UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /30 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:08] <JontheEchidna> hmm, the SBOX_DPKG_INST_ARCH stuff seems the same in 4.8.2
[00:39] <JontheEchidna> we'll see how the qt build goes in my ppa
[01:18] <JontheEchidna> in terms of time, my build has gone for 45 minutes while the buildd only lasted half an hour
[01:23] <JontheEchidna> yay, it's definitely past the point of failure
[02:57] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Did you change anything or did you patch that check out?
[02:57] <JontheEchidna> ScottK: with the gold check patched out
[02:58] <ScottK> Cool.
[02:58] <JontheEchidna> yup :)
[02:58] <ScottK> Rejected the old one.
[03:01] <JontheEchidna> it's running dh_install now. I think I'll call it and upload to the archive
[03:01] <JontheEchidna> dh_strip, even
[03:01] <ScottK> Excellent.
[04:33] <JontheEchidna> bleh, I've committed my progress on kde-workspace 4.8.80
[04:34] <JontheEchidna> I've not been able to get a good list of new missing files, so the .install files still need updating
[04:34] <JontheEchidna> and there are still a few symbols files that I've not been able to get to tonight
[04:34] <JontheEchidna> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1014193 <- if anyone's interested. there may be a X-Debian-ABI bump or two still necessary for some of those
[04:35] <JontheEchidna> so yeah. I'm out for the night. :)
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[07:03] <debfx> JontheEchidna: don't forget to push your qt4-x11 changes to bzr (and bzr add the patch)
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[08:53] <bulldog98_> JontheEchidna: isn’t that it kwin_active
[09:59] <apachelogger> yofel_: back in them good old days we used usermake, which incidentially enough has build progress :P
[11:05] <Blizzz> is there a known bug in (K)ubuntu 12.04 that slows down Internet extremely? It feels like name resolution is fucked up, but neither disabling IPv6 nor disabling dnsmasq helps
[11:25] <Ezim> yofel_, pavucontrol with other theme seems to look correct
[11:32] <Ezim> maybe oxygen and oxygen-old does not have all needed for pavucontrol
[12:21] <jtechidna> pavucontrol does not use standard icons and does not provide the non-standard icons it uses
[12:21] <jtechidna> bulldog98_: isn't what kwin_active?
[12:23] <Ezim> jtechidna, okey... I downloaded rosa icon theme
[12:23] <Ezim> and it looks really good even with pavucontrol
[12:24] <jtechidna> the rule with the icon naming standards is that you use the standard names, and then you provide the icons yourself if they don't following the naming standards. pauvcontrol relies on nonstandard icons inside some gnome icon pack and does not provide them with its package
[12:24] <jtechidna> so they're totally to blame for it
[12:38] <Ezim> jtechidna, thx for the info.
[12:38] <Ezim> I hope in the fetuare kmix will get all functionality that pavucontrol have
[12:38] <Ezim> veromix is a guide start, but it feels beta.
[12:44] <jtechidna> bug 383963, if you'd like the details
[12:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 383963 in pavucontrol (Ubuntu) "icons used in pavucrontrol are not common/standard" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/383963
[12:45] <jtechidna> hmm, that's not quite the one I was thinking of
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[12:50] <annma> hi is Scott Kitterman here please?
[12:50] <annma> ah no I see ScottK, he is away
[12:51] <annma> ScottK: when you come back please considere to fill http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Testing/Beta/InstallingBeta1#Kubuntu when you have details about the KDE 4.9 beta, whenever this will be. Thanks in advance
[13:42] <jtechidna> annma: we won't be able to complete beta1 packaging since it's been cancelled. (tarballs removed from ftpmaster)
[13:46] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:50] <annma> jtechidna: we don't know if it's cancelled
[13:50] <annma> those tarballs are cancelled
[13:50] <annma> but maybe not the beta 1
[13:51] <jtechidna> ah, ok
[13:52] <jtechidna> I think that there was a miscommunication on kde-packager due to the dramatic title of the thread
[13:52] <jtechidna> "calling off beta 1"
[13:52] <jtechidna> where the body of the message does say that only the tarballs are cancelled, now that you mention it
[15:04] <shadeslayer> annma: installing project-neon-all is a bit of a overkill :P
[15:05] <shadeslayer> there's a smaller backage called project-neon-base
[15:05] * shadeslayer adds to wiki
[15:08] <highvoltage> hi! Rocs doesn't have an icon under gnome, I guess it doesn't have one under KDE either? Should I file a ticket for that and would it be ok if I fixed it?
[15:12] <highvoltage> (well, I went ahead and filed it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rocs/+bug/1006461)
[15:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1006461 in rocs (Ubuntu) "Rocs does not have a menu icon" [Low,Confirmed]
[15:12] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: around?
[15:15] <shadeslayer> highvoltage: Assigned to Jonathan Carter?
[15:16] <shadeslayer> are you going to fix it? :_
[15:16] <shadeslayer> s/_/)
[15:17] <highvoltage> shadeslayer: if no one else is, if I can assign it to you or kubuntu-dev or something, please let me know
[15:17] <shadeslayer> sec, I'll have a look right now :)
[15:17] <highvoltage> ok, thanks
[15:19] <highvoltage> maybe while I'm on the issue of menu icons, in edubuntu we also see "Nepomuk Backup", Nepomuk File Indexing Controller" and "Akonaditray" in the menus. They don't seem to be that useful on gnome fallback sessions.
[15:19] <highvoltage> we ship override .desktop files in /usr/share/ubuntu/applications that contain "OnlyShowIn=KDE"
[15:20] <highvoltage> but I'm wondering if that should just perhaps be the default in the actual nepomuck/akonadi packaging
[15:20] <shadeslayer> hm, interesting ..
[15:20] <shadeslayer> I do remember see'ing those icons in unity a couple of months ago
[15:23] <shadeslayer> heh
[15:24] <shadeslayer> highvoltage: upstream only ships a svg in sources
[15:24] <shadeslayer> probably why we don't install it
[15:24] <shadeslayer> though it's only 288 KB's
[15:25] <jtechidna> I don't know if the svg would work
[15:25] <jtechidna> especially if it uses the rocs icon for say the window icon via KIcon
[15:27] * shadeslayer looks
[15:32] <bulldog98_> jtechidna: sorry thought the binary would be named kwin_active, but I didn’t remember the name right :(
[15:33] <jtechidna> bulldog98_: the binary for what again?
[15:34] <jtechidna> oh, for my error
[15:34] <bulldog98_> jtechidna: kwin-active package, where you failed over at around 12 hours ago
[15:34] <jtechidna> bulldog98_: the package build had completed and it was running my list-missing pbuilder script
[15:34] <jtechidna> it's an error with the pbuilder script I think
[15:35] <jtechidna> but it means that I can't get a list of missing files introduced in 4.8.80
[15:35] <jtechidna> but my list-missing pbuilder hook may be old, so somebody else might be able to get a list
[15:37] <bulldog98_> jtechidna: why don’t you use the bzr branch as a checkout?
[15:38] <jtechidna> ?
[15:39] <jtechidna> I did: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace
[15:42] <shadeslayer> everything seems broken :( : http://paste.kde.org/490022/
[15:42] <jtechidna> anyways, I'm heading out to grab some lunch, bbiab
[15:42] <bulldog98_> apachelogger: do you want to have some shell coding fun? :)
[15:43] <jtechidna> bulldog98_: oh, did you mean the bzr for the pbuilder hooks?
[15:43] <bulldog98_> jtechidna: jep
[15:43] <jtechidna> ah, sorry. I misunderstood
[15:44] <jtechidna> yeah, I could do that, but I didn't have time for another 2 hour build last night :P
[15:44] <bulldog98_> shadeslayer: ok what have you done?
[15:44] <jtechidna> and I won't be able to do anythign further until I get home later
[15:44] <shadeslayer> bulldog98_: sudo apt-get update :P
[15:44] <bulldog98_> jtechidna: ask yofel for an account, he might have one
[15:44] <bulldog98_> shadeslayer: from where?
[15:44] <shadeslayer> and then tried to install rocs build deps
[15:45] <shadeslayer> bulldog98_: huh? From my laptop?
[15:45] <bulldog98_> shadeslayer: I mean apt-cache policy
[15:46] <shadeslayer> you're not making any sense :(
[15:46] <bulldog98_> shadeslayer: I mean what ppa have you that stuff from
[15:46] <shadeslayer> oh
[15:46] * shadeslayer looks
[15:47] <shadeslayer> for some reason, I have one of jtechidna's PPA
[15:47] <bulldog98_> shadeslayer: also do you have the -scr stuff also in it?
[15:47] <shadeslayer> and ninjas
[15:47] <bulldog98_> s/scr/src/
[15:47] <shadeslayer> which explains why it's broke
[15:47] <kubotu> bulldog98_ meant: "shadeslayer: also do you have the -src stuff also in it?"
[15:48] <shadeslayer> *broken
[15:48] <shadeslayer> bulldog98_: yeah I have sources enabled for the main repos, not for the PPA's
[15:50] <bulldog98_> hm build-dep searches in the src stuff as far as I know. debfx or someone else with higher knowledge
[15:51] <shadeslayer> sec, disabled ninjas, updating and checking
[15:54] <shadeslayer> hmm, still problematic, probably need to upgrade the system or sth, will look into it once this image is done rsync'ing
[16:05] <Ezim> guys/girls will ubuntu/canonical update libreoffice to version 3.4.5 or should we user use ppa for that?
[16:11] * Darkwing kicks WebDAV and Dolphin
[16:11] <shadeslayer> Ezim: I see 3.5.3 in -updates
[16:12] <shadeslayer> !info libreoffice
[16:12] <ubottu> libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.5.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 22 kB, installed size 155 kB
[16:12] <shadeslayer> ofcourse, I'm talking about precise here
[16:13] <Ezim> shadeslayer, yeah we have for be exact
[16:13] <shadeslayer> right, so .. isn't that greater than 3.4.5 ?
[16:13] <Darkwing> 3.5.* is a higher version than 3.4.5
[16:13] <Darkwing> so, you want them to downgrade?
[16:13] <shadeslayer> I'm not sure I see the problem here
[16:13] <Ezim> that is not same as 3.5.4
[16:13] <Darkwing> No, it's an earlier version.
[16:13] <shadeslayer> <Ezim> guys/girls will ubuntu/canonical update libreoffice to version 3.4.5 or should we user use ppa for that?
[16:13] <Ezim> I mean 3.5.4 sorry about 3.4.5 :)
[16:14] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:14] <Darkwing> ahhhhhhhh
[16:14] <Ezim> :)
[16:14] <shadeslayer> ah, in that case ... looks like a bug fix release, I'd guess they'll update it
[16:14] <Darkwing> I'm sure they will at some point. I think the libreoffice maintainers will get to it at some point.
[16:14] <shadeslayer> ( from the versioning, I have not looked at the changelog )
[16:15] <Ezim> shadeslayer, 3.4.5 is not a rc.... so it should... do not want to add one more ppa :P...
[16:15] <Darkwing> When did 3.5.4 drop?
[16:16] <Ezim> Darkwing, today
[16:16] <Darkwing> Yeah, give them some time for it.
[16:16] <Darkwing> I don't use libreoffice so...
[16:16] <Ezim> Darkwing, I will... only wanted to know if they will update it sooner or later
[16:16] <Ezim> Darkwing, calligra?
[16:17] <Darkwing> Ezim: aye
[16:17] <Ezim> Darkwing, hardcore :) kde.....
[16:17] <Darkwing> Ezim: Why not? :D
[16:17] <Darkwing> I'm kinda a KDE centric person.
[16:17] <Ezim> Darkwing, I see that... thats not wrong...
[16:18] <Darkwing> Although, I do use Chromium
[16:18] <Ezim> but I prefer libreoffice...
[16:18] <Ezim> Darkwing, have you tried qupzilla?
[16:18] <Darkwing> But, that is so I can share info between my laptop, both tablets and mobile.
[16:18] <Ezim> Darkwing, I see. android user?
[16:18] <Darkwing> Till they can share tabs, passwords, bookmarks etc... nope.
[16:18] <Darkwing> Yes, I am.
[16:19] <Ezim> ok that explains a lot
[16:19] <Darkwing> :)
[16:19] <Darkwing> I will say that QuasselDroid is a great addition. :D
[16:21] <Darkwing> But, right now I'm fighting with WebDAV using owncloud and dolphin.
[16:21] <Darkwing> But, Zeya works wonders!
[16:21] * Darkwing is kinda in love with Zeya
[16:22] <shadeslayer> Darkwing: oh btw, about the TF101
[16:23] <shadeslayer> Darkwing: they reverse engineered stuff, and now you can nvflash pretty much anything
[16:23] <shadeslayer> even on B70+ devices
[16:23] <shadeslayer> I'm about to flash ubuntu on my unbricked TF in about 2-3 mins :D
[16:30] <Darkwing> shadeslayer: you have a step-by-step?
[16:30] <shadeslayer> Darkwing: http://androidroot.mobi/
[16:31] <shadeslayer> lemme find the XDA thread
[16:33] <shadeslayer> Darkwing: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1280774
[16:35] <Darkwing> shadeslayer: ayesome stuff.
[16:35] <Darkwing> awesome
[16:35] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:35] <Darkwing> I got one of those ZaTabs I talked about it my blog.
[16:36] <jtechidna> yay, the beta1 tarballs are going back up, with new ones to be expected tomorrow w/ the patches that we needed for the original beta1 tarballs
[16:37] <Darkwing> Anyone played with owncloud and dolphin?
[16:38] <shadeslayer> I forget your blog address
[16:39] <shadeslayer> ah yes, wonderly.com
[16:40] <shadeslayer> Darkwing: do you have hardware acceleration working on it?
[16:40] <Darkwing> shadeslayer: what you refering to?
[16:40] <shadeslayer> Darkwing: ZaTab + Ubuntu
[16:41] <shadeslayer> quite interesting that ZaReason is making a Tablet
[16:41] <Darkwing> I like the idea.
[16:41] <Darkwing> And, I have not flashed ubuntu on there yet.
[16:41] <Darkwing> shadeslayer: rbelem has one as well that he is working with Active on.
[16:41] <shadeslayer> cool!
[16:42] <Darkwing> I just got my server up and running so, I'm going to be playing with it more in the next couple days.
[16:49] <jtechidna> yay: http://sourceforge.net/projects/soprano/files/Soprano/2.7.56/
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[19:11] <shadeslayer> rbelem: ping
[19:13] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, pong
[19:13] <rbelem> shadeslayer, pong
[19:13] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: does sama has some kind of lib and a nice api doc for use?
[19:14] <dantti_laptop> *samba
[19:14] <dantti_laptop> last time I looked for I couldn't find
[19:14] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, as client?
[19:14] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: yes
[19:14] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: it's about that printer thing I told you
[19:15] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, i remember :-)
[19:16] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, lsat time that i messing with samba, i had to look the sources to figure out how it works
[19:16] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, libsmbclient is the lib
[19:16] <dantti_laptop> lol
[19:16] <rbelem> :-D
[19:17] <shadeslayer> rbelem: is plasma active fixed in precise? Like, if I install the kubuntu-active package, it'll give me the entire system right?
[19:18] <shadeslayer> last time I did it, it was borked
[19:18] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: thanks I'll have a look at
[19:18] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, http://code.google.com/p/libsmbmm/
[19:22] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, http://gitweb.samba.org/?p=samba.git;a=blob;f=source3/include/libsmbclient.h;h=ccf80da72d06d120591eb3353880bee6233c3ea1;hb=HEAD
[19:22] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, man 7 libsmbclient :-D
[19:22] <rbelem> shadeslayer, it works fine
[19:23] <shadeslayer> ok
[19:23] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: right thanks, should be a bit easier if I look at the py code again.. at least I'd know what to use :P
[19:24] <rbelem> shadeslayer, but it is not working exacly like upstream meant
[19:24] <rbelem> shadeslayer, some patches are missing
[19:24] <shadeslayer> huh?
[19:24] <shadeslayer> oh
[19:24] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i just know about those patches one week before release
[19:25] <shadeslayer> ouch
[19:25] <rbelem> shadeslayer, Tm_Tr found some issues that needs to be fixed
[19:25] <shadeslayer> rbelem: can you link me to them?
[19:25] <rbelem> shadeslayer, yup
[19:25] <shadeslayer> alright, I asked because I'm about to upgrade the tablet to precise
[19:25] <shadeslayer> then will install Plasma Active
[19:26] <rbelem> shadeslayer, nice :-)
[19:26] <shadeslayer> yeah, managed to fix the tablet :D
[19:27] <rbelem> shadeslayer, ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/active/2.0/src/
[19:28] <bulldog98_> atm the browser is not working in active
[19:28] <bulldog98_> rbelem: have you a clue how to fix that?
[19:28] <rbelem> shadeslayer, and i think there are brnaches in each module repository currently
[19:28] <rbelem> bulldog98_, it is probably a missing patch
[19:28] <rbelem> brb
[19:28] <shadeslayer> ok
[19:29] <bulldog98_> rbelem: that’s what I also thought
[19:29] <bulldog98_> do you have a clue when the next release will be done?
[19:36] <rbelem> bulldog98_, nope
[19:36] <rbelem> bulldog98_, but we will release kubuntu active 12.04.1
[19:37] <rbelem> with those fixes
[19:37] <apachelogger> bulldog98_: go ask upstream you lazy bum :P
[19:38] <Ezim> 12.04.1 will be released couple month from now
[19:38] <Ezim> if I am not mistaking
[19:38] <shadeslayer> rbelem: http://db.tt/Kw7Rpx36 ;)
[19:39] <apachelogger> Ezim: august
[19:39] <Ezim> shadeslayer, running ubuntu... :)
[19:39] <shadeslayer> Ezim: on a tablet
[19:39] <Ezim> apachelogger, thx. then I had right...
[19:39] <Ezim> shadeslayer, nice... :)
[19:39] * apachelogger emits wonderings about why one needs computer vision
[19:40] <apachelogger> ohohohoh
[19:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: didn't Quintasan_ have maliit packages?
[19:40] <apachelogger> shadeslayer: active upstream claims to see their error in making their own buggy thing while they could have used someone else's buggy thing :P
[19:41] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: how would I know? I know he was supposed to be working on them :P
[19:41] <shadeslayer> heh
[19:41] <apachelogger> you are not very tablet engaged my friend
[19:42] <shadeslayer> I'm getting there, my tablet was bricked for about 2 months ... all fixed now
[19:42] <shadeslayer> upgrading it to 12.04 right now
[19:44] <apachelogger> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/05/30/plasma-desktopEx2308.png
[19:45] <shadeslayer> what
[19:45] <apachelogger> I always ask myself this question when I want to sleep in but can't bc of my neighbors :P
[19:45] <shadeslayer> heh
[19:46] <apachelogger> so those slides I am browsing through right now have the most ludicrous mixture of german and english I have seen in quite a while
[19:47] * apachelogger might have to write a complaint to someone
[19:47] <shadeslayer> the gernglish high council?
[19:48] <apachelogger> the bbc
[19:51] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, https://sites.google.com/site/adnankamili/
[19:52] <dantti_laptop> rbelem: docs?
[19:53] <rbelem> dantti_laptop, yup
[19:53] <dantti_laptop> k, thanks
[19:54] <dantti_laptop> apachelogger: ScottK, btw the I'm confident 4.10 will have print-manager, Tim Waugh has just tell me that the get best PPDs for a given printer now has a DBus interface available for this...
[19:55] <dantti_laptop> so, only missing part of the puzzle is samba now..
[19:55] <apachelogger> dbus \o/
[19:55] <apachelogger> dantti_laptop: which reminds me, should we make a new snapshot build?
[19:56] <dantti_laptop> apachelogger: not yet, I didn't touch the code, I'll probably do that next week
[19:56] <apachelogger> k
[20:00] <bulldog98_> apachelogger: do you really want mail from every active Kubuntu Member?
[20:01] <apachelogger> no
[20:01] <apachelogger> read the initial mail
[20:01] <apachelogger> in case one does not have a mail addy visible on launchpad, I cannot see it and therefore they'd need to send me one so that I can include them in the vote
[20:02] * apachelogger wonders how things that have been like that for ages suddenly became too complex to grasp -.-
[20:06] <bulldog98_> apachelogger: maybe because dns get’s buggy :P
[20:09] <apachelogger> maybe
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[20:54] <apachelogger> nothing going on tonight, and I desperately need to procrastinate -.-
[20:55] <apachelogger> anyone wanna hear the story of the great MIR flood of '08?
[20:56] <sreich> 1908?
[20:56] <apachelogger> nah
[20:56] <claydoh> apachelogger: I'm game
[20:56] <apachelogger> some other 08
[20:56] <claydoh> I am procrastinating myself
[20:56] <apachelogger> well, it was the dark age
[20:57] <apachelogger> in those days a mighty wizard of the blue arts by the name of Riddell was roaming these lands
[20:57] <apachelogger> he made things explode and stuff
[20:57] <apachelogger> all business as usual
[20:57] <apachelogger> until one day...
[20:58] <apachelogger> the great overlords of the blue lands wanted to release a terrible creature
[20:58] <apachelogger> incredibly mighty this creature was
[20:58] <apachelogger> oh, and very dark
[20:58] <apachelogger> that's why we call it the dark age
[20:58] <apachelogger> the overlords apparently called it KDE4.0, or so I have been told
[20:59] <apachelogger> the minions around here in the kubuntu parts called it many names though
[20:59] <apachelogger> mostly something to do with satan if memory serves
[21:00] <apachelogger> anyhow, the overlords called upon the mighty wizard as to unleash this dreadful beast they needed plenty of blue magic
[21:00] * claydoh has heard of such a time
[21:00] <apachelogger> in particular one spell that was called painupmebum (was later renamed to MIR for obvious reasons)
[21:00] * yofel vaguley remembers having read about it - it was before his time
[21:00] <apachelogger> PUMB also sounds nice though
[21:01] <apachelogger> so the wizard used his knowledge to serve the great overlords of the blue land and casted multiple PUMB spells
[21:02] <apachelogger> natural result was that the monster was released and brought destruction to all the land, also the kingdom of kernel.org
[21:03] <apachelogger> the king of these parts witty as he was did the smart thing and ran
[21:03] <ScottK> apachelogger: I think the great wizard's insane assistant was one by the name of nixternal. After KDE4.0, he was never the same.
[21:03] <apachelogger> much like forest gump I might say
[21:04] <apachelogger> he then stumbled upon a not so beautiful knight called gnome, who became the king's guard and watches over him ever since
[21:04] <apachelogger> they say that since that time no creature of KDE 4.0's kind ever came near him again
[21:05] <apachelogger> it was then that the overlords of the blue lands knew that they made a terrible mistake
[21:05] <apachelogger> so they unleashed another creature by the name of KDE 4.3
[21:05] * claydoh remembers giving offerings to appease the god for Those That Hate Change
[21:06] * claydoh remembers cursing said god
[21:06] <apachelogger> not long until the two of them got into an epic battle
[21:06] <apachelogger> all the world watched as the mighty 4.3 chopped of 4.0's head and dumped it in a lake, not far from here
[21:07] <apachelogger> they say by night the ghost of 4.0 comes ashore and eats fish and chips
[21:07] * micahg is still afraid of that ghost
[21:08] <apachelogger> that day, when 4.0 lay headless and defated a new time began, the age of air
[21:08] <claydoh> It does! I see it often, the townsfolk think it is the great 4.3 by mistake
[21:08] <apachelogger> nowadays it is but a fairytale to freigten children
[21:08] <apachelogger> and that was the great MIR flood of '08
[21:09] <claydoh> thanks apachelogger
[21:09] <apachelogger> ScottK: collateral dmg I presume
[21:09] <claydoh> wonderful tale
[21:09] <apachelogger> though I might note that he was very much insane before the flood :P
[21:09] <ScottK> apachelogger: Yes. Too much exposure to too much insanity packaging KDE 4.0.
[21:09] * micahg fled to the land of mice during that time
[21:10] <apachelogger> micahg: you have to tell us about that one day
[21:11] * apachelogger continues revising for exam tomorrow
[21:11] <claydoh> makes the Nepomuk Nightmare of '10 look like a fairy tale
[21:11] <claydoh> or was that the Akonadi Alliance Attack?
[21:13] <apachelogger> 1 2 nepomuk is coming for you 3 4 better lock your door 5 6 grab your crucifix 7 8 gonna stay up late 9 10 never sleep again
[21:14] <claydoh> lol
[21:14] <apachelogger> I advise not talking about it in public though
[21:14] <apachelogger> we do not want it to come back, do we
[21:15] <claydoh> today the loudest cries are for the Blue Flag-bearer of the Fox of Fire, who has gone missing and made the picking of files somewhat unsightly
[21:17] <yofel> depends. Akonadi was an attack through the front door, and we're still collecting the pieces. Nepomuk is a ghost that looms below your carpet. And when you look for it it hides.
[21:17] <BluesKaj> yofel, good place for it :)
[21:19] <apachelogger> claydoh: the silence of the foxes you mean?
[21:21] <claydoh> the fox is still there to be had, he just sports different livery and picks its files with an non-blue tool
[21:22] <apachelogger> ah, the curse of the faceless fox
[21:22] <claydoh> the folks of the land of kfn doth protest such non-blue attire in their lands
[21:23] <apachelogger> sounds like racism to me TBH
[21:23] <claydoh> and wish for the fox to wear the blue, even though it is not a native blue creature
[21:23] <claydoh> apachelogger: agreed
[21:24] <apachelogger> 12.04 sucks!
[21:25] <apachelogger> want to visit offline with Kubuntu Dev.
[21:25] <claydoh> lol
[21:25] <apachelogger> that reads like a hook up
[21:25] <claydoh> good old woodsmoke
[21:30] <apachelogger> http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?58988-Advice-for-young-people
[21:30] * apachelogger scratches head
[21:31] <apachelogger> If anyone has actually met someone at a dating site and become married to that person, as opposed to living in a "liberated relationship", please so post.
[21:35] <apachelogger> claydoh: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?59023-want-to-visit-offline-with-Kubuntu-Dev
[21:35] <apachelogger> he wants to make a new kickoff?
[21:35] <claydoh> I am not quite in that situation myself, but have met someone online I could see myself marrying, assuming meeting in rl is a positive experience
[21:36] <claydoh> apachelogger: I have no idea, I cannot understand half what he is saying
[21:36] <apachelogger> me neither
[21:37] <apachelogger> claydoh: what distrubs me is the fact that it assumes one is able to get married :P
[21:38] <apachelogger> http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?58749-Will-Rekonq-be-Updated-for-the-LTS
[21:38] <claydoh> apachelogger: for this discussion, can we assume that?
[21:38] <apachelogger> that ought to be investiagted
[21:39] <claydoh> apachelogger: tho I did not meet said person on a dating site
[21:40] <apachelogger> ^^
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[22:27] <JontheEchidna> yay, Qt built on all archs \o/