UbuntuIRC / 2012 /04 /03 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:47] * Riddell fires up an ec2 to get into the packaging mood
[07:50] <Daskreech> ha ha :)
[07:50] <Daskreech> Nothing like spare cycles for that
[08:23] <Riddell> yofel, shadeslayer: I'm doing some 4.8.2 packaging, if you want to work on it let me know and I'll update the wiki page
[09:24] <Riddell> yofel: how about using notes.kde.org instead of wiki.k.o for packaging? I find myself not wanting to update the wiki because it's too slow
[09:26] <yofel> well, sounds good, the wiki is getting on my nerves as well
[09:40] <Riddell> yofel: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Splash Screen Testers Needed | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! |http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce |wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | Milestoned beasties http://goo.gl/9iyUD | KDE SC 4.8.2: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | KDE Telepathy 0.3.1 to package
[09:40] <Riddell> needs lots of tidying up, that's just copy and paste, I'll sort it and the wiki page out to be nicer in a bit
[10:03] <yofel> libdebconf-kde 0.2 is out
[10:13] <afiestas_> cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/webaccounts.so': No such file or directory
[10:13] <afiestas_> dh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/webaccounts.so debian/webaccounts//usr/lib/kde4/ returned exit code 1
[10:14] <afiestas_> I'm getting that error when creating a package, the thing compiles just fine, even install well in debian/webaccounts folder
[10:14] <afiestas_> but all the time during the creation of the package debian/tmp folder is empty
[10:14] <afiestas_> any tip?
[10:15] <afiestas_> even more, it is never created :/
[10:15] <debfx> afiestas_: is it a source package with only one binary package?
[10:16] <afiestas_> debfx: yes
[10:16] <debfx> then it's common that the files are installed directly to debian/<pkgname>
[10:17] <afiestas_> and why it is trying to copy anything from /tmp ?
[10:17] <afiestas_> http://paste.kde.org/450956/ (control file)
=== ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube
[10:18] <debfx> presumably you have an install file
[10:19] <afiestas_> http://paste.kde.org/450962/
[10:21] <debfx> right, either delete the install files or tell dh_auto_install to install files into debian/tmp
[10:24] <afiestas_> debfx: thanks !
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Splash Screen Testers Needed | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! |http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce |wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | Milestoned beasties http://goo.gl/9iyUD | KDE SC 4.8.2: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | package: kde telepathy, libdebconf-kde
[11:55] * shadeslayer looks into packaging
[12:01] <shadeslayer> uhh we don't have qyoto packages ? 0.o
[12:04] <Riddell> shadeslayer: no alas not
[12:04] <shadeslayer> but whai?
[12:05] <Riddell> I don't know of any users of those bindings so there's no motivation to redo them
[12:05] <shadeslayer> no one bothered?
[12:05] <shadeslayer> hmmm ... fair enough
[12:05] <Riddell> I was the first person to package them for any distro but when kdebindings split out they never got re-done
[12:05] <Riddell> I'd love to have them, makes me feel improper to miss out an upstream package
[12:06] <Riddell> but upstream don't even know if they want to maintain them any more for Qt 5
[12:06] <shadeslayer> understandable ... I'm not sure they're even used
[12:07] <Riddell> no they're not, who wants to use c# ? (except miguel)
[12:08] <shadeslayer> heh
[12:08] <shadeslayer> I also managed to forget how to use bzr builddeb it seems
[12:09] <Riddell> that can be used so many different ways it's not surprising you forget them
[12:09] <Riddell> shadeslayer: are you doing 4.8.2 ?
[12:09] <shadeslayer> yes
[12:09] <Riddell> cos I am too
[12:10] <yofel> if you wonder about them ask Quintasan, he tried to package them and gave up
[12:10] <Riddell> hang on them, I need to update the page
[12:10] <shadeslayer> oh, are you updating the notes.kde.org link?
[12:10] * Riddell updates it now
[12:10] <shadeslayer> Quintasan is probably busy with exams and stuff
[12:11] <yofel> no, I mean he gave up on them back a year ago
[12:11] <yofel> they're a mess
[12:11] <Riddell> shadeslayer: updated, you're good on rocs I havn't touched it
[12:14] <yofel> bbl
[12:15] <apachelogger> baeh
[12:15] <apachelogger> <--- migraine
[12:15] <apachelogger> Riddell: when is the next freeze?
[12:15] * Riddell prescribes irn bru to apachelogger
[12:15] <apachelogger> <3
[12:15] <Riddell> apachelogger: kernel freeze on friday! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule?action=show&redirect=PreciseReleaseSchedule
[12:16] <Riddell> watch out for that one KDE packagers!
[12:16] <Riddell> final freeze on april 12th https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/PreciseReleaseSchedule
[12:16] <apachelogger> ^^
[12:16] <Riddell> there's some e-mails I need to read discussing the details of how that'll happen
[12:16] <shadeslayer> heh
[12:17] <Quintasan> Yeah, shadeslayer and yofel are both right
[12:17] <Quintasan> We are talking about qyoto, aren't we?
[12:17] <shadeslayer> Quintasan: not just qyoto
[12:17] <shadeslayer> all them bindings
[12:17] <apachelogger> I think I'll defer splash screen to a day where my head is not feeling like a water bomb
[12:18] <apachelogger> unless yofel finds the time to package the splash background
[12:18] <Riddell> I think that's a hint for yofel :)
[12:18] <Quintasan> Riddell: qyoto, when I last looked at it, was a hell of a package and not even the foo masters in #debian-qt-kde had a clear idea of how to do it
[12:18] <Quintasan> Or I was asking wrong people for tips
[12:18] <Riddell> apachelogger: have lots of water and go for a nice walk, computers and migraines are unlikely to be a good combination
[12:19] <apachelogger> Riddell: yah, though I'd rather get the splash stuff done
[12:19] <apachelogger> :(
[12:19] <Riddell> Quintasan: yes I had to go to the c# team in debian for expertese when I did it years ago but there's no pressing need to get it done so we should concentrate on the things we do have need of
[12:19] <Quintasan> Riddell: Mmkay, I might tackle on them next cycle and when I am after exam
[12:20] <Quintasan> Last month of doing anything.
[12:21] <apachelogger> yofel: if you find the time ... I would simply remove the install of the default theme from workspace and instead make a new package kde-splash-theme-ariya containing the preview/theme.rc and the 800x600 version which is installed to the plymouth kubuntu-logo themedir and symlinked to the splash location
[12:21] <apachelogger> then an additional -extra package to contain the other resolutions
[12:22] <apachelogger> then we basically just need to upload kds and the new splashes are in
[12:22] <apachelogger> if you don't find the time I'll do it tomorrow or sometime or something
[12:23] <Riddell> Quintasan: by next cycle we'll be on qt 5 and it'll be a non issue (well I can dream)
[12:23] <Quintasan> Riddell: That's one problem less :P
[12:24] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh, I do believe that some C# person should maintain that package really
[12:24] <apachelogger> completely impossible for a person without the knowledge to do it right
[12:24] <Riddell> apachelogger: might be an idea, the debian c# team did want to look after it back in the day and I did say it would be better under the debian qt/kde team but maybe I was wrong
[12:25] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[12:25] <apachelogger> Riddell: now that it is a split tar it should be fine
[12:25] <apachelogger> Riddell: we'll just need to give them a poke when a new version gets released I suppose
[12:25] <apachelogger> anyhow
[12:25] <apachelogger> -> out
[12:37] <peace> just installed kubuntu form ubuntu minimal + kde-full
[12:37] <peace> rebooted and blackscreen
[12:37] <peace> intel 945gm
[12:37] <peace> ok seems its persistent
[12:41] <Riddell> peace: you can ask for user help in #kubuntu and #ubuntu+1 or you can ask for developer help and be told "install the right package and file a bug with the right logs"
[12:42] <peace> sure
[12:46] <Riddell> hmm, was I too unfriendly?
[12:51] <Riddell> hi toscalix_, congrats on your amazing election victory!
[12:53] <toscalix_> Riddell: thanks
[12:53] <toscalix_> :-)
[12:53] <toscalix_> I'm proud and honored
[13:02] <apol> :)
[13:10] <BluesKaj> Errors were encountered while processing: monodoc-base
[13:11] <BluesKaj> should I worry about this error ^
[13:11] <BluesKaj> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[13:12] <BluesKaj> that looks serious to me, /usr/bin/ erroring out on mono
[13:14] <BluesKaj> ran dpkg --configure -a , returned no error , ran update/upgrade again ,so maybe I'm ok
=== toscalix__ is now known as toscalix
[13:25] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/rocs] Rohan Garg * 26 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release
[13:29] <Riddell> BluesKaj: shrug, not a kubuntu question
[13:32] <BluesKaj> Riddell, yeah , sorry I posted in the wrong channel
[13:35] <Riddell> hi bulldog98
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[13:43] <peace> mah call to lnusertemp failded
[13:43] <yofel> apachelogger: you'll have to do it, I'll be absent for the next few days (until monday probably)
[13:44] <peace> BluesKaj: do you ever see that error on login?
[13:44] <Riddell> yofel: going on a week long rave?
[13:45] <yofel> well, more like 1/3 business trip, 1/3 visiting relatives over easter and 1/3 actually taking a few days off
[13:49] <BluesKaj> peace, no , if it's not a major error then I suppose not since ai use auto login
[13:54] <peace> BluesKaj: for some reasons installing kubuntu 12.04 has not set permission well on my home
[13:55] <BluesKaj> peace, what's the problem , constantly being asked for password in /home ?
[13:56] <peace> nope can't write on the disk
[13:56] <peace> so no applications can work :D
[13:56] <peace> i have never seee this
[13:58] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/step] Rohan Garg * 25 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release
[14:02] <shadeslayer> wait
[14:02] <Riddell> disk errors mean it can mount read-only
[14:02] <shadeslayer> Riddell: is anything left?
[14:03] <shadeslayer> ( for packaging )
[14:03] <shadeslayer> ksecrets?
[14:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I'm working on the last ones
[14:03] <Riddell> ksecrets is broken, don't package it
[14:03] <Riddell> (I've packages in experimental PPA)
[14:03] <shadeslayer> ok, in that case we're done I think
[14:03] <Riddell> no we're not!
[14:03] <Riddell> needs testing
[14:03] <Riddell> then needs oneiric packages
[14:04] <Riddell> if we can remember what changes were needed for oneiric last time as can just do those in batch and throw them up
[14:04] <shadeslayer> right, I'll have to leave the laptop on the entire night to test :P
[14:04] <Riddell> or work out how to get vnc working with ec2 ?
[14:05] <peace> fixed BluesKaj
[14:05] <shadeslayer> uhh ... hmm can't you use X over ssh?
[14:05] <shadeslayer> I remember seeing a option to do that
[14:05] <peace> BluesKaj: the user test was already present on the old kubuntu 12.04 test installation :D
[14:05] <shadeslayer> yup, you can
[14:06] <BluesKaj> user test, peace?
[14:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: yes but it's too slow
[14:07] <Riddell> VNC is designed for the job much better but I've never used it really
[14:08] <peace> BluesKaj: i have 2 partitions , the old one had a user called test
[14:08] <peace> BluesKaj: when i have installed the new 12.04 again in the second partition i used again test like user
[14:08] <peace> username
[14:08] <BluesKaj> peace, ok
[14:09] <peace> btw the error was not clear
[14:09] <peace> for me
[14:15] <shadeslayer> Riddell: you probably have a faster connection for VNC really, I'm on a measly 512 Kbps right now
[14:15] <Riddell> shadeslayer: probably but I've no idea how to use it as I say :)
[14:16] * shadeslayer goes off to check why tp-qt4 FTBFS's
[14:16] * Riddell is due to get a fibre optic connection tomorrow, then I'll be only half the speed of jussi!
[14:22] * BluesKaj has access to fibre optic connection , but the cable co won't install it without mandatory basic cable tv service , which I don't want or need
[14:26] <shadeslayer> I'll probably switch to a better plan sometime this month ( 12Mbps up/down for the first 25 GB's, 1 Mbps afterwards )
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[14:31] <BluesKaj> oops , I was wrong, they advertise stand alone 40mbs for $64/mos plus $5/for modem rental , that's a bit pricey
[14:32] <BluesKaj> 100GB max per month
[14:33] <shadeslayer> That's reasonable, even apachelogger won't be able to hit that limit with his prn and Doctor Who
[14:35] <shadeslayer> wheee .. tarball respins
[14:36] <BluesKaj> shadeslayer, I doubt that those speeds are ever realized. Internet providers always fuge their DL speeds based on unrealistic no traffic situations
[14:37] <BluesKaj> err fudge
[14:37] <Riddell> shadeslayer: you're on kde-packager right? can you check we have the latest of everything?
[14:37] <shadeslayer> yep, I'm kind of hard time figuring how my ISP plans to provide 12 Mbps over ADSL2+
[14:37] <shadeslayer> Riddell: sure will do
[14:38] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I have 16Mbps over ADSL2+ now
[14:38] <shadeslayer> 0.o
[14:38] <Riddell> it just depends on the distance to the exchange
[14:39] <Riddell> and tomorrow I'll get ADSL2+ to an exchange at the end of my road which it's claimed will be 40Mbps
[14:39] <shadeslayer> aha, ADSL2 has a theoretical max of 8 Mbps
[14:39] <shadeslayer> ADSL2+ can go between 12 and 24 Mbps
[14:39] <BluesKaj> Riddell, what kind of price ?
[14:40] <shadeslayer> 40Mbps ... what the hell are you people trying to do? Setup a data center?
[14:40] <Riddell> BluesKaj: for fibre? £36/month + phone line at £12 a month
[14:40] <Riddell> shadeslayer: talk to jussi
[14:40] <BluesKaj> Riddell, not bad , seems about the same as here
[14:41] <Riddell> he has about 100Mbps and he's out in rural area near the north pole
[14:41] <shadeslayer> @_@
[14:41] <shadeslayer> Clearly I should relocate
[14:42] <Riddell> flat above is for sale, only £155,000 to become my neighbour, then you can borrow my wifi signal :)
[14:42] <peace> btw icontask is not installed after sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-*
[14:42] <BluesKaj> Riddell, , shadeslayer , yes but you know how electrons move much faster in cold media
[14:42] <shadeslayer> hehe
[14:42] <shadeslayer> Riddell: sure, once I win the lottery :P
[14:43] <Riddell> oh that's easy to do, I have about £10,000 coming from the lottery next month
[14:43] <Riddell> the trick to winning the lottery is not to play (that's just a tax on stupidity) but to apply for grants for your poor deprived sports club (my social duty to put the stupid people's money to good use)
[14:44] <jussi> meh, I moved and dont have such great connection anymore.
[14:44] <Riddell> jussi: what you only have 50Mbps?
[14:44] <jussi> nah, its 3rd world standard now
[14:44] <BluesKaj> Riddell, well, ask lottery winners if they're stupid )
[14:44] <jussi> 2Mbps
[14:45] <jussi> BluesKaj: have you ever seen what a lottery winner spends it on?
[14:45] <BluesKaj> I'm sorta in the boonies so i'm stuck with 800kbs
[14:46] <Riddell> jussi: gosh really? did you move across the border to russia?
[14:46] <BluesKaj> yeah , my neigbour won a million in cancer research lottery and he moved around the cornet to a slight bigger and nicer house , but he's doing well, still working etc
[14:47] <shadeslayer> There's too much money in the world ...
[14:47] <Riddell> so he's happy to take money from cancer research? that's not just stupid, that's mean
[14:47] <Riddell> shadeslayer: try telling that to my neighbour Fred Goodwin
[14:48] * shadeslayer doesn't know who that is
[14:48] <Riddell> used to run the world's biggest bank
[14:48] <shadeslayer> "Goodwin's knighthood, awarded in 2004 for "services to banking", was "cancelled and annulled" on 1 February 2012."
[14:48] <Riddell> then it went bust, he still has a stupidly large house and got a nice payoff from the government
[14:48] <shadeslayer> heh
[14:49] <BluesKaj> well, his wife passed away from cancer ...better him the the sam artists who adminster that thst so called research org ...here about 80% of the money collected never reeaches the researchers
[14:49] <BluesKaj> scam
[14:52] <yofel> hm, who's updating kde-workspace and kdepim-runtime?
[14:52] <yofel> kdesdk is already done
[14:53] <yofel> konsole too, I used the new tars
[14:53] <Riddell> shadeslayer is?
[14:53] <yofel> ah, right
[14:53] <Riddell> that was a hint :)
[14:53] * yofel does kdepim
[14:53] <yofel> doesn't seem like dirk wants to respin that
[14:55] <peace> bespin isnot packaged?
[14:55] <yofel> what's bespin?
[14:56] <Riddell> sounds like a widget theme
[14:56] <yofel> hm, now that you mention it..
[14:56] <Peace-> kde style bespin
[14:56] <Peace-> i guess
[14:57] <debfx> sounds more like star wars
[14:57] <shadeslayer> yep, kdepim-runtime is done
[14:58] * shadeslayer is going to upload it in a minute
[15:00] <Riddell> shadeslayer: can you do kde-workspace too?
[15:00] <Peace-> Riddell: but icontask is not anymore on kubuntu repo ?
[15:00] <shadeslayer> Riddell: syre
[15:00] <shadeslayer> *sure
[15:00] <Peace-> i have install kdeplasma-addons and plasma-widget-*
[15:01] <Peace-> but it's not into
[15:01] <debfx> it's in plasma-widgets-addons
[15:01] <Peace-> i can not install that
[15:01] <Peace-> i have not on my repo
[15:02] <Riddell> Peace-: I don't know what that is
[15:02] <Peace-> debfx: ok ihave tthat package
[15:03] <yofel> Riddell: the icon only task manager
[15:03] <Peace-> debfx: but i was not able to see icontask even after kbuildsycoca4
[15:03] <Riddell> oh that's a curious thing, why not just make it an option in the normal task manager?
[15:03] <Riddell> (I wonder)
[15:03] <Peace-> Riddell: that would be nice
[15:04] <Peace-> debfx: anyway i have no problem i have my little package that works
[15:04] <yofel> Peace-: you do have /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_icontasks.so ?
[15:04] <Peace-> yofel: well now yes i have used my personal package
[15:04] <yofel> k
[15:07] <Peace-> btw i have create a tool to install via get hot new stuff service menu that are not well integrated or have not a installer
[15:07] <jussi> Riddell: I moved to a road that literally is named "Middle of nowhere st"
[15:07] <Riddell> jussi: isn't slow internet a crime against human rights in Finland?
[15:08] <jussi> Riddell: only slower than 1 Mbps
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[15:18] <CIA-42> [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepim-runtime] Rohan Garg * 103 * debian/changelog Upstream respun the tarballs
[15:19] * yofel is somewhat starting to like kmail again
[15:20] <Peace-> yofel: is working again ?
[15:20] <yofel> I'm back to mysql though for akonadi, postgresql is too inconsistent performance wise
[15:20] <yofel> Peace-: works for me, except that I can't use 'Del' to move things to trash
[15:20] <yofel> akonadi-google 0.3 / libkgoogle seems to work fine too :D
[15:20] <Peace-> good
[15:21] * yofel uses disconnected IMAP for kmail
[15:21] <Peace-> yofel: you do packages right '
[15:21] <Peace-> ?
[15:21] <yofel> right (or for what do you mean?)
[15:22] <Peace-> yofel: i am doing a debian package
[15:22] <Peace-> but there is something that i am missing
[15:22] <Peace-> i mean i have made a package that conflits and replace another one
[15:23] <Peace-> but it seems that after i have installed my own package there is still some config file of the other package
[15:23] <BluesKaj> kmail/akonadi don't seem to work on my setup ...errors galore , akondi can't connect to my ISP which uses a hotmail server "pophm"
[15:24] <yofel> Peace-: conffiles (i.e. stuff in /etc) aren't removed when a package is removed, only on purge
[15:24] <yofel> does it cause problems?
[15:25] <Peace-> yofel: well it should not
[15:25] <Peace-> but i would like do a purge
[15:28] <Riddell> fabo! "Qt 5.0 alpha released"
[15:28] <fabo> Riddell: :)
[15:28] <yofel> Peace-: hm, not sure how to do that, other than with package scripts
[15:30] <Peace-> yofel: you mean with postscript?
[15:30] <Peace-> postinst
[15:31] <shadeslayer> yup, but then you're messing with a system without the explicit approval of the person installing your package
[15:31] <yofel> yeah, but that feels messy
[15:31] <Peace-> i have even to undestand how to replace the bashrc
[15:32] <yofel> rather leave the files there, or re-own them by the new package if they have an effect
[15:32] <Peace-> i guess i should use divert
[15:32] <shadeslayer> kde-workspace takes forever to checkout
[15:33] <yofel> heh, I wonder what's in the history to make it that large
[15:33] <shadeslayer> ^_^
[15:34] <yofel> kgetsource could make lightweight checkouts I guess
[15:34] <shadeslayer> oh are those like using --depth with git clone ?
[15:34] <yofel> those are a bit of a pain though
[15:35] <yofel> shadeslayer: well, more like it only does an svn-like checkout, but then requires a network connection to just run bzr diff etc.
[15:35] <shadeslayer> ah
[15:37] <shadeslayer> uh yeah, I don't think kde-workspace is making any progress
[15:37] <Riddell> shadeslayer: how do you mean?
[15:38] <shadeslayer> 16184kB 69kB/s \ Fetching revisions:Inserting stream:Estimate 1879/6736 < Stuck at that for the past 5 minutes
[15:38] <shadeslayer> maybe that revision is huge
[15:39] <shadeslayer> Riddell: oh context, I meant the packaging branch is taking forever to download ...
[15:40] * shadeslayer yawns
[15:40] <Riddell> ec2 available on request
[15:43] <yofel> bzr branch --bind --stacked would be reasonable, but that would need a repository upgrade for the old ones http://paste.kde.org/451232
[15:43] * yofel deems it too much work
[15:56] <shadeslayer> Riddell: any ideas what the numbers after 'Estimate' mean?
[15:57] <Riddell> shadeslayer: where?
[15:57] <shadeslayer> Riddell: in bzr branch : Estimate 1879/6736
[15:59] <shadeslayer> yofel: bzr be broken on yer thinkpad : http://paste.kde.org/451256/
[16:00] <shadeslayer> Riddell: can I get that ec2?
[16:00] <shadeslayer> I don't think my internet is stable enough for this checkout to complege
[16:00] <shadeslayer> *complete
[16:00] <Riddell> shadeslayer: 1 processor or two?
[16:00] <shadeslayer> single will do
[16:01] <DWonderly> I might need to use the ec2 when I'm ready to package the docs... I only have a 32gig SSD in my laptop
[16:01] <yofel> shadeslayer: fun
[16:01] <DWonderly> and my server went kuput again.
[16:01] <Daskreech> DWonderly: I read that 4 times a 32Gig of RAM in your laptop
[16:02] <jjesse> so did i
[16:02] <DWonderly> LOL
[16:02] <DWonderly> The SSD was a gift. it extended my battery life by almost an hour.
[16:02] <DWonderly> boot time is better too
[16:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: ubuntu@ec2-23-20-212-111.compute-1.amazonaws.com
[16:04] <shadeslayer> this one has a weird shell
[16:05] * yofel should probably just upgrade his server to precise
[16:05] <yofel> it's already a weird oneiric / precise mix
[16:05] <shadeslayer> surely you mean it's a weird sid/oneiric/precise mix
[16:05] <yofel> ah, forgot about that
[16:05] <yofel> add not-really-working daily builds of bzr to that
[16:06] <yofel> bbl
[16:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: that's my normal shell setup!
[16:07] <shadeslayer> oh
[16:07] <shadeslayer> Riddell: just looked funky/different from all the other ec2 machines I've used
[16:08] <Riddell> shadeslayer: yeah my script now copies my .bashrc so I feel right at home on it
[16:08] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:10] <jussi> so, where should bugs in precise be reported to?
[16:10] <jussi> (and coudl someon come up with text for a factoid on this...)
[16:10] <shadeslayer> launchpad? :P
[16:11] <shadeslayer> herp derp
[16:11] <shadeslayer> W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_source_Sources Hash Sum mismatch
[16:11] <shadeslayer> :/
[16:12] <Riddell> shadeslayer: seems they have a buggy server
[16:12] <shadeslayer> yeah
[16:12] <Riddell> I did s,us-east-1.ec2.,,
[16:13] <Riddell> hey shadeslayer, try this
[16:13] <Riddell> vnc://ec2-50-17-135-186.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5901
[16:13] <Riddell> in krdc
[16:13] <shadeslayer> It's asking for my password
[16:14] <shadeslayer> and the password I put in doesn't work :P
[16:16] <Riddell> shadeslayer: foobar i think
[16:16] <shadeslayer> yay
[16:16] <shadeslayer> working
[16:16] <Riddell> good thing this channel is publically logged
[16:16] <Riddell> shadeslayer: can you see desktop settings open?
[16:16] <shadeslayer> just horribly horribly slow
[16:16] <shadeslayer> yes
[16:16] <Riddell> cool so you can see the same thing I can see
[16:17] <Riddell> shadeslayer: can you control the mouse?
[16:17] <shadeslayer> barely
[16:17] <Riddell> shadeslayer: can you close that dialogue?
[16:17] <Riddell> because I can't, the click is like I'm holding down alt so itjust moves the window
[16:17] <Riddell> yeah you have the same thing
[16:17] <Riddell> a weird bug somewhere
[16:17] <shadeslayer> yeah same thing
[16:18] <Riddell> k-menu opens on click but I can't select anything in it
[16:18] <shadeslayer> oh there we go
[16:18] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what did you do?
[16:18] <shadeslayer> not sure what I did differently
[16:18] <shadeslayer> I just kept on clicking
[16:18] <shadeslayer> :P
[16:19] <Riddell> shadeslayer: can you launch something from the k-menu?
[16:19] <Riddell> well done!
[16:19] <shadeslayer> yeah
[16:19] <shadeslayer> :D
[16:19] <Riddell> shadeslayer: any idea how to get alt-f2 krunner to work without doing the local one on your system?
[16:20] * shadeslayer tries
[16:20] <shadeslayer> Riddell: see "Grab Keys" at the top?
[16:21] <shadeslayer> shouldn't that grab inputs?
[16:22] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I would think so but it doesn't help
[16:22] <shadeslayer> weird
[16:23] <Riddell> well with k-menu somehow working that's not an issue
[16:23] <shadeslayer> plus I have custom keybindings for krunner, which is why pressing alt+f2 doesn't bring it up on my local machine
[16:24] <shadeslayer> :D
=== ubuntu_ is now known as rohanRiddell
[16:24] <rohanRiddell> hello channel!
[16:25] <rohanRiddell> this vnc thing is uber nifty!
[16:25] <shadeslayer> wait which dialogue?
[16:25] <rohanRiddell> but only if rohan stops stealing the mouse
[16:25] <rohanRiddell> lol
[16:25] <Riddell> shadeslayer: who said anything about a dialogue?
[16:26] <shadeslayer> O_O
[16:26] <shadeslayer> I must be see'ing things
[16:26] <rohanRiddell> how come it captures normal keystrokes
[16:26] <rohanRiddell> but not alt+F2
[16:27] <Riddell> rohanRiddell: I've no idea
[16:27] <Riddell> anyhoo, this is 4.8.2, is it working?
[16:27] <Riddell> can we sign off on the testing?
[16:28] <shadeslayer> I guess
[16:28] <shadeslayer> ok I've gtg for dinner, will come back for kde-workspace
[16:28] <Riddell> bon appetit
[16:29] <BluesKaj> Riddell, 4.8.2 works here , a few small crashes here and there
[16:38] <Riddell> kontact working in 4.8.2 for my e-mail!
[16:41] <shadeslayer> argh
[16:41] <shadeslayer> bzr want's my ssh keys :/
[16:41] <shadeslayer> Permission denied (publickey).
[16:42] <Riddell> in launchpad?
[16:42] * shadeslayer just dgets kde-workspace
[16:42] <shadeslayer> Riddell: on the ec2
[16:42] <Riddell> oh you can copy your keys but make sure I don't have access when you do
[16:42] <Riddell> make sure to kick me and my key off it (without removing yours)
[16:43] * shadeslayer is not too confident copying his private key anywhere except his laptop and his backup drive
[16:44] <Riddell> you can use debsign for signing things remotely but I've not found a way to do bzr+ssh remotely like that
[16:44] <shadeslayer> yeah, trying to think how to do ths
[16:44] <shadeslayer> *thuis
[16:44] <shadeslayer> arg
[16:45] <shadeslayer> can't I checkout without having to authenticate?
[16:45] <Riddell> shadeslayer: sure
[16:45] <shadeslayer> how?
[16:45] <Riddell> bzr co lp:thing should just work with http if it needs to
[16:46] <shadeslayer> doesn't
[16:46] <Riddell> but that's not different from just apt-get source from the PPA if they're in sync
[16:46] <shadeslayer> hmm
[16:47] <shadeslayer> I'll just apt-get source it then
[16:49] <tsimpson> lp: is a "shortcut" to use the bzr+ssh:// URLs, you need to just get the http URL
[16:50] <Riddell> it's a bit more than that I'm pretty sure, it falls back to http but I think only for bzr branch not checkout
[17:07] <shadeslayer> Riddell: can you shut down that ec2
[17:08] <shadeslayer> I checked out the bzr branch using --lightweight
[17:08] <shadeslayer> or should I just sudo halt it?
=== pvivek_ is now known as pvivek
[17:29] <Riddell> shadeslayer: try sudo poweroff
[17:30] <shadeslayer> done
[17:32] <yofel> btw. I did some work on that package bug filing script https://gist.github.com/2243256 - works overall, just the description is *short*
[17:35] <shadeslayer> hmm .. strigi is FTBFS
[17:35] * shadeslayer fixes
[17:36] <jussi> shadeslayer: can you make akonadi ftbfs.... permanently? :P :P
[17:36] <shadeslayer> jussi: sure, but that means you won't get any fixes/improvements that upstream releases
[17:36] <yofel> nah, strigi is enough
[17:37] <shadeslayer> the easiest way to ftbfs something is to remove cmake :P
[17:37] <jussi> bwaahahahha
[17:37] <yofel> you can probably work around that :P
[17:38] <shadeslayer> probably ... :)
[17:38] <shadeslayer> write makefiles by hand? :D
[17:38] <jussi> shadeslayer: yeah, we will make you do it :P
[17:39] <jussi> bwahahahahahahhahahah!
[17:39] * shadeslayer runs away
=== fabo__ is now known as fabo
[17:53] <DWonderly> We could get nixternal to do it.
[17:55] <yofel> that would mean it would really be FTBFS permanently
[17:56] <Riddell> DWonderly: to do which?
[17:57] <DWonderly> Riddell: Write makefiles. :D
[17:58] <yofel> he could go to MoDaX for questions. He wrote the makefile for qtscriptgenerator
[18:08] <mgraesslin> any neon experts around?
[18:09] <yofel> mgraesslin: hm?
[18:09] <mgraesslin> yofel: would it be possible to have KDE defaults in neon?
[18:09] <mgraesslin> instead of kubuntu-default-settings
[18:10] <yofel> theoretically yes, I would need to patch KDE to ignore /etc/kde4rc
[18:10] <mgraesslin> that would be very useful if we want users to point to neon to perform 4.9 testing
[18:11] <yofel> I'll note that down, but can't give a promise until when it's done
[18:11] <mgraesslin> and another thing: would it be possible to create a daily VM image based on neon?
[18:11] <shadeslayer> mgraesslin: we discussed that iirc
[18:11] <yofel> shadeslayer: you looked at that, didn't you?
[18:11] <shadeslayer> but there was no conclusive proof that people would actually want that
[18:11] <shadeslayer> yofel: yes
[18:12] <mgraesslin> we will never know if nobody tries it
[18:12] <shadeslayer> Plus, we'd need a cdimage server to host that stuff and a resources to build a image every day/week
[18:13] <shadeslayer> I made a poll and all iirc
[18:13] <yofel> well, at least some dedicated server for that, my server can't handle that
[18:14] <shadeslayer> yep ^
[18:14] <mgraesslin> maybe kde-sysadmins could help
[18:14] <mgraesslin> that would be a real advantage in my opinion for beta testing
[18:15] <shadeslayer> I never quite figured out how to use Google Docs to make forms, so here's a text only version : http://paste.kde.org/451382/
[18:15] <shadeslayer> specifically, last question
[18:16] <mgraesslin> I guess there are many KDE users who would love to have daily packages but are not using Kubuntu
[18:16] <Riddell> a VM image and/or an ec2 image for neon would be uber cool
[18:16] <shadeslayer> yep, but I don't have a shred of knowledge how RPM packaging works ....
[18:17] <Riddell> but I don't know where to start on it
[18:17] <shadeslayer> so we need people who have a expertise in that area to expand Neon to SuSE/Fedora/Redhat
[18:17] <yofel> hm, a VM image would be doable
[18:17] <mgraesslin> shadeslayer: exactly, that's why a VM would be great for all those OpenSUSE users
[18:17] <mgraesslin> and maybe they start to love Kubuntu :-)
[18:18] <Riddell> mgraesslin: slap it on wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries
[18:18] <shadeslayer> yofel: lets hatch a conspiracy to convert all them SuSE people to Kubuntu
[18:18] <yofel> shadeslayer: +1 :D
[18:18] <shadeslayer> mgraesslin: thanks for the evil plan
[18:18] <mgraesslin> :-)
[18:19] <shadeslayer> yeah, sounds right, Discuss at UDS, implement before/during akademy
[18:19] <mgraesslin> personally I have a VM and have thought about updating it myself and spend some money to host on Amazon S3
[18:19] <jussi> screw suse, lets get the rest of the users (windows, mac etc)
[18:20] <shadeslayer> jussi: then we have too many users
[18:20] <Riddell> jussi: good point, we shouldn't aim to hurt suse, they're our friends
[18:20] <jussi> shadeslayer: hah!
[18:20] * shadeslayer is always afraid that we'll get too many users
[18:20] <shadeslayer> then instead of developing stuff we'll be stuck answering support questions :P
[18:20] <jussi> Riddell: yeah, our crazy, strange friends, but we still like them
[18:21] <mgraesslin> shadeslayer: we would completely fail everywhere if our userbase would double tomorrow
[18:21] <jussi> shadeslayer: meh, its kubuntu, people dont need support :P
[18:21] <shadeslayer> mgraesslin: exactly
[18:21] * mgraesslin still wants the bugtracker to be closed for exactly THAT reason
[18:21] <shadeslayer> I'd see at the very least a 100 bug reports bashing nepomuk
[18:22] <yofel> mgraesslin: lol, just be happy we require accounts unlike debian ^^
[18:22] <shadeslayer> mgraesslin: I think it should be partially closed with people earning 'points' for reporting a bug that is later on confirmed
[18:22] <yofel> then again, they require mails
[18:22] <shadeslayer> and then they can report more bugs
[18:22] <shadeslayer> the more points you have, the more bugs you can report
[18:22] <mgraesslin> the wiki doesn't like me :-(
[18:22] <shadeslayer> the wiki doesn't like anyone
[18:22] <yofel> mgraesslin: if you get a 500, use wiki.ubuntu.com
[18:23] <mgraesslin> I cannot log in
[18:23] <yofel> the redirect is somewhat broken
[18:23] <yofel> ah, that's moin moin then, that doesn't like anyone
[18:26] <mgraesslin> finally
[18:31] <shadeslayer> btw I'm building strigi on the armboxen if no one is working on them
[18:32] <shadeslayer> kde-workspace updated as well
[18:41] <shadeslayer> wth
[18:41] <shadeslayer> bunzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows.
[18:41] <shadeslayer> bunzip2: Broken pipe
[18:55] <Riddell> http://blogs.kde.org/node/4558 "Ubuntu and VNC on EC2"
[18:55] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what's that from?
[19:07] <ScottK> Riddell: FYI, won't work if desktop effects are enabled. It's probably not an issue in this case.
[19:15] <Riddell> ScottK: VNC? you mean locally or on the ec2 server?
[19:16] <Tm_T> 2211.59 < new2net> excellent work on Kubuntu, as advertised, it just works. Keep it up
[19:37] <dantti> Riddell: hey, how much do you pay by month on that ec2?
[19:39] <Riddell> dantti: with my credit card then canonical refunds me when I expense it at the end of the month
[19:39] <Riddell> oh how much
[19:39] <Riddell> depends on the month
[19:40] <Riddell> a bill just came in, let me look
[19:42] <Riddell> dantti: $26.21 in March http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/aws.pdf
[19:42] <Riddell> but it varies a lot depend on what we happen to use that month
[19:43] <Riddell> if I forget to terminate an 8CPU machine overnight then it costs a lot more :)
[19:43] <ScottK> Riddell: On the remote system (in this case the EC2)
[19:44] <dantti> Riddell: right, well wehn I was searching for a server the one that seemed more atractive was from 1and1, it's more expensive but the value is fixed which don't gives you surprise in the end..
[19:45] <dantti> Riddell: it might be a better choice for you since it's a dedicated server with VM cpu capabilities..
[19:46] <Riddell> ScottK: hmm kwin is usually very good at turning that off if it can't handle it, in this case I didn't notice any issue
[19:46] <dantti> $59 btw, an AMD opteron 2.4, with 2gb of ram, my father in law hired another one paying 69, which is 2.6ghz and 4gb of ram, check that out if you see the bill/use growing..
[19:46] <Riddell> dantti: oh I don't think it's very good if you need it online 24/7 for a e.g. a web server
[19:46] <Riddell> dantti: it's only good if you need a server for a random hour or three
[19:47] <dantti> Riddell: yes, I was afraid of the bill at the end of the month..
[19:47] <Riddell> $57 a month for their cheap EC2 server
[19:48] <ScottK> OK. A friend of mine who's mother runs Ubuntu was complaining he had trouble VNCing into his mother's computer for troubleshooting now.
[19:48] <Riddell> but that's not what cloud is for, it's for being able to expand easily so if you find your server overloaded you can fire up a dozen more no problem
[19:49] <Riddell> ScottK: without knowning the issue I would instinctively blame Ubuntu's compositing and suggest using Kubuntu :)
[19:56] <ScottK> Riddell: I have done that.
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Splash Screen Testers Needed | Precise: Beta 2 Released - Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4 | http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! |http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce |wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | Milestoned beasties http://goo.gl/9iyUD | KDE SC 4.8.2: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | package: kde telepathy
[22:40] <JontheEchidna> ^re: the topic change, ximion's uploaded debconf-kde 0.2 & we're awaiting a sync request
[22:42] <ximion> as soon as it is publicly accessible on Debian, I'll file the request
[22:42] <JontheEchidna> thanks :)
[22:42] <JontheEchidna> (I changed the topic so nobody would go ahead and duplicate the already-done packaging work) :P
[22:43] <ximion> hehe :)
[22:43] <ximion> thanks :)
[22:43] <ximion> I hate it when people do duplicate work
[22:44] <ximion> (and I also dislike Ubuntu deltas on my packages - there are options to upstream Ubuntu changes easily, in most cases)
[22:44] <ximion> the pkg will be public in a few hours, the build servers already catched it :)
[22:46] <ximion> oh sh*
[22:46] <ximion> the symbols file has issues in i386
[22:58] <Riddell> lovely, thanks ximion
[23:21] <Riddell> yofel: ok if I upload 4.8.2 to precise?
[23:22] <yofel> did you upload sweeper and superkaramba to the ppa? you've marked them as done, but I only see 4.8.1 in apt
[23:24] <yofel> hm, no, not in PPA
[23:24] <yofel> otherwise go ahead
[23:26] <Riddell> hum
[23:32] <Riddell> yofel: can you remember what changed needed to be made for oneiric in 4.8.1?
[23:34] <yofel> I'm not sure if there's anything left that needs changes
[23:34] <Riddell> yeah I don't see anything in ninjas from 4.8.1
[23:35] <yofel> ark was adjusted in precise and backports fine, and kde-workspace can be backported fine too since 4.8.1
[23:36] <Riddell> yofel: ok I'll throw it into ~kubuntu-ppa/backports for oneiric
[23:36] <yofel> uh wait
[23:36] <yofel> rather build in ninjas or staging and copy later
[23:37] <yofel> not all users actually check what dist-upgrade does before running it, and just uploading everything results in quite a few build failures that need to be retried
[23:37] <Riddell> good point
[23:38] <Riddell> fabo: seen "In Qt 4.8.0 and 4.8.1 there is a crash bug" ?
[23:38] <Riddell> "patch to qt 4.8 required for Calligra"
[23:42] * yofel is off to bed - gn
[23:43] <Riddell> ciao