UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /19 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <ScottK> Done.
[00:03] <Darkwing> :D
[02:14] <rbelem> ScottK, ping
[02:17] <rbelem> is there a tag for kde 4.8.2?
[02:26] <rbelem> bulldog98_, there wasn't a branch for active untill some days ago, that's why i did not get the patches
[03:16] <ScottK> rbelem: 4.8.2 is in precise.
[03:22] <rbelem> ScottK, i forgot to mention git :-)
[03:22] <ScottK> No idea.
[03:22] <rbelem> ScottK, upstream git
[03:22] <ScottK> I'd assume so.
[03:23] * ScottK is Kubuntu guy, not upstream.
[03:23] <rbelem> :-)
[03:24] <rbelem> i updated a patch for kdelibs from plasma active
[03:26] <ScottK> It's really too late. How critical is it?
[03:26] <ScottK> We'll probably have to do it as a post-release update now.
[03:27] <ScottK> (unless it's really critical)
[03:29] <rbelem> ScottK, some apps are not behaving properly in plasma-active
[03:29] <rbelem> ScottK, i think it is ok to release a fix later
[03:29] <ScottK> Unless it prevents a successful install, that sounds like something we could do post-release.
[03:29] <ScottK> Good.
[03:29] <rbelem> :-)
[03:30] <ScottK> We can ask to have the Kubuntu Active ISO redone at 12.04.1 if we have some good fixes and people to test it even though it's not LTS.
[03:31] <rbelem> that would be really nice :-)
[03:32] <ScottK> Excellent.
[03:39] <ScottK> Shouldn't be a problem.
[03:50] <rbelem> thanks ScottK
[03:50] <rbelem> :-)
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[07:40] <Riddell> ScottK: I've added kubuntu-docs to the desktop CD, I recon they fit easily, how did you calculate that they don't?
[08:30] <yurchor> Hi! Will it be asking too much if I ask to fix typos in Kubuntu own docs (last night package)? (Yes, I filed bug report (Bug 852519), but there was zero reaction on it. Does it really matter to file bug reports at all?)
[08:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/852519
[08:31] <Riddell> yurchor: it all depends if the person incharge of the package is crazy busy or not
[08:32] <Riddell> alas most of us are crazy busy most of the time
[08:32] <Riddell> fixing typos is of course welcome
[08:32] <Riddell> although better would be to check if it still exists in 12.04
[08:34] <yurchor> Riddell: Ok. They stiil exist. And David added the new ones. So if Darkwing have no time to fix this, just mark it as WONTFIX and I will forget about it. ;)
[10:43] <Riddell> Darkwing: that guy was a omg writer! http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/kubuntu-they-have-invested-millions-in-it/
[10:44] <Riddell> Darkwing: I haven't seen littlegirl on irc for a bit, is she still around?
[10:49] <ScottK> Riddell: They fit now, but if they get translations again they may not fit for the point releases.
[10:50] <ScottK> If you use the size of the docs in oneiric then the images are all at or over 702.
[10:50] <Riddell> ScottK: mm yes, I wonder if it's an idea to split out the translations in that case
[10:50] <ScottK> I'm OK either way if you decide not to worry about it, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.
[10:51] <ScottK> Riddell: Did you see the ping from skaet about filling out the rest of the manifest?
[11:07] <Riddell> ScottK: yes thanks
[11:07] <Riddell> ScottK: the amd64+mac images I think we have no testers for and should not release
[11:07] <ScottK> Agreed, but I'd wait and see for sure. We've had occasional testers.
[11:07] <Riddell> I was wanting to give one more test to armhf+omap4 before I'm happy to say we expect to release that
[11:08] <ScottK> shadeslayer has said he might do it if he didn't have exams.
[11:08] * ScottK needs to go. Back in an hour or so.
[11:08] <Riddell> kubuntu-active I've been testing this morning and does work but has a pesky 5 minute pause on startup (I think soprano to blame)
[11:08] <ScottK> rbelem said he had a new active patch for kde4libs. We agreed it could go post-release.
[11:09] <ScottK> I also talked to skaet about respinning active for 12.04.1 and she was fine with it as long as we had testers.
[11:09] <ScottK> now really leaving
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[11:49] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[11:56] <ScottK> Back. Sort of (really laggy connection).
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[13:16] <Darkwing> Riddell: Yeah, he pinged me last night about doing a writeup...
[13:16] <Darkwing> Riddell: and littlergirl hops on and off... I think she is waiting to be unleased on docs again.
[13:21] <afiestas> I wonder if ubuntu is aware of this bug: http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=2771
[13:21] <afiestas> can we check taht in launchpad? launchpad connects to bugtracks,. right?
[13:26] <debfx> not to every bugtracker software
[13:27] <debfx> bug #965371
[13:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 965371 in openssl (Ubuntu Precise) "HTTPS requests fail on some sites on Ubuntu 12.04" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/965371
[13:31] <Riddell> i don't have a login for that rt.openssl.org site
[13:31] <Riddell> jdstroud is the security guy for ubuntu and likely to know about that stuff
[13:33] <debfx> that lp bug has all the information
[14:01] <afiestas> debfx: thansk! I did looked for the bug but it has many different names depending on the distro
[14:01] <afiestas> it doesn't seems medium to me xD
[14:02] <afiestas> anyway, I need to rebuild webaccounts but including the packags in this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~cyberspace/+archive/cyber-stuff
[14:02] <afiestas> I klnow is not the first time I ask this, but, how can I add that ppa to the recipe?
[14:02] <afiestas> I need libakonadi-dev to build webaccounts
[14:05] <shadeslayer> ScottK: afaik the mac images don't have anything different than the standard images, I'll be able to test it though :)
[14:06] <ScottK> They do. They boot differently.
[14:06] <ScottK> Riddell: ^^^ Tester ahoy.
[14:13] <apol> can somebody tell me what should I do to apply a patch to a package?
[14:26] <Riddell> shadeslayer: are you able to do a smoketest today?
[14:27] <Riddell> afiestas: I'm not sure what you mean, adding a dependency to the webaccounts's package is done by adding it to debian/control in the packaging bzr branch
[14:27] <Riddell> apol: several ways depending on package but generally you put it in debian/patches and add the filename to debian/patches/series
[14:28] <apol> Riddell: it's for muon in çcyberspace
[14:28] <apol> ok
[14:28] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ofcourse, I just need some time to download the ISO
[14:29] <shadeslayer> my old laptop bit the dust after 4 years
[14:29] <shadeslayer> just because nVidia cheaped out on the thermal paste *grumble*
[14:29] <shadeslayer> ( Could have just as easily been Dell )
[14:29] <apol> Riddell: and it's a normal git patch... is that ok?
[14:31] <Riddell> apol: unified diff format at -p1 level is what it needs
[14:31] <Riddell> which is what git produces
[14:31] <apol> ok
[14:31] <apol> cool
[14:31] <Riddell> apol: the patches are managed using a command called quilt
[14:31] <Riddell> so if you want to test that it works you can run quilt push
[14:31] <Riddell> (and quilt pop to undo)
[14:32] <apol> ok thx
[14:32] <apol> 9
[14:32] <apol> oops
[14:37] <BluesKaj> Riddell, any truth to the rumours about the "Kubuntu" name being witheld by Canonical from use by Blue Systems?
[14:39] <ScottK> BluesKaj: I suspect any rumors that anyone knows anything for sure are wrong.
[14:41] <BluesKaj> ScottK, rumours were circulating yeserday and it would be nice if they were put to rest
[14:41] <ScottK> Sure, but the only way to do that would be a definitive announcement.
[14:41] <ScottK> I'd imagine if things were ready for that, it would have been announced.
[14:42] <ScottK> In the meantime, rumors are rumors.
[14:42] <ScottK> If you read the Ubuntu Trademark policy, it clearly says that commercial use requires permission from Canonical.
[14:43] <BluesKaj> a debian derivative using kde is fine with me ..."a rose by any other name "
[14:45] <BluesKaj> Canonical has plotted a different course for it's distro with unity etc , so kde is being left behind in the dust
[14:47] <tsimpson> that's a little unfair
[14:48] <Riddell> BluesKaj: the trademark licence is available for all to see
[14:50] <Darkwing> I wouldn't go as far to say that it is unfair though...
[14:50] <Darkwing> Ubuntu and the related names is a Brand owned and paid for by Canonical. It would not be unfair of them to enforce something that they have paid for. That is buisness.
[14:50] <tsimpson> I mean the comment was unfair
[14:51] <Darkwing> ahhh yeah.
[14:52] <BluesKaj> policy declarations ar fine , but a kubuntu sign on an OS , doesn't mean the ports are open :)
[14:57] * ScottK isn't sure what that means.
[15:03] <BluesKaj> oh i think you do..you just don't want to add fuel to the fire being an ubuntu member etc..it's understandable
[15:04] <BluesKaj> anyway ...it's just rumours and ltes hope hey're baseless
[15:04] <BluesKaj> lets
[15:07] <ScottK> BluesKaj: No. Actually I don't.
[15:07] <ScottK> I don't intend to contribute to the rumors either way though.
[15:09] <BluesKaj> ScottK, understood
[15:09] * Darkwing reads up
[15:13] <ScottK> Riddell: Main only Lucid -> Precise works.
[15:19] <Riddell> ScottK: great thanks
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[20:02] <cmagina> anyone else notice that gstreamer0.10-plugins-good now causes the gnome-keyring to be installed? (it gets pulled in by the libsoup-gnome2.4-1 dependency)
[20:21] <debfx> cmagina: libsoup pulls in libgnome-keyring0 but not gnome-keyring
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