UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /20 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== rzr is now known as rZr
[07:36] <micahg> does anyone mind if I have libglew1.5 removed? (avogadro, calligra, and kalzium still depend on it)
[07:40] <micahg> err, I should rephrase this, could these packages be transitioned to glew 1.7?
[07:43] <valorie> micahg: perhaps drop a note to the devel list?
[07:44] * micahg should really subscribe to that thing
[07:44] <valorie> I've noticed a distinct lack of humanity here since UDS
[07:44] <valorie> sounds like the ubuflu was brutal
[07:45] <valorie> even if you aren't subbed, I'm sure your request will be posted
[07:48] <micahg> valorie: done, thanks
[07:48] <valorie> bitte schon
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== PaulW2U is now known as PaulW2U1
=== PaulW2U1 is now known as PaulW2U
[09:51] <yofel> micahg: is there a bug about the glew transition that one should close?
[09:51] <micahg> yofel: not that I know of
[09:51] <yofel> k
[09:52] * micahg is just working off NBS ATM
=== amichair_ is now known as amichair
[09:54] <yofel> bug 930111 seems to be it
[09:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 930111 in avogadro (Ubuntu) "glew 1.7.0 transition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/930111
=== rZr is now known as rzr
=== rzr is now known as rZr
=== rzr is now known as rZr
=== rZr is now known as rzr
[15:00] <rbelem> Darkwing, ping
=== rzr is now known as rZr
=== rZr is now known as rzr
[15:58] <BluesKaj> Hey all
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
[16:18] <Daskreech> hi BluesKaj
[16:18] <BluesKaj> heey Daskreech
[16:19] <Daskreech> how are you?
[16:19] <BluesKaj> fine Daskreech and you?
[16:20] <Daskreech> I'm ok
[16:29] <bulldog98_> debfx: there was an ugly bug, because of which it failed a test after compilation and adding libssl-dev fixed that
[16:32] * yofel gives up on making avogadro build with boost 1.49 and forces 1.46
[16:41] <swecarp> yofel, dont give up
[16:43] <yofel> upstream essentially rewrote the buildsystem to make that possible. Someone with more cmake knowledge than me may ask me for the package and continue (doesn't link)
[17:04] <JontheEchidna> so, what needs to be done atm?
[17:06] * JontheEchidna checks out MoM
[17:07] <JontheEchidna> NOTICE: 'k3b' packaging is maintained in the 'Bzr' version control system at:
[17:07] <JontheEchidna> https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/blinken
[17:07] <JontheEchidna> lol
[17:08] <JontheEchidna> I'll fix ;-)
[17:17] <debfx> JontheEchidna: MoM is outdated, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-April/035153.html
[17:17] <JontheEchidna> ah, ok. thanks
[17:17] <JontheEchidna> I find this tool is pretty useful too: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/kubuntu-desktop.html#outdatedandlocalinB
[17:19] <debfx> hm maybe MoM is ~working again, some files have been updated on 17-May-2012
[17:20] <debfx> bulldog98_: it builds fine for me without libssl-dev. what was the error message?
[17:22] <JontheEchidna> do we need the export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT stuff anymore?
[17:22] <yofel> debfx: see bottom of the packaging notepad
[17:24] <debfx> JontheEchidna: no
[17:24] <JontheEchidna> debfx: k, thanks
[17:24] <JontheEchidna> I'll remove it from k3b then
[17:24] <yofel> debfx, JontheEchidna: could you guys take a look at the kdenetwork failure I linked there? I'm out of ideas and would blame gcc, so unless you guys know something I'll comment that protocol out and file a bug upstream
[17:25] <bulldog98_> debfx: ctest error on http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas
[17:33] <debfx> bulldog98_: on quantal or precise?
[17:33] <bulldog98_> debfx: precise
[17:37] <debfx> bulldog98_: how can you not have libssl1.0.0 installed? it's pulled in by python-minimal -> python2.7-minimal
[17:37] <debfx> and python-minimal is priority: essential
[17:38] <bulldog98_> debfx: ? I don’t know I just had my pbuilders
[17:43] <debfx> you should check the pbuilder chroot. something went terribly wrong if libssl1.0.0 is really missing.
[17:43] <debfx> lol, apt is extra careful when you try to remove essential packages:
[17:43] <debfx> To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'
[17:44] <yofel> that's short, aptitude's is longer: "Yes, I am aware this is a very bad idea"
[17:46] <debfx> at least you don't have to solve any math equations ;)
[17:47] <yofel> hm, true, which means a script could probably trick it into doing that
[17:47] * yofel wonders if --force-yes applies here
[18:04] <bulldog98_> debfx: hm libssl1.0.0 is installed in that pbuilder
[18:06] <debfx> bulldog98_: maybe you still have version 1.0.0 instead of 1.0.1?
[18:06] <bulldog98_> debfx: yeah it seems to be 1.0.0
[18:09] <yofel> bulldog98_: libssl1.0.0 or package version 1.0.0
[18:09] <yofel> ?
[18:09] <bulldog98_> yofel: package version 1.0.0-…g…
[18:09] <yofel> ah
[18:10] <yofel> outdated chroot then it seams
[18:10] <yofel> *seems
[18:10] <bulldog98_> yofel: but I have the hooks installed, so it should update the pbuilder before building
[18:10] <yofel> er no, lemme commit that
[18:10] <CIA-42> [k3b] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120520181043-taoafltlhvhqywj4 * debian/ (14 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)
[18:10] <CIA-42> * Merge with Debian unstable, remaining changes: - Remove build depends on
[18:10] <CIA-42> libdvdread-dev, libmusicbrainz4-dev from universe. - Suggest, not recommend
[18:11] <CIA-42> [k3b] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120520181112-v3wdxcjthrjnbcxp * debian/patches/ (4 files) Oops, forgot to add the patches.
[18:12] <debfx> does anyone know when the kubuntu seed is demoted to universe?
[18:12] <JontheEchidna> dunno
[18:12] <yofel> ScottK gave me no clear answer last time I asked him
[18:13] <yofel> bulldog98_: update your hooks
[18:13] * yofel added one that runs apt-get dist-upgrade -y --force-yes
[18:16] <bulldog98_> yofel: don’t you want to join that with the D01er
[18:17] <micahg> is the demotion desired?
[18:17] <yofel> I had that together at first, then split it, but now can't remember why
[18:22] <debfx> yofel: is there any actual error message in the kdenetwork log?
[18:26] <yofel> debfx: that's the one with -Wl,--verbose, failure is:
[18:26] <yofel> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crtn.oCMakeFiles/kopete_qq.dir/evautil.o: In function `memset':
[18:26] <yofel> /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/string3.h:82: warning: memset used with constant zero length parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters
[18:26] <yofel> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
[18:26] <yofel> not that kopete builds with -Wl,-fatal-warnings
[18:27] <yofel> *note
[18:28] <yofel> I looked at the code, but the only thing that could happen would be if gcc evaluates 'pos' as 0, but I don't get how it gets to that
[18:32] <JontheEchidna> but pos isn't a constant, so I can't see how that would happen
[18:32] <JontheEchidna> hrm, weird
[18:39] <JontheEchidna> yofel: well, I guess we could patch it to build without -fatal-warnings :P
[18:39] <yofel> I'm just building with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt which should make gcc use -O0, maybe that helps
[18:40] <JontheEchidna> I suppose gcc could be optimizing away a code branch that initializes pos
[18:47] <micahg> JontheEchidna: your merges don't have the Debian changelogs, please pass -v to debuild or dpkg-genchanges
[18:47] <JontheEchidna> micahg: tried that, but it didn't work for whatever reason
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> complained that the merge version didn't exist
[18:48] <micahg> did you include the old changelogs in the merge?
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> yep
[18:48] <micahg> it's -v LAST_UBUNTU_VERSION_GOES_HERE
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> oh
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> I just did -v
[18:48] <micahg> heh
[18:48] <JontheEchidna> that would explain that
[18:51] <JontheEchidna> debfx: do you think we could drop kubuntu_libindicate_pkgconfig.diff for plasma-widget-message-indicator?
[18:51] <JontheEchidna> I think we're garuanteeed to get a high enough version of libindicate in quantal
[18:51] <JontheEchidna> and if we can drop that patch we could sync
[18:52] <JontheEchidna> or at least fakesync
[18:54] <micahg> the problem with libindicate is the soname is included in the pkgconfig file (not for the qt one apparently though), so it would depend on which one is included in Debian
[18:54] <micahg> *file name
[18:54] <JontheEchidna> looks like debian's still at 0.6
[18:55] <micahg> right, so we'd need the patch until they go to 0.7 if it's using that file
[18:59] <yofel> \o/
[18:59] <yofel> kdenetwork builds with noopt
[18:59] * yofel goes and files a bug against gcc 4.7
[19:22] <yofel> great, now I have private symbols in the symbol diff... *sigh*
[19:25] <bulldog98_> yofel: private symbols are a good thing to have, … but not in a symbol diff :)
[19:26] <yofel> yeah, but, but still fun:
[19:26] <yofel> + _ZN6Kopete11ContactList7PrivateC1Ev@Base 4:4.8.3
[19:26] <yofel> etc.
[19:27] <yofel> I'll just leave that in until we can drop noopt
[19:27] <micahg> yofel: I assume kalzium itself doesn't use glew for anything?
[19:28] <yofel> micahg: no, it needed it because the avogadro cmake config file needs libGLEW.so installed. I moved that dep to avogadro
[19:28] <micahg> ok, great
[19:39] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdenetwork] Philip Muškovac * 173 * debian/ (changelog control libkopete4.symbols rules) * Update symbol files for gcc 4.7 * Build with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt to work around bug 1002030 * Switch boost build-dep to 1.49
[19:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1002030 in gcc-4.7 (Ubuntu) "kdenetwork 4.8.3 fails to build with gcc 4.7 and level 2 optimizations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1002030
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
[19:53] <debfx> yofel: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=kdenetwork.git;a=blob;f=kdenetwork-4.7.97-fix-for-g%2B%2B47.patch;h=45f8b35d5972b32d47a088737fe887382e85b440;hb=HEAD seems like a better workaround
[19:54] <yofel> indeed, good find
[19:54] <yofel> debfx: are you adding it or should I?
[19:57] <ScottK> debfx, JontheEchidna, yofel: Talk to Riddell or someone else who was at UDS. It's not clear to me it was actually decided to demote it.
[19:57] <yofel> Darkwing: ^
[19:59] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common] Philip Muškovac * 118 * debian/changelog quantal upload
[20:02] <debfx> yofel: I wouldn't mind if you add it ;)
[20:02] <yofel> ack
[20:02] <yofel> ^^
[20:04] <debfx> ScottK: they all seem to have mysteriously disappeared/fell silent after UDS
[20:06] <bulldog98_> someone around for uploading a newer owncloud?
[21:19] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdenetwork] Philip Muškovac * 174 * debian/ (5 files in 2 dirs) * Drop DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=noopt in favour of kubuntu_fix_for_g++47.diff from Fedora. * Refresh libkopete4.symbols again
[21:22] <bulldog98_> yofel: time for a newer owncloud?
[21:38] <JontheEchidna> I've been a bit out of the loop for the past few cycles, but have we been tracking debian merges like this in the last few releases? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/NattyMerges
[21:42] <yofel> JontheEchidna: not sure, I haven't set up a page yet though. Was busy with real life and 4.8.3
[21:42] * yofel tries to remember himself
[21:42] * JontheEchidna nods
[21:42] <JontheEchidna> School got out 2 weeks ago, so now I just have to juggle work and kubuntu, so hopefully I'll have a bit more time for packaging
[21:43] <yofel> considering my past experience though, I would prefer to bundle the merges with 4.8.80. Fixing the breaks/replaces after we do .4 never went well
[21:43] <JontheEchidna> ok
[21:44] <JontheEchidna> we will probably want to merge pkg-kde-tools and qt4-x11 beforehand
[21:44] <JontheEchidna> I'm doing pkg-kde-tools right now, and on the surface it doesn't look like too gnarly of a merge
[21:44] <yofel> not sure about qt4, but pkg-kde-tools looks already merged
[21:44] <JontheEchidna> oh, yeah
[21:45] <JontheEchidna> MoM is just out of date for that one :P
[21:45] <JontheEchidna> so maybe MoM is still broken
[21:45] <yofel> IIRC there was a mail to ubuntu-devel that MoM is utterly broken currently (and static)
[21:47] <debfx> merging qt4 would be a good idea (but needs testing with unity-2d before upload)
[21:48] <yofel> about KDE, would actually just keep the merges in bzr without uploading until 4.9b1. Then setting the breaks/replaces to << 4.8.80 would be fine
[21:48] <yofel> s/would/we could/
[21:48] <JontheEchidna> yeah, I wouldn't think that there'd be much reason to upload the merges
[21:51] <debfx> are we going to push 4.8.3 to precise or wait for .4?
[21:51] <yofel> debfx: I intend to push 4.8.3 (tomorrow hopefully)
[21:52] <debfx> ok
[21:53] <JontheEchidna> yofel: If you don't mind, I'd like to make a copy of the merge wiki page & update it with the 4.8 package layout
[21:53] <yofel> http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas -> would the tags I added at the top work? Then we could use the same pad for the merges and SRU upload tracking
[21:53] <JontheEchidna> yeah, that'd work
[21:57] <JontheEchidna> I don't think that Debian has their 4.8 stuff in the usual git repos quite yet
[21:57] <JontheEchidna> but they do have a package repository here: http://qt-kde.debian.net/debian/pool/main/
[21:57] <yofel> uh, I think they're about done with 4.8.3
[21:58] <JontheEchidna> oh, they have a different branch for 4.8
[21:58] <JontheEchidna> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-kde/kde-sc/kde4libs.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/kde4.8;hb=kde4.8
[21:58] <JontheEchidna> that works
[21:58] <yofel> oh right
[21:59] <JontheEchidna> if nobody minds I'll grab kde4libs?
[21:59] <yofel> go ahead
[22:20] <JontheEchidna> So Debian put the kdeclarative stuff in to kdelibs5-dev
[22:21] <JontheEchidna> instead of making a kdelibs5-experimental-dev
=== v_ is now known as v
[22:22] <JontheEchidna> I assume we would want to follow suit?
[22:28] <yofel> I would say yes as it's required anyway. But it's still under experimental :/
[22:28] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/meta-kde] Philip Muškovac * 37 * debian/ (changelog control copyright rules) (log message trimmed)
[22:28] <CIA-42> * Merge with debian git, remaining changes: - drop suggests on kde-l10n, that
[22:28] <CIA-42> package doesn't exist in kubuntu. - replace koffice with calligra - suggest
[22:29] <JontheEchidna> we'd also have to carry a transitional package until the next LTS :/
[22:30] <yofel> for a -dev package?
[22:30] <JontheEchidna> you're right, maybe not for a -dev package
[22:30] <yofel> If that's the case though you might as well keep it until frameworks
[22:32] <JontheEchidna> heh, then there's the CVE patch that we've had hanging around in kde4libs for the past few releases that doesn't seem to have ever been resolve anywhere
[22:32] <JontheEchidna> <.<
[22:50] <JontheEchidna> !find /usr/share/doc/kde4/
[22:50] <ubottu> Package/file /usr/share/doc/kde4/ does not exist in precise
[22:50] <JontheEchidna> ^I think we can get rid of our compat link now :P
[22:52] * yofel gets rid of the oxygen-icons split in the meanwhile
[23:00] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/oxygen-icons] Philip Muškovac * 99 * debian/ (6 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)
[23:00] <CIA-42> * Merge with debian git, remaining changes: - add oxygen-icon-theme-complete
[23:00] <CIA-42> package (now a transitional package) - oxygen-icon-theme breaks/replaces
[23:00] <yofel_> enough for today
[23:00] * yofel_ is off to bed - good night