UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:10] <Sarvatt> 326535
[00:12] <Sarvatt> ok this yubikey nano is getting annoying real fast with it sending enter when you breathe near it :)
[00:16] <Sarvatt> sorry for the spam :)
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[05:15] <robert_ancell> mdeslaur, pind
[05:15] <robert_ancell> ping
[05:16] <micahg> robert_ancell: he should be back in ~6-7 hours
[05:16] <robert_ancell> micahg, np, just wanted to ask him a question about bug 925474
[05:16] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 925474 in seahorse "Find remote keys function is completely broken" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/925474
[05:59] <didrocks> good morning
[06:13] <pitti> Good morning
[06:14] <didrocks> hey pitti, how are you?
[06:14] <pitti> didrocks: bit tired, I didn't sleep very well; but ok otherwise
[06:14] <pitti> how are you?
[06:15] <didrocks> pitti: I'm fine thanks :) impressed by the number of good fixes that landed in unity this night. I prefer to delay the release to tomorrow then.
[06:15] <pitti> ok
[06:49] <robert_ancell> pitti, the desktop list on http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html seems quite bare - are we really done for 12.04?
[06:51] <didrocks> hey robert_ancell, how are you? :)
[06:51] <robert_ancell> didrocks, hi, good
[06:52] <pitti> hey robert_ancell
[06:53] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: hey ;)
[06:54] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: no more white box in compiz? can we mark bug #940603 as fix committed?
[06:54] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 940603 in compiz-plugins-main "white box randomly shows up at top left corner blocking applications from using stuff under it" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/940603
[06:54] <jasoncwarner_> hey didrocks I've not seen it all day!
[06:54] <jasoncwarner_> I'm quite happy :)
[06:54] <didrocks> \o/
[06:54] <didrocks> woooowwww smspillaz ;)
[06:54] <jasoncwarner_> both machines seem to be working great
[06:54] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: sam also proposed a workaround for the white window on minimized, which should work with most of the app
[06:54] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: I'll get the team to review it!
[06:55] <jasoncwarner_> oh, nice :)
[06:55] <jasoncwarner_> didrocks: seems we would be ready to upload, what today or tomorrow?
[06:55] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: there are been a lot of branches merged this night (8 branches) for small issues and mem leaks
[06:56] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: and there are still 2 nux branches that are pending (one segfaulting for now, but very important)
[06:56] <didrocks> so tomorrow sounds better, getting evertyhing ready ASAP and then, some dogfooding with the volonteers :)
[06:56] <jasoncwarner_> k
[06:56] <jasoncwarner_> didrocks: I have to run out for a bit, but I'll be back for our 1-1 we can chat about it more then...
[06:57] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: but I'm really positive on releasing on time and can even schedule a restaurant tomorrow evening to get more challenge!
[06:57] <didrocks> jasoncwarner_: sure :)
[06:58] <didrocks> now that my machine doesn't use the fallback path for opengl1 card (and a lot will do with the new release), I'm impressed with the dash look and feel
[07:11] <rickspencer3> hey didrocks ... that restaurant challenge sounds interesting
[07:12] <rickspencer3> also, good morning ;)
[07:13] <didrocks> rickspencer3: heh, bonjour! ;)
[07:24] <pitti> hey rickspencer3
[07:24] <rickspencer3> good morning pitti
[07:41] <pitti> robert_ancell: nice work on seahorse!
[07:41] <robert_ancell> pitti, ta!
[07:42] <robert_ancell> pitti, it is a quite complex codebase to track through :)
[07:52] <mlankhorst> I'm playing with building custom wine packages to learn package management, can see the appeal of pbuilder-dist after having to build same package 4x. :)
[07:53] <RAOF> mlankhorst: Yup! Although I still recommend sbuild :)
[08:00] <chrisccoulson> good morning everyone
[08:00] <didrocks> hey chrisccoulson, how are you?
[08:00] <pitti> hey chrisccoulson
[08:01] <chrisccoulson> hi pitti, didrocks
[08:02] <seb128> hey
[08:07] <pitti> hey seb128
[08:07] <seb128> hey pitti, wie geht's?
[08:07] <pitti> gut, danke!
[08:07] <didrocks> salut seb128
[08:08] <seb128> pitti, 2 bugs ahead of me today, congrats ;-)
[08:08] <seb128> lut didrocks
[08:08] <pitti> seb128: merci :)
[08:18] <seb128> pitti, bug #978124 was due to glib not going through proposed btw ;-)
[08:18] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 978124 in glib2.0 "upgrading to 12.04 beta2 not completed due to problem with packet skype:386" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/978124
[08:18] <pitti> seb128: ah, multiarch..
[08:18] <seb128> yeah...
[08:18] <pitti> seb128: indeed, sorry; let's use -proposed next time then
[08:18] <seb128> pitti, no worry, I just mention it because it's in my night emails backlog and I just read it ;-)
[08:52] <bkerensa> seb128: You dont by chance use Chromium do you?
[08:53] <seb128> no
[08:53] <seb128> firefox for the win!
[08:54] * chrisccoulson hugs seb128
[08:54] <bkerensa> seb128: until flash EOL's :P
[08:54] <chrisccoulson> bkerensa, well, you won't be using chromium for flash either
[08:54] <chrisccoulson> you'll be using chrome
[08:54] <seb128> who cares you that? webm for the win :p
[08:54] * seb128 hugs chrisccoulson
[08:54] <chrisccoulson> which is proprietary
[08:54] <seb128> chrisccoulson, how are you?
[08:54] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, i'm not too bad thanks. how are you?
[08:55] <seb128> I'm good thanks
[08:55] <bkerensa> seb128: I just noticed Chromium's Icon in Unity Launcher does not work at all ;) I can reproduce on a few pieces of hardware
[08:55] <bkerensa> chrisccoulson: well I am trying to move to FF but unfortunately some sites still do not support FF
[08:55] <bkerensa> :(
[08:55] <seb128> bkerensa, try mentioning it on #ubuntu-unity
[08:55] <chrisccoulson> bkerensa, seriously? what sort of sites?
[08:55] <seb128> some site don't support ff?
[08:56] <bkerensa> seb128: tweetdeck doesnt
[08:56] <chrisccoulson> probably ones with a "download google chrome" link on them ;)
[08:56] <bkerensa> :(
[08:56] <bkerensa> well they support FF 4
[08:56] <bkerensa> but not 11 which is where Ubuntu is
[08:56] <bkerensa> :P
[08:57] <chrisccoulson> bkerensa, oh, i know about tweetdeck. it actually works fine if you set the firefox user agent string to that of chrome
[08:57] <chrisccoulson> that's all they check
[08:57] <bkerensa> chrisccoulson: I figured it was just a ua checker
[08:57] <chrisccoulson> they check the UA string and reject firefox
[08:57] <bkerensa> so sad
[08:57] <chrisccoulson> but it actually works perfectly ok
[08:57] <chrisccoulson> or, it did when i last tried it
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[11:14] <BigW> Discussion on ubuntu-devel-discuss is awesome :>
[11:19] * pitti reopens bug 969039 and sighs
[11:19] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 969039 in compiz "HUD appears when tapping Alt+Left very quickly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/969039
[11:22] * seb128 hugs pitti for fixing one of the top desktop segfaultsd
[11:23] <didrocks> pitti: at least, you will be able to remove it from g-c-c soon :)
[11:24] <seb128> didrocks, upload planned for tomorrow?
[11:24] * pitti hugs back seb128
[11:26] <didrocks> seb128: right
[11:26] <seb128> didrocks, ok, I might commit a few stuff in the vcs before then
[11:27] <didrocks> ok
[11:28] <seb128> pitti, we changed the admin,sudo group stuff this cycle right?
[11:28] <pitti> seb128: yes
[11:29] <seb128> pitti, ok, gnome-menus admin's patch still check if the user is member of "admin" to declare it admin
[11:30] <pitti> ah, I figure nobody noticed in gnome fallback
[11:30] <pitti> seb128: want me to fix, or are you at it?
[11:30] <seb128> pitti, if you want to fix it please feel free
[11:30] <seb128> pitti, I guess that
[11:30] <seb128> software-properties-gtk.desktop:X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true
[11:30] <seb128> pitti, that's probably not listed in the dash for new install in precise
[11:31] <pitti> it's not listed here either
[11:32] <seb128> NoDisplay=true
[11:32] <pitti> NoDisplay=true
[11:32] <pitti> ah
[11:32] <seb128> pitti, that's because it's meant to be opened from s-c or update-manager I guess
[11:32] <seb128> so in practice it's a non visible bug
[11:32] <seb128> like nothing in the default install is impacted by it
[11:33] <seb128> I wonder if we should just drop that gnome-menus patch
[11:33] <pitti> is that the only desktop file which still has X-KDE-SubstituteUID ?
[11:33] <seb128> pitti, on my install it seems so
[11:33] <seb128> with synaptic-kde
[11:34] <pitti> debian/patches/20_show-admin-tools-for-admin-group.patch ?
[11:34] <seb128> pitti, right
[11:34] <pitti> yeah, with polkit this looks largely obsolete
[11:34] <seb128> should we just drop it?
[11:34] <seb128> less patching ;-)
[11:34] <pitti> but for the sake of being cautious I'm ok with fixing it for sudo
[11:34] <pitti> I don't mind much
[11:34] <seb128> pitti, your call
[11:35] <pitti> I'd have a better feeling if we grep the archive for desktop files which use that
[11:35] <seb128> let's fix it for the lts and drop it next cycle?
[11:35] <pitti> seb128: ^ sounds good
[11:35] <didrocks> rebooting, brb
[11:35] <seb128> pitti, want to do the fixing?
[11:35] <pitti> seb128: sure
[11:36] <seb128> pitti, danke!
[11:36] <pitti> seb128: I just followed up on bug 912707
[11:36] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 912707 in desktop-file-utils "upgrade manager prompts to resolve conflict in /etc/gnome/defaults.list" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/912707
[11:36] <pitti> seb128: would you have an off-hand idea whether we have a thing like "apply system-wide" for mime type configurations?
[11:36] <seb128> pitti, looking, I have a desktop-file-utils upload to do today
[11:36] <pitti> it's not that easy, and doesn't affect everyone
[11:36] <seb128> pitti, no we don't, but some maintaining script might call xdg-mime
[11:37] <seb128> pitti, I've seen some doing that in the past, it's wrong but some people think it's right to do
[11:37] <pitti> seb128: hm, xdg-mime does not appeaer to touch /etc/gnome/defaults.list?
[11:38] <seb128> pitti, let me check
[11:38] <seb128> pitti, /etc/gnome/defaults.list is a symlink to /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
[11:38] <pitti> hm, perhaps it does
[11:38] <seb128> pitti, usually stuff do tweak the usr location
[11:38] <pitti> seb128: oh really? it's not here
[11:38] <pitti> it's a normal conffile
[11:38] <pitti> but I see some stuff like
[11:38] <pitti> [ x"$mode" = x"system" ] && xdg_base_dir="$x/mime"
[11:38] <pitti> xdg_global_dir="$x/$xdg_dir_name"
[11:38] <seb128> pitti, oh, sorry, it's the other way around
[11:39] <pitti> whic sounds like it has a "system" mode
[11:39] <seb128> yes
[11:39] <seb128> pitti, that's meant for "make install" or similar to register stuff
[11:39] <pitti> /usr/share/gnome/applications/defaults.list -> /etc/gnome/defaults.list
[11:39] <pitti> aah
[11:39] <seb128> that's why some people think it's right to make postinst call it
[11:40] <pitti> ok, $XDG_SYSTEM_DIRS/DATA_DIRS /applications/defaults.list
[11:40] <pitti> that's it
[11:41] <guest-jPWGij> mhr3: hey, I'm in a guest session
=== guest-jPWGij is now known as didrocks
[11:41] <seb128> pitti, http://code.google.com/p/klikclient/issues/detail?id=180
[11:41] <didrocks> mhr3: nothing by default in the dash
[11:41] <seb128> pitti, see, I've seen stuff call xdg-mime in an hackish way like that before, I wonder if chromium didn't use to do that
[11:42] <seb128> pitti, I would ask jdstrand to grep for xdg-mime in /var/lib/dpkg/info or something
[11:42] <didrocks> mhr3: and before you ask, yes, latest zg and zg-datahub with your patch ;)
[11:42] <seb128> pitti, but I think it's a buggy package somewhere and not our fault
[11:42] <mhr3> didrocks, are you sure? :)
[11:42] <pitti> seb128: right, I asked that in the bug; thanks!
[11:42] <seb128> pitti, yw!
[11:42] <didrocks> mhr3: I am, is there any log I should look at?
[11:42] <mhr3> didrocks, i tested it here in a guest session and it works
[11:43] <mhr3> didrocks, send me your .local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite
[11:43] <mhr3> or actually
[11:43] <mhr3> if you have sqlite3 installed
[11:43] <mhr3> sqlite3 .local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite "SELECT * FROM event_view;" | pastebinit
[11:44] <mhr3> didrocks, ^^
[11:44] <seb128> didrocks, do you want me to try that update as well?
[11:44] <didrocks> seb128: once we will figure it out ;) as I'm in the guest session, it's harder for me to share things ;)
[11:44] <seb128> didrocks, ok, feel free to ping me if you need a second tester
[11:44] <didrocks> sure :)
[11:45] <didrocks> mhr3: 1|1334144428472|1|1|1||application://gnome-terminal.desktop|1|2|2|||1|Terminal|unknown||||application://gnome-terminal.desktop|1|1|2|application://compiz.desktop
[11:45] <didrocks> mhr3: I'm wondering why I have compiz.desktop
[11:45] <didrocks> mhr3: but maybe it wasn't empty then? and so no pre-populate
[11:45] <mhr3> didrocks, it means compiz started gnome-terminal (cause you run it from dash)
[11:45] <didrocks> ah ok :)
[11:45] <seb128> pitti, \o/ inline stacktrace in the retracer emails ;-)
[11:46] <didrocks> mhr3: I even don't have gnome-terminal in the recent apps btw right now in the dash
[11:46] <mhr3> didrocks, kill datahub and run it with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all zeitgeist-datahub
[11:46] <mhr3> hmm.. that's odd
[11:47] <didrocks> mhr3: ok, running right now
[11:47] <didrocks> nothing display
[11:47] <didrocks> displayed*
[11:48] <didrocks> mhr3: I'm wondering if it's not because I can have opened the dash before datahub is started? (as we delay it)
[11:48] <mhr3> didrocks, ok, lets try it from start, zeitgeist-daemon -q && rm the activity.sqlite
[11:48] <didrocks> mhr3: it inserts some elements now if I start nautilus
[11:48] <didrocks> ok
[11:49] <mhr3> then run datahub
[11:49] <didrocks> done
[11:49] <didrocks> hum, no events inserted
[11:49] <didrocks> so either my patch isn't correctly applied (but it told me that it was applied/unapplied
[11:49] <didrocks> either there is another issue :)
[11:49] <mhr3> yea, it sounds like that
[11:50] <jdstrand> seb128, pitti: commented on 912707. acroread is fiddling with xdg-mime in postinst
[11:50] <mhr3> didrocks, can you pastebin the patch?
[11:50] <jdstrand> (not my machine btw-- I am an evince user)
[11:50] <seb128> jdstrand, hey, that explains it then, thanks!
[11:50] <didrocks> mhr3: need to switch back to my main session for that, one sec
[11:51] <jdstrand> np
[11:52] <didrocks> mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/924735/
[11:53] <mhr3> didrocks, where's the rest?
[11:54] <mhr3> there have to be a couple of lines changed in the generated zeitgeist-datahub.c
[11:54] <didrocks> mhr3: ok, something bad happen in the last refresh I guess :)
[11:54] <didrocks> weird, I just adding your patch and quilt refresh
[11:54] <didrocks> I meant
[11:54] <didrocks> added your additional commit
[11:54] <didrocks> and quilt refresh
[11:54] <didrocks> mhr3: let me see
[11:56] <didrocks> oh I got it
[11:56] <didrocks> mhr3: so i started from this patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/924739/
[11:56] <didrocks> which contains your latest vala change, but not the generated C
[11:56] <didrocks> so, it failed on applying of course
[11:56] <didrocks> I just did a quilt refresh to refresh the files
[11:57] <didrocks> but as this is in the debian/rules clean targt, it already stripped the other files
[11:57] <didrocks> and so they are not more part of the quilt patch targetted files :)
[11:57] <didrocks> tricky :)
[11:57] <didrocks> doing the refresh manually then
[11:58] <mhr3> didrocks, i still see no changes to zeitgeist-datahub.c
[11:58] <didrocks> (didn't I told that patching vala file is awful?) ;)
[11:58] <mhr3> didrocks, at least you have some "fun" ;)
[11:58] <didrocks> mhr3: do you want me to thank you about it? :p
[11:58] <mhr3> didrocks, of course
[11:59] <didrocks> tssss ;)
[11:59] <mhr3> good enough... you're welcome ;P
[12:00] <didrocks> :p
[12:06] <didrocks> ok, logging out and back again
[12:10] <didrocks> mhr3: it works way better with the code :)
[12:10] <mhr3> didrocks, oh really? who would have guessed that :)
[12:10] <didrocks> mhr3: well, there is corner case that we could expect, but if you open the dash before datahub is loaded, the lenses are loaded and no result appear, even if you wait
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[12:11] <didrocks> even if you after close/reopen it
[12:11] <didrocks> you have to do a search again
[12:11] <mhr3> didrocks, that shouldn't really be the case
[12:11] <mhr3> the lenses should refresh when there's new data
[12:11] <didrocks> mhr3: hum, doesn't seem to be the case here
[12:11] <seb128> here neither, I noticed yesterday
[12:13] <didrocks> mhr3: anyway, not linked to -datahub, I'm uploading it
[12:13] <didrocks> nice work :)
[12:14] <mhr3> that's really weird, do we have a bug about that?
[12:14] <mhr3> i didn't see that here
[12:16] <didrocks> mhr3: not sure, what info would you need?
[12:16] <mhr3> the only explanation for that would be that the monitor is installed after the data is pushed by datahub, and the lens also requested the data before it was pushed
[12:16] <mhr3> ideally bustle log
[12:17] <didrocks> seb128: do you have time to test that, or maybe sil2100? ^ (I need to test other things for compiz)
[12:18] <seb128> didrocks, mhr3: I can give it a try, let me play with my guest session
[12:18] <mhr3> thx seb128
[12:18] * mhr3 goes get some food
[12:18] <didrocks> as my computer isn't powerful enough to have the guest session in addition to the normal one, it's easier if someone can switch back and for :)
[12:19] <seb128> didrocks, yeah, mine has no issue with starting a guess session and switching, I can easily get infos
[12:25] <seb128> could people there try if they get an icon for polkit dialogs?
[12:25] <seb128> like try opening software-properties from update-manager or unlock the user accounts panel in system settings
[12:25] <seb128> the alt-tab and launcher icons are empty for me
[12:31] <mdeslaur> seb128: WFM
[12:32] <didrocks> seb128: so at least 2 working, murphy's law! :)
[12:33] <seb128> ;-)
[12:33] * didrocks goes back with his nvidia card and white windows :p
[12:33] <seb128> it bugs in my session and in a guest session so that's 2 as well ;-)
[12:33] <didrocks> ahah
[12:33] <didrocks> well, done ;)
[12:43] <jdstrand> pitti: actually, chrisccoulson is doing the packaging for acroread these days. I'm not sure if it is worth the trouble though (912707)
[12:43] <chrisccoulson> yay me \o/
[12:43] <jdstrand> heh
[12:56] <Ursinha> pitti, hello! can I be assigned to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-bugs-bugs-bugs ?
[12:56] <Ursinha> I believe pedro isn't working on that anymore?..
[13:06] <pitti> jdstrand: ah, so feel free to reopen and reassign to acroread
[13:06] <pitti> Ursinha: sure, done; thanks
[13:07] <Ursinha> pitti, thanks!
[13:08] <jdstrand> done
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=== Guest74742 is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest67396
[13:42] <RAOF> kenvandine: Yo yo! Ping re: bug #726301 - is this fixed (or going to be fixed) in Precise?
[13:42] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 726301 in mission-control-5 "mission-control-5 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/726301
[13:43] <seb128> RAOF, hey, how are you? what are you doing online so late? ;-)
[13:43] <RAOF> seb128: It's not quite so late in Perth :)
[13:44] <RAOF> But, yeah, I will be heading to bed pretty soon.
[13:44] <seb128> right, my datetime indicator confirms that, I though it would be like 1pm for you ;-)
[13:46] <RAOF> ...in fact, I think I'm tired enough to head to bed now ☺.
[13:46] <kenvandine> RAOF, that should be in precise already
[13:46] <seb128> haha
[13:46] <seb128> RAOF, 'night!
[13:46] <pitti> RAOF: g'night!
[13:46] <seb128> kenvandine, hey, how are you?
[13:46] <RAOF> kenvandine: Ah, good. Next time I process the SRU queue I'll accept that one, then.
[13:47] <pitti> seb128: FYI, next time the retracer breaks, I'd like to try a new mode
[13:47] <kenvandine> RAOF, thx... that has been fixed in precise for months actually
[13:47] <pitti> seb128: ev contributed a change to speed up retracing by a factor of 4 or so
[13:47] <seb128> pitti, there is no such thing as a retracer issue
[13:47] <pitti> seb128: knocking on wood!
[13:47] <seb128> ;-)
[13:48] <kenvandine> hey seb128
[13:48] <pitti> seb128: actually, I'll just try it now
[13:48] <seb128> pitti, is that different from the fix listed in your upload yesterday?
[13:48] <pitti> seb128: yes
[13:48] <pitti> seb128: ev added a --sandbox-dir option to keep an unpackaged sandbox around
[13:49] <pitti> instead of rebuilding it for every bug
[13:49] <seb128> pitti, ok, well we are not in important need of any retrace right now so it's a good time to try optimization
[13:49] <pitti> and only unpack packages which were newly downloaded
[13:49] <seb128> pitti, it will be good to have retracers solid after unity 5.10 upload in case there are any new issue in that version
[13:49] <pitti> seb128: I didn't do that, as it's by and large "fast enough" for us, but for the crash db we need every bit of optimization
[13:49] <seb128> pitti, ok, seems good
[13:50] <pitti> seb128: hm, actually, I just think I found a flaw on this, darn
[13:50] <seb128> pitti, it doesn't clean old versions so cruft add over time but that shouldn't be an issue any time soon?
[13:50] <pitti> seb128: no, we can just wipe it every n days or so
[13:51] <pitti> seb128: it only unpacks debs which were actually newly downloaded, and it assumes that any package in the cache that it already has is already unpacked
[13:51] <seb128> ok
[13:51] <seb128> what's the flaw?
[13:51] <pitti> I was thinking, if we retrace a bug with foo version 2, then one with 1
[13:51] <pitti> and then one with version 2 again, it'll actually use the version 1 binary
[13:52] <pitti> as both are already cached
[13:52] <pitti> now, we don't actually support that properly yet, but there's a potential trap there
[13:52] * pitti ponders this more thoroughly
[13:52] <seb128> pitti, you would need a unpacked dir by distro serie I guess
[13:53] <pitti> it sounds like it could become a problem when two packages provide the same file and exclude each other
[13:53] <pitti> oh, we need that, too, yes
[13:56] <wigi> hi all
[13:56] <wigi> how are you?
[14:47] <ogra_> didrocks, i just committed a properly working gles2 patch to the branch, moving towards plugins now
[14:48] <ogra_> (just FYI)
[14:49] <didrocks> ogra_: excellent, thanks a lot!
[14:50] <smspillaz> ogra_: thanks :)
[14:51] <sil2100> ogra_: the c-p-m patch didn't work as well? Since it seemed to apply correctly
[14:53] <ogra_> sil2100, well, i wanrt to at least check it ... havent gotten to plugins at all yet
[14:53] <ogra_> theoretically it should be fine though
[15:01] <sil2100> ogra_: great ;)
[15:12] <mterry> pitti, heyo. I know you've looked at bug 405432 in the past. Any objection if I take the two patches from upstream in the bug? (they are from upstream, but not applied to trunk or reviewed by a second upstreamer). So many dups on that bug, I feel like we should do something
[15:12] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 405432 in gvfs "gvfsd-metadata crashed with SIGSEGV in copy_tree_to_builder()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/405432
[15:14] <pitti> mterry: no, of course not, that sounds fine
[15:14] <pitti> mterry: I want patches to be filed upstream, I don't think we need to block on getting them committed upstream in all cases
[15:14] <pitti> for new patches it makes sense to wait a day or two for upstream review, but that doesn't seem to be the case here
[15:14] <mterry> pitti, OK. You sounded like you wanted to wait on upstream comments in a previous bug is all. But they've had plenty of time to comment if they want :)
[15:15] <mterry> (in one of the dups I mean)
[15:15] <pitti> mterry: I can't actually look at the bug, it times out..
[15:15] <mterry> pitti, too many dups! :)
[15:16] <seb128> pitti, you can probably +text it
[15:18] <pitti> mterry: anyway, http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=186060 seems safe enough
[15:18] <mterry> pitti, the patch from the upstream dup? I was thinking of grabbing the two patches in upstream's master bug -- one to prevent crash and one to truncate the file if it's bogus
[15:19] <mterry> (just because they were written by a gvfs developer)
[15:19] <pitti> oh, sure
[15:20] * mterry goes to work
[15:20] <pitti> these seem good, too
[15:20] <pitti> mterry: perhaps you can follow up on teh upstream bug, saying that these got applied to Ubuntu
[15:20] <pitti> will give them a poke and keep them in the loop
[15:20] <mterry> yar
[15:31] <seb128> pitti, so, I'm about to do a glib upload ... did you have anything you can think about to include?
[15:31] <seb128> ^ or somebody else
[15:31] <seb128> pitti, and do I target proposed with it?
[15:32] <pitti> seb128: not from me; using -proposed now?
[15:32] <pitti> if you want, sure
[15:32] <seb128> pitti, well, it's aimed at precise, I was just wonder if we should use proposed as a build staging or not
[15:32] <pitti> yes, understood
[15:32] <pitti> certainly safer to use -proposed, you'll just lose the bug count
[15:33] <pitti> but if it's consolating, I lost one as well today by fixing bugs with syncs
[15:33] <pitti> (those don't seem to count either)
[15:33] <seb128> pitti, it's only 1 bug and yeah call it even with you sync then ;-)
[15:34] <pitti> perhaps bdmurray has fixed it since, not sure
[15:34] <pitti> since we asked, I mean
[15:34] * pitti watches our buildds steaming and sweating
[15:49] <glatzor> evening mvo and pitti. Sorry but I was disconnect yesterday (I have been on a train ride)
[15:50] <pitti> hey glatzor, wie gehts/
[15:51] <glatzor> pitti, thanks. supi, und dir selbst?
[15:51] <pitti> gut, danke! a bit tired today, but that'll pass
[15:51] <mvo> glatzor: yeah, I thnk I followed up in the bug
[16:09] <pitti> good night everyone!
[16:10] <seb128> pitti, 'night
[16:16] <chrisccoulson> hah, ruby just pointed at my screen with the brown pangolin wallpaper on and said "it looks a bit like a dinosaur"
[16:16] <chrisccoulson> it seems that everything looks like a dinosaur atm!
[16:18] <seb128> too much firefox around :p
[16:19] <seb128> or mozilla rather
[16:19] <chrisccoulson> heh
[16:20] <chrisccoulson> talking of firefox, who wants to volunteer to make firefox 12 work on powerpc? (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=691898)
[16:20] <ubot2> Mozilla bug 691898 in JavaScript Engine "Use YARR interpreter instead of PCRE on platforms where YARR JIT is not supported, since PCRE doesnt build" [Normal,Assigned: ]
[16:20] <chrisccoulson> it's not something i care about, and unless someone steps up to fix it, powerpc won't get the next update ;)
[16:21] <seb128> chrisccoulson, I just uploaded a glib gresource fix for big endian arch, that's as far as I will go for powerpc users :p
[16:21] <seb128> I'm surprised we got 3 reported of that issues, i.e 3 people running precise and nautilus on powerpc
[16:22] <chrisccoulson> all 3 powerpc users reported the bug?
[16:22] <chrisccoulson> wow!
[16:22] <chrisccoulson> :-)
[16:23] <BigWhale> fake accounts probably ;>
[16:25] <seb128> time for some exercice, be back in an hour
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[16:26] <sebI28> time for some beer, be back in an hour
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[16:26] <chrisccoulson> ;)
[16:26] <ogra_> LOL
[16:37] <didrocks> ogra_: getting some success on the compiz-plugins-main front? (I think you built it to confirm)
[16:37] <ogra_> didrocks, sorry i was in meetings until a moment ago
[16:38] <didrocks> no worry :)
[16:38] <ogra_> will get to the plugins soonish
[16:38] <didrocks> ogra_: I can send that to the ppa if you just wanted a build confirmation
[16:38] <didrocks> ogra_: as nothing really changed apart from some cherry-picks
[16:38] <ogra_> i can build it locally
[16:38] <didrocks> ok, you need heat at home? :p
[16:38] <ogra_> its arm ... no heat :)
[16:38] <didrocks> heh ;)
[16:39] <ogra_> nor any fans or other noise :)
[16:39] <ogra_> and everyone understands if you are slow :)
[16:39] * ogra_ likes working on arm
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[17:12] <didrocks> ogra_: keep me posted on your c-p-m build please, (even by email), I'll do some exercice now :)
[17:12] * didrocks will copy the binary to the unity-team ppa in 30 minutes, if people want to upgrade to it
[17:12] <didrocks> seb128: ^
[17:13] <didrocks> time for exercice, have a good evening everyone!
[17:32] <seb128> chrisccoulson, heh!!! ;-)
[17:35] <seb128> chrisccoulson, still there? my tb misbehave again!
[17:35] <seb128> jbicha, hey, did you see that your g-c-c proxy group fix has issues? if you fix it just commit to the vcs, didrocks plans an upload tomorrow
[17:38] <jbicha> seb128: I saw that it apparently didn't work, I think I forgot to log out of my test account when I tried testing my patch
[17:38] <jbicha> C isn't my strong point either
[17:41] <seb128> jbicha, no, I think it's because you check for one group and return if the check is false without checking for the second one
[17:41] <seb128> you probably want to check for group1 || group2 in th same check
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[18:58] <chrisccoulson> is it possible to use apport to report a bug against a PPA package? (in this case, compiz from the unity-team PPA)
[18:58] <chrisccoulson> i'm sure i've asked this before :/
[18:58] <cyphermox> pitti: hey
[18:59] <cyphermox> pitti: did you manage to find anything for gvfs re: bluetooth/obex browse after all?
[18:59] <chrisccoulson> oh
[18:59] <chrisccoulson> APPORT_DISABLE_DISTRO_CHECK ftw
[18:59] <cyphermox> chrisccoulson: cool.
[18:59] <chrisccoulson> well, grep ftw, actually :)
[19:07] <htorque> chrisccoulson: does this work with "ubuntu-bug"?
[19:09] <seb128> chrisccoulson, it should work out of the box? the unity,compiz apport hook should allow that
[19:15] <chrisccoulson> seb128, oh, it didn't work here :/
[19:15] <seb128> chrisccoulson, ok, maybe it's only for unity and not compiz
[19:16] <seb128> chrisccoulson, the unity hook has
[19:16] <seb128> # for install from the ppa
[19:16] <seb128> if not apport.packaging.is_distro_package(report['Package'].split()[0]):
[19:16] <seb128> report['CrashDB'] = 'unity'
[19:16] <seb128> seems the compiz one doesn't though
[19:18] <chrisccoulson> woohoo, finally got a compiz trace when undocking my laptop (bug 979251)
[19:18] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 979251 in compiz "Compiz hangs every time when undocking or changing display configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/979251
[19:18] <chrisccoulson> altough, i wonder if that one is a RAOF issue ;)
[19:20] <seb128> chrisccoulson, oh, that's compiz? can you switch to a vt when that happens?
[19:20] <chrisccoulson> seb128, sometimes, but not every time
[19:20] <seb128> chrisccoulson, it's weird that a compiz issue blocks vt change
[19:20] <chrisccoulson> yeah
[19:21] <seb128> chrisccoulson, no such issue with i.e unity2d?
[19:21] <chrisccoulson> seb128, no, it's only when running compiz
[19:21] <chrisccoulson> it also works if i log out back to the greeter
[19:21] <chrisccoulson> and then undock
[19:21] <seb128> ok, weird
[19:22] <seb128> does going to the greeter, ie changing user and undocking works?
[19:22] <seb128> or do you need to stop your compiz?
[19:22] <chrisccoulson> seb128, i'm not sure about that. i just log out atm when i want to undock
[19:22] <chrisccoulson> which is a bit of a pain :)
[19:23] <seb128> chrisccoulson, can you try to just try to change user and see if that's enough?
[19:23] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, will do in a bit
[19:23] <seb128> great, thanks
[19:29] * mterry is getting ready to murder gnome-keyring
[19:33] <chrisccoulson> just fixed a desktop bug, finally :)
[19:34] <seb128> mterry, I'm close to suggest turning the testsuit off ;-)
[19:34] <seb128> chrisccoulson, oh?
[19:38] <chrisccoulson> seb128, yeah, bug 917598
[19:38] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 917598 in gnome-settings-daemon "batterie low warning notification uses fallback dialog" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/917598
[19:38] <chrisccoulson> i think i found a memory leak as well
[19:38] <seb128> chrisccoulson, \o/
[20:26] <mterry> seb128, testing a gvfs upload with a bunch of similar quick fixes. :) Hopefully close out the top heat gvfs bugs
[20:26] <seb128> mterry, I saw you got busy duplicating stuff ;-)
[20:26] <mterry> seb128, but there are so many other 1-off gvfs bugs! thing is a quagmire
[20:26] <mterry> everything has a different stack
[20:27] <seb128> yeah, gvfs needs an active maintainer :-(
[20:27] <seb128> well maybe fixing the most common ones will by side effect fix some of the other ones
[20:27] <seb128> I'm also not sure how much of those are apport "noise"
[20:27] <seb128> like they are bugs, but I'm not sure how many are issues users really notice at use
[20:28] <seb128> compared to weird stuff happening at session closing or when connecting devices without using them
[20:28] <mterry> Yeah
[20:30] <mterry> tremolux, love the 'add-new-apps-to-launcher' bit of software-center
[20:31] <tremolux> mterry: ah, is the last bit released now??
[20:31] <tremolux> mterry: I gotta update today!!
[20:31] <mterry> tremolux, it's been working for a like a week now
[20:31] <tremolux> mterry: meaning, the animation
[20:31] <mterry> tremolux, oh! There's an animation?
[20:31] <tremolux> mterry: coming soon ;)
[20:31] <mterry> tremolux, no, I just noticed that they get added to the launcher at all
[20:31] <mterry> tremolux, give me bling!
[20:53] <mterry> tremolux, is it a known bug that purchased apps don't add themselves to the launcher?
[20:53] <tremolux> mterry: there is a bug for it, it only happens with some purchased apps
[20:53] <tremolux> mterry: hmm, should bump that one in priority
[20:53] <mterry> tremolux, k
[20:54] <tremolux> mterry: oh, from before, see bug 955147
[20:54] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 955147 in unity "[FFe, UIFe] New animation for adding launchers for newly installed applications" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/955147
[20:54] <tremolux> mterry: coming in unity 5.10!
[20:54] <mterry> heh
[20:54] <tremolux> mterry: BIlal Ahktar's work :D
[20:55] <tremolux> mterry: he's got a video of it in action, but I can't find where
[20:57] <tremolux> mterry: bug 925014 should be the one for the purchased items (even though this specifies previous purchases)
[20:57] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 925014 in software-center "Some previously purchase items are not being added to the Unity launcher" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/925014
[21:01] <tremolux> mterry: silly me, the link to the video is right in the bug report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6peOjOrcURA :)
[21:01] <tremolux> mterry: bling just for you!!!
[21:02] * mterry looks
[21:05] <mterry> tremolux, neat!
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[21:54] <diwic> quick question: what's the keyboard key for selecting a tab?
[21:54] <diwic> my mouse hang and I'm in the middle of testing something
[21:56] <diwic> hmm, now the arrow keys do work
[21:56] <diwic> I'm pretty certain they didn't before...
[22:07] <soren> diwic: Typically Alt-N where N is an integer from 1 to 9.
[22:07] <soren> diwic: Otherwise, Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDown should cycle through tabs.
[22:08] <diwic> soren, thanks; it seems to be working far from optimal here, but my 12.04 is a few days old, let me try updating it
[22:09] <soren> Oh, dear. It would suck if that broke.
[22:11] <diwic> soren, would those shortcuts require the tab control itself to have input focus? (i e not something inside the tab control)
[22:14] <Darxus> GTK 3.4.1, planned to be released a week from now, will go in precise-updates at some point? Any chance of enabling the wayland backend at that point? I'm hopeful that the non-cairo-gl dependent branch will be merged before the 3.4.1 release.
[22:15] <Darxus> And the patch to make GTK not completely fail when both the x11 and wayland backends are built has already been committed.
[22:18] <soren> diwic: No.
[22:38] <bschaefer> thumper, ping, if you have time could you re-review this branch?
[22:38] <bschaefer> https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/3v1n0-quick-alt+tab-fixes/+merge/100911
[22:40] <thumper> bschaefer: I'll try
[22:40] <thumper> I'm behind on my review thingies
[22:40] <thumper> they need to be finished today
[22:40] <thumper> bschaefer: it'll be SRU material now
[22:41] <thumper> but likely to go in
[22:42] <bschaefer> sweet
[22:42] <bschaefer> if it can make it in as an SRU then no need to rush
[22:42] <thumper> it isn't a visual change, just behavioural
[22:42] <thumper> so it should be OK
[22:43] <thumper> we are stabalising for release
[22:43] <thumper> so no more commits unless OMG critical
[22:43] <bschaefer> alright cool! Even valgrind ones?
[22:43] <thumper> even valgrind ones
[22:43] <thumper> unless they are leaks
[22:43] <thumper> I'd let leaks through
[22:43] <bschaefer> oo ok, I was just tracking an invalid read
[22:43] <thumper> most likely
[22:44] <thumper> depends on the impact
[22:44] <bschaefer> but of only size 4 and it only happens on init and it doesn't crash so no big
[22:44] <thumper> if the invalid read could lead to a crash, then that is important
[22:44] <thumper> if the invalid read could lead to a potential glitch in one frame
[22:44] <thumper> then not important enough
[22:44] <bschaefer> alright, Ill see if i can fix this. It happens when PanelMenuView first starts and calls GLibSignal::Disconnect() before anything is connected
[22:45] <bschaefer> but actually it can only happen after the signal is set up...
[22:45] <bschaefer> but ill try to track down memory leaks then :).