UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <wxl> i could see where the ( might cause a fil
[00:00] <wxl> fail
[00:00] <Osmodivs1> Unit193: Nope, it will not autocomplete
[00:00] <Osmodivs1> Yeah, the ( is the problem
[00:00] <wxl> Osmodivs1: use the above
[00:00] <Osmodivs1> How should I've guessed about that \ inside the )??
[00:00] <Osmodivs1> wxl: Thank you very much
[00:01] <Osmodivs1> Someone should fix the Terminal so it can autocomplete this kind of stuff
[00:01] <Unit193> It does, if you know how to use it.
[00:01] <Osmodivs1> come on, it can't be that hard for you guys!
[00:01] <Osmodivs1> oh...
[00:15] <Sentynel> Osmodivs1: press tab in terminal to complete the current item to the next ambiguous point; press tab twice to list all the possibilities if it's at an ambiguous point. backslashes are used to signify that a character is used literally, rather than as a control/syntax character for the terminal
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
[04:53] <Synackal> i am geting some weird video artifacts with lubuntu
[04:53] <Synackal> Lubuntu software center freezes a lot
[04:54] <Synackal> i read that lubuntu runs faster than xubuntu but this does not seem to be the case for me
[10:04] <mi3> HI!!
[10:05] <half-duplex> mi3, welcome to the lubuntu support channel
[10:06] <mi3> thank you!
[10:06] <half-duplex> join #lubuntu-offtopic for chat
[10:07] <mi3> I need some assistance on sed and grep, I am trying to get some information from iplocation.net, and I would like to know how to get that info, like ip address, region
[10:09] <mi3> half-duplex, I need some assistance, am not here to chat
[10:10] <half-duplex> if someone can help, they will
[10:11] <mi3> ok
[10:20] <panh15> hi
[10:22] <mi3> hi
[10:22] <panh15> how are y?
[10:23] <television90_> hi
[10:24] <mi3> man fine
[10:25] <mi3> this is a help channel, move over to chat channel, if you are in a mood to chat :D
[11:14] <s-fox> Hello.
[11:15] <bioterror> hi
[11:15] <bioterror> what brings s-fox here?-)
[11:15] <bioterror> to the darkest corner of the ubuntu derivatives
[11:16] <s-fox> I dropped by to see if the lubuntu team need any assistance moving tutorials from the forums to the the official wiki bioterror .
[11:17] <bioterror> if the forums has userful information, why not
[11:17] <bioterror> useful even
[11:19] <nothingspecial> I think we need to wait until they have a new Documentation lead first s-fox
[11:19] <s-fox> All useful / up to date tutorials are to be moved to be moved to the wiki bioterror , regardless of distribution
[11:36] <head_victim> nothingspecial: I don't think we need any waiting. If people have the time and the inclination they should just do.
[11:38] <nothingspecial> ok head_victim
[11:39] <s-fox> nothingspecial, I was not aware that a new lead has not been appointed. I shall leave you to reorganise then.
[11:39] <bioterror> might take a while to reorganise
[11:39] <nothingspecial> ha ha ha
[11:39] <head_victim> The whole idea of a wiki is the bar for entry is low so that anyone and everyone can be a contributor. If we have to wait for permission to add information then all is lost.
[11:40] <head_victim> If you want to completely reorganise the way it's presented that might be something to discuss but if it's just a transfer of data and you have the time, I say, go for it :)
[12:16] <Homely_Girl> Help!!
[12:16] <pibarnas> Homely_Girl, ?
[12:16] <Yos> are you drowning ?
[12:16] <Homely_Girl> I am using irc on my mobile, please be patient
[12:18] <Homely_Girl> Yes, I've installed lubuntu, having major hassles connecting to internet visa mobile broadband dongle.
[12:18] <Homely_Girl> It'll connect now and then not again
[12:19] <Homely_Girl> It's an inconsistent problem.
[12:20] <Homely_Girl> Sod's law is it's working nite I got here!!
[12:20] <Homely_Girl> Did I frighten u all away??
[12:20] <pibarnas> Homely_Girl, are u sure it's a SO problem? Not an internet provider or modem one?
[12:21] <Homely_Girl> no not sure....will cone back to u
[12:31] <cheryl> Hi.....
[12:31] <Yos> hello
[12:31] <pibarnas> hi
[12:31] <cheryl> It's me, the drowning person! lol
[12:32] <cheryl> See, now it's working, if I shutdown 'n come back in 5 mins, it won't connect lol
[12:32] <cheryl> I had problems with Ubuntu too, seems to be an issue with huawei modem (is from Three)
[12:32] <Yos> I always had those problems with them dongles
[12:33] <cheryl> Yeah? Well landline is not an option for me :(
[12:33] <pibarnas> cheryl, I use one. I don't have these kind of issue.
[12:33] <cheryl> How did u overcome 'em Yos?
[12:33] <cheryl> pibarnas, which company is yours from?
[12:34] <Yos> I sold all 3 of them off and got a landline, one of them was also a huawei, if that is how you spell it
[12:34] <pibarnas> cheryl, it's a Brazilian one, called claro.
[12:34] <cheryl> You're in Milan, I am in Wales, this is not helpful. lol
[12:35] <cheryl> okay, another one for you.....I am trying to install restricted extras 'n my installer keeps crashing?
[12:35] <pibarnas> cheryl, I use it with lubuntu and fedora, without issues I can attribute to hardware.
[12:36] <cheryl> now if I try to apt-get it it tells me there is another process runnign.
[12:36] <pibarnas> cheryl, another thing I've done just after installed lubuntu.
[12:36] <cheryl> pibarnas, I'm not even sure if it's available here in UK, if not I'll see if I can get one on ebay
[12:37] <pibarnas> cheryl, get one?
[12:37] <cheryl> yes, a claro dongle.
[12:38] <pibarnas> cheryl, nope, I think I was misunderstood. Claro is the provider. Dongle is huawei, too.
[12:39] <cheryl> OOOOH!!
[12:39] <cheryl> Well I'm perplexed, it's working now, lemme shutdown 'n go make a cuppa 'n see if it works upon my return.
[12:40] <cheryl> bbiab
[12:40] <pibarnas> cheryl, what I was trying to say, is that can be your provider issue...
[13:44] <ram19890> How to configure conky on lubuntu ?
[14:01] <Yos> what's a good on screen keyboard to use ?
[14:08] <Yos> well onBoard sux
[14:09] <Yos> any suggestions ?
[14:38] <pmatulis> dunno, check the web
[14:48] <Yos> I'm not having any luck finding one that works on lubuntu
[16:02] <mikildemion> morning/evening/afternoon all. I have an interesting issue dealing with desktop launchers. lubuntu 12.04 fresh install, fully updated. The issue is that any .desktop with a Terminal=true setting fails to work. Remove the Terminal line or change it to false and it work, but no terminal window of course.
[16:23] <pibarnas1> weird, .desktop with Terminal=true are launched through pcmanfm, but not from panel menu...
[16:26] <mikildemion> it acts like Terminal=true is a invalid command. But its not. Even using the gui setup it fails. I'm at a loss on this one. I tried changing from lxterminal to xterm and updating the config files. same thing. No change
[16:28] <pibarnas1> mikildemion: for me, calling graphically works, except from the menu.
[16:28] <mikildemion> what do you mean by calling graphically works?
[16:29] <pibarnas1> mikildemion: through menu, the term seems to opened, but freeze.
[16:30] <mikildemion> not talking menu items. I'm talking desktop. as in the ~/Desktop directory.
[16:30] <pibarnas1> mikildemion: graphically, go to ~/.local/share/applications/weechat.desktop and run it, doulbe clicking on the proper icon, for instance.
[16:31] <pibarnas1> mikildemion: it's case sensitive, are you putting Terminal=True?
[16:31] <mikildemion> tried it both ways
[16:36] <mikildemion> OK I copied the file (test.desktop) from ~/Desktop to ~/.local/share/applications using pcmanfm. Double clicked on it, nothing, right clicked on it and chose open, nothing.
[16:37] <mikildemion> this is the internals of the file: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=test Name[en_US]=test Exec=ping Comment[en_US]= Terminal=false all on each line of course
[16:38] <mikildemion> Sorry Terminal=true is set, not false.
[16:54] <pibarnas> brb
[16:55] <pmatulis> so we are rudderless? pity
[17:51] * cheryl looks around 'n sheepishly says hello?
[17:52] <cheryl> Is there anybody in there?
[17:52] <cheryl> How do I install restricted extras on lubuntu plse?
[17:53] <Unit193> Either open synaptic and search for lubuntu, or open a terminal and type (copy) sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras
[17:53] <mikildemion> menu -> preferences -> Additional Drivers
[17:53] <Unit193> Dagnabbit.
=== Duke is now known as duke_afk
[19:01] <cheryl> Hello
[19:04] <wxl> cheryl: howdy
[19:04] <wxl> i agree
[19:04] <wxl> but
[19:04] <cheryl> Whoo hoo, someone's here!!
[19:05] <wxl> how many times have you contacted a mailing list, forum, irc channel, etc and got nothing?
[19:05] <wxl> it's happened a million times to me
[19:05] <Unit193> cheryl: Two of us answered you, but you didn't wait long enough to see.
[19:05] <wxl> oops
[19:05] <Unit193> wxl: Wrong window, mate.
[19:05] <wxl> sorry wrong channel :O
[19:05] <cheryl> sigh.....
[19:05] <wxl> gosh, at least old habits don't die hard
[19:05] <cheryl> sorry Unit193
[19:05] <Unit193> [13:53:30] < Unit193> Either open synaptic and search for lubuntu, or open a terminal and type (copy) sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras
[19:05] <Unit193> [13:53:31] < ~mikildemion> menu -> preferences -> Additional Drivers
[19:06] <Unit193> Depending on what you need, there's the answer. :D
[19:06] <cheryl> Oooh, let's see if it works....
[19:07] <cheryl> Okay, Batman it's blank, says no proprietry drivers are in use.
[19:07] <cheryl> need flash
[19:07] <cheryl> in Ubuntu it's all covered in "restricted extras"
[19:08] <Unit193> unit193@Sigma:~$ apt-cache depends lubuntu-restricted-addons
[19:08] <Unit193> |Recommends: adobe-flashplugin
[19:08] <Unit193> Recommends: flashplugin-installer
[19:09] <Unit193> You need to enable the partner repo, and install the first one (and uninstall the second)
[19:09] <Unit193> !partner
[19:09] <ubottu> Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »
[19:10] <cheryl> with "??
[19:11] <cheryl> Unit193, I have a headache already lol
[19:11] <cheryl> I'm not a knowledgeable geek :(
[19:13] <Unit193> Open a terminal and paste sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin
[19:16] <cheryl> paste everything from sudo to flashplugin??
[19:16] <cheryl> Sorry, just seemed alot
[19:16] <cheryl> lol
[19:16] <Unit193> Yep, I made a few commands into one.
[19:17] <cheryl> It's doing stuff!!
[19:18] <cheryl> I may very well have 2 kiss you! lol I would've married u but you're in the USA! :P
[19:18] <cheryl> Please don't panic, I am not a stalker, just my off beat sense of humour.
[19:18] <bioterror> well, you could get greencard ;D
[19:19] <uvtc> Hi. I recently installed Emacs 24 by adding the ppa:cassou/emacs repository. The install went fine, but now apt is telling me it wants to install various gnome/unity packages. Anyone else run into this?
[19:19] <cheryl> Yeah but I would want u to move here!! lol I have a daughter here I can't move, she lives with Daddy!
[19:20] <cheryl> Right, now Batman, how do I stop the system asking me for a password for EVERYTHING??? I live alone, no one else touches my pc!! lol I went into users 'n made myself Administrator, 'cos I'm sure I heard somewhere once it's not good to be root! lol
[19:21] <cheryl> I was married 2 a computer engineer, am divorced so no longer receiving updates! lol
[19:22] <Unit193> The idea for that is so in case you accidently run a script that wants to run as root, it'll ask you your password and you go "wait a second, why does it need that?" and doesn't harm your computer then.
[19:23] * cheryl rolls her eyes
[19:23] <cheryl> OH okay!!
[19:24] <pibarnas> sudo?
[19:24] <uvtc> cheryl, it's good that the system asks you for a password for certain tasks. It actually often protects you from making various silly mistakes that we all make from time to time. You'll get faster at typing it. :)
[19:24] <Unit193> Yeah, why it keeps asking even though she's the only one ever touching her computer.
[19:25] <cheryl> sudo I understand, but if I do ANYTHING, like when I have to go into VPN settings to delete the modem connection to restart 'cos it won't connect, it asks for passwords ALL the time.
[19:25] <bioterror> cheryl, system wide settings requires passwords
[19:25] <cheryl> uvtc, LMAO good one
[19:25] <uvtc> cheryl, if you're at the command line, you can run `sudo -i` to become root.
[19:25] <cheryl> thank you
[19:26] <cheryl> Do any of you know of existing conflicts with the mobile b/band dongle Huawei and the mobile network Three??
[19:26] <pibarnas> cheryl, in /etc/sudoers you configure sudo. There you can enable no password for programs.
[19:26] <cheryl> pibarnas, now you're poking my headache lol
[19:27] <cheryl> I'll just comply to using my p/word
[19:28] <cheryl> Somebody slap me!! Updates is just sitting there progress thingy not moving, so I read....for a change & it's waiting for a response from me!! DOH!!!
[19:29] <cheryl> Wait...updates is saying "waiting for apt-get to exit", so went to terminal 'n it's not asking a question 'n not doing nowt??
[19:29] <cheryl> Is okay I was just too impatient again, it was a y/n quessie, is working again lol
[19:30] <cheryl> Please don't ban me from here for being an eedjit! lol
[19:30] <cheryl> who yacks too much! lol
[19:31] <cheryl> Unit193, It's finished now, does that mean all is fixed?? Do I need to restart the browser?
[19:31] <Unit193> Aye.
[19:31] * cheryl plants a kiss firmly on Unit's lips
[19:32] <cheryl> Unit193, Thank you SOO much....well I ain't checked it yet! lol
[19:32] <Unit193> Might want too, flash can be weird.
[19:32] <cheryl> Okay, I never thought I'd say this....but is it possible to move the x back to the left like it had become in Ubuntu & I got used to??
[19:33] <cheryl> x, close 'n minimise/maximise functions on window or proggy that is.
=== duke_afk is now known as Duke
[19:33] <pibarnas> cheryl, yep.
[19:34] <cheryl> pibarnas, how do I do it plse?
[19:34] <pibarnas> cheryl, obconf has its option.
[19:34] <cheryl> pibarnas, and in layman's terms that's???
[19:35] <Unit193> It's a program.
[19:35] <cheryl> Unit193, flash not working!
[19:35] <pibarnas> open obconf and find something like buttons order.
[19:35] <cheryl> ok, ta
[19:36] <pibarnas> cheryl, mine isn't in English so I have no idea how it's written in English.
[19:36] <Unit193> What browser? And what site are you checking/mainly going to use?
[19:37] <cheryl> Unit193, Is chrome and firefox, at mo only got chrome
[19:38] <cheryl> pibarnas, found obconf, just went to "run" and tyed it in!
[19:38] <cheryl> Now trying 2 figure it all out!
[19:38] <Unit193> Chrome or Chromium? Chrome has pepperflash.
[19:39] <cheryl> chromium...what came with installation.
[19:40] <cheryl> brb nature's call!
[19:40] <Unit193> Type in a terminal: dpkg -l |grep flash and see what pulls up, if it's long use pastebin.com
[19:40] <pibarnas> cheryl, it's in the second tab, the one which has font configuration.
[19:42] <cheryl> kk
[19:43] <cheryl> right, pib, I'm there 'n drawing a blank.
[19:43] <pibarnas> cheryl, try to change the order for CMILN. You can play with it.
[19:43] <cheryl> You solved it just my saying CMILN...'cos mine's in another order!! ;)
[19:44] <cheryl> You want a kiss too, don't ya! lol
[19:44] <cheryl> sORTED!!
[19:44] <cheryl> Now I'm back with u Unit193
[19:45] <cheryl> Lemme open a terminal....
[19:45] <cheryl> Here u go, it's not too long
[19:45] <cheryl> ii adobe-flash-properties-gtk GTK+ control panel for Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
[19:45] <cheryl> ii adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
[19:45] <cheryl> cheryl@cheryl-SCENIC-P-SCENICO-P:~$
[19:46] <Unit193> That's about what I have and it works in firefox. You said you restarted both and it only worked in chromium? You could open Tools > Addons and click the plugins to see what it has loaded, alternitively you can open about:plugins in firefox url bar.
[19:47] <cheryl> No Unit193 I only have Chromium installed but will be d/loading firefox. Need it to work in chromium for my 5 yr old to play on bbc kids website.
[19:48] <Unit193> Oh, then I misunderstood you.
[19:48] <cheryl> okay, I think I need valium!! It's working now!!
[19:48] <cheryl> well cbeebies is working.
[19:48] <pibarnas> cheryl, here I uninstalled chromium and installed chrome, but it was just a matter of choice.
[19:49] <cheryl> pibarnas, thank you kind sir.
[19:49] * cheryl kisses pibarnas on the cheek, wouldn't want Unit193 to get jealous!! lol
[19:50] <cheryl> Unit193, see it won't work on www.ukcb.com where I chat in various chat rooms
[19:50] <cheryl> says I'm missing a plugin
[19:51] <will_> pibarnas: How do you like it? Does it run better?
[19:51] <will_> I'm a bit curious if the Flash plugin is better optimized
[19:52] <Unit193> cheryl: It should have a button that says what plugin, and pibarnas has a point with using Chrome.
[19:53] <cheryl> Unit193, I'll d/load Chrome 'n see hot it goes, d/loading Firefox now, I like to keep my 5 yr old on Chrome 'n away from my browser & am more familiar with Firefox.
=== len is now known as Guest48005
[19:55] <pibarnas> will_, I was trying to find the url I read chromium might not support all chrome plugins... And I decided to install the last one, then.
[19:55] <will_> ah ok
[19:55] <cheryl> Unit193, it does but doesn't, but let's not stress, I got Chrome d/loading now.
[19:56] * cheryl group hugs all you guys for keeping me proudly opensource!!
[19:56] <pibarnas> I didn't find the url, but that's the motive.
[19:56] <cheryl> Couldn't do it without your collective brains!
[19:57] <cheryl> Imagine I use synaptic to uninstall chromium?
[19:57] <pibarnas> I must say I don't have this kind of issues and I think the decision of chromium is the browser may have the same genesis mp3 aren't support out-of-the-box.
[19:59] <Unit193> Chome isn't opensource, but has the latest pepperflash, soo....
[19:59] <cheryl> Unit193, you enable me to live in a MS free zone!! Of that I'm proud! :)
[20:01] <cheryl> Woman cannot live on linux alone....going for a snack while synaptic uninstalls chromium 'n installs firefox! :)
[20:01] <cheryl> bbiab
[20:06] <Unit193> Women can, and I know a few sysadmins that do.
[20:11] <cheryl> Unit193, I guess all the bits we installed earlier cover firefox 'n chrome?
[20:11] <Unit193> Chome has it's own, last I knew, but firefox should anyway.
[20:12] <cheryl> Thank you!!
[20:12] <cheryl> I shall go, feed my face 'n then enjoy!! Will be back if I need y'all. Thanks so much! xxx
[20:13] <Unit193> Have a good one.
[20:13] <cheryl> ty 'n see u soon no doubt!
[20:23] <cheryl> Unit193, Don't scream, it's java, not flash!! lol
[20:23] <cheryl> Unit193, I have Chrome installed, was easier to determine which plugin missing with it...
[20:24] <Unit193> sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin openjdk-6-jre
[20:24] <cheryl> Unit193, So when do I have your children? lol
[20:25] <Unit193> Might be a little less than family friendly there. (As in, content, we try to keep it family friendly in here)
[20:26] * cheryl considers herself told!!
[20:44] <SpyderZ> I've got what is probably an embarrasingly simple question if anyone is available.
[20:44] <Unit193> As it says, don't wait to ask, just ask then wait.
[20:44] <will_> SpyderZ: Sure, ask away
[20:45] <SpyderZ> What does it mean when you send a command to the terminal and it dumps you to a >
[20:45] <Unit193> That generally means you have a unclosed quote in there.
[20:45] <Unit193> Can mean a few things though.,
[20:46] <will_> What command did you run?
[20:47] <nothingspecial> SpyderZ: we all know because we do it all the time
[20:47] <SpyderZ> Hehehe, it was as easy as that... (I think, let me check to be sure.) I was using ' instead of " as the article I'd pulled up used them.
[20:47] <Unit193> What? Who said that? <_< >_>
[20:47] <nothingspecial> :D
[20:49] <SpyderZ> It worked! ^.^ As I thought, something simple. ;?
[20:49] <Unit193> Been there, done that....
[20:50] <nothingspecial> many times ........
[20:52] <SpyderZ> Now, before I dig, can a "Symbolic Link" have different name than the file it links to?
[20:54] <Unit193> Yep.
[20:54] <Unit193> ln --help
[20:54] <Unit193> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ln
[20:55] <nothingspecial> SpyderZ: ln -s blah blag
[20:55] <nothingspecial> mv blag hmmm
[20:55] <nothingspecial> hmmm still links to blah
[20:55] <Unit193> You can check where with ls -l
[20:56] <SpyderZ> Reading... (I need to remember that --help exists for "Everything". ;P)
[20:56] <Unit193> Really? Have you ever tried echo --help? I know I have...
[20:56] <nothingspecial> I got that the wrong way round by the way SpyderZ
[20:56] <nothingspecial> but yes you can
[20:56] <nothingspecial> >.<
[21:13] <SpyderZ> Thank you all. ^.^ And hopefully I don't come barging in here with such silly questions in the future. ;P
[21:22] <tata> I try to install wireless on lubuntu 10.4 but not work,- windows wireless driver recognaize my hardware?
[21:23] <will_> tata: How does it not work? Is it not recognized by the system? Does it not connect to the AP?
[21:24] <tata> recognized after I install .inf file from cd
[21:25] <tata> I have: hardware present: yes