UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /05 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:42] <agateau> Riddell: thanks for the upload!
[07:48] <Riddell> agateau: thanks for the new release :)
[07:48] <agateau> Riddell: I am about to release a new appmenu-qt and maybe a lightdm update if it's not too late as well
[07:50] <Riddell> super
[08:28] <Riddell> oh bah kde4libs isn't in kubuntu-ninjas for some reason, no wonder everything fails to build
[10:09] <afiestas> CAn anyone help me on finishing the setup of two daily builds? Inm theory everything is ready the only thing that needs to be done is push or put in another branch the debian folder (which is done as well)
[10:10] <afiestas> tried pushing it but can't see exactly where I pushed it (for example pushed it to trunk, failed, pushed it to "head" worked but I don't know how to fetch it)
[10:12] <afiestas> bzr push lp:~afiestas/akonadi-google/akonadi-google :33
[10:17] <afiestas> still the debain folder is not appearing in: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cyberspace/akonadi-google/akonadi-google-afiestas/files will take a while I guess?
[10:48] <afiestas> not sure if I'm doing it right, but akonadi-google-afiestas packaged, webaccounts on its way :33
[10:53] <Peace-> installed 11.10 upgraded to 12-04 without problem
[10:53] <Peace-> via shell
[12:15] <Riddell> hi agateau
[12:15] <Riddell> hmm no
[12:15] <Riddell> hi afiestas
[12:15] <agateau> :)
[12:42] <Riddell> afiestas: hey this akonadi resource really works!
[13:02] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:03] <afiestas> Riddell: told ya :p
[13:03] <afiestas> and what doesn't will be fixed I can assure you that :p
[13:05] <Riddell> afiestas: I tidied up the packaging and receipie and it's pending to build
[13:06] <Peace-> but is there a way to integrate dropbox in few stepps?
[13:06] <Riddell> Peace-: ask afiestas for his webaccounts thing
[13:06] <Riddell> afiestas: you registered a second project, akonadi-google?
[13:07] <Peace-> btw => http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/how-to-use-dropbox-and-kde-or-kubuntu/
[13:07] <Riddell> https://code.launchpad.net/~cyberspace/+recipe/akonadi-google-daily half an hour
[13:07] <Riddell> afiestas: the second branch I prefer to have it as just packaging only, so I moved it to ~cyberspace/cyberspace/akonadi-google-packaging and it's debian/ directory only
[13:08] <Riddell> then the receipie puts them together during the build process
[13:08] <Riddell> Peace-: hum that sounds like an interesting thing to have in the archives
[13:13] <Peace-> Riddell: well all the time users askin for dropbox stuff
[13:18] <Riddell> Peace-: yeah, do you know the author?
[13:18] <Peace-> no i have fixed only the service menu
[13:20] <Riddell> Peace-: would you be able to e-mail him to suggest he working with us to get it into the ubuntu archive?
[13:23] <BluesKaj> Peace-, i used this tutorial a while back and it also works for kubuntu dropbox , http://www.nixternal.com/kde-and-dropbox/
[13:23] <Peace-> Riddell: i can mail him but i am not a kubuntu dev so... i guess
[13:24] <Peace-> BluesKaj: good but you have dolphin integration ?
[13:24] <Peace-> i mean the service menu
[13:24] <Peace-> Riddell: i guess i can not do the job for you i mean it's useless
[13:25] <BluesKaj> Peace-, yes
[13:26] <Peace-> BluesKaj: this one ? http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/snapshot14.jpg
[13:28] <BluesKaj> Peace-, http://imagebin.org/206775
[13:30] <Peace-> BluesKaj: mmm ok but with the right click on a file you can get the public link on your clipboard or not?
[13:30] <Peace-> because if i do
[13:31] <Peace-> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopWe1968.png
[13:32] <BluesKaj> Peace-, i have dropbox url in my bookmarks
[13:33] <Peace-> genearte pubblic url => i have the link on my clipboard so i can paste it here without browser
[13:34] <BluesKaj> ok Peace- very cool, but still gotta use a browser
[13:34] <Peace-> nope
[13:34] <Peace-> i don't use browser
[13:35] <BluesKaj> how do you navigate to the dropbox site then ?
[13:35] <Riddell> Peace-: easy enough to e-mail someone
[13:36] <Peace-> BluesKaj: well i use to do my stuff=>put my stuff on dropbox folder with dolphin => right click on the file => generate pubblic url => use it on chat or .... etc etc
[13:37] <BluesKaj> I need to use a browser to share my folders with my family , Peace- . It's safe and easy for us .
[13:41] <Peace-> BluesKaj: well sure but it's not fast :)
[13:45] <Riddell> guys you need to convince afiestas to integrate it with his stuff :)
[13:45] <Riddell> afiestas: package built but version number clashed, retried with a bumped version no
[13:46] <BluesKaj> heh Peace-, a few seconds to me is fine , i don't need instant gratification :)
[13:46] <Peace-> BluesKaj: hahha
[13:46] <Peace-> you know i don't use very often dropbox
[13:47] <BluesKaj> Peace-, we exchange photos of family events on dropbox , mostly
[13:47] <Riddell> afiestas: akoandi-google doesn't make it easy to have two accounts
[13:47] <Riddell> (as I do)
[13:47] <Riddell> setting up the second one the cookies are still there for the first
[13:48] <Peace-> BluesKaj: we don't :D my sister come and she gives me her phone =>download of 10000 gig of foto video and => none will see them
[13:48] <Peace-> lol
[13:52] <BluesKaj> I was going to do a clean install of 12.04 to solve my akonadi/mysql config probs , but changed my mind , too much work to set everything up again. Since the said config files are somehow corrupted ,it's no point in just installing to /.
[13:53] <BluesKaj> and leaving /home the way it is .
[13:53] <BluesKaj> Am I right ?
[13:55] <BluesKaj> or is there another appraoch ?
[13:56] <Peace-> i leave my home as it is
[14:00] <BluesKaj> /home contains the config files for some apps like akonadi etc , so the corruted files won't be replaced, ~/.kde/share/config
[14:01] <BluesKaj> corrupted
[14:02] <Peace-> BluesKaj: remove what you need
[14:02] <BluesKaj> Peace-, then what ?
[14:03] <Peace-> BluesKaj: if you ahve the filter bar on dolphin you can remove config files but only the akonadi files
[14:03] <Peace-> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/05/plasma-desktopCD6146.png
[14:05] <BluesKaj> Peace-, will the new install to / replace those files with new uncorrupted ones , somehow I doubt it
[14:06] <Peace-> BluesKaj: no
[14:06] <Peace-> BluesKaj: well if you reinstall but you change the username ues
[14:06] <Peace-> yes
[14:06] <Peace-> if you keep the username and passworkd config files will not overwritten
[14:06] <BluesKaj> that'smy point , I need to do new clean install to / and /home to get akonadi and msql to work
[14:07] <BluesKaj> mysql
[14:07] <Peace-> if your problems are only with akonadi and smsql you could just remove the configfiles
[14:07] <Peace-> of akonadi
[14:09] <BluesKaj> so how does one replace those corrupted config files with ones that will make akonadi/mysql work ? or is it even possible without a taotally clean install to / and /home?
[14:13] <Peace-> BluesKaj: just remove the old config files or rename them
[14:13] <Peace-> they will be automatically generate again
[15:37] * Peace- is away: Gone away for now
[15:43] <Tm_T> Peace-: please turn those away announcements off (:
[15:53] <Riddell> damn I've messed up oneiric backports somehow
[15:53] <Riddell> probably me wanting to be clever and changing the 4.8.2a back to 4.8.2 then uploading to ninjas which already has 4.8.2a
[15:53] <Riddell> drat and blast
[16:13] <agateau> Riddell: hey, just released a new appmenu-qt tarball... wanted to propose a MR for you, but Launchpad or bzr decided to be a pain and tell me "bzr: ERROR: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/appmenu-qt/ is not registered on Launchpad" :/
[16:13] <agateau> Riddell: can you look at merging bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/appmenu-qt/packaging-0.2.6/?
[16:13] <agateau> damn, no '?' can you look at merging bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/appmenu-qt/packaging-0.2.6/?
[17:23] <BluesKaj> hi ronnoc , well i renamed ~/.kde , but still no luck with kmail/akonadi/mysql
[17:27] * Peace- is back.
[17:28] <Peace-> Tm_T: oh ok
[17:28] <Peace-> i have jus reinstalled kubuntu
[17:35] <Peace-> done
[17:53] <ronnoc> BluesKaj: I figured as such. Have you pinged kde-devel?
[18:18] <BluesKaj> ronnoc, pinged kde-devel? sorry I don't understand
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