UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /16 /#launchpad-dev.txt
Initial commit
[01:33] <wgrant> wallyworld: BugTaskSearchParams.setTarget maybe of interest.
[01:34] <wallyworld> wgrant: context?
[01:34] <wgrant> + all_branches = getUtility(IAllBranches).visibleByUser(user)
[01:34] <wgrant> + wanted_branches = all_branches.visibleByUser(user).withIds(
[01:34] <wgrant> + *branch_ids)
[01:34] <wgrant> Also, that's got a duplicate visibleByUser
[01:34] <wgrant> wallyworld: The preloading branch
[01:34] <wallyworld> i copied that code from elsewhere
[01:34] <wgrant> You currently branch based on pillar interface and call setProduct/setDistribution
[01:34] <wgrant> Rather than setTarget
[01:35] <wallyworld> ok. i just cut and pasted it. will fix along with the other typo. thanks
[01:36] <wgrant> Cargo-culting Launchpad code is a little less likely to be optimal than in other projects, sadly.
[01:36] <wgrant> Our codebase is in a bit of a sorry state.
[01:40] <wallyworld> it's getting better though
[02:14] <wgrant> Wow
[02:14] <wgrant> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-b0f528b0f920a20462267635b6697b7a
[02:15] <wgrant> SQL time: 4032 ms
[02:15] <wgrant> Non-sql time: 32597 ms
[02:16] <wgrant> Ah, it's the old "Product.has_release_files actually retrieves every detail about everything relating to every release file" trick.
[02:46] <wgrant> wallyworld: Thanks :)
[02:47] <wallyworld> np. i hate typos
[04:34] <wgrant> Oh.
[04:53] <wgrant> lifeless: I still fundamentally reject the way bugsummary journalling is done, but you weren't wrong about there being a lot of fat...
[04:55] <wgrant> There we go, 20 times faster already
[04:56] * StevenK stabs stacking
[04:56] <wgrant> Yes.
[04:56] <wgrant> That is the correct response to stacking in Launchpad :(
[04:57] <wgrant> Tag addition to an 80 task bug in 20ms instead of 650ms.
[04:58] <wgrant> And there's probably another 5-10ms or so still to trim.
[04:58] <StevenK> I can't figure out where a branch is created with the stacked_on set
[04:58] <wgrant> I guess there really was no thought put to optimisation during the mad scramble to unbreak prod
[04:58] <wgrant> StevenK: That would never happen on production.
[04:58] <wgrant> Only in a test.
[04:58] <StevenK> wgrant: I need a DB trigger then?
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[04:59] <wgrant> StevenK: No. The things that update the stacked_on field will be easily findable in the application code.
[04:59] <wgrant> You can put guards there.
[04:59] <wgrant> Code's code isn't insane.
[04:59] <wgrant> Bugs' code is, which is why I used triggers for the early stuff.
[05:00] <wgrant> Branches are also far far simpler. The only vague complications they have are retargeting and restacking.
[05:00] <StevenK> Let me paste a diff and I can explain the problem.
[05:00] <wgrant> The existing privacy model is sufficiently crap that we don't have to migrate it or work around it.
[05:00] <StevenK> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/990144/ is my diff
[05:01] <StevenK> lp.code.model.tests.test_branch.TestBranchPrivacy.test_public_stacked_on_private_is_private fails since it's not private
[05:02] <wgrant> You need to define rules around what happens when stacked_on is changed, and implement them.
[05:04] <wgrant> Nasty lifeless writing n+1 query code in DB triggers :)
[05:04] <wgrant> Although I'm not quite sure why it's so slow.
[05:04] <wgrant> Since it's all static so it should be preplanned.
[05:04] <wgrant> Perhaps bulk inserts optimise heap insertion somehow.
[05:09] <StevenK> wgrant: So <branch namespace>.createBranch() is called, and then branch.branchChanged() is called?
[05:09] <wgrant> StevenK: That's how it normally happens, yes.
[05:09] <wgrant> branchChanged should hopefully be the only place stacked_on is changed on production.
[05:09] <StevenK> Looks like it
[05:10] <StevenK> Also looks like I'll need to change makeBranch() to do the same.
[05:20] <lifeless> wgrant: thats great news
[05:20] <lifeless> wgrant: what did you change to make it faster ?
[05:27] <wgrant> lifeless: First I removed the fixed_upstream thing, which I turned off display of by feature flag a couple of months back. That saved about 50% of the time. Then I fixed summarise/unsummarise/flush to do bulk inserts instead of a FOR loop.
[05:27] <wgrant> That saved the rest of the time.
[05:30] <lifeless> interesting
[05:30] <wgrant> Yes.
[05:30] <lifeless> thanks for suspending your disbelief long enough to investigate
[05:30] <wgrant> Heh
[05:30] <lifeless> well, a little tease is in order ;)
[05:30] <wgrant> Thanks for poking me in this direction; it will indeed be a bit quicker to implement than the redesign.
[05:31] <wgrant> naturally :)
[05:31] <lifeless> anytime
[05:31] <wgrant> It's not entirely implausible that eg. FK constraints are optimised in a batch INSERT, I guess.
[05:31] <wgrant> Since most of the FKs will be duplicates.
[07:51] <adeuring> good mornin
=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: frankban* (rvba) | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
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[08:35] <StevenK_> frankban: Oooh, is this your first shift?
[08:35] <frankban> yes StevenK_
[08:36] <StevenK_> Hm, where did that _ come from?
[08:36] <StevenK_> frankban: However, congrats for standing up as a reviewer.
=== StevenK_ is now known as StevenK
[08:37] <frankban> StevenK: thanks
[09:51] <cjwatson> Ooh, a victim! :-)
[09:52] <cjwatson> frankban: I've got https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/packageset-score/+merge/105915 for you, if you fancy it
[09:52] <cjwatson> (But not if you have more urgent stuff)
[09:52] <frankban> cjwatson: on it in a minute
[09:54] <nigelb> heh, a victim.
[09:54] <jamestunnicliffe> gmb: Any news on that review? https://code.launchpad.net/~dooferlad/launchpad/upcomingwork_show_incomplete_bp/+merge/105846
[10:02] <gmb> jamestunnicliffe, I haven't had a chance to look at it yet; it's on my list for this morning.
[10:03] <jamestunnicliffe> gmb: Cool, thanks.
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[12:20] <danilos> mrevell, just to confirm, we have our call today?
[12:21] <mrevell> danilos, If you and James can make it, that would be very helpful for us.
[12:21] <danilos> mrevell, I can for sure, let's invite James as well
[12:22] <danilos> mrevell, oh, and hi btw :)
[12:22] <mrevell> Hello! :)
[12:50] <cjwatson> Good grief the whole Archive/ArchivePermission edifice isn't half wordy.
[13:20] <deryck> rick_h_, hey, man.
[13:20] <rick_h_> deryck: howdy
[13:20] <rick_h_> deryck: nvm email I sent last night, problems solved I think
[13:20] <rick_h_> will bring it up in call
[13:21] <deryck> rick_h_, ah, ok. was about to say I couldn't find email to respond and then respond here. :) But we can chat on call then.
[13:26] <wgrant> cjwatson: Hm, why do you have a setScore method?
[13:31] <cjwatson> wgrant: score should be visible read-only on the API and have a restricted setter; happy to take suggestions on a better way to do it, I was probably cargo-culting from nearby code
[13:32] * czajkowski peers at wgrant
[13:33] <czajkowski> wgrant: it's not a competition who can stay up the latest you know :)
[13:33] <wgrant> cjwatson: Attributes have separate read and write permissions.
[13:34] <wgrant> cjwatson: eg. look at Builder
[13:34] <wgrant> <allow
[13:34] <wgrant> interface="lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder.IBuilder"/>
[13:34] <wgrant> <allow
[13:34] <wgrant> interface="lp.soyuz.interfaces.buildrecords.IHasBuildRecords"/>
[13:34] <wgrant> <require
[13:34] <wgrant> permission="launchpad.Edit"
[13:34] <wgrant> set_schema="lp.buildmaster.interfaces.builder.IBuilder"/>
[13:36] <cjwatson> So maybe I can avoid the grotty IPackagesetRestricted altogether?
[13:36] <wgrant> interface= is for getting attributes on the interface (including methods), set_schema= for setting attributes, attributes= for reading specific non-interface attributes, set_attributes= for writing them.
[13:36] <wgrant> cjwatson: You probably need a separate permission.
[13:37] <cjwatson> Right, but I'm using launchpad.Moderate for that.
[13:37] <wgrant> Unless anyone who can edit a packageset should be able to edit its score.;
[13:37] <cjwatson> No. Build scores control access to a site-wide resource.
[13:37] <cjwatson> There's a test for that :)
[13:37] <wgrant> Right, so it needs a separate permission. But you could indeed do away with the interface, and just use set_attributes
[13:37] <cjwatson> But perhaps I can just do set_attributes="score". Right.
[13:38] <wgrant> On large interfaces we usually use sub-interfaces for read permissions.
[13:38] <wgrant> But write permissions often end up as set_attributes because they need to be split differently.
[13:38] <wgrant> Like this.
[13:39] <cjwatson> Does the strictest <require/> apply, or is there a problem with <require permission="launchpad.Edit" interface="lp.soyuz.interfaces.packageset.IPackagesetEdit"/> <require permission="launchpad.Moderate" set_attributes="score"/>?
[13:39] <wgrant> That ZCML will fail to execute.
[13:40] <wgrant> Conflicts like that are fatal.
[13:41] <cjwatson> Ugh, so I have to enumerate all the non-Moderate attributes? A separate interface suddenly looks nicer after all.
[13:41] <wgrant> Indeed. And a separate interface works here, since everything is world-readable.
[13:41] <wgrant> Things get messy when you have some stuff read-restricted, and subsets of that write-restricted, so you'd end up needing like 10 interfaces.
[13:42] <cjwatson> But I can still make it be set_schema= rather than having a setScore method, I guess.
[13:42] <wgrant> Yep.
[13:42] <wgrant> czajkowski: It's not yet midnight :)
[13:43] <wgrant> czajkowski: Some of us weren't up at 4am...
[13:45] <czajkowski> yeah wont be doing that again
[13:45] <wgrant> I am glad :)
[13:45] <cjwatson> wgrant: Not entirely sure how to write the setter, though. I can't use @score.setter here, can I? Doesn't look like storm implements that.
[13:45] <wgrant> cjwatson: No need for a setter.
[13:46] <wgrant> It's not a property, is it?
[13:46] <cjwatson> Duh. Good point.
[13:46] <wgrant> Right.
[13:46] <wgrant> You should have just to change the permission and set readonly=False on the interface.
[13:46] <wgrant> And it will all magically work.
[13:46] <wgrant> But also tests.
[13:46] <cjwatson> But then the restricted interface has nothing in it.
[13:46] <wgrant> You move score to that interface.
[13:47] <wgrant> The <allow interface="BlahRestricted" />
[13:47] <wgrant> *Then
[13:47] <cjwatson> s/move/copy/ maybe? I need it in the read-only one too.
[13:47] <wgrant> No
[13:47] <wgrant> You have to have it in only one.
[13:47] <cjwatson> Oh I se
[13:47] <cjwatson> e
[13:47] <wgrant> So you <allow> read and <require> write
[13:47] <wgrant> For that interface.
[13:48] <cjwatson> I think the existing tests I have should cover this
[13:48] <cjwatson> test_score_packageset_forbids_non_buildd_admin and test_score_packageset_allows_buildd_admin
[13:56] <stub> deryck: Has all the translations opening been completes as far as you know?
[13:57] <deryck> stub, hi. As far as I know, it has *not* be complete. I filed an RT and never heard back. And I need to hand that off to jam and the blue squad now actually.
[13:57] <wgrant> Um
[13:57] <cjwatson> wgrant: Something like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/packageset-score/revision/15260 then?
[13:58] <wgrant> Handing an extremely fragile process that almost always breaks off to a squad that's new to Launchpad doesn't sound like the wisest of plans.
[13:58] <wgrant> cjwatson: Much nicer, thanks.
[13:59] <stub> deryck: Ta. There are some droppings in the DB I was wondering about from one of the scripts.
[14:00] <deryck> stub, yeah, I gave webops a script to clean that up.
[14:00] <stub> deryck: ok. Is that in your RT?
[14:00] <deryck> stub, yes
[14:00] <stub> Have the number handy?
[14:00] <cjwatson> wgrant: The only downside is that it shows up as writeable in the apidoc.
[14:00] <cjwatson> But I guess it is, sort of.
[14:01] <deryck> wgrant, maybe not the wisest of plans. but there is literally no one that understands the process, except jtv. so if he isn't doing it, anyone of us is a good as another.
[14:02] <wgrant> cjwatson: Yeah, permissions have always been an issue there.
[14:02] <wgrant> deryck: Perhaps.
[14:03] <wgrant> I'm not sure Blue is likely to agree :P
[14:03] <czajkowski> poor smurfs
[14:10] <jcsackett> "The smurfs"; that sound much friendlier than some of the other squad nicknames. :-P
[14:11] <czajkowski> jcsackett: lol
[14:59] <deryck> rick_h_, hey. give me 5 minutes to settle in again and we can chat
[14:59] <rick_h_> deryck: sounds good
[15:00] <mrevell> danilos, Are we Mumbling?
[15:00] <mrevell> danilos, Does James have access to Mumble?
[15:00] <mrevell> well, our Mumble server
[15:00] <danilos> mrevell, flacoste, jamestunnicliffe: let's meet up in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/linaro.org/lp-meetup (James doesn't have access to our mumble server)
[15:02] <flacoste> danilos: welcome to the 21st century :-)
[15:04] <danilos> flacoste, heh, thanks :)
[15:04] <danilos> though, 21st century has suddenly left me with no sound output
[15:04] <jamestunnicliffe> danilos: pulseaudio -k solves everything :-)
[15:05] <danilos> jamestunnicliffe, I was just restarting it system wide
[15:08] <sinzui> rick_h_, I suspect the combo-loader is broke the translation import queue. Can you take a few minutes to give your thoughts: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1000282
[15:08] <_mup_> Bug #1000282: Uncaught TypeError on translations series +imports <combo-loader> <javascript> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000282 >
[15:09] <rick_h_> sinzui: looking, have a call in a moment, but will check it out
[15:10] <rick_h_> sinzui: off the bat I'd say it was a requires: issue. A module isn't requiring something it needs to, or a lint issue, if a module fails to parse due to invalid JS? I'll look deeper in a second
[15:10] <rick_h_> but those are my initial thoughts
[15:10] <danilos> mrevell, flacoste, jamestunnicliffe: hangout hanged for me again, I'll reboot to get to a clean state
[15:10] <flacoste> danilos: hang out
[15:10] <flacoste> we are switching to the conf system
[15:11] <danilos> ok
[15:11] <flacoste> danilos: conf code: 116 862 4336
[15:12] <danilos> flacoste, ack, in and waiting for the leader
[15:13] <flacoste> danilos: are you in?
[15:13] <danilos> mrevell, I am
[15:14] <danilos> mrevell, that's right
[15:14] <danilos> 12.04 has started popping up a bunch of crash reports
[15:14] <danilos> mrevell, there is a lot, I'll reboot
[15:21] <danilos> jamestunnicliffe, flacoste, mrevell: https://launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/+upcomingwork
[15:21] <danilos> flacoste, mrevell: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvOsYPy8e7yUdGkyRmx2WGFwT3NnSjdHVW04Q1pvSmc
[15:25] <flacoste> mrevell: danilos' email is "Per-milestone metadata in blueprints" dated from 12-03-21
[15:40] <noodles775> Hi people, we're just trying to use staging.lp for some QA, and wanted to check whether it's just a quick outage, or is it likely to be a while before it's up again?
[15:42] <czajkowski> noodles775: let me find out
[15:43] <noodles775> Thanks czajkowski
[15:46] <czajkowski> noodles775: just checking
[15:49] <danilos> flacoste, mrevell: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-infrastructure-misc/+spec/lp-workitems-qa-tracking
[15:49] <danilos> jamestunnicliffe, ^
[15:55] <czajkowski> noodles775: back up there now
[16:00] <noodles775> czajkowski: thanks!
[16:08] <timrc> how do I view an oops from the web again? forgot the subdomain
[16:10] <czajkowski> timrc: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/
[16:12] <timrc> czajkowski, thanks
[16:13] <timrc> anyone else getting timeouts? I tried, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search?text=live-build, and it resulted in this oops: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-e439dc4c04ec939b5798cebb1d5c4177
[16:23] <adeuring> abentley: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/put-retry-jobs-into-celery-queue/+merge/106012
[16:27] <rick_h_> sinzui: do you have a sample url for that JS error? have a branch to fix it, but want to make sure I qa the right place
[16:35] <rick_h_> sinzui: nvm, got it
[16:46] <sinzui> rick_h_, sorry, I was picking my son up from school: qastaging doesn't have the combo loader on at the moment so this works https://translations.qastaging.launchpad.net/+imports where as production does not
[16:46] <rick_h_> sinzui: yea, got it, MP is up now
[16:46] <rick_h_> waiting for the diff to update
[16:47] <sinzui> fab
[16:47] <rick_h_> https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/meta_1000282/+merge/106013 if you're feeling like moving along quiclly
[16:47] <sinzui> my pleasure
[16:47] <rick_h_> sinzui: I tried to note in the bug and the MP why it failed and how to debug that in the future hopefully
[16:47] <rick_h_> let me know if it doesn't make sense
[16:48] <sinzui> ah
[16:48] <rick_h_> but thanks for catching this, exactly the type of things hard to find automatically
[16:48] <sinzui> rick_h_, what are the odds that the comment is irrelevant now
[16:49] <rick_h_> sinzui: not sure, I didn't look at how they were using things tbh
[16:49] <sinzui> rick_h_, understood. We have a problem when we do not document the version that is broken. I fixed a few bugs recently by removing our hacks because YUI does work
[16:50] <rick_h_> sinzui: heh, yea. In a quick glance through the code I don't see what's 'strange' but like you say, no reference to when this was added. I guess I could annotate/match YUI versions/etc
[16:50] <rick_h_> would be great if they had a link to a bug/etc
[16:51] <sinzui> rick_h_, you have my approval to land the fix. I will see if I can track down the version in annotate and report a bug if needed
[16:51] <rick_h_> sinzui: yea, I'll remove the comment
[16:51] <rick_h_> it doesn't say anything other than why oop/event are added to req
[16:51] <rick_h_> and honestly, those are on every page anyway
[16:51] <rick_h_> and if someone comes along, they're not going to remove those/get passing tests if it really is required
[16:52] <sinzui> excellent point
[16:52] <rick_h_> ok, so removing comment, will get to land shortly, try to get fix out asap. Sorry to break the page
[16:52] <rick_h_> guess I should apologize to czajkowski on that one
[16:53] <cjwatson> I seem to recall hearing before that using launchpadlib_for in tests is awfully slow, and it does seem to be true here. Is there an example somewhere of a reasonably fast and current preferred style for webservice unit tests?
[16:54] <czajkowski> rick_h_: eh ?
[16:54] <rick_h_> czajkowski: the combo loader stuff broke the translations import queue page which is in the maint. watch stuff
[16:54] <rick_h_> assuming you're doing that these days as I know we used to before you started
[16:54] <czajkowski> rick_h_: ahhhh
[16:55] <cjwatson> (I don't actually need to test launchpadlib as such, only what's exposed on the webservice.)
[16:55] <james_w> cjwatson, there's webservice_for I think
[16:55] <james_w> direct requests, rather than via lplib
[16:56] <cjwatson> webservice_for_person?
[16:57] <james_w> cjwatson, that's the one
[16:57] <cjwatson> Thanks, I'll give that a try
[16:57] <james_w> from lp.testing.pages import webservice_for_person
=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
[17:22] <daker> hello
[17:22] <czajkowski> daker: aloha there
[17:23] <czajkowski> daker: coming to submit patches :-)
[17:23] <daker> hhhh ツ
[17:24] <abentley> adeuring: I believe the recommended way of creating a naive datetime from a UTC datetime is datetime.reaplace(tzinfo=None)
[17:24] <czajkowski> daker: folks will help if you get stuck
[17:24] <daker> i hope ツ
[17:24] <czajkowski> daker: feel free to ask here or on the mailing list, and they're very friendly
[17:25] <adeuring> abentley: maybe. but then we simply assume that the time delta is correct...
[17:26] <abentley> adeuring: How do you mean?
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[17:26] <adeuring> abentley: lets me try your suggestion first...
[17:27] <abentley> s/reaplace/replace/
[17:28] <abentley> adeuring: Catching AttributeError is too broad, because db_class.makeInstance might raise an AttributeError.
[17:28] <adeuring> abentley: http://paste.ubuntu.com/991017/
[17:28] <abentley> adeuring: I recommend getattr(db_class, 'makeInstance', None)
[17:29] <adeuring> abentley: right, that is better. but check the paste above: replace(tzinfo=None) is not usable.
[17:31] <abentley> adeuring: I thought if Celery was using naive datetimes, they would represent UTC. They represent local time?
[17:32] <adeuring> abentley: yes
[17:32] <adeuring> abentley: perhaps that can be configured
[17:32] <abentley> adeuring: How about datetime.astimezone then?
[17:34] <adeuring> now_utc.astimezone(tz=None)
[17:34] <adeuring> -> astimezone() argument 1 must be datetime.tzinfo, not None
[17:34] <adeuring> ... a TypeError
[17:36] <abentley> adeuring: astimezone can be used to convert from UTC to the local timezone, and then you can strip off the tzinfo with replace.
[17:37] <adeuring> abentley: well, ok. But is that really much better than to use the delta?
[17:39] <abentley> adeuring: I think it is much better than using datetime.now() twice, since the current date is not relevant to the conversion you're performing.
[17:39] <adeuring> well, ok...
[17:42] <adeuring> abentley: do you know how figure out the local timezone? I find the example in the Python docs a bit cumbersome...
[17:42] <adeuring> (class LocalTimezone)
[17:42] <abentley> adeuring: No, I don't know how to do that.
[17:43] <adeuring> abentley: so.... with the delta, we don't have to deal with this ;)
[17:44] <abentley> adeuring: Yes, but we'd be doing a lossy conversion.
[17:44] <abentley> adeuring: And unnecessary system calls.
[17:45] <adeuring> abentley: well, maybe. But anyway, there is a different details that concerns me a bit there: It might make sense to add another 10 seconds or so to the delat, to allow for time skew between the DB time and the time seen by celeryd
[17:46] <adeuring> s/delat/delta/
[17:47] <abentley> adeuring: I agree that's a reason for concern.
[17:48] <abentley> adeuring: I wonder if it makes sense to use the delta from the current DB time?
[17:49] <adeuring> abentley: maybe. But I would prefer a system call to another DB request...
[17:50] <abentley> adeuring: Using a system call doesn't address the concern of skew between the db and the celeryd system time.
[17:51] <adeuring> abentley: right, I'll try that.
[17:51] <abentley> adeuring: So AFAICT, the DB time isn't relevant.
[17:52] <abentley> adeuring: acquireLease doesn't use DB time.
[17:52] <adeuring> abentley: ah, right.
[17:53] <abentley> adeuring: I believe there's no possibility of skew.
[17:53] <adeuring> abentley: unless we have workers on more than one machine
[17:54] <abentley> adeuring: Right. We don't have that, and we're not expecting to have that in the near future, at least for a single queue.
[17:55] <abentley> adeuring: Still, I guess a fudge factor doesn't hurt here.
[17:56] <adeuring> abentley: right, one second should be enough
[17:57] <abentley> adeuring: sure.
[18:07] <adeuring> abentley: the example from the Python docs (class Localtime in the description of the datetime module) make _four_ calls to time.mktime() if the class is used in astimezone.astimezone(Localtime()) ;)
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[18:50] <adeuring> abentley: any progress with the review?
[18:50] <abentley> adeuring: No, I was waiting on your changes.
[18:51] <adeuring> abentley: so... what should we do woth the time delta? That's my main question. I think it does not make sense to use the example from the python docs to get local timezone.
[18:51] <adeuring> but UI leave this decision to you...
[18:54] <abentley> adeuring: I agree that the example from the python docs doesn't make sense, but I find it hard to accept the proposition that calling datetime.now multiple times is the cleanest way to get a naive datetime.
[18:55] <adeuring> abentley: agreed, this not elegant but straightforward and easy to understand...
[18:56] <adeuring> and I don't think that this is an all-important aspect of what we want to achieve.
[18:57] <adeuring> abentley: but I am open to better suggestions
[18:57] <abentley> adeuring: No, respecting the lease eta was something we weren't trying to achieve at all.
[18:57] <adeuring> abentley: well, the other option would be to drop the lease completely. but I am not sure if it is reasonable to retry jobs vers fast
[18:58] <adeuring> ...very fast
[19:01] <abentley> adeuring: It's not reasonable, but the lease isn't the correct value to use here. If we're actually implementing retry delays, we should be doing exponential backoff so that outages of up to a day don't prevent the job from completing.
[19:02] <adeuring> abentley: ok, makes sense. But this is nothing I am going to implement before friday
[19:06] <adeuring> abentley: anyway, hereis the current diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/991164/
[19:06] <abentley> adeuring: So I suggest making it a hardcoded 10-minute delay. That will easily allow leases to expire, and give a bit of time for problems to clear.
[19:07] <adeuring> abentley: ok
[19:19] <adeuring> abentley: current diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/991191/
[19:20] <abentley> adeuring: Since 'generator' has a specific meaning in Python, how about 'factory'?
[19:20] <adeuring> abentley: sure
[19:21] <abentley> adeuring: It looks like you're using a retry delay of 1 second, rather than 10 minutes.
[19:21] <adeuring> abentley: gahh, fixed: retry_delay = timedelta(minutes=10)
[19:25] <abentley> adeuring: Are the Celery docs wrong? They say "eta must be a datetime object, specifying an exact date and time (including millisecond precision, and timezone information)"
[19:25] <adeuring> abentley: yes. try it for yourself
[19:26] <adeuring> i tried datetime objects with timezone myself...
[19:27] <abentley> We should file a bug on the documentation, then.
[19:28] <adeuring> yes
[19:31] <abentley> adeuring: Okay, r=me with your latest changes.
[19:31] <adeuring> abentley: thanks
[19:34] <abentley> adeuring: we should always supply an ETA, not just when there is a lease.
[19:35] <adeuring> abentley: why?
[19:36] <abentley> adeuring: If we're retrying, then we must have acquired a lease, because we always acquire a lease before running, and we can't retry until we run.
[19:37] <abentley> adeuring: But if there was some scenario where we could retry without having acquired a lease, we would still want to wait because it doesn't make sense to retry immediately, as you've pointed out.
[19:37] <adeuring> abentley: yes, that's the logic there: If a lease exists, this is an attemt to retry a job, so we need an ETA: but we don't need that when the job is run fpot the first time
[19:37] <adeuring> abentley: ok, i see your point, but for now i give. simply too late here...
[19:39] <abentley> adeuring: I'm not retracting the r=me, but I think we should fix that.
[19:39] <adeuring> abentley: ok, that's right
[20:32] <daker-cloud> czajkowski: the CPU is getting hot :)
[21:36] <czajkowski> daker-cloud: do ask questions if you get stuck ok
[21:36] <czajkowski> lotta lp dev folks around
[21:37] <daker-cloud> ok now i am running make schema
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[21:59] <daker-cloud> czajkowski: https://plus.google.com/u/0/101694416703170881163/posts/Ad3hvn385Po :)
[22:04] <sinzui> jcsackett, mumble?
[22:06] <czajkowski> daker-cloud: cool, what are you looking to fix
[22:10] <daker-cloud> not sure czajkowski, do i need a mentor ?
[22:10] <daker-cloud> this thing is huge
[22:12] <czajkowski> so lp doesnt have mentors, they do have code reviewers, and you could post to the launchpad-dev mailing list with abug you are working on or want to work on to get some feedback
[22:12] <czajkowski> daker-cloud: or ask people in here like sinzui wgrant jcsackett and others who are around in your timezone
[22:14] <daker-cloud> ok
[22:28] <wgrant> czajkowski: I'm American now!?
[22:28] <czajkowski> wgrant: no, you just dont sleep
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[22:32] <wgrant> True.
[23:07] <StevenK> wallyworld_: I've got a deployment edit all ready, let me know when your QA is done.
[23:08] <wallyworld_> StevenK: done