UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /03 /#lubuntu.txt
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[01:30] <osmodivs> Hello. I have Lubuntu 11.10 32 bits in a Acer One Netbook. When I insert my headphones I can hear the sound in my headphones AND in the Netbook internal speakers. How can I shut down the internal speakers while lisenting on the headphones?
[01:32] <holstein> osmodivs: you could try using pulseaudio, unless you are, then try using ALSA only
[01:32] <holstein> i would try with a live CD first... a normal ubuntu live CD.. maybe 12.04 and 10.04
[01:36] <osmodivs> holstein, Well, I am installing PulseAudio stuff right now, and see what happens
[01:36] <osmodivs> ¿Whatcould go wrong?
[01:38] <holstein> lol... try pavucontrol if you get pulse going
[01:41] <reach> how do one set up their e-mails addresses in sylpheed?
[01:55] <reach> hello, help benn needed here
[01:56] <holstein> reach: i would probably go to the sylpheed team.. is it default in lubuntu?
[01:57] <Unit193> reach: http://support.real-time.com/linux/email/client/sylpheed.html or http://www.melvilletheatre.com/articles/sylpheed-gmail/index.html
[01:57] <Unit193> holstein: Yep.
[02:00] <reach> oh thanks but i already know how to set it up but the stmp part is a problem
[02:10] <reach> y cant this page be like the ubuntu page
[02:11] <holstein> reach: whats the question?
[02:12] <reach> holstein: cant log in on sylpheed
[02:12] <Unit193> !details
[02:12] <ubottu> Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."
[02:13] <holstein> reach: i would confirm the creds elsewhere... make sure you have the STMP ports correct and the user and pass... and all that
[02:15] <reach> holstein: yeah i know i dont know the STMP for yahoo mail and gmail BUT the gmail is set automatically by default
[02:16] <holstein> reach: cool... just confirm it somewhere else... gmail can pop... yahoo is a pay-for service for forwarding like that AFAIK
[02:19] <reach> i just what to know if its imap 4 or pop3
[02:19] <holstein> reach: thats all server side thoug.. the client just does what you configure it to do
[02:19] <holstein> though*
[02:20] <holstein> the client will need to be configured to talk with the server, however that is
[02:21] <reach> oh where does apps go when i have install them through terminal
[02:22] <holstein> thats going to depend on the application to some degree...
[02:24] <Unit193> I seem to remember jmarsden telling you to dpkg -L packagename for that...
[02:27] <reach> browsers
[02:28] <reach> unit193: just type in that alone in the terminal?
[02:29] <Unit193> dpkg -L chromium-browser for example.
[02:30] <reach> on sec
[02:33] <reach> unit193: that doesnt show me where the file is located it show me the files that have to do with thw app
[02:33] <Unit193> ...Exactly.
[02:34] <holstein> those are what get installed when that application is installed
[02:35] <reach> huh>? i want to know where the app is located not what is installed
[02:35] <holstein> reach: ? you mean in the menu?
[02:35] <holstein> the application is located in all those placed
[02:35] <holstein> places*
[02:36] <reach> yes and when i enter my computer and open my hdd
[02:36] <holstein> if you mean "when i install an application myself, without a package manger, using the terminal, and there is no menu entry made for it, how do i make a menu entry?"
[02:36] <holstein> http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Main_Menu
[02:36] <reach> yes
[02:40] <reach> how do i changed the wallpaper
[02:42] <holstein> see if it looks like this reach http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=31338
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[14:29] <NEOhidra> hi i would like to ask for which messages wont be used the localised string if LC_MESSAGES=POSIX is presented in /etc/environment
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[16:09] <Elchzard> realllly slow running off livedisk
[16:09] <Elchzard> I didn't realise this computer was THAT bad
[16:09] <Elchzard> XD
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[16:43] <wxl> j/msg ReonMoebius oh dude this is such good shit http://muchausensound.bandcamp.com/album/i-heart-feedback
[16:43] <wxl> oops
[17:02] <Unit193> wxl: Great job. :P
[17:02] <wxl> Unit193: :/ do i get kickbanned for a typo? ;)
[17:03] <Unit193> Maybe if they weren't so lazy... ;)
[17:03] <wxl> hmmmm…"they" huh? ;)
[19:41] <Elchzard> So the powerbook i'm trying to install 12.04 ppc on is too slow to open the install file. :|
[19:47] <milen8204> any one have problems whit flash player ?
[19:48] <bioterror> some problems with youtube
[19:48] <phillw> Elchzard: which G do you have?
[19:48] <bioterror> sometimes it crashes, after restart it wont start playback
[19:49] <phillw> Elchzard: as in G3, G4, G5 ?
[19:50] <phillw> bioterror: there is a newer verision of flash, but it is not in deb format and needs alien.
[19:51] <Elchzard> G4
[19:51] <Elchzard> Sorry phillw, wasn't paying attention
[19:52] <wxl> milen8204: assumedly you're using chromium?
[19:52] <bioterror> phillw, helps a lot :D
[19:52] <phillw> Elchzard: can you please try using the alternate? the standard desktop install may be stessing your computer out too much with the Ubiquity installer.
[19:53] <Elchzard> I can get to the step after language selection and after that it just freezes and the installer quits
[19:53] <Elchzard> phillw: I'll go try that now :)
[19:53] <Elchzard> Thanks
[19:53] <phillw> bioterror: I don't mind uploading the deb version to the 'thesii.org' server.
[19:53] <milen8204> wxl, no I am using Firefox
[19:53] <Unit193> Alian isn't awesome, that's for sure.
[19:54] <phillw> Unit193: it installed the latest flash for me, so that I can play the vids on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
[19:54] <milen8204> I have uninstalled chromium
[19:54] <wxl> milen8204: i've had better luck with chromium. not sure if they're using the non-adobe flash google is making, but it sure seems like it
[19:55] <phillw> I like what works, KISS :D
[19:55] <wxl> milen8204: i say this as a firefox user. i keep chromium around for, e.g. bandcamp uplaods
[19:55] <Unit193> Yeah, and alian messes stuff up a lot of the time, but anywho...
[19:55] <phillw> wxl: even with lubuntu-restricted-extras it would not work.
[19:55] <wxl> phillw: haven't tried the beeb.
[19:56] <milen8204> wxl, can you run youtube clips whit firefox ?
[19:56] <phillw> with 12.04, it still complained I did not have the correct flash player. I got the rpm version and used alien to install it. It now works.
[19:56] <wxl> milen8204: yeah and i just have the latest from the repos
[19:57] <phillw> milen8204: for you tube, simply switch over to HTML5
[19:57] <wxl> milen8204: but there are flash things that will not work except with chromium
[19:58] <phillw> milen8204: http://googlesystem.blogspot.co.uk/2010/01/youtubes-html5-player.html
[19:58] <wxl> oh that's right!
[19:59] <wxl> i use html5!
[19:59] <wxl> i forgot about that
[19:59] <milen8204> phillw, how can I switch to HTML5 ?
[20:00] <phillw> milen8204: http://www.youtube.com/html5
[20:01] <milen8204> phillw, ohh it is another player :)
[20:01] <milen8204> thanks phillw
[20:01] <phillw> just sign up for the trial, it is not another player, it is next level of HTML that no longer requires Abobe Flash :)
[20:02] <phillw> milen8204: ^^
[20:03] <milen8204> phillw, thanks but it does not work for me :D I singed up but do not work
[20:03] <phillw> you will have to restart your browser.
[20:09] <milen8204> phillw, I have "!" on " h.264 " what does it mean ?
[20:10] <phillw> milen8204: go back to http://www.youtube.com/html5 and it will now tell you what it can support.
[20:10] <phillw> I have h264 support
[20:16] <milen8204> aha
[20:17] <milen8204> I succeed to start one clip trough HTML5 but how can I watch clips in other sites ?
[20:48] <MrChrisDruif> phillw; feel free to talk about me on #lubuntu-offtopic ^_^
[20:48] <phillw> MrChrisDruif: you are not familiar with humour?
[21:19] <unkn-error> hello!
[21:19] <MrChrisDruif> Aloha unkn-error
[21:20] <unkn-error> dose anyone know where lxde keep's his " config " file for mouse settings?
[21:20] <MrChrisDruif> What mouse settings?
[21:20] <unkn-error> I wish to be able to scroll more lines per one wheel movement
[21:21] <MrChrisDruif> I think it is in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
[21:23] <unkn-error> what is ~/.
[21:23] <unkn-error> . /home?
[21:23] <MrChrisDruif> /home/<user-name>
[21:24] <MrChrisDruif> And the . in front of config means that it's hidden
[21:24] <MrChrisDruif> I believe pressing Ctrl+H should make it visible in PCmanFM
[21:24] <MrChrisDruif> (The file-manager)
[21:24] <Unit193> Correct.
[21:26] <Elchzard> Alternate install is working perfectly phillw, thanks :D
[21:27] <MrChrisDruif> Good to hear Elchzard
[21:27] <unkn-error> I have found the config file I am looking at it
[21:27] <phillw> Elchzard: excellent news, we will make a note of it in the release notes. Can you let me know what amount of RAM your computer has.
[21:27] <Elchzard> I'll check once it's up, I can't remember precisely
[21:27] <unkn-error> I hope I'll find the scroll section, thank you
[21:27] <MrChrisDruif> unkn-error; search for mousebind-button
[21:28] <phillw> Elchzard: just ask back, and we can give you the insrtuction to check :)
[22:25] <Elchzard> aaaand it boots
[22:25] <Elchzard> Thought i'd never be able to do something with that old laptop
[22:25] <Elchzard> :)
[22:30] <Elchzard> phillw: gnome-system-monitor is telling me 242.9 MiB
[22:30] <Elchzard> But..
[22:30] <Elchzard> I'm not sure how that's right
[22:31] <Elchzard> No wait, just check Apple specsheets
[22:31] <Elchzard> That's right
[22:31] <Elchzard> phillw: 242.9 MB :)
[22:34] <phillw> Elchzard: thanks, I will ask the ppc testers to decide on what RAM is acceptable for an install.
[22:37] <phillw> Elchzard: lubuntu ppc is designed for 'old laptops'. It is what we are here for. Thank you for taking the time out to come back and confirm it works.
[22:45] <Elchzard> :)
[23:03] <phillw> Elchzard: as a user of a ppc, may I ask you to join the group that discusses that system within Lubuntu?
[23:05] <Elchzard> phillw: sure, i'm interested
[23:12] <phillw> elz
[23:12] <phillw> Elchzard: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPC
[23:13] <phillw> it is a little out of date, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/
[23:13] <phillw> is our main area.
[23:15] <Elchzard> phillw: I'll do the necessary things tomorrow, (well - today) but thanks for the links and involvement :)
[23:17] <phillw> Elchzard: welcome to Lubuntu, what we lack in numbers; we make up on quality :)