UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /05 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
=== Hganavak is now known as Samanagh
[00:23] * crack05 is away (Gone)
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
[00:25] <Unit193> !away > CRACK05
[00:25] <ubottu> CRACK05, please see my private message
[00:30] <jflo> anybody have anything good to say about kubuntu 12.1
[00:31] <Belial`> 12.10? i don't think it's much different from 12.04 at this point.
[00:39] <robotdevil> does this work for anyone here http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/?content=147065
[00:40] <almoxarife> robotdevil, yes it does for me
[00:41] <almoxarife> robotdevil, its a bit of overkill but better to have options than not
[00:41] <robotdevil> almoxarife: what versions are you running, and what else did you have to enable or install to make it work
[00:42] <robotdevil> almoxarife: all I did was dl it from the dolphin serices page
[00:42] <Belial`> i don't know why, but kde-look has been randomly broke for the longest time.
[00:42] <Belial`> sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't.
[00:42] <Belial`> gnome-look almost never works.
[00:43] <Belial`> is there something going on with their servers?
[00:43] <almoxarife> robotdevil, kde 4.8.3 on maya/precise
[00:44] <almoxarife> System: Host mint-Satellite-L555 Kernel 3.4.0-3-generic x86_64 (64 bit)
[00:44] <almoxarife> Desktop KDE 4.8.3 Distro Linux Mint 13 Maya
[00:44] <robotdevil> i see
[00:44] <robotdevil> I using 12.04 4.8.3.
[00:45] <almoxarife> same thing then robotdevil
[00:46] <robotdevil> yes I know, didnt think the kde mint 13 was out yet
[00:46] <robotdevil> wonder what im doing wrong
[00:46] <almoxarife> robotdevil, sort of is not
[00:47] <almoxarife> robotdevil, maya-kde repo is not populated yet
[00:47] <robotdevil> i see
[00:48] <almoxarife> is kubuntu channel officially open to any kde version?
[00:53] <robotdevil> almoxarife: I would think it is to versions included in recent distributions. Ones that havent reached EOL.
[00:53] <robotdevil> or #kde
=== ramon is now known as openhuese_recloc
[01:24] <robotdevil> whats the app to calculate the mouse button mapping
[01:25] <robotdevil> want to try to and get dolphins back and forth buttons to work
[03:00] <sunitasethi> ?
=== sandyd_ is now known as sandyd
[06:59] <ucenik20> stance
[07:07] <fasta> When I visit a directory in Dolphin which has a symbolic link to a NFS shared directory which is offline, then it just tries to load it forever, without showing any of the other folders. Why aren't these independent things?
[07:25] <robotdevil> http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/29677/
=== szal_ is now known as szal
[09:51] <Oxymoron> Hi, I wonder is it hard to write your own script that automaticly switch to HDMI video and audio output when connect HDMI port and then switch back to regular audio output and video when unplug HDMI?
[09:54] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it's quite simple to do, but requires a reasonable ammount of effort too
[09:55] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it's based around looking for events and then (depending on your video card and setup) giving the appropritate xorg commands to change displays
[09:55] <ikonia> I used to have a script that detected a docking station for my laptop, and if it was there it would resize the screen to the main display as a second screen, and if not don't do anything
[09:55] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Some kind of bash script or?
[09:55] <ikonia> a lot of that is now uneeded as xorg id dynamic, and detects things on the fly
[09:55] <ikonia> a bash script is fine
[09:56] <Oxymoron> ikonia: I thin its weird its not built in KDE though, that Xorg does it by itself. I though understand audio problem.
[09:56] <ikonia> xorg doesn't do it by it's self
[09:56] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Anyway, is bahs script the best or something else better?
[09:57] <ikonia> a bash script is fine
[09:57] <ikonia> that's how I used to do my docking station
[09:58] <ikonia> I've done similar things with hdmi before but more for detection at start up, rather than on the fly for my emmulator machine depeind on which TV it was plugged into
[09:58] <ikonia> so it's quite straight forward to do, it just requires a little time and effort to work out the best way to manage it and do the switch
[09:58] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Why is it not trivial todo? What is the problems of it?
[09:59] <Oxymoron> Sounds like *buntu does not save device settings. So when HDMI disappear it do not longer know about it.
[09:59] <ikonia> Oxymoron: this is nothing to do with ubuntu
[09:59] <ikonia> Oxymoron: I'll tell you one last time as this is getting very old with you
[10:00] <ikonia> Oxymoron: if you cannot stop blaming "ubunut" for either the limitations of you as a user, or Linux in general, you will not be allowed to participate in the channel.
[10:00] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it is "trivial" to do, as I've just said, however it requires a little bit of thought to work out the best way to do it for your setup
[10:02] <Oxymoron> ikonia: I found this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/773138/ script, does it looks decent do you think? :)
[10:03] <ikonia> I'm not interested
[10:03] <ikonia> it's up to you
[10:03] <ikonia> you're attitude is not one that inspires me to help you
[10:04] <ikonia> as I said you need to do something that's specific to your environment
[10:04] <ikonia> not just copy someone elses
[10:04] <Oxymoron> Sure be that way, I am used to it by debians anyway.
[10:04] <ikonia> that's the part I said put thought into
[10:05] <ikonia> Oxymoron: if you are used to it - it's because your attitude is frustrating
[10:05] <Oxymoron> No its the way debians are, not how I am.
[10:05] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it's really not
[10:05] <ikonia> as you can see people try to help you
[10:06] <ikonia> but it's very hard to help when you are blaming things with no reason and turn out to be wrong
[10:06] <ikonia> it doesn't inspire people to help
[10:06] <ikonia> that is "you" not debian
[10:06] <Oxymoron> ikonia: It is same attitude no matter if I want help or not, arguing or not and not saying anything and just read how people answer newcomes to channel.
[10:06] <ikonia> people/I will be more than happy to help you, if you just explain your problem and work it through, without the repeated attempts to try to find fault
[10:07] <ikonia> Oxymoron: you join the channel and constantly try to find fault with the distro you are using rather than it being a user error or a limitation of linux
[10:07] <ikonia> it's not something people get inspired by
[10:07] <ikonia> of course if there is a problem with the distro then people will get inspired to help you and get a bug logged/fixed
[10:07] <lordievader> Perhaps this discussion is more suited for the offtopic channel, doesn't have much to do with kubuntu help...
[10:07] <Oxymoron> I really do not get inspired by have to do it either. It is not that I like to ask for help.
[10:08] <ikonia> Oxymoron: asking for help / blaming ubuntu are two different things
[10:08] <ikonia> Oxymoron: "hi, I'm having a problem with my user no longer being able do sudo" = good
[10:08] <ikonia> Oxymoron: "hi, ubuntu has broke my sudoers file, it's blank and nothing works, why does ubuntu always break things" = bad
[10:08] <ikonia> more so when it turns out the second statement is nonsnese
[10:09] <ikonia> asking for help is great, having a blind rant/blame session to get help, doens't
[10:09] <ikonia> just state your problem and the issue you are having and people will help
[10:09] <ikonia> I was happy to help you with your script, until you staterd moaning that kubuntu should have this already
[10:09] <ikonia> see the difference ?
[10:10] <Oxymoron> ikonia: I do not think it would make any difference. but yes I see the difference.
[10:10] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it does make a difference
[10:10] <almoxarife> i tried building dragon player from source, did build and installed it, tried a mp4 and it would not run, did work with mp3, tried installing same from repos, same issue with mp4's, what codec might i be missing, the mp4's played on kmplayer fine
[10:10] <ikonia> thats why you are getting the reponses you get from the debian channels
[10:10] <Oxymoron> In the end the result of helping would result in arguing anyway.
[10:10] <ikonia> Oxymoron: I assure you it doesn't, many people get help without arguing, you don't, so that suggests the fault is with you
[10:10] <lordievader> almoxarife: Try kubuntu-restricted, I might be wrong with the package name, it was something like that.
[10:11] <ikonia> almoxarife: one second, let me just grasp what you are aying
[10:11] <ikonia> saying
[10:11] <lordievader> almoxarife: Let me check it out.
[10:11] <almoxarife> lordievader, i have it installed
[10:11] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Tried different approaches and I get same response neverhteless, its ergot attitudes always.
[10:11] <ikonia> almoxarife: run "file" against the mp4 you are trying to work
[10:11] <almoxarife> lordievader, its not that :) too easy
[10:11] <ikonia> Oxymoron: I've never seen you try anything other than complaining in the ubuntu channels
[10:11] <ikonia> Oxymoron: hence why I've just given you a final warning about it
[10:12] <almoxarife> ikonia, i am not understanding you? pls explain
[10:12] <ikonia> almoxarife: the mp4 file you want to play run the command "file" against it
[10:12] <Oxymoron> ikonia: I bet you havent read everything I typed in *buntu channels.
[10:12] <ikonia> almoxarife: eg: file my.mp4
[10:12] <almoxarife> ok
[10:12] <ikonia> Oxymoron: only stuff while I've been active, however I've explained the issue, given you a final warning on it, it's up to you how you move on from here
[10:14] <almoxarife> Heavy Sea.mp4: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, version 2 <-- ikonia, something off of youtube
[10:14] <ikonia> almoxarife: iso media ?
[10:14] <ikonia> never seen that before
[10:14] <ikonia> almoxarife: the codec is mpeg v4 though
[10:14] <ikonia> so you need your player to be aware of/linked against mpeg
[10:15] <Oxymoron> ikonia: I do not say its good attitude certainly not, but why would it matter if you add some extra irritation on bugs and earlier experience of things in Kubuntu for instance? Okay it does not sound good, but why would it matter in the end? I am uncertain if I understand it.
[10:15] <almoxarife> ikonia, you mean during build?
[10:16] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it's up to you how you move on, people don't help people who are moaning/complaining WRONGLY as you often do, people help people who want help, explain their problem.
[10:16] <ikonia> Oxymoron: you've had the info/warning - it's up to you how you proceed
[10:16] <ikonia> almoxarife: either durining or post
[10:16] <ikonia> almoxarife: most players can load codecs after they are built
[10:16] <ikonia> almoxarife: some require it at build time
[10:17] <almoxarife> ikonia, i dont see see anything of a config for postbuild, this is the 4.8 dragon
[10:17] <lordievader> almoxarife: You could also use vlc to play the file, that player got build in codecs, so no need to worry about codecs :)
[10:17] <almoxarife> lordievader, that would be easy, i can run it already in kmplayer
[10:18] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Where to go then to complain about all *bunt issues? Is there any channel for it or website where I can put all my bugs and complains?
[10:18] <lordievader> almoxarife: So why not use that? Is there a special reason you need to use dragon?
[10:18] <Oxymoron> ikonia: and of course a place where people listen on critics, not ignore it.
[10:19] <almoxarife> lordievader, yes, because it is there! and its kde and i enjoy the challenge and ........blah blah, learn something
[10:19] <lordievader> Oxymoron: Ranting and critique are two different things, ranting is usually not helpful.
[10:19] <lordievader> almoxarife: I see, yes well try to find the codec, install it and hope for the best.
[10:20] <Oxymoron> lordievader: Usually the same, but sure I understand.
[10:21] <lordievader> almoxarife: Have you read this: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?54945-Dragon-Player-movie-player-mp4-files
[10:21] <lordievader> Oxymoron: No they are not.
[10:21] <almoxarife> lordievader, have not, will, thnks
[10:21] <lordievader> Hope it gets you anywhere.
[10:21] <Oxymoron> Usually it goes into ranting because I am experience same problem over and over again. That means one thing works, then someone break it and not work, then fix, then break again etc. And break doesnt mean by me, I am meaning official bugs.
[10:21] <ikonia> Oxymoron: no-one ignores your critique
[10:21] <ikonia> Oxymoron: the problem is your critique is wrong
[10:22] <Oxymoron> ikonia: How to make it right? :)
[10:22] <ikonia> Oxymoron: eg: "ubuntu's deleted my sudoers file" - no, it' hasn't
[10:22] <ikonia> Oxymoron: stop complaining
[10:22] <ikonia> Oxymoron: just tell people your issues and they will resolve them
[10:22] <ikonia> there is no need for the additional comments, more so when you don't actually know/understand what you are saying and just annoy people with it
[10:22] <ikonia> "someone" doesn't break it, most of the issues you've had have been user error
[10:22] <ikonia> so the only person who breaks it is you
[10:22] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Lets say I want to get help with sudoers file gone, how to say it and add critique that it should not be able to happen?
[10:23] <ikonia> the sudoers file was not gone, that was the problem
[10:23] <ikonia> you where telling people it was blank to try to create a fuss
[10:23] <ikonia> it wasn't
[10:23] <ikonia> you had just removed your user from the admin group
[10:23] <ikonia> simple
[10:23] <ikonia> if you just say
[10:23] <ikonia> "my user can no longer sudo, any help ?"
[10:23] <FloodBotK1> ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[10:24] <Oxymoron> ikonia: For isntance there is official there have been issues with pulseaudio many years, someitmes it works and sometimes not. Now it is integrated into ubuntu. In that case I am not responsible of breaking pulseaudio.
[10:24] <ikonia> someone will walk you through a few quick trouble shooting steps as I did, and it's resolved, bang, you're done
[10:24] <ikonia> Oxymoron: if there is an official bug in pulse audo that has not been fixed, then it's not ubuntu's problem, it's pulseaudio's so you need to log a bug with pulseaudio for the fix to filter down into ubuntu
[10:25] <ikonia> Oxymoron: logged a bug means explaining the problem "factually" not what you think, but factually
[10:25] <Oxymoron> ikonia: And If I said "my user cannot longer sudo, how can that happen if the user are admin"? Is that wrong?
[10:25] <ikonia> Oxymoron: sure, that's fine, then we do more trouble shooting and find out why it can't do it
[10:25] <ikonia> Oxymoron: but in that example the user wasn't in the admin group
[10:25] <ikonia> so it was a simple 2 minute fix, that you made last 30 minutes by making things up like "my sudoers file is blank, someone changd it"
[10:25] <Oxymoron> ikonia: It is a ubuntu problem if its integrated, even if pulseaudio have their own devs. But yes I understand.
[10:26] <ikonia> no they didn't, no-one changed it and we wasted time
[10:26] <ikonia> Oxymoron: it's not an ubuntu problem, ubuntu doesn't make pulseaudio, they don't maintain it, they "use it"
[10:26] <ikonia> Oxymoron: if there is a known problem with pulse audio, ubuntu can't fix it, they don't maintain it, pulse audio can, and once it's fixed the fix will appear in the ubuntu build
[10:26] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Use it, inherit it make it a ubuntu user problem if pulseuadio fails.
[10:27] <ikonia> Oxymoron: no
[10:27] <ikonia> Oxymoron: how can that be ?
[10:27] <lordievader> Seriously what does this have to do with kubuntu, go to offtopic. This channel is for helping ppl!!!
[10:27] <ikonia> lordievader: I'm explaining someone how to use the channel and get help
[10:28] <ikonia> Oxymoron: this channel deals with kubuntu issues, that means problems with ubuntu's packages, software, setup, configs etc etc. If there is a known problem with pulse audio as you said that has a bug logged against it, ubuntu can't fix that, the pulse audio team should fix that
[10:28] <lordievader> ikonia: I know. But still, this is kind of flooding the channel. Scares ppl away...
[10:28] <Oxymoron> ikonia: Because if pulseaudio fails, than ubuntu end user need audio will ask for help in ubuntu usually as most people do not know what pulseaudio is.
[10:28] <ikonia> Oxymoron: right, so you explain "I'm having a problem with pulse audio", we work out that it's a bug, point you to the pulseaudio team, and explain to log a bug
[10:28] <ikonia> Oxymoron: irc can't fix everything real time
[10:29] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, kde runs fine without pulseaudio, i dont use it
[10:29] <ikonia> there you go
[10:29] <ikonia> I'll be back later
[10:29] <lordievader> Oxymoron: And it also runs fine with, got three boxes here running fine with PA.
[10:30] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: I tried to remove pulseaudio without success.
[10:30] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio
[10:30] <Oxymoron> lordievader: At the moment yes ;) My statement was that it has been breaked and fixed back and forth between PA releases of pulseuadio.
[10:30] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, that easy
[10:31] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Well yeah if I do not want any sound at all I can do that, I tried. Need it for my Intel sound and HDMI.
[10:31] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, on kde only, not so good to remove from the gnomish systems
[10:31] <lordievader> Oxymoron: That would be an excelent question, "I don't like PA, how do I remove it?"
[10:31] <lordievader> almoxarife: Gnome systems don't have a fallback, do they?
[10:31] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, not true, running xbmc alsa hdmi nvidia minus the pulseaudio
[10:32] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Do you have a Intel audio integrated circuit?
[10:32] <almoxarife> lordievader, i think pulse is builtin to gnome like an octupus's tentacles
[10:33] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, xkuze plz, i no want to argue with you, ignore me
[10:33] <lordievader> almoxarife: Yeah, I remember the times that PA was new, got what a disaster it was then.
[10:35] <almoxarife> lordievader, i found one issue after removing PA from kde, alsa sucks for streaming radio coming out of suspend, did not want to return pa, found that direct did swimmingly, problem solved and PA free
[10:35] <Oxymoron> Anyway tried to purge PA but unfortunatly it broke my audio.
[10:36] <lordievader> almoxarife: I kind of like PA now, it enables more than one app to use the soundcard.
[10:36] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, and the answer is yes, intel all on the lappy
[10:37] <almoxarife> System: Host mint-Satellite-L555 Kernel 3.4.0-3-generic x86_64 (64 bit)
[10:37] <almoxarife> Desktop KDE 4.8.3 Distro Linux Mint 13 Maya
[10:37] <almoxarife> ooopsy, mint :)
[10:37] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: How did you make it work? :) did you just do aptget purge pulseaudio?
[10:38] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, that is the only way i know, purge 'pulseaudio' , nothing else needed
[10:38] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Okay cool :) Try that next time PA do not work again ;)
[10:38] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, on kde, dont do it on gnome
[10:38] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Yes I only use KDE.
[10:39] <almoxarife> i think gnome falls to pieces without PA, the poor thing
[10:39] <almoxarife> kde 4.8 is out
[10:40] <almoxarife> kde 4.9 xkuze plz
[10:40] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Btw, do you know if PA can automaticly switch audio channels between intel analog stereo and digital HDMI?
[10:40] <lordievader> almoxarife: Is 4.9 already in the repos?
[10:42] <almoxarife> lordievader, no, source though is out, i think the gento ppl may have it in their pckg system
[10:42] <lordievader> almoxarife: Oh well I can wait ;)
[10:43] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, the switching is done at the app in my case, xbmc, but in kde you can choose what the hardware profile is just as well
[10:43] <lordievader> 40
[10:44] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: I tried to find out in Phonon system settings. But I do not understand, how to change hardware profile to autoswitch audio when HDMI plugged or not?
[10:44] <lordievader> Sorry, wrong window.
[10:45] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Xbmc you say :) Do you know if it is possible to make mediabox of a Linux laptop or similar and remotely wireless stream audio and video to a TV?
[10:45] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, the profile will basically act like a switch, set to analog and it comes out via rca connector, set to hdmi and it outputs to the hdmi, at least thats how my hdmi-combo card works
[10:47] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: For the moment I can manually switch between analog stereo and digital hdmi output in profile. But I do not understand how to make auto switch between them.
[10:47] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, i just installed xbmc on the lappy too, much simpler than the other setups, and i already have the userdata from the HTC server
[10:48] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, auto? in what sense?
[10:48] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: What I am looking for is a solution to get rid of HDMi cable once and for all between TV and laptop ... There is some wireless HDMI solutions, but usually expensive and not worth it. Also tried mediastreamer tvix, but problem unfortunatly.
[10:49] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Auto in sense that when I plugin HDMI cable system automaticly switch from analog to digital HDMI and when unplug HDMI cable switch back again.
[10:50] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, something as to be intermediary, a rasberry-pi? that what its called? the ps3?
[10:51] <almoxarife> got an xbox? ps3?
[10:51] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, ?
[10:51] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Rather not intermediary either. I would like stream wireless directly between computer and TV without any extra devices or cables at all.
[10:52] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Yes I hav xbox 360
[10:52] <almoxarife> your tv can act as a media server?
[10:53] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, ?
[10:53] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: I do not know if it can. Doesnt that require a smartTV?
[10:54] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, no, it just as to have the capability to see a media server squawking in upnp or dla? dln? forget which it is called
[10:54] <almoxarife> use the xbox as the as a client for the media server
[10:55] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: DLNA?
[10:55] <almoxarife> thats it Oxymoron
[10:55] <Oxymoron> I read Samsung shall have DLNA support on their TVs but some have problem to use it googles says :P
[10:56] <Avihay> I think mythTV accepts an X-Box as a media streamer or "media extender"
[10:56] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: I know I can plugin external Hdd to it and it can scan it and play video files directly.
[10:57] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, thats one option
[10:57] <Oxymoron> I have a tvix which is a mediastreamer. But my experience is that long bootup time, also on Xbox etc. I am looking for a solution, where I simply start TV, change channel, start movie on laptop and voila video and audio streams without any settings or start any intermediary device.
[10:57] <almoxarife> Avihay, xbox also does well with xbmc
[10:58] <Oxymoron> With an intermediary device you need HDMi cable from it to TV.
[10:58] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, correct
[10:58] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: One thing I unfrtoantly do not like is that xbox 360 Slim sounds like a jet engine when turned on because of the fans :P
[10:58] <Avihay> almoxarife: you mean using it as an output device instead of the screen?
[10:58] <almoxarife> you have the xbox, Oxymoron, xbmc to the xbox?
[10:59] <Avihay> instead of the computer's screen*
[10:59] <almoxarife> Avihay, i didnt understand your last
[10:59] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Yes, would work :) Xbox will play the media then?
[11:00] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, yeap, serve up xbmc
[11:00] <Oxymoron> and xbox, will it just redirect media stream from xbmc to tv?
[11:00] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, yeap
[11:01] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: And if my TV supports DLNA, how to make it work, do you know?
[11:01] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, xbmc is just an app, a server, it will stream to anything dnla upnp, networked
[11:02] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, the issue is xbmc seeing xbmc server, xbox is already connected to the tube
[11:02] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: yeah i know :) XBMC is nice. Problem is that I have not been able to use it on any device earlier.
[11:03] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, the issue is xbox seeing xbmc server, xbox is already connected to the tube
[11:03] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: what do you mean?
[11:04] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, xbmc > network > xbox >hdmi > tv
[11:05] <almoxarife> Oxymoron, xbmc > network > xbox(network connects to xbmc) >hdmi > tv
[11:06] <almoxarife> need to go figure out dragon player, see ya
[11:07] <Oxymoron> almoxarife: Alright hehe :P
[11:19] <almoxarife> lordievader, took your advice, switched phonon to vlc backend, mp4 work now, thks
[11:19] <pedor> hi, how do i search kde-look from system settings? I only can search opendesktop.org
[11:20] <pedor> or search kubuntu-art?
[11:28] <lethu> pedor, what do you mean by searching kde-look ?
[11:29] <pedor> lethu: in system settings I can search for a new icon set, right? but it only gaves opendesktop.org results
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[11:30] <lethu> pedor, you mean after you click on "Get neww themes" ?
[11:30] <pedor> lethu: yes
[11:30] <lethu> s/neww/new
[11:32] <lethu> pedor, I don't believe it's possible to search kde-look themes from the system settings, you have to manually download the themes from kde-look then install them via the "Install Theme File..." button
[11:34] <shlomif-rsip> Hi all. I am trying to use OpenGL as the KDE (4.8.3) desktop effects backend on Ubuntu 12.04 and it doesn't work. I noticed my OpenGL Vendor ID is "VMware Inc." - is this normal?
[11:34] <pedor> lethu: I found a screenshot which seems to be possible:http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/splashscreen/get-new-theme.png
[11:35] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: You seem to be using vmware, have you enabled the 3d accelaration?
[11:36] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader, I am not using VMware - this is a live machine.
[11:36] <lethu> pedor, wait, let me check something
[11:36] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Do you mean with a live machine a box running a live-cd?
[11:37] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader, no, I mean it is a physical computer. Not a Virtual Machine (VMware or otherwise).
[11:37] <pedor> ok
[11:37] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Ah ok.
[11:39] <lethu> pedor, sorry couldn't find a way to achieve what is in that screenshot
[11:39] <lethu> pedor, somebody else may be more suited to help you with this
[11:40] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: What do you get when you run: sudo lspci -v|grep VGA
[11:40] <lordievader> pedor: What is your problem?
[11:40] <pedor> lethu: ok, thanks
[11:40] <lethu> pedor, np
[11:40] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader, I am getting \01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Turks [Radeon HD 6570] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
[11:41] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Ok, so you got a ATI gfx card, have you installed the driver for it?
[11:42] <pedor> lordievader: hi, how I add kde-look.org to system setting? I'm trying to add a new icon set but when I go to search new theme it only shows opendesktop.org results
[11:42] <lordievader> pedor: Hmm I'm not sure, manual install is not an option?
[11:43] <pedor> lordievader: it could be, I'm just tyring the easy way
[11:43] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: the driver is installed.
[11:44] <pedor> I had kubuntu installed after ubuntu, and it worked, now that I installed only ubuntu it's not working
[11:45] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: So fglrxinfo gives vmware with the opengl? (Assuming you installed the proprietary driver)
[11:46] <lordievader> pedor: I'd say manual install is easier, I've had it happen quite often that the gui would say that it was installed but nothing was installed.
[11:46] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: I am using the FOSS radeon driver.
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[11:47] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: This is my Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1024892/ .
[11:48] <pedor> lordievader: hm, ok, thanks. now I need to figereout how to install them, lol
[11:49] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Do you mind installing the proprietary driver? I believe it has better support for OpenGL than the open-source radeon drivers (might be wrong though)
[11:50] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: that's not my problem.
[11:50] <shlomif-rsip> My problem is that X does not use the radeon driver in the first place.
[11:50] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Ah I see, sorry.
[11:55] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: working now.
[11:55] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: thanks.
[11:56] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Oh hey, what did you do?
[11:56] <shlomif-rsip> lordievader: I booted with the standard mode - not the rescue mode.
[11:56] <shlomif-rsip> KMS is disabled in rescue mode.
[11:57] <lordievader> Ah that explains it.
[11:57] <shlomif-rsip> Previously, I was unable to boot using the non-rescue mode.
[11:57] <shlomif-rsip> So now OpenGL works fine.
[11:57] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: That is good :)
[12:23] <rindolf> Hi all.
[12:23] * rindolf is also shlomif-rsip
[12:26] <lordievader> shlomif-rsip: Welcome back.
[12:27] <rindolf> lordievader: here my nickname is rindolf.
[12:28] <lordievader> rindolf: I see.
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[12:42] <rindolf> lordievader: now I have a problem that on the Kubuntu machine, KWin keeps crashing when I move wobbly windows.
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[12:42] <rindolf> lordievader: extreme tuxracer also crashes.
[12:44] <lordievader> rindolf: Try running tuxracer from a terminal, might give you a hint what the problem is.
[12:44] <rindolf> lordievader: I did.
[12:44] <rindolf> lordievader: I get "Segmentation Fault'. I can try inside gdb.
[12:47] <lordievader> rindolf: I still sugest installing the proprietary drivers, as they have better support for OpenGL, you could try to set the kwin to xrender. It will use your cpu instead of gpu. If then it doesn't crash it is probably the driver.
[13:19] <BluesKaj> hi all
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[14:27] <wcs> hi folks
[14:28] <wcs> i'm having an issue with gtk oxygen on precise
[14:30] <wcs> i have already installed kde-config-gtk, but can't make it work...
[14:32] <wcs> gtk3 apps uses ambiance theme, but gtk2 apps looks completely square...
[14:32] <wcs> I will apreciate any help n_n
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[15:37] <artao> whoa!! o.0 ... i just accidentally hit <win><tab> and it did something funky here. firefox disappeared and the desktop background went back to default
[15:38] <artao> quassel stayed visible, but that's it
[15:38] <artao> hitting the same key-combo again put it back
[15:38] <artao> i changed NOTHING so that means it's default Kubuntu behaviour ... .... what the HECK is it??? o.0
[15:45] <BluesKaj> artao, it's not default behaviour here
[15:59] <lordievader> Good afternoon
[16:06] <Neuhmaan> Hi !
[16:07] <Neuhmaan> Sorry but my English is not very well, but how get KDE 4.9 on Ubuntu ?
[16:08] <lordievader> Neuhmaan: Hey, I believe they are not yet in the repos, so you got two options: 1 wait for it, or 2 compile from source.
[16:08] <Neuhmaan> lordievader: But compile is too hard for me =( What I must do ?
[16:09] <lordievader> Neuhmaan: Then you just need to wait until they are in the repos, and do an update once they have arrived.
[16:10] <Neuhmaan> lordievader: Its long ? x)
[16:11] <lordievader> No idea, perhaps someone else knows how quickly that goes?
[16:14] <jussi> usually pretty quick to get to the ppa
[16:40] <dwrunkle> Hello. I wonder if someone can help me get my old Nvidia FX5200 card to work in Kubuntu 12.04?
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[16:44] <lordievader> dwrunkle: Have you installed the drivers?
[16:46] <dwrunkle> Even tried the latest version (253?) from NVidia. Problem is: Nvidia-Xconfig creates a dummy xorg.conf, but Nvidia-settings does not see it. System only shows Default screen when I have two screens running.
[16:47] <dwrunkle> I am using a Gigabyte GA-880GM-USB3 motherboard and the FX5200 is in the PCI slot.
[16:47] <lordievader> dwrunkle: But the driver does get loaded?
[16:48] <dwrunkle> YEs. Then driver is loaded but shows as not being used.
[16:49] <lordievader> dwrunkle: What do you mean? Does nvidia-config complain about the driver?
[16:50] <dwrunkle> It just shows a config screen with only the default screen and no options.
[16:50] <lordievader> dwrunkle: Is the card even able to handle 2 screens?
[16:51] <dwrunkle> I bought it originally to use two VGA screens and it has worked fine through Kubuntu 11..04.
[16:52] <lordievader> dwrunkle: And what did you do in 11.04 to get it working?
[16:52] <dwrunkle> But then I upgraded the motherboard and then did a clean install of Kubuntu 12.04
[16:52] <thgilsrooc|lt> hi folks
[16:53] <dwrunkle> I am now wondering if the motherboard is the problem. Since it is a new motherboard, maybe it has some kind of "enhanced" PCI slot?
[16:53] <lordievader> dwrunkle: But what did you do to get it working in 11.04?
[16:54] <dwrunkle> Just ran the Nvidia-xconfig and then Nvidia-settings.
[16:54] <lordievader> dwrunkle: And how did you install the driver?
[16:54] <dwrunkle> That is what is making me now think it is the motherboard.
[16:55] <Renegade15> is there any way to force apt or aptitude to just plain upgrade upgradable packages without paying attention to dependencies and shit?
[16:55] <dwrunkle> Kubuntu 11.04 was on the old motherboard.
[16:56] <lordievader> dwrunkle: That is not what I am asking, how did you install the driver in 11.04?
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[16:57] <dwrunkle> The driver was installed during upgrade on 11.04. There is the proprietary driver tool under System that will load different versions of the driver, but the latest version worked under Kubuntu 11.04
[16:58] <lordievader> dwrunkle: Ok so you installed it through the system tool. Have you tried reinstalling the driver?
[16:59] <dwrunkle> I just chose twinview in the nvidia-settings (nvidia-config) and got the desktop across both screens.
[16:59] <dwrunkle> Yes.
[17:00] <lordievader> dwrunkle: What output do you get when you run: jockey-text -l
[17:00] <lordievader> !paste | dwrunkle
[17:00] <ubottu> dwrunkle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[17:01] <dwrunkle> Also tried different versiona (93, 175, etc.) All resusled in not being able to use the screen because the driver made the screen go to some aweful resolution where I could not even read the entries. I had to remove the xorg.conf completely and reboot to get the default screen back so I can see anything.
[17:02] <tiger1> co to jest??
[17:02] <dwrunkle> Ah. Sorry. I need to get off for now and run an errand Will be back in am hour or two.
[17:03] <lordievader> dwrunkle: Good luck with your problem!
[17:08] <jhutchins_lt> Renegade15: Why would you want to do that?
[17:17] <JuJuBee> How can I recursively remove all files in a dir tree but leave the directory structure in tact? Anybody have a script for such a task?
[17:19] <jhutchins_lt> JuJuBee: you could use find
[17:19] <JuJuBee> I'd like to run from command line... elaborate...
[17:20] <Peace-> JuJuBee: wait
[17:20] <jhutchins_lt> JuJuBee: find is a console command. (It has a man page.)
[17:21] <jhutchins_lt> JuJuBee: Have a look and see what you think would work, and we'll be glad to fill in any specific questions.
[17:21] <Peace-> find folder path -type f
[17:21] <Peace-> shoudl find the files
[17:22] <Peace-> while read line ; do rm "$line" ; done < <(find folder path -type f)
[17:22] <Peace-> should do the job
[17:22] <Peace-> NOT SURE
[17:26] <jhutchins_lt> Peace-: Or you could just use the delete option in find.
[17:27] <jhutchins_lt> Peace-: Before that was available people either used -exec or xargs.
[17:27] <Peace-> i dunno
[17:29] <jhutchins_lt> Good tricks to learn. I make use of find an open-ended interview question.
[17:29] <diego_> teste
[17:31] <lordievader> Gotta go
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[17:54] <Guest83509> Anyone know latest ppa's for kde 4.9 beta? Launchpad ppa's for beta kubuntu don't work
[18:00] <CruX|> hello
[18:00] <CruX|> if I change keyboard layout from qwertz to qwerty
[18:01] <CruX|> ctrl-z is not working in kate
[18:01] <CruX|> ctrl-z is ctrl-y
[18:01] <CruX|> please fix this
[18:01] <Guest83509> CruX|: you need to file a bud at launchpad.net
[18:02] <Guest83509> CruX|: bug...
[18:02] <Guest83509> CruX|: you may finally be reporting the bug at kde though
[18:03] <Guest83509> CruX|: check you setting area to see if you can't modifyt he keyboard setup. maybe you have abad profile match to your brand of keyboard?
[18:07] <Renegade15> jhutchins_lt: Sorry, was eating. Because even though I waited two months to give the devs time to fix stuff this time, the dist-upgrade process was a disaster, as usual. Doesn't matter by now, though. I accepted the fact that, as usual, the system is a mess and apt is gonna wipe out half the system before I can start fixing it.
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[18:20] <jhutchins_lt> Dist upgrades have gone smoothly for me, but I stick with stable.
[18:20] <jhutchins_lt> If you do stuff like upgrade packages but not upgrade their dependencies you're going to have breakage.
[18:22] <Renegade15> most certainly less breakage than before
[18:22] <jhutchins_lt> Good, good.
[18:23] <Renegade15> not to mention that shit like aptitude dying over blank lines in rarcrack-compdigitec-unofficial's description is definitely not my fault
[18:25] <jussi> Tm_T: !!!!!!!!
[18:25] <jussi> Tm_T: I fixored it -see post #3 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=137257
[18:37] <sdaugherty> Hi, There seems to be some sort of squid error on www.kubuntu.org. http://paste.kde.org/493742/
[18:48] <lordievader> Good evening
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[19:11] <semyon__> is any mmorpg on ubuntu 10.04?
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[21:22] <giantpune> hi, i have an issue with a micro SD card. every time i insert the card into my computer, the whole system seems to lock up and my sd reader is trying really hard to read from the card. when i pull the card out of my reader, the system starts responding again
[21:23] <giantpune> my dmesg gets filled up with this over and over. http://pastie.org/private/0o0jxkytrauei4muctewva
[21:24] <giantpune> does anybody have any ideas about what can be done to make it work right?
[21:35] <fasta> Which framebuffer modules do I need to boot?
[21:42] <datruth> how can I edit my boot menu in kubuntu?
[21:43] <LordOfTime> you mean the grub bootloader?
[21:43] <datruth> Yes
[21:44] <LordOfTime> how did you want to edit it?
[21:45] <LordOfTime> i.e. what did you want to edit in it
[21:45] <datruth> Well when I boot up there are two entries for Windows 7 for two drives but they both boot to the same os
[21:46] <datruth> I added a second drive and formatted as FAT32 so it can been seen via my dual boot
[21:46] <datruth> so I'd like to remove the extra entry
[21:58] <LordOfTime> datruth: ah, that won't stick then
[21:59] <sunitasethi> hi LordOfTime
[21:59] <LordOfTime> i filed this as a bug (I have the same problem), LP Bug 1009147
[21:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1009147 in os-prober (Ubuntu) "Windows partitions incorrectly detected as duplicates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1009147
[21:59] <LordOfTime> datruth: ^ might want to mark that as affecting you as well
[22:02] <datruth> hemm
[22:02] <datruth> damn
[22:41] <brad___> is it possible to disable the webcame in kopete? on my notebook the webcam is built in and the light comes on whenever kopete is on
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[23:41] <mr0wl> what's good PPA for the latest Firefox?
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[23:50] <Guest2403> question. How could I install xfce on Kubuntu 5.04 powerpc?
[23:52] <mydogsnameisrudy> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu