UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /28 /#ubuntu-accessibility.txt
Initial commit
=== Jacky is now known as GLaDOS
=== GLaDOS is now known as Guest12539
=== Guest12539 is now known as Jacky
[10:44] <Fudge> have their been any regressions with at-spi for precise. Last few days I have been experiencing strange workplace issues and at times it seemed like my alt commands were not working and had to ltask switch through the launcher. unity-2d
[23:02] <TheMuso> Fudge: Not so far as I know.
[23:03] <TheMuso> Fudge: You could try reverting back to at-spi2-core 2.4.1 to be sure.
[23:25] <Fudge> thanks