UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <BobJonkman> You here to get the ball rolling, dscassel?
[00:05] <BobJonkman> Roll call! kavurt johanbr 36DAA3TGU DarwinSurvivor FiReSTaRT pangolin azend mars khoover bilal KombuchaKip bregma cpbell Jeruvy lubotu1 egerlach dscassel mimcpher cyphermox zul Kulag jlamothe willwh sipherdee james_w jaguar- txwikinger
[00:06] <BobJonkman> agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-04-10
[00:06] <BobJonkman> 19:55
[00:08] <BobJonkman> By way of introduction, I'm Bob Jonkman, your temporary fill-in host for this evening's meeting
[00:08] <BobJonkman> I'm an Ubuntu enthusiast in Elmira, just north of Waterloo, ON
[00:10] <mimcpher> I'm mimcpher, and I run an Ubuntu mirror located in Waterloo, ON
[00:11] <BobJonkman> Hi there, mimcpher!
[00:11] <BobJonkman> Did you get your Ubuntu CDs replenished?
[00:11] <mimcpher> yeah, dscassel dropped off a stack
[00:12] <BobJonkman> Should be some fresh ones coming out in a few weeks
[00:13] <BobJonkman> Have I ever met you (mimcpher) at an Ubuntu Hour ?
[00:13] <mimcpher> Since I've never been to one, i'd assume No.
[00:13] <BobJonkman> :)
[00:14] <Lipeolive> Hi to all.
[00:14] <BobJonkman> There's two coming up in KW in short order: Last Friday's one was postponed for Good Friday, now being held on Friday the 13th.
[00:15] <BobJonkman> Hi Lipeolive: Glad you could make it
[00:15] <BobJonkman> Kitchener Ubuntu Hour: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1610/detail/
[00:16] <BobJonkman> Followed hot-on-the-heels by Waterloo's Ubuntu Hour, next week Wednesday: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1622/detail/
[00:16] <BobJonkman> There's another couple of Ubuntu Hours in Quebec listed on the Google calendar
[00:16] <mimcpher> Hmm, I might be able to hit the Wednesday one.
[00:17] <BobJonkman> Walking distance to UofW
[00:18] <BobJonkman> I'm curious if the two Ubuntu Hours on the calendar are still being held. Can anyone from Quebec verify?
[00:19] <BobJonkman> It'd be great to have a few more Ubuntu Hours across the country.
[00:19] <BobJonkman> All it takes is for someone to say "I'm having an Ubuntu Hour", then go hang out somewhere at a coffee shop, lunch counter or bar for an hour or so.
[00:20] <BobJonkman> If you promise to send him pictures, then dscassel will send you some original Ubuntu CDs to hand out.
[00:21] <mimcpher> Does anyone KW around have an Ubuntu banner or something?
=== fellipe is now known as lipeolive
[00:22] <BobJonkman> txwikinger has a banner
[00:22] <bilal> So, is the KW chapter officially the most active chapter of Ubuntu Canada? :)
[00:22] <BobJonkman> We got it for the GNU/Linuxfest in 2010, or maybe 2009
[00:22] <BobJonkman> It doesn't see much use
[00:23] <charm> Bob we should borrow it for SoftwareFreedomDay....
[00:23] <BobJonkman> Hi bilal! There's a pretty active chapter in Vancouver.
=== charm is now known as chaslinux
[00:23] <BobJonkman> Nice to see you, charm1
[00:23] <chaslinux> oops old nick
[00:23] <BobJonkman> And nice to see you too, chaslinux
[00:23] * BobJonkman will do anything to boost meeting attendance
[00:24] <BobJonkman> bilal: The Vancouver chapter has their own LoCo
[00:24] <chaslinux> We just need to plan more in advance and find some activities to make it more fun.
[00:24] <BobJonkman> As does Quebec
[00:25] <chaslinux> Maybe a computer smash... sledgehammer... but we might need to look into liability, etc...
[00:25] <BobJonkman> chaslinux: making Software Freedom Day more fun, you mean
[00:25] <bilal> BobJonkman: Yeah, I know that, and rrnwexec heads it I guess
[00:26] <BobJonkman> A computer smash does sound like fun.
[00:26] <BobJonkman> Can't get more free from computers than that
[00:27] <chaslinux> Printer smash maybe... we have a lot more printers and they're worth a whole lot less...
[00:27] <BobJonkman> chaslinux hosts this Friday's Ubuntu Hour, BTW...
[00:27] <BobJonkman> Speaking of fun...
[00:27] <BobJonkman> There be parties!
[00:28] <BobJonkman> Ubuntu Release Parties!
[00:28] <chaslinux> Yes, Friday the 13th... remind me tomorrow I should make a poster or something....
[00:29] <BobJonkman> The next Ubuntu Release is coming out on 26 April, and I hear genii-around is planning a party in Toronto that night
[00:30] <BobJonkman> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1659/detail/
[00:31] <BobJonkman> There was talk on the mailing list about another Toronto party, organized by Sammy Lao of FreeGeekToronto
[00:31] <BobJonkman> But this might be the same one.
[00:32] <BobJonkman> I'm planning on travelling to Toronto for that, leaving from Kitchener around 6:00pm. I'll have room in my car for two passengers, if anyone is interested.
[00:32] <chaslinux> What day of the week is that Bob?
[00:32] <mimcpher> I might want to attend.
[00:33] <BobJonkman> I think dscassel called dibs around 10:00am for one spot
[00:33] <chaslinux> hmmmn... so no party here??
[00:33] <BobJonkman> The Toronto party is on Thursday the 26th.
[00:34] <BobJonkman> There's a Kitchener party at Kwartzlab (the local hackerspace) on Saturday the 28th
[00:34] <BobJonkman> Starts at 2:00pm, doesn't end until dscassel throws me out
[00:35] <BobJonkman> Ubuntu Release Parties are only slightly more involved than Ubuntu Hours.
[00:36] <BobJonkman> You simply declare you're having one, find a venue, and invite hundreds of your best friends and strangers :-)
[00:37] <BobJonkman> Kwartzlab goes all out, with cake and devilled eggs and pizza, but it can be as simple as a couple of buddies sharing a single cup of coffee and asking "So what's a Pangolin anyway?"
[00:38] <BobJonkman> At Kwartzlab we'll have an installfest. Being a hackerspace there's lots of tech support
[00:38] <pangolin> Well, I'm a father of two and separated. I like Ubuntu and pasta. Pizza is top 5.
[00:38] <pangolin> :)
[00:39] * BobJonkman no longer wonders what a Pangolin might be...
[00:39] <BobJonkman> Hi pangolin!
[00:39] <pangolin> Glad i could clear that up
[00:39] <pangolin> hello BobJonkman and everybody!
[00:39] <bregma> I'll ask the usual question: are people running 12.04 yet?
[00:40] <mimcpher> I've got two systems running 12.04 so far.
[00:40] <pangolin> I have for about a month or so
[00:40] <mimcpher> upgrading the rest after exams.
[00:40] <BobJonkman> I have an aborted install on a semi-broken laptop. Doesn't count.
[00:41] <BobJonkman> I'll be upgrading three servers to Ubuntu 12.04 Server Edition, probably the Sunday after the release party
[00:43] <BobJonkman> If anyone else is planning a Release Party, or even if you have one at the last minute, let me know and I'll add it to the list at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca
[00:43] <BobJonkman> It's a short list, right now
[00:44] <BobJonkman> Having these events listed on the LoCo calendar is useful for ...
[00:44] <BobJonkman> LoCo Renewal!
[00:44] <BobJonkman> (which happens to be the next thing on the Agenda)
[00:45] <BobJonkman> dscassel was saying that we need to have Team Reports to help us qualify for renewal.
[00:45] <BobJonkman> The questions on the agenda are the ones I put there, so I don't know the answers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-04-10
[00:45] <chaslinux> Bob we should really have some always on machine in the shop dedicated to events, etc... kinda like the twitter ticker in @kwartzlab...
[00:46] <BobJonkman> That's a good idea.
[00:47] <BobJonkman> Keep an eye on the RSS feeds, the calendar events, the idle chatter in this room...
[00:47] <BobJonkman> :D
[00:47] <BobJonkman> Some of the renewal questions I was asking are:
[00:47] <BobJonkman> What is the deadline for renewal?
[00:48] <BobJonkman> What is the actual renewal process? Who has to push what paper?
[00:48] <BobJonkman> And do we have a volunteer to do Team Reports? dscassel is pretty full with Kwartzlab and other local stuff
[00:49] <chaslinux> We could make it a part of the new guy's duties (Ade is his name)... he's on a Trios placement so we have him for a couple of months at least.
[00:50] <BobJonkman> Yay! We have a volunteer!
[00:51] <BobJonkman> There's a guide to preparing Team Reports at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting/HowTo
[00:51] <BobJonkman> Team Reports need to be done back to November 2011. Most of the stuff can be taken from the LoCo calendar and old meeting minutes
[00:52] <BobJonkman> I was going to have a look at those pages, but if we have a warm body at Computer Recycling that'd be great!
[00:54] <BobJonkman> Finally, I was hoping txwikinger would be able to grant someone access to update http://ubuntu-ca.org
[00:54] <chaslinux> Hmmn... perhaps, not sure if he'll be capable since he has 0 Linux experience.
[00:55] <BobJonkman> The Team Reports are administratium.
[00:55] <BobJonkman> A bit of Wiki skills required. Learn those on the job.
[00:55] <chaslinux> Yeah, good for his resume too....
[00:55] <BobJonkman> No actual PC building or OS installation necessary for TeamReports.
[00:56] <chaslinux> But that's the fun part... ;-)
[00:56] <BobJonkman> Yeah, it's great resume material. "Contributed to the Canadian Local Community Ubuntu Team - here's a link..."
[00:57] <chaslinux> Well I need to stop looking at a screen... see you in the morning Bob.
[00:57] <chaslinux> Night all...
[00:57] <BobJonkman> So, if someone sees txwikinger... It would be good to have http://ubuntu-ca.org updated with the current release party info
[00:58] <BobJonkman> Good night chaslinux.
[00:58] <BobJonkman> And that just about concludes the meeting hour.
[00:58] <bilal> Thank you BobJonkman for chairing!
[00:59] <BobJonkman> You're welcome1
[00:59] <BobJonkman> !
[00:59] <BobJonkman> Hope to see you at one of the local Ubuntu Hours
[00:59] <BobJonkman> Or the Release Party for sure!
[00:59] <bilal> Kinda unlikely since I'm really busy for most of the day, either on school work or Canonical work
[01:00] <bilal> But yeah, would be great!
[01:00] * bilal might come to the release party
[01:01] <BobJonkman> Yay!
[01:02] <willwh> hi guys sorry am late
[01:02] <willwh> :)
[01:02] <willwh> I am also running 12.04
[01:02] <willwh> on the laptop and some VMs at work
[01:02] <BobJonkman> Hi willwh. We've just wrapped up
[01:03] <willwh> it PWNS my laptop battery compared to lubuntu 11.10
[01:03] <willwh> my lappy is a little older but the power draw jump is quite considerable
[01:03] <willwh> but I am running ubuntu 12.04 - so they are a bit different :)
[01:03] <BobJonkman> You'll be able to catch up at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/04/11/%23ubuntu-ca.html as soon as the bot catches up
[01:04] <willwh> 24/7 irssi ftw
[01:04] <willwh> I never miss a beat
[01:04] <BobJonkman> 12.04 is worse for power?
[01:04] <willwh> and I drop parts and joins
[01:04] <willwh> BobJonkman: well, this is a bit of a bad comparison
[01:04] <BobJonkman> That's too bad. My laptop isn't getting any younger
[01:04] <willwh> Lubuntu 11.10 vs Ubuntu 12.04
[01:05] <willwh> and it's an old 8 cell battery
[01:05] <willwh> from a full charge lubuntu would get about 40mins
[01:05] <willwh> under 12.04 I get 14
[01:05] <willwh> lol
=== BobJonkman changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Channel logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings | Next meeting 8 May 5:00pm PDT, 8:00pm EDT, 9:30pm NDT
[15:08] <s-fox> Bonjour
[15:09] <s-fox> Ou est starcraftman? :(
[15:11] <s-fox> o/ johanbr