UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /19 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
[07:14] <dholbach> good morning
[10:00] <dholbach> I'll quickly ride my bike over to my old office
[10:00] <dholbach> brb
[11:39] <czajkowski> hmm
[11:40] <czajkowski> has the planet feed changed lately?
[12:23] <s-fox> Ping jcastro :)
[12:24] <mhall119> czajkowski: I don't think so
[12:27] <dpm> mhall119, here's some interesting discussion on API documentation: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2012-April/003812.html - although what I'm missing is perhaps suggestions on how to improving it, rather than just highlighting the issues
[12:38] <cprofitt> morning DavidLevin
[12:38] <czajkowski> mhall119: hmm oddd blog is showing up as a summary rather than full post
[12:38] <nigelb> czajkowski: that's a problem from the poster's end.
[12:39] <cprofitt> czajkowski: that looks like your blog has changed...
[12:39] <cprofitt> http://www.lczajkowski.com/feed/rss2/
[12:39] <cprofitt> that feed is showing the partial posts
[12:39] <czajkowski> nigelb: aye tweeking settings now seeing as I just changed themed
[12:39] <czajkowski> *themes
[12:41] <DavidLevin> cprofitt, morning
[12:41] <cprofitt> czajkowski: maybe not... my feed looks the same and my full posts show up...
[12:41] <cprofitt> not sure now
[12:42] * nigelb checks
[12:44] <czajkowski> no worries will keep checking wondering is the new theme over riding something
[12:44] <czajkowski> anyways stand up time toodles
[12:44] <nigelb> yep, your blog is indeed spitting out incomplete feeds. http://www.lczajkowski.com/feed/
[12:44] <nigelb> so, when that feed is fixed, planet should pick it up correctly.
[12:44] <popey> settings -> Reading -> "For each article in a feed, show " is probably set to "Summary" and not "Full text"
[12:46] * nigelb hugs popey
[12:46] <czajkowski> popey: aye have that set :/
[12:46] <czajkowski> it's liek its being over ridden
[12:47] <popey> look in the settings for the theme?
[12:48] <czajkowski> aye
[13:42] <dpm> oh, I hadn't realized 0 A.D. had made it to the archive, quite cool to see high quality games in there!
[13:46] <mhall119> dpm: ninja ide too
[13:46] <dpm> yeah, I saw your note in the trello board
[13:47] <dpm> really cool
[13:58] <cprofitt> morning jono
[13:59] <jono> hey cprofitt
[14:00] <s-fox> Hello everyone, we all well?
[14:00] <cprofitt> thanks for asking s-fox -- I am doing well... you?
[14:01] <s-fox> Pretty good thanks, got an interview on saturday for a teaching position in korea
[14:01] <cprofitt> sounds cool.
[14:01] <cprofitt> best of luck with it
[14:02] <s-fox> Thanks, this is my 3rd or 4th interview now so hopefully something will come of it
[14:02] <s-fox> Any plans for the weekend cprofitt ?
[14:03] <cprofitt> potential baseball game with son (maybe entire family), my parents are coming out for my daughters b-day party, and ISO testing for balloons
[14:04] <nigelb> cprofitt: I wondered why balloons needed ISO testing. Then, the context hit me.
[14:04] <nigelb> In the context of parties, I thought of the party balloons :P
[14:04] <balloons> nigelb, hehe
[14:04] <balloons> yes all good iso testing parties need balloons
[14:05] <s-fox> Not long until the release now
[14:05] <cprofitt> and not just any baloons
[14:05] <nigelb> heh.
[14:05] <nigelb> One week to go?
[14:15] <akgraner> woot woot!
[14:15] <akgraner> How's open week shaping up? /me is out of the look :-(
[14:15] <akgraner> loop
[14:48] <s-fox> You know I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday. Turns out is Thursday, this means it'll be the weekend sooner than i thought :D
[14:49] <czajkowski> s-fox: always a bonus
[14:50] <s-fox> Hey czajkowski , anything new with you?
[14:50] <czajkowski> going to an ubuntu meet up in a couple of hours
[14:50] <czajkowski> planning a conference here in ireland
[14:50] <czajkowski> keeping busy :)
[14:55] <czajkowski> s-fox: how's you?
[14:56] <s-fox> Getting better thanks czajkowski :)
[14:56] <czajkowski> glad to hear it
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
[15:58] <dholbach> I'll walk back home, but will be there again for the CC meeting - see you in a bit
[16:05] <s-fox> I am back :)
[16:29] <nlsthzn> wb s-fox
[16:29] <s-fox> Thank you nlsthzn
[16:30] <nlsthzn> the pleasure was all mine
[16:30] * nlsthzn never got that part of the english language...
[16:30] <s-fox> English is weird
[16:31] <nlsthzn> +1
[16:31] <nlsthzn> even the language
[16:31] <s-fox> +1
[16:31] <nlsthzn> lol
[17:00] <s-fox> Goodbye.
[17:41] <bkerensa> sheesh
[17:41] <bkerensa> :( can mailman not use dnsbl or something to filter spam
[18:03] <dholbach> alright my friends - I call it a day - dinner time
[18:04] <cprofitt> enjoy your dinner dholbach
[18:06] <bkerensa> :D
[18:07] <bkerensa> lfaraone: I am going to make Ubuntu SoC mailing list a little bit quieter... the hold notices are becoming a bit difficult
[18:14] <cprofitt> SoC?
[18:14] <nigelb> summer of code
[18:14] <cprofitt> ah
=== jalcine is now known as Guest31570
[19:24] <JanC> bkerensa: mailman doesn't use anything to filter spam itself, but it can act on headers set by spam filters if you configure it to do so, and of course any mailman install depends on the mailserver config it hangs behind...
=== jalcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
=== daker__ is now known as daker_