UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /22 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky
[09:34] <FernandoCueva> what is linux ppc?
=== gry is now known as gry2
=== gry2 is now known as gry
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
[15:46] <SarahPi> Hi! I've been searching for days to no avail. This is my last ditch attempt. Can anyone tell me whether it's possible to use an M-Audio Fast Track Ultra on Natty Narwhal? The device is recognised, but I can only access audio outs. I have no midi, or audio ins.
[16:30] <holstein> SarahPi: sure
[16:30] <holstein> check out #opensourcemusicians
[16:31] <holstein> i usually suggest disabling the other card/cards in the bios if possible just to make things simpler
[16:31] <holstein> in JACK, there are 2 drop down menus... in qjackctl.. i usually suggest ( for troubleshooting) running..
[16:31] <holstein> gksudo qjackctl
[16:32] <holstein> in that GUI, if you can get jack to start, and ue your deivce, then all other issues you would run into would likely be permissions issues
[16:33] <holstein> if JACK is overkill, try installing the package "pavucontrol" for somewhat similar routing using pulse
[16:33] <holstein> our ubuntustudio 12.04 iso can be use live now, so feel free to check that out for tweaking troubleshooting purposes
[16:34] <holstein> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/
[16:35] <SarahPi> Thankyou very much. I will give that a shot.
[16:36] <holstein> SarahPi: as a rule, if you run this command in the terminal
[16:36] <holstein> aplay -l
[16:36] <holstein> and you see your device, JACK *should* be able to use it
[16:37] <holstein> firewire (which is what i use) is a different story
[16:37] <holstein> you can also have problems with IRQ settings.. those can be checked by running "cat /proc/interrupts" withouth the quotes of course
[16:38] <holstein> if you have your soundcard, and something like an external mouse on the same IRQ, you can expect issues
[16:39] <holstein> personally, i consider USB audio to be sub-par, and only use it for stereo information
[16:39] <SarahPi> aplay -l is reporting my device, but Jack is telling me "JackAudioDriver::ProcessAsync: read error, skip cycle
[16:39] <SarahPi> JackPosixMutex::Unlock res = 1" over and over
[16:40] <holstein> SarahPi: you might need to read about configuring JACK
[16:40] <holstein> i usually suggest literally opening a terminal and issueing this command
[16:40] <holstein> gksudo qjackctl
[16:40] <holstein> then, trying to get JACK running with the internal sound card
[16:41] <holstein> you can try unticking the "realtime" check box, though, that shouldnt cause JACK to fail anymore (as of 11.10)
[16:41] <holstein> you can try "force 16bit"
[16:41] <holstein> you can ask in that channel i suggested where several folks are actually using that device with ubuntu and other distros
[16:42] <holstein> running JACK as root is *not* something you want to do casually, or all the time, but it takes the permissions errors out of the equations
[16:42] <holstein> its usually as simple as "sudo adduser 'username' audio"
[16:42] <SarahPi> I'll read up on that. Internal card seems to be working fine. Should I not try using the MAudio as root?
[16:43] <holstein> i try using JACK as root... as a troubleshooting stop
[16:43] <holstein> step*
[16:43] <holstein> if it runs as root, and not as a normal user, you can stop fiddling with the JACK config
[16:43] <holstein> and cables
[16:43] <holstein> you *know* its permissions, ans can start fiddling with user permissions
[16:44] <holstein> and*
[16:44] <holstein> good luck!.. gotta run
[16:45] <SarahPi> Ok. It's not permissions. Same problems. Thanks. I'll do some reading. Really appreciate the help
[17:46] <jansen> hey guys im looking for help! i have an lubuntu machine and a N300 Belkin wireless stick.. And i now use ndiswrapper for my connection but everytime i reboot.. the driver fails and he doesnt detect the stick and i cant do anything but reinstall the driver and then it works again gently.. anyone got an idea to make this go smoothly'er?
[17:46] <jansen> i beg for assistance :)
[17:48] <bioterror> get better wireless ;)
[17:48] <jansen> the dongle i bought
[17:48] <jansen> cost
[17:48] <jansen> 50€
[17:48] <jansen> :|
[17:48] <bioterror> $50? :o
[17:48] <jansen> y its for a friend of my
[17:48] <bioterror> or 50€
[17:48] <jansen> hes a reall jelly
[17:48] <jansen> 50€
[17:48] <jansen> and now i need to fix it ><
[17:48] <bioterror> but usually ndiswrapper should work without problems, even after reboot
[17:49] <jansen> very weird indeed
[17:49] <jansen> he just doesnt detect it anymore..
[17:49] <bioterror> I have to say that I have zero experience with ndiswrapper, never had to use it
[17:49] <oCean> jansen: 1st, Don't crosspost in multiple channels. 2nd, don't use enter as punctuation
[17:49] <jansen> :x
[17:50] <jansen> I'm sorry, anyone here who can help me? =)
[17:51] <Unit193> All I can say is "I think ndiswrapper has a GUI that might help".
[17:51] <Unit193> !ndiswrapper|And this..
[17:51] <ubot2> And this..: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
=== geirha_ is now known as geirha