UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /25 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== Logan_ is now known as k
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== k is now known as Logan_
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== allenap` is now known as allenap
=== popey_ is now known as popey
[09:52] <dpm> hi launchpadders, could someone help me removing drgeo from this project group? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations-project
[10:17] <gema> hi, I have a blueprint that stubbornly refuses to let me change my launchpad id in one of the work items
[10:17] <gema> is this a known issue someone is working on?
[10:17] <gema> is there a workaround?
[10:19] <gema> it also doesn't allow me to remove that action once I have changed the text and added another one
[10:19] <wgrant> jamestunnicliffe, danilos: ^^
[10:22] <gema> jamestunnicliffe, danilos: this is the blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-q-builds-smoke-testing) and the action is the one called [gema] etc
[10:22] <gema> I am stepping out for a while, bbl
[10:23] <gema> I have blueprints with many more actions that I will need to review for this kind of problem, so I'd need your advice guys before I do that
[10:24] <jamestunnicliffe> wgrant, gema: Not a problem known to me.
[10:24] <gema> jamestunnicliffe: I have seen it other times, but until now I didn't care that much
[10:24] <gema> jamestunnicliffe: I can raise a bug if needed be
[10:25] <jamestunnicliffe> gema: Please do.
[10:28] <gema> jamestunnicliffe: bug 1004416
[10:28] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1004416 in Launchpad itself "Work Items not allowing users to edit them properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1004416
[10:29] <gema> jamestunnicliffe: I am not sure how I got that work item stuck, though, as soon as I find a way to reproduce I will add it too
[10:30] <jamestunnicliffe> gema: I can see it happening on a local dev instance.
[10:30] <gema> jamestunnicliffe: cool, then you can reproduce, that's good
[10:30] <gema> bbl
[10:34] <danilos> jamestunnicliffe, hi, did you have to do anything special to reproduce it locally?
[10:35] <jamestunnicliffe> danilos: No, the first BP I tried did it, but I then discovered a workaround, so my reproducer is gone (see bug 1004416).
[10:35] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1004416 in Launchpad itself "Work Items not allowing users to edit them properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1004416
[10:41] <danilos> jamestunnicliffe: did you try it on one of the existing BPs or did you create it yourself?
[10:41] <jamestunnicliffe> I ran http://paste.ubuntu.com/992291/ a while back and https://blueprints.launchpad.dev/linaro/+spec/name-100098 was showing the problem.
[10:49] <danilos> jamestunnicliffe, ack, thanks
[12:31] <gema> jamestunnicliffe, danilos: the problem is that it is very difficult to keep track of all the work items on some blueprints and having to manually validate them is very tedious
[12:32] <gema> jamestunnicliffe, danilos: so a fix for it would be very appreciated, I will work with you in reproducing if necessary
[12:32] <gema> I can create a test blueprint
[12:36] <gema> not to mention that there are lost of people out there trusting their work items and they may be wrong
[12:37] <gema> lots of people
[12:37] <danilos> gema, I wonder if you remember how did you get to this state? I would expect a problem like this when there're work items with identical descriptions, but I don't think it should be possible to get to this state
[12:37] <gema> danilos: every time I have seen it I was trying to reassing a work item for someone else
[12:37] <gema> or create a work item twice to have two people working on it
[12:38] <gema> at UDS my tasks were all assigned to [gema] which is a different user
[12:38] <gema> so changing from that user to mine made the problem appear
[12:38] <gema> for instance
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== elmo_ is now known as elmo
[12:57] <danilos> gema, ack, thanks, I'll look into this bug
[13:04] <gema> thanks!
=== mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
[16:10] <cmars232> i'm having a weird permissions problem. my lp id 'cmars' used to have permissions to access lp:ztrustee (private project) but I seem to have lost permission to create private branchs
[16:10] <cmars232> for example, bzr push lp:~cmars/ztrustee/new-private-branch fails
[16:11] <cmars232> as does bzr push lp:~ztrustee/ztrustee/new-private-branch
[16:11] <cmars232> any ideas?
[16:22] <tsimpson> cmars232: what exactly is the error you're getting?
[16:47] <dobey> cmars232: it looks like ztrustee branches are public by default
[16:47] <dobey> cmars232, kirkland: ^^ are they supposed to be private by default?
[16:49] <cmars232> dobey: they should be private by default
[16:50] <dobey> thedac: ^^ can you fix that please?
[16:51] <thedac> dobey: checking
[16:51] <cmars232> tsimpson: the error i get is 'bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~cmars/ztrustee/1003150-rcvr/": : You cannot create branches in "~cmars/ztrustee"'
[16:52] <cmars232> same error if I try to push to lp:~ztrustee/ztrustee/1003150-rcvr
[16:52] <cmars232> let me know if i'm doing it wrong, i'm more familiar with git than bzr...
[16:53] <thedac> dobey: the default is set to private. Are there branches that need to be changed to priavte manually now?
[16:54] <dobey> thedac: oh. https://code.launchpad.net/ztrustee the one listed there maybe. and that page says public initially
[16:55] <cmars232> thedac dobey: just to clarify, everything on this project should be private
[16:55] <thedac> cmars232: ok, I'll set them all to private
[16:55] <cmars232> thanks
[16:56] <dobey> cmars232: right, that's what i thought. and why i can't see the trunk or anything :)
[16:58] <dobey> cmars232: maybe thedac or kirkland can tell why you're getting the permissions denied issue in bzr. i'd suspect a missing/expired team membership, or misconfiguration of teams on the project itself
[16:58] <cmars232> dobey: ok, i'll follow up with kirkland
[17:00] <thedac> cmars232: only one branch needed to be made private. I confirm they are all private now
[17:00] <cmars232> thanks thedac
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
[19:21] <colon_D> anyone else having their packages rejected by launchpad? Unhandled exception processing upload: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/tmplC8YUN/trafficserver-3.1.3/debian/copyright'
[20:21] <jcfp> is there a known problem with the ppa stats? looks like no new data have been generated since the 21st.
[21:13] <wodemay_> Hi.. Anyone know of alternatives to translations.lp.n? I may still use the lp solution, I just would like to see what other options i have.
[21:13] <wodemay_> One downside which I don't like about the LP one is that ultimately I will need my strings in the format of a PHP array, not a PO file.
[21:56] <mounirb> is there a way to change a launchpad project URL ?
[21:57] <mounirb> for example if a project is http://launchpad.net/x can it be changed to http//launchpad.net/y
[22:00] <maxb> Yes, you just need to ask for it in a question
[22:00] <maxb> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion
[22:01] <maxb> The question should come from the project's maintainer by way of authorization
[22:03] <maxb> mounirb: ^
=== wodemay_ is now known as wodemaye__
[22:04] <mounirb> maxb: thank you
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack