UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /26 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <cc11rocks> UTC 21:00...Can use an online converter if you want 'cause I'm lazy at the current moment
[00:00] <andygraybeal> nice thnak you man
[00:00] <cc11rocks> No problem :)
[00:01] <andygraybeal> hah, they should change the time of release to 12:04 UTC
[00:01] <Athanasius> 345cd60b401aa4df801d328b3c464143 ubuntu-12.04-beta2-desktop-i386.iso
[00:01] <Athanasius> is that right?
[00:01] <cc11rocks> Hehe, they should change the release to NOW :)
[00:01] <cc11rocks> Let me check...
[00:01] <andygraybeal> cc11rocks, agree :)
[00:02] <Zebe42> is 12.04 server going to be released the same time as desktop?
[00:02] <ssfdre38> irght now its 1AM GMT and 5:02 PM PDT
[00:02] <ssfdre38> Zebe42, yes
[00:02] <cc11rocks> http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com//precise/MD5SUMS
[00:03] <cc11rocks> There is your MD5 sums file for the beta 2 Ubuntu 12.04
[00:03] <cc11rocks> All beta 2 downloads can be found here (including MD5 and such) : http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com//precise/
[00:04] <cc11rocks> 345cd60b401aa4df801d328b3c464143 *ubuntu-12.04-beta2-desktop-i386.iso
[00:04] <cc11rocks> MD5 Sum looks to be matching
[00:06] <cc11rocks> Athanasius : Not very knowledgeable on fixing stuff like this, but my advice would be to reinstall using the released version if you can't get it fixed by the release tomorrow
[00:06] <Athanasius> I can't install period if I can't boot from the CD, lol
[00:07] <Athanasius> md5summing /dev/cdrw3 now, see if that matches :|
[00:07] <cc11rocks> Oh...You are saying you can't even boot that you can't even boot from the CD?
[00:08] <cc11rocks> Great Ubuntu 12.04 review : http://infinitelygalactic.blogspot.com/2012/04/ubuntu-1204-review-best-yet.html
[00:08] <Athanasius> cc11rocks: I'm installing this on a Windows laptop. I have no intention of going through Wubi or any of that nonsense, the idea is to use this netbook as a server/tv-enhancer-thing
[00:09] <cc11rocks> Athanasius : If you don't need it immediately, wait until tomorrow, and use the new, final image
[00:10] <Athanasius> I don't care to wait unless there's actually some sort of bootloader bug that's been fixed in the new image
[00:10] <Athanasius> or I can just reinstall, whichever
[00:11] <Athanasius> I haven't used Unity yet and I'm kinda curious to see if it's worth it, or if I should just go with a lean debian image or something
[00:15] <cc11rocks> less than 21 hours to the Ubuntu 12.04 release :D
[00:16] <ssfdre38> cc11rocks, you mean 12 hrs
[00:16] <Bennlucky7> hmm why everyone so curious abt final release?
[00:16] <cc11rocks> Isn't it 00:16 April 26, 2012 right now ssfdre38?
[00:16] <Bennlucky7> is there will be a diffrent between beta2?
[00:17] <ssfdre38> for me its 5:16 PM Wend
[00:17] <cc11rocks> Bennluck7 : 'Cause we are excited about the final release
[00:17] <Bennlucky7> :-D
[00:17] <cc11rocks> Same here, ssfdre38...But they don't release on MST US time
[00:17] <ssfdre38> cc11rocks, no it gets release UTC
[00:17] <cc11rocks> Yes...
[00:18] <Bennlucky7> 00.18 UTC
[00:18] <ssfdre38> so soon
[00:18] <td123> I don't use ubuntu and I came here to check it out because I'm excited for it :P
[00:18] <cc11rocks> 21.00 - .18 != 12...21.00 - .18 = 20.5 ish
[00:19] <Bennlucky7> its only a system update nothing really matters i think
[00:19] <cc11rocks> Bennlucky7 : But it's the final release. It's special...
[00:19] <Bennlucky7> :-D
[00:19] <td123> cc11rocks: for people who don't follow development, it's special :P
[00:19] <ssfdre38> while i wait, i will fire 2 rockets
[00:20] <cc11rocks> td123 : Too shay :P
[00:20] <Bennlucky7> lol
[00:20] <cc11rocks> Hehe
[00:20] <ssfdre38> right now im on beta 2 of 12.04LTS
[00:20] <cc11rocks> LM 12 + Cinnamon 1.4 today, Ubuntu 12.04 final tomorrow :D
[00:21] <Bennlucky7> beta 2 too
[00:22] <Bennlucky7> its 7 in the morning here
[00:22] <cc11rocks> Can anyone confirm that MyUnity is installed by default?
[00:23] <Bennlucky7> wht u mean?
[00:23] <Athanasius> why don't they just release it when the image is finished
[00:23] <cc11rocks> Is MyUnity included by default or not?
[00:24] <cc11rocks> Athanasius : They are still doing final tests and stuff...
[00:24] <Bennlucky7> default: unity , and there is gnome too already
[00:24] <ssfdre38> cc11rocks, you mean Unity 5.10?
[00:24] <cc11rocks> MyUnity modifies Unity...It's not a DE
[00:24] <td123> Athanasius: also they are probably waiting for mirrors to get the isos
[00:24] <Bennlucky7> http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/9527/screenshotfrom201204260.png
[00:25] <Bennlucky7> thats my unity ;-)
[00:25] <cc11rocks> That's a lot of stuff going on there Belucky7
[00:25] <cc11rocks> *Bennlucky7
[00:25] <cc11rocks> https://launchpad.net/myunity
[00:27] <Bennlucky7> yeah i really love it
[00:27] <ssfdre38> cc11rocks, you might have to add the ppa to your system when you get 12.04
[00:27] <cc11rocks> ssfdre38 : Okay, thanks
[00:28] <cc11rocks> On some sites, it's saying it's included by default under "Appearance"
[00:28] <ssfdre38> cc11rocks, are you using 12.04 beta2
[00:28] <cc11rocks> LM12 + Cinnamon 1.4
[00:28] <ssfdre38> wait your using Mint?
[00:29] <cc11rocks> Yes...What's wrong with that?
[00:30] <ssfdre38> they use their own repos and this really support for Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 LTS not Linux Mint 12
[00:30] * cc11rocks Opens a terminal. Oooh. Updates!
[00:30] <cc11rocks> I'm not asking for support for LM12...I'm asking about Ubuntu 12.04...
[00:31] <ssfdre38> and im saying for 12.04, you might have to add the PPA yourself to get it
[00:31] <Bennlucky7> ssfdre38: how u do that Oooh. Updates! type??
[00:31] <cc11rocks> I understand ssfdre38
[00:31] <cc11rocks> "/me text"
[00:31] * cc11rocks text
[00:31] * Bennlucky7 test
[00:32] <cc11rocks> Yep
[00:32] <Bennlucky7> thx ;-)
[00:32] * cc11rocks Learned that last night
[00:32] <cc11rocks> Np
[00:32] * Bennlucky7 lol
[00:33] <teeks99> i'm getting my torrent boxes all set to go for tomorrow....does anyone know if the current daily builds are the finals or are they going to do another tonight? I've just zsynced all of what's there, but I'm trying to plan if I'll have to do another again tomorrow.
[00:33] <cc11rocks> Better not do it to much, less get cited for posting "spam" messages
[00:33] <Athanasius> ohay, md5sum on the cd failed >_<
[00:34] <cc11rocks> You MD5SUM the ISO, not the CD :P
[00:35] <dios_mio> no release party?
[00:35] <Bennlucky7> i think whn u download the os u shld'nt rest ur pc for safety
[00:36] <cc11rocks> diso_mio try "/join #ubuntu-release-party"
[00:36] <cc11rocks> Just type that into where you type messages...without the quotes of course
[00:37] <dios_mio> ty cc1
[00:37] <cc11rocks> Np :)
[00:38] <Athanasius> cc11rocks: no, I md5sum the cd to make sure it burned properly
[00:39] <Athanasius> it appears it did not burn properly
[00:39] <cc11rocks> Oh, good :) ...Good that it's not Ubuntu, not good that your burner didn't work right or your disc sucks
[00:40] <Bennlucky7> usb is easy to install with
[00:42] <cc11rocks> True that :)
[00:42] <cc11rocks> Though I trust CD/DVD more...
[00:46] * cc11rocks Dinner...Talk you to in probably an hour or so
[01:01] <Daekdroom> !schedule
[01:01] <ubottu> A schedule of Precise Pangolin (12.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PreciseReleaseSchedule
[01:01] <ssfdre38> no true ETA
[01:01] <kaushal> Hi
[01:01] <kaushal> Shortcut key for HUD in 12.04 ?
[01:02] <Daekdroom> ALT
[01:02] <kaushal> is it super key ?
[01:02] <kaushal> Daekdroom: ok
[01:02] <kaushal> Daekdroom: is it similar to dash ?
[01:02] <kaushal> using super key
[01:03] <kaushal> in earlier versions of ubuntu
[01:03] <Daekdroom> I don't understand what you're saying.
[01:03] <kaushal> does it also mean dash and hud are separate application
[01:03] <Bennlucky7> HUD contain bookmark of app u opened
[01:03] <Daekdroom> Yeah. They are.
[01:03] <Daekdroom> HUD contains menu entries.
[01:04] <Daekdroom> Dash is almost the same way it used to be in 11.04 and 11.10
[01:04] <kaushal> so dash means launch a app and hud means search menu history ?
[01:04] <Daekdroom> Pretty much. Dash is not only for launching apps.
[01:05] <kaushal> Dash is not only for launching apps. ?
[01:05] <kaushal> meaning ?
[01:05] <Daekdroom> You can access recently opened files, for example.
[01:05] <kaushal> oh ok
[01:05] <kaushal> so dash has both features ?
[01:05] <Daekdroom> and more.
[01:06] <kaushal> any specific reason to introduce HUD ?
[01:06] <kaushal> if dash takes care of every feature
[01:06] <kaushal> not sure i am following it
[01:06] <Daekdroom> HUD is a different way to access an application menu.
[01:07] <kaushal> ok
[01:07] <kaushal> What all the new features being introduced in 12.04 and how is it different from earlier versions of ubuntu ?
[01:08] <Bennlucky7> just type alt and see the icon change every u open diffren app
[01:08] <kaushal> Bennlucky7: ok
[01:08] <kaushal> what time is it going to be released to public ?
[01:08] <kaushal> I mean gmt or utc time
[01:09] <kaushal> is it going to be released in UK local time ?
[01:10] <kaushal> ?
[01:12] <zymurgy> I'm in Ubuntu 12.04, in KDE. An inch or two of the whole desktop disappears under the screen's left edge. What can I do about this?
[01:16] <cc11rocks> Back
[01:18] <danopia> zymurgy, have you trieddifferent resolutions?
[01:19] <zymurgy> Yup.
[01:19] <zymurgy> They have different re....
[01:19] <zymurgy> ...
[01:19] <zymurgy> ?
[01:20] <zymurgy> It just fixed itself.
[01:20] <cc11rocks> Haha, nice
[01:21] <zymurgy> Not really. What happend?
[01:21] <zymurgy> Next thing to assault is my lack of VCs.
[01:23] <zymurgy> Holy $deity, 12.04's KDE is the most massively SLOWEST thing I've ever seen.
[01:24] <Bennlucky7> use unity
[01:24] <Logan_> Or Lubuntu if you're on a slow computer.
[01:24] <zymurgy> I can't use Unity. It's just too goddamn SIMPLE.
[01:24] <Termana> Heil Unity
[01:24] <zymurgy> Shouldn't be a "slow computer", it's got four cores.
[01:24] <Bennlucky7> lol
[01:25] <Logan_> How about GNOME3, then?
[01:25] <Logan_> (shell)
[01:25] <zymurgy> It ran Debian shitloads faster.
[01:25] <bazhang> !notunity | zymurgy
[01:25] <ubottu> zymurgy: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic
[01:25] <Bennlucky7> this is funny while everyone find simple is the most intersting
[01:25] <bazhang> zymurgy, stop the cursing also
[01:26] <zymurgy> I've just overwritten Debian with Ubuntu 12.04 hoping for better hardware support for the graphics card that came with that computer.
[01:26] <bazhang> which card
[01:27] <zymurgy> Some Nvidia thing, moment...
[01:27] <zymurgy> Oh, wait, I can't find out. That computer is *frozen*.
[01:27] <Athanasius> You can write an iso to a flash drive via dd if=ubuntu-blah.iso of=/dev/sdx and then boot from it, right?
[01:27] <spikebike> pretty much nvidia anything should work well with the nvidia binary blob
[01:27] <bazhang> Athanasius, yes
[01:27] <cc11rocks> Kernel upgrades + updated Nvidia drivers should help zymurgy
[01:27] <Athanasius> k
[01:27] <cc11rocks> In Ubuntu 12.04 of course
[01:27] <zymurgy> This is a brand new install.
[01:27] <Athanasius> then we shall see if my cd burner is just fubar :(
[01:27] <zymurgy> And the computer is FROZEN, I tell you.
[01:28] <GG111> hello all, asked this one in #ubuntu, will have to ask it here as well..
[01:28] <zymurgy> 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)
[01:29] <GG111> does anyone know, why does the new-mail envelope in unity flips to "no mail", right after the first email is cheked, even if there are tem more new emails left ?
[01:29] <GG111> *
[01:29] <cc11rocks> For those of you who are interested in Google Drive for Linux : "Dropbox and Microsoft's SkyDrive allow you to retain your copyright and IP rights to the work you upload to the service, but Google Drive takes everything you own." << http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57420551-93/who-owns-your-files-on-google-drive/?tag=nl.e703
[01:29] <GG111> tem=ten, sorry
[01:30] <GG111> that's the last nagging problem holding from stating that I have a perfect install :)
[01:31] <zymurgy> Is there a known issue with nvidia cards and 64 bit kernels?
[01:31] <spikebike> zymurgy: no
[01:31] <Bennlucky7> nvdia is easy to install than ati i think
[01:32] <zymurgy> That depends. It was a freaking nightmare on debian.
[01:32] <dustinspringman> zymurgy: I'm using 64bit with nvidia card, having great success
[01:32] <spikebike> zymurgy: same here
[01:32] <cc11rocks> Nvidia has attempted to step up their game for graphics drivers lately...
[01:32] <zymurgy> KDE is quite literally taking calendar time to paint windows.
[01:32] <dustinspringman> Bennlucky7: I gave up on ATI... tried for months to get fedora and my old ati card to work.. it never worked quite as smooth as precise+nvidia
[01:33] <spikebike> Hrm, so is 12.04 release still expected tomorrow ish?
[01:34] <dustinspringman> cc11rocks: wish they'd do the same for ATI.. i mean hell.. AMD owns both of them.. and AMD prides itself on being in the linux server market.. so.. dubya tee eff..
[01:34] <astraljava> spikebike: Yes it is.
[01:34] <spikebike> astraljava: thanks
[01:34] <Bennlucky7> dustinspringman: already try install catalyst 12.3 ?
[01:34] <zymurgy> Dunno - all I can say from personal experience is that KDE on 12.04 is BAHROKEN.
[01:35] <spikebike> zymurgy: of course, but is it more broken than unity
[01:35] <zymurgy> I can't deal with Unity's interface.
[01:36] <ssfdre38> Why not KDE
[01:36] <bazhang> then dont use it
[01:36] <spikebike> nor I, but I was hoping for better in 12.04. I don't mind unity so much, but I HATE the global menu
[01:36] <zymurgy> I've been a KDE man for many years.
[01:36] <bazhang> check out the notunity instructions
[01:37] <ssfdre38> Friends Friends, Why not Zoidburg Woop Woop Woop Woop (\/)_(o,,,o)_(\/)
[01:37] <thiebaude> or checkout classic gnome
[01:37] <marcm> is 12.04 up on any mirror yet?
[01:37] <Logan_> marcm: No.
[01:38] <Logan_> Beta 2 is, though.
[01:38] <marcm> So I guess it won't be released yet then
[01:38] <marcm> any delays?
[01:38] <Logan_> The 26th.
[01:38] <bazhang> !outyet | marcm
[01:38] <ubottu> marcm: Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!
[01:38] <marcm> it's the 26th
[01:38] <dustinspringman> Bennlucky7: i stopped trying a while ago... i had decent success with mesa drivers.. but it was still nowhere near as smooth as the nvidia i'm running now
[01:39] <thiebaude> dustinspringman, nvidia is awesome on my desktop got ati on the laptpp
[01:39] <zymurgy> Welp, I'll be advising people to avoid Ubuntu for a while. Time to look for another distro.
[01:39] <astraljava> zymurgy: Wish you all the best in your quest.
[01:40] <zymurgy> Thanks. It's been... aggravating. I won't be going back to Debian, that seems clear enough, or any Debian-based distro because of Debian's indifference to hardware support.
[01:40] <Bennlucky7> dustinspringman: i never tried it with another card but i think my ati works fine with catalsyt 12.3, no lag in app or games
[01:41] <zymurgy> I have *never* seen anything run this slowly in all my life. Can't even get a Konsole going.
[01:41] <astraljava> zymurgy: But this has nothing to do with support of precise, so please take it elsewhere.
[01:41] <zymurgy> Byebye.
[01:41] <astraljava> So long.
[01:41] <spikebike> zymurgy: er, ubuntu is debian based and has pretty good hardware support
[01:41] <bazhang> sad
[01:41] <thiebaude> yep
[01:41] <thiebaude> bazhang,
[01:41] <bazhang> no, I mean his attitude
[01:41] <thiebaude> i know :)
[01:42] <ajmitch> bazhang: it's understandable that people can get frustrated when things just don't work
[01:42] <bazhang> well he's known to not like Ubuntu
[01:43] <bazhang> a bit odd that a major channel op like that would do that here though
[01:43] <dustinspringman> thiebaude: I haven't had a "desktop" in over a decade.. my last laptop had an ATI card.. could only get like 50FPS on some games like UrbanTerror.. With this Nvidia on my new laptop, I've got 125FPS all day long.. GLXgears reports like 9000FPS, forget what the ATI maxxed out at on that tho..
[01:43] <dustinspringman> Bennlucky7: I've heard ATI desktop cards work much better than the mobile cards..
[01:43] <thiebaude> i got this laptop for my birthday, if i had a choice no way with ati, its aweful imho
[01:44] <thiebaude> refresh rate
[01:44] <dustinspringman> Bennlucky7: I think a lot of my problem was the "catalyst" drivers were not exactly made for the "precision mobile graphics card" that I had in that M6500
[01:44] <dustinspringman> yea.. ATI mobile cards = suck, imo..
[01:44] <Bennlucky7> dustinspringman: im using it in my PC and it works fine ;-)
[01:45] <thiebaude> but i have to say no problems at all with unity on both computers
[01:47] <dustinspringman> Bennlucky7: yea, like I said.. I've heard great things about the desktop cards.. but the catalyst drivers only "kinda" work on the mobile cards.. the mesa-drivers did better, but still a waste of horsepower..
[01:53] <jetsaredim> is there a way to set a single background across two monitors?
[01:54] <mykrob> evening, all
[01:56] <jschall> Is there are certain release time on the 26th? Or is it ready when its ready?
[01:56] <bazhang> jschall, no set time
[01:57] <jschall> bazhang: :(
[01:57] <bazhang> !party
[01:57] <ubottu> Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/
[02:00] <jschall> any ballparks for expected release time?
[02:01] <bazhang> nope
[02:01] <thiebaude> jschall, its a hard one to call
=== Tasmania is now known as USA
=== USA is now known as Indonesia
=== Indonesia is now known as China
=== China is now known as Tasmania
[02:08] <spikebike> turns out ganeti uses pycrypto, and pycrypto on 12.04 beta2 is incompatible with openssl. Suggestions on where to file a bug?
[02:10] <Logan_> spikebike: ganeti isn't in the repository for precise.
[02:10] <Logan_> Nor is it in oneiric.
[02:11] <Logan_> ...Nor is it in natty.
[02:11] <Logan_> Nor is it in maverick.
[02:11] <Logan_> Or lucid. :-P
[02:11] <astraljava> So I suppose the obvious answer is: upstream?
[02:11] <Daekdroom> Is there a command that can give me the list of dependencies of a package and the versions of them that are installed?
[02:11] <spikebike> Logan_: it's in precise/universe/admin
[02:12] <Logan_> Are you sure?
[02:12] <spikebike> got a 12.04 b2 machine handy?
[02:12] <Logan_> I'm running it.
[02:12] <spikebike> try aptitude show ganeti2
[02:12] <Logan_> Oh, ganeti2.
[02:12] <Logan_> Could've specified that. :-P
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[02:12] <spikebike> sorry
[02:12] <Logan_> It seems to install fine.
[02:12] <Logan_> What's the issue?
[02:13] <spikebike> it's a bit tricky to setup
[02:13] <spikebike> requires DNS entries and hte like
[02:13] <Logan_> Okay.
[02:13] <spikebike> but gnt-instance create tried to create a cert with openssl, and import with pycrypto, which fails.
[02:13] <spikebike> I'll dig up a link
[02:14] <Logan_> spikebike: ubuntu-bug ganeti2
[02:16] <spikebike> k, thanks
[02:17] <spikebike> 2012-04-25 19:15:23,049: gnt-cluster init pid=18092 ERROR RPC error in version from node Error 35: gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
[02:17] <spikebike> oh, hrm, googling implies a new curl might fix it, that would be sweet
[02:26] <Guest__> I'm not clock watching, but don't have internet at home right now. When does a release usually build? Should I look morning or evening?
[02:26] <bazhang> Guest__, no set time
[02:28] <delusr_> Guest__ I think the date given is as an assumption that everyone lives within one timezine within America.
[02:28] <thiebaude> unity runs on top of gnome?
[02:28] <Daekdroom> Why America?
[02:29] <Daekdroom> thiebaude, yes
[02:29] <Guest__> delusr_ Good point
[02:29] <thiebaude> i never knew that
[02:30] <thiebaude> are their themes for unity?
[02:31] <bazhang> lenses
[02:31] <thiebaude> bazhang, i do i check that out?
[02:33] <thiebaude> i mean where do i get lenses?
[02:34] <bazhang> !find lens
[02:34] <ubottu> Found: augeas-lenses, unity-lens-applications, unity-lens-files, unity-lens-music, unity-lens-video, gimp-lensfun, libghc-data-lens-dev, libghc-data-lens-doc, libghc-data-lens-prof, liblensfun-data (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lens&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all
[02:34] <bazhang> thiebaude, package manager or apt-cache search lens
[02:34] <thiebaude> ok thanks
[02:48] <andrew[andrboot]> Hi guys, using the beta,apon logging in,my media keys work (on my keybarod) but it appears around the time unity fires up, they stop.. is there a fix / workaround?
[02:55] <tohuw> Ubuntu 12.04 on an Asus G71-GX with an Intel 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD audio controller (using the HDA Intel driver). When I plug in headphones, they are detected and the level is appropriate, but the sound through the headphones is very quiet. Tested with multiple headphones, jack works fine in Windows. Suggestions?
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[02:56] <andrew[andrboot]> tohuw: pcm level okay?
[02:57] <cc11rocks> pulseaudio -kill
[02:57] <tohuw> andrew[andrboot]: Yes, 100%
[02:57] <cc11rocks> plusleaudio -start
[02:57] <cc11rocks> Try that...I've reset my sound that way with success before
[02:58] <tohuw> cc11rocks: pulseaudio -kill returns "pulseaudio: invalid option -- 'i'"
[02:58] <cc11rocks> --kill?
[02:58] <andrew[andrboot]> cc11rocks: any idea bout mediakeys?
[02:58] <tohuw> ah, it's --kill or -k
[02:58] <tohuw> yes
[02:58] <cc11rocks> Sorry
[02:59] <cc11rocks> pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start
[03:00] <tohuw> cc11rocks: tried it. it didn't help
[03:00] <cc11rocks> :(
[03:00] <drizzy> hello
[03:00] <drizzy> i need some help
[03:00] <drizzy> 12.04 won't boot into gui
[03:00] <drizzy> nvidia driver is blah
[03:00] <drizzy> dell studio xps 13
[03:01] <marcm> well, there is no 12.04 released yet, and the 26th is here. There have been no Release Candidates for this release, I really doubt we'll see 12.04 before Monday
[03:01] <marcm> at least
[03:01] <spikebike> marcm: did they schedule a RC?
[03:02] <drizzy> 12.04 beta
[03:02] <marcm> spikebike nope
[03:02] <drizzy> should i use 10.04 ?
[03:02] <spikebike> have they announced any show stoppers with 12.04 beta 2?
[03:02] <tohuw> drizzy: "won't boot into gui" What happens when you turn it on?
[03:02] <marcm> drizzy for a server?
[03:02] <drizzy> it drops me into a sehll tohuw
[03:03] <tohuw> drizzy: a busybox or user session shell? Does GRUB succeed?
[03:03] <marcm> marcm server or desktop?
[03:03] <tohuw> You highlighted yourself. And he's running desktop.
[03:04] <drizzy> lolz
[03:04] <drizzy> desktop
[03:11] <tohuw> When I plug in headphones, shouldn't a new output device appear in Sound?
[03:11] <spikebike> usb?
[03:12] <tohuw> spikebike: no. using the built in 1/8" stereo jack
[03:14] <spikebike> don't think so
[03:15] <cpatrick08> wonders why http://www.thisisthecountdown.com/ is updated to show ubuntu 12.04 is out when it is not yet
[03:15] <tohuw> Scripted anticipation
[03:15] <tohuw> Ah. Well, anyone have ideas? Ubuntu 12.04 on an Asus G71-GX with an Intel 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD audio controller (using the HDA Intel driver). When I plug in headphones, they are detected and the level is appropriate, but the sound through the headphones is very quiet. Tested with multiple headphones, jack works fine in Windows. Suggestions?
[03:30] <NurseDad> silly question maybe but I had to reinstall 12.04 and now my favorite wallpaper is missing the one with the Precise Pangolin on a brown background. anyone know where i can get it?
[03:32] <trism> NurseDad: strange, do you have ubuntu-wallpapers-precise installed?
[03:33] <NurseDad> how do I check?
[03:33] <trism> NurseDad: apt-cache policy ubuntu-wallpapers-precise;
[03:34] <NurseDad> checking
[03:35] <NurseDad> unable to locate
[03:35] <JontheEchidna> !info ubuntu-wallpapers-precise
[03:35] <ubottu> ubuntu-wallpapers-precise (source: ubuntu-wallpapers): Ubuntu 12.04 Wallpapers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.34.0 (precise), package size 2444 kB, installed size 2515 kB
[03:35] <NurseDad> wonder what else I am missing
[03:35] <JontheEchidna> NurseDad: try running sudo apt-get update, the cache is empty on brand-spanking new installs
[03:36] <NurseDad> ok the applet does show updates aviable I bet that is it
[03:37] <JontheEchidna> now if you install ubuntu-wallpapers-precise, the wallpaper will probably be available
[03:37] <NurseDad> updating now
[03:39] <marcm> I am waiting for 12.04 for a server install... but....
[03:39] <marcm> I don't need MySQL 5.5, it's garbage, I use MariaDB
[03:39] <marcm> I couldn't care less about Apache 2.2
[03:39] <marcm> And since Ubuntu couldn't be bothered to include Apache 2.4, I will use Nginx
[03:40] <marcm> and PHP 5.10, I can compile from source
[03:40] <marcm> oh, and Ubuntu made the inwise choice of using a Kernel version that will be soon EOLd, 3.2
[03:40] <marcm> istead of using 3.0, which has LTS
[03:41] <NurseDad> inwise?
[03:41] <marcm> unwise
[03:42] <marcm> I'm sure that it will be great on someone's desktop who wants a MacOS X look alike, but on the server side, Ubuntu 12.04 doesn't have anything new to offer
[03:44] <snadge> i think marcm should make a distribution that does better ;)
[03:44] <snadge> or start using FreeBSD (
[03:45] <marcm> snadge I'm currently using Debian 6 Squeeze for my web server and CentOS 6.2 with kernel 3.0.29 LTS - I didn't use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for my web server because it was such a "laba trista"
[03:47] <snadge> thats great.. most of us use ubuntu because its a desktop system.. some people might want to use it for servers, for whatever reason.. perhaps support from canonical or that cloud services stuff, i have no idea
[03:47] <snadge> centos you have to support yourself.. rhel is expensive
[03:48] <snadge> not saying they're invalid options.. just saying in general
[03:48] <sk1special> hey peopls. need help installing the screensaver add ons. it extras and gl extras. when i try to says could not open lock file /unable to lock are you root?
[03:48] <marcm> snadge I doing lots of Xen and KVM virtualization, on my servers and on my desktop as well. I don't use a Linux distro for its pretty icons or some theme that looks a certain way
[03:49] <marcm> snadge You have to support yourself with any Linux Distro, unless you're willing to pay. The same goes for Ubuntu.
[03:49] <NurseDad> to each his own marcm
[03:49] <NurseDad> why come here and troll
[03:49] <snadge> i do that on servers too.. on my desktop.. i use virtualbox.. its good enough
[03:50] <marcm> snadge give KVM a try, it's awesome
[03:50] <snadge> i dont need or want to run xen or kvm on my desktop.. thats just crazy
[03:50] <marcm> snadge Xen is crazy on a desktop, I agree
[03:50] <marcm> snadge KVM is just a kernel module, very lightweight
[03:50] <snadge> and virtualbox is a clicky gui program
[03:50] <marcm> NurseDad I am far from trolling as you can see
[03:50] <snadge> that i can close when i dont want to know about it
[03:51] <marcm> snadge to deploy a KVM VM you need to type a XML file and start the VM, that's it
[03:51] <snadge> you lost me at type an xml file :p
[03:51] <NurseDad> never mind i'll shut up now sorry
[03:52] <marcm> snadge I am building a Web GUI for KVM, but it's far from done
[03:52] <gaelfx> is there any way to make the top-panel auto-hide?
[03:52] <marcm> snadge the reason why I like KVM so much is because of how well it works
[03:54] <gaelfx> also are there any hardware sensor doohickeys that I could add to the top-panel?
[03:57] <marcm> gaelfx lm sensors
[03:59] <gaelfx> marcm: but that doesn't show up in the panel, does it?
[04:00] <chelz> you can pay for desktop support from canonical
[04:00] <marcm> gaelfx I am a server admin, not a desktop user. I need an SSH terminal and I'm happy
[04:01] <tegra> hi
[04:03] <sk1special> no help?
[04:03] <tegra> precise-desktop-amd64.iso this is the ultimate iso daily ?
[04:03] <marcm> sk1special help with what?
[04:03] <marcm> tegra yes
[04:03] <sk1special> trying to ..finish installing xscreensaver
[04:03] <sk1special> i just need to add the extras and extras gl packages
[04:04] <sk1special> but when i do it says could not open lock file / unable to lock file // are you root?
[04:04] <marcm> sk1special support with something like that is about $59
[04:04] <marcm> sk1special you can always get other support options of cource
[04:04] <marcm> course
[04:04] <marcm> I am looking at Canonical prices
[04:05] <gaelfx> sk1special: how are you trying to install them?
[04:06] <sk1special> just entered apt-get install xscreensaver-gl-extras which may be completely wrong since this is my second day using linux
[04:06] <gaelfx> sk1special: try the same command with 'sudo' in front of it
[04:06] <gaelfx> you'll have to enter your password, but then you should have no problem
[04:06] <marcm> sk1special try apt-get install *
[04:07] <sk1special> says unable to locate package
[04:08] <gaelfx> sk1special: you must have the wrong package name then, or else the package you want is not available in any of the repos you have enabled
[04:08] <Bennlucky7> dont frget sudo
[04:09] <gaelfx> sk1special: are you sure it isn't xscreensaver-gl-extra
[04:09] <sk1special> yeah i did sudo apt-get install xscreensaver-gl-extras
[04:10] <sk1special> im looking in the screensaver menu ..says very few or no screensavers appear to be available. this probably means you need to install . xscreensaver-extras and xscreensaver-gl-extras
[04:10] <FluxD> try sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search screensaver
[04:10] <gaelfx> sk1special: as in no 's' at the end?
[04:10] <Bennlucky7> the simple way is install it in synaptic manager
[04:10] <sk1special> there is s's tho i can try without. and synaptic manager?
[04:11] <gaelfx> http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/xscreensaver-gl-extra
[04:11] <tegra> !kernel
[04:11] <ubottu> The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)
[04:11] <gaelfx> the correct name appears to have no s
[04:12] <sk1special> mmk ill try it .
[04:15] <sk1special> okay sudo apt-get install xscreensaver-gl-extra worked..but not xscreensaver-extra. so now the message when i click on one has changed to just ( not installed )
[04:17] <sk1special> do i have to install each one seperatly somehow?
[04:17] <sk1special> and flux i ran those updates too..and something happened..but didnt fix this lol .
[04:17] <geji> yo! when is Ubuntu 12.04 coming out tomorrow?
[04:18] <bazhang> geji, no set time
[04:18] <geji> err, today
[04:18] <bazhang> same
[04:18] <geji> is there an "usual time" when releases come out or is it generally random?
[04:19] <chelz> geji: last minute probably
[04:19] <geji> haha, sounds fun :)
[04:23] <gaelfx> I hate my battery
[04:23] <gaelfx> sk1special: did it work?
[04:23] <sk1special> partly . the -gl-extra did
[04:23] <sk1special> but not just -extra
[04:23] <sk1special> so now the message when i click one ( and its only half the list ) syad just *not installed*
[04:24] <sk1special> do i need to specifically install certain ones?
[04:26] <FluxD> I think its around 12 PM GMT
[04:28] <gaelfx> sk1special: try xscreensaver-data-extra
[04:30] <sk1special> and that worked. awesome awesome
[04:32] <gaelfx> glad to hear it
[04:32] <gaelfx> I don't really understand why they got rid of screensaver, aren't there still a ton of people who use CRTs?
[04:32] <sk1special> yeah thank you. now if you know how to fix this .. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/194732 ill love you
[04:33] <sk1special> i just think the matrix is the shit. not so worried bout the screen lol
[04:34] <cwillu> gaelfx, the solution there is to turn off the screen
[04:34] <gaelfx> sk1special: I totally agree, that's the screensaver I've used for the past 5 years
[04:34] <cwillu> screensavers just burn up cpu cycles, which means burning up more power
[04:34] <sk1special> *shrug* computers suck power anyway
[04:35] <cwillu> sk1special, the amount varies significantly depending on what they're actually doing
[04:35] <sk1special> and yeah. ever since i could do that * hacking * on matrix on the 1st xbox was lobe
[04:35] <sk1special> love too
[04:35] <cwillu> turning off the monitor (via dpms) is a very easy win
[04:36] <sk1special> yeah i know. but i like to run alot of shit.. use it for everything so * shrug*
[04:36] <sk1special> did you check out my q gaelfx?
[04:37] <gaelfx> sk1special: I'm looking now, launchpad is amazingly slow in China though
[04:38] <sk1special> ah cha. salll good. china eh ? i guess you cant tell accents thru im lol
[04:43] <gaelfx> haha, I ain't Chinese, teaching ESL here
[04:44] <gaelfx> sk1special: how are you trying to control the resolution with that driver?
[04:44] <sk1special> ahhh okay thats whats up
[04:44] <gaelfx> sk1special: let me rephrase, are you using the nvidia settings application?
[04:46] <sk1special> atm im using nothing. but when i installed the *recommended update* i was using the nvidia app and the system settings > display way. didnt try the nvidia settings with with 295 driver..because i thought that was pure community develop and wouldnt have a nvidia control panelk
[04:46] <gaelfx> sk1special: you gotta try the nvidia settings, just press the windows button or whatever, type nvidia and then it should show up
[04:47] <gaelfx> sk1special: the displays settings are useless if you're using that nvidia driver
[04:48] <sk1special> right now i installed is noveua or wahtever the default is. when i installed the nvidia drivers thru recommended.. i used the nvidia control panel and that let me turn on my second monitor..but it would just show up as a grey screen
[04:48] <gaelfx> sk1special: what is the nvidia control panel?
[04:49] <sk1special> like.. says nvidia and has the green eye looking thing and lets me change a million settings from temp control to resolution etc.
[04:50] <gaelfx> sk1special: ah, yeah, that's nvidia-settings
[04:51] <gaelfx> sk1special: did that properly detect the second screen?
[04:51] <sk1special> yeah it saw it and labeled it right and all..but it would only show up as a grey screen. i could move my mouse around on it. but the cursor became a x instead of a pointer. and it wasnt showing anything
[04:52] <gaelfx> sk1special: what type of dual-monitor setting were you using?
[04:52] <sk1special> ah extended ?
[04:53] <sk1special> and the resolution settings were all right.. i wouldnt know what the proper freqs and all the other stuff they had listed would be
[04:54] <gaelfx> sk1special: if the freq were wrong, you probably wouldn't see a normal looking mouse cursor
[04:54] <gaelfx> sk1special: what are the resolutions of the two screens?
[04:54] <sk1special> it showed a cursor. but it was a x instead of a arrow. and i couldnt click or move anything over there..just move the mouse around it
[04:55] <sk1special> ah the ones 1440x900 i believe and the other is 1024x720.
[04:56] <gaelfx> sk1special: it might be an issue with the fact that the vertical resolutions don't match, I've heard of others with a similar problem
[04:56] <gaelfx> sk1special: one other thing, did you try restarting after you saved the settings?
[04:57] <sk1special> theyre running fine right now tho. but theres no 3d support with this. and they turn On with the nvidia driver..but the smaller one doesnt work. and with the 295 driver..it only gives me a resolution size of 1024x720 or 800x600 for my big one..and cuts off the small one compltely
[04:58] <sk1special> restarting the computer? yeah i did. i can try it all again tho
[04:58] <gaelfx> sk1special: well, sadly it sounds like an issue with the NVidia drivers, which are notoriously imperfect
[04:59] <gaelfx> sk1special: are you sure you saved the settings? you have to enter your password to do it
[05:00] <sk1special> uhm. actually i dont think i entered my password..but the other monitored stayed on ( which was the thing i had changed. ) ill run thru it all again now tho.
[05:01] <sk1special> okay installing/activating nvidia accelerated graphics driver *recommended * version current*
[05:02] <sk1special> restarting for it to cut on..brb
[05:03] <ssfdre38> still not out?
[05:03] <gaelfx> I'm having some troubles with NFS, I tried to set it up on my main computer and access from my laptop, but I always get conection timed out
[05:04] <gaelfx> ssfdre38: real soon (tm)
[05:04] <gaelfx> I followed the documentation at help.ubuntu.com
[05:04] <ssfdre38> lol
[05:05] <CKyle22> If I upgrades this morning to the beta (to beat the rush), when the final release drops later today, will I have to run update-manager -d again?
[05:05] <physically_fit> so tomorrow this channel... Kaput!?
[05:05] <CKyle22> Or just do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y?
[05:06] <gaelfx> CKyle22: you should not have to do update-manager -d at all
[05:06] <sk1special> okay now to find the nvidia settings..
[05:06] <ssfdre38> CKyle22, yea you should of waited
[05:06] <gaelfx> CKyle22: just a normal update should be fine
[05:07] <gaelfx> can anyone help me a get my NFS working?
[05:07] <CKyle22> So I do that and it'll update me to the final version then.
[05:07] <sk1special> okay it says. screen one working. screen two disable. enabling now. and..
[05:07] <CKyle22> Okay. Thanks. :)
[05:08] <sk1special> okay. theres twin view. which i assume is like a mirror. but also says. sepearte x screem ( requires x restart )
[05:10] <gaelfx> sk1special: yeah, so select the extended one, save settings, exit and restart x
[05:12] <sk1special> okay..its working actually lol. it made me go into the x . config file and reset it. reenable the monitor. and then use my mouse to drag the screen over to the side. then set all resolution settings to auto.. but now they both work :]
[05:13] <gaelfx> sk1special: congrats
[05:13] <sk1special> yeah thank you for helping with everything. i assume theres a way to check the 3d is working right?
[05:15] <sk1special> besides playing halo 2 i mean lol. i think ima try and find that 3d matrix cube screen saver i saw online
[05:15] <gaelfx> sk1special: um, I think fglrx is the standard method, though you might have to install it first (been a long time since I confirmed 3d)
[05:16] <gaelfx> sk1special: something like sudo apt-get install fglrx and then just fglrx
[05:17] <sk1special> okay downloading that now
[05:19] <Logan_> gaelfx: Isn't fglrx for AMD cards?
[05:24] <sk1special> doesnt matter.. i know its working cause i can use the 3d matrix screen saver now :]
[05:25] <gaelfx> Logan_: it was my understanding that it works for any 3d enabled card, since it's gl based
[05:25] <gaelfx> could be wrong though
[05:25] <Logan_> !info fglrx | gaelfx
[05:25] <ubottu> gaelfx: fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:8.960-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 38286 kB, installed size 114917 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)
[05:26] <sk1special> probably why it wouldnt run when i tried it lol.
[05:26] <sk1special> but sall good. everything working cus i can use the ss now so. .. thank ya thank ya
[05:26] <gaelfx> no prob
[05:29] <sk1special> i can make this a background cant i?
[05:29] <gaelfx> sk1special: er, that I cannot help with
[05:30] <sk1special> lol okay. i know theres a way to do it..seen it online. i shall just troll google
[05:32] <sk1special> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsUoUr9N274 check it out
[05:33] <gaelfx> China is not a fan of youtube :S
[05:34] <ssfdre38> it looks like it out
[05:34] <sk1special> lol. yeah... its a amazing video. dude took the soun dtrack from matrix and recorded the screensaver video then over laid them both with water /pond ripple effects/ and added it on as a cube and as the desktop background
[05:36] <gaelfx> that does sound pretty sweet
[05:36] <gaelfx> unfortunately, I've only reserved hacking time for NFS today :P
[05:37] <sk1special> whatsa nfs :]
[05:37] <Boohbah> Network FileSystem
[05:37] <gaelfx> Boohbah: thank you
[05:40] <sk1special> still doesnt mean much to me. but i get network. and i get file system lol. ive only ever used windows..and i dont program. so im used to figuring out how to do shit via basic windows prompts etc. this is pretty bad ass for the lvl of customization. but i need to learn how to do everything
[05:41] <JohnTeddy> My wireless doesn't work out of the box like 11.10, it says 'firmware missing'
[05:42] <Boohbah> sk1special: it's kind of like windows' "network drives"
[05:42] <gaelfx> sk1special: problem is, I have no computers running windows, but the default network file sharing method in Ubuntu is Samba, which is reverse engineered from the Windows file-sharing protocol
[05:43] <gaelfx> sk1special: NFS is better if you're not using windows machines, but unfortunately, the sharing options don't include it as an option in the GUI
[05:44] <atrus> gaelfx: are you planning on deploying kerberos? or thought about authentication with nfs?
[05:45] <atrus> typical nfs setups are not exactly secure
[05:45] <gaelfx> atrus: haven't though about it yet, since I can't even get it to work without authentication
[05:45] <atrus> in that sense, smb is quite a bit better for the average user
[05:45] <gaelfx> atrus: not worried about it too much since I'm on the 6th floor in China and my neighbours know nothing about computers
[05:45] <atrus> just don't share your wifi :)
[05:46] <gaelfx> atrus: I don't :D
[05:46] <sk1special> ah okay. makes a lilttle more sense.. ive always been a big ms /windows fan boy. except for vista anyway.. but windows 8 beta crashed my pc so hard that none of my recovery or direct install cds/usb drivers for anything from win 98 to windows 8 again would work. tried other hdds tried wiping the bios all kindve shit. but this works fine so.. *shrug*
[05:46] <atrus> if someone gets on your network, and they have root on their own machine, they can have full access to whatever any user can access with NFS (in a typical deployment)
[05:46] <gaelfx> in small towns here, security through obscurity works REALLY well
[05:46] <spikebike> atrus: typical yes, but NFS has decent auth if you decide to implement it
[05:46] <spikebike> (nfs4 and up)
[05:47] <atrus> so i've heard. never taken the time to play with it, and it seems like most people dont ;)
[05:47] <gaelfx> so maybe you guys can help me, I've installed NFS server on my main box, but my laptop still can't connect, it always times out
[05:47] <atrus> frankly i just use sshfs for my purposes. a little more ad-hoc, but (shrug)
[05:47] <spikebike> sshfs is cool, and very secure
[05:48] <gaelfx> atrus: my sharing is primarily for video streaming, would sshfs work?
[05:48] <sk1special> im out..thanks for the help gaelfx.. and everybody else. and goodluck with your shit..id help if i could.
[05:48] <atrus> gaelfx: works for me
[05:48] <gaelfx> sk1special: no prob, hope you enjoy ubuntu :D
[05:48] <gaelfx> atrus: what player do you use?
[05:48] <sk1special> :]
[05:48] <spikebike> gaelfx: that's kinda gross, why not just stream from your serveR?
[05:49] <atrus> gaelfx: typically totem, although mplayer works well if you're especially short on cpu, or want especially good use of hardware accelerated decoding.
[05:50] <gaelfx> spikebike: that's what I am doing using samba now, but I would rather not use it if I don't have to
[05:50] <gaelfx> atrus: I generally use smplayer, so I guess that might work
[05:51] <atrus> if it's really just streaming you're interested in, you might find something like a dlna server to be better. i've started using minidlna here.
[05:51] <gaelfx> atrus: why is that better?
[05:52] <gaelfx> obviously I don't really know much about streaming, but I thought that accessing the files directly from the other computer was the best way to maintain the quality of the video
[05:52] <atrus> pretty easy to set up, low overhead (i texpect)
[05:53] <atrus> relatively secure
[05:53] <atrus> dlna servers can sometimes offer to decode and stream a lower-quality version for specific devices (i think?), but they certainly don't have to.
[05:54] <gaelfx> hey, I have another q, when I VNC into my other computer, always the first time I have to enter the password to unlock the keyring on the real computer to get logged on, how can I make it stop that?
[05:54] <gaelfx> atrus: I'll look into it then
[05:55] <atrus> i'm out. good look, and good night.
[06:07] <pengw> hi all
[06:07] <pengw> how is going with 12.04
[06:08] <NimeshNeema> Can anyone tell how many hours left to 12.04 Final release ?
[06:08] <tsimpson> NimeshNeema: no
[06:08] <NimeshNeema> tsimpson: ?
[06:09] <tsimpson> NimeshNeema: no one can tell you how many hours are left until the final release, because no one knows :)
[06:09] <NimeshNeema> tsimpson: :). ok
[06:10] <gaelfx> NimeshNeema: but why wait? you can install the nightly build now and run an update
[06:10] <tsimpson> sometime in the next 12 hours, I'd guess. but I'm not the release manager and they are the only one who get the final say-so
[06:14] <NimeshNeema> gaelfx: sounds good. thanks for the advice.
[06:19] <ssfdre38> my brother is updating from 10.04 to 12.04 final
[06:22] <tsimpson> ssfdre38: your brother is a Time Lord? because the only way they could do that is by heading off into the future... ;)
[06:22] <tokinwhiteman> Hey guys I'm having an odd issue with my mouse pointer getting "lost" or stuck in between my monitors.
[06:22] * md_5 wants live countdown
[06:23] <ssfdre38> tsimpson, or that it is release but the site isnt updated
[06:23] <md_5> its not released...
[06:23] <tsimpson> ssfdre38: I can tell you now that that isn't the case
[06:23] <ssfdre38> well he isnt upgrading to the beta at all
[06:23] <tsimpson> if it's not the beta, and it's not the final, what is it?
[06:24] <ssfdre38> cant be the daily release
[06:24] <ssfdre38> and my lsb_release doesnt have Dev in it
[06:24] <md_5> uh no idea... final release isn;t out so if its 12.04 its either beta or daily
[06:25] <tsimpson> ssfdre38: that update came last week iirc
[06:25] <tsimpson> so no one should see the Development version in lsb_release any more, unless they haven't upgraded in a while
[06:26] <Hoyt> hi , does daily-build has mirrors other than http://cdimage.ubuntu.com ?
[06:26] <md_5> Hoyt very few mirrors mirror them
[06:27] <Hoyt> after the release 12.04 , will daily-build contains all the updates ? I mean , are daily-build for testing purpose , or just contain all the updates
[06:28] <tsimpson> the daily ISO are just for testing, there are no guarantees on it at all
[06:30] <Hoyt> here's the thing I want , I want to integrate all the updates into the downloaded iso
[06:30] <Hoyt> guess daily build wasn't for that
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[06:45] <bububuntu> !party
[06:45] <ubottu> Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !Precise release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/
=== roxan is now known as roxan_away
[06:56] <kaushal> Hi
[06:56] <bububuntu> holla
[06:57] <kaushal> 12.04 will be released to public today ?
[06:57] <kaushal> what time it will be ?
[06:57] <md_5> !isitout
[06:57] <ubottu> Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!
[06:57] <md_5> !isitout | kandinski
[06:57] <ubottu> kandinski: please see above
[06:57] <md_5> sdhighufsdi Silly tab complete
[06:57] <md_5> kaushal ^^
[06:58] <bububuntu> partyparty
[07:09] <Bagels> For some reason my alt+tab doesn't work anymore. How can I restore this?
[07:12] <kaushal> what are the most prominent features available on 12.04 as compared to earlier release of ubuntu ?
[07:13] <kaushal> Any wiki page ?
[07:13] <astraljava> kaushal: Release Notes are in the wiki.
[07:13] <astraljava> Heh.
[07:13] <astraljava> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Xubuntu
[07:13] <astraljava> Err... sorry.
[07:13] <astraljava> I confused the channels.
[07:13] * astraljava thought he was still on #xubuntu
=== roxan_away is now known as roxan
[07:18] <kaushal> 12.04 has USB iso ?
[07:18] <kaushal> I suppose it is 750MB iso file
[07:18] <kaushal> meaning i need to download 750 MB and burn it using Unetbootin to burn ISO on USB Stick ?
[07:19] <kaushal> what apps should i use to burn it on USB stick
[07:19] <kaushal> Any clue ?
[07:20] <md_5> kaushal unetbootin
[07:20] <kaushal> also why it has been increased to 750 mb
[07:20] <kaushal> any specific reason
[07:21] <md_5> no idea
[07:21] <md_5> beta 2 was 699mb..
[07:22] <Bagels> anyway, I'm asking how to restore alt+tab, I have compiz, but nothing on compiz works. It's really confusing, I can change any setting, and it doesn't reflect.
[07:24] <JohnTeddy> How can I make the left app bar recede?
[07:26] <Bagels> does Unity interfere with compiz?
[07:26] <Bagels> JohnTeddy, it ought to be in settings, but I don't have my ubuntu computer in front of me
[07:26] <JohnTeddy> nevermind, under appearance you can auto hide the launcher
[07:36] <spikebike> bagels yet unity breaks compiz
[07:37] <Bagels> spikebike: I used to have an app that let me zoom in and out with my resolution, not with compiz, but I can't find it anymore
[07:37] <Bagels> spikebike: I just figured out unity's the problem. lame.
[07:41] * stimpie puts the beers cold
[07:43] <linuxuz3r> !outyet
[07:43] <ubottu> Nope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!
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[07:55] <delusr_> The 26th is nearly over its 6pm
[07:57] <micahg> delusr_: it's almost 08:00 UTC, relax
[07:57] <Pitel> delusr_: 10 AM here :P
[07:58] <delusr_> I am relaxed its just stupid to give a date thinking the whole worlds population lives in one timezone..
[07:58] <micahg> project times are generally given in UTC time/date
[08:06] <brendand> delusr_, the rule is that it will be released on the 26th *somewhere* :)
[08:10] <Jacky> lol
[08:10] <Jacky> GMT+11
[08:10] <Jacky> at 23:59 GMT+11
[08:10] <Jacky> lol
[08:11] <dArKd3ViL> Is it out yet?
[08:13] <Tm_T> Boohbah: the rule is that it is aimed to be released today somewhere, doesn't mean it will if something bad raises its head and prevent the release
[08:14] <ferni> well maybe the .iso isn't. but already running "Ubuntu 12.04 LTS" and there hasn't been updates for day or two
[08:15] <ferni> i mean the lsb description changed from "development branch" to 12.04 LTS
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[08:21] <erkan^> goodmorning, how time is official release for ubuntu 12.04 ?
[08:21] <ikonia> when it's ready
[08:21] <ikonia> there is no set time
=== ivan``_ is now known as ivan``
[08:24] <virtuose> Hi all
[08:24] <erkan^> is ubuntu béta good too, ikonia ?
[08:25] <MechanisM> hello guys! I'm unable to start system-settings from menu in corner.
[08:25] <MechanisM> not started
[08:25] <MechanisM> when trying to start in terminal I'm gettin errors
[08:25] <ikonia> erkan^: it's beta software, nothing more to be said really
[08:26] <erkan^> ok
[08:27] <virtuose> does anyone know where can I find an Ubuntu Bootstrap for 12.04 to install it using FAI?
[08:27] <Hatrix76> just pondering, the release date is today, or has that changed?
[08:27] <gametstr> is it out yet?
[08:27] <DamienCassou> virtuose: what is FAI?
[08:27] <Hatrix76> DamienCassou, Fully Automated Installer
[08:27] <virtuose> DamienCassou: Fully Automatic Installation
[08:28] <virtuose> FAI uses PXE boot to install a linux based OS
[08:28] <CGIjoe> would love some help with a copy project? i haev a usb drive attached to a raid server, but when i mount the drive, it does not show up.
[08:29] <Hatrix76> CGIjoe, what, on earth, is a raid-server?
[08:29] <CGIjoe> for example, mount /dev/da1 /mnt/mydrive seems to execute, but there isn't a "mydrive"
[08:29] <DamienCassou> CGIjoe: no automount of usb if you use ubuntu-server
[08:29] <DamienCassou> CGIjoe: first mkdir /mnt/mydrive
[08:33] <CGIjoe> interesting! that;s getting me closer, thank you!
=== Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
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[08:47] <mathews> !posts
[08:47] <vak123> !posts
[08:47] <vak123> !log
[08:47] <ubottu> Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/
[09:01] <vak123> i can't google out what is the average time ubuntu is usually released at...
[09:02] <Hatrix76> vak123, why does it matter, wait until tomorrow and you definitly have it ...
[09:02] <vak123> Hatrix76: let me remain a human being, not elf :-)
[09:03] <lcc> vak123: 3 hours to go
[09:03] <lcc> I asked on #ubuntu-releaseparty
[09:03] <lcc> * #ubuntu-release-party
[09:03] <vak123> lcc: oh thanks man, I can work now :-)
[09:03] <lcc> 12:00 utc
[09:03] <sk1special> peoples
[09:04] <sk1special> aynone know the name for the release countdown/party channel? saw it earlier somewhere
[09:05] <ciastek> sk1special: #ubuntu-release-party
[09:05] <sk1special> ya fairly obvious eh? thank ya
[09:10] <sk1special> now..do you know how to cycle thru the dekstop via a cube instead of four squares? :]
[09:11] <topyli> the cube has been disabled, because it breaks unity
[09:12] <lcc> how about having > 4 squares?
[09:13] <topyli> i'm not sure, but i think it's been decided that you need exactly four desktops :\
[09:13] <sk1special> eh. how about telling me how to use a video vs a pic as my desktop background? :]
[09:14] <Artemis3> you mean playing the video in the root window instead of a client
[09:14] <zozy> sk1special: yeah
[09:14] <zozy> ccsm is your friend
[09:14] <topyli> i've seen tutorials for animated backgrounds, but i don't know about actual video
[09:15] <sk1special> ccsm?
[09:15] <topyli> i don't think there's anything that would make it impossible in principle, but you should first stop nautilus from drawing the background
[09:15] <topyli> (which you can easily do in gnome-tweak-tool)
[09:16] <sk1special> ive seen videos on youtube..this guy took the cube and added 3d matrix code to each side then layered in like rippling water user pics etc
[09:16] <Artemis3> sk1special, explore mplayer option --rootwin ...
[09:16] <sk1special> hmm
[09:17] <topyli> sk1special: yes why not. except for the cube of course
[09:17] <vega-> zozy: sk1special: ccsm broke my system (login not possible), took me 2 hours to clean ccsm crap from my homedir until i could login again
[09:18] <zozy> weird
[09:18] <zozy> on my system unity wont behave...:D
[09:18] <sk1special> lol. id be very very sad if that happened..but the online descrip for it does say that it can cause fatal errors if not done right
[09:18] <vega-> see this for instance, i would not recommend ccsm to anyone: http://ocaoimh.ie/2011/10/14/ubuntu-11-10-be-wary-of-compiz-config-settings-manager-ccsm/
[09:21] <sk1special> it seems to be as long as you DONT do anything by accident ie: delete a folder move something etc..everythings should be fine..
[09:23] <woq> soooo.... they probably aked you many times today... but when will 12.4 be released? Shedule says today - but when exactly? :) please give us some good news for a good morning! :)
[09:23] <topyli> woq: today. nobody knows, um, 'precisely'
[09:23] <snadge> today?
[09:23] <ben72> woq, somebody said 12:04 cet
[09:24] <snadge> time flies :/
[09:24] <topyli> i'm sure somebody has said that, no doubt
[09:24] <ben72> hope it's true :)
[09:25] <topyli> well if the images happen to be ready at 12:03, then it might happen, sure
[09:25] <sk1special> mmk..lets try this. and ill see you in a second on my other pc if this one dies :}
[09:25] <woq> ok :)
[09:27] <sobersabre> hi.
[09:28] <sobersabre> I live in TZ GMT+2.00
[09:28] <sobersabre> and it is 26th in April there already.
[09:28] <sobersabre> What timezone is ubuntu.com ?
[09:29] <sobersabre> when is 12.04 due to release ?
[09:29] <Haffe> sobersabre: - Summer (DST) GMT (UTC+0)
[09:29] <Haffe> (UTC+1)
[09:31] <sk1special> so i found this.. gconftool-2 —type bool —set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root but not doing anything
[09:36] <sobersabre> Haffe: this is the timezone, now about the release date ?
[09:38] <drussell> sobersabre: date? today :o)
[09:39] <nekol> what time?
[09:39] <nekol> sorry I joined just now
[09:42] <nekol> oh I read 12:04 UTC today
[09:43] <tarzeau_> that would be in 2 hours 20?
[09:43] <nekol> yep
[09:43] <erkan^> over 100 years is ubuntu 12.04 an official release, nekol :p
[09:44] <tarzeau_> i need the netboot installers
[09:44] <erkan^> i make a joke (-:
[09:44] <electronics-cat> what is ubuntu
[09:45] <nekol> lol
[09:45] <mathews> !ubuntu | electronics-cat
[09:45] <ubottu> electronics-cat: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com
[09:45] <electronics-cat> wow thanks lol
[09:46] <tarzeau_> i'd strike the professional support
[09:47] <delusr_> If only they published a time and timezone not just a date then there would be only 2-3 people here.
[09:48] <tarzeau_> UTC?
[09:48] <tarzeau_> 11:42 < nekol> oh I read 12:04 UTC today
[09:48] <tarzeau_> no matter what time and where, in 2 hours
[09:49] * electronics-cat rolls around and purrs
[09:50] <mathews> tarzeau_, see ubuntu releasing its new version today and most of the men might have engaged "works".
[09:50] <f0x> http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
[09:50] <f0x> everyboidy
[09:50] <f0x> released
[09:50] <f0x> :P
[09:50] <electronics-cat> sweet
[09:51] <Stanley00> really?
[09:51] <f0x> http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso
[09:52] <tarzeau_> 404
[09:52] <f0x> http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/
[09:52] <electronics-cat> lol
[09:53] <electronics-cat> it exploded
[09:53] <delusr_> tarzeau_ considering you just said 2hr why did you fall for that?
[09:53] <Stanley00> hahaha
[09:53] <f0x> delusr_, :))))))
[09:53] <tarzeau_> because i want to go home, as soon as i downloaded the isos and setup the netboot netinstallers, i'll go home
[09:53] <f0x> nice one
[09:53] <delusr_> id10t's
[09:53] <electronics-cat> i want to use linux
[09:54] <f0x> electronics-cat, use it
[09:54] <tarzeau_> electronics-cat: so do it. you don't have to wait, i'm using the shit since 99
[09:54] <electronics-cat> windows ate my mbr
[09:55] <f0x> ate his back
[09:55] <gaelfx> electronics-cat: easy. LiveUSB/CD and reinstall grub 2
[09:55] <CGIjoe> yeah!
[09:55] <delusr_> will 12.04 download pr0n quicker?
[09:55] <electronics-cat> ya
[09:55] <sk1special> yeah thats what i did.
[09:56] <Stanley00> yep
[09:56] <electronics-cat> i forgot how2doit
[09:56] <sk1special> win 8 * acpi issues* did it
[09:56] <CGIjoe> BRAIN MBR virus, woooo!
[09:56] <electronics-cat> that was awesome
[09:56] <Shape> anyone know if there is a time set for the release?
[09:56] <tarzeau_> delusr_: you have to download? i just start driftnet, and it all comes from itself
[09:56] <CGIjoe> sneaker-ware virus, ftw.
[09:56] <astraljava> Right, guys. Remember the CoC, and also do realize that this is support for the devel release.
[09:57] <Stanley00> no one need support here now, so a joke is not a bad idea ;)
[09:58] <electronics-cat> i like it when the red water comes out
[09:58] <Ben64> offtopic is for #ubuntu-offtopic
[09:58] <sk1special> okay support. im trying to use xwinwrap with this xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -nf -b — /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID
[09:58] <sk1special> command via terminal/run box..*as seen online* but its a no go.
[09:58] <sk1special> to enable desktop videoness :]
[09:59] <gaelfx> sk1special: what error is it throwing?
[09:59] <Stanley00> sk1special: as I know, glmatrix is no longer exist in ubuntu install
[09:59] <gaelfx> Stanley00: not by default, still available in Repos
[09:59] <sk1special> i allready installed xscreensaver and updated etc so i have glmatrix..im using it for my screensaver. i just want to run it as my desktop too
[10:00] <Stanley00> gaelfx: yep, got it now :D
[10:00] <sk1special> and in the run box..no error just not letting me click ie not finding it. in the terminal..it says incorrect usage
[10:02] <gaelfx> sk1special: try 'man xwinwrap' and see if you've entered some of the options wrong
[10:02] <sk1special> i installed xwinwrap from the downlink using the software center..then tried running the command like it said to do.. but yeah
[10:03] <sk1special> i just copy and pasted it. and the terminal says..see man 7 undocument for help
[10:03] <sk1special> undocumented*
[10:05] <sk1special> do i need to restart since i just install xwinwrap? instructions said it should just work
[10:05] <gaelfx> sk1special: I would imagine something like that wouldn't require a restart
[10:05] <zyxd> http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/
[10:05] <gaelfx> sk1special: although restarting X never killed anyone, that I know of
[10:06] <sk1special> lol. yeah.. hmm. welcome back btw. are you still having issues?
[10:09] <lost-man> what about final release please?
[10:09] <Bodnar> threw a 100mbit unmetered box on the 4 torrents :)
[10:09] <Bodnar> thanks everyone for the release
[10:10] <lost-man> Bodnar, 1204 released?
[10:10] <Shape> It seems it is http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/
[10:11] <gaelfx> sk1special: eh, I put those plans on hold
[10:12] <lost-man> But still not on the download page ...... dunno what is wrong
[10:12] <Hoyt> 12.04 is out
[10:12] <Shape> I think they are not updating it because of server lag
[10:12] <Shape> the people who know where to find it will get it so there will be less traffic
[10:12] <gaelfx> I think if you're running the beta, you've already got the release ;)
[10:13] <Shape> Of course
[10:13] <lost-man> Going to download [ ] ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso 23-Apr-2012 12:27 701M Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download)
[10:13] <pawdro> i suppose last update (as of today) of beta gives you final LTS version
[10:13] <pawdro> but i'll install it anyway :)
[10:17] <sk1special> ah cha.
[10:19] <lost-man> wget started!!!
[10:20] <sk1special> hell yes. the code i was using was like four years old.. so i had to change a few things around. but now i have a 3d matrix vid desktop
[10:21] <sk1special> at least on one screen..trying to find a way to enable it on both screens.. but no one seems to have figured tht out yet
[10:24] <lcc> will 12.04 fit onto a cd or only a dvd, for amd64 desktop?
[10:24] <ThePendulum> Greetings
[10:25] <ThePendulum> lcc: As far as I know, Ubuntu really pushed the development for Ubuntu to fit on a CD
[10:25] <lcc> ok
[10:25] <sk1special> it fit on a 4gb usb drive for 32bit.. so shouldnt be that big of a deal
[10:25] <sk1special> also. i figured out how to make the matrix go everywhere. win
[10:25] <ThePendulum> sk1special: GB is a lot more than the average CD
[10:25] <ThePendulum> *4GB
[10:26] <Stanley00> sk1special: how did you do that?
[10:26] <sk1special> i guess eh/ i havent used a anything beyond thumb drives in a couple years lol. cd = 20 songs and dvd = movie plus menu
[10:26] <sk1special> to me
[10:27] <peto_> hola
[10:27] <sk1special> and i just had to open a terminal in each window/ screen and the opposite screen would load it
[10:28] <Stanley00> sk1special: it's so simple, simpler than expected... kkk
[10:28] <ThePendulum> I am running 12.04 (beta 2, still) on a dualscreen set-up, and I was wondering if it's possible to display those panel items (notifications, login, time, etc.) only once
[10:28] <ThePendulum> Btw, will I automatically be updated to the official release?
[10:28] <sk1special> lol yeah. also the code for it in xwinwrap is deff than there site says
[10:29] <sk1special> the site says. ./xwinwrap -ov -fs -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID *** but you have to take out the ./ from winwrap and the -ov
[10:30] <sk1special> now to make sure this continues to run. i just paste the code in the start up applications thing correct?
[10:33] <arand> !final | ThePendulum
[10:33] <ubottu> ThePendulum: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.
[10:34] <ThePendulum> As I expected. Good guy.
[10:34] <Flywater> @time
[10:34] <ubottu> Current time in Etc/UTC: April 26 2012, 10:34:18
[10:35] <ThePendulum> @time
[10:35] <ubottu> Current time in Etc/UTC: April 26 2012, 10:35:18
[10:35] <ThePendulum> Woosh, exactly 1 minute after you
[10:36] <Flywater> i'm in china
[10:37] <lost-man> still 2 hours ?
[10:37] <Flywater> what
[10:38] <CGIjoe> where in china fly?
[10:38] <Flywater> shenyang,liaoning
[10:39] <tokinwhiteman> Hey guys I'm having an odd issue with my mouse pointer getting "lost" or stuck in between my monitors. Any idea's on a fix. Using Nvidia drivers .
=== lost-man is now known as stupid
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[10:41] <CGIjoe> Flywater, ahh, had to look that up, wasn't familiar.
=== tarzeau_ is now known as tarzeau
[10:42] <Flywater> i'm waiting for ubuntu 12.04
[10:43] <stupid> Flywater, wait until release like me
[10:43] <sk1special> TEAR
[10:43] <Flywater> year
[10:43] <Flywater> yeah
[10:43] <sk1special> apparently...its a vry bad idea to exit out of random boxes name dnd file
[10:44] <sk1special> named dnd *
[10:51] <gorski> what about oss aplications, will i be able padsp gnomeradio in precise?
[10:55] <tokinwhiteman> Does anyone have anything to help me out here?
[10:58] <Arnold> tokinwhiteman, there is one thing you could try
[10:59] <tokinwhiteman> yea?
[10:59] <Arnold> System Settings -> Displays
[10:59] <Arnold> And set Sticky Edges to off
[10:59] <tokinwhiteman> Thanks :)
[10:59] <tokinwhiteman> now i feel like an idiot
[10:59] <tokinwhiteman> lol
[11:00] <Arnold> Don't worry. It wasn't added that long ago. It was introduced with Unity 5.8.
[11:00] <Arnold> Now it's at 5.10.
[11:00] <tokinwhiteman> I'm just glad my x server is displaying properly with these nvidia drivers
[11:01] <Arnold> There are problems with the current driver regarding the newest generation of NVIDIA graphics card.
[11:01] <Arnold> But that issue is not Ubuntu-specific.
[11:01] <tokinwhiteman> Well this is an older card, it'
[11:01] <tokinwhiteman> it
[11:01] <Shape> are the nvidia proprietary drivers made by nvidia?
[11:01] <tokinwhiteman> its a 7300GY
[11:01] <sk1special> fucking fuck shit
[11:01] <sk1special> okay..
[11:02] <astraljava> sk1special: Language, please.
[11:02] <sk1special> sorry
[11:02] <Shape> On the Nvidia website you can choose Linux as an operating system so I'm guessing they are from the company correct?
[11:02] <sk1special> so. there was this random box open..that said dnd file i believe. so i was just like eh..whats that. lets just close it...
[11:03] <tokinwhiteman> The defualt drivers ubuntu loads are the proprietary drivers right?
[11:03] <tokinwhiteman> for nvidia?
[11:03] <sk1special> so it force restarted me.. and now my menu boxes look like there from windows 98 ie flat grey etc. and my admin password used to autenticate everything is not working..and my terminal gives me the message - xlib extension RANDR missing
[11:04] <Arnold> No, it's the open source Nouveau ones that is being used by default for NVIDIA users.
[11:04] <Arnold> You need to install it through Additional Devices or by installing "nvidia-current"
[11:05] <tokinwhiteman> That's the one I have installed.
[11:05] <Hatrix76> is it out yet
[11:05] <Shape> tokinwhiteman: Ubuntu actually prompts you to install the Proprietary Drivers right after the OS installs.
[11:05] <Arnold> Actually, it just informs you that you may need to install them if you want to.
[11:06] <tokinwhiteman> That's what I thought. Thanks. I
[11:06] <Arnold> Then again, it's not specific to NVIDIA.
[11:06] <Shape> yep
[11:06] <natman_> Shape: it doesnt for me
[11:06] <Shape> natman_: Strange. It did so on 3 computers of mine.
[11:06] <Arnold> If you have a proprietary printer, then it will ask you to install the driver for it from the repository.
[11:07] <Arnold> And it happens as long as you start Additional Drivers and exit it.
[11:07] <Arnold> It won't bug you anymore afterwards.
[11:07] <natman_> Shape: it used to always do so for me, but on a computer that 11.10 always gave me option to get nividia driver, the live 12.04 doesnt tell me about anything
[11:08] <sk1special> can anyone tell me why my password isnt working for my nvidia settings?
[11:09] <Arnold> It should accept your own account password no matter what.
[11:10] <Ben64> nvidia-settings doesn't need a password
[11:10] <Arnold> It does when you try to save your settings to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[11:10] <Ben64> oh
[11:10] <sk1special> yeah no.. it says incorrect..and none of the changes i make are taking affect. to save the config file it does.
[11:10] <Ben64> well you don't need xorg.conf
[11:10] <Arnold> So you don't have to start it with sudo or gksuo in order to be able to save it.
[11:11] <sk1special> i need to change my seetings..because my pc just crashed and when it restarted my monitors were switched
[11:11] <sk1special> left on right right on left . and it wont let me change anything..
[11:11] <Ben64> nvidia-settings will let you change that without root
[11:11] <Arnold> With automatic configuration, probably not. But if you want to use a resolution or refresh rate different than the automatic one gives, then yes, you might need to have the settings saved in /etc/X11/xorg.conf for it to be preserved in each X restarts.
[11:13] <sk1special> says RANDR extension missing on display 0.0
[11:13] <Arnold> Then you might not have it installed... entirely.
[11:13] <Arnold> Try "glxgears" for example.
[11:13] <Arnold> Are you getting any kind of hardware acceleration?
[11:14] <sk1special> no it was all working fine. i was running xwinwrap to have a screensaver as my desktop background
[11:14] <sk1special> and there was a random box open that i closed labeled dnd file or something.
[11:14] <ferni> hmm. its out now
[11:14] <sk1special> that crashed my pc . and now i cant change any of the video settings..and the menu boxes look like they are from windows 98
[11:15] <ferni> http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/
[11:15] <tokinwhiteman> With the glxgears, is 1351.681 FPS good?
[11:16] <Arnold> Usually it's around 5000.
[11:16] <Arnold> But does it feel fast?
[11:16] <Arnold> Or it's a bit sluggish?
[11:16] <tokinwhiteman> well
[11:16] <tokinwhiteman> this pc is like from 2005
[11:16] <Ben64> 108579 frames in 5.0 seconds
[11:16] <tokinwhiteman> i saved it from the trash
[11:16] <tokinwhiteman> it's a dell xps 400
[11:16] <Ben64> they say the fps is not a good benchmark though
[11:17] <tokinwhiteman> with a first gen pentium d, 2.8 ghz, 2 gb ram, 512mb 7300GT
[11:17] <Ben64> i doubt my computer is 80x better
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[11:18] <Arnold> 13362 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2672.389 FPS
[11:18] <Arnold> NVIDIA GeForce 9500GT 1GB here
[11:18] <sk1special> thats what im getting with the gears pic up..twice that if i minimize it
[11:19] <tokinwhiteman> 753 frames in 5.0 seconds = 150.501 FPS
[11:19] <mikeconcepts> ferni, thanks for link, was just now looking for that
[11:19] <tokinwhiteman> that's with maximized here
[11:19] <tokinwhiteman> regular size
[11:19] <tokinwhiteman> 6889 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1377.732 FPS
[11:19] <sk1special> any suggestions on what i should do people? i could just fresh install the new update too right?
[11:20] <tokinwhiteman> I've been on the beta now for weeks. I'll just do the upgrade when it's released.
[11:21] <sk1special> yeah but i cant change any of my graphics settings now
[11:21] <sk1special> and i just installed this the night before last
[11:21] <tokinwhiteman> have you tried to reset unity?
[11:21] <tokinwhiteman> idk if that would help or not
[11:21] <sk1special> no how do i do that?
[11:21] <tokinwhiteman> unity --reset
[11:22] <tokinwhiteman> enter that into a command line
[11:22] <Arnold> It's his X that's more or else affected. Not really Compiz or Unity per say.
[11:22] <Arnold> Well practically Ubuntu+1 releases are "semi-rolling" until it is reaches the release date.
[11:22] <tokinwhiteman> What happens when you put in start-x ?
[11:22] <tokinwhiteman> startx *
[11:23] <Arnold> No idea, I haven't been using that method to start X since years.
[11:23] <sk1special> well that reset command failed.. like 30 different compiz errors
[11:23] <tokinwhiteman> I meant that directed to sk1pecial
[11:23] <Arnold> Either it's "sudo telinit 3" then "sudo telinit 5" or "sudo stop lightdm" and "sudo start lightdm"
[11:23] <Arnold> Ah, sorry.
[11:24] <sk1special> startx says x user not authorized
[11:24] <sk1special> * to run x server
[11:24] <tokinwhiteman> can you get into unity 2d?
[11:25] <sk1special> command?
[11:25] <tokinwhiteman> you don't get the login screen at all?
[11:25] <sk1special> after startx you mean?
[11:26] <sk1special> no just says user not authorized to run x server
[11:26] <tokinwhiteman> when you turn your pc on
[11:26] <sk1special> ah yeah
[11:26] <tokinwhiteman> ok
[11:26] <tokinwhiteman> try getting into unity 2d from the login screen
[11:26] <sk1special> how so? like i said this is my second/3rd day using linux
[11:26] <lcc> which version of perl will be in 12.04?
[11:26] <tokinwhiteman> click the ubuntu logo next to your username and select unity 2d
[11:27] <sk1special> mmk brb
[11:27] <notKlaatu> hi does anyone have any idea how/why a newly installed 12.04 would have .gvfs listed with perms of d???????? and owner user and group of ?
[11:27] <notKlaatu> those are the literal characters "?", not me asking a question emphatically.
[11:28] <notKlaatu> has anyone else seen this? fresh install, just done this morning.
[11:32] <notKlaatu> nevermind, i guess i need to unmount it.
[11:35] <sk1special> okay.. i just restarted to try again. and the menus look normal now. and it let me change my screen back,
[11:35] <sk1special> BUT
[11:36] <sk1special> it said theres a error with unity 2d..report the problem. so i did.. and i had to enter a password. and That password is says is not recognized ..
[11:36] <sk1special> and when i click the workspace button. its not letting me drag windows to other workspace..
[11:37] <sk1special> and while it used to show my screen like 0o big square..it now just shows one block..
[11:37] <sk1special> big square little square*
[11:39] <sk1special> okay. its because its listed as *twin view * in my nvidia settings. and when i switch it to extened. it pretends like it saved..but doesnt actually do it
[11:42] <dustinspringman> sk1special: I had some of the same issues and found that even though I did nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings and ensured the settings saved... I still had to edit my xorg.conf file manually.. minor change really, but it resolved my issue permanently.
[11:42] <tomodachi> win 11
[11:43] <sk1special> how do you do that?
[11:43] <alvin> sk1special: perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2)
[11:50] <ironm> hello. Does anyone use cryptsetup with softraid? (based on mdadm)
[11:53] <ironm> I use raid5 (mdadm) and getting approx 160MB/s /write to un-encrypted RAID5 volume/ .. *but* only approx 70MB/s when wrting to encrypted RAID5 volume (ext4 fs). The base system with FX-4100 CPU (hardware AES support) and 16GB ECC RAM should handle it better (I guess). The CPU load of all cores is not higher than approx 30% (htop)
[11:57] <natman_> Is that a new Kubuntu Logo on the main site?
[11:58] <Pitel> why is 64bit not the recommended dosnload? I thought it will be.
[11:58] <jrgifford> Pitel: time, concern about testing, etc.
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[12:08] <ferni> ikonia: what is your problem?
[12:08] <ikonia> I have no problem
[12:09] <ferni> why did you ban me from #ubuntu
[12:09] <ferni> www.ubuntu.com clearly says the 12.04 is out
[12:09] <ikonia> because pretty much 30 seconds after I said "it's not out until the official release annoucement" and explained that the ubuntu servers where being updated, you stated it's out and linked
[12:09] <ikonia> discussion over.
[12:09] <ferni> isnt it official if the official website says its out?
[12:10] <ikonia> no
[12:10] <ikonia> as I announced 30 seconds before you posted and gave a warning that anyone stating it was out would be removed
[12:10] <ikonia> you'll be allowed back intot he channel tomorrow.
[12:11] <tokinwhiteman> ikonia: mods get no love.
[12:11] <ikonia> I need no love
[12:11] <tokinwhiteman> lol
[12:11] <ferni> oh, sorry I thought info at official site that says its out means there is release announcement also
[12:12] <ikonia> even though I made it clear 30 seconds before
[12:13] <ikonia> I often find when a channel is muted and an operator makes a clear statment about something that it's wise to just go totally against that 30 seconds after the channel has been unmuted
[12:14] <ferni> as i explained 30 seconds ago that I thought it was released and there was a release announcement because official website said it was out
[12:14] <ferni> but never mind, didn't mean to offend you. just misundersto
[12:14] <ikonia> ferni: despite me saying 30 seconds before that explaining that the servers where being updated and it wasn't released
[12:14] <ikonia> I can see how that clear statment may have confused you
[12:15] <ikonia> ferni: no offense taken
[12:16] <ferni> ikonia: well, I didn't follow the chat so closely, after your comment I opened ubuntu.com and was like "oh well this is out"
[12:16] <ferni> should read more carefully :)
[12:17] <ikonia> yes
[12:18] <ben72> any issues with 64-bit? I've almost always gone for 32 so far..
[12:18] <ikonia> ben72: no more/less than any other distro
[12:18] <Flywater> 64-bit is good
[12:19] <Pitel> okay, I set auto hiding of panel, it disappeared and now I can;t get irt back, even when I put mous to the left side. :D unity...
[12:19] <ben72> what are the main advantages of 64-bit except ram usage?
[12:20] <Pitel> (in virtualbox)
[12:20] <drussell> Pitel: ahhh, so not tried virtualbox, but in physical, it now requires "pressure" from the mouse pointer to get the panel to pop out
[12:20] <MrKeuner> how do you add apps to autostart in precise?
[12:21] <rcsheets> So is this channel now about Quantal?
[12:22] <Flywater> ...maybe?
[12:22] <Flywater> waiting for ubuntu 12.04.1
[12:23] <Bennlucky7> its 6month if u wanna wait 12.10
[12:23] <Pitel> drussell: oh, okay :)
[12:23] <rcsheets> Flywater: are you aware that's expected in July?
[12:24] <drussell> Pitel: it helps to prevent the panel from popping out when you didn't want it do
[12:24] <alvin> Is it already possible to update from 10.04 to 12.04, or do we have to wait until 12.04.1?
[12:27] <Flywater> yes,now you can update from 10.04 to 12.04
[12:31] <Flywater> waiting for WPS office software
[12:32] <tehowe> If I downloaded the dailies yesterday, is there any point in getting ISOs today for the mini-install party I'm hosting?
[12:32] <tehowe> Other than to seed of course
[12:33] <tehowe> The dates on the dailies were 4/23 and one was 4/25... anyone know if there were last minute changes?
[12:33] <arand> tehowe: check the md5sum, they may in fact be the same..
[12:35] <rcsheets> tehowe: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/MD5SUMS
[12:35] <tehowe> Ok thank you :)
[12:36] <tehowe> Save me a search - bash to strip md5 from existing ISO?
[12:37] <ironhalik> so, when do I break the champagne
[12:37] <ironhalik> ? :>
[12:38] <ironhalik> md5sum file
[12:38] <ironhalik> tehowe:
[12:40] <tehowe> Wot, that's easy!
[12:40] <gorski> i'm on lucid and in Update Manager i don't see any 12.04 update possibility, is it going to be avaiable?
[12:40] <tehowe> :)
[12:40] <Ian_Corne> it will be
[12:41] <tehowe> Yeah checked the amd64 and i386 they're the same
[12:42] <gorski> Ian_Corne can you tell me how much i need to wait?
[12:42] <tehowe> Argh doesn't Brasero support burning to two drives at once? :P
[12:43] <ironhalik> as in, amd64 md5 is the same as i386 md5? :>
[12:43] <rcsheets> does anyone happen to know if the precise alternate installer supports installing lucid, assuming you give it the right preseed settings?
[12:44] <rcsheets> ironhalik: i think he means the same as the daily he downloaded prior to the official precise release.
[12:44] <rcsheets> the same as each other would be very unlikely
[12:45] <tehowe> ironhalik: Yeah if you dloaded yesterday i386 = today's i386 etc
[12:45] <ironhalik> yeah, huh
[12:46] <ironhalik> if they were the same, we could all go lotto/megamillions
[12:54] <datruth> Is there away I can take space from my windows partition and add it to my linux partition?
[12:55] <xranby> datruth: yes, ubuntu can shrink your windows partition to make room for linux
[12:55] <ThePendulum> datruth: I think Gparted can do that (partition resizing), but you risk damaging either Linux or Windows, or both
[12:55] <ThePendulum> So make sure you know what you're doing
[12:56] <xranby> datruth: the ubuntu installer can do this operation for you
[12:56] <rcsheets> or, instead of knowing what you're doing, just have up-to-date backups :)
[12:56] <tomodachi> datruth: ive done it many times, nothing has ever gone wrong resizing my windows fs from gparted
[12:56] <ThePendulum> xranby: I assume he has Ubuntu already installed?
[12:56] <datruth> xranby: so I need to re-install?
[12:56] <krababbel> xranby: Can it do that for an installed Ubuntu?
[12:56] <datruth> ahh I use gparted?
[12:56] <ThePendulum> ^
[12:56] <krababbel> datruth: Is you Ubuntu partition behind Windows?
[12:57] <xranby> datruth: krababbel: start your system in ubuntu test-mode using the install cd and use gparted
[12:57] <datruth> krababbel: I installed windows7 first then I installed kubuntu
[12:57] <xranby> you cant resize the harddrive while it are in use
[12:57] <datruth> oic I need to get a cd then
[12:57] <datruth> and burn it
[12:57] <tomodachi> or a usb
[12:57] <krababbel> I think Ubuntu won't find its partition if you change the beginning sector.
[12:57] <ThePendulum> datruth: Can be done with a USB stick, if you have one around
[12:58] <krababbel> You'll need to configure fstab, grub and swap initrd.gz again.
[12:58] <datruth> I dont have any with any free space
[12:58] <krababbel> http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=244991 something like that
[12:58] <datruth> hrmm what if I re-install ubuntu I guess I could move the bar to the left to shrink the partition?
[12:59] <ThePendulum> datruth: Yes, if you don't have Ubuntu completely configured and all, I think a reinstall would be the best option
[12:59] <krababbel> first shrink windows, if you have windows7, you can do it from within windows
[13:00] <datruth> ThePendulum: okay but I still have to use the pre-existing parition otherwise i'd have to re-install win7?
[13:01] <Flywater> i don't like win7 but i have to keep it on my notebook...
[13:03] <tero> so when will this channel supopor that Q... q..(what is the name again?)
[13:03] <datruth> ThePendulum: so is that correct would win7 need to be re-installed?
[13:03] <ThePendulum> datruth: Only if you mess up, basically
[13:03] <datruth> lulz
[13:03] <datruth> alright thx
[13:03] <Daekdroom> Quantal Quetzal, I believe, tero
[13:04] <tero> i have no idea how to pronounce this
[13:04] <tero> :)
[13:04] <ThePendulum> Kuwantal Kuwetzal
[13:05] <BluesKaj> hiyas all
[13:05] <Flywater> what broswers are you using
[13:06] <Flywater> anybody?
[13:06] <ThePendulum> Chromium
[13:06] <Flywater> i use opera
[13:09] <tehowe> Firefox
[13:09] <Flywater> waiting for opera 12.00
[13:09] <ThePendulum> Opera is very nice as well, but it has a bit too many features
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Quantal Quetzal | Release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule | Precise Support in #ubuntu | Precise has been released! |So long and thanks for all the bugs!
[13:11] <ThePendulum> So, I've seen screenshots showing the keyboard showcuts for Unity/Ubuntu 12.04
[13:11] <ThePendulum> How can I get that screen?
[13:11] <Daekdroom> ThePendulum, press and hold the <Super> key
[13:12] <Daekdroom> (probably a Windows logo in your keyboard)
[13:12] <ThePendulum> Well. Very well.
[13:12] <ThePendulum> Ha, yeah I know where to find the Super key
[13:12] <Daekdroom> Well, some people don't.
[13:12] <ThePendulum> I understand
[13:12] <ThePendulum> Are there Super keys available with a penguin rather than a Windows flag?
[13:12] <datruth> kubuntu site is slow in downloading
[13:12] <datruth> anyone have a fast link?
[13:12] <Flywater> super key=win key
[13:13] <datruth> 12.04 is what I want to download for amd64
[13:13] <Daekdroom> Never saw an image of a penguin Super key.
[13:14] <xranby> datruth: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
[13:15] <Flywater> ubuntu.com is crash...
[13:15] <BluesKaj> hmm, nothing in the repos here yet ...what's happening ?
[13:15] <datruth> thx
[13:17] <Flywater> too many people visit ubuntu.com...
[13:18] <datruth> 12.04 is beta2 ?
[13:18] <tomodachi> datruth: no its out now
[13:18] <tomodachi> stable full release
[13:19] <datruth> oh really?
[13:19] <datruth> I thought it 12.04 wasn't considered a stable release
[13:19] <Pici> Why wouldn't it be?
[13:19] <peto_> in my new computer, Precise Pangolin consumes 32 Watts under low charge, whilst Windws 7 consumes only 20 Watts. (Ubuntu 11.10 consumed 40 Watts). Why all these differences?
[13:20] <Daekdroom> peto_, mostly likely video card powermanagement
[13:20] <datruth> I was reading on the site that its not for users who want a stable system
[13:20] <BluesKaj> tomodachi, full release is out where ?
[13:20] <tomodachi> ubuntu.com
[13:20] <Daekdroom> datruth, that is, until it's released.
[13:20] <tomodachi> but its quite overloaded
[13:20] <Daekdroom> When it's released, then it's considered stable.
[13:20] <datruth> Daekdroom: hrmm confusing
[13:20] <Daekdroom> Not at all.
[13:20] <BluesKaj> think the NA servers are behind
[13:21] <datruth> Daekdroom: so the link im downloading right now is a stable release of kubuntu 12.04?
[13:21] <Daekdroom> datruth, I don't know what you're downloading
[13:22] <peto_> Daekdroom, may be it is the video card, if so, I hope a more efficient controller is found
[13:22] <datruth> ttp://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
[13:22] <Daekdroom> datruth, that should be the stable release, indeed.
[13:22] <Pici> datruth: That looks like ubuntu, not Kubuntu
[13:23] <datruth> Pici: good eye your correct
[13:25] <helo> i'm getting an error trying to upgrade: "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libjpeg-dev'."
[13:26] <helo> i probably shouldn't bother with trying to upgrade, and just do a fresh install...
[13:26] <helo> oh, +1 is qq now
[13:28] <ironhalik> so I guess most of us should move to #ubuntu now? :>
[13:29] <helo> apparently
[13:38] <ironhalik> Ok, so, hows 12.10 going? :)
[13:39] <yellabs-r2> hello there
[13:40] <yellabs-r2> i have no login sound ( 12.04 ) updated today
[13:40] <yellabs-r2> how can i workaround ?
[13:41] <holstein> yellabs-r2: check the obvious stuff.. mute, wires... open a terminal and run "aplay -l" ...if you are using pulse consider installing pavucontrol .../join #ubuntu for support :)
[13:42] <patdk-wk> yay for quetzal
[13:42] <yellabs-r2> its an clean install, sound works
[13:42] <yellabs-r2> just no login sound, its not in startup applications either
[13:42] <patdk-wk> yellabs-r2, your in the wrong channel for 12.04 support
[13:42] <ironhalik> well, sort of
[13:42] <yellabs-r2> hmm ?
[13:42] <yellabs-r2> +1 is this release cycle yes ?
[13:43] <ironhalik> technically, the support moved to #ubuntu
[13:43] <patdk-wk> yes, release cycle for 12.10
[13:43] <ironhalik> at the moment of release
[13:43] <yellabs-r2> ok
[13:43] <datruth> is beta2 the latest of kubuntu 12.04?
[13:43] <yellabs-r2> but we are still running 12.04 beta, its not released yet..
[13:43] <yellabs-r2> well never mind
[13:43] <ironhalik> ;>
[13:44] <yellabs-r2> ok, need to go to ubuntu
[13:44] <ironhalik> yellabs-r2: http://goshawknest.wordpress.com/2011/10/19/how-to-disable-login-sound-on-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric/
[13:44] <Pici> We're not going to yell at you for using this channel for support, maybe in a few hours though....
[13:44] <yellabs-r2> yeah release party then
[13:44] <yellabs-r2> :P
[13:44] <datruth> how can I determine if I am on beta 2 already?
[13:44] <ironhalik> it may be a long shot, but check if the sound is enable - disable the NoDisplay, and check in startup apps for the sound
[13:44] * yellabs-r2 reading link
[13:45] <ironhalik> yellabs-r2: you can do it backwards, and check if the sound is enabled :P
[13:45] <yellabs-r2> trying
[13:45] <ironm> is 12.04 already out?
[13:45] <patdk-wk> yep
[13:45] <ironhalik> for me, its disabled and if I remember correctly, it was disabled by default
[13:45] <patdk-wk> so said the email I received
[13:45] <ironm> thank you patdk-wk :)
[13:47] <ironhalik> ah, the 32bit is still recommended!
[13:47] <ironhalik> Shame.
[13:49] <Daekdroom> Is it? D:
[13:49] <ironhalik> yeah, the site says so
[13:50] <captine> hi all. anyone here have issues with 12.04 wifi range? my wifi is very poor and although says connected, does not even ping google when i am away from router. 11.10 worked fine at similar distance
[13:52] <captine> hi all. anyone here have issues with 12.04 wifi range? my wifi is very poor and although says connected, does not even ping google when i am away from router. 11.10 worked fine at similar distance
[13:52] <tomodachi> woho first issue in 12.04 !!!
[13:52] <tomodachi> on the stable release!
[13:52] <Stanley00> captine: I think you can ask precise question in #ubuntu now
[13:52] <tomodachi> congrats!
[13:53] <captine> ah
[13:53] <captine> my bad. thanks
[13:53] <ichat> !isitout ;)
[13:54] <ichat> is it me or am i missing a count down like with previous released
[14:00] <ironhalik> cool, even my ssh MOTD changed to something without 'Development' in it
[14:01] <jtrucks> so just so I'm doing this right, to make sure I'm on 12.04 release going from beta, I just do apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
[14:01] <jtrucks> is there something else I should do?
[14:01] <Flywater> no
[14:01] <jtrucks> cool. thanks.
[14:02] <jtrucks> oh. how do I confirm it's on final/release so I don't just run update/upgrade every hour :P
[14:03] <BluesKaj> whwre's the upgrade ..nothing in the repos here at all , since apr 22
[14:03] <ironhalik> BluesKaj: because it was pretty much at final version on apr 22
[14:04] <Flywater> yes
[14:04] <BluesKaj> then the devs should tell us ...been waiting for hrs ..nothing new
[14:05] <Flywater> only one
[14:05] <astraljava> BluesKaj: If there are no more bugs found, no updates to packages are required.
[14:05] <BluesKaj> the kmail fix isn't in the pipe , obviously
[14:05] <Stanley00> BluesKaj: how about sudo apt-get update & upgrade? mine has upgrade hours ago
[14:05] <BluesKaj> yup , also did dist-upgrade
[14:06] <BluesKaj> stll nada
[14:06] <BluesKaj> kmail is seriously broken here ...I thought it was being worked ...guess not
[14:07] <BluesKaj> very disappointing
[14:08] <astraljava> BluesKaj: Is there a bug about it? Track the progress on that one. If not, file it.
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[14:09] <BluesKaj> astraljava, stating the obvious doesn't help
[14:09] <astraljava> Waiting to see a package landing on the archives is... not so informative.
[14:09] <astraljava> BluesKaj: I'm sorry, but no one can help unless the issue is being tracked somewhere.
[14:12] <BluesKaj> astraljava, there are several segfaults associated with kmail , i think too many to fix ...I got talked into using kmailm again and now I regret it . Altho I like kamil a lot in it's earlier versions like kde3
[14:12] <astraljava> BluesKaj: Well you could try to go on #kubuntu and talk to people over there. Maybe some of the devs hang out in there, but at least they will have more knowledge about the KDE packages.
[14:13] <BluesKaj> astraljava, don't worry I'm there ...everyday aamof
[14:18] <ThePendulum> How do I add a certain folder to those quicklinks on the left?
[14:18] <ThePendulum> In Nautilus, that is
[14:19] <Daekdroom> Make them a bookmark in nautilus
[14:19] <ThePendulum> I figured, but how?
[14:19] <Daekdroom> In nautilus, click and drag the folder to the left bar.
[14:20] <ThePendulum> Daekdroom: That doesn't work, it drops the folder inside one of the folders already there. However, I found a Bookmark option in the menu on top
[14:21] <Daekdroom> Oh. I guess it's working for me because I already have bookmarks listed on the left.
[14:23] <ThePendulum> Darn, now I have Documents, Downloads, etc. twice
[14:23] <ThePendulum> One in the home folder, and one on the HDD
[14:23] <ThePendulum> For each
[14:24] <datruth> ThePendulum: I guess I messed up
[14:24] <datruth> I rebooted and got a grub error
[14:24] <datruth> ;/
[14:25] <ThePendulum> datruth: Woosh
[14:25] <datruth> ThePendulum: so I have to start all over now?
[14:26] <ThePendulum> Yes, basically.
[14:31] <ThePendulum> Is there a way to remove/hide the notification area
[14:31] <ThePendulum> Not the mail icon etc., but the one that shows some of my opened programs
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
[14:37] <peto__> bye for now
[14:55] <Deithrian> Where's the Kubuntu 64bit torrent ? http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/precise/desktop/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
[14:55] <Deithrian> not found?
=== oscarpaats_ is now known as ozpy
[14:59] <antix> I've installed gnome-panel in 12.04 but the graphics is very slow. how do I loose the fading of menus etc?
[15:00] <ThePendulum> antix: Login on Gnome Classic?
[15:00] <ozpy> Hi. I run Ubuntu 12.04 beta... I was updating regularly but I still see the icon "INSTALL RELASE". Is my system runing the beta or it was updated to release?
[15:01] <ozpy> I updated it this morning
[15:01] <ThePendulum> ozpy: In a terminal, type 'lsb_release -a'
[15:01] <ThePendulum> If you see (development branch) somewhere, you're still running the beta
[15:02] <datruth> How do you upgrade from the beta branch to stable?
[15:02] <ThePendulum> sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade?
[15:02] <Daekdroom> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[15:02] <ThePendulum> ^
[15:02] <datruth> hrmm ok ignore do-release-upgrade ?
[15:02] <ozpy> thependulum: http://pastebin.com/TdvHq6yW
[15:02] <ozpy> thanks pal
[15:03] <Daekdroom> the dist-upgrade might be necessary for installing new packages.
[15:03] * datruth hopes re-installing kubuntu will restore the windows bootloader
[15:04] <ozpy> the prendulum: So mine is satble
[15:04] <ozpy> *Stable
[15:05] <ThePendulum> ozpy: Sorry, my system crashed. I assume you are then, yes
[15:15] <stimpie> lots of errors upgrading mysql
[15:16] <datruth> YES!
[15:16] <datruth> So I dont have to start over
[15:16] <datruth> just had to reinstall kubuntu
[15:17] <natman> whats the default instant messeger program in Kubuntu 1204?
[15:17] <datruth> How can I get all the unused space to be added to the linux partition?
[15:18] <gaelfx> datruth: I would say gparted, but you're using KDE, so I'm not sure which partitioner to use
[15:19] <thiebaude> datruth, can you use your kubuntu live cd to adjust your partition?
[15:20] <gaelfx> thiebaude: yeah, that would've been the right thing for me to have said :P
[15:20] <thiebaude> :)
[15:21] <thiebaude> gaelfx, it saved me a few days ago
[15:22] <datruth> I have a live cd yes but I can't get the unused space from windows and the unused space from linux to combine can I not do this?
[15:24] <thiebaude> datruth, i guess creating a new partition would not work
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[15:24] <thiebaude> or shrinking windows
[15:25] <datruth> I have already shrunk windows
[15:26] <datruth> now I want all the unused space from the primary and extended drives to be one partition
[15:26] <thiebaude> ahh ok
[15:26] <thiebaude> datruth, not sure how to do that
[15:26] <datruth> I only have 1 drive but had a dual boot
[15:26] <datruth> dang
[15:26] <datruth> ;/
[15:26] <thiebaude> datruth, i do the dual boot thing too
[15:26] <thiebaude> wish i did not have to,
[15:28] <datruth> ahh perhaps partition magic can help they have a merge option
[15:29] <thiebaude> cool i got a new kernel in my updates :)
[15:32] <ajf> I dist-upgraded and upgraded today... nothing. I guess I actually got the release version yesterday when I ran dist-upgrade
[15:33] <gaelfx> datruth: in the partitioner, does it show any unallocated space?
[15:33] <Daekdroom> ajf, there never are package updates so close to the release, so yeah.
[15:34] <gaelfx> ajf: don't worry, there'll probably be slews of updates in the coming weeks
[15:34] <ajf> I know
[15:35] <datruth> gaelfx: yes over 200gb
[15:35] <thiebaude> wow
[15:35] <ajf> It's just I realise I must have been using therelease version since yesterday when I dist-upgraded after installing 12.04 beta
[15:35] <thiebaude> i have dist-upgrades now
[15:35] <thiebaude> just 53mb
[15:36] <thiebaude> but of coarse its a slow go,lol
[15:36] <ajf> still takes ages to install
[15:36] <ajf> yeah
[15:36] <thiebaude> bombarded servers
[15:37] <ajf> ahh
[15:38] <ajf> I wondered why update was so slow
[15:38] <thiebaude> im glad i had installed 12.04 a few days ago on the laptop and desktop
[15:40] <natman> whats the default IM client on 1204 kubuntu?>
[15:41] <GirlyGirl> natman: kopete but kde-telepathy is in repos
[15:41] * GirlyGirl was confused with the 1204 kubuntu part initially
[15:41] <natman> GirlyGirl: have you used Tele, any good, as good as Kopete?
[15:42] <GirlyGirl> natman: It lacks features and has bugs making it not a good option, but you can tell that it has better potential than kopete for the future
[15:43] <GirlyGirl> natman: If you don't see the telepathy plasmoid (invisible icon), put it in the system tray seems to work only there
[15:44] <natman> GirlyGirl: cool, think ill stick with Kopete till ( can type/pronounce ) 12.10
[15:47] <gaelfx> datruth: ok, is the unallocated space located next to the space you want to add it to?
[15:55] <jtrucks> so if lsb-release has "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04 LTS"" in it, does that mean it's on final release now? I don't remember what it said during beta :(
[15:56] <patdk-wk> DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu precise (development branch)"
[16:04] <jtrucks> oh, yay, thanks!
[16:04] <jtrucks> that means I already updated to release yesterday
[16:04] <jtrucks> sweetness.
[16:07] <GirlyGirl> jtrucks: ALso tty sessions say Ubuntu Developmet branch
[16:07] <jtrucks> tty sessions?
[16:07] <ts2> jtrucks, that does not mean you are on final, just use the package manager to keep up-to-date and you'll be on final when no updates are available
[16:08] <jtrucks> okay.
[16:08] <jtrucks> I've been doing apt-get update/upgrade now and then.
[16:08] <GirlyGirl> jtrucks: Press CTRL + ALT + F1 to see what tty is
[16:09] <jtrucks> This has no head on it. It's server only.
[16:09] <jtrucks> I ssh in.
[16:10] <jtrucks> is that /etc/issue?
[16:10] <jtrucks> or /etc/motd?
[16:11] <thiebaude> GirlyGirl, whats the command to get back to the desktop from ctrl alt f1?
[16:12] <jtrucks> isn't the X console on F5 or F7? (this might be >12yr old info though)
[16:12] <jtrucks> .130
[16:12] <jtrucks> oops
[16:16] <astraljava> thiebaude: Ctrl + Alt + F7
[16:16] <thiebaude> astraljava, thanks
[16:17] <TheSimkin> anyone try out 12.04 lts ?
[16:17] <TheSimkin> thinking of doing the ugprade
[16:17] <TheSimkin> a little nervous
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[16:22] <thiebaude> TheSimkin, been using it the past few days, its stable for me on the laptop and desktop
[16:23] <thiebaude> unity
[16:23] <jtrucks> TheSimkin: I've been running it for a while as a server. runs great.
[16:27] <TheSimkin> great
[16:27] <TheSimkin> thanks guys
[16:28] <TheSimkin> going to update all my packages
[16:28] <TheSimkin> and then run the upgrade
[16:28] <jtrucks> cool.
[16:41] <donpdonp> Has Quetzal been released? Ive been waiting 4evar. :)
[16:42] <donpdonp> congrats ubuntu team and testers!
[16:43] <astraljava> Quetzal is the name for the new dev release, so definitely not released.
[16:54] <natman> astraljava: have you learned how to pronunce it yet?
[16:56] <trism> natman: ketsal I believe, like Quetzalcoatl
[16:56] <astraljava> Will not even make an attempt. I'll just refer to Q and be done with it. If someone confuses it with the Bond franchise, it's not my problem.
[17:01] <patdk-wk> not Q fron startrek?
[17:02] <Dan-The-Man> so i guess this channel is all about ubuntu 12.10 now huh? :D
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[17:02] <patdk-wk> well, atleast till november
[17:06] <kfizz> I'm upgrading from an .iso image mounted as a CD, but the upgrade still has to download 2700 files. Is that normal?
[17:06] <Dan-The-Man> kfizz, ur updating from 11.10 to 12.04?
[17:06] <astraljava> Dan-The-Man: Of course, that's the nature of it.
[17:07] <kfizz> Dan-The-Man, yup
[17:07] <Dan-The-Man> kfizz, yea i would say that is normal. I would suggest just doing a fresh install though. Always works way better for me
[17:08] <kfizz> Dan-The-Man, that is my plan for when I have a chance to backup all the stuff I need that isn't on $HOME.
[17:09] <Dan-The-Man> kfizz, ah i see. Yea in the time being, u should be fine with those updates
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[17:15] <ironhalik> Anyone knows if there is a way to get drop box web url for a file, via nautilus context menu?
[17:17] <Dan-The-Man> ironhalik, my understanding is you need to move it to the public folder using the web interface and get the url that way
[17:23] <kfizz> ironhalik, in previous versions, there was a menu item when right clicked from which you could copy the public URL, but I haven't seen it in a while and I'm not sure what happened to it.
[17:24] <sobersabre> hi.
[17:24] <sobersabre> I am having a problem with dual screens on intel G45 mobile.
[17:25] <sobersabre> (laptop)
[17:25] <sobersabre> I hoped the latest up-to-date libs/drivers would solve the problem.
[17:25] <ironhalik> kfizz: yeah, but the public URL is /home/user/Dropbox/file for me :D
[17:25] <sobersabre> I've installed vaapi drm driver too, but I have no idea how to use it.
[17:26] <sobersabre> I think the crash/stuck X happens only with compositor enabled, which kinda beats the latest gnome3 shell, unity, etc.
[17:30] <kfizz> ironhalik, open a terminal, type "dropbox puburl /home/user/Dropbox/Public/file" and see if that works for you.
[17:34] <Steevca> I am using ubuntu 12.04 and i can't get the unity launcher to autohide when using some program.
[17:34] <Steevca> I am using unity-2d
[17:34] <Steevca> Oh,wrong chanell. :S
[17:58] <samster34> hi! I've been using ubuntu 12.04 in virtualbox on a windows 7 host....and now all of a sudden my launcher turned from a glassy-look to a bright purple
[17:59] <Monotoko> samster34, #ubuntu is the best place to ask about 12.04 now :)
[17:59] <samster34> it is? lol yesterday I was directed here
[18:00] <Monotoko> samster34, it was released today XD
[18:00] <samster34> ah. I see
[18:04] <rymate1234> so what happens to this channel whilst there's no active developement version? ^_^
[18:05] <astraljava> rymate1234: The quetzal archive is already there, they'll start syncing one of these days. Stable release support is where it always is.
[18:06] <jtrucks> so, since I'm sticking with 12.04 LTS, I'll be back here in a couple years ;)
[18:06] <jtrucks> o/
[18:06] <jtrucks> thanks for all the help folks!
[18:06] <thiebaude> ok take care cya later :)
[18:06] <philipballew_> thats a long time
[18:07] <thiebaude> yep 5yrs,lol
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[18:17] <scientes> where is the release party??
[18:17] <natman> hey, i am running ubuntu 12.04 live, from usb stick - it runs quiet well. when i go for full install to HDD will it be much slower? ( the pc is old'ish, 1,6ghz centrino dual core, 2gb ram, tiny nvidia card )
[18:17] <samster34> natman: I don't know. It does run pretty damn sluggish in my VM though :)
[18:20] <astraljava> scientes: #ubuntu-release-party
[18:20] <astraljava> natman: Support for precise on #ubuntu... /me points at /topic
[18:21] <natman> cool thx
[18:21] <astraljava> But generally running from RAM tends to be pretty fast.
[18:21] <astraljava> Loading from the stick is much faster than from CD, too.
[18:21] <scientes> why doesn't this channel redirect to #ubuntu-release-party >
[18:21] <astraljava> scientes: This is a support channel for the dev release.
[18:22] <scientes> astraljava, cause you are that excited to not switch to systemd?
[18:22] <scientes> :P sry
[18:22] <astraljava> Doesn't have anything to do with IRC channels.
[18:23] <scientes> wasn't the dev release just forked today?
[18:25] <astraljava> Yes. Again, look at the /topic.
[18:26] <SafariMonkey> hello people! just wondering, does compiz not work on 12.04 default or is there another reason it crashes? I just updated, restarted and got the message that compiz crashed. if I thy to relaunch it it crashes again. :/
[18:27] <scientes> SafariMonkey, #ubuntu
[18:27] <SafariMonkey> oh sorry I was on here yesterday, forgot about that
[18:28] <SafariMonkey> :P
[18:28] <SafariMonkey> get that a lot?
[18:28] <astraljava> Somewhat. :)
[18:33] <Debolaz> Can we have proper apple keyboard layouts for next version of Ubuntu? :)
[18:34] <astraljava> Dunno, aren't there quite many? I can work on mine, though.
[18:35] <Debolaz> Well, I know the norwegian macintosh keyboard layout is just plain wrong on any modern mac keyboard.
[18:35] <Debolaz> And supposedly so is the british apple keyboard layout.
[18:40] <airlynx> I need some help gathering a backtrace for a bug report, when I plug a USB headset into my system XFCE quits but can be restarted with "sudo /ec/init.d/lightdm restart" from TTY1
[18:41] <airlynx> oops, that should read "sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart"
[18:41] <airlynx> Apport doesn't generate anything in /var/crash when XFCE quits
[18:42] <scientes> Debolaz, apple keyboard works fine, i have it
[18:42] <Debolaz> scientes: The norwegian apple keyboard layout in ubuntu does not work fine.
[18:43] <scientes> Debolaz, you just have to switch the fn mode with $ echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode
[18:43] <Debolaz> For instance, the key to the left of 1 is pipe, not single quote like it says on the keyboard.
[18:43] <scientes> Debolaz, well get on the kernel mailing lists with a new version, it is "drivers/hid/hid-apple.c
[18:43] <scientes> " in the kernel
[18:44] <scientes> Debolaz, apple completely ignored the HID specifications
[18:44] <Debolaz> https://github.com/socketpuppet/Ubuntu-MacBook-Norwegian-keyboard <- This is what I use to fix the problem.
[18:44] <scientes> and made a completely non-standard keyboard
[18:44] <scientes> Debolaz, IIRC its hard to fix the non-US keyboards while also keeping the US keyboards working
[18:44] <Debolaz> It's pointless to blame Apple for this, it's not going to change the fact that ubuntu does not work with norwegian apple keyboards without replacing symbols/no
[18:45] <Debolaz> I imagine symbols/no is fairly local to norway.
[18:45] <scientes> i've read some of the docs
[18:45] <samster34> I can forgive them, I make completely non-standard keyboard layouts for my own purposes too :p
[18:45] <scientes> Debolaz, no, ubuntu works fine with non-us keyboard that are not apple, the apple keyboard are "special:
[18:45] <scientes> so you certainly can blame apple, however that will not fix the problem
[18:45] <Debolaz> scientes: I didn't say you can't blame apple, I said it's pointless.
[18:46] <scientes> Debolaz, there was alot of work on the keyboard to make the numpad work for example, by emulating numlock
[18:46] <Debolaz> scientes: There's a big difference. Saying Apple did this and that wrong doesn't change the fact that apple keyboards does not work. A solution has to come on the OS side.
[18:48] <scientes> Debolaz, git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
[18:48] <scientes> thats a big download however
[18:48] <scientes> you can also download the non-git version from http://kernel.org
[18:48] <Debolaz> scientes: I don't know much about Linux kernel programming. All I know is that the problem goes away if I replace a single file on my system.
[18:48] <scientes> and then hack on ./drivers/hid/hid-apple.c
[18:49] <scientes> Debolaz, well that only fixed it for X11
[18:49] <scientes> Debolaz, open a bug on launchpad against the kernel and xorg-server and the ubuntu apple team
[18:50] <Debolaz> Aight.
[18:50] <scientes> and link to that file cause that will help
[18:59] <scientes> Debolaz, also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard
[19:01] <Debolaz> scientes: Perhaps an adequate solution is some kind of package that replaces the symbol file and keeps it from being overwritten on updates?
[19:02] <scientes> Debolaz, a fix in the kernel is FAR better
[19:02] <scientes> esp as wayland is being developed
[19:02] <scientes> but that file has all the information
[19:02] <scientes> but you have to file a bug
[19:02] * Debolaz decides to be brave and tries to install 12.04 with btrfs and fde.
[19:02] * scientes is using btrfs with precise
[19:03] <scientes> what is fde?
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[19:03] <Debolaz> Full disk encryption.
[19:03] <Debolaz> A combination I know was broken a few ubuntus ago.
[19:04] <Debolaz> I'm just curious to see if it works in 12.04 again.
[19:04] <scientes> btrfs is slated to have encryption within the filesystem
[19:04] <scientes> i know know if thats a good idea
[19:04] <scientes> ecryptfs is far cooler
[19:06] <Debolaz> I just like fde because it's so simple. You can't really screw it up.
[19:07] <Debolaz> Partial encryption solutions can be very fragile since they require the user to pay a lot more attention.
[19:07] <datruth> whats a good graphical tool for asset managment
[19:07] <datruth> ?
[19:07] <scientes> datruth, gnucash
[19:07] <scientes> thats double entry accounting
[19:09] <datruth> hrmm
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[19:21] <Debolaz> Nice, full disk encryption + btrfs seems to work again. :)
[19:28] <Logan_> Pici: The lack of a space before "So long" is really bothering me. :-P
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Discussion and support for Quantal Quetzal | Release schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule | Precise Support in #ubuntu | Precise has been released! | So long and thanks for all the bugs!
[19:29] <Logan_> Pici: <3
[19:29] <Pici> Logan_: sorry about that ;)
[19:31] <dupondje> archive not open yet for quantal ? ;)
[19:31] <Pici> Correct.
[19:31] <Pici> The schedule cites May 3rd as the toolchain upload date.
[19:34] <Logan_> Pici: Do you know when daily builds will begin to be available?
[19:34] <Pici> Logan_: I'm really not sure. I think they might start to become available before UDS though.
[19:35] <Logan_> Okay, cool.
[19:35] <jbicha> Logan_: daily CD images may not start for a few weeks
[19:51] <airlynx> how do I collect a backtrace if apport crashes along with xfce? ps x displays almost nothing after the crash but I am able to operate in tty mode, but there is nothing listed in /var/crash
[19:52] <tsimpson> airlynx: you should ask in #xubuntu
[19:52] <airlynx> tsimpson, last time I asked about 12.04 I was referred to #ubuntu+1
[19:53] <airlynx> but I suppose if I read the subject I would realize that 12.04 has officially been release now, sorry
[19:53] <tsimpson> :)
[19:56] <FernandoMiguel> sed -i /etc/apt/sources.list s/precise/quantal/g
[19:56] <FernandoMiguel> and we are ready to go
[19:56] <FernandoMiguel> this was the FASTEST new toolchain yet :O
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[20:00] <nemo> OMG OMG OMG! soooooo happpy!!!
[20:00] <nemo> http://mate-desktop.org/install/#ubuntu
[20:00] <nemo> yayayayayay
[20:00] <nemo> even supports 12.04
[20:00] * nemo dances
[20:00] <nemo> (just had to share)
[20:01] <dupondje> I'm searching some help chan for GTK+, any idea's? #gtk+ is dead :(
[20:01] <Pici> dupondje: I'd look on gnome's irc network.
[20:02] <nemo> Wow. that finally solves my mom's problem. She's been stuck on 11.04
[20:02] <nemo> I'm gonna put this on like 5 machines RIGHT NOW.
[20:02] <zniavre_> dupondje, its on GIMPNET irc server
[20:03] <nemo> irc://irc.gimp.org/gtk I guess, for people who have a client that handles bookmarks (Chatzilla? ) :)
[20:04] <dupondje> Pici: zniavre_: i'm there, but not really helpfull there :)
[20:04] * Pici shrugs
[20:05] <dupondje> nobody around here with some knowledge ? :)
[20:07] <FernandoMiguel> dupondje: is it 12.10 related? :p
[20:08] <dupondje> maby, if I get this fixed, it will give you a new function in 12.04 ;)
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[20:29] <samster34> when I boot into the shell, my keyboard doesn't work, and it lists a bunch of errors being unable to enumerate the usb device on port 10...what do I do?
[20:38] <MrChrisDruif> sary; you still here?
[20:38] <MrChrisDruif> My connection died again...
[20:51] <ThePendulum> How does one hide the indicator panel?
[20:52] <Bennlucky7> left launcher panel?
[20:54] <ThePendulum> No, the little application icons that show up on the top, next to the notification icons
[20:55] <Bennlucky7> ThePendulum: it cant be hide but u can make it transparant
[20:56] <ThePendulum> Oh, well that's a pity
[20:56] <ThePendulum> The icons are rather ugly and distracting
[20:56] <ThePendulum> How can I make it transparent then, at least?
[20:56] <Bennlucky7> installing compiz setting manager
[20:56] <datruth> How can I destroy the kde wallet service? everytime I boot up it comes up
[20:57] <Logan_> Guys, Precise support is in #ubuntu.
[20:57] <datruth> Really? because they said #ubuntu+1
[20:57] <Logan_> It was released today.
[20:57] <datruth> ohhhh gotcha
[20:58] <datruth> the offical release
[20:58] <Logan_> Where does it say #ubuntu+1?
[20:58] <ThePendulum> Logan_: That's really confusing. I got in #Ubuntu about an hour before Ubuntu got released, and they were extremely pissed off at me for asking a 12.04 question. Blame them for all the 12.04 folks in here, really...
[20:58] <Logan_> Well, now it's released, so support is in #ubuntu. :-)
[20:59] <ThePendulum> Those guys really are progressive thinkers then
[21:00] <kyubotsu> offer sup & salad to appease them
[21:00] <kyubotsu> -_-
[21:00] <kyubotsu> then ask
[21:00] <Bennlucky7> lol
[21:00] <ThePendulum> Sorry for asking here then, anyway
[21:00] <Logan_> I could go for a cheeseburger.
[21:00] <ThePendulum> And good luck with Quantal
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=== wolfmitchell is now known as PrecisePangolin1
=== PrecisePangolin1 is now known as PrecisePangolin
[21:23] <sary> MrChrisDruif:
[21:23] <MrChrisDruif> So, I won't start Deluge for a while ^_^
[21:23] <MrChrisDruif> I think my ISP kills my connection when it detects torrent activity or something
[21:27] <MrChrisDruif> sary; you're mohd right?
[21:28] <sary> i've been "lag" many times today , having a bad connection myself.
[21:29] <datruth> How do I install adobe flash player?
[21:29] <chelz> MrChrisDruif: make sure you cap your upload to 80% of your max upload speed
[21:30] <EvilResistance> !flash | datruth
[21:30] <ubottu> datruth: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[21:30] * MrChrisDruif forgot max upload speed
[21:30] <EvilResistance> should i mention that support for oPrecise is now in #ubuntu? or is that just reiterating the topic nobody reads
[21:31] <sary> No , am sary .. i was just logged in to the network from another machine.
[21:31] <sary> EvilResistance: you're right .
[21:32] <EvilResistance> about which part, Precise support in #ubuntu, or that nobody reads the topic?
[21:32] <EvilResistance> ;P
[21:34] <MrChrisDruif> EvilResistance; about both?
[21:35] <EvilResistance> that's what i thought :P
[21:35] * MrChrisDruif doesn't want to go to #ubuntu for his connection issue
[21:35] * FernandoMiguel pats MrChrisDruif in the back
[21:44] <Dan-The-Man> are there available builds of 12.12
[21:44] <Dan-The-Man> 12.10*
[21:46] <Logan_> Not yet, Dan-The-Man.
[21:48] <Dan-The-Man> Logan_, when does that usually happen
[21:48] <Dan-The-Man> ?
[21:49] <Logan_> After UDS.
[21:49] <Dan-The-Man> Logan_, oh i see
[21:50] <Dan-The-Man> Logan_, uds is may 7-11 right?
[21:50] <Logan_> Correct.
[21:50] <Dan-The-Man> Logan_, cool thanks for the help
[21:50] <Logan_> pn
[21:51] <Logan_> *np
[22:00] <xubu2> wow this was quick. just installed audacity from quantal :)
=== misse- is now known as MISSE-
[22:10] <Logan_> xubu2: Pretty sure Quantal isn't out yet.
[22:10] <sary> MrChrisDruif: so where to head ! #ubuntu-offtopic , or Elsewhere ?
[22:11] <MrChrisDruif> Concerning?
[22:11] <MrChrisDruif> sary; ^
[22:11] <sary> the pure gnome-shell .
[22:12] <MrChrisDruif> Ah, so you are mohd?
[22:12] <xubu2> Logan_, repo is already out, have updated and installed audacity.
[22:12] <sary> Yeah , am the same guy :)
[22:12] <MrChrisDruif> Alright
[22:13] <Logan_> !info audacity quantal
[22:13] <ubottu> Package audacity does not exist in quantal
[22:13] <Bennlucky7> how there is a repo for quantal
[22:13] <Logan_> There isn't...
[22:13] <xubu2> 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/universe amd64 Packages
[22:14] <MrChrisDruif> sary; got a few minutes? I'll try to create a temporary channel..
[22:14] <MrChrisDruif> Might need to be renamed later if/when we become official
[22:14] <FernandoMiguel> Logan_: yes there is. I'm using it :D
[22:15] <sary> MrChrisDruif: sure.
[22:15] * Logan_ scratches his head.
[22:15] <sk1special> chello. how do i fix this Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
[22:15] <MrChrisDruif> sk1special; precise?
[22:15] <FernandoMiguel> $ pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list
[22:15] <FernandoMiguel> http://paste.ubuntu.com/948381/
[22:15] <FernandoMiguel> Logan_: ^^
[22:15] <Bennlucky7> wow
[22:15] <Logan_> Oh.
[22:16] <xubu2> Logan_, I'm using a quantal ATM
[22:16] <FernandoMiguel> say HI to 12.10 :D
[22:16] <sk1special> ah..whatever the new one is
[22:16] <FernandoMiguel> Logan_: see /topic :D
[22:16] <Logan_> xubu2: You're using the Quantal repository, not 12.10.
[22:16] <Bennlucky7> is it okay use it in 12.04?
[22:17] <Logan_> Builds of 12.10 aren't out yet.
[22:17] <MrChrisDruif> sk1special; for support on the newest release (which got released today) please go to #ubuntu
[22:17] <sk1special> ah yeah. just read the topic .. my bad. thank you
[22:17] <FernandoMiguel> Logan_: who needs builds when we have repos?
[22:17] <MrChrisDruif> This channel is for the development version, which got bumped up to 12.10 Quantal Quetzal
[22:17] <FernandoMiguel> $ lsb_release -a
[22:17] <FernandoMiguel> Description: Ubuntu quantal (development branch)
[22:17] <FernandoMiguel> Release: 12.10
[22:17] <FernandoMiguel> Codename: quantal
[22:18] <Logan_> wait what
[22:18] <Logan_> So you just have to enable the quantal repository and update?
[22:18] <FernandoMiguel> ofc
[22:18] * Logan_ is stupid.
[22:18] <FernandoMiguel> I've been doing that since 7.10
[22:19] <FernandoMiguel> I'm probably the oldest member of this # running all pre-alphas
[22:19] <Bennlucky7> wekz
[22:19] <xubu2> FernandoMiguel, then I'm the youngest ;=)
[22:20] <FernandoMiguel> <3
[22:23] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: You taught me something new today! :-P
[22:23] <Logan_> xubu2: Sorry about doubting you. :-P
[22:23] <FernandoMiguel> which is ?
[22:23] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: That you can go to a new prerelease by just changing the sources.
[22:23] <Logan_> Seems obvious now.
[22:23] <xubu2> Logan_, no problem
[22:23] <FernandoMiguel> eheh
[22:23] <FernandoMiguel> so you never used debian :D
[22:24] <Logan_> nope :-P'
[22:24] <FernandoMiguel> H
[22:24] <Logan_> I've used Ubuntu since Maverick
[22:24] <Logan_> Precise was my first prerelease
[22:25] <FernandoMiguel> pffff
[22:25] <FernandoMiguel> n00b
[22:25] <FernandoMiguel> eheh
[22:25] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: I'm so psyched for the changes in Quantal.
[22:25] <Logan_> :-P
[22:25] <FernandoMiguel> ahahah
[22:25] <FernandoMiguel> the changes for now are the ones in -update and -security
[22:27] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: I hope apport goes back to reporting crashes to LP soon.
[22:27] <Logan_> (In the quantal repo)
[22:27] * FernandoMiguel disables it yet again
[22:27] <yofel> whether apport is on or not is set in /etc/default/apport
[22:28] <yofel> and hey FernandoMiguel :)
[22:28] <Logan_> oh, my bad
[22:28] <FernandoMiguel> yofel: we didn't have to go missing on you guys
[22:28] <FernandoMiguel> #WIN
[22:28] <yofel> +1
[22:28] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: Why don't you like apport?
[22:28] <FernandoMiguel> OVER9000
[22:28] <FernandoMiguel> Logan_: try living with it for 6 months
[22:28] <yofel> :D
[22:28] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: I lived with it for about 3. :-P
[22:29] <FernandoMiguel> now multiply that for 4 years
[22:29] <Logan_> hah
[22:29] <FernandoMiguel> and several laptops
[22:29] <FernandoMiguel> and daily reboots
[22:29] <FernandoMiguel> you get tired of stupid pop ups
[22:30] <FernandoMiguel> those important bugs, I know how to report, thank you very much
[22:33] <Klikini> Logan_?
[22:33] <Logan_> Klikini: Just change all instances of "precise" on your sources.list to "quantal."
[22:33] <Logan_> Except for PPAs/non-Ubuntu repositories, which probably haven't been updated yet.
[22:34] <Logan_> Then run Update Manager.
[22:34] <Logan_> And then you're running Quantal! :-P
[22:34] <Klikini> seriously?
[22:34] <FernandoMiguel> yes
[22:34] <FernandoMiguel> why do you doubt us?
[22:34] <yofel> hm, 20mins left for the upgrade
[22:34] <Bennlucky7> is it okay running quantal repo in precise?
[22:34] <Klikini> because that seems strange
[22:34] <yofel> stupid release day
[22:34] <FernandoMiguel> yofel: ahaaaahahahaahah
[22:34] <Logan_> Bennlucky7: Well, yes, because it then becomes Quantal.
[22:35] <yofel> Klikini: #define running_quantal == have gcc 4.7 installed && lsb_release reports as being quantal
[22:35] <yofel> nothing more until yet
[22:35] <Klikini> but that's all that changes. the OS remains the same...
[22:35] <Bennlucky7> hmm i think its okay fo ubuntu repo only
[22:36] <Klikini> "Q will be all about style on the client, with a refresh of our theme and typography, a start on new iconography and perhaps even a new form factor taking flight."
[22:37] <Bennlucky7> Klikini: will it change my compiz configuration if i try quantal repo?
[22:37] <FernandoMiguel> Klikini: best time to change :D
[22:37] <FernandoMiguel> nothing to miss match
[22:37] <Klikini> that's my question, benn
[22:38] <Bennlucky7> im scared to tried
[22:38] <FernandoMiguel> llol
[22:38] <FernandoMiguel> then don't
[22:38] <FernandoMiguel> +1 isn't for ppl not used to devel versions
[22:38] <FernandoMiguel> it WILL break
[22:39] <Klikini> I used 12.04 beta starting the day it was released
[22:39] <FernandoMiguel> lol
[22:39] <FernandoMiguel> beta muauaau
[22:39] <Bennlucky7> FernandoMiguel: do u using compiz?
[22:39] <Klikini> buggy, VERY buggy, but...
[22:39] <FernandoMiguel> that's what we old ppl called alpha3
[22:39] <FernandoMiguel> Bennlucky7: ofc
[22:40] <Klikini> when will quantal beta be released?
[22:40] <FernandoMiguel> !schedule
[22:40] <ubottu> A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalReleaseSchedule
[22:40] <Klikini> oh sep. 6
[22:40] <Logan_> FernandoMiguel: I just can't stand not running the latest versions of stuff. :-P
[22:40] <smallfoot-> hey
[22:40] <FernandoMiguel> smallfoot-: o/
[22:40] <smallfoot-> i must have firefox 12 in my ubuntu
[22:40] <smallfoot-> ok?
[22:40] <Bennlucky7> what animal is quantal anyway?
[22:41] <FernandoMiguel> !firefox
[22:41] <ubottu> firefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins
[22:41] <FernandoMiguel> !info firefox
[22:41] <ubottu> firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 11.0+build1-0ubuntu4 (precise), package size 17450 kB, installed size 36714 kB
[22:41] <xubu2> smallfoot-, why 12 when there is 14?
[22:41] <FernandoMiguel> 11?? really
[22:41] <FernandoMiguel> firefox:
[22:41] <FernandoMiguel> Installed: 13.0~a2~hg20120424r90759-0ubuntu1~umd1
[22:41] <xubu2> FernandoMiguel, I have aurora (14)
[22:42] <FernandoMiguel> me too
[22:42] <xubu2> from mozilla ofc
[22:42] <FernandoMiguel> and it's 13
[22:42] <xubu2> what? it's already 14
[22:42] <FernandoMiguel> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/firefox-aurora/ubuntu precise main #mozilla
[22:42] <smallfoot-> xubu2, firefox12 got release today
[22:42] <smallfoot-> or yesterday
[22:43] <smallfoot-> i want it
[22:43] <Bennlucky7> my firefox still 11 :-(
[22:43] <smallfoot-> me too
[22:43] <smallfoot-> and if my friend on windows7 has firefox12 and im have firefox11 then ubuntu is piece of shit
[22:43] <xubu2> http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora/firefox-14.0a2.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
[22:43] * FernandoMiguel kicks the ppa
[22:44] <Bennlucky7> but i have firefox nightly 15 :-D
[22:45] <FernandoMiguel> jizzas
[22:46] <xubu2> smallfoot-, if you really want it you can get it from mozilla and untar it to /opt
[22:48] <xubu2> smallfoot-, watch your mouth or the police will come knocking :)
[22:49] <smallfoot-> oh
[22:50] <bazhang> smallfoot-, thats enough complaining. This channel is for the development release, not rants/complaints
[22:53] <smallfoot-> but there is no development release, cuz ubuntu has release 12.04 today
[22:54] <bazhang> smallfoot-, so why are you in this channel
[22:54] <xubu2> smallfoot-, read the topic. if you want 12.04 go to #ubuntu not #ubuntu+1
[22:55] <smallfoot-> i have ban from #ubuntu lol
[22:55] <smallfoot-> else i wud go ther
[22:55] <bazhang> smallfoot-, that does not make this your complaint channel
[22:56] <smallfoot-> well i must goto some channel
[22:56] <smallfoot-> so i goto the ones i can goto
[22:56] <bazhang> smallfoot-, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here
[22:56] <smallfoot-> like if sweden banned me, i wud goto norway, cuz i hav nowhere to go
[22:56] <smallfoot-> ok
[22:56] <smallfoot-> Cannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned).
[22:56] <smallfoot-> fuck!
[22:57] <Bennlucky7> wow
[22:57] <smallfoot-> this is the only ubuntu place i can go
[22:57] <Bennlucky7> why ar u doing that
[22:57] <bazhang> smallfoot-, no more nonsense.
[22:58] <smallfoot-> im banned from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic, i have no where to go
[22:58] <smallfoot-> can somoene help me
[22:58] <Bennlucky7> try contact the operator
[22:59] <bazhang> smallfoot-, #ubuntu-ops to discuss
[22:59] <smallfoot-> ok
[23:00] <FernandoMiguel> :O
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