UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /26 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[01:50] <bkerensa> jbicha: so I guess in Q were going to be moving help.u.c to the sumo platform
[01:50] <jbicha> bkerensa: you mean https://help.ubuntu.com/community right? I like the rest of h.u.c
[01:52] <bkerensa> jbicha: My understanding from mhall119 is that the whole space would be preferable but I will check on that.... I have a blueprint open for discussion and planning its a very large scale project either way due to testing and also migrating content
[01:52] <bkerensa> ideally it might be smarter to just do the community space and then transition the rest?
[01:52] <jbicha> you seriously aren't talking about killing the Ubuntu Desktop Guide and Server Guide, are you?
[01:54] <mhall119> jbicha: the idea is that we would take over all of help.u.c, migrating all the current content to the new system
[01:55] <mhall119> so nothing will be killed
[01:55] <mhall119> it'll just be on a new system that allows for translations and approvals
[01:55] <jbicha> ok, but what about an offline copy of the Desktop & Server Guides?
[01:55] <mhall119> how do you get an offline copy now?
[01:56] <jbicha> oh, I meant an online copy
[01:57] <mhall119> where's the online copy now, in moin?
[01:57] <jbicha> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/
[01:57] <mhall119> that's...interesting
[01:58] <jbicha> see also https://help.ubuntu.com/
[01:58] <mhall119> when did help.u.c get a new theme?
[01:58] <mhall119> is that still moin?
[01:58] <bkerensa> mhall119: just today or very recently
[01:58] <jbicha> today :)
[01:58] <bkerensa> :D
[01:58] <mhall119> oh, ok, thought I was totally confused
[01:58] <bkerensa> I saw it in preferences or something but it just rolled out live
[01:58] <mhall119> so yeah, anything in moin will be in SUMO,
[01:58] <bkerensa> :D
[01:58] <jbicha> no, it's not moin, the Desktop Guide is generated html from mallard, the Server Guide is html generated from docbook
[01:59] <mhall119> jbicha: using apache aliases or something?
[01:59] <bkerensa> mhall119: we wanted that in Sumo too right?
[01:59] <mhall119> bkerensa: I would think so, yes
[01:59] <bkerensa> to simplify things
[01:59] <bkerensa> make the experience more consistent and easier to maintain over time
[02:00] <jbicha> I think that's a bad idea, I want an online copy somewhere of the Desktop & Server Guides
[02:00] <mhall119> jbicha: why would it be bad to have an online copy on SUMO?
[02:00] <jbicha> the Desktop Guide is 80ish% maintained by GNOME anyway
[02:01] <mhall119> where?
[02:01] <jbicha> http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/
[02:01] <jbicha> http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-user-docs
[02:02] <mhall119> is that all static html, or do they have a webapp behind it?
[02:02] <jbicha> I don't fully understand SUMO but I think it would be a great replacement for help.ubuntu.com/community, but I want to keep the current look of the Desktop & Server Guides
[02:02] <jbicha> it's static
[02:03] <mhall119> jbicha: ok, we were planning on replacing moin, so any part of help.u.c that isn't moin we can keep the way it is
[02:04] <jbicha> I'm happy with that! :)
[02:05] <bkerensa> jbicha: Can I PM you before I head off to dinner?
[02:06] <jbicha> bkerensa: how about after dinner? I'm busy this hour
[02:06] <bkerensa> jbicha: sounds good
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