UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /11 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] <bdmurray> jibel: did you end up testing bug 946709?
[00:04] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 946709 in update-manager "Upgrade 11.10 ->12.04 fails with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for libnih1, probably a dependency cycle."" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/946709
[00:46] <candtalan> astraljava: 'b43.blacklist=yes' for the boot param (Dell inspiron 1300) was needed even after updates, however when I installed firmware-b43-installer from ubuntu software centre it re booted normally! can I add something to the 'bug' report maybe?
[00:48] <astraljava> candtalan: Yes, you left before I managed to type that out correctly. :) There hasn't been a fix to the issue, but that's the workaround advertised. You could hit the 'affects me' button/link/whathaveyou on LP bug #956677
[00:48] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 956677 in casper "Live CD boot fails, b43 error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/956677
[00:49] <astraljava> Although, I wonder why it's set as a casper bug. Oh well *shrug*
[00:49] <candtalan> ok sorry. (way past my bed time...) I will go to 956677 and thanks
[00:50] <astraljava> NO worries, and thanks for helping ubuntu get better. :)
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[04:37] <astraljava> jibel: Could you take off the Studio alternate links from precise dailies in the tracker? They're just possibly confusing drive-by testers, as no image has been rolled since late January. Thanks!
[04:45] <thumper> can I please get someone to look at bug 954736?
[04:45] <thumper> particularly to make it public if possible
[05:30] <astraljava> oops: Preparing to replace libreoffice-core 1:3.5.1-1ubuntu5 (using .../libreoffice-core_1%3a3.5.2-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
[05:30] <astraljava> dpkg-deb (subprocess): data: internal bzip2 read error: 'DATA_ERROR'
[05:31] <astraljava> Anyone up who's up to par with this latest upload?
[05:31] <micahg> astraljava: sounds like a local issue
[05:32] * micahg gives this a try
[05:32] <astraljava> micahg: Further reading: http://paste.ubuntu.com/924365/
[05:33] <micahg> seems like a bad download
[05:33] <astraljava> Ok, I'll purge and re-download.
[05:34] * micahg is trying an upgrade now to confirm
[05:35] <astraljava> micahg: Yep, works now, thanks.
[05:36] <micahg> astraljava: can you file a bug against dpkg to recover a little better from that (might already be a bug for it)
[05:37] <astraljava> micahg: Of course.
[05:38] <micahg> thanks
[05:46] <astraljava> micahg: bug #978587
[05:46] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 978587 in dpkg "dpkg should recover more gracefully from decompressing errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/978587
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[07:30] <jibel> astraljava, ack. looking
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[14:26] <ersi> I'd like to point out that 2012-03-14 as already passed, ie. the time for previous Bug Squad meeting (It's in the topic) :-)
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[15:33] <Streamstormer> Hello, can somebody take a look at this Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/978920
[15:33] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 978920 in ndiswrapper "BUILT_MODULE_NAME[#] required if linux-headers-* is installed/updated after the ndiswrapper-dkms package" [Undecided,New]
[15:38] <hggdh> hum. And the next next meeting already passed in the Wiki
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[16:55] <krnekhelesh> I have a question, if a bug reported upstream and in ubuntu get fixed first upstream...does the update trickle down to ubuntu automatically
[16:56] <krnekhelesh> or does it have to be merged into ubuntu as well?
[16:56] <krnekhelesh> I am referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/976624
[16:56] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 976624 in totem "Add support for keywords" [Undecided,In progress]
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[17:01] <ersi> krnekhelesh: If it's been long enough, it'll be automatically synced from Debian when the next cycle/window opens (If the fix comes to Debian Unstable that is)
[17:02] <ersi> If it's after a release cycle freeze, there have to be a release person manager sir/madam who gives it a Freeze Exception to get merged/worked into the current cycle
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[17:03] <ersi> If you're interested and can hang on, I can go get the documentation on how the whole package eco system works
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[17:04] <krnekhelesh> ersi, sure I'll to see the documentation
[17:04] <krnekhelesh> it is mostly a backend fix...no changes in the interface or anything
[17:05] <ersi> I'll give you a nudge with the link if I find it - maybe doesn't explain this current scenario perfectly, but might still be interesting :)
[17:06] <krnekhelesh> ok
[18:50] <Guest76264> bdmurray: did we skip the meeting today?
[18:50] <Guest76264> gah, I've got to fix my nick
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[19:03] <krnekhelesh> can someone give this bug high priority? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/931982
[19:03] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 931982 in unity "Ubuntu 12.04 Launcher too slow on showing with autohide enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:06] <s9iper1> sure high ?
[19:06] <krnekhelesh> s9iper1, it affects the functionality of the launcher - an important component of Unity..
[19:07] <s9iper1> sorry i can not set its imp bec its reported in upstrem
[19:08] <krnekhelesh> you mean ayatana-team?
[19:10] <s9iper1> yes
[19:37] <krnekhelesh> can somebody have a look at this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/965643
[19:37] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 965643 in compiz "Unity 5.8: auto-hide using mouse reveals launcher inconsistently" [Undecided,New]
[19:37] <krnekhelesh> I am unable to confirm since I think it is not exactly valid..however it better to get another person's opinion before marking it invalid
[19:39] <krnekhelesh> also could someone mark this bug as medium priority https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/972542
[19:39] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 972542 in unity "Alt+F2 does not allow to run "app" if "app-something" is present too (e.g. totem)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:43] <seb128> krnekhelesh, that's a duplicate of bug #842108
[19:43] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 842108 in unity-lens-applications "run command (alt+F2): results do not contain the exact match" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/842108
[19:45] <krnekhelesh> seb128, thnx...I will mark it duplicate then
[19:45] <seb128> krnekhelesh, yw
[19:46] <seb128> thanks for triaging ;-)
[19:46] <krnekhelesh> seb128, can I interest you in 1 more bug report whose priority needs to be set?
[19:46] <krnekhelesh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/975869
[19:46] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 975869 in unity "The Unity is not in sync with the automatic wallpaper changes" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[19:49] <krnekhelesh> it needs a medium or high priority
[19:49] <hggdh> krnekhelesh: this is also an upstream bug
[19:49] <seb128> krnekhelesh, I set it to low, it's transient, not the default and most people don't use animated wallpapers
[19:49] <krnekhelesh> hggdh, upstream? do you mean it has been reported before?
[19:50] <krnekhelesh> seb128, thnx a lot
[19:50] <hggdh> krnekhelesh: no, it was not reported for Ubuntu
[19:50] <krnekhelesh> hggdh, oh ok, in that case I will try to also attach that upstream bug...
[19:50] <hggdh> but for UNity (upstream).
[19:51] <seb128> hggdh, krnekhelesh: it's correctly triaged, nothing need to be changed
[19:51] <krnekhelesh> do you remember which package it was reported against?
[19:51] <krnekhelesh> oh ok
[19:51] <hggdh> krnekhelesh: in general, the folks here can only work with Ubuntu bugs (bugs that show '(Ubuntu)' after the name
[19:51] <seb128> hggdh, well for unity dx works with unity upstream components
[19:52] <seb128> but yeah, unity issues are probably better discussed on #ubuntu-unity
[19:52] <hggdh> seb128: yes, but dx (and you) are a special case, not the general one
[19:52] <hggdh> heh
[19:52] <seb128> hggdh, cf what I just said ;-)
[19:52] <krnekhelesh> hggdh, ok I understand...
[19:52] <hggdh> seb128: we we typing at the same time :-)
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[22:36] <thomi> Hi, I'm able to get unity to crash with the latest unity packages, but apport/whoopsie never reports the bug. Is there anything I can do to diagnose why that might be?
[22:37] <lifeless> well, whoopsie may already know about it
[22:37] <lifeless> its part of the design AIUI to not file new bugs once we have a crash for it
[22:37] <lifeless> whoopsie talks to daisy, and daisy is not a bug tracker
[22:42] <htrex> hello
[22:43] <htrex> I need an hand to identify a source package for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/954021
[22:43] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 954021 in ubuntu "composited desktop environments wont autoload from gdm/lightdm when using i915" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[22:44] <htrex> Unity 3d wont start at boot when using Intel integrated GPU
[22:45] <htrex> while it works well with AMD discrete GPU