UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /22 /#ubuntu-app-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky
[07:23] <pungi_man> hii!!!
[10:35] <Jacky> 1
[10:43] <jo-erlend> 2
[10:58] <Jacky> Lol, my ba
[10:58] <Jacky> s/ba/bad
[10:58] <Jacky> That's me trying to switch channels on weechat :P
[11:42] <jo-erlend> :)
[17:28] <pavolzetor> hi, anybody knows how to set up spacing between rows in treeview?
[17:28] <pavolzetor> gtk
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[18:45] <pavolzetor> I http://www.gtkforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55325&p=73285#p73285
[18:45] <pavolzetor> http://www.gtkforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=55325&p=73285#p73285
[18:45] <pavolzetor> for more info
[18:46] <pavolzetor> i do not want to use Gbox, because it uses 2x more memory and is slower
[18:52] <JanC> pavolzetor: you might also try to ask in #gtk on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net)
[18:56] <pavolzetor> thanks
[18:58] <pavolzetor> I thought it will be easier, but it's not
[18:59] <JanC> or maybe ask on stackoverflow... (but I guess a Gtk-centric place might be better)
[18:59] <pavolzetor> okay, oftc, the room was empty
[18:59] <pavolzetor> I am going to try gtk+ on freenode
[19:00] <JanC> pavolzetor: eh, I meant #gtk on irc.gnome.org
[19:00] <JanC> eh #gtk+
[19:00] <JanC> sorry :P
[19:01] <JanC> there are 160 people there ;)
[19:02] <JanC> pavolzetor: isn't the default spacing between rows theme-defined though?
[19:05] <pavolzetor> I will give it a try
[19:05] <pavolzetor> you can specify spacing, but it just stretches rows
[19:05] <pavolzetor> I need spacing between rows
[19:07] <pavolzetor> thanks
[21:38] <pavolzetor> hi
[21:38] <pavolzetor> why if you run python script
[21:38] <pavolzetor> from /usr/bin
[21:38] <pavolzetor> it appends into sys.path '/usr/share/software-center'?
[21:44] <JanC> it does?
[21:46] <JanC> hm, seems like it adds a lot of stuff in there
[21:47] <JanC> but I don't see software-center in there
[21:48] <JanC> might depend on the Ubuntu version
[21:52] <JanC> might be because of *.pth files
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
[23:01] <pavolzetor> yes, it does
[23:01] <pavolzetor> i have created script
[23:02] <pavolzetor> in bin and it had modified path included