UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /20 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== wilx_ is now known as wilx
[13:15] * jimis watching bzr log -p consuming 800MB RSS and still going...
[13:42] <jimis> "bzr merge -cREVNO ." is telling me it has modified 2 files, but bzr status shows nothing was modified. Any ideas?
[13:45] <jimis> hmm never mind I used -rREVNO..REVNO-1 and it worked
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
[19:27] <lduros> is there a way to delete a remote repository?
[21:35] <vadi2> Is anyone else's bzr viz from 12.04 severely broken in terms of UI not functioning? Scrolling all the way up to the latest commit does not work.
=== 18VAANR0D is now known as wallyworld
=== wallyworld is now known as Guest3596
[23:37] <caravel> hello there o/
[23:38] <youlysses> o/
[23:38] <caravel> what is the status of the kde service (as of 4.8.3, running Fedora here) ? repo branched via bzr+ssh, cli tool works fine, but in dolphin all I get is some message in status bar : "Update of version information failed"
[23:42] <wolter> I am trying to revert my branch one version back but it keeps printing out the names of files I have modified and it will not complete the operation
[23:42] <wolter> What can I do to fix this?
[23:44] <bob2> http://bpaste.net the command you ran and the full output
[23:50] <wolter> bob2, I uncommitted and that seemed to work, thanks for trying to help though!