
[11:07] <leszek> the checkbox does not check
[11:07] <leszek> but it recognized a click in the background
[11:08] <leszek> the only damn thing I am struggling with is getting the checkbox to check that box, but it doesn't do it. So internally its working but it does not show the checkmarks
[11:08] <leszek> need to go now
[11:08] <koleoptero> yeah I ran it from the terminal to see any messages if it didn't start
[11:08] <leszek> hope that helped you
[11:08] <koleoptero> and I see the changes
[11:08] <koleoptero> yeah you helped me a lot :D
[11:08] <leszek> bye
[13:06] <cheryl> Hello.....
[13:07] <cheryl> I have a VCD that I can't seem to view on GNOME mplayer, it's a video created probably on a windoze machine...
[13:07] <bioterror> just a moment, Unit193 is putting on his bat costume ;)
[13:07] <bioterror> I would install VLC
[13:08] <bioterror> a lot easier than wonder which gstreamer would work
[13:08] <cheryl> oh bio, you do make me laugh!! lol
[13:09] <cheryl> I'll try VLC, also can u explain how the **** I use guvcview???
[13:10] <bioterror> I dunno, I have not used webcams
[13:10] <cheryl> hmmmm........
[13:10] <bioterror> but, call me boy wonder :D
[13:10] <cheryl> Unit193, Batman, u here??
[13:11] <cheryl> c'mon biowonder boy.
[13:11] <cheryl> or Robin!
[13:11] <cheryl> bioterror, Put on the Robin costume then lol
[13:11] <bioterror> I'm wearing my spandex pants
[13:12] <bioterror> but I'm off from work
[13:12] <bioterror> it's over 4
[13:12] <bioterror> I'm pretty sure that VLC will show you your VCD
[13:13] <cheryl> kk, can I sudo apt-get install it?
[13:13] <bioterror> yeah
[13:13] <bioterror> sudo apt-get install vlc
[13:13] <cheryl> ty, away to work then Robin....
[13:13] <cheryl> ty
[13:13] <bioterror> away from!
[13:14] <cheryl> durr, from! lol
[13:14] <cheryl> I need to find my specs 'n wear 'em!!
[13:55] <saml> hey, how can I add some custom path to PATH environment variable?
[13:56] <saml> i tried . "$HOME/.bashrc" in ~/.xsessionrc and that made me unable to login through lxdm
[14:05] <bioterror> saml, cat /etc/profile
[14:05] <saml> no... this is for per-user setting
[14:05] <saml> not system wide
[14:06] <bioterror> then you copy that line from there and you add it to your desired shellrc
[14:06] <bioterror> for example
[14:06] <saml> no.. things in terminal works.. but double clicking ~/Desktop/someapp.desktop does not
[14:07] <saml> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Setting_environment_variables_upon_login
[14:07] <saml> it says ~/.xsessionrc ... but sourcing ~/.bashrc there makes it unable to login
[14:08] <saml> i didn't want to copy PATH export in .bashrc and .xsessionrc
[14:08] <saml> maybe .xsessionrc doesn't accept bash syntax
[14:09] <bioterror> but if you .desktop file is not working and you're looking solution from path, it's not going to help you
[14:09] <bioterror> your
[14:11] <saml> no.. the app is in $HOME/somewhere...
[14:11] <saml> i need to add that app to PATH
[14:11] <saml> because i don't want to type full path to the binary everytime i create .desktop
[14:11] <bioterror> you should
[14:12] <bioterror> you might want to check freedesktop.org's documentation
[14:32] <bioterror> The Exec key must contain a command line. A command line consists of an executable program optionally followed by one or more arguments. The executable program can either be specified with its full path or with the name of the executable only. If no full path is provided the executable is looked up in the $PATH environment variable used by the desktop environment. The name or path of the executable program
[14:32] <bioterror> may not contain the equal sign ("="). Arguments are separated by a space.
[15:07] <leszek> re
[20:31] <WindBuntu> i am now running lubuntu installed to my HD on this laptop!
[20:39] <pmatulis> WindBuntu: nice
[20:49] <WindBuntu> at the end of the lubuntu installation process a pop up menu should happen automatically which offers the new user the restricted extras needed to make their lubuntu experience better. it was a pain in the _ _ _ yo figure it out.
[20:49] <WindBuntu> to*
[20:50] <WindBuntu> i enede up looking all thru synaptic, then all thri the lubuntu software center, the looked all thru the menus to figure it out.
[20:50] <WindBuntu> some ppl will get frustrated with this
[20:51] <WindBuntu> i just happened to know it was in there somewhere because i was familiar with ubuntu or my struggle would have continued longer
[20:52] <WindBuntu> if lubuntu wants to improve they should fix this
[21:07] <micahg> WindBuntu: in ubiquity (at least in the other flavors), there's a check box at the beginning for that
[21:08] <WindBuntu> we should do something like that
[21:08] <WindBuntu> its an improvement
[21:08] <WindBuntu> like i said i knew it was there from using ubuntu but newbies will struggle and get frustrated-not good
[21:09] <WindBuntu> mint and ubuntu do it
[21:09] <WindBuntu> i think
[21:09] <WindBuntu> it should be an integral part of the installation not something a user must search for
[21:18] <WindBuntu> can i reset lubuntu to default
[21:45] <melodie_> bonsoir, salut, hello, hi
[21:46] <Unit193> Greetings.
[21:46] <melodie_> I have installed and configured Lubuntu to a friend's of mine, who had a previous crash in Ubuntu after an upgrade. I meet with an issue related to the password.
[21:47] <melodie_> ni Unit193
[21:48] <melodie_> I have set up an ordinary password while installing and when my friend came back to get her machine I set up a new password along with her (in console)
[21:48] <melodie_> now she can't login except with the guest account : is it a known issue ?
[21:48] <melodie_> can I regain control on her session by chrooting and re-configuring the user password ?
[21:50] <melodie_> it's night now and I am should do that tomorrown afternoon. is the password issue a known one ? I have not reconfigured it with the gui
[22:03] <melodie_> ok thanks anyhow