UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /25 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:27] <ronoc> wow being west coast america makes for very quiet afternoons :)
[00:33] <bryceh> ronoc, indeed
[00:34] <bschaefer> you should see it on a Friday!
[00:34] <ronoc> bryceh, it's kinda nice, focus time, just caught/fixed a tricky control centre bug
[00:34] <ronoc> i'd imagine :)
[00:35] <ronoc> i just need to remember to do anything that needs to be done for tomorrow in europe today
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[00:56] <jasoncwarner_> ronoc: why are you in west coast now? holiday?
[00:57] <ronoc> jasoncwarner_, I came over early to go the Linux audio conf
[00:57] <ronoc> staying with some friends in SF every since
[00:58] <ronoc> outer sunset district, near the beach, gift !
[00:58] <jasoncwarner_> ronoc: ah, nice. have fun! I'll be there bright and early Monday morning (trying to make myself happy about that fact ;0 )
[00:59] <ronoc> jasoncwarner_, cool i think we start the design sprint Wednesday or Thursday
[00:59] <jasoncwarner_> ronoc: yup yup
[01:03] <ronoc> jasoncwarner_, found this good radio show down your way recently - http://www.frogworth.com/utilityfog/archives/2012/02/
[01:04] <ronoc> he's most recent is a cracker
[01:08] <ronoc> s/he's/his
[01:09] <jasoncwarner_> ronoc: dubstep? i'll give it a listen, but if he starts talking about the virtues of dubstep, I might have to stop it ;)
[01:10] <ronoc> jasoncwarner_, a mixture of stuff, folktronica is his big thing
[01:11] <jasoncwarner_> ronoc: nuh uh...you just made that up. bluesrap, see, I can do it too.
[01:11] <ronoc> :))
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[05:06] <didrocks> good morning
[05:14] <smspillaz> mornin didrocks
[05:14] <smspillaz> how goes ?
[05:14] <didrocks> hey smspillaz, I'm fine, thanks, yourself?
[05:15] <smspillaz> good good, just tackling this flood of essays as usual
[05:15] <smspillaz> how is 12.04 looking ?
[05:16] <didrocks> smspillaz: it's looking splendid. I hope the dx team will have some SRUs ready for tomorrow :)
[05:17] <smspillaz> sure will
[05:17] * smspillaz is just finishing a unittest for something
[05:20] <pitti> Good morning
[05:20] <didrocks> hey pitti
[05:20] <didrocks> smspillaz: I see though a lot of refactoring for compiz which doesn't suit to a SRU as I told already
[05:21] <pitti> hey didrocks, how are you?
[05:21] <smspillaz> didrocks: the functional changes aren't dependent on refactoring. where refactoring took place it was to add tests
[05:21] <didrocks> pitti: I'm fine, thanks, how are you? :)
[05:21] <pitti> seiflotfy, didrocks: bug 986928 sounds like a rather serious issue, which we should SRU ASAP (before many people start upgrading); does that sound possible?
[05:21] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 986928 in zeitgeist "zeitgeist-daemon crashes with "zeitgeist-daemon.vala:473: Unable to upgrade from schema version 3"" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/986928
[05:21] <didrocks> smspillaz: sure, but we still don't want those refactoring in a SRU
[05:21] <didrocks> smspillaz: so we will need a tarball with some cherry-picks
[05:22] <smspillaz> sure
[05:22] <pitti> seiflotfy, didrocks: ^ if a DB upgrade isn't possible, could zg delete/move away the db when it sees an old version, instead of crashing?
[05:22] <smspillaz> didrocks: well, I thought nowadays we are only taking distro patches
[05:22] <seiflotfy> pitti:
[05:22] <didrocks> pitti: mhr3 tarted to look at it yesterday, I'll see again with him today
[05:22] <smspillaz> (for P anyways)
[05:23] <didrocks> smspillaz: well, we can take bug fixes releases
[05:23] <seiflotfy> pitti: i will take a look later today too
[05:23] <pitti> seiflotfy: danke sher
[05:23] <seiflotfy> D
[05:23] <seiflotfy> :D
[05:23] <didrocks> smspillaz: or upstream needs a way to provide a big/certified distro-patch otherwise
[05:23] <didrocks> smspillaz: because more than 25 commits, I won't take them one by one :)
[05:23] <smspillaz> sure
[06:19] <tjaalton> I got a window for the package updates somewhere, but clicking on the launcher icon or alt-tabbing doesn't make it visible
[06:19] <didrocks> tjaalton: ask on #ubuntu-unity rather, where upstream is :)
[06:20] <tjaalton> didrocks: right, forgot.. and now I closed it :P
[06:20] <tjaalton> so.. next time
[06:50] <BigW> Good Morning.
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[07:30] <sil2100> ogra_: hi
[07:30] <sil2100> ogra_: how's it going with that compiz patch?
[07:31] <sil2100> Since I see it didn't get merged into lp:compiz yet...
[07:33] <sil2100> ogra_: could you merge in https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz/fix_770283/+merge/102831 ? Or are we waiting for the GLES patch to be rewritten for this?
[07:34] <didrocks> seiflotfy: pitti: kamstrup is on the db upgrade. In fact, it seems to already be fixed in trunk
[07:35] <didrocks> so we are looking at the right commit
[07:35] <pitti> didrocks: oh, nice!
[07:35] <pitti> didrocks: bug updated, thanks
[07:36] <didrocks> pitti: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/+bug/986928/comments/7
[07:36] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 986928 in zeitgeist "zeitgeist-daemon crashes with "zeitgeist-daemon.vala:473: Unable to upgrade from schema version 3"" [Critical,Triaged]
[07:36] <didrocks> pitti: so, it seems that only natty -> precise upgrade is broken
[07:36] <didrocks> not natty -> oneiric -> precise
[07:36] <didrocks> (and lucid -> precise doesn't have zg)
[07:37] <pitti> oh, we don't actually support a direct upgrade
[07:38] <didrocks> yeah
[07:38] <didrocks> how come this one bug without duplicate became critical? ;)
[07:38] <didrocks> so, there is a fix, but as it's not the upgrade path we support
[07:40] <pitti> didrocks: bug adjusted
[07:40] <didrocks> pitti: so I guess it's best to just follow our initial plan with a big zg SRU tomorrow?
[07:40] <didrocks> and not shortcut for that one?
[07:41] <pitti> didrocks: oh yes, it's in no way that urgent
[07:43] <didrocks> pitti: great, thanks ;)
[07:43] <didrocks> the only way people can think doing the right thing is: upgrade natty -> oneiric, reboot in a VT, then upgrade oneiric -> precise
[07:44] <didrocks> (without logging in a real oneiric session)
[07:51] <seb128> hey
[07:52] <didrocks> salut seb128, ça va?
[07:52] <pitti> bonjour seb128
[07:52] <seb128> hey didrocks, ca va bien ! et toi ?
[07:52] <seb128> hey pitti, wie geht's
[07:52] <didrocks> seb128: ça va bien :)
[07:52] <seb128> pitti, yesterday morning was meeting reminder day! (yeah, i'm useless like that this week :p)
[07:53] <didrocks> seb128: lagging rather I would say :p
[07:53] <didrocks> seb128: or you can be on the edge
[07:53] <didrocks> "next Tuesday, there will be a meeting reminder"
[07:53] <didrocks> :)
[07:53] <seb128> ;-)
[07:54] <seb128> didrocks, next tuesday is an holiday for us!
[07:54] * pitti hugs seb128
[07:54] * seb128 hugs didrocks pitti
[07:54] <pitti> for us as well
[07:54] <pitti> and I'm taking Monday off
[07:54] * didrocks hugs pitti seb128
[07:54] <seb128> pitti, I will swap the UDS tuesday which is also an holiday for monday
[07:54] <didrocks> seb128: well, for you, I'm sprinting and will enjoy some sun hopefully :)
[07:54] <seb128> pitti, then travel on wednesday
[07:55] <seb128> didrocks, you are used to work during holidays by now ;-)
[07:55] <didrocks> indeed :)
[07:55] <didrocks> I'll get my days back anyways ;)
[07:55] <seb128> that's what you think...
[07:55] <seb128> they always say that :p
[07:56] <didrocks> heh, /me rushes on the calendar in advance :)
[07:59] <chrisccoulson> good morning everyone
[08:00] <pitti> hey chrisccoulson
[08:00] <chrisccoulson> hi pitti, how are you?
[08:00] <pitti> quite fine, thanks! how about you?
[08:01] <chrisccoulson> yeah, good thanks. i'll be fine as long as i don't look outside at the miserable weather :)
[08:02] * pitti looks at a steel blue sky and sun and wonders what you are talking about
[08:02] <chrisccoulson> heh
[08:02] <chrisccoulson> it's rained pretty much every day so far this month
[08:02] <pitti> it was pretty dreadful until yesterday here, too
[08:02] <chrisccoulson> and it's rained non-stop here since last night
[08:03] <pitti> but it seems from today on it's finally getting spring/summer
[08:04] <chrisccoulson> hopefully it will move a bit further north west :)
[08:05] <chrisccoulson> oh, blueprint time again :/
[08:05] <chrisccoulson> i'm not sure what to register this time. i already know pretty much what i'm doing next cycle, and most of it is carried over from this cycle ;)
[08:07] <pitti> chrisccoulson: so just use that then, and perhaps clean them up a bit
[08:07] <pitti> moving WIs to the WI field, refresh description if appropriate, etc.
[08:07] <chrisccoulson> yeah, i'll do that
[08:18] <chrisccoulson> lol @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17829438
[08:18] <chrisccoulson> i like how the newsreader in the video is trying not to laugh
[08:19] <seb128> hey chrisccoulson, how are you?
[08:19] <chrisccoulson> hi seb128. i'm good thanks, how are you?
[08:20] <seb128> lol
[08:20] <seb128> I'm good thanks
[08:23] <ogra_> sil2100, sorry, but my boards are occupied with image tests still, i cant do a testbuild yet, i'll get to it asap
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[08:51] <pitti> chrisccoulson: *chuckle*
[09:03] <dupondje> Is GDK_SCROLL_MASK needed now to trigger 'scroll-event' ?
[09:03] <dupondje> cause I have something odd :)
[09:10] <seb128> dupondje, what's the something weird?
[09:11] <chrisccoulson> finally turned my new phone on :)
[09:11] <chrisccoulson> after having it for 2 days!
[09:13] <dupondje> seb128: The "scroll-event" signal:
[09:13] <dupondje> To receive this signal, the GdkWindow associated to the widget needs to enable the GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK mask.
[09:13] <dupondje> thats on http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.2/GtkWidget.html#GtkWidget-scroll-event
[09:22] <seb128> dupondje, that was not my question
[09:22] <seb128> dupondje, I know what scroll-event are, I asked what is the "cause I have something odd "
[09:23] <seb128> dupondje, i.e describe the issue rather than try to guess the problem and ask an oriented question
[09:23] <dupondje> seb128: well i'm working on Remmina atm. the RDP plugin doesn't bind GDK_SCROLL_MASK, but scrolling works perfectly (after implementing GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL)
[09:23] <dupondje> but scrolling on the VNC plugin only works if the window has GDK_SCROLL_MASK
[09:24] <seb128> dupondje, if you want to receive scroll events you need GDK_SCROLL_MASK yes
[09:25] <seb128> dupondje, most gtk widgets have it set for you so on normal widgets scrolling just work without having to do anything
[09:25] <seb128> dupondje, do you use custom widgets there?
[09:26] <dupondje> Its a default gtk_drawing_area_new
[09:27] <seb128> I guess that should have the scroll mask set for you
[09:27] <seb128> how do you try to scroll? mouse wheel?
[09:27] <seb128> does it depends on where you are in the drawing area?
[09:27] <seb128> like do you have custom widgets in there that may "block" the signal?
[09:28] <dupondje> I scroll with mouse wheel. It works fine when adding GDK_SCROLL_MASK. Its just odd that this is not needed in the rdp plugin code.
[09:29] <dupondje> And just the same widget is created for both it seems.
[09:30] <dupondje> The code in question: https://github.com/dupondje/Remmina/blob/master/remmina-plugins/vnc/vnc_plugin.c
[09:31] <dupondje> If on line 1862 I add GDK_SCROLL_MASK, scrolling works.
[09:32] <dupondje> The rdp code: https://github.com/dupondje/Remmina/blob/master/remmina-plugins/rdp/rdp_event.c (line 480) you see it just used the same as in the vnc_plugin.c, but there it works ...
[09:36] <seb128> dupondje, weird indeed
[09:36] <seb128> it seems like that the drawingarea in gtk doesn't set the mask for you
[09:36] <seb128> not sure why you don't need to add it to rdp there
[09:39] <dupondje> strange thing
[09:40] <dupondje> anyway, adding GDK_SCROLL_MASK in both cases shouldn't hurt right?
[09:41] <seb128> dupondje, seems the right thing to do if you want scroll events ;-)
[09:43] <dupondje> still its odd that it worked without on the rdp plugin :P
[09:43] <dupondje> dirty gtk :)
[10:06] <seb128> ricotz, hey
[10:06] <seb128> ricotz, bug #933296 is happening with the cairo from your ppa it seems, dunno if you track issues specific to newer versions in some way
[10:06] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 933296 in cairo "LibreOffice-Impress can not play slide show (when using new cairo from ppas, not affecting Ubuntu archive)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/933296
[10:07] <seb128> Sweetshark, ^ if you see similar bugs check that the users don't use the new cairo from ricotz's ppa or the xorg-edger one
[10:11] <ricotz> seb128, hey, thanks for pointing it, while there is already an upstream bug report for cairo, it hopefully gets some attention
[10:11] <seb128> ricotz, yw, I'm glad btw I didn't say yes to the new cairo version, seems like it has quite some regressions ;-)
[10:12] <ricotz> seb128, yeah ;), but good that people using it already and hitting such issues early enough
[10:12] <seb128> indeed
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[11:34] <Sweetshark> seb128: thanks.
[11:35] <seb128> Sweetshark, yw
[12:00] <sil2100> ogra_: give me a sign if you find time for this patch/merge thing ;)
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[12:01] <ogra_> sil2100, cjwatson wanted to review the process of handling the gles patch first, waiting for him now, then i can merge ... it will happen before release, no worries
[12:03] <sil2100> ogra_: phew ;) That would be great - since we'd like to have this for the SRU0, fglrx users would be super happy
[12:03] <ogra_> yeah, i know
[12:03] <ogra_> its just that colin thinks he can make the process better for all of us, so future SRUs are less hard for the next 5 years ...
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[13:15] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: hey, I think you are missing the chromium/firefox session by default for next cycle, do you want me to file the gap? ;)
[13:16] <pitti> /usr/lib/webkitgtk-3.0-0/libexec/GtkLauncher http://www.ubuntu.com
[13:16] <pitti> what more do you need?
[13:16] <pitti> and it'll free lots of CD space!
[13:17] <didrocks> pitti: it's all what we need, agreed \o/
[13:18] <didrocks> pitti: or if you need more, just use the webkit developer tools to save bookmarks on disk :)
[13:20] <didrocks> waow, the integration we did with the python backend works really great with those dev tools for step by step between python and javascript
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[13:56] * mterry can't think of any awesome blueprints to file. Ubuntu is done!
[13:57] * mterry goes home
[13:57] <pitti> mterry: python 3 porting FTW!
[13:57] * ogra_ files desktop-p-mterry-to-clean-his-kitchen
[13:58] <pitti> ogra_: speak after me: Q! Q! Q!
[13:58] <mterry> pitti, oh yeah. There is a lot of that for duplicity
[13:58] <ogra_> pitti, oops :)
[13:58] <mterry> I do have a blueprint for that, but doesn't need discussion, just doing
[13:58] <mterry> ogra_, :)
[13:58] <pitti> desktop-q-quadruple-quality
[13:59] <mterry> I guess a quickly session would make sense too
[14:02] <cyphermox> pitti: what about a desktop-q-quick-quick-quick-boot
[14:02] <cyphermox> :)
[14:02] <pitti> cyphermox: and quiet-quiet-boot, too!
[14:02] <cyphermox> +1
[14:02] <pitti> rename from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-text-free-boot
[14:02] <cyphermox> hehe
[14:13] <mterry> pitti, don't rename specs! :) We just talked about that
[14:19] <desrt> seb128: this background thing is really the issue as we discussed it at the time
[14:19] <seb128> desrt, ok, I didn't understand it would make the ui inconsistant, showing the image only once and making it "vanish" by itself when revisiting the panel
[14:20] <desrt> oh. maybe i misunderstood then
[14:20] <desrt> let me check
[14:20] <desrt> i thought it should never appear
[14:20] <desrt> okay
[14:20] <seb128> desrt, no, did you read my most recent comment?
[14:20] <desrt> so the fact that it appears once is a bug
[14:21] <seb128> desrt, right, that's what I said in my recent comment :p
[14:21] <desrt> right
[14:21] <desrt> i agree with that part of the bug
[14:21] <seb128> desrt, it should be never there or always there
[14:21] <desrt> although i think it's less bad than the situation we had before
[14:21] <seb128> desrt, right, that's why I didn't suggest reverting the change over it
[14:21] <desrt> ie: the first time you would see it added to that section with the proper filename
[14:22] <desrt> and then when you go back you would see the sha1 checksum as the filename
[14:22] <seb128> desrt, I wonder if we should just show "fake" an entry from the active background if it's not listed
[14:22] <desrt> seb128: i was thinking the same
[14:22] <seb128> to have something showing and selected
[14:22] <desrt> but under "Pictures folder" is really random
[14:22] <desrt> i have no idea why it should have been there
[14:23] <seb128> desrt, yeah, maybe just under "wallpaper"
[14:23] <desrt> seb128: or maybe just not at all
[14:23] <desrt> so here is a question
[14:23] <seb128> desrt, right, there is raise the interest of having a "-" button in the ui
[14:23] <desrt> what happens to that item when the user changes the background?
[14:23] <desrt> does it vanish?
[14:24] <seb128> it raises*
[14:24] <desrt> ya
[14:24] <seb128> desrt, I start pondering if we should just tell users "copy an image to ~/Images and it will show there"
[14:24] <desrt> not the best-designed UI, imho
[14:24] <seb128> then you can select it
[14:25] <seb128> rather than having that +,-
[14:25] <desrt> seb128: really, you might expect that + does that for you
[14:25] <seb128> desrt, well, that was it was doing before your fix, but in a buggy way
[14:25] <desrt> well
[14:25] <desrt> into a file with a strange name in ~/.cache/
[14:25] <seb128> so maybe it should do a cp to ~/Images for local files
[14:25] <desrt> let me seek the advice of upstream :)
[14:25] <seb128> desrt, thanks
[14:29] <mterry> kenvandine, do you generally have a UDS session for gwibber?
[14:29] <kenvandine> mterry, yeah
[14:32] <seb128> hey mterry, kenvandine
[14:33] <seb128> mterry, btw dunno if mpt got back to you but
[14:33] <seb128> <mpt> seb128, yes, something with 1500 reviews averaging 4.5 stars will get ranked higher than something with 5 reviews averaging 5 stars. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#top-rated
[14:33] <seb128> mterry, in follow up of the other night discussion
[14:33] <seb128> mterry, and deja-dup not showing up is a fix commited s-c bug according to mvo, it's happening after visiting the top rated category
[14:34] <mterry> seb128, ah cool, thanks
[14:47] <desrt> seb128: following the discussionin #g-h?
[14:47] * desrt is really unsure what to do
[14:47] <seb128> desrt, yes
[14:48] <seb128> desrt, I would just change the copy code to copy to ~/Images rather than .cache/...
[14:48] <seb128> not sure about the "-" button, I don't like deleting from the disk
[14:48] <seb128> I would replace it by a browser button calling nautilus on the dir :p
[14:49] <seb128> well the "-" issue or orthogonal, it already let you delete ~/Images files nowadays
[14:49] <seb128> oh, no, it doesn't
[14:49] <seb128> it's just unactive
[14:50] <seb128> well I would just change your "don't copy" patch to "copy the file to XDG_PICTURES_DIR"
[14:52] <seb128> that let a broken "-" button which is not ideal but that would address the main isue
[14:59] <desrt> seb128: i think the open-nautilus approach is the right thing too
[15:03] * desrt still doesn't like the copy
[15:04] <jcastro> who wants to do an ubuntu-desktop session for openweek?
[15:04] <jcastro> a bunch of us are going to UDS early so if you're not going early and want to help the team it would be appreciated
[15:19] <seb128> jcastro, hey, what sort of session is openweek again? and when is openweek?
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[15:43] <pitti> chrisccoulson: question for you in bug 988283
[15:43] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 988283 in ubufox "Drop extra parameter from startpage URL when the default search is Yahoo" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/988283
[15:47] <chrisccoulson> pitti - ah. so, the way this works currently is that we just append the default search provider name to the startpage URL. However, only http://start.ubuntu.com/12.04/Google/ and http://start.ubuntu.com/12.04/Yahoo/ actually exist. Everything else is just redirected to the google site
[15:47] <chrisccoulson> so, if you select a non-google or non-yahoo search provider, we offer the google startpage
[15:47] <pitti> chrisccoulson: ok; still seems strange to do it this way around
[15:48] <chrisccoulson> which is why the check is that way around
[15:48] <pitti> ok
[15:48] <pitti> thanks for the explanation
[15:48] <chrisccoulson> pitti - 1 second though, i'll just check with bueno
[15:48] <pitti> chrisccoulson: can you please paste that into the bug, for the record?
[16:12] <pitti> good night everyone
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[17:01] * didrocks waves good night
[17:18] <kenvandine> mterry, sorry i didn't see your MPs.... i'll get them all reviewed today
[17:21] <mterry> kenvandine, no rush
[17:21] <kenvandine> is the lightdm branch for an SRU?
[17:22] <kenvandine> looks simple enough, i'll look at it first
[17:22] <mterry> kenvandine, naw, I don't think it's important enough for that. None of the MPs are, I think
[17:22] <kenvandine> mterry, i just sent one to you that i do hope to get into an SRU release soon
[17:22] <mterry> kenvandine, ok, will look at it today
[17:22] <kenvandine> it adds icons for the lens, it won't affect the binaries that are installed by default, just the lens in universe
[17:32] <chrisccoulson> angry birds space is really cool
[17:32] <kenvandine> chrisccoulson, indeed it is
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[17:52] <jcastro> seb128: the audience is ubuntu enthusiasts
[17:53] <jcastro> we can do developer sessions, but something more general would be awesome
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[17:53] <jcastro> like, things that are cool on the desktop, etc. would be fine
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[17:57] <seb128> jcastro, when is that?
[17:57] <seb128> jcastro, next week?
[17:58] <seb128> mterry, hey!
[17:58] <jcastro> next week, wed, thu, friday
[17:58] <jcastro> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek
[17:58] <mterry> seb128, what up?
[17:58] <seb128> mterry, do you know how the protocol works? what's supposed to be written, returned back?
[17:59] <seb128> mterry, normal login has a
[17:59] <seb128> +[+3,57s] DEBUG: Wrote 24 bytes to daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+3,63s] DEBUG: Read 8 bytes from daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+3,63s] DEBUG: Read 18 bytes from daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+0,03s] DEBUG: Wrote 17 bytes to daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+0,03s] DEBUG: Read 8 bytes from daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+0,03s] DEBUG: Read 120 bytes from daemon
[17:59] <seb128>
[17:59] <seb128> those seem normal login
[17:59] <mterry> Yar, not very helpful
[17:59] <seb128> my "broken" one has
[17:59] <seb128> +[+7,41s] DEBUG: Wrote 18 bytes to daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+7,41s] DEBUG: Read 8 bytes from daemon
[17:59] <seb128> +[+7,41s] DEBUG: Read 4 bytes from daemon
[18:00] <seb128> I did print g_debug ("WRITE MESSAGE: %u %zu\n",stated_length, message_length);
[18:00] <seb128> in write_message()
[18:00] <mterry> 4 bytes looks too small
[18:00] <seb128> and I get
[18:00] <seb128> +[+7,41s] DEBUG: WRITE MESSAGE: 18 18
[18:00] <seb128> right
[18:00] <mterry> I'm not even sure that's a full header
[18:00] <seb128> but I'm a bit suprised lightdm is stucked in a read if it has been writing back
[18:00] <mterry> fair
[18:01] <seb128> mterry, well I get the issue on my laptop, maybe we can debug together next week at the pre-uds rally if you prefer?
[18:01] <mterry> but if it's sending bad packets, maybe it's all sorts of confused anyway
[18:01] <mterry> seb128, sure. This is that "logging in..." bug I can't reproduce?
[18:01] <seb128> mterry, yes
[18:02] <seb128> mterry, it happens every time for me with the setup I described on second login
[18:02] <seb128> i.e reboot
[18:02] <seb128> log into my user
[18:02] <seb128> change user
[18:02] <seb128> log into the test one
[18:02] <mterry> seb128, yeah, I guess it's easier for us to meet up rather than me figure out what the difference in our lappies is
[18:02] <seb128> log out
[18:02] <seb128> try to log in it again
[18:02] <seb128> and it does it
[18:03] <seb128> mterry, well I could try to figure out the lightdm protocol or bother you with IRC debug
[18:03] <seb128> but at this point I think it will be easier to grab you and,or robert at UDS
[18:03] <mterry> seb128, I'd be happy to do that too, but yeah
[18:03] <seb128> or before UDS rather
[18:04] <seb128> mterry, thanks for listening anyway ;-) I will try to see if I can get by netbook to get the issue, would be easier to debug that to screw my laptop :p
[18:04] <mterry> seb128, actually, that's an interesting idea. let me try to reproduce on a fresh VM
[18:05] <seb128> hum vms, that can be handy as well :p
[18:06] <seb128> jcastro, ok, not sure who to recommend from desktop, maybe jbicha want to do a presentation or pitti ;-)
[18:06] <seb128> jcastro, I will travel on wednesday and we at the preUDS rally thursday and friday
[18:06] <seb128> jcastro, so I can't do one
[18:06] <kenvandine> seb128, i have the same excuse :)
[18:09] <cyphermox> seb128: not exactly seeded, but I'm tempted to add the evo bug where you can lose data if you move folders around in IMAP, to the release notes
[18:10] <kenvandine> cyphermox, lucid users upgrading will keep evolution
[18:10] <cyphermox> good point
[18:10] <kenvandine> so probably a good idea
[18:10] <cyphermox> yup
[18:14] <seb128> cyphermox, yeah, data lost bugs are worth documenting
[18:15] <jcastro> seb128: yeah, the weeks didn't line up with the rally, I am hoping for jbicha to save the day too
[18:16] <jbicha> well I can't do anything Wed or Thurs next week
[18:17] <seb128> jcastro, friday he said
[18:17] <seb128> ;-)
[18:17] <seb128> jbicha, thanks ;-)
[18:17] <cyphermox> done.
[18:17] <jbicha> lol
[18:17] <jcastro> jbicha: grab a slot please!
[18:18] <cyphermox> jcastro: I'll see if I can spare time too
[18:18] <cyphermox> perhaps a piece about network configuration?
[18:19] <jbicha> jcastro: so the audience isn't necessarily future developers? but the infamous "power users" too?
[18:19] <kenvandine> jbicha, yeah that is the difference from developer week
[18:20] <jcastro> jbicha: yep.
[18:24] <mterry> seb128, still can't reproduce in a VM :-/
[18:24] * mterry calls it quits until next week
[18:24] <jbicha> ok, I'm all signed up
[18:24] <mterry> jbicha, thanks man!
[18:25] <jbicha> I'm going to have to install lucid because I'm having trouble remembering what that was like ;)
[18:34] <seb128> mterry, no worry, you will have the right to enjoy a french keyboard to debug it
[18:34] <seb128> mterry, usually I would switch my layout for your bug I can't until you fix that other bug ;-)
[18:35] <mterry> seb128, hah, but isn't the problem that you're stuck in 'us'?
[18:35] <seb128> mterry, you wish :p
[18:35] <seb128> ok, enough trolling for now, dinner time
[18:35] <seb128> have fun there ;-)
[18:35] <seb128> bbl
[18:35] <mterry> seb128, oh really? Ah, because 'fr' is your system layout i guess
[18:35] <mterry> seb128, enjoy
[18:36] <seb128> mterry, thanks
[18:36] <seb128> mterry, yes, fr is my system layout ;-)
[18:45] <bryceh> mterry, you saw my workaround to that fr(oss) bug right?
[18:45] <mterry> bryceh, oh no?
[18:45] * mterry looks
[18:47] <bryceh> mterry, basically just fiddle your layout into your /etc/defaults/keyboard
[18:48] <mterry> bryceh, still don't see that in the bug, but cool. I guess that makes sense, to change your default layout
[18:48] <mterry> bryceh, thanks for working on that bug!
[18:48] <bryceh> mterry, sure. see the upstream bug for where we're at
[18:49] <bryceh> mterry, other (maybe better?) workaround is to reconfigure keyboard-mappings
[18:50] <bryceh> er, sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
[18:50] * mterry goes afk
[18:50] <bryceh> mterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xkeyboard-config/+bug/985065/comments/14
[18:50] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 985065 in xkeyboard-config "Can't use fr/oss keyboard layout by default" [High,Confirmed]
[18:50] <mterry> I thought all that stuff was synced between bugs
[18:52] * mterry goes afk for realsies
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