UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /05 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== lindalou is now known as westmi
[00:55] <GH0> I am currently using iptables, however after a restart, my iptables list gets wiped/cleaned from something (not sure what). Is there a place to put an iptables command to automatically be accepted/used/applied after a reboot?
[00:56] <GH0> I know I can use init.rc script, but I don't think that is the most secure/proper way of doing it.
[00:56] <bazhang> GH0, #netfilter ; and please dont crosspost in ubuntu channels
[00:57] <GH0> Sorry, I figured it would have probably been better to ask here since I am using Kubuntu and not using Ubuntu.
[00:58] <GH0> I also have one other question. When I do "sudo kate" and open up a saved session I have. I have a couple of files that are always marked as R/O, even though if I nano or vi those same files I can commit changes. Why would kate refuse to let me write to file?
[00:59] <bazhang> !kdesu
[00:59] <ubottu> In KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why
[01:01] <GH0> bazhang, alright, but I have been using it fine up until now. So why would it drastically change like that?
[01:02] <GH0> Also, kdesudo does work fine, just trying to figure out why it magically stopped working.
[01:02] <bazhang> GH0, not sure, would need to know a bit more I suspect
[01:44] <coffee> alguem pode me ajudar ?
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[01:47] <Coffee_> alguem pode me ajudar aqui ?
[01:49] <bazhang> brasil?
[01:51] * genii-around makes a note to think about removing "coffee" from highlighting
[01:52] <rtdos> how do i re-init or reset kwallet or add apps to kwallet?
[02:21] <yihanxuan> hello
[02:22] <yihanxuan> could you please tell me how to use the system
[02:23] <yihanxuan> all right ,see you
[02:23] <yihanxuan> next time
[03:00] <darbe> hi
[03:00] <darbe> E: debsums: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10
[03:00] <darbe> how can I fix it
[03:00] <darbe> ?
[03:04] <darbe> any idea?
[03:04] <darbe> other than reinstal?
[04:00] <Whiskey`Wonka> muon is suddenly started saying something else is using the package system. any idea what causes this? (no, no other apckage system is running)
[04:16] <JontheEchidna> !aptlock
[04:17] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[04:17] <JontheEchidna> Whiskey`Wonka: ^
[04:18] <Whiskey`Wonka> no i did that already
[04:22] <JontheEchidna> Whiskey`Wonka: and I suppose apt-get also works?
[04:22] <Whiskey`Wonka> JontheEchidna: yes it does
[04:23] <JontheEchidna> hmmm
[04:23] <JontheEchidna> which version of Muon/Kubuntu?
[04:23] <Whiskey`Wonka> kubuntu 12, ill check muon
[04:23] <Whiskey`Wonka> muon 1.3.1
[04:24] <JontheEchidna> And would you happen to be trying to apply the latest updates available in 12.04?
[04:24] <JontheEchidna> at the time when you get the lock error
[04:24] <Whiskey`Wonka> well i was going to install a app, saw there were upgradable packages, so tried to do so
[04:25] <Whiskey`Wonka> and nada
[04:25] <JontheEchidna> ok, I think I'm seeing the same problem you are
[04:25] <Whiskey`Wonka> oh joy
[04:25] <JontheEchidna> I can install a single app just fine, but trying to upgrade the other packages gets the failure
[04:25] <JontheEchidna> unfortunately that means it's probably widespread :(
[04:26] <JontheEchidna> Whiskey`Wonka: ah, running 64-bit?
[04:26] <Whiskey`Wonka> its at least reproducable under a unknown set of conditions
[04:26] <Whiskey`Wonka> yes i am
[04:26] <JontheEchidna> ok
[04:26] <JontheEchidna> oh, nevermind. probably not related
[04:27] <JontheEchidna> what's happening is that there's some other error that is being misreported
[04:28] <Whiskey`Wonka> i figured that be the case when nonthing i found worked
[04:28] <JontheEchidna> most likely one of the updates is failing to be marked or something
[04:29] <Whiskey`Wonka> well i had 251. i do not think i want to do them one at a time
[04:29] <JontheEchidna> I have 202 :(
[04:30] <JontheEchidna> I'll go through them and see
[04:30] <JontheEchidna> or maybe throw some debug printing into the worker and see if I can get more info
[04:33] <JontheEchidna> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[04:33] <JontheEchidna> bleh
[04:34] <Whiskey`Wonka> heh
[04:40] <JontheEchidna> well at least it's not being reported as a lock error anymore: http://i.imgur.com/DRZgT.png :P
[04:44] <[Relic]> is there anyway of getting the flash plugin downloader and the other package which don't really exist on my system out of the apper thing so it quits screwing up updateS?
[04:45] <[Relic]> downloader and installer
[04:45] <[Relic]> the package listed was not found on your system or in any software origin
[04:51] <JontheEchidna> aaah
[04:51] <JontheEchidna> Whiskey`Wonka: it's akregator that's causing all the fuss
[04:55] <rtdos> how do i re-init or reset kwallet or add apps to kwallet?
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[05:01] <JontheEchidna> Whiskey`Wonka: ok, I fixed it.
[05:02] <JontheEchidna> What was happening was that if you try to mark any single kdepim package for upgrade, it would fail since you didn't tell it to upgrade the kdepim libraries
[05:02] <JontheEchidna> apt-get does this too, which is a bit weird since the resolver is usually good at this. we must have hit a corner case
[05:02] <JontheEchidna> QApt already fixes this later on by marking the kdepim libs for upgrade, but we never cleared the original error we got from apt's "error store"
[05:03] <JontheEchidna> so the QApt worker thought there was an error and bailed
[05:03] <JontheEchidna> I'm running a test upgrade with a fix to make sure things don't blow up, but so far it's downloading things nicely :P
[05:16] <iCoffee> sacarlson: have oth
[05:16] <iCoffee> have other program to do that ?
[05:16] <iCoffee> edit grub ?
[05:17] <iCoffee> do a better visual grub ?
[05:49] <georgelappies> morning all
[05:50] <georgelappies> is kmail in 4.8.2 precise all sorted now or is it still safer to use thunderbird?
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[08:08] <excognac> hi all. a read only badblocks would be sudo badblocks -s /dev/whatever ?
[08:19] <excognac> to pose it a bit more smartly, can i use badblocks on a mounted fs i.e. my root and home partitions??
[08:21] <dviado> hello
[08:25] <madurax86> hello how can i make firefox use kde apps(when opening downloads ..etc) I have kde installed on ubuntu but need this isolation too(gnome apps are kind of slow to load)
[08:27] <excognac> madurax86: I'd say go to Edit/Preferences in Firefox and change the apps
[08:29] <madurax86> excognac so then would those apps open when im in gnome too? how can I have kde flavour of firefox?
[08:30] <excognac> madurax86: well, if you tell to firefox to use those apps, it will. Possibly there is a "global" solution but there you can certainly set them one by one
[08:31] <madurax86> excognac what if I use xdg-open?
[08:31] <excognac> madurax86: but you have installed those apps, right? More precisely, which one are those?
[08:32] <madurax86> excognac well the apps for opening zip files..etc now it just opens in file-roller but i want it to open it in ark..etc
[08:34] <excognac> madurax86: xdg-pen sounds correct
[08:35] <excognac> madurax86: *xdg-open
[08:36] <madurax86> excognac :)
[08:41] <metaladdict> hi any1 there that could help me with something
[08:41] <madurax86> metaladdict yes?
[08:42] <metaladdict> i need to do the following with a shell file, i need to compare 2 files and the diffrence needs to be out putted in a third file
[08:42] <metaladdict> but only the diffrence between the 2 files needs to be outputted in the third file
[08:42] <madurax86> metaladdict theres a tool for that called diff
[08:43] <madurax86> diff --help for bare help and man diff for more info
[08:43] <metaladdict> doesn't do what i want it to do, i only need the diffrence if i do diff new.txt old.txt > hello.txt i get the 2 sentences that are diffrent
[08:43] <metaladdict> but i needs the diffrence between the 2 to be out putted
[08:44] <madurax86> ahh
[08:44] <xcv_> metaladdict diff + grep?
[08:46] <metaladdict> diff | grep new.txt old.txt > new.txt?
[08:46] <xcv_> metaladdict: you could filter the results using regexes to filter the first character
[08:46] <xcv_> if you want only the results of the second file you can do
[08:47] <metaladdict> hmm
[08:47] <xcv_> diff new.txt old.txt | grep -E '^>' > old_differences.txt
[08:50] <metaladdict> i think that wil do the job thanks, ill have to test it on couple of diffrent things
[08:51] <metaladdict> pretty sure this solved my problem thanks m8
[08:58] <xcv_> now I need help, can anybody help me with nepomuk?
=== Gavin__ is now known as Kubuntu_GD
[09:31] <sebastian_> hi, I've a small problem wit installing g++ (4:4.6.3-1ubuntu5):
[09:31] <madurax86> sebastian_ yes?
[09:31] <sebastian_> it halts after "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"
[09:31] <sebastian_> nothing happends now
[09:32] <madurax86> sebastian_ is your dpkg db updated and without error?
[09:33] <sebastian_> madurax86: how do I know?
[09:33] <madurax86> sebastian_ did it say there were any errors before that hang?
[09:33] <sebastian_> nothing. it just freezes
[09:34] <sebastian_> sure, I can kill dpkg and try again, but I don't like that
[09:34] <madurax86> sebastian_ have you added any new repositories?
[09:35] <sebastian_> no
[09:35] <sebastian_> fresh installed
[09:35] <madurax86> 12.04?
[09:35] <sebastian_> yep
[09:36] <madurax86> well i am using it too but havent encountered such a problem
[09:36] <sebastian_> k
[09:36] <sebastian_> < afk
[09:37] <sebastian_> ty
[09:37] <madurax86> you better kill it and try again do a --configure -a if asked
[09:45] <brenty> need help. have an hp laptop with an accelerometer built in. kde is picking it up as joystick. how do i disable it?
[09:46] <brenty> ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer (/dev/input/js0) this interferes with game emulators wanting the joystick there
[09:47] <brenty> where can i tell it to always be /js2 or disable it?
[09:59] <Thecaptain2000> hi, how can I set up an ftp service trough the http protocol?
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[10:07] <mydogsnameisrudy> Thecaptain2000: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html here is some info on ftp not sure if its what your looking to do
[10:08] <Thecaptain2000> thanks I will have a look
[10:08] <mydogsnameisrudy> and its 10.10 so make sure it works for your destro
[10:08] <Thecaptain2000> ok
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[10:14] <mydogsnameisrudy> Thecaptain2000: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=858475 found this info also more to read ;)
[10:19] <Thecaptain2000> mydogsnameisrudy: thanks. I am trying to see if I can ftp in/out of a server using the HTTP protocol as I cannot ftp in or out from where I am atm
[10:20] <mydogsnameisrudy> are there open ports ?
[10:21] <Thecaptain2000> not sure
[10:23] <mydogsnameisrudy> http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ Thecaptain2000 could look here for ports
[10:45] <brenty> lsmod | grep lis3lv02d
[10:45] <brenty> lis3lv02d 19888 1 hp_accel
[10:45] <brenty> input_polldev 13896 1 lis3lv02d
[10:45] <brenty> how do i disable this device?
[10:52] <brenty> #to disable hp accelerometer!
[10:52] <brenty> #ls grep also tells us input_polldev 13896 1 lis3lv02d
[10:52] <brenty> blacklist hp_accel
=== nowardev2 is now known as Peace-
[10:53] <brenty> add that to etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf !! ah ha ha I diabled the stupid built in accelerometer so now it doesnt interfere with my joysticks!!
[10:57] <brenty> now, is there a way to leave it enabled but have it always be /js2 for example???
[11:02] <brenty> ah here we go : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9974813
[11:03] <gribouille> hi
[11:03] <lordievader> gribouille, hey
[11:03] <gribouille> when will kde 4.8.2 packages be released?
[11:05] <brenty> not sure. i just used the kubuntu backports ppa to update to 4.8.1
[11:06] <lordievader> when my pc has booted I'll check what version I am running
[11:06] <brenty> isnt there some sort of release schedule they follow?
[11:07] <lordievader> not sure, I think not, but I could be wrong
[11:07] <brenty> all i know is i was awaiting 4.8.1 for some fixes, and sure enough those certain things were fixed
[11:07] <gribouille> kde 4.8.2 has been released yesterday
[11:07] <lordievader> nvm, they do have a schedule: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.8_Release_Schedule
[11:08] <gribouille> brenty, you're lucky. I'm waiting for fixes that will certainly never happen
[11:08] <brenty> wow. so give it some time and it will show up in the kubuntu backports for 11.10
[11:09] <brenty> hey did they fix the network manager in 12.04 yet? last time i took it for a spin i couldnt bluetooth tether with it
[11:16] <gribouille> does someone use kmail here?
[11:16] <lordievader> Is BluesKaj online, he uses it.
[11:19] <lordievader> gribouille, I read here that 4.8.2 is in 12.04: http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2012/04/kde-releases-new-version-482-which-will.html
[11:20] <gribouille> lordievader, I need 4.8.2 in 11.10
[11:21] <brenty> it should find its way to the kubuntu backports ppa shortly i would think
[11:21] <gribouille> hopefully
[11:21] <lordievader> that's what I think, just need to wait a few days
[11:23] <brenty> you could tread into merky waters and do a dist-upgrade to 12.04? me, i'd rather wait tell its sorted thru and oficially pushed to backports.
[11:24] <gribouille> brenty, do you mean do-release-upgrade?
[11:24] <lordievader> gribouille, why do you NEED it anyway?
[11:25] <gribouille> lordievader, I don't need it. I just hope it will fix a few bugs
[11:25] <lordievader> gribouille, like what bugs?
[11:25] <brenty> i guess. dont fancy me doing it tho. the network manager in 11.10 works for bluetooth tethering. doesnt work in 12.04 yet. i like sharing my phones connection with the laptop!
[11:25] <gribouille> lordievader, kmail bugs
[11:26] <lordievader> the one when it launches and chrashes?
[11:26] <lordievader> crashes*
[11:26] <gribouille> lordievader, no. a problem with mail filters
[11:29] <brenty> when someone asks how to disable the built in accelerometer so its not seen as a joystick tell them to add blacklist hp_accel to etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf !!
[11:29] <bluebird> how do i get the open windows for multitasking
[11:31] <bluebird> i was using browser and terminal, browser was active and something i pressed showed both terminal and browser in a greyout way over the desktop and i could select one
[11:32] <bluebird> so how do i get that again
[11:33] <rtdos> how do i re-init or reset kwallet or add apps to kwallet?
[11:35] <AlfE_> hello
[11:35] <lordievader> AlfE_, Hey
[11:35] <AlfE_> how can i set the super key to open the k menu?
[11:35] <lordievader> I wanted that too, didn
[11:36] <lordievader> didn't figure it out, had to be a combination...
[11:36] <bluebird> do you guys know the answer for my doubt?
[11:37] <lordievader> Look in system settings -> desktop effects, it is probably something in there
[11:59] <Peace-> AlfE_: you can't
[11:59] <Peace-> AlfE_: the only to get that is to switch to lancelot launcher
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[12:00] <AlfE_> i see
[12:01] <Peace-> AlfE_: if you plan to use lancelot just create a shortcut with this command
[12:01] <Peace-> qdbus org.kde.lancelot /Lancelot show
[12:01] <Peace-> it should work
[12:02] <Peace-> the standard launcher doesn't accept qdbus call i guess
[12:02] <Peace-> and infact using qdbusviewer there is not method to do that
[12:04] <AlfE_> thanks a lot
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[12:21] <Peace-> AlfE_: btw the correct commandit's qdbus org.kde.lancelot /MainApplication org.kde.lancelot.App.show 0 0
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[12:57] <bluebird> i cant set the picture as my desktop wallpaper without going to desktop setting
[12:57] <bluebird> is there another easy way
[12:58] <bluebird> like in windows
[13:02] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:19] <rtdos> how do i re-init or reset kwallet or add apps to kwallet?
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[13:43] <Aprogas> I need help setting up my wireless on Kubuntu. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo/Kubuntu seems outdated and I'm not sure how much of it I can still use. I'm mostly looking for up-to-date documentation telling me what to do.
[13:49] <Peace-> Aprogas: doesn't work out of the box?
[13:50] <Aprogas> I'm completely new, so maybe I just don't know where to look. I'm expecting either the desktop or netbook KDE plasma shell to have some GUI to select wireless networks and such.
[13:50] <Aprogas> It might work with command-line tools, but I'm not really looking for that.
[13:51] <Peace-> Aprogas: well if you click on the network icon you should have this
[13:51] <Peace-> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopBR5923.png
[13:52] <Aprogas> I'll try rebooting. During boot, something said something about waiting 60 seconds for a network to come up. Maybe not being connected to anything, caused some stuff to not be loaded.
[13:52] <Aprogas> I don't even see that network icon, although I have seen it before in VirtualBox on my test-install.
[13:53] <Peace-> Aprogas: let me see your desktop
[13:53] <Peace-> do a screenshot
[13:53] <Aprogas> I'm currently still booting.
[13:57] <Aprogas> http://i.imgur.com/oOMEf.jpg
[13:57] <Aprogas> Silly imgur converting to JPEG again.
[13:59] <Peace-> Aprogas: ok righ click on the panel
[13:59] <Peace-> add widget
[13:59] <Peace-> search for network
[13:59] <Aprogas> Network Monitor?
[14:00] <cinde> I just installed Kubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. Is there a way to set it that I do not have to use a password to get onto my network everytime I reboot. I tried to disable KDE Wallet, but now it doesn't store my password for router.
[14:00] <Peace-> Aprogas: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopuZ5923.png
[14:00] <Aprogas> I don't have that in my widget list. What is the package name?
[14:01] <Aprogas> The only widget matching to "network" is "Network Monitor", "wifi" and "wireless" give no matches.
[14:01] <Peace-> Aprogas: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktoppR6146.png
[14:02] <BluesKaj> Aprogas, what about networkmanager
[14:03] <Aprogas> I'm installing the plasma widget now.
[14:04] <Aprogas> The install of Kubuntu on my laptop went differently than in VirtualBox.
[14:05] <Aprogas> On my laptop it asked me which packages to install, I chose "OpenSSH Server" and "Kubuntu Desktop" and "Manual selection" but in the manual selection, I didn't change anything and just exited.
[14:05] <Aprogas> Now I seem to have dragged something around in my plasma that I shouldn't.
[14:06] <Aprogas> The systray icons are behind a transparent "$x running apps"
[14:08] <Peace-> Aprogas: that becuase you are lackin of some packages
[14:08] <Aprogas> Lacking packages causes the plasma items to overlay on eachother?
[14:09] <Peace-> Aprogas: nope
[14:09] <Peace-> Aprogas: screenshot?
[14:09] <Aprogas> I already fixed it by dragging stuff around again.
[14:09] <Peace-> Aprogas: you would run plasma-desktop instead of plasma-mobile
[14:09] <Peace-> or plasma-netbook
[14:10] <Aprogas> Although I seem to have some placeholder-empty-box now.
[14:10] <Aprogas> I'm still doubting between desktop and netbook.
[14:10] <Peace-> plasma-desktop
[14:12] <Aprogas> This screen is only 11.6" or so.
[14:12] <Peace-> Aprogas: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopoJ6146.png
[14:13] <rtdos> how do i re-init or reset kwallet or add apps to kwallet?
[14:14] <Peace-> rtdos: click on kde icon
[14:14] <Peace-> search for kwallet
[14:14] <Peace-> run kwalletsettings
[14:14] <cinde> I just installed Kubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. Is there a way to set it that I do not have to use a password to get onto my network everytime I reboot. I tried to disable KDE Wallet, but now it doesn't store my password for router.
[14:14] <Aprogas> Maybe I should mention I am running Kubuntu 12.04 Beta 2.
[14:15] <Peace-> rtdos: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopdZ6293.png
[14:15] <rtdos> Peace- tried that. even tried resetting kwallet settings to default.
[14:15] <Peace-> rtdos: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopRt6293.png
[14:16] <Peace-> cinde: you need to restore kwallet
[14:16] <Peace-> cinde: instead to put another password on kwallper just leave it empty
[14:16] <Peace-> kwallet
[14:17] <rtdos> reinstall kwallet ?
[14:17] <cinde> Thank you Peace
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[14:17] <Peace-> cinde: have you this ? http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopdZ6293.png
[14:18] <Peace-> rtdos: open dolphin
[14:19] <Peace-> rtdos: go here $HOME/.kde/share/config/
[14:19] <Peace-> rtdos: rename that file http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopSS6293.png
[14:19] <Aprogas> After another reboot I got an icon for network management in the systray. Now my next step is getting my other wireless NIC to work on Linux.
[14:20] <rtdos> don't delete it, just rename it?
[14:20] <Peace-> rtdos: i am a linux user not a windows user , deleting is always dangerous
[14:20] <cinde> Peace, that page wouldn't come up for me
[14:21] <rtdos> OK. Done.
[14:21] <Peace-> rtdos: logout login
[14:21] <Peace-> cinde: ?
[14:21] <cinde> The link you sent me wouldn't open up
[14:22] <Peace-> cinde: that was not for you btw
[14:22] <cinde> Peace, OK, sorry
[14:22] <rtdos> ok will do, thanks. Peace-
[14:22] <Peace-> rtdos: every config files are on that folder
[14:23] <Peace-> rtdos: renaming all $HOME/.kde you will get the system like you have just installed
[14:23] <Peace-> so without your config
[14:35] <rtdos> so far so good.
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[15:37] * Peace- is away: Gone away for now
[16:30] <excognac> HI ALL, anyone has reliable info about 12.04 stable release?
[16:30] <excognac> HI ALL, anyone has reliable info about 12.04 stable release?
[16:31] <lordievader> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule
[16:31] <lordievader> There is no use in repeating ones question every 5 seconds.
[16:31] <bazhang> excognac, #ubuntu+1 for that please
[16:31] <excognac> bazhang: ok
[16:47] <loki_> hey
[16:47] <loki_> what is the latest stable kubuntu?
[16:48] <loki_> what version is the last kubuntu i can get with do-release-upgrade ?
[16:48] <bazhang> 11.10 loki_
[16:48] <lordievader> loki_, 11.10
[16:48] <mr-rich> 11.04
[16:48] <loki_> k
[16:48] <mr-rich> oops
[16:48] <mr-rich> 11.10
[16:48] <mr-rich> 12.04 due out soon
[16:48] <loki_> i did an upgrade and i had some errors now i am at 11.04
[16:48] <loki_> i will try again
[16:48] <lordievader> you could also wait a while and update too 12.04
[16:49] <mr-rich> 12.04 will be an LTS version for 5 years ...
[16:49] <loki_> when i do do-release-upgrade it gets me to the next version
[16:49] <loki_> not the last version
[16:49] <loki_> so i have to go through all versions
[16:49] <lordievader> gott go
[16:49] <lordievader> gotta*
[17:12] <BluesKaj> well, I removed all the akonadi config files , but that didn't help , renamed ~/.kde , but that doesn't work either so no kmail for this pc :P
[17:26] <BluesKaj> !kopete
[17:26] <ubottu> Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin
[17:27] * Peace- is back.
[17:29] <BluesKaj> Peace-, I removed all the akonadi config files , but that didn't help , renamed ~/.kde , but that doesn't work either so no kmail for this pc :P
[17:32] <Peace-> BluesKaj: mm
[17:32] <Peace-> BluesKaj: :) dunno
=== jan_ is now known as Janneman
[17:56] <ronnoc> With the 4.8.2 updates, changing the icon for an Activity works again \m/
[18:17] <cinde> My update manager came up saying I had important updates. When I clicked to open it I got this message: Not all packages could be marked for upgrade. The available upgrades may require new packages to be installed or removed. Do you want to mark upgrades that may require the installation or removal of additional packages? If I click "Mark Upgrades" it shuts down the update manager. If I click "No" It stays up, but if I try to tick any
[18:17] <cinde> of the boxes, and click upgrade, it closes out update manager.
=== abhijit is now known as Guest8018
[19:37] <designbybeck> So I know there is all this hype about the new Unbuntu Unity 12.04 and such....any new changes in Kubuntu 12.04?
[19:38] <adminy> привет
[19:38] <Unit193> !ru | adminy
[19:38] <ubottu> adminy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.
[19:38] <adminy> а зачем?
[19:40] <delac> in firefox, every time I click toolbar and select customize, firefox starts to consume lots of cpu time and doing any customizations to the toolbar is impossible. any thoughts?
[19:41] <schultza> is there official support for kubuntu since canonical dropped it?
[19:43] <ronnoc> schultza: As in paid support?
[19:43] <schultza> no... not paid... i thought they dropped the kubuntu from the "official" repositories... or at least updating it
[19:44] <designbybeck> hmmm
[19:44] <designbybeck> but there were no big plans or changes in the works?
[19:44] <schultza> i dont know... thats why i was asking... is someone keeping kubuntu up-to-date?
[19:45] <delac> poll: does the toolbar->customize in firefox work for anyone (kubuntu users)?
[19:45] <delac> *on firefox 11
[19:48] <delac> not much firefox users around here, huh?
[19:49] <ronnoc_> designbybeck: Not really any staggering changes, aside from the awesome KDE updates, since 12.04 is a 5 year LTS for Kubuntu
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[19:51] <ronnoc> designbybeck: Any "big" changes, such as moving to Telepathy from Kopete, etc. will be saved for 12.10 because it is not an official "LTS" release
[20:03] <avihay> delac: Seems to be working fine for me
[20:04] <avihay> 32Bit
[20:05] <delac> avihay: thanks
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[20:33] <lesha> HI All!)
[20:33] <lordievader> lesha, hey
[20:34] <lesha> Where are you from?
[20:34] <lordievader> lesha, for offtopic conversations there is the #kubuntu-offtopic channel (I am there too btw)
[20:34] <lesha> Ok
[20:35] <lesha> i'm so sorry for offtopic messeage
=== ben___ is now known as Guest70237
[21:19] <DragoniaX_KDE> hello why does mp3 not work @ amarok ? :( downloaded the codecs shown in the popup and not working....
[21:23] <Daskreech> !info kubuntu-restricted-extras | DragoniaX_KDE
[21:23] <ubottu> DragoniaX_KDE: kubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 56 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB
[22:25] <atome> Hi there
[22:27] <atome> I'm on kubuntu 11.10 I recently update the kernel via apt (3.0.0-18-generic) and since this time all is completly crashy
[22:27] <atome> ow can I downgrade proprely my kernel ??
[22:49] <JMichaelX> atome: unless you removed them, previous kernels are likely still installed. in the grub menu, you could choose to boot into one of the older kernels
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=== karl is now known as Guest31295