UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /28 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== a is now known as Guest66577
[00:13] <genii-around> GH0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest60667
[01:23] <Guest60667> hi
[01:54] <GH0> Also have one other thing, isn't the whois command default in kubuntu?
[01:54] <GH0> Also have one other thing, isn't the whois command installed by default in kubuntu?
[01:57] <GH0> Nevermind, I find it odd that it doesn't suggest the package whois when you try to use the command and the package isn't installed. It recommends a bunch of other packages instead.
=== emma is now known as em
[02:56] <GH0> Hm, so after double checking everything in the Wake On Lan guide that was given to me, all of my settings are correct, but it doesn't wake from a powered off state.
[02:58] <GH0> The device itself supports it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1010643/
[03:04] <GH0> When I look at the NIC itself on the machine, I see it blinking when sending the packets.
[03:11] <phiscribe> just to make sure you meant from suspended or hibernate state, not powered off right?
[03:12] * ybit hasn't tried wake from LAN yet
[03:12] <GH0> No, I mean powered off. WakeOnLan should support powered off devices from what I have read.
[03:13] <phiscribe> is there a bios setting?
[03:14] <GH0> There is a BIOS Setting for PCI/PCIE devices, which I have set to Enabled.
[03:15] <GH0> I would power the machine down again, but, it's my link to IRC. :)
[03:16] <GH0> I am wondering if the nirsoft tool just wasn't working correctly. My next try is directly from dd-wrt
[03:18] <phiscribe> man im just out to loop, i did this once, ages ago, im thinking what i could say would be outdated, i do remember you have to send the nic a "magic packet" to get it to wake, was that what you did from another machine?
[03:18] <phiscribe> i leave my machines on and disks spinning, have one thats gone 11 years
[03:19] <GH0> phiscribe, yeah, that is what I did. Generally that is what I do to as well, the reason why I am setting this up is if I am away from the machine and need to access something remotely and the power goes out. Like it did last week.
[03:20] <phiscribe> might be worth seeing if it works from hibernate, just to find out
[03:20] <phiscribe> set the bios to power up after power outage
[03:21] <phiscribe> as an alternative to wake on lan
[03:21] <GH0> phiscribe, it's set up to do that already. :P
[03:21] <phiscribe> so thats not working either?
[03:21] <GH0> Also, apparently my hibernate feature is broken. That or it doesn't work when I am remoted in.
[03:22] <GH0> No, that does work, it just doens't work in quick power outages that happen for less than 3 seconds.
[03:22] <GH0> Or the grace time for the power to be completely removed from the board.
[03:22] <phiscribe> a ups isnt involved is it
[03:22] <GH0> No
[03:23] <GH0> Let me shut the machine down for a second and lets find out I guess. Is there any way to tell if WoL is listening on port 7 or port 9?
[03:23] <GH0> DD-WRT requires a port number.
[03:25] <phiscribe> probably 9 with ddwrt
[03:25] <phiscribe> maybe this can aid you http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/WOL
[03:35] <GH0> Yeah, didn't work.
[03:35] <GH0> Verified a couple settings, which is why it took so long.
[03:36] <phiscribe> train a rat to hit the power button when a light goes out and back on
[03:37] <GH0> Too bad that would take too long.
[03:38] <phiscribe> yeah, i guess your right, but, figuring out where the hold up is might take awhile too
[03:39] <phiscribe> is the nic built into the mother board, if so what mb? if not what nic?
[03:44] <mangdood_> I can't seem to get xspim to run, but there's no error messages printed to the terminal at all
[03:45] <GH0> Hm, it does work...
[03:45] <GH0> Just not after a direct power on like I can imitate when the issue happens.
[03:45] <GH0> :(
[03:47] <phiscribe> maybe look in the system logs and see if left a trail
[03:48] <phiscribe> that is the xspim error
[03:48] <phiscribe> gh0 maybe ebay a ups, good idea anyway
[03:48] <phiscribe> but your probably like me, it aught to work so you will hammer at it till it does
[03:50] <GH0> Yeah, a UPS would be good anyways. Considering I have a RAID without a BBU in it.
[03:53] <phiscribe> mangdood_: did you compile it yourself?
[03:53] <mangdood_> phiscribe: nope, got it from the repositories
[03:53] <mangdood_> I tried sudo grep xspim /var/log/ and no results
[03:54] <phiscribe> try grepping just spim
[03:55] <phiscribe> try adding this packages "xfonts-75dpi" and "xfonts-100dpi
[03:55] <GH0> What log would it be? syslog or some other log?
[03:55] <phiscribe> GH0: , sorry was chating with mangdood_
[03:56] <mangdood_> phiscribe: absolutely nothing in the log files lol
[03:56] <mangdood_> In a bit
[03:56] <phiscribe> GH0: yours sounds like hardware not working, as you got it to work in a test evnvironment, its the short poweroutage case that is stuck
[03:58] <phiscribe> mangdood_: did you launch with xspim &, then check top to see if it is realy not runing
[03:58] <mangdood_> phiscribe: yep, I checked
[03:59] <mangdood_> sorry for not keeping up. So many disturbances
[03:59] <phiscribe> only thing my google fu shows https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/spim/+bug/824084
[03:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 824084 in spim (Ubuntu) "xSPIM application does not start" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[03:59] <phiscribe> talks about missing fonts
[03:59] <phiscribe> why u wanna beat your self in the head with assembly language though, uggg
[04:00] <mangdood_> Cuz of my herping course
[04:00] <mangdood_> urgh, I don't want to restart my x server, but I'd like to get this over with; help on IRC is scarce, it seems
[04:01] <phiscribe> im not helping, im just twiddling till you figure it out
[04:01] <mangdood_> IT's fine
[04:02] <mangdood_> IT's amazing how many bugs are reported but not fixed, from what I've seen
[04:02] <phiscribe> eh they get fixed, its just slowly
[04:02] <phiscribe> i mean like near a black hole slow
[04:03] <GH0> Well, I am thinking it is because a flag isn't set to realize something is listening on the device, prior to it booting up, or once it shuts down, it wipes the flag because it doesn't automatically start back up.
[04:04] <mangdood_> should startkde4 get me a nice x server to test xspim?
[04:08] <prativasic> /msg NickServ identify UTSOBERPORE
[04:09] <phiscribe> mangdood_: i havent manualy started the x server in kde in ages, maybe they set it back to just plain startkde
[04:11] <mangdood> I nicely broke the system when exiting a fresh x server
[04:12] <mangdood> when I tried to avoid closing my applications
[04:12] <mangdood> turns out I had to reset my computer in the end. At least the application works now :P
[04:13] <phiscribe> ah anyone going to start coding in assebly has to have a mad skills at maiming a session hehe
[04:14] <mangdood> Oh yeah, I noticed that starting a new x session isn't allowed if you already have an x session active on your display by default
[04:14] <mangdood> Why is that?
[04:16] <phiscribe> just joking, only an expert can realy foul a system up hehe
[04:18] <GH0> phiscribe, is this worth it? No idea.
[04:18] <GH0> Gah... freaking clipboard issues
[04:18] <GH0> http://www.ebay.com/itm/TRIPP-LITE-SU1000RTXL2UA-1000VA-800W-6-OUTLET-RACKMOUNT-UPS-/330738658220?pt=US_Uninterruptible_Power_Supplies&hash=item4d018f6bac#ht_4130wt_1163
[04:19] <mangdood> phiscribe: yeah, but it also takes moderate amounts of knowledge to fix even the simplest of problems too
[04:19] <mangdood> so even the mos basic of users can make a mistake they can't fix
[04:19] <mangdood> so basic users*
[04:21] <mangdood> Yeah, I'll stop complaining since I always bring this up :P Always aggroed about problems in computers
[04:22] <phiscribe> GH0: well it looks ok, just wonder how its gonna do under linux, so i dont know,
[04:24] <GH0> Well, I dont need graceful shutdown, just need it to stay on for 2 to 5 minutes or more.
[04:25] <mangdood> phiscribe: does xspim have a... don't really know the words for it... gnome interface?
[04:25] <phiscribe> i meant that most of these have a usb interface to configure the device and monitor, most have a windows app on teh other end
[04:26] <phiscribe> mangdood: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mckinley/352/xspim/getstart.html gui is the term i think you wanted
[04:29] <phiscribe> GH0: look up the package nut, that is one example, the question is will the ups you buy work with that utility or a similar one
[04:29] <phiscribe> Network UPS Tools (NUT) is a client/server monitoring system that
[04:29] <phiscribe> allows computers to share uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and
[04:29] <phiscribe> power distribution unit (PDU) hardware.
[04:30] <phiscribe> oops, sorry
[04:30] <phiscribe> i think its pretty standardized though
[04:30] <Belial`> does anyone have a problem with reqonk randomly not playing flash videos from sites like justin.tv?
[04:31] <Belial`> sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't.
[04:31] <phiscribe> sorry Belial` i use chromium mostly
[04:32] <Belial`> i'd like to use chromium if i could find a good theme to make it look like it belongs in kde.
[04:33] <phiscribe> Belial`: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search-themes/kde?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon
[04:33] <phiscribe> might have to launch that in chromium
[04:38] <mangdood> phiscribe: xspim (and assembly in general) is not overwhelming at all :P Thanks for the help; off to bed
[04:39] <phiscribe> its just tedius, i cut my teeth on assembly on an ibm mainframe, (batch process over hp mainframe via 300 buad modem) in the 80's
[04:43] <phiscribe> ah an upgrade says i gotta reboot, image that, later
[05:14] <mkpaa> how could I get firefox to use dolphin as file manager? running latest kubuntu, but the problem was in previous versions too
[05:19] <Phiscribe> maybe here mkpaa http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/410863-dolphin-file-manager-firefox.html
[05:19] <Phiscribe> maybe
[05:51] <apelx> ej
[05:51] <apelx> hello
[05:51] <apelx> anyone here ?
[05:54] <Phiscribe> barley
[05:59] <mkpaa> looks like the instructions are either for different problem or different version
=== matteo is now known as Guest88730
=== unix is now known as BLACK_VIKING
[07:03] <BLACK_VIKING> Hello all !! :D
[07:05] <ucenik27> hello
[07:07] <ucenik27> q34
[07:07] <ucenik27> 34
[07:07] <ucenik27> t
[07:07] <ucenik27> 45
[07:07] <ucenik27> 6
[07:07] <FloodBotK1> ucenik27: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[07:07] <ucenik27> 456
[07:09] <ucenik25> hello
[07:09] <ucenik27> aee
[07:09] <ucenik25> kaj si buki
[07:09] <ucenik27> ev
[07:09] <ucenik27> e be >:D
[07:09] <ucenik25> sto pravis
[07:09] <ucenik25> ?
[07:10] <ucenik27> eve be :)
[07:10] <ucenik25> vecko najjak!
[07:10] <ucenik27> ye ye :)
[07:10] <ucenik25> picka majcina:D
[07:10] <ucenik27> kude si vecko
[07:10] <ucenik25> tuj e vecko
[07:10] <ucenik25> i e najjak na cel sveeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07:10] <ucenik27> :D
[07:11] <ucenik25> teretana boy (H)
[07:11] <ucenik27> (Y)
[07:11] <ucenik25> aj ke idu ja dojde profesorka
[07:11] <bazhang> ucenik25, stop that
[07:11] <Tm_T> ucenik25: please speak english and no flooding
[07:12] <ucenik03> party
[07:37] <almoxarife> Patches to files in subdirectories require the additional -pnumber option, where number is 1 if the base directory of the source tree is included in the diff, and 0 otherwise. <-- could someone explain this to me in nice simple terms? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_(Unix) <--- source
[07:48] <ucenik27> HELLO
[07:48] <ucenik03> svatkooooo
[07:48] <ucenik27> ohoooj :D\
[07:48] <ucenik03> ajde na geo
[07:49] <ucenik25> zajci!
[07:49] <ucenik03> :D
[07:49] <ucenik27> hey "_
[07:49] <ucenik25> aj na geografiju
[07:49] <ucenik25> hahahahaha
[07:49] <ucenik27> muuuu
[07:49] <ucenik25> buk ibe
[07:49] <ucenik25> ... :S
[07:49] <ucenik27> kloeri muuuuuuuuu
[07:50] <bazhang> ucenik27, stop that
[08:36] <ucenik27> hey
[08:36] <ucenik27> are you here ?
[08:36] <ucenik27> brother
[08:36] <Tm_T> I'm here
[08:36] <ucenik27> hello
[08:37] <ucenik27> how are you ? :D
[08:37] <Tm_T> ucenik27: see the channel topic (:
[08:38] <ucenik27> ucenik27 is name of my user name
[08:38] <ucenik11> ooo
[08:38] <ucenik27> opnem ti ga :D
[08:39] <ucenik11> how are you today ucenik27
[08:39] <ucenik27> Tm_T where are you from ?
[08:39] <ucenik11> niger
[08:39] <ucenik11> sa djk
[08:39] <ucenik11> sa k;dsal ds
[08:39] <ucenik11> as ijs ad
[08:39] <ucenik27> dont zamarash !!!
[08:40] <ucenik11> kad si sretan lupi dlanom ti od dlan tm tm
[08:40] <Tm_T> please you both, english and please stick in a channel topic
[08:40] <Tm_T> this is not for random chatter
[08:40] <ucenik27> for him is ?
[08:41] <ucenik11> ooo dragane
[08:41] <ucenik11> ajde
[08:41] <ucenik03> nidzooooooo
[08:42] <ucenik27> top on his chat: Aufiderzen
[08:42] <ucenik27> :)
[08:42] <ucenik27> topic*
[08:42] <ucenik21> decki
[08:42] <ucenik11> a
[08:42] <ucenik03> kazi dace
[08:42] <ucenik25> eej
[08:42] <ucenik27> dace
[08:42] <ucenik27> dudla
[08:42] <ucenik21> kaj ste
[08:43] <ucenik11> andre mutavinjo
[08:43] <ucenik21> edi kur
[08:43] <ucenik27> mudonja
[08:43] <ucenik03> ne se zamaraj ss englezi
[09:00] <apelx> HELLO
[09:01] <apelx> anybody here ?
[09:02] <ucenik21> momci
[09:02] <apelx> heloo
[09:02] <ucenik21> KOJ TEKST DA GA RASKAZUJU
[09:02] <apelx> e pisujte ga ovdeka tekst
[09:02] <ucenik21> ?
[09:02] <ucenik03> koleeee
[09:02] <apelx> pisujte ga ovdeka tekst
[09:02] <ucenik03> tuj li si brat ??
[09:02] <ucenik21> uvek\
[09:03] <apelx> da
[09:03] <ucenik03> kako si ??
[09:03] <apelx> dobar sam ja , ti ? :D
[09:03] <ucenik03> super :D
[09:03] <apelx> kako si , sto pravis , imas zenu , deca ?
[09:03] <ucenik03> extra :D
[09:03] <apelx> kako cico ?
[09:03] <ucenik21> hehe
[09:03] <ucenik21> kako teco
[09:03] <ucenik03> bravo be
[09:03] <ucenik03> mnogo smesno :P
[09:04] <ucenik21> dada
[09:04] <apelx> vecko koza
[09:04] <ucenik21> :)
[09:04] <ucenik03> ajde be kole buni se za ocenku
[09:04] <apelx> aha
[09:04] <apelx> da napravu drug tekst
[09:04] <ucenik03> neli 2 imas
[09:04] <apelx> za malko
[09:04] <ucenik21> abe ima keca
[09:04] <ucenik21> 4 poena
[09:04] <ucenik25> zajciii !!!
[09:04] <ucenik03> dosta mu e
[09:04] <ucenik21> Zajcinja
[09:04] <ucenik25> what's new
[09:05] <ucenik25> :D
=== max is now known as Guest90569
[09:05] <apelx> za ovuj godinu dosta
[09:05] <ucenik03> pa od kude da pocnu
[09:05] <ucenik25> kole glupav
[09:05] <ucenik25> hehehehehehehe
[09:05] <ucenik25> e:DDDDDD
[09:05] <apelx> vecko gz
[09:05] <ucenik21> kole pederce
[09:05] <ucenik25> hahahhah
[09:05] <ucenik25> kole pederce vik
[09:05] <ucenik25> a
[09:05] <ucenik25> muaha
[09:05] <FloodBotK1> ucenik25: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:05] <apelx> ne raspravljaj se ss mene
[09:05] <ucenik25> vecko najjak!
[09:05] <ucenik03> seljaci
[09:05] <ucenik25> vecko
[09:05] <ucenik25> mecka
[09:05] <ucenik25> vecka
[09:06] <ucenik25> madafaka
[09:06] <ucenik21> decki ostavete me da raskazuju sg
[09:06] <FloodBotK1> ucenik25: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:06] <ucenik25> vecko najjjjaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:06] <apelx> nemoze
[09:06] <ucenik11> ooo
[09:06] <ucenik25> kaj si be zivko :D
[09:06] <ucenik11> eve sam be pero
[09:06] <ucenik11> ti kude si
[09:06] <ucenik25> eve
[09:06] <ucenik03> eve me mirceeeee
[09:06] <ucenik25> kako si mirce :D
[09:06] <ucenik25> zivak
[09:06] <ucenik25> :D
[09:06] <ucenik11> paris hilton <3
[09:06] <ucenik27> zajci imali ve ?
[09:06] <apelx> malo viski malo koka kola
[09:06] <ucenik25> lisa ann <3
[09:06] <ucenik03> hahahaha :D
[09:06] <apelx> :P
[09:07] <apelx> dali me vara sa tobom ?
[09:07] <ucenik03> kaj ste be talibanci "D
[09:07] <ucenik11> cele noci ja na splavu snjom sam pio .............
[09:07] <ucenik21> tacimotra
[09:07] <ucenik27> eve be
[09:07] <ucenik25> tacimotra en pilj
[09:07] <ucenik25> :D
[09:07] <apelx> ne raspravljaj se ..
[09:07] <ucenik27> aufiderzen
[09:07] <ucenik21> kole ne seri
[09:07] <ucenik27> :)
[09:07] <ucenik11> ne seri bona
[09:07] <ucenik08> kole ne sere on ede
[09:08] <ucenik25> idi u stuz
[09:08] <ucenik11> kole sto be
[09:08] <ucenik25> da vozis avtobus
[09:08] <ucenik25> za igo trickovic
[09:08] <ucenik11> kole kjuti si
[09:08] <ucenik11> 111111111111
[09:08] <ucenik11> vidis li deka imas 1
[09:08] <ucenik11> sto se bunis
[09:08] <FloodBotK1> ucenik11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:08] <ucenik27> kole
[09:08] <ucenik27> kako
[09:08] <ucenik27> ide
[09:08] <ucenik25> hahaha
[09:08] <ucenik25> kole
[09:08] <ucenik27> citaj u monitar
[09:08] <ucenik25> kako pice
[09:08] <FloodBotK1> ucenik27: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:08] <ucenik27> a
[09:08] <ucenik11> bravo kole
[09:08] <ucenik25> nekoe
[09:08] <ucenik27> keca si dobija ?
[09:08] <ucenik11> samo takoj
[09:08] <FloodBotK1> ucenik25: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:08] <ucenik25> toj mi se svidja
[09:08] <ucenik25> koki
[09:08] <ucenik03> tacimotra :D
[09:08] <ucenik11> bravo kole
[09:09] <ucenik11> toj e toj
[09:09] <ucenik03> hahahahaha :D
[09:09] <ucenik27> fg
[09:09] <ucenik11> razbi ga tekst
[09:09] <ucenik27> vv
[09:09] <ucenik27> w
[09:09] <ucenik27> ima men :D
[09:09] <ucenik11> tebi bi dao i sredinu palacinke
[09:09] <ucenik25> kole picka
[09:09] <ucenik25> :D
[09:09] <ucenik25> tebe me nije tesko gledati bez sminke
[09:09] <ucenik27> ta shivca
[09:09] <ucenik25> od tebe nevidim ni sisati klinkeeee
[09:09] <ucenik27> nona
[09:09] <ucenik27> la katre brzine
[09:09] <ucenik27> :D
[09:09] <FloodBotK1> ucenik27: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:09] <ucenik27> te chivcha nona la katre brzine :D
[09:10] <ucenik25> kd ke idemo u orashac ?
[09:10] <ucenik27> kakv Ora
[09:10] <ucenik27> :)
[09:10] <ucenik25> zrel
[09:10] <ucenik25> :D
[09:10] <hateball> !ops | ucenik25
[09:10] <ubottu> ucenik25: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger
[09:10] <ucenik27> FloodBotK1 oufiderzen
[09:10] <ucenik11> sa ora esh
[09:10] <ucenik11> cager
[09:10] <ucenik25> 11:11
[09:10] <ucenik27> kuravte diara
[09:10] <ucenik25> <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
[09:10] <ucenik11> yup
[09:10] <ucenik25> saka me nekoja
[09:10] <ucenik11> koleee
[09:10] <ucenik25> i me mislu
[09:10] <FloodBotK1> ucenik25: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[09:10] <ucenik25> misli ***
[09:10] <apelx> kur da edete na
[09:10] <ucenik11> koljooo
[09:10] <apelx> sto be
[09:10] <ucenik03> ban
[09:11] <ucenik03> hahahah :D
[09:11] <ucenik27> who are you ?
[09:11] <Mamarok> jussi: there are more of those
[09:11] <jussi> Mamarok: yeah, but they are now banned
[09:48] <flank> vfdv\
[10:59] <natman> hey, does anyone know about Kubuntu merchandise?
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[11:22] <NoiseCounsellor> Anyone have experience with a Kindle causing all sorts of trouble? For me, it entirely refuses to charge, copying files to it causes plasma to occasionally freeze for several seconds while the copying is in progress and when I want to unmount it, it says "Cannot unmount because the filesystem on the device is busy."
[11:37] <NoiseCounsellor> ah, never mind, figured out why I couldn't eject it. Had a file manager still open on another desktop. Still, copying files causing plasma to freeze?
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=== lindalou is now known as westmi
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[13:34] <jo13> kubuntu cool!!
[13:34] <Phiscribe> yup
[14:47] <muhdazmilug> hi
[14:48] <muhdazmilug> my wlan interface not working,fyi, my laptop is compaq presario cq43
[14:48] <muhdazmilug> i can't enable the "enable wireless." how to i fix it
[14:50] <muhdazmilug> this is my wifi : 07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4727] (rev 01)
[14:51] <bazhang> !broadcom | muhdazmilug
[14:51] <ubottu> muhdazmilug: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx
[14:51] <muhdazmilug> thanks
[15:12] <BluesKaj> hey all
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[15:47] <trash_> [12:47] <trash_> AI pessoal ALGUEM saca UM PROGRAMA legal PRA ASSISTIR Tv pela net no ubuntu??
[15:47] <trash_> [12:47] <trash_> AI pessoal ALGUEM saca UM PROGRAMA legal PRA ASSISTIR Tv pela net no ubuntu??a
[15:47] <bazhang> !br | trash_
[15:47] <ubottu> trash_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.
[15:52] <trash_> ja
=== michael is now known as Guest97834
[16:26] <kaddi> hi
[16:27] <kaddi> every since i upgrade to 12.04 nautilus will open automatically on boot. How do I fix that?
[16:27] <kaddi> I'm running kde, obviously and a 64bit OS
[16:29] <snevittken> I can't find the buttons for installing/removing languages and setting the global system language any more. They used to be in System Settings >> Locale. Now? Nope. Weird?
[16:31] <snevittken> I used gnome-control-center to set the system language to English, not knowing how else to do it...
[16:31] <kaddi> locale >> system languages?
[16:33] <snevittken> kaddi, I don't have that
[16:33] <kaddi> what kde version are you using?
[16:34] <snevittken> 4.8.3 on Kubuntu 12.04
[16:34] <kaddi> hm, odd
[16:34] <snevittken> maybe it needs to be installed like the user management?
[16:34] <kaddi> it's in the menu on the left with country/region, spell checker and system languages?
[16:35] <snevittken> for me there's just country/region and spell checker
[16:35] <kaddi> hmm, odd. I don't know then
[16:40] <openos> hello guys how to make a keyboard shortcut to kill xserver in kde
[16:41] <openos> how to restart xserver in kde ??
[16:42] <openos> Someone help ho to get back <Ctrl><Alt>backspace in kubuntu
[16:42] <DarthFrog> openos: There already is one: ALT-SHIFT-SysReq-K.
[16:42] <DarthFrog> It's a bit of a contortion, but it works.
[16:42] <snevittken> don't have a sysreq key any more :o
[16:42] <openos> sysreq?????
[16:43] <DarthFrog> openos: Yeah, it's on the PrintScreen key.
[16:43] <openos> Okey i will try
[16:44] <snevittken> you can reactivate ctrl-alt-backspace in System Settings >> Hardware >> Input DEvices >> Keyboard
[16:44] <openos> nothing
[16:44] <openos> how i can change it
[16:44] <snevittken> go to the Advanced tab and you'll see a "Key sequence to kill the X server" item
[16:44] <openos> to be <Ctrl><Alt>backspace
[16:44] <snevittken> I just told you
[16:44] <DarthFrog> The Alt-Shift-SysReq-K combo is one that can't accidently be hit. Unlike, you know, Ctl-Alt-Backspace, which was forever being accidently engaged.
[16:44] <BarkingFish> Afternoon guys - just out of interest, has anyone here picked up the new kernel update which has come through,
[16:46] <BarkingFish> I know I've been told apper reports downloads at their compressed size, but even I think this lot are wrong - It has the kernel itself at 1.6KB, the headers at 6.4KB, and a third kernel package at only 5.49KB.
[16:46] <BarkingFish> I suspect these packages may be corrupt, unless they're compressed to the point of implosion :P
[16:51] <BarkingFish> Yeah - i think the kernel image is borked. It's just tried to install the kernel image, and hung at 63%. Apper has ceased to function, and I can't close it - only way out is to CTRL+ALT+ESC and kill the window
[16:52] <BarkingFish> which leaves me stuck - if I kill the window and reboot, will it go looking for a non existant kernel image since it was in the process of installing it?
[16:52] <BarkingFish> My last was 3.2.0-24
[16:58] <BluesKaj> BarkingFish, install kde-config-grub2 , it's a configuration module for System Settings for configuring the
[16:58] <BluesKaj> GRUB2 bootloader.
[16:58] <BarkingFish> BluesKaj, yeah - I already have that. My concern is the broken kernel more than anything
[16:59] <BluesKaj> the partilly installed kernel can then be removed with configure app
[16:59] <BarkingFish> ah. Forgot about that :P
[16:59] * BarkingFish shakes his head
[16:59] <BarkingFish> the heat is getting to me :)
[16:59] <BluesKaj> well, it's worth a try
[17:00] <BluesKaj> if the kernel isn't totally installed , it might not show up in the list
[17:01] <BarkingFish> yeah, it wasn't fully installed - i wound up nailing apper with the skull n crossbones thingy
[17:02] <BarkingFish> I can't figure out simply if apper screwed up or whether the 25-27 kernel is actually borked
[17:03] <BluesKaj> BarkingFish, I would check if I could but I'm on the 34 kernel I think , 12.10 here
[17:03] <BarkingFish> yeah, I'm on 12.10 too, but I've not got any of the proposed doodads switched on this time
[17:04] <BarkingFish> i haven't turned any of those on and probably won't until I'm sure that 12.10 is going to be stable enough to work off
[17:04] <BluesKaj> err , I mean the 3
[17:04] <BarkingFish> yeah, this is a 3 series kernel -
[17:05] <BluesKaj> actually it's stable but I wouldn't trust it for the workplace quite yet
[17:05] <BarkingFish> ok. Well I'll do the necessary and sort out grub2, knock out the 25 kernel if it's appeared, and then go on and reboot, and try to install it again
[17:06] <BluesKaj> 3.4.0-3 here
[17:06] <BarkingFish> are you running one of the daily updates thingies?
[17:06] <BluesKaj> no
[17:06] <BluesKaj> I updated from the net
[17:07] <BarkingFish> aha
[17:07] <BluesKaj> upgraded
[17:07] <BarkingFish> Ok, well I'll be back in a bit - see you soon, assuming everything goes well
[17:07] <BarkingFish> bbfn
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[17:42] <renosis> What is the proper way to run Dolphin as root in Kubuntu 12.04?
[17:43] <qbit> me I just in a terminal window in konsole do: kdesudo dolphin
[17:44] <renosis> qbit, ya that is how I do it too... I was just wondering if there was a better way, because I always end up with the terminal piping out all these strange messages
[17:45] <renosis> not that it is a problem, the terminal is minimized or whatever, but still just thought there might be a better way
[17:45] <qbit> a GUI way will still have all those errors present you just won't ever see them
[17:46] <qbit> in the start menu editor you could copy an entry and rename it something like Dolphin root, then in the Advanced tab there is a 'Run as different user' config you can set to root
[17:47] <renosis> Ok, thanks, I will try that
[17:48] <qbit> in that same tab you can also assign it a shortcut key as well, should you so desire
[17:48] <renosis> ah, neat
[17:51] <renosis> thanks qbit
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=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
[19:33] <user> hallo zusammen
[19:33] <user> spricht hier jemand deutsch
[19:40] <cancer> How to download skype for kubuntu?
[19:41] <GH0> sudo apt-get install skype ?
[19:43] <cancer> will that works fine after installation?
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[19:44] <cancer> GH0: and how to check what kde version i'm using?
[19:44] <Guest72560> linux 2012
[19:44] <Guest72560> how to linux 2012
[19:44] <GH0> cancer, no idea.
[19:44] <Guest72560> wat linux
[19:45] <Guest72560> qual o melhor linux
[19:45] <Guest72560>
[19:45] <Guest72560>
[19:45] <Guest72560>
[19:45] <FloodBotK1> Guest72560: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[19:46] <Guest72560> black buntu o que vc axa
[19:46] <Guest72560> ??
[19:53] <eydaimon> Whenever I watch HULU, the computer goes on powersave after about 10 minutes. I've turned off the power save options, but it still does it. Anyone have ideas?
[19:58] <BluesKaj> eydaimon, leave the power save options on , just set them to 180 mins or so
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[20:18] <sunitasethi> eydaimon: it is probbaly your screensaver setting
[20:30] <eydaimon> SunTsu: and this is different from powersave?
[20:47] <ed_> hi, in calendar kde how do change start of the week from sunday to monday?
[20:52] <BluesKaj> ed right click on the panel clock>digital clock settings>click on the little wrench to right of the date format>click on the calendar tab
[20:52] <BluesKaj> nice
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[22:22] <ball> hello