UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /25 /#ubuntu-bd.txt
Initial commit
=== A is now known as Guest41596
=== Rezwan is now known as Rezwan|afk
=== Rezwan|afk is now known as Rezwan
[14:14] <Rezwan> tuxboy: অনিরুদ্ধ, তুমি কি টুইটারে আছো?
[14:34] <Ekushey> hi Rezwan Tuhin tuxboy
[14:35] <Rezwan> হ্যাল্লো রাসেল ভাই
[14:35] <Rezwan> শুভ সন্ধ্যা!
[14:36] <Ekushey> good evening :)
[14:36] <Rezwan> :)
[14:38] <Ekushey> tar por, how's life?
[14:40] <Ekushey> busy, Rezwan?
[14:40] <Rezwan> Ekushey: no sir :)
[14:40] <Ekushey> gorom e jibon shesh?
[14:40] <Ekushey> ami ghamte ghamte oshthir
[14:40] <Rezwan> live is going okay! what's about you?
[14:41] <Ekushey> life goes on...
[14:41] <Rezwan> গরম লাগছে তবে ভয়াবহ কিছু না
[14:41] <Rezwan> সিলেটের আবহাওয়া ভালো :)
[14:41] <Ekushey> ah Sylhet! amar ek baro jawa hoy nai
[14:41] <Ekushey> jaite hobe...
[14:41] <Rezwan> আহা! চুক চুক
[14:42] <Rezwan> সিলেটে আসলে বৃষ্টির সিজনে আইসেন
[14:42] <Ekushey> sheita kobe?
[14:42] <Rezwan> monsoon is the best season for traveling Sylhet
[14:42] <Rezwan> বৃষ্টি তো শুরু হয়ে গেছে
[14:42] <Ekushey> will keep that in mind :)
[14:43] <Rezwan> আর দু তিন মাস পরে বর্ষাকাল
[14:43] <Ekushey> besh besh
[14:43] <Ekushey> jabo :)
[14:43] <Rezwan> চলে আসেন :)
[14:44] <Ekushey> 7-layer chaa khaite hobe...
[14:44] <Rezwan> হাহাহা
[14:44] <Rezwan> সেটা অবশ্য সিলেট শহরে পাবেন না
[14:44] <Rezwan> লাউয়াছড়ার জঙ্গলে একটা দোকানে পাওয়া যায়
[14:45] <Rezwan> আরেকটা জায়গায় as far I know
[14:45] <Rezwan> এইটা খেতে কিন্তু তেমন আহামরি কিছু না
[14:46] <Ekushey> Srimongol e naki pawa jay
[14:46] <Rezwan> হ্যাঁ
[14:46] <Rezwan> লাউয়াছড়া শ্রীমঙ্গলের ওদিকেই
[14:47] <Ekushey> ok :) thanks for the info :)
[14:47] <Rezwan> বৃষ্টির সময় সবকিছুই দেখতে মজা। চা বগান, ঝরনা
[14:47] <Rezwan> শীতকালে সবকিছু শুকনা থাকে। দেখে মজা নাই
[14:47] <Ekushey> ami jabo mainly chobi tulte
[14:48] <Ekushey> you live in Sylhet town?
[14:48] <Rezwan> then you should come in Sylhet at winter
[14:48] <Rezwan> yes I do
[14:49] <Ekushey> cool... gele janabo... we can meet up
[14:49] <Rezwan> sure :)
[14:50] <Rezwan> Ekushey: oopos Russell bhai
[14:50] <Rezwan> I meant: you should come in Sylhet at Monsoon
[14:50] <Rezwan> not winter :P
[14:50] <Ekushey> will do that... maybe within the next 2 months
[14:51] <Rezwan> আমি মনে মনে মনে ভাবছিলাম বর্ষাকাল, কিন্তু লিখলাম winter :S
[14:51] <Rezwan> Ekushey: hope you see you then :)
[14:51] <Ekushey> gorom er effect ;)
[14:51] <Rezwan> hahahaha
[14:51] <Ekushey> AC o kaaj kore na ei gorom e
[14:53] <Rezwan> বাইরে বেরুতে হবে
[14:53] <Ekushey> okkk talk to you later
[14:53] <Ekushey> take care brother
[14:53] <Rezwan> see you :)
[14:54] <Rezwan> you too Russell bhai :)
=== Rezwan is now known as Rezwan|afk
[14:59] <Tuhin> hi Ekushey
[14:59] <Ekushey> hi Tuhin :)
[15:00] <Tuhin> where in dhaka u live?
[15:00] <Ekushey> Dhanmondi
[15:00] <Tuhin> i heard the temp is not same everywhere in dhaka
[15:01] <Tuhin> 1 guest came to home from mirpur and said its much much warmer there than at our home
[15:01] <Ekushey> humidity is high
[15:01] <Tuhin> hmm
[15:02] <Tuhin> the electric people killed my UPS battery....
[15:02] <Ekushey> ahare
[15:02] <Tuhin> this is the 13nth times in 13 years
[15:02] <Tuhin> 13nth battery
[15:02] <Ekushey> i use Rahimafrooz, it's giving good service
[15:03] <Tuhin> the 2 12v battery in Prolink UPS
[15:03] <Tuhin> which UPS u use?
[15:03] <Tuhin> Rahimafrooz IPS or UPS?
[15:03] <Ekushey> Rahimafrooz 1000 VA
[15:04] <Ekushey> i use their IPS as well, still working OK :)
[15:04] <Tuhin> IPS or UPS? how much it cost you? how long it gives backup? what things you run with it?
[15:05] <Tuhin> what's the amp/plate of the UPS battery?
[15:05] * Tuhin have too many questins
[15:05] <Tuhin> questions*
[15:06] <Ekushey> UPS has 2 12V 7.5AH batteries
[15:07] <Ekushey> last for more than half an hour, CPU+17" LCD+wifi router+modem+4:1 speakers
[15:08] <Tuhin> do u keep the UPS+Wifi+modem 24hours on?
[15:08] <Ekushey> nah
[15:08] <Tuhin> the UPS gets power from the IPS???
[15:08] <Ekushey> nah, direct power
[15:09] <Tuhin> whats the CPU spec?
[15:09] <Tuhin> and what PSU ?
[15:10] <Ekushey> ummm 3.1 GHz core i5 processor+12 GB RAM on a normal casing
[15:10] <Ekushey> standard PSU
[15:11] <Tuhin> what's the casing/PSU name?
[15:11] <Ekushey> OVO
[15:11] <Tuhin> Brand computer or Clone?
[15:11] <Ekushey> clone
[15:12] <Tuhin> cheap PSU that comes with casing kills components....
[15:12] <Ekushey> i like building my own PC
[15:12] <Tuhin> overtime....
[15:12] <Tuhin> same here
[15:12] <Ekushey> nah this will work fine
[15:12] <Tuhin> my last 2 PCs built by me
[15:12] <Ekushey> *nah this one will work fine
[15:12] <Tuhin> works fine for MAximum 2years
[15:12] <Tuhin> if you are lucky
[15:13] <Tuhin> my 1st and 2nd pc was killed by cheap PSU
[15:13] <Ekushey> i have spare PSUs
[15:13] <Tuhin> i also have spares...but if they r cheap..then no good
[15:13] <Ekushey> hehe true
[15:13] <Tuhin> what brand PSU?
[15:14] <Ekushey> the one that came with the casing... OVO
[15:14] <Tuhin> how much was the casing?
[15:14] <Ekushey> i don't play games or don't do much resource intensive work
[15:14] <Ekushey> 2K i think
[15:15] <Tuhin> good quality casings costs more and also comes with better than average PSU
[15:15] <Tuhin> ah then your PC is never working at 100%...
[15:16] * Tuhin is wondering what Ekushey does with 12 GB RAM
[15:17] <Tuhin> do u make Virtual disks?
[15:17] <Ekushey> helps in photo editing
[15:17] <Ekushey> i can work with large files faster
[15:18] <Tuhin> hmm then you will benefit a lot if u use some of that 12GB ram as a Virtual HDD and make the temp folder in that virtual disk
[15:20] <Ekushey> thanks for the tip :)
[15:29] <Tuhin> Ekushey: how much was the UPS?
[15:30] <Ekushey> 7K
[15:31] <Tuhin> it have Sine wave or Square wave output when in backup mode?
[15:31] <Ekushey> i've no idea :/
[16:20] <ashickur-noor> কে আছেন?
[16:26] <Ekushey> hi ashickur-noor
[16:26] <ashickur-noor> কেমন আছৈন?
[16:27] <Ekushey> gorom e mara jachchi
[16:27] <ashickur-noor> আমি টেবিল পাঙ্খা ছেড়ৈ বসছি
[16:27] <Ekushey> brb... dokan e jai pepsi kinte
[16:28] <ashickur-noor> এসে নক দিয়েন
[16:43] <ashickur-noor> @Ekushey ভাই পিং
[17:12] <ashickur-noor> ?
[17:29] <Ekushey> back ashickur-noor
[17:29] <ashickur-noor> linux.org.bd তে ঢু মারলাম
[17:30] <ashickur-noor> ওটা দেখি অন্য সাইটে আমারে নিয়া গেল
[17:30] <Ekushey> hu
[17:31] <ashickur-noor> ওটা কি লিনাক্সদেশে দেওয়া যায়?
[17:31] <ashickur-noor> যতদিন না সাইটটি আবার চালু হয়
[17:31] <ashickur-noor> :)
[17:33] <ashickur-noor> ??
[17:37] <ashickur-noor> @Ekushey ভাই কী বলেন?
[17:38] <Ekushey> dekhi :)
[17:38] <ashickur-noor> দেখেন
[17:38] <ashickur-noor> তাইলে আমার মনে হয় ভালো হয়
=== Rezwan|afk is now known as Rezwan
[17:39] <Ekushey> wb Rezwan
[17:39] <Rezwan> Ekushey: thanks :)
[17:40] <Rezwan> Ekushey: আজকে আসলেই মারাত্মক গরম পড়ছে! দাড়ান টেম্পারেচার টা চেক কইরা নেই!
[17:41] <Ekushey> humidity is high
[17:41] <Ekushey> which sucks
[17:41] <Rezwan> Ekushey: Rezwan's weather request; Dhaka, Bangladesh (23.8°N/90.4°E); Updated: 6:00 PM BDT (May 25, 2012); Conditions: Scattered Clouds; Temperature: 93°F (33.9°C); High/Low: Unavailable; Humidity: 55%; Dew Point: 79°F (26.1°C); Pressure: 29.48 in/998 hPa; Wind: SE at 2 MPH (4 KPH)
[17:41] <Ekushey> 33.9!
[17:42] <Rezwan> মাত্র ;)
[17:42] <Rezwan> Rezwan's weather request; Sylhet, Bangladesh (25.0°N/91.9°E); Updated: 6:00 PM BDT (May 25, 2012); Conditions: Haze; Temperature: 89°F (31.7°C); High/Low: Unavailable; Humidity: 65%; Dew Point: 79°F (26.1°C); Pressure: 29.51 in/999 hPa; Wind: NNE at 2 MPH (4 KPH)
[17:42] <ashickur-noor> এইডা কেমনে করলেন?
[17:43] <Ekushey> same as Dubai
[17:43] <Rezwan> Ekushey: এই সপ্তাহে আরো গরম খাওয়ার জন্য প্রস্তুন হন
[17:43] <Rezwan> Rezwan's forecast request; Dhaka, Bangladesh Forecast (High/Low); Updated: 6:00 PM BDT (May 25, 2012); Saturday: 20% Chance of Thunderstorms, 96/80°F (35.6/26.7°C); Sunday: Scattered Clouds, 98/80°F (36.7/26.7°C); Monday: Scattered Clouds, 96/80°F (35.6/26.7°C); Tuesday: Overcast, 98/80°F (36.7/26.7°C); Wednesday: Scattered Clouds, 100/80°F (37.8/26.7°C)
[17:44] <Rezwan> প্রত্যেক দিনই ৩৫ এর উপরে হিট করবে
[17:46] <Ekushey> !test
[17:46] <lubotu2> Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )
[18:47] <Tuhin> http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/coke-reveals-its-secret-it-may-need-to-carry-a-cancer-warning-7547457.html
[20:08] <Ekushey> i've been reading the same thing since childhood