UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /27 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
[08:41] <alkisg> I don't understand why building ltsp works for everyone but not me, without manually running ./autogen.sh first.
[08:41] <alkisg> It fails to build on launchpad for me, it fails with local debuild -b -tc...
[08:41] <alkisg> The problem is in the final dh_clean, which deletes client/localapps/missing, and THEN tries to run `make clean`, and that fails because client/localapps/missing isn't there..
[08:41] <alkisg> I.e. I get the .debs and then it stops with an error
[16:54] <stgraber> alkisg: I always "export" the branch with mkdst to a temporary tarball, that way it runs autogen and any other needed action. I also never re-use a build directory.
[16:55] <alkisg> stgraber: wouldn't it be considered an error though if it doesn't build with just debuild?
[16:55] <alkisg> I also don't reuse a build directory, I run bzr clean etc before running debuild again
[16:56] <stgraber> yeah, it's certainly a bug, just not one any distro maintainer ever hits ;)
[16:57] <alkisg> OK, I'll try to find some fix for it...
[17:02] <alkisg> stgraber: ...but how did the ltsp-daily recipe work then? Does it run mkdst or autogen.sh?
[17:03] <stgraber> alkisg: IIRC the packaging for ltsp-daily has some changes in debian/rules to run the autogen
[17:04] <alkisg> Gotcha
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg