UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /15 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest59946
[00:18] <Guest59946> Hello ppl. I was using Lubuntu 12.04 when all of a suden everything freezed, so I rebooted in the good old way of the PC power button (tty did not worked either) but could not login, it asked me for GRUB. I am in a LiveCD now (11.10) But I can't acces my info, I can see my home folder, but not its contents
[00:18] <Guest59946> What can I do to save ALL my info?
[00:20] <Guest59946> I can't see anything in the terminal either, not even with DIR or LS command
[00:20] <Guest59946> It is as the data just disapeared by magic
[00:22] <bodhi_zazen> Guest59946: best way to save all your info is to restore from backup ;p
[00:23] <pibarnas> Guest59946, could you mount the partition your info's stored by hand?
[00:23] <pibarnas> Guest59946, with the live cd, I mean?
[00:25] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Can you tell me how?
[00:25] <Guest59946> I think I need to install a backup program, eh?
[00:26] <Guest59946> All I need is my pictures
[00:26] <Guest59946> I need them, I worked with them
[00:27] <seekwill> This would be good to doc :)
[00:28] <pibarnas> Guest59946, first, you have to know the name of device your things are stored. for example /dev/sda1
[00:29] <seekwill> I think before you do that, you should look into what the error message means
[00:29] <seekwill> Guest59946: What was the GRUB error? Does it always give you that error message everytime you try to boot from it?
[00:30] <Unit193> HD failure? Try SystemRescueCD? Does that still have something useful for Linux rather than windows?
[00:31] <Guest59946> Unit193: Yes, I tried to login several times, GRUB RESCUE I think
[00:31] <Guest59946> Unit193: Can't even login in the LiveCD, in the "Boot to first HDD"
[00:32] <pibarnas> Guest59946, you could your original partition with a command similar to this, where ?=number of your original partition: sudo mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/sda? /mnt
[00:35] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Number of my original partition? The disk utility see it like this: file:///media/dddc8834-fd7c-440b-bc56-89efd77ff2bf
[00:35] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Ah, I get it
[00:36] <Guest59946> pibarnas: You mean this
[00:39] <Guest59946> pibarnas: I think it is mounted
[00:39] <Guest59946> but still can't see my data
[00:40] <pibarnas> Guest59946, are you sure it was the correct device?
[00:41] <seekwill> Guest59946: What do you see?
[00:41] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Thats what the Disk Manager says /dev/sda1
[00:42] <pibarnas> Guest59946, ls /mnt shows what?
[00:42] <Guest59946> seekwill: I see nothing inside my home folder, just 4 folders: .config .gvfs .local .purple
[00:42] <seekwill> Guest59946: Are you looking in your home folder from the LiveCD?
[00:42] <Unit193> /media is used by a few things.
[00:42] <Guest59946> ls /mnt
[00:42] <Guest59946> dev home proc run sys usr var vmlinuz vmlinuz.old
[00:43] <seekwill> ls /mnt/home
[00:43] <pibarnas> Guest59946, do u take a look at that home??
[00:43] <seekwill> ls /mnt/home/<username>/<picturefolder>
[00:43] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Like I said before, there is nothing inside my home folder, except those 4 folders I mentioned before
[00:44] <seekwill> :)
[00:44] <Guest59946> How can data erase just like that?
[00:45] <seekwill> ls /mnt/home
[00:45] <seekwill> What does that say?
[00:45] <Guest59946> seekwill: ls /mnt/home/
[00:45] <Guest59946> osmodivs
[00:46] <Guest59946> ls /mnt/home/osmodivs/
[00:46] <Guest59946> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$
[00:46] <seekwill> Nothing in that dir?
[00:46] <Guest59946> I had 100+GB of data a few minutes ago
[00:47] <Guest59946> Not anymore
[00:48] <seekwill> ls -la /mnt/home/osmodivs
[00:48] <pibarnas> Guest59946, could u remind what were you doin' when system froze?
[00:48] <seekwill> It could have been an rm -rf :(
[00:49] <Guest59946> rm...
[00:49] <Guest59946> Oh no
[00:50] <Guest59946> OH NO
[00:50] <Guest59946> I think I deleted something
[00:50] <Guest59946> /???/???/.Trash
[00:50] <Guest59946> But Trash is not a vital part of the OS
[00:51] <Guest59946> Is it?
[00:52] <seekwill> ?
[00:52] <pibarnas> Guest59946, nope, but if you do something like rm -rf ~/* .Trash...
[00:53] <pibarnas> Guest59946, there's a space between * and .Trash....
[00:54] <Guest59946> pibarnas: What does that means?
[00:54] <pibarnas> Guest59946, means that if you've done that, you remove everything that isn't hidden from your home.
[00:55] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Well, I think I did that, I'm gonna have to use the good ol PHOTOREC
[00:56] <pibarnas> Guest59946, PHOTOREC?
[00:58] <Guest59946> pibarnas: Yeah, its for photo recovery, it also recovers Partitions, and lots of other type of files
[00:58] <Guest59946> hotoRec 6.11, Data Recovery Utility, April 2009
[00:58] <Guest59946> Christophe GRENIER <grenier@cgsecurity.org>
[00:58] <Guest59946> http://www.cgsecurity.org
[00:58] <Unit193> !info testdisk
[00:58] <ubottu> testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB
[00:58] <pibarnas> Guest59946, cool. I didn't know it.
[01:00] <Guest59946> pibarnas: You learn something everyday, like me, I will NOT use rm rf again, EVER!!
[01:02] <pibarnas> Guest59946, it's dangerous. rm isn't, but with those arguments...
[01:02] <Guest59946> Ok, thx everybody. Have to go
[03:20] <CARCASS> hi, does anybody know how to fix gdebi's issue in 12.04? I can't install any .deb package with gdebi, it's just quitting out when I try to install something.
[03:24] <restringere> I've got a quick question for you: I am running Lubuntu 12.04 on an Inspiron 1000 2.2ghz celeron, with 1.25 Gigs of Ram, was Rsyncing from my other machine running Xubuntu to do a routine backup of a huge 3 gig file and when Lubuntu went to idle it dropped into a severe kernel panic...does anyone know how I can look through the logs to verify this?
[03:25] <restringere> Is this a bug or a normal event?
[03:26] <CARCASS> first of all, dmesg|grep fatal or dmesg|grep error
[03:26] <restringere> checking
[03:28] <restringere> Only one
[03:29] <restringere> EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted Opts: errors=remount-ro
[03:32] <CARCASS> it's not an error.
[03:32] <restringere> Was it because my memory overflowed?
[03:33] <restringere> or because the disk went to idle during a huge write and rewrite
[03:33] <CARCASS> I think it's because of disk idle, yes.
[03:34] <restringere> Now there are a few bad sectors on my disk , should I fdisk? And how can I prevent the disk idle, can I turn it off?
[03:39] <CARCASS> replace the disk, don't use it with bad sectors. It's usually a physical damage, not filesystem error.
[03:40] <Unit193> CARCASS: Run gdebi from the terminal to see what output you get.
[03:40] <Unit193> Also, if in the end you can't get it, dpkg -i works just as well.
[03:40] <EvilResistance> and if that fails as well, then there's a bigger problem on there
[03:41] <EvilResistance> whoops sorry
[03:41] <CARCASS> Unit193, i did it, no error output. Just silently quitting.
[03:41] * EvilResistance has too many channels
[03:42] <CARCASS> Unit193, and yes, I can do that with dpkg -i , and apt-get install -f to install all dependencies, but i'm a bit dissapointed with gdebi's behaviour.
[03:43] <restringere> OK
[03:43] <CARCASS> installed lubuntu from alternate cd
[03:43] <restringere> But if I cant replace it what do I do?
[03:45] <CARCASS> I don't know, restringere. I'm always replacing disks with bad sectors.
[03:45] <restringere> ok
[03:46] <Unit193> CARCASS: I just (re)installed archey using gdebi, all working here.
[03:47] <Unit193> Try strace gdebi-gtk file.deb
[03:52] <CARCASS> ok, I'll try
[03:52] <CARCASS> one more question:
[03:53] <CARCASS> I've installed NVidia driver and Nvidia-settings is almost empty, screenshot: http://oi47.tinypic.com/29ekuc7.jpg
[03:53] <CARCASS> where the hell is all other settings, lol ?
[03:56] <restringere> CARCASS, I had this problem today
[03:56] <restringere> heres a great link, install nVidia drivers from www.nvidia.com always
[03:58] <restringere> all you have to do is download the binary, then chmod +x, press ctrl alt f1 and then kill lightdm or gmd, install, reboot
[04:00] <CARCASS> restringere, I did exactly what you have said above.
[04:01] <restringere> do you have the Ubuntu proprietary drivers installed from the menu?
[04:01] <restringere> the one that says, activated..etc...
[04:02] <CARCASS> no, I've downloaded the driver from nvidia.com website. In proprietary drivers it says nothing.
[04:03] <CARCASS> i've downloaded that .run file, switched to console, killed lightdm, sudo sh file.run , no errors, installation ok, reboot.
[04:03] <CARCASS> *scratch*
[04:04] <restringere> try apt-get remove nvidia nvidia-current and do it over again
[04:06] <restringere> Thats what I had to do
[04:10] <Unit193> Jockey is the only supported method right now.
[04:17] <CARCASS> jokey doesn't provide any driver for my GeForce4-MX420
[04:19] <restringere> Carcass, I realized direct download of the binary and clean setup is the only way
[04:20] <restringere> There should be a warning message that directs you to reconfigure the settings module
[04:20] <lubuntu-user> Hello, I am trying to use lubuntu on a netbook. It seems to have installed, but it won't load Lubuntu unless I had my USB stick connected.
[04:20] <lubuntu-user> Any ideas how to change this?
[04:21] <CARCASS> restringere, right, there was something about nouveau driver
[04:22] <CARCASS> lubuntu-user, I guess you have installed lubuntu ON your USB-stick drive :)
[04:22] <CARCASS> and this must be connected, of course, to load system
[04:22] <Unit193> Or grub to there. :P
[04:22] <CARCASS> or grub, yes :)
[04:23] <lubuntu-user> carcass, maybe, so what do I do to undo this?
[04:24] <lubuntu-user> I did the same as I have done with kubuntu and ubuntu
[04:25] <CARCASS> unplug USB-stick, then completely reinstall lubuntu.
[04:26] <CARCASS> oops, where you installing from? From this USB stick?
[04:27] <lubuntu-user> yes
[04:27] <lubuntu-user> I did the same as I have done with ubuntu before and kubuntu
=== len is now known as Guest69808
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
[11:01] <mi3> are you there?
[12:06] <windbuntu> lubuntu is frustrating me it seems quite the mess overall i am in 12.04 in my vm and i ran synaptic to install the restricted extras and it just hung now synaptic seems broken and wont work and wants me to run 'dpkg-configure-a' whatever the heck that is but when i run that it doesnt seem to know what it is...what i screwed up mess!
[12:07] <windbuntu> typical when you try to use terminal it always wants you to run a silly command then says it doesnt understand its own GD command
[12:07] <iceroot> windbuntu: because you are misstyping the commands
[12:08] <windbuntu> i typed it exactly as lubuntu told me
[12:08] <windbuntu> so if thats the case again its a mess
[12:08] <windbuntu> should not be this difficult
[12:08] <iceroot> windbuntu: lubuntu told you to use "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
[12:08] <iceroot> windbuntu: and not dpkg-configure-a
[12:08] <windbuntu> no i typed exactly what it said
[12:09] <windbuntu> then it needs to say what it means
[12:09] <windbuntu> im not a mind reader
[12:09] <windbuntu> what are you suggeting i run
[12:09] <windbuntu> suggesting
[12:09] <iceroot> windbuntu: lubuntu told you to use "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
[12:09] <iceroot> so please use that command
[12:09] <windbuntu> so is that what i type?
[12:09] <iceroot> windbuntu: and not dpkg-configure-a
[12:09] <windbuntu> i will type that exactly
[12:10] <windbuntu> but ill bet it does absolutely nothing
[12:10] <iceroot> then dont ask for my help if you bet i am telling you lies
[12:10] <windbuntu> can i be in my VM and in here same time?
[12:11] <iceroot> what is "here"?
[12:11] <windbuntu> i know you are telling me what its supposed to do
[12:11] <windbuntu> here means i am in this chat in my ubuntu system...there means i go into my lubuntu vm and do both at same time
[12:11] <windbuntu> in case i want to ask a question when it fails
[12:12] <iceroot> windbuntu: you mean if you can access this chat with your vm?
[12:13] <windbuntu> i mean i am speaking to you right now in ubuntu in my xchat....can i now go into to my VM and boot lubuntu and leave this chat open too?
[12:13] <windbuntu> eh never mind
[12:13] <windbuntu> ill just go back into lubuntu
[12:13] <windbuntu> and run that command
[12:14] <windbuntu> when i run that command, what is supposed to happen?
[12:15] <windbuntu> does it see that synaptic is broke find the problem and fix it?
[12:17] <windbuntu> well thanks anyway ill try
[12:49] <windbuntu> the sudo dpkg did allow me to use synaptic again but the same problen occurs over and over again...when i try to use synaptic to install either adobe flash or the restricted extras is just hangs, it hangs at the eula agreement concerning windows probably becasue there is a little thing that says OK that i am probably supposed to acknowledge to move on but there is no GD way to acknowledge it in a VM i tried every way possible buy it will not
[12:49] <windbuntu> so it just sits there hung. rubbish.
[12:52] <windbuntu> so i can run my lubuntu in my vm but cannot play vids
[12:54] <jakob_l> not possible to select Ok with <tab> and then hit enter?
[12:55] <windbuntu> hmmm
[12:55] <windbuntu> ill try tab then
[12:55] <windbuntu> this will be my 3rd attempt to make lubuntu install the extras
[12:55] <windbuntu> brb
[12:55] <windbuntu> ty
[14:01] <tata> I use lubuntu 10.04 on usb flash- and nao, my free space is only 40Mb, how to make larger space?
[14:14] <tata> is it possible to delete some programs from live lubuntu at flash usb?
[14:24] <holstein> tata: maybe.. i usually just install to the USB media.. you could always do a minimal install and just choose what you want... LXDE for example
[14:25] <tata> but, I never usued minimal instal, is it hardway?
[14:26] <holstein> tata: its not easy building up a custom operating system, which is kind of what you are asking to do
[14:26] <holstein> tata: its do-able... if you'd like a customized, or smaller footprint ubuntu/lubuntu, theres nothing preventing you from having that
[14:26] <tata> ok, I think that is not for me, I am new in linux
[14:27] <holstein> tata: maybe you just want to get a bigger stick, and install to that media then
[14:28] <holstein> tata: or a smaller footprint linux such as puppy.. or knoppix which is designed to be used as you are trying to use it
[14:29] <tata> yes, I try puppy but lubuntu is for me more understant than puppy
[14:29] <tata> puppy is comlecated
[14:31] <holstein> tata: understant?
[14:32] <holstein> tata: things that you are not used to are complicated
[14:32] <holstein> tata: i say, choose one that is closer to fitting your needs, and learn about it
[14:39] <tata> ok
[16:16] <milen8204> hello all when I start my System Tools>System profiler and Benchmark> Summary I can not see my video card, it is written: OpenGL Renderer: Unknown. Is it this a bug or bad driver ?
[16:24] <seekwill> milen8204: What does `lspci` say?
[16:28] <milen8204> seekwill, http://pastebin.com/f6iCq4jG
[16:34] <seekwill> Do you know which driver you're using?
[16:34] <seekwill> brb, I need to head to the office
[16:35] <milen8204> seekwill, I do not know
[16:37] <bodhi_zazen> o/ lubuntu
[16:38] <EvilResistance> its the bodhi_zazen!
[16:38] <bodhi_zazen> Evil_bodhi_zazen
[16:42] <milen8204> What should I do when my PC whit Lubuntu 12.04 installed does not run my flash drive ?
[16:43] <milen8204> USB flash drive
[16:45] <bodhi_zazen> milen8204: can you re-phrase the question
[16:45] <bodhi_zazen> what is the problem with USB flash driver ?
[16:45] <bodhi_zazen> won't boot /
[16:45] <milen8204> yes
[16:45] <bodhi_zazen> completely unclear
[16:45] <milen8204> sorry for the bad sentence :D
[16:46] <milen8204> It runs on onother computer
[16:46] <bodhi_zazen> What problem or error message are you getting when it boots ?
[16:46] <milen8204> but not on mine
[16:46] <milen8204> I can not see the flash no error massage
[16:47] <milen8204> it looks like I didn`t put it in the PC.
[16:47] <milen8204> but i had put it in the USB slot.
[16:48] <bodhi_zazen> So it boots ...
[16:48] <bodhi_zazen> then what ?
[16:48] <bodhi_zazen> you get a BIOS screen ?
[16:48] <bodhi_zazen> it boots another OS?
[16:48] <bodhi_zazen> You see the grub boot screen ?
[16:49] <Unit193> Not all computers can boot from USB/flash.
=== phixion is now known as infectedorganism
[16:54] <milen8204> no no no
[16:54] <bodhi_zazen> yes yes yes
[16:54] <milen8204> sorry i didn`t explain well
[16:54] <milen8204> I have boot my OS but my flash does not mount
[16:54] <milen8204> I have tried to mount another but nothing mounts on my PC
[16:55] <bodhi_zazen> If nothing mounts, hardware problem ?
[16:56] <milen8204> it has been mounted before the upgrade
[16:56] <bodhi_zazen> Can't really tell what the problem is milen8204 , can't boot ? cant mount ?
[16:56] <milen8204> can not mount anything
[16:56] <bodhi_zazen> you need to provide a better description of the problem and preferably an error message
[16:57] <bodhi_zazen> mount /dev/sdxy /mnt
[16:57] <bodhi_zazen> what error message do you get ?
[16:57] <bodhi_zazen> how are you mounting ? manually ? auto mount ? nautilus ? pcmanfm ?
[16:57] <milen8204> i have installed Gmountiso and tried to mount one .iso file and did not make it
[16:58] <bodhi_zazen> lol
[16:58] <bodhi_zazen> I have to go, hope others can help
[16:58] <bodhi_zazen> Now you have gone from can't boot to cant mount flash drive to can't mount an iso
[16:58] <bodhi_zazen> I will check in later
[16:59] <milen8204> I said sorry that i said boot
[17:14] <uvtc> What's the best way to install Emacs 24 on Lubuntu 12.04?
[17:15] <uvtc> Some instructions I've found say to add-apt-repository ppa:cassou/emacs ...
[17:15] <uvtc> but after I do that,
[17:15] <uvtc> and apt-get update
[17:15] <uvtc> it appears that apt is now interested in installing various gnome and unity packages.
[17:17] <uvtc> (if I ask for `sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade`, that is)
[18:14] <bodhi_zazen> milen8204: you get your problem solved ?
[18:51] <milen8204> bodhi_zazen, of course not :D
[18:51] <milen8204> can`t mount USB flash
[18:51] <milen8204> i have no devices in media
[18:53] <will_> milen8204: Try opening up Disk Utility. You may see the device there
[18:53] <milen8204> will_, i did that no media found
[18:53] <will_> milen8204: Sorry, been busy all morning. Did you get your video card issue resolved?
[18:53] <milen8204> exept my floppy drive and HDD
[18:53] <will_> milen8204: Does it work in another machine?
[18:54] <will_> What's a floppy drive??? :)
[18:54] <milen8204> floppy
[18:55] <will_> I have found USB drives to be a bit unreliable. So it could have just died. Try in another machine. See if it works
[18:55] <milen8204> USB works fine
[18:55] <bodhi_zazen> Plug in the device
[18:56] <milen8204> i tried on onother mashine
[18:56] <bodhi_zazen> dmesg | tail | pastebinit
[18:56] <milen8204> and it starts
[18:56] <will_> ooh, pastebinit...
[18:56] <bodhi_zazen> fdisk -l | pastebinit
[18:57] <milen8204> ok please wait a moment
[18:57] <n1ckn4me09876543> How can I lock my lubuntu other than the Screensaver? I like to be able to be connected to the internet so I'm still downloading stuff while I'm away
[18:57] <will_> bodhi_zazen: Do you know of something similar for screen shots?
[18:58] <will_> n1ckn4me09876543: What's wrong with the screen saver?
[18:59] <milen8204> nothing happen when I write fdisk
[18:59] <milen8204> -l
[18:59] <will_> use sudo
[18:59] <bodhi_zazen> n1ckn4me09876543: screen ?
[19:00] <milen8204> oo
[19:00] <milen8204> :D
[19:01] <n1ckn4me09876543> will_ it takes 1 minute to activate I like to have similar features to Windows where I can lock it right away
[19:03] <milen8204> bodhi_zazen, there is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/fKfV3Hkc
[19:03] <n1ckn4me09876543> its like there's Shutdown, Reboot, Suspend, Hibernate, Switch User, Logout, Cancel, i dont see LOCK button
[19:03] <will_> I believe there's a key code. 1 sec, conf call
[19:03] <will_> key combo you can hit
[19:04] <bodhi_zazen> milen8204: dmesg | tail | pastebinit
[19:05] <milen8204> bodhi_zazen, I do not know what to do whit tail ?
[19:07] <milen8204> bodhi_zazen, http://pastebin.com/YDQ0TZrD
[19:07] <milen8204> that is for dmesg | tail
[19:20] <milen8204> bodhi_zazen, did you seen any problems ?
[19:20] <bodhi_zazen> Well the usb is not recognized, not sure why not
[19:21] <milen8204> me too :D
[19:21] <bodhi_zazen> how old is this hardware ?
[19:22] <bodhi_zazen> You using a usb2 with a usb1 slot ?
[19:22] <milen8204> usb2
[19:22] <n1ckn4me09876543> What is iBUS and can I safely remove it without affecting anything in my lubuntu
[19:22] <milen8204> it is not so old i thing 5-6 years old ;D
[19:30] <bodhi_zazen> sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
[19:30] <milen8204> fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdb: No medium found
[19:31] <bodhi_zazen> Try another usb slot ;p
[19:31] <milen8204> /dev/sdb2 ?
[19:31] <will_> I think you need more in the tail
[19:32] <milen8204> I have sda but it is another device not USB stick
[19:33] <milen8204> will_, I will prastebin it again
[19:34] <milen8204> will_, there is the pastebin again http://pastebin.com/aEDJJ8uk
[19:35] <will_> I think you need more like tail −100
[19:36] <milen8204> I do not understand tail - 100
[19:36] <milen8204> ?
[19:36] <wxl> tail -n 100 <whatever>
[19:36] <wxl> or
[19:36] <wxl> whatever | tail -n 100
[19:39] <milen8204> there is dmesg | tail -n 100
[19:39] <milen8204> http://pastebin.com/uHMgsNRy
[19:51] <will_> How many disk drives in that system?
[19:51] <will_> dmsg | grep -v sdb | tail -n 20
[19:55] <bodhi_zazen> milen8204: not really any additional info in -n 100
[19:55] <rolandb> can anyone help me get a Cisco AM10 USB NIC working? This thing is a doozy.. running lubuntu 11.04
[20:09] <milen8204> dmsg | grep -v sdb | tail -n 20
[20:12] <milen8204> http://pastebin.com/bUDzjb9T
[20:21] <milen8204> bodhi_zazen, will_ I am ok i can mount
[20:22] <milen8204> I did restart and everyting is ok
[20:22] <milen8204> :D
[20:22] <milen8204> thanks
[20:22] <milen8204> for the help
[20:22] <bodhi_zazen> Odd
[20:22] <bodhi_zazen> but , OK
[20:23] <milen8204> where is boot flash stick in Lubuntu 12.04 ?
[20:23] <bodhi_zazen> Booting from a usb is a function of your BIOS
[20:24] <bodhi_zazen> BIOS would pass off boot process to grub or syslinux , depending on what was on the usb
[20:24] <milen8204> no no in 11.10 was a program that makes bootable USB stick from .iso file
[20:25] <bodhi_zazen> There are several, unetbootin is popular
[20:25] <bodhi_zazen> usbcreator
[20:25] <valdur55> usb-disk-creator-gtk?
[20:25] <milen8204> I dont know
[20:25] <milen8204> :D
[20:25] <milen8204> will try any
[20:25] <bodhi_zazen> gksudo usb-creator-gtk
[20:25] <bodhi_zazen> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[20:26] <valdur55> usb-creator-gtk :)
[20:26] <milen8204> ok thanks
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
[21:36] <souliaq> Any easy way to disable X system in Lubuntu?
[21:36] <souliaq> sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove, don't work
[21:37] <will_> Why do you want to remove it?
[21:37] <Unit193> That's because Lubuntu doesn't use GDM, it uses eith er LXDM or lightdm.
[21:37] <souliaq> Is a virtual machine, I need only make NFS tests.
[21:37] <will_> Why not use Ubuntu-server?
[21:38] <souliaq> Don't have X system?
[21:38] <souliaq> is like a Arch Linux?
[21:38] <will_> I don't really know what Arch Linux is about :(
[21:38] <souliaq> just terminal
[21:38] <will_> What are NFS tests?
[21:38] <souliaq> sharing files
[21:39] <will_> So you're looking to make a server?
[21:39] <souliaq> Yes, but with Ubuntu
[21:39] <souliaq> not Debian, not Arch
[21:39] <will_> Ubuntu-server :)
[21:39] <souliaq> ok, I'll download Ubuntu-server
[21:39] <souliaq> thanks.
[21:57] <_akio> hi there
=== pederindi is now known as pederindi_
=== pederindi_ is now known as pederindi
=== Bevan is now known as half-duplex
[23:52] <Osmodivs1> Hello, How can I access a folder who has strange symbols like this one :"("
[23:52] <Osmodivs1> Autocompletion does not work
[23:52] <wxl> Osmodivs1: try \
[23:53] <Osmodivs1> bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
[23:53] <wxl> e.g. if it's "this (that).txt" and you want to cat it try "cat this\ \(that\).txt"
[23:57] <Osmodivs1> wxl: Ok, please tell me exactly how, I can't understand. This is the destination folder I want to access: /Program Files (x86)/Activision/Call of Duty - Black Ops
[23:57] <wxl> Osmodivs1: so you're trying to access a windows share?
[23:58] <Osmodivs1> wxl: Wine 1.4
[23:58] <wxl> wellll
[23:58] <wxl> don't have wine on here but basically it mounts that program files directory somewhere
[23:58] <wxl> let's say under ~/.wine/c
[23:59] <Osmodivs1> wxl: The program is already installed, I just can't get to that folder because of those characters
[23:59] <wxl> so youd refer to ~/.wine/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Activision/Call\ of\ Duty\ -\ Black\ Ops
[23:59] <Unit193> But you should be able to tabcomplete at least some of that...