UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /11 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
[04:32] <wxl> do we have a guide for installing wifi drivers and such? i.e. figuring out what you have and where to get it and blah blah blah
[04:34] <Unit193> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs has a ton, not sure how much is good.
[04:34] <Unit193> I think jockey will even pick up some if you have ethernet plugged in.
[04:34] <wxl> yeah that's the problem-- no ethernet
[04:34] <wxl> so i'm advising someone to just go download it on another computer
[04:35] <wxl> i should probably offer the link for installing software from offline
[05:06] <TheCheggs> i know this is more then likely a stupid question but have you guys heard of lxmed?
[10:14] <hosoka> hello all
[10:14] <hosoka> I need assistance to install HP Lip
[10:14] <hosoka> it tells me There are 7 missing REQUIRED dependencies
[10:15] <hosoka> is there any one ?
[10:16] <bioterror> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne
[10:17] <hosoka> thanks
[10:17] <hosoka> does this support any model HP ?
[10:17] <hosoka> I have a HP Deskjet 930C
[10:17] <hosoka> and then I came out at hplip-3.12.2
[10:20] <bioterror> http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/deskjet/deskjet_930c.html
[10:21] <hosoka> I have tried your link at first it gaves me this
[10:21] <hosoka> Qt/PyQt 4 initialization failed
[10:24] <hosoka> I found the solution
[10:25] <hosoka> I needed to remove the driver again and reinstall through the existing printer setup that comes by default
[10:25] <hosoka> thanks and bye
[10:25] <Skater-AOA150> I'm having some trouble getting Samba to work :\
[10:26] <bioterror> Skater-AOA150, what's your problem?
[10:26] <Skater-AOA150> When installing it, it's giving me an error
[10:26] <bioterror> and the error is?
[10:26] <Skater-AOA150> i'll copy it
[10:27] <Skater-AOA150> http://pastebin.com/DjD8pfWw
[10:28] <bioterror> looks weird
[10:28] <Skater-AOA150> yeah, i know.
[10:29] <bioterror> is there a reason why you prefer using "samba4" instead of just samba?
[10:30] <Skater-AOA150> samba was acting up...
[10:30] <Skater-AOA150> and dang it... Readonly filesystem... :\
[10:30] <bioterror> well
[10:30] <bioterror> that samba4 tells you to remove your smb.conf
[10:30] <bioterror> if you noticed
[10:31] <bioterror> ProvisioningError: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf. Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it
[10:31] <bioterror> you did not apt-get purge your samba?
[10:31] <Skater-AOA150> yeah
[10:31] <Skater-AOA150> brb gotta get out of this Read-only file system
[10:33] <Skater_2015> crap... looks like i'm gonna have to do a reinstallation.
[10:33] <bioterror> :D
[10:33] <Skater_2015> Btw it's skater-aoa150.
[10:34] <bioterror> I suggest
[10:34] <bioterror> you boot into live media
[10:34] <bioterror> and you run fsck for your hard drive
[10:34] <bioterror> or what ever it is
[10:34] <bioterror> might get fixed
[10:34] <Skater_2015> yeah
[10:34] <Skater_2015> I know that drive's pretty flaky.
[10:36] <Skater_2015> but the worst part is i gotta tear the whole computer apart just to get to the drive
[10:39] <Skater_2015> :\ CRAP...
[10:40] <Skater_2015> The partition Lubuntu was installed on was ext4, now it's Unknown... :\
[11:04] <morri> You know , I learnt one thing- My problem with Banshee that occurred yesterday definitely must have soemthing to do with the internet connection of banshee
[11:04] <morri> While my internet was off (happens sometimes for 5 min) I put banshee on, and disabled the Internet related functions
[11:04] <morri> it is working fine like that, so the bug must be somewhere in there
[11:20] <Llywelyn> hello :) i have a very short question: do you think that I can install lubuntu on my machine ? (PII @ 300mhz, 200Mb ram, 8Mb GC)
[11:20] <morri> yes
[11:20] <morri> not sure but I#ll just try it
[11:20] <morri> i have a pentium 3
[11:20] <morri> and runs fine
[11:20] <Llywelyn> what is its frequency ?
[11:20] <morri> 1000mhz
[11:21] <pAt_> I am not quite sure about the RAM, maybe you have to use the minimal iso
[11:22] <Llywelyn> thank you :)
[11:22] <morri> llywelyn other wise this might be something for you colibri os
[11:23] <Llywelyn> well I already run Debian and W2K
[11:23] <Llywelyn> however I have driver issues with debian
[11:23] <Llywelyn> (w/ my GC, SiS 6326)
[11:25] <Llywelyn> will try lubuntu right now, thank you guys :)
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[14:39] <Mabo111> ciao a tutti
[14:39] <bioterror> englis please ;)
[14:39] <bioterror> otherwise:
[14:39] <bioterror> !it
[14:39] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)
[14:40] <Mabo111> thanks a lot
[15:02] <Drunk> Does Redshift work with Lubuntu and LXDE?
[15:04] <bioterror> we use GTK
[15:04] <bioterror> hard to say
[15:05] <bioterror> try it out :D
[15:06] <Drunk> Yeah, it didn't work.
[15:06] <Drunk> Might try f.lux, instead, even though that's in itself hasn't been very good in the past.
[16:36] <ryan_moore> hey everyone
[16:36] <ryan_moore> i'm a complete newbie lubuntu. i just installed it on a donated Acer extensa 4620z. I have a couple questions if anyones available to give me a hand
[16:38] <OldManShoes> What's up?
[16:40] <ryan_moore> Well in organizing my taskbar it seems I've deleted the "power off" icon from the far right. I know this isn't a huge deal because I can logoff from the menu, but I liked having it there. I looked for it in the Application Launch Bar options but it wasn't there.
[16:41] <OldManShoes> It's an application launch bar applet that you can edit in the panel settings to be just the power button.
[16:42] <bioterror> hands up who wants to make a FAQ about returning that button back to lxpanel
[16:42] <ryan_moore> Ack. I can't seem to find it on the available applications list anywhere
[16:42] <OldManShoes> Yeah I can't either, but it sounds like bioterror knows :P
[16:43] <ryan_moore> This is what I get for not just leaving well enough alone hah
[16:43] <bioterror> as a reward he will get lots of appreciation and our endless respect for doing it
[16:43] <bioterror> and he will be treated like a king among the newcomers
[16:43] <OldManShoes> How about a kind of awesome dude instead of king?
[16:44] <bioterror> that also, he will be nominated as the "awesome dude", like Big Lebowski
[16:44] <bioterror> oeh noe! I removed that button now
[16:44] <OldManShoes> So, where in the applications list is the Shutdown option then Mr. Big Lebowski?
[16:44] <ryan_moore> Oh great
[16:45] <OldManShoes> I'm curious because usually I can find stuff and I am stumped now
[16:46] <ryan_moore> Is there anyway to just kill my panels and "refresh" it somehow? To bring back the standard one?
[16:46] <bioterror> yes
[16:46] <bioterror> actually!
[16:46] <bioterror> hahaha
[16:46] <bioterror> you can copy & paste that stuff into there
[16:47] <bioterror> damn, I need my another laptop
[16:47] <bioterror> wait a sec!
[16:49] <ryan_moore> Well, at least I have a good "How I started out using Lubuntu" story now
[16:49] <OldManShoes> Hehe
[16:49] <bioterror> wife has put it some where
[16:49] <ryan_moore> "I removed my power button and nobody on the irc channel had any clue what to do because they were all intelligent enough not to delete theirs"
[16:49] <ryan_moore> haha
[16:50] <bioterror> ryan_moore, something like that
[16:50] <bioterror> if you can wait 5 or 10 minutes
[16:50] <bioterror> I will solve this problem to you
[16:50] <OldManShoes> Isn't that what using Linux is all about though? Doing something because you can and then trying to fix it?
[16:50] <bioterror> and make a FAQ about it when I put kids into bed
[16:50] <ryan_moore> Sure. I'm in no rush. Trying to figure out what I need to do to optimize my system for low latency audio recording right now
[16:50] <bioterror> ryan_moore, you want that kernel
[16:51] <ryan_moore> I looked for the rt-kernel in Synaptic and it didn't even come up as an option.
[16:51] <ryan_moore> So I'm assuming 11.10 just comes with it?
[16:54] <bioterror> are you ready?
[16:55] <bioterror> you need to open a terminal
[16:55] <ryan_moore> I'm ready
[16:55] <bioterror> then edit file ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel
[16:55] <bioterror> go to the bottom of the file
[16:56] <bioterror> http://paste.ubuntu.com/925136/ and paste that stuff to the bottom
[16:56] <bioterror> then
[16:56] <bioterror> alt+f2
[16:56] <bioterror> killall lxpanel
[16:56] <bioterror> use that open terminal
[16:56] <bioterror> and run command: lxpanel -p Lubuntu &
[16:57] <ryan_moore> what would be the command to open/edit that first file?
[16:57] <bioterror> leafpad for example
[16:57] <ryan_moore> ok
[16:59] <bioterror> I've nagged that "run program" thing in alt+f2 should not be part of the lxpanel
[16:59] <bioterror> but I speak to the deaf ears
[17:00] <bioterror> wonder why I prefer gmrun instead of "lxpanelctl run"
[17:03] <ryan_moore> Tada
[17:04] <ryan_moore> Awesome. Thanks so much!
[17:04] <bioterror> np
[17:04] <bioterror> and you saved your configurations
[17:04] <bioterror> as I'm running 12.04 with 11.10 theme ;)
[17:05] <ryan_moore> I need to take a look at some screenshots of other peoples desktops. Trying to optimize my workflow and I know what I want but not where I want it.
[17:05] <Maximoto> me too
[17:10] <bioterror> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Revert_power.2BAC8-logout_button_back_to_LXpanel
[17:10] <bioterror> there you go
[17:10] <bioterror> next time someone has this issue, you can point him to that ;)
[17:13] <ryan_moore> Thanks bioterror
[17:36] <Maximoto> what are some good lightweight browsers to use
[17:36] <bioterror> midori
[17:37] <Unit193> Midori, arora, xxxterm.
[17:37] <bioterror> the ones with "features"
[17:37] <bioterror> ofcourse you can view pages with telnet too
[17:37] <Unit193> uzbl if you use vim. :P
[17:37] <Unit193> w3m?
[17:39] <bioterror> xxxterm if you use wim
[17:40] <Maximoto> w3m doesn't work
[17:40] <bioterror> w3m was outed by links / elinks
[17:40] <bioterror> ousted
[17:40] <bioterror> lynx still hangs there!
[17:41] <Maximoto> lynx isn't available
[17:42] <Unit193> Sure it works, but good to know about it being outdated.
[17:46] <Maximoto> any of them use less memory
[17:50] <Maximoto> unit193: out of the ones you have mention which one is very very lightweight
[17:52] <Unit193> I'd think elinks/links since it is terminal based.
[17:55] <Maximoto> the browser runs in the terminal
[17:55] <bioterror> which is awesome!
[17:56] <Maximoto> whats the browser name? is it elinks or links
[17:56] <bioterror> http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/links
[17:57] <bioterror> http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/elinks
[17:57] <Maximoto> oh thanks
[17:57] <bioterror> http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/links2
[17:57] <bioterror> links2 can do GTK!
[17:58] <Maximoto> got to jet
[18:15] <Maximoto> what does this mean when using the terminal install applications
[18:15] <Maximoto> "dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
[18:15] <Maximoto> fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
[18:15] <Maximoto> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
[18:15] <Maximoto> "
[18:16] <bioterror> sounds weird
[18:16] <bioterror> why fork cant allocate memory
[18:16] <Maximoto> what i don't know
[18:16] <bioterror> can you pastebin us command: free -m
[18:17] <Maximoto> sure
[18:18] <Maximoto> only 101 :(
[18:18] <smile> Maximoto: :(
[18:19] <Maximoto> used 99 :(
[18:19] <Maximoto> 2 free :D :(
[18:20] <bioterror> Maximoto, you have only 2MB of Free RAM?
[18:20] <Maximoto> yes sad isn't it :d
[18:20] <bioterror> that could be the problem
[18:20] <bioterror> do you have a swap partition?
[18:20] <Maximoto> no
[18:21] <bioterror> :D
[18:21] <bioterror> I rest my case
[18:21] <Maximoto> well need to free up more memory
[18:24] <smile> Maximoto: or launch Slitaz ;) booted with 34 MB RAM here :D
[18:26] <Maximoto> launch slitaz... what's that
[18:26] <bioterror> Maximoto, http://www.slitaz.org/en/#d20120410
[18:27] <Maximoto> cant you explain
[18:32] <smile> bye! :)
[19:18] <pAt_> I have exactly this problem I have: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3468295&group_id=180858&atid=894869
[19:19] <pAt_> It was already reported on 1st January. Has anyone an idea when it will be solved?
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[19:56] <genmail1977> hi all, I've just updated (aftersomeweeks) my lubuntu packages and now when I use chrome I'm unable to see videos on youtube (missing plug-in). I tried to reinstall adobe flash player, but no success...any help? :'(
[19:57] <genmail1977> (it also often pops up that shockwave flash stopped working)
[19:57] <bioterror> are you using flashplugin-installer?
[19:57] <genmail1977> before the update everything was fine
[19:57] <Unit193> Open a terminal and type dpkg -l |grep flash and pastebin or say what's in there, if it's anything other than adobe-flashplugin you should puirge and install that one.
[19:57] <genmail1977> I installed that package
[19:58] <bioterror> Unit193, also partner repository?
[19:58] <Unit193> bioterror: I shouldn't assume they have it should I? :/
[19:58] <bioterror> :D
[19:59] <genmail1977> andrea@andrea-Amilo-A-Series:~$ dpkg -l |grep flash
[19:59] <genmail1977> ii adobe-flash-properties-gtk GTK+ control panel for Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
[19:59] <genmail1977> ii adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11
[19:59] <genmail1977> rc flashplugin-installer Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
[19:59] <bioterror> nice
[19:59] <bioterror> wonder why it's messed up
[19:59] <Unit193> Have to purge -installer.
[19:59] <bioterror> sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer
[20:00] <bioterror> and restart your chromium
[20:00] <genmail1977> ok, thx :)
[20:00] <Unit193> Other fix is to install Chrome.
[20:00] <bioterror> :D
[20:00] <bioterror> and sell your soul to the devil himself
[20:01] <Unit193> Sorry, google owns it, I'd have to get it back first.
[20:01] <Unit193> Or forget about flash, that'll work as well. Flash has been a problem as of late.
[20:02] <genmail1977> restarted, it doesn't work
[20:02] <bioterror> I have couple of friends who doesnt use flash at all
[20:03] <genmail1977> any other hint?
[20:03] <bioterror> well as you stated
[20:03] <bioterror> on youtube
[20:03] <bioterror> use the youtube.com/html5 ;)
[20:04] <genmail1977> worth trying :)
[20:05] <genmail1977> no way :'(
[20:05] <bioterror> html5 youtube works flawwlessly
[20:06] <genmail1977> it still writes missing plug-in
[20:10] <bioterror> I joined the html5 beta
[20:10] <genmail1977> I think now it's worth installing firefox...
[20:10] <bioterror> removed my adobe-flashplugin*
[20:10] <bioterror> restarted browser
[20:10] <bioterror> like quit it
[20:10] <bioterror> and run it again
[20:10] <bioterror> and youtube works without a problem
[20:11] <genmail1977> I see this solves the problem with youtube
[20:11] <bioterror> yeah, I have to watch my pr0n from the tv, instead of website ;D
[20:11] <genmail1977> but still in many other sites it keeps up popping this fastidious missing plugin message
[20:11] <genmail1977> thanks God can have it for real at home ;)
[20:14] <pAt_> ping iceroot
[20:22] <bioterror> pAt, can someone else assist you on something?
[20:23] <bioterror> genmail1977, but after all, that flash has been quite a PITA
[20:23] <bioterror> for the last two weeks or so
[20:23] <pAt> yeah maybe bioterror, but Michael was involved in that issue, I am talking about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/906825
[20:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 906825 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "[11.10 - 12.04] lxpanel crashing randomly. High CPU-Load nothing is clickable correctly. Redraw fails" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[20:24] <pAt> It was discussed in January/February, but it still seems not be solved yet, as I experience this issue dayly
[20:24] <genmail1977> bioterror, yeah, wwll...in this case maybe it's better just see what happens
[20:25] <genmail1977> I googled around and saw it's quite a mess
[20:29] <thorbjorn_> hi I am havin a problem with transmission on my freshly installed Lubuntu. When I hit a magnetic torrentlink I just get another tab on chromium opened.
[20:29] <thorbjorn_> Anybody who has experience with this?
[20:29] <bioterror> xdg is failing
[20:30] <thorbjorn_> I am not sure what xdg is?
[20:32] <bioterror> "Unlike Firefox, Chromium does not maintain its own database of mimetype-to-application associations. Instead, it relies on Xdg-open to open files and other mime types, for example, magnet links."
[20:32] <bioterror> from one wiki
[20:35] <thorbjorn_> ah thanks i tried to google myself but did not get so far
[20:37] <bioterror> xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop application/x-bittorrent x-scheme-handler/magnet
[20:37] <kanliot> thorbjorn i actually have the same problem
[20:38] <kanliot> i've filed a bug on xdg-open
[20:38] <kanliot> i can look it up if you like
[20:38] <bioterror> I just pasted solution
[20:38] <kanliot> if it works i'm gonna add it to the wiki
[20:39] <bioterror> hmmm
[20:39] <thorbjorn_> I found this threadhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1684957
[20:39] <kanliot> bio, it didn't work
[20:40] <bioterror> seems so
[20:40] <thorbjorn_> ok, my thread is for gnome apparently
[20:41] <bioterror> hahaa!
[20:45] <bioterror> % grep -i transmission-gtk ~/.local/share/applications/*
[20:45] <bioterror> application/x-bittorrent=transmission-gtk.desktop
[20:45] <bioterror> x-scheme-handler/magnet=transmission-gtk.desktop
[20:45] <bioterror> that should be correct, right?
[20:46] <bioterror> kanliot, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/932472 found this one ;)
[20:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 932472 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-open does not seem to handle magnet links" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[20:48] <thorbjorn_> Ok, a bit low tech but still, if one right clicks on the link one can get the adress, and then manually copy it in to the torrentclient
[20:49] <bioterror> http://www.void.gr/kargig/blog/2012/01/24/open-magnet-urls-with-xdg-open/
[20:49] <bioterror> that's dirty ! ;D
[20:50] <kanliot> really IMHO ubuntu needs a little something to automate file associations
[21:01] <herpy> Lubuntu will not run alien arena
[21:03] <bioterror> kanliot, damn, still no luck
[21:04] <bioterror> herpy, doesnt tell us much
[21:05] <kanliot> you probably need to debug the xdg-open script
[21:05] <kanliot> it's a bash script right?
[21:05] <bioterror> it's crap :D
[21:05] <bioterror> honestly
[21:05] <herpy> HEre is the error message terminal gives me
[21:05] <herpy> ln: creating symbolic link `/home/herpy/.config/alien-arena/data1': Permission denied
[21:05] <herpy> using /home/herpy/.config/alien-arena/arena for writing
[21:05] <herpy> Could not exec default.cfg
[21:05] <herpy> Could not exec config.cfg
[21:05] <herpy> Console initialized.
[21:05] <herpy> --------- [Loading Renderer] ---------
[21:05] <herpy> Master server at
[21:05] <herpy> Sending shutdown to
[21:05] <bioterror> oh dear
[21:05] <herpy> recursive shutdown
[21:05] <herpy> Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx
[21:05] <kanliot> did you sudo make intslla?
[21:05] <herpy> I installed it via lubuntu software center
[21:06] <kanliot> really i shouldn't guess
[21:06] <bioterror> permission denied sounds great
[21:06] <bioterror> not gonna install 438MB of archives totallin 936MB of game on this laptop
[21:06] <kanliot> no idea
[21:07] <kanliot> i guess i can try it
[21:07] <kanliot> what's the package name?
[21:07] <bioterror> alien-arena
[21:07] <bioterror> is your apt-cache broken?-)
[21:07] <herpy> hold on
[21:07] <kanliot> calm down
[21:07] <kanliot> :)
[21:08] <kanliot> no its not but
[21:10] <bioterror> kanliot, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47172
[21:11] <ubottu> Freedesktop bug 47172 in xdg-utils "xdg-open can't open torrent magnet links in xfce" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[21:12] <kanliot> hmm what version of xdg-open is that patch 4?
[21:12] <kanliot> or am I being phobic again
[21:14] <bioterror> sounds like xdg-open does not read the mimetypes?
[21:14] <kanliot> yeah
[21:15] <kanliot> being a bash script that runs grep on the stuff, it doesn't read them
[21:15] <kanliot> but i could be wrong (TM)
[21:17] <bioterror> maybe I should backup my xdg-open before I start to stab it :D
[21:32] <kanliot> thorbjorn
[21:33] <kanliot> u there?
[21:35] <bioterror> I'm going to ponder this magnetic link tomorrow more
[21:38] <kanliot> am i the only person here that doesn't like the openbox window animation in precise?
[21:39] <herpy> brb getting some KFC