UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /15 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
[07:30] <dholbach> good morning
[07:30] <Jacky> Morning dholbach
[07:30] <dholbach> hi Jacky
[07:31] <Jacky> What's your itch today?
[07:32] <dholbach> if you mean what I'll be working on today - it'll be emails, organising a few things and maybe hack a bit on a django web app :)
[15:35] <gaspa> hi, anyone with some telepathy clue? (i'm not talking about ESP, obv.) :)
[15:37] <gaspa> (trying to build a simple irc client with that, but seems overcomplicated for such a job)
=== jrgifford_ is now known as jrgifford
[15:43] <dholbach> ciao gaspa, AFAIK lp:lernid makes use of telepathy-idle
[15:45] <gaspa> dholbach: i'm just after that :)
[15:45] <dholbach> gaspa, come stai?
[15:46] <gaspa> dholbach: to be clearer, i'm trying to move lernid to pygi.... but using telepathy is a complete mess... headache for sure!
[15:46] <gaspa> dholbach: wow, learning italian!? :D :D ( benone, e tu?)
[15:46] <dholbach> ahhhhh ok
[15:47] <gaspa> dholbach: do you know who care the irc part of lernid? jono?
[15:47] <dholbach> gaspa, just small bits I picked up here and there - in the summer we plan to be in Italy some time
[15:47] <gaspa> \o/
[15:48] <dholbach> gaspa, either jono or jsjgruber *shrug*
[15:48] <gaspa> let us know when! :)
[15:49] <dholbach> certo! :)
[15:50] <gaspa> :D
[19:25] <pavolzetor> hi, how can I test software locally? I have unittest
[19:25] <pavolzetor> and I need to test URL handling
[19:25] <pavolzetor> urlllib.request and so on
[19:26] <pavolzetor> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~floaty-devs/floaty/trunk/view/head:/floatyclient/url.py
[19:26] <pavolzetor> this code
[19:26] <pavolzetor> I have real url in unittest, but I would like to use something local and independent on particular website
[20:28] <RawChid> pavolzetor: I'm not a guru in Python on this, but you could "mock" request object
[20:31] <RawChid> With mocking you can use a replacement/stub of the actual object. And define what it should give back (for example a piece of HTML?)
[21:13] <pavolzetor> hmm, that should work
[21:13] <pavolzetor> so at least interface of method will bbe teststed
[21:14] <pavolzetor> and |I have to rely, that there are no bugs in urllib or code
[21:14] <pavolzetor> I mean, is there any point to do mock interface
[21:15] <pavolzetor> it will just keep testing if method exists
[21:16] <pavolzetor> but I will do it at least, thanks
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
[21:20] <pavolzetor> AssertionError: <class 'bytes'> is not an instance of <class 'bytes'>
[21:20] <pavolzetor> what is this? :)
[21:34] <pavolzetor> fixed, thanks guy