UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /05 /#launchpad-yellow.txt
Initial commit
[10:55] * benji gets some pre-standup coffee.
[11:25] * benji has finished his pre-standup coffee and wonders where the standup went.
[11:25] <gmb> benji: Um, isn't it in an hour?
[11:25] <benji> oh!
[11:26] <benji> gmb: combine me being in a different time zone and having been up since 3 AM because I couldn't sleep and that's what happens :)
[11:26] <gmb> Ah, yes, that can and will happen.
[11:27] <gmb> benji: Which timezone are you in now, then?
[11:27] <benji> "Central" which is UTC minus 5 hours
[11:27] <gmb> Ah.
[11:49] <bac> gmb: i got a spyder4 yesterday. the world is a little less green today. :)
[11:49] <gmb> :)
[11:49] <gmb> Reminds me, I need to recalibrate.
[11:49] <bac> the laptop was particularly bad
[11:50] <gmb> Yeah, laptop panels are traditionally awful when it comes to colour accuracy.
[12:08] <gary_poster> bac benji frankban gmb call in 2
[12:08] <gary_poster> getting url
[12:09] <gary_poster> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/bc3d875fdcbeb3e248cf65d4577704a3deea777e bac benji frankban gmb
[12:10] * gmb -> Joining
[12:26] * gmb -> lunch
[12:27] <bac> benji: is that the same house you mentioned a few weeks ago?
[12:27] <benji> bac: nope, we lost out on that one, it was bank-owned and they took a competing bid
[12:28] <benji> the one from a couple of weeks ago was much cheaper but needed much, much more work
[12:28] <bac> b/c this one looks a lot nicer than you described the original one
[12:28] <bac> good luck
[12:28] <gary_poster> @ more than 3x the price one woud hope so :-)
[12:29] <benji> yeah, this one mostly just has cosmetic problems, there are a couple of water-induced rot issues, but it's pretty minor compared with the last one
[12:29] <gary_poster> bac, gmb approved expenses
[12:33] <gary_poster> nice blog post gmb.
[12:35] <gary_poster> And I even added your first comment, so as to have you not appear to be speaking to crickets
[13:30] <frankban> gary_poster: if you are running tests on buildbot, could you please check if this directory exists? /var/tmp/buildd/ and could you please run: find / -name ".bzr.log" ?
[13:30] <gary_poster> looking frankban
[13:30] <frankban> thanks
[13:35] <gary_poster> actually frankban, um...you need me to look in the container don't you. I'll need to restart a build for that, after I add the root password there.... I'll ping you when I have something
[13:37] * bac is irritated that DocFileSuite is not a class but a method. nice naming.
[13:37] <gary_poster> heh
[13:38] <frankban> gary_poster: ah! you are right, thanks
[13:44] <benji> yeah, I think the reasoning is that it is a factory method, so it's named like that (not that I agree with the reasoning)
[13:45] <gary_poster> Ah yeah, I've done that sort of thing too. "class in spirit if not in form" or something
[14:07] <gary_poster> frankban, :
[14:07] <gary_poster> # ls /var/tmp/
[14:07] <gary_poster> bazaar.launchpad.dev bzrsync codeimport launchpad_mailqueue mailman xvfb-errors.log
[14:08] <gary_poster> # find / -name ".bzr.log"
[14:08] <gary_poster> /var/lib/buildbot/.bzr.log
[14:08] <gary_poster> anything else frankban?
[14:08] <frankban> gary_poster: no thanks
[14:08] <gary_poster> cool
[14:33] <gary_poster> system restart. Hopefully back soon...
[15:16] <bac> hey gary_poster got a sec to chat?
[15:16] <gary_poster> bac, sure, but I didn't bring headphones down to porch. Will get and ping. Could you get hangout going?
[15:16] <bac> yep
[15:18] <gary_poster> bac, url pls?
[15:19] <bac> gary_poster: gah, i don't know how to find it
[15:19] <gary_poster> k 1 sec
[15:19] <bac> ur, nm this time it showed up
[15:19] <bac> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2a1331a87490df2ce18c411f9f1ed15714c40f8c?authuser=0&hl=en
[15:19] <bac> in the past when i enabled the toolbar the URL never did show
[16:02] <frankban> gary_poster: so it appears that there is a bug in launchpad-buildd: please ping me when you have a minute
[16:03] <gary_poster> ack
[16:06] <gary_poster> frankban, hi
[16:06] <gary_poster> hangout?
[16:06] <frankban> ok
[16:06] <gary_poster> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/afd99e78e61364cfa374448a2cc7f911cf1799d4
[16:06] <gary_poster> frankban, ^^
[16:23] * gary_poster goes to lunch to take advantage of Triangle Restaurant Week...biab
[18:47] <benji> gary_poster: I'm tardy in asking to pair, but I thought I had it done... I didn't
[19:23] <gary_poster> benji, ack. I'll be redy in a few.
[19:23] <gary_poster> ready, even.
[19:38] <gary_poster> benji https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c8219c883d90e3dc3f289defedfd95083e4f2b64 whenever you are ready
[20:25] <bac> gary_poster: we were wrong yesterday about the redundancy of the 'partial'.
[20:27] <gary_poster> bac ack on call would like to know
[20:52] <gary_poster> bac, why was it important?
[20:53] <bac> gary_poster: your test you did something like t.id = lambda: 'foo'
[20:53] <gary_poster> yes
[20:53] <bac> but if you don't use a constant, then they are all bound to the variable
[20:54] <bac> this may be clearer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1025738/
[20:54] <bac> oops, not that version
[20:55] <gary_poster> k :-)
[20:55] <bac> this one: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1025740/
[20:56] <gary_poster> oh. so it is being used to capture a state for a closure
[20:56] <gary_poster> I haven't used partial for that
[20:56] <gary_poster> I usually write a function to capture
[20:57] <gary_poster> using partial is clever, if not as obvious
[21:00] <gary_poster> thanks bac; sorry for leading you astray. everything going ok otherwise?
[21:00] <bac> gary_poster: np
[21:01] <bac> gary_poster: yeah, just finding all of the offending tests with duplication and whacking them
[21:04] <gary_poster> cool