UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /18 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[00:40] <TheMuso> c
[03:04] <TheMuso> u/c
=== trelane` is now known as trelane
[11:21] <sewardj> does anybody know who the firefox packager for ubuntu is?
[11:26] <twb> It's *supposed* to be in the Maintainer field
[11:26] <twb> If not there (nor Uploaders field), either bitch via malone or you can look for people who have made recent uploads (debian/changelog)
[11:29] <ogra_> sewardj, try #ubuntu-desktop
[11:30] <sewardj> ogra_: thx
=== plars_ is now known as plars