UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /23 /#ubuntu-dz.txt
Initial commit
[15:26] <hemza> salm
[15:31] <ButterflyOfFire> Salam hemza
[15:32] <hemza> Good. At last i get logged in Ubuntu-dz IRC
[15:38] <ButterflyOfFire> You're welcome hemza :)
[15:39] <ButterflyOfFire> Vous êtes d'Annaba hemza ?
[15:42] <hemza> No. from Jijel. I'am studing in Annaba
[15:42] <ButterflyOfFire> Ok :)
[15:43] <hemza> ButterflyOfFire, But how did you know ?
[15:45] <ButterflyOfFire> Just by your IP address :) Gateway CERIST-Univ.Annaba :)
[16:15] <hemza> ok. I have some suggestions about LoCo Team. Where could I post them
[16:16] <ButterflyOfFire> You can post send them to our mailinglist
[16:16] <ButterflyOfFire> so that everyone can read your message
[16:34] <hemza> ok Thank you