UbuntuIRC / 2012 /05 /08 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== head_v is now known as Guest48210
=== Guest48210 is now known as head_victim
=== nyuszika7h is now known as anyone
=== anyone is now known as nyuszika7h
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== wilee-nilee is now known as FrankNstien
=== FrankNstien is now known as wilee-nilee
[11:41] <BluesKaj> so , anybody running 12.10 without big problems ?
[11:42] <BluesKaj> I expect small ones , but can you boot and run without too many app crashes etc
[11:42] <BluesKaj> ?
[11:44] <KM0201> BluesKaj: lol, seirously?
[11:45] <KM0201> i would expect that stuff frequently on 12.10 (right now)
[11:47] <BluesKaj> KM0201, just asking , some claim that it' runs fine on their system , so yeah I am serious
[11:48] <BluesKaj> just don't like to sed my sources list
=== jack is now known as Guest66917
=== Guest66917 is now known as wN_
=== rye is now known as rye-holiday
[15:13] <BluesKaj> ok ,running Kubuntu 12.10 , worked well with the nouveau , DiR and 3D were working , but I went for the x-edgers new ppa with the nvidia 302.07 , and so far so good ...very quick and clean
[17:00] <eagles0513875> hey ikonia :)
[17:01] <ikonia> hello
[17:02] <eagles0513875> ikonia: one thing i am noticing is that it crashes when im using dolphin
[17:02] <ikonia> have you put all this info in the bug ?
[17:03] <eagles0513875> ikonia: i havent filed a bug yet
[17:03] <ikonia> sorry, I thought you said you had
[17:05] <eagles0513875> ikonia: for the plasma-netbook shell thread segfaulting crash i have not this also is prevailent in 11.10 too
[17:05] <eagles0513875> 11.10 and 12.04
[17:06] <ikonia> seems worth logging a bug then or looking for an existing bug to tag onto
[17:06] <ikonia> if it's that long a problem, I'm sure there "must" be an existing bug open
[17:07] <eagles0513875> ikonia: i dunno if it has something to do with just the netbook version or even the normal desktop version
[17:07] <ikonia> ok, so searching for existing bugs should give you a picutre on that
[17:09] <eagles0513875> ikonia: there are other bugs but not realting to libthread segfault
[17:09] <ikonia> eagles0513875: do you know it's related to libthread ?
[17:10] <ikonia> or do YOU think it's related to libthread
[17:10] <eagles0513875> says in the bug crasher
[17:10] <eagles0513875> im working on inducing the crash again
[17:39] <eagles0513875> ikonia: i got the crash again but no bug report to get the back trace
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== vega is now known as Guest48305
[20:03] <scientes> Hoes UDS cost?
[20:03] <scientes> I cant figure it out?
[20:10] <Pici> What?
[20:10] <Pici> scientes: Can you rephrase that?
[20:10] <FernandoMiguel> I think he is asking how much does UDS access cost
[20:11] <Pici> scientes: UDS has free admission.
[20:12] <scientes> ok
[20:12] <scientes> damn, i realized I just missed http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20574/desktop-q-xorg-usb-video-support/
[20:12] <scientes> I'm actively using DisplayLink, and what we really need is to turn on Dave Airlie's new UDL_DRM driver, and start supporting that,
[20:13] <scientes> (and well switch to systemd, but that is a bit more contentious....)
[20:13] <scientes> but anyways, I should grab some quick transportation over there pronto
[20:13] <scientes> UDL_DRM is in 3.4
[20:15] <scientes> how do i figure out who hosted that?
[20:22] <scientes> ^^also about my lack of verbage, my BIOS is f'ing with my usb keyboard
[20:58] <wilee-nilee> enjoy http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/
[21:02] <BluesKaj> wilee-nilee, that should be in the MOTD
[21:03] <MrChrisDruif> BluesKaj; you mean the topic?
[21:04] <BluesKaj> yes , we used to call it , "message of the day"
[21:04] <wilee-nilee> BluesKaj, not sure what that acronym is.
[21:05] <wilee-nilee> channel messages?
[21:05] <wilee-nilee> ah you answer that though DOH. :)
[21:05] <BluesKaj> MrChrisDruif, wilee-nilee , it's obviously now known as the topic
[21:06] <wilee-nilee> I'm a bit slow sometimes kinda nice really. :)
[21:06] <MrChrisDruif> ^_^
[21:06] <BluesKaj> yrs ago when I first started surfing irc , most chats had motd's
[21:07] <MrChrisDruif> The network might have a message of the day? Not sure about channels thou
[21:07] <BluesKaj> back in the Pirch and Mirc days, before I discoverd linux
[21:59] <bcuraboy> hi.after a while non using my pc,the screen goes black.i've removed the xscreensaver,ad the only thing that remains is wallch
[21:59] <bcuraboy> could it be the reasn?
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
[23:21] <FernandoMiguel> nite
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
[23:44] <wilee-nilee> The daily installed and tweaked to my likes is running like a champ Woot. :)