UbuntuIRC / 2012 /06 /02 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== ty_ is now known as legasp
[00:40] <pmatulis> hello
[01:58] <rhombsdoc> hi there
[01:59] <rhombsdoc> anyone alive? i got a problem with my lubuntu 12.04 on my acer one netbook
[01:59] <rhombsdoc> whenever i want to restart, it kind of shuts-down, turns off the screen
[01:59] <rhombsdoc> but it doesnt really "shutdown"
[02:00] <rhombsdoc> BUT, using shutdown -h works just fine
[02:00] <rhombsdoc> it only hangs when i use "reboot"
[02:00] <Unit193> Can you switch to a TTY and pull anything?
[02:00] <reflexrg> if its a bug
[02:00] <rhombsdoc> iam gonna check, 1 sec
[02:00] <reflexrg> just open a terminal and enter in "sudo shutdown -r now"
[02:01] <GridCube> lubuntu doesnt use lightdm?
[02:01] <rhombsdoc> sudo shutdown -r now << works fine
[02:01] <rhombsdoc> yes it does
[02:01] <Unit193> GridCube: 12.04 does.
[02:01] <GridCube> okay thanks
[02:04] <rhombsdoc> re
[02:04] <rhombsdoc> no, cant do nothing
[02:04] <rhombsdoc> backlight of the screen is turned off already
[02:04] <rhombsdoc> any ideas? is there any log of the shutdown sequence?
[02:05] <Unit193> /etc/init.d/reboot that one?
[02:05] <rhombsdoc> yes
[02:05] <rhombsdoc> i mean, it think so...in the terminal as root: reboot and enter
[02:06] <rhombsdoc> no
[02:06] <rhombsdoc> /sbin/reboot
[03:09] <Drok00> hello all, I have a question about the menu in lubuntu, would anybody be willing to help me?
[04:01] <rwhite5279> Quick question regarding my Lubuntu 12.04 persistent USB installation. Is there any way to disable auto-login? I've tried commenting out autologin lines in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf but I still get a lubuntu autologin. Changing the auto-login user to a different admin account still autologins, even though passwords have been set. Any help gratefully appreciated.
[04:16] <Mandalord1> to rwhite5279
[04:16] <rwhite5279> Hey Manda
[04:17] <Mandalord1> how about System tools
[04:17] <Mandalord1> User and group
[04:17] <rwhite5279> Yeah, that was the first thing I tried
[04:17] <Mandalord1> click change in your password
[04:17] <Mandalord1> uncheck Don't ask for password on login
[04:17] <rwhite5279> Passwords are set, and operating once I've booted
[04:18] <rwhite5279> Yeah, it's not checked.
[04:19] <Mandalord1> both your user and admin account have the same prob???
[04:19] <rwhite5279> Pretty sure that for the USB drives they want auto-login operating, and I just haven't been able to get it turned of.
[04:19] <rwhite5279> Yup
[04:20] <rwhite5279> Interesting thing is that standard Ubuntu distro is letting me require a password for login on the persistent USB drive I'm using for that. It works as it should. But Lubuntu, for whatever reason, isn't letting me require it.
[04:21] <Mandalord1> how about this /etc/lxdm/default.conf
[04:22] <Mandalord1> could you open it and paste several lines here
[04:23] <rwhite5279> It's on a different machine, but.. "autologin=lubuntu" has not been commented out. I'll try commenting that out and see what happens.
[04:24] * rwhite5279 rebooting... :)
[04:25] <rwhite5279> Thanks for the help, Manda. You people all developers here?
[04:25] <Mandalord1> not really im just an user
[04:26] <rwhite5279> cool. Appreciate you checking in.
[04:26] <Mandalord1> is your prob solved??
[04:27] <rwhite5279> usb's take FOREVER to boot.
[04:27] <rwhite5279> Checking...
[04:27] <Mandalord1> oh god
[04:27] <rwhite5279> I know, right?
[04:27] <rwhite5279> Problem persists... it booted right up into Live mode
[04:28] <rwhite5279> But I'm going to dig around into that default.conf file... maybe there's something else there. Haven't been able to dig up anything on the wikis, etc. yet.
[04:31] <Mandalord1> well
[04:31] <Mandalord1> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/lxdm.1.html
[04:32] <Mandalord1> it just instruct that we uncomment to disable autologin
[04:34] <rwhite5279> Yeah. For the USB persistent drive, that line is already uncommented, because they want the user to be able to get in without any initial info. There was no change, though, when I commented that line. Rebooting still took me straight to the lubuntu user desktop.
[04:34] <mi3> hello
[04:36] <rwhite5279> Hi, mi3.
[04:36] <rwhite5279> Manda, I see that there's a default session option too in that file: "session=/usr/bin/startlubuntu" I'm going to comment that out and see what happens.
[04:42] <rwhite5279> Dammit, Manda. Still booted right in!
[04:43] <Mandalord1> i've just read file startlubuntu
[04:43] <rwhite5279> It even reset the commented out "session=/usr/bin/startlubuntu" after I commented it out.
[04:43] <Mandalord1> it contain some instruction for the OS to do when it start
[04:44] <Mandalord1> so i dont think its gonna work
[04:44] <Mandalord1> well your situation is strange
[04:45] <Mandalord1> because you use usb instead of full install
[04:45] <rwhite5279> Yeah... I'll dig around some more. I thought someone here might see that I was doing something stupid.
[04:45] <Mandalord1> i'll think about it and inform you asap
[04:45] <rwhite5279> Appreciate your time!
[04:56] <rwhite5279> Manda, there's some interesting descriptions of "removing the (casper) autologin" under 9.04 here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization Kind of crazy.
[05:11] <Mandalord1> this is really crazy
[05:16] <Mandalord1> rwhite, i found that default.conf is just a shortcut
[05:17] <Mandalord1> the target file is /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf
[05:18] <Mandalord1> ah nvm
[05:19] <rwhite5279> Yeah... that file gets reset by some other file at startup.
[05:21] <rwhite5279> Much as I'm digging Lubuntu, I think I may go back to the standard Ubuntu install. I liked that I had to authenticate, even to run the LiveUSB.
[05:23] <Mandalord1> well it might be easier if using full install
[05:31] <rwhite5279> I eventually stumbled onto this, which looks pretty exotic. Not that I'll be trying it out. http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20959
[05:36] <Mandalord1> i see
[05:37] <Mandalord1> they use script
[05:40] <Mandalord1> you should have some pro checking that script if this is suitable for 12.04
[05:41] <Mandalord1> hope this script work
[05:41] <Mandalord1> :D
[05:42] <rwhite5279> :) Not even going to go there!
[09:08] <CellTech> Yes. Lubuntu is broken. that's why i'm constantly getting "system experianced an error"...
[09:35] <head_victim> I used to get that on vanilla Ubuntu as well. Found an issue with a program I'd installed manually. Anyone else with the issue I'd recommend "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a", it worked for me.
[10:08] <cloudy> Hi - I installed ubuntu and then did "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop". When logging off I see GNOME/Openbox, Openbox, Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2D, but no Lubuntu. Am I missing something?
[10:29] <mi3> Hi, can someone suggest how can I setup a bluetooth dialup connection on lubuntu 12.04 ?
[10:33] <mi3> Hi, can someone suggest how can I setup a bluetooth dialup connection on lubuntu 12.04 ?
[10:33] <cloudy> mi3, I assume you want to connect via cellphone?
[10:33] <mi3> yes, sir
[10:34] <mi3> I have nokia c5, and I want to gain access to internet from bluetooth dialup :D
[10:34] <cloudy> mi3, is your cell phone already visible in your lubuntu installation?
[10:35] <mi3> yes
[10:36] <mi3> I am on windows actually, to seek help, since the internet is not working in lxde, pls give me some suggestions here, so I can apply this in the lubuntu installation :D
[10:37] <mi3> umm cloudy ?
[10:38] <cloudy> mi3, ...searching...
[10:38] <mi3> ok
[10:38] <cloudy> mi3, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup
[10:39] <cloudy> Hi - I installed ubuntu and then did "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop". When logging off I see GNOME/Openbox, Openbox, Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2D, but no Lubuntu. Am I missing something?
[10:42] <mi3> cloudy, I have used blueman, but when I connect to dialup, it always shows port already in use !
[10:44] <cloudy> mi3, have a look at the following link and search for "port already" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1317203
[10:45] <mi3> ok, I'll try that, and see if things work, thanks :D
[10:46] <cloudy> :) you're very welcome
[11:27] <cloudy> Hi - I installed ubuntu and then did "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop". When logging off I see GNOME/Openbox, Openbox, Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2D, but no Lubuntu. Am I missing something?
[11:33] <lollo64it> cloudy: search for lxde in synaptics
[11:36] <cloudy> lollo64it, will try that. Thank you.
[11:58] <head_victim> Shouldn't make a difference, lxde is different to lubuntu-desktop
[12:04] <head_victim> cloudy: were you asked about lighdm or lxdm when you installed lubuntu-desktop?
[12:06] <head_victim> If you can't remember I'd suggest doing a reconfigure (sudo dpkg-reconfigure lubuntu-desktop) and when it asks to select lightdm
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
[15:46] <neure> hello
[15:46] <neure> i want to configure how kdevelop looks
[15:46] <neure> anyone know which package i need to install to get the kde look and feel configuration app?
[15:52] <bioterror> I'm not getting
[15:53] <bioterror> you installed Lubuntu and you want it to look and behove like KDE?
[15:53] <bioterror> *have
[15:54] <neure> well
[15:54] <neure> i want to configure how kdevelop looks
[15:54] <neure> even if you use lubuntu, the way kdevelop looks is configured with kde systemsettings/Workspace Appearance
[15:54] <bioterror> KDE applications are mostly QT
[15:54] <neure> im looking which package to install to get Workspace Appearance to show up
[15:55] <bioterror> bodhizazen, what was the application to make QT apps use GTK?
[15:55] <neure> i installed systemsettings package and i was able to get to system settings, surprise.. but no Workspace Appearance
[15:55] <bioterror> http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/using-gtk-2-themes-with-qt-applications/
[15:56] <neure> qt(4)-config
[15:56] <neure> cool
[15:58] <bodhizazen> thanks bioterror
[15:58] <bodhizazen> bioterror, http://bodhizazen.net/img/Archery/
[15:59] <bodhizazen> click the little "i"icon in the top left
[15:59] <bioterror> niiiice
[15:59] <bodhizazen> i have to work on the css still
[15:59] <bioterror> you got yourself a new toy?
[15:59] <neure> ah
[15:59] <bodhizazen> bow is 6 months or so
[16:00] <bioterror> hahaha, pink for the girl :)
[16:00] <bodhizazen> =)
[16:00] <bioterror> attach couple of hello kitty stickers, and they will love it
[16:02] <neure> how do i change my wallpaper?)
[16:02] <bioterror> neure, right click desktop?
[16:02] <neure> yeah
[16:02] <neure> figured
[16:02] <bioterror> :D
[16:02] <bioterror> or with pcmanfm -command ;D
[16:03] <bioterror> was it: pcmanfm --set-wallpaper /path/to/wallpaper.png
[16:03] <neure> bioterror, i cant get rid of the image?
[16:03] <neure> i just want solid color
[16:04] <neure> that doesnt make sense
[16:04] <neure> i can select solid color, but it always shows the picture
[16:05] <neure> doh
[16:05] <neure> stupid user error
[16:05] <bodhizazen> you can set a background image with nitrogen =)
[16:06] <neure> well
[16:06] <neure> i managed to figure it out now :)
[16:18] <leszek> hi
[17:01] <nikin> hi. I consider switching to lubuntu from xubuntu, but the non-LTS release striked me quite a bit. Will there be a way to continue using 12.04 after the end of support only using ubuntus repos?
[18:15] <nikin> hi... i am trying to install lubuntu but i get an error: about plymouth-upstar being in a soft-lockup loop
[18:17] <leszek> oO nikin after installing or when booting the desktop live system ?
=== ty_ is now known as legasp