UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /26 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[00:13] <GrueMaster> mkopack: They are one and the same. The daily has actually been put on manual build during release testing, and only respun as needed. The release will be the last tested (and passed) daily, just renamed and copied to the release area.
[00:14] <mkopack> gotchya. I'd just rather wait for the "release" version… just wondering if that also drops tomorrow or a few days after the x86 version
[00:54] <scientes> anyone got a number on how much power those new ARM15 macro configuraion @ 28nm are gonna consume?
[00:54] <scientes> http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/17/arm-announces-new-quad-core-cortex-a15-hard-macro-variant/
=== krosswin1z is now known as krosswindz
=== gallth is now known as tgall_foo
=== tgall__ is now known as Dr_Who
=== mckoan|away is now known as mckoan
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
[10:02] <nimesh_accenture> i'm wondering , if I allocate memory using PMEM in Android , would i be able to access it in chrooted ubuntu?
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[12:29] <xranby> thank you all for your efforts into making 12.04!, its out!
[12:30] <ogra_> thank you too :)
[12:30] <ogra_> and it released exactly at 12.04 UTC :)
[12:31] <xranby> well i call that precise
[12:31] <xranby> ogra_: nice touch!
=== tgall_foo is now known as tgall_x
[13:02] <XorA> ogra_: so in UK it was 13:04, the future is here :-D
[13:02] <ogra_> haha
[13:03] <XorA> ogra_: beers tonight for you then?
[13:03] <xranby> ph my i myst have downloaded the 14:04 pre alpha then :F
[13:03] <xranby> ph my
[13:03] <xranby> oh
[13:03] <ogra_> tonight ? *burp*
[13:03] <xranby> one day i will celebrate by getting a new keyboard
[13:04] * XorA is in Nice and cant afford beers
[13:04] <ogra_> make TI pay !
[14:30] <nimesh_accenture> I'm trying to share memory between Android and chrooted ubuntu on the same kernel. any idea how to proceed?
[14:31] <ogra_> ask in an android channel
[15:29] <steev_> ogra_: what abi for xorg does precise use? 12?
[15:34] <ogra_> steev_, 11 iirc
[15:34] <steev_> ah okay
[15:34] * steev_ is playing around with his trimslice
[15:47] <smplman> congrats on the release
[15:47] <ogra_> thx, thanks for participating :)
[16:20] <prpplague> sebjan_: ping
[16:20] <sebjan_> prpplague: pong!
[16:32] * hrw -> ubuntu release party
[16:36] <GrueMaster> cehh: Did you have any luck with the beaglexm netboot?
[18:20] <cehh> GrueMaster: No. I could not get the board to communicate w/ the ubuntu mirror. See https://launchpad.net/bugs/600789
[18:20] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 600789 in choose-mirror ""d-i mirror/*" does not work on presseding" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[18:21] <ogra_> cehh, cant work on arm :)
[18:22] <GrueMaster> I saw that. Have you tried running a preinstalled image on that system to see if it has the same issue? It may be an issue with your network, or it could also be an issue with the ubuntu servers, with the release and all.
[18:22] <ogra_> oh, wait, you point to ports.u.c in the last comment
[18:23] <ogra_> ignore me then
[18:25] <cehh> GrueMaster: I ran a preinstalled server image on that system couple of days ago and it worked fine.
[18:25] <GrueMaster> cehh: This was one of the issues I had when I was constantly testing. The bandwidth to ports.ubuntu.com for me was just not workable. I ended up building a mirror server.
[18:27] <GrueMaster> It took a full weekend to initialize my mirror, but after that it was fairly reliable, updating every two hours. And it cut installs from 50 minutes to 15 minutes on a panda.
[18:28] * cehh wonders if somebody at TI has already setup a ubuntu mirror
[18:29] <GrueMaster> Are you in Dallas or another site?
[18:29] <cehh> GrueMaster: I'm in Germantown, MD
[18:29] <GrueMaster> Ah. Haven't been there.
[18:30] <cehh> This is kind of a small site (<200 people)
[18:30] <GrueMaster> I remember when we were onsite in Dallas for the Panda launch, we had a lot of networking issues. I think we ended up tethering through a cell phone.
[18:30] <ogra_> there is a town in the world called germantown ?
[18:31] <ogra_> wow
[18:31] <cehh> we have our sister city in Germany :)
[18:32] <ogra_> funny
[18:32] <GrueMaster> ogra_: We have a Germantown road here. Very twisty. Lots of blind corners. Very popular for bicyclists.
[18:32] * ogra_ has to visit that place one day :)
[18:33] <cehh> GrueMaster: I believe we could be helpful to ubuntu omap daily validation if we can get pass the file access issue
[18:34] <GrueMaster> If you can spare a system with ~1T space, I recommend setting up a local mirror.
[18:35] <cehh> Ok. I will check
[18:35] <GrueMaster> Here is my ubumirror config file. I only run ubuports (mirrors ports.ubuntu.com) and ubucdimage (mirrors cdimage.ubuntu.com). http://paste.ubuntu.com/947903/
[18:36] * ogra_ just uses approx
[18:38] <GrueMaster> ogra_: Not sure how helpful that app would be for automated netboot testing.
[18:39] <ogra_> it produced a local mirror only for the subarch you use
[18:39] <GrueMaster> Good for updating preinstalled images with a few packages, but not an install from scratch.
[18:39] <ogra_> *produces
[18:39] <GrueMaster> Same with ubumirror.
[18:39] <GrueMaster> Except ubumirror is more complete.
[18:39] <ogra_> indeed, since it acts as a proxy the first attempt does a full download of all packages
[18:41] <GrueMaster> Well, I ended up with ubumirror as it was the best fit for my needs. Other utilities should definitely be considered for different environments.
[18:41] <GrueMaster> And I had looked into several other tools.
[18:42] <ogra_> approx is great since it keeps your local archive as small as possible ... so its really well suited for a local mirror on a laptop etc
[18:42] <ogra_> if you have a dedicated machine with lots of space ubumirror is likely better
[18:43] <ogra_> i simply like to carry my archive with me ;)
[18:44] <GrueMaster> For me it was primarily a speed issue. I needed to test daily plus SRU for older releases. Also, with a proxy, you still need to wait for the pool cache initialization.
[18:44] <ogra_> approx works on a per packaqge base
[18:44] <GrueMaster> But I can see using approx for portability.
[18:45] <ogra_> yeah, as i said, i would use ubumirror if i had a dedictaed machine for it
[18:46] <GrueMaster> In the case of an internal corporate network, I would highly recommend a full mirror.
[18:46] <ogra_> if you have a machine for it i agree
[18:47] <GrueMaster> If I can budget for a mirror at home, a corporation can do it too. The costs are really low, especially if you already have older unused servers.
[18:48] <GrueMaster> And I built mine from scratch.
[18:49] * ogra_ has worked in companies where he wouldnt have gotten a dedicated machine ever for using linux stuff
[18:49] <ogra_> but i could use a linux laptop there
[18:50] <GrueMaster> Same here (HP, Intel). But when the job requires Linux usage, getting equipment for servers tends to be easier.
[18:51] <GrueMaster> BTW: My interview at Intel was even more fun due to the fact that I had my AC100 running.
[18:51] <ogra_> haha
=== tgall_x is now known as tgall_foo