UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /11 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <MacSeal> [
[00:09] <MacSeal> rimane il fatto che i negri sono inferiori, lo dice l'evoluzione
=== ybit is now known as fiddlybits
=== fiddlybits is now known as ybit
[06:14] <jussi> Riddell: ROCK ON!
[06:24] <ybit> Riddell: I've already joined you, what more do you want from me! ;)
=== jussi changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: (Blue) Friendly Computing | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | package: soprano 2.7.5
[06:29] <jussi> :)
[07:27] <Riddell> Mamarok, jussi, ybit: thanks :)
[08:17] <bambee> Riddell: wow, that's a good new for kubuntu!! :D ("Kubuntu to be Sponsored by Blue Systems")
[08:41] <Riddell> bambee: certainly is
[08:42] <Riddell> and lots of positive comments on slashdot and elsewhere
[08:42] <bambee> indeed!
[08:46] <bambee> and what about your career at canonical? I mean, blue systems plans to sponsor your work on kubuntu or it's a sponsor for the community ? (for hardware, servers, travels, and so on)
[08:47] <Riddell> both
[08:49] <Riddell> debfx: tsdgeos: I'm planning to merge this in https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/918566
[08:49] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 918566 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "unity-2d-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal()" [Critical,In progress]
[08:50] <Riddell> fregl: presumably you've been involved in that?
[08:50] <tsdgeos> Riddell: paweł's fix for accessibility is evil
[08:50] <tsdgeos> been using his ppa since yesterday, nothing exploded in my face yet :D
[08:51] <tsdgeos> afaik yes, fregl's been involved
[08:52] <Riddell> tsdgeos: umm evil in what way?
[08:52] <tsdgeos> Riddell: the evil applies to accessibility code we have, not to the fix for the code, my sentence needed parenthesis :D
[08:52] <tsdgeos> i.e fix for "accessibility is evil"
[08:53] <tsdgeos> not evil fix for accessibility :D
[08:53] <Riddell> :)
[08:53] * yofel yawns
[08:53] <yofel> good morning :)
[08:54] <Riddell> morning ybit
[08:54] <Riddell> tsk
[08:54] <Riddell> morning yofel
[08:58] <Riddell> yofel: did you upload akonadi to backports ppa?
[08:58] <yofel> yes
[08:58] <Riddell> cos there's an e-mail arrived from a user saying it's broken his system
[09:01] <yofel> broke as in - apt error or akonadi failing?
[09:01] <yofel> or apt being creative again?
[09:03] <Riddell> yofel: http://paste.kde.org/455354/
[09:03] <Riddell> I'll do some checks myself shortly, needs to be in good working order for calligra release this evening
[09:04] <yofel> aaaaaaaaaaaaah
[09:04] <Riddell> aah?
[09:04] <yofel> my fault -.-
[09:05] <yofel> I didn't fix the mysql dependencies for oneiric
[09:05] <Riddell> and now he's using gnome! quick quick!
[09:05] <Riddell> or I could just be petty and point out he's using Unity :)
[09:20] * yofel wonders if it would be too evil to just mark kubuntu-meta as Essential for that PPA
[09:20] <yofel> or I could just make myself a test archive before putting something in there -.-
[09:21] <claydoh> Riddell: congrats!! It's good to have good news
[09:24] <Riddell> claydoh: bit of a tautology there :)
[09:25] <Riddell> yofel: that's what staging is for :)
[09:29] <Riddell> hi vprints
[09:30] <vprints> hi :)
[09:30] <vprints> happy downstream here
[09:30] <Riddell> doods: vprints make an Estonian themed derivative
[09:31] <claydoh> You are right, Riddell 12 hours at work make me loopy, but still ;)
[09:31] <Riddell> vprints: apachelogger hasn't been around for a while actually, his boot splash packages are somewhere and needing testing
[09:31] <yofel> splash stuff is in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages
[09:32] <Riddell> yofel: I'm getting worried apachelogger is in a monestry for holy week and won't be back until too late, should we just upload it for him?
[09:33] <vprints> :)
[09:34] <Riddell> vprints: anyway testing needed of kubuntu-default-settings and plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo from that archive
[09:35] <vprints> okidoki
[09:35] <yofel> fine with me
[10:18] <nigelb> Riddell: Hey, congrats on the move :)
[10:19] <Riddell> thanks :)
[10:25] <Riddell> debfx: hum
[10:26] <Riddell> debfx: in removing the .desktop translations stuff you also removed the .pot generation stuff
[10:26] <Riddell> that's why calligra has no translations
[11:29] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[11:58] * fregl pokes tsdgeos for calling accessibility evil :)
[11:58] <fregl> and yes, the patch looks good to me, especially since it gets rid of useless stuff
[11:59] <fregl> Riddell: congrats
[12:06] <Riddell> thanks :)
[12:39] <bulldog98> ScottK: I upstreamed the patch of kdesdk-dolphin-plugins
[12:46] <ScottK> bulldog98: Thanks.
[12:54] <tsdgeos> fregl: accessibility rocks, the patch you made is a little evil :-P
[13:07] <fregl> tsdgeos: agreed :)
[13:08] <fregl> it was never supposed to see the light of day like this though
[13:08] <tsdgeos> ;-)
[13:18] <Riddell> ScottK: new pkg-kde-tools uploaded for review
[13:18] <ScottK> OK. I'll have a look.
[13:18] <Riddell> debfx: that adds back the kubuntu bits to generate .pot files, but not for .desktop files
[13:31] <Riddell> https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/calligra-2.4.0 for those with access, to be published this evening
[13:32] <Riddell> go ahead and publish if I'm out
[13:37] <debfx> Riddell: uh oh, shouldn't have removed the .pot generating parts
[13:37] <debfx> it's about time launchpad stops interfering with our translations
[13:38] <Riddell> well it will after May
[13:39] <Riddell> which means we'll have the hassle of making our own language packs
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
[14:08] <Riddell> yofel: where are we with kde-workspace?
[14:08] <yofel> ready I believe, except that I didn't get a clear answer about the FFe
[14:08] <yofel> and the bug being against another package
[14:09] <ScottK> What FFe?
[14:09] <yofel> bug 956186
[14:09] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 956186 in kubuntu-active-meta (Ubuntu) "kwin needs separate compile for active" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/956186
[14:09] <yofel> ScottK: for kwin active
[14:10] <ScottK> Riddell: If you can make sure ^^^ works, I'll do the release team/new stuff.
[14:10] <ScottK> yofel: FFe approved.
[14:10] <Riddell> looking now
[14:16] <yofel> I've been running the new package the last few dasy, nothing particulary broken
[14:26] <rbelem> thanks yofel :-)
[14:28] <rbelem> Riddell, may i update plasma-active to lastest version, 2.1?
[14:35] <Riddell> rbelem: yeah I think so, any major changes?
[14:36] <rbelem> Riddell, I'm not sure, but I know that there are lots of bug fixes
[14:38] <Riddell> rbelem: go for it, worst that can happen is an archive admin rejects it
[14:38] <rbelem> :-D
[14:38] <rbelem> Riddell, oki
[14:41] <BluesKaj> that damn virtuoso is acting up again , 95% cpu ...this getting really annoying
[14:42] <BluesKaj> and I'm not gonna rename kde to fix it
[14:42] <bulldog98_> Riddell: btw what would you think about moving owncloud to debian, so everybody can use it?
[14:42] * bulldog98_ bought a Raspberry Pi and there is no support for it’s Arm with Kubuntu
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
[14:45] <BluesKaj> oh well, killing virtuoso didn't seem to hurt anything
[14:46] <Riddell> bulldog98: if someone wants to put it in debian that's all good
[14:47] <Riddell> it's increased effort though
[16:15] <Riddell> rbelem: 4.8.2a-0ubuntu2~ should be 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu2~ in debian/changelog in kde-workspace
[16:34] <Darkwing> Riddell: Did I screw up that docs package? Or did I remember it correctly?
[16:35] <Riddell> rbelem: plasma-active (= ${binary:Version}) removed the (= ${binary:Version}) cos it's not built from the same package
[16:35] <Riddell> rbelem, yofel: kde-workspace uploaded!
[16:35] <Riddell> ScottK: that'll need some Unapproved then some New love
[16:35] <Riddell> Darkwing: I've no idea I haven't seen any docs package from you
[16:35] <yofel> thanks, and thanks for the changelog fix..
[16:35] <bulldog98> Riddell: is okular in kubuntu-active seed?
[16:36] <Darkwing> Riddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~david.wonderly/Kubuntu/kubuntu-docs/Precise/
[16:36] <Riddell> bulldog98: I don't know, just check
[16:37] <Riddell> bulldog98: it's in ubuntu-seeds on launchpad
[16:37] <Riddell> Darkwing: groovy, I'll look in a sec
[16:37] * ScottK looks
[16:37] <Darkwing> Riddell: Thanks mate.
[16:41] <Riddell> Darkwing: docs/welcome/C/welcome.xml:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
[16:41] <Riddell> docs/office/C/office.xml:49: parser error : Entity 'menuloimpress' not defined
[16:41] * Darkwing raises an eyebrow
[16:41] <Riddell> docs/manage-software/C/manage-software.xml:38: parser error : Entity 'menumuon' not defined
[16:42] <Darkwing> I'll re-validate the docs and rebuild.
[16:42] <Riddell> docs/about/C/about.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty
[16:56] <ScottK> Riddell: Accepted. Here we go ...
[16:57] <Riddell> rbelem: do we need to make changes to the seeds to the kde-workspace changes?
[17:01] <Darkwing> I like that term... Kubuneteer
[17:02] <Riddell> feels like too many 'e's
[17:02] <Riddell> Kubunteer works better
[17:02] <Darkwing> I agree...
[17:03] <Darkwing> Hmmz, maybe we shoudl get that on badges for UDS :P
[17:05] <shadeslayer> If you do, hand one over to Riddell so that he can give it to me at Akademy :P
[17:07] <Darkwing> hehehe. :)
[17:09] <Darkwing> I'm puzzled... why would someone try and install nautilus on kubuntu...
[17:09] <Riddell> maybe it was awesome features we don't know about
[17:09] * Darkwing snickers
[17:10] <Darkwing> That should be joke of the week. :P:P
[17:10] <Riddell> or maybe as a product of a failed dot-com boom company people are wanting to make a new business out of it and sell to facebook for a billion dollars
[17:10] <Riddell> just call it Nautilus App and it's an easy fortune
[17:10] <Darkwing> hehehe
[17:11] <Darkwing> I saw this yesterday and I'm saving it till drupalCon.
[17:11] <Darkwing> [14:10:08] <tenach> D:< I hate derpal
[17:11] <Darkwing> [14:10:10] <tenach> *Drupal
[17:11] <Darkwing> [14:11:01] <paultag> hahaha
[17:11] <Darkwing> [14:11:03] <paultag> derpal
[17:12] <jussi> Darkwing: Riddell, because nautilus has dropbox integration :P :P
[17:12] * jussi giggle
[17:12] <jussi> s
[17:12] * Darkwing pauses...
[17:13] <Darkwing> and a colonoscopy helps to see if I have cancer... I'm not volunteering.
[17:14] <Linkmaster> Just to let you guys know, kubuntu is really something. I put the 12.04B1 on a test rig I had just built, practically everything worked out of the box (:
[17:14] <Riddell> jussi: mm fair point
[17:14] <Riddell> Linkmaster: lovely, thanks :)
[17:14] <Riddell> anyone on 12.10 able to test krita 2.4.0?
[17:14] <Riddell> it saves .png files as black for me
[17:15] <Daviey> Riddell: 12.10.. crikey.. you chaps do plan ahead.
[17:15] <Riddell> uh no
[17:15] <Riddell> anyone on 12.04 able to test krita 2.4.0?
[17:15] <Riddell> off by 0.06 error
[17:16] <Darkwing> I'd have to install it... give me a moment.
[17:17] * shadeslayer wonders why he has a label called "Maverick Changes"
[17:17] <GirlyGirl> Riddell: works here
[17:18] <Riddell> GirlyGirl: krita saving .png files in 12.04?
[17:18] <jussi> Riddell: 2.4 RC2?
[17:18] <GirlyGirl> yes
[17:18] <Riddell> jussi: 2.4.0
[17:18] <Riddell> GirlyGirl: ok good, maybe it's just me
[17:19] * jussi needs to update
[17:20] <GirlyGirl> Riddell: http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/04/11/09/21/8341509_1024x600.jpeg
[17:21] <Riddell> GirlyGirl: that's what I want to check thanks, good that it's not a problem for everyone
[17:22] <GirlyGirl> Riddell: Except that icons in my toolbox are missing in krita as you can see
[17:23] <Riddell> GirlyGirl: are you running an obscure icon theme?
[17:23] <GirlyGirl> No oxygen
[17:24] <Riddell> hmm, a mystery
[17:24] <ScottK> Riddell: Why did you skip ubuntu2 on calligra?
[17:24] <ScottK> Also, how does an empty package prevent crashes?
[17:25] <ScottK> precent/prevent too.
[17:25] <Riddell> kde bug 297900
[17:25] <ubottu> KDE bug 297900 in general "Calligra Words crash on start" [Crash,Resolved: worksforme] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=297900
[17:25] <Riddell> quick fix for that
[17:25] <Riddell> 1:2.4.0-0ubuntu2 was "Rebuild with latest pkg-kde-tools to generate .pot files"
[17:26] <Riddell> although I see I have no .upload file so maybe it never left my hard disk
[17:26] <ScottK> It doesn't appear to have.
[17:27] <ScottK> I still don't see how an empty package fixes that bug, but since you've another upload to do, whatever.
[17:27] <ScottK> Riddell: I'll reject the current one and then you can mash them together as ubuntu2.
[17:29] <bulldog98> yofel: have you tested marble-touch after you changed the location of the plugin?
[17:31] <Riddell> ScottK: easiest way to ensure there isn't an old version of the plugin lying around without causing packaging hassles when the plugin reappears in future versions
[17:31] <ScottK> OK. Fair enough. I'll review/approve after you re-upload.
[17:32] <bulldog98> can someone test if marble-touch is working?
[17:37] <Riddell> bulldog98: "qrc:/main.qml:9:1: module "org.kde.edu.marble.qtcomponents" is not installed
[17:37] <Riddell> "
[17:39] <rbelem> Riddell, nice! :-) some changes are needed
[17:40] <rbelem> Riddell, bulldog98 made some fixes to startactive and i will take a look on it now
[17:40] <Riddell> rbelem: remember we release in two weeks, going to get harder to put in last minute changes with every day that goes by!
[17:41] <rbelem> Riddell, oki. i will run to do it today
[17:46] <shadeslayer> Why does G+ suddenly look like Unity
[17:46] <Riddell> themed I expect
[17:47] * shadeslayer wants his old G+ back
[17:50] <ScottK> Riddell: Would you please review doko's stigi upload?
[17:50] <tsimpson> shadeslayer: suddenly?
[17:50] <shadeslayer> tsimpson: huh?
[17:50] <ScottK> shadeslayer: I want the G+ back where Google's privacy policy didn't allow them to share my information throughout the company.
[17:51] <tsimpson> shadeslayer: G+ has has a unity feel to it since the beta, now it's just just more obvious
[17:51] <shadeslayer> ScottK: re read your "Ubuntu is on the unity train" on UDD, replacing Ubuntu with Google and Unity with G+ :P
[17:51] <Riddell> ScottK: ok
[17:52] <ScottK> shadeslayer: I'm not wasting my time ranting at Google about it.
[17:52] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[17:52] <shadeslayer> lol
[17:52] <bulldog98> Riddell: ok I’ll have a look at marble-touch
[17:53] <Riddell> thanks
[17:59] <bulldog98> seems like the qml files are not installed at all
[18:05] * bulldog98 has to dig in the building process
[18:17] <ybit> Riddell: good morning to you as well
[18:19] <Riddell> too late, I'm away
[18:19] <Riddell> :)
[18:19] * Riddell out
[18:20] <bulldog98> marble has a bug in it’s buildsystem I’d say
[18:20] <bulldog98> they don’t install the qml files at all
[18:20] <ScottK> Riddell: calligra's in.
[18:24] * bulldog98 finally got what the problem is
[18:31] <ybit> any plans on switching over to btrfs in future releases, maybe 13.04?.. :)
[18:35] <ScottK> ybit: We'll do whatever Ubuntu does on foundational stuff like that.
[18:35] <ScottK> The installer supports btrfs now, so if that's what you want, you can have it.
[18:37] <CIA-42> [marble] Jonathan Kolberg * 32 * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Fixed that marble-touch can not find the module
[18:38] <BluesKaj> and what are the advantages of a btrfs format , ScottK ?
[18:38] <ScottK> No idea.
[18:38] <ScottK> It wasn't me that brought it up.
[18:39] <BluesKaj> ScottK, sorry , ybit ?
[18:40] <BluesKaj> nm ..researching
[18:43] <bulldog98> ScottK: do you want to reupload marble to fix the marble-touch not finding module bug?
[18:43] <ScottK> I need to leave here in a moment, so I won't be able to upload it, but it sounds like something that someone should upload.
[18:47] * bulldog98 had to patch the c++ source to made it finding the costumise qmlplugin path yofel introduced
[18:50] <bulldog98> apachelogger: time to upload something to archive?
[18:51] <CIA-42> [marble] Jonathan Kolberg * 33 * debian/changelog Fix marble-touch
[18:53] <ybit> BluesKaj: snapshots
[18:54] <ybit> revert back to before disastrous upgrades
[19:02] <BluesKaj> ybit, so far btrfs reports are pretty neutral , no advantages in general over ext4
[19:05] <bulldog98> BluesKaj: you don’t know apt-btrfs-snapshot
[19:06] <bulldog98> makes a snapshot everytime you install or purge something -> harder to completly break the system
[19:10] <BluesKaj> bulldog98, hmm , dunno if that's an advantage or not ...been trying to purge stuff , but sometimes it won't go away, especially corrupted config files
[19:17] <bulldog98> BluesKaj: btw btrfs also can compress everything it stores
[19:17] <bulldog98> and it can do subvolumes
[19:18] <BluesKaj> well, gotta go ...bandmates called ..jamtime
[19:27] <yofel> bulldog98: I didn't particulary test it - didn't even know how to
[19:27] <bulldog98> yofel: yeah
[19:27] <bulldog98> it’s still broken
[19:27] <bulldog98> hm
[19:28] <bulldog98> yofel: it doesn’t even start
[19:28] <bulldog98> yofel: could you have a look at the patch I made?
[19:29] <yofel> ybit: while btrfs works fine on my eeePC. I wouldn't make any bets currently on when it'll be used
[19:29] <yofel> the system integration is rather bad still
[19:30] <bulldog98> yofel: that stuff depends on meego qml stuff
[19:31] <yofel> esp. since apt-btrfs-snapshot + symlinking apt-get to eatmydata is the only sane way to use apt on btrfs
[19:32] <yofel> bulldog98: seriously?
[19:32] <bulldog98> yofel: yes
[19:32] <bulldog98> just have a look into the main.qml the last import line
[19:33] <yofel> where's that patch of yours?
[19:33] <bulldog98> in bzr
[19:33] <yofel> not on launchpad - maybe you didn't push?
[19:34] <bulldog98> yofel: not to bad, since if it uses meego stuff, we simply can’t package it
[19:35] <bulldog98> yofel: howto use eatmydata?
[19:35] <bulldog98> with apt and btrfs
[19:35] <yofel> sudo ln -s /usr/bin/eatmydata /usr/local/bin/apt-get is what I do
[19:36] <yofel> COW just causes too much disk IO with dpkg now fsync-ing the database files all the time
[19:36] <bulldog98> yofel: btw btrfsck in git was able to repair my root file system after I had it being corupted
[19:36] <yofel> now that's progress
[19:37] <yofel> iirc they merged some kind of auto-recovery too
[19:39] <bulldog98> yofel: after I did that symlink I just have to call apt-get the normal way right?
[19:39] <yofel> yep
[19:39] * bulldog98 hugs yofel for speeding up my updates
[19:40] <bulldog98> rbelem: active-browser has a bug, you can’t input something into the url bar. Can you confirm that?
[20:33] <ScottK> Can someone look at the strigi FTBFS?
[20:40] <Riddell> ScottK: what's the state of calligra?
[20:40] <ScottK> Riddell: Building.
[20:41] <ScottK> Last I checked only amd64 was done.
[20:41] <Riddell> oh I see
[20:49] <bulldog98> Riddell: i386 also build
[20:50] <Riddell> we're just waiting on upstream
[20:52] <bulldog98> Riddell: btw should we put calligra into kde-sc-build-status?
[20:52] <yofel> Riddell: did you have time to look at the splash stuff?
[20:53] <Riddell> bulldog98: well it's not kde-sc so it doesn't really belong there
[20:53] <Riddell> yofel: no I'm afraid not
[20:53] <yofel> I could upload kubuntu-default-settings, but not plymouth for the text theme, so better someone does both
[20:53] <bulldog98> Riddell: maybe we need an overall status script called eg status calligra gives you calligras status
[20:56] <Riddell> bulldog98: good idea
[20:56] <Riddell> but there are alsoi global ubuntu ones
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
[21:02] <bulldog98> we need to upload kubuntu-dev-tools as soon as the archive is open for 12.10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[21:05] <Riddell> bulldog98: if it needs it we can just upload it
[21:05] <Riddell> what's the pressing need?
[21:06] <bulldog98> Riddell: it’s only cause the version in the archive is totaly outdated
[21:07] <Riddell> I don't know if it's useful in the archive, I just get it out of bzr
[21:07] <yofel> as we constantly change things in there anyway, rather make a ppa and a recipe for it
[21:07] <Riddell> aye
[21:14] <yofel> bulldog98: want to reuse your recipe or should I make a new one?
[21:14] <ScottK> Riddell: I'd appreciate it if you're review strigi when it hits the queue.
[21:14] <bulldog98> yofel: just reuse it
[21:15] <yofel> you'll have to do that, but please make a new archive for it
[21:20] <CIA-42> [lp:kubuntu-dev-tools] Jonathan Kolberg * 135 * (bin/buildstatus zsh_completion/_buildstatus debian/changelog) [ Jonathan Kolberg ] Added buildstatus to show the buildstatus of a package
[21:20] <bulldog98> yofel: where should I put that archive?
[21:21] <yofel> under your account I guess
[21:22] <CIA-42> [lp:kubuntu-dev-tools] Philip Muškovac * 136 * debian/copyright update copyright
[21:25] <bulldog98> here it is
[21:25] <bulldog98> ppa:bulldog98/kubuntu-dev-tools
[21:28] <CIA-42> [lp:kubuntu-dev-tools] Jonathan Kolberg * 137 * debian/copyright Updated copyright
[21:30] <yofel> bulldog98: intentionally left it to build on request?
[21:31] <bulldog98> yofel: no I’ll change that
[21:31] <yofel> thanks, now I won't need to remember to update that all the time :D
[21:32] * bulldog98 only hopes he won’t be flooded with buildfailure mails
[21:33] <Riddell> launchpad would never do a thing like that
[21:33] * bulldog98 thought about putting lp onto the spamer list :)
[21:34] <BarkingFish> sorry to be a pain, anyone here good with a kernel module not functioning against detected hardware please?
[21:35] <BarkingFish> Got a user in #kubuntu, he has bluetooth module loaded, bluetooth built in to his shared BT/WLAN interface, but no bluetooth, and bluedevil is not picking his device up - it's listed in lsusb however
[21:35] <bulldog98> yofel: btw we should add a new changelog entry as soon 12.04 is released
[21:35] <yofel> we only do that when we upload - usually
[21:37] <Riddell> add an UNRELEASED one if you wish
[21:38] <Riddell> BarkingFish: I fear not
[21:38] * bulldog98 needs to go to bed. Gn8 to all
[21:38] <ScottK> Riddell: The symbol was on amd64 as well. Do we care enough to upload again: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101373539/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.strigi_0.7.7-1.1ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz
[21:38] <yofel> gn8
[21:39] <BarkingFish> Riddell, that's a pain. The guy says that bluedevil isn't finding anything bluetooth, and his mouse is BT based. Without his internal bluetooth working, it's gonna mess things up a bit. I don't understand fully why it's not functioning though
[21:40] <BarkingFish> The interface is supported software, I know because I use it on my laptop - exactly the same hardware, same USB ident, etc
[21:40] <BarkingFish> *supported hardware
[21:41] <Riddell> I've never really used bluetooth
[21:41] <BarkingFish> :(
[21:41] <BarkingFish> I can't understand why mine worked on 11.10, his doesn't.
[21:41] <BarkingFish> We both have the same stuff installed, so it's confusing the hell out of me :P
[21:43] <Mamarok> just a reminder: plasma-desktop still doesn't start for me, what other configuration files than those in $HOME/.kde/share/config/ could be involved?
[21:44] <Mamarok> I already erased those, now what else could I check?
[21:44] * ScottK says what the heck and fixes.
[21:45] <Riddell> Mamarok: does it run for a new user?
[21:45] <Mamarok> let me check...
[21:55] <markey> Riddell: I'm supposed to tell you from Mamarok that "It doesn't work"
[21:56] <Riddell> hum, something not good there then
[21:56] <Riddell> is kubuntu-desktop all installed?
[21:58] <Mamarok> Riddell: I'm back here, sorry, my keyboard and mouse didn't respond anymore
[21:58] <Mamarok> I am sure everything is installed, unless there are hidden packages I don't know of
[21:59] <Riddell> Mamarok: what happens when you start plasma-desktop on the command line?
[22:00] <Mamarok> Riddell: moment, I will see what output I get
[22:02] <Mamarok> http://paste.kde.org/455852
[22:02] <Mamarok> Riddell: ^
[22:03] <Riddell> Mamarok: does it run?
[22:03] <Mamarok> yes
[22:04] <Riddell> Mamarok: sorry I have exhaustion I need to sleep
[22:04] <Mamarok> I can start it with Krunner or from the desktop, it just doesn't start when I launch KDE
[22:04] <Mamarok> no problem
[22:04] <Riddell> Mamarok: I suspect this isn't kubuntu specific
[22:04] <Riddell> you can try asking in a kde or plasma channel
[22:05] <Mamarok> OK, will try
[22:05] <BarkingFish> One thought, is plasma desktop listed in your autostart menu in KDE system settings, mamarok?
[22:06] <Mamarok> why would that need to be listed there?
[22:06] <BarkingFish> I have plasma desktop workspace listed in there, ticked and enabled to run on startup. I merely wanted to check you had the same.
[22:07] <Mamarok> I can't remember having seen that there ever before
[22:07] <Mamarok> it is the KDE desktop after all, that shouldn't be necessary
[22:07] <BarkingFish> it's always been there for me, I never put it there :)
[22:09] <Mamarok> I just checked the other laptop, it is not there and plasma-desktop starts without problems
[22:10] <BarkingFish> hm. This is what I have on my desktop - http://imgur.com/kaXK9
[22:10] <BarkingFish> I don't know why it's there if it doesn't need to be / isn't meant to be
[22:11] <BarkingFish> but I was just checking anyhow, Mamarok - sorry to have bothered you.
[22:11] <Mamarok> anyway, sleep time for me as well
[22:11] <Mamarok> BarkingFish: no problem, that was not bothering
[22:12] <BarkingFish> Just a thought though, just try adding it to that list, and see if it works. I know it's not perfect, but it may help :D
[22:12] <BarkingFish> Have a good night, Mamarok
[22:12] <Mamarok> good night everyone :)
[22:12] <BarkingFish> a break is a break until you can workaround it, then it becomes a problem you might be able to fix :D
[22:12] <BarkingFish> Good night
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