UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /26 /#ubuntu-eg.txt
Initial commit
=== sarhan is now known as Tux-Tn
[18:46] <thelinuxer> ashams: hey man
[18:46] <ashams> hey thelinuxer
[18:47] <ashams> :)
[18:47] <ashams> hr u doing?
[18:47] <thelinuxer> about the deleted post
[18:47] <thelinuxer> fine el7l
[18:47] <ashams> one sec waiting for Wafik
[18:47] <thelinuxer> the group is tech related non commercial
[18:48] <thelinuxer> so i guess it's cool to have it on our group
[18:50] <ashams> thelinuxer, allowing this will leave an exploit for want-to-have-members-in-my-group-ppl :)
[18:50] <Tux-Tn> ashams, we have the same problem with ubuntu tunisia
[18:50] <thelinuxer> ashams: meen :D?
[18:50] <Tux-Tn> ashams, guys are posting links to pages and groups
[18:50] <ashams> Tux-Tn, man, it's damn everywhere :D
[18:51] <Tux-Tn> ashams, but i think it's the same page
[18:51] <ashams> thelinuxer, hehe :)
[18:51] <ashams> Tux-Tn, what you mean?
[18:51] <Tux-Tn> ashams, tabedol el5abra ubuntu is the name of the group?
[18:51] <Tux-Tn> ashams, in arabic but i can't write arabic
[18:51] <thelinuxer> no it isn't
[18:51] <Tux-Tn> it's not the same troll :D
[18:51] <Tux-Tn> sorry
[18:51] <thelinuxer> i sent them your page asking them to join forces
[18:52] <ashams> yep, trool have many faces :)
[18:52] <ashams> thelinuxer, what you meen ya man? :)
[18:52] <thelinuxer> ashams: there was a page called "tabadol el 7'ebrat"
[18:52] <thelinuxer> it's tunisian so I sent them ubuntutunisia page
[18:53] <thelinuxer> asking them to join forces instead of starting a new initiative
[18:53] <ashams> ah, I got it
[18:53] <thelinuxer> now about android egypt
[18:53] <thelinuxer> is it cool or not and y ?
[18:53] <ashams> ah, looks like an ambush :)
[18:54] <ashams> no, it's not cool :P
[18:54] <thelinuxer> bos he is what i did in the past before u became admin :P
[18:54] <thelinuxer> if it's an initiative non-commercial related to open source then it's cool to have
[18:54] <SySEnG> hey
[18:54] <thelinuxer> supporting other local communities
[18:55] <ashams> hey, SySEnG
[18:55] <thelinuxer> and we expect them to support us
[18:55] <thelinuxer> hi SySEnG
[18:55] <SySEnG> hi
[18:55] <Tux-Tn> thelinuxer, you support open source or free software?
[18:56] <thelinuxer> Tux-Tn: mostly free software of course, but with the occasional opensource stuff
[18:56] <thelinuxer> for instance android is the only mature platform near free software philosophy
[18:56] <SySEnG> I'm Microsoft System Engineer
[18:56] <thelinuxer> so in comparison to other mobile os it's cool to support it
[18:56] <SySEnG> yes
[18:57] <SySEnG> i love android
[18:57] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: welcome, r u here to confess ur sins :P ?
[18:57] <ashams> thelinuxer, man, it's FB, we can't allow cross publicizing aslan, it'll turn into shitty hell. And I think Wafik shouldn't allow it too, just a suggestion :)
[18:57] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: r u Mohamed Wafik ?
[18:58] <ashams> I guess so :)
[18:58] <thelinuxer> ashams: what about the goal to penetrate other local communities here in Egypt ?
[18:58] <thelinuxer> it's one of the main LoCo goals
[18:58] <thelinuxer> and we made it ours since day one
[18:58] <ashams> man, this is diff
[18:58] <thelinuxer> as long as it's controlled then we shouldn't have a problem
[18:58] <ashams> it's FB :D
[18:58] <thelinuxer> and FB too!
[18:58] <SySEnG> yes i'm mahmoud wafik
[18:59] <thelinuxer> it's the best channel to reach people
[18:59] <ashams> ah, we're going into loops, let's hold it for the next meeting
[18:59] <thelinuxer> most people don't do any offline activities
[18:59] <SySEnG> no i'm not like to do ADV.
[18:59] <thelinuxer> i am not going in loops 3ala fekra
[18:59] <thelinuxer> i am putting new arguments
[18:59] <ashams> I am :P
[18:59] <SySEnG> but i say u accept ADV. when some one do this
[19:00] <ashams> SySEnG, yes, when it's partnered
[19:00] <SySEnG> any way
[19:00] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: I don't see this as advertising as much as I see it supporting a local community
[19:00] <SySEnG> i'm sorry
[19:00] <thelinuxer> with a related field of interest
[19:00] <thelinuxer> android is the only platform where ubuntu can play a roll!
[19:00] <ashams> yep, it's a publicizing only
[19:01] <thelinuxer> it's the only platform supported on linux
[19:01] <thelinuxer> the only platform with real free software inside
[19:01] <thelinuxer> if more devs do android development more would be ubuntu!
[19:01] <thelinuxer> would be using* ubuntu
[19:01] <SySEnG> yes
[19:01] <SySEnG> another thing
[19:01] <SySEnG> i need to ask
[19:01] <thelinuxer> hence, I find the intersection ..
[19:02] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: please ask
[19:02] <SySEnG> i'm downloaded BACK TRACK 5 R2
[19:02] <SySEnG> and it didn't work any more
[19:02] <SySEnG> :)
[19:02] <thelinuxer> can I please postpone answering that ?
[19:03] <thelinuxer> i need to discuss ur first issue with ashams
[19:03] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: I also have to say that before putting your group on our wall you should have asked
[19:03] <SySEnG> خن
[19:03] <SySEnG> ok
[19:03] <SySEnG> sure
[19:03] <thelinuxer> and Tarek isn't an admin
[19:03] <SySEnG> no problem
[19:03] <ashams> thelinuxer, man, let's hold it for the meeting plz, we have another thing to fight over :D
[19:03] <thelinuxer> and putting text with ALL CAPS really offended me :D
[19:04] <thelinuxer> ashams: we should be able to solve minor issue quickly
[19:04] <SySEnG> i say i'm sorry
[19:04] <thelinuxer> issues*
[19:04] <SySEnG> so what
[19:04] <thelinuxer> ashams: so now my arguments are
[19:04] <ashams> thelinuxer, stop arguing ba2a, you really look like damn me...
[19:04] <ashams> :P
[19:04] <thelinuxer> ashams: lol
[19:05] <thelinuxer> 1. it's an informative group
[19:05] <ashams> oh God
[19:05] <thelinuxer> 2. there is a field of intersection
[19:05] <ashams> Oh God 2
[19:05] <SySEnG> i don't care
[19:05] <SySEnG> this is your rule
[19:05] <SySEnG> so i'm just register
[19:06] <SySEnG> and i can easly go from your group
[19:06] <ashams> SySEnG, we're open ya basha, no such a thing called yours and ours
[19:06] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: that's y there is a rule, to prevent individual judgment
[19:06] <ashams> thelinuxer, I'm only talking about FB
[19:06] <thelinuxer> what's the difference ?
[19:07] <ashams> Fb is very social to the limit that makes it hellish
[19:07] <ashams> everyone has a page and a group as bonus
[19:07] <ashams> everyone likes "LIke"s and new joiners
[19:08] <ashams> ppl like their posts to be liked and shared
[19:08] <ashams> it's a factoid begadd
[19:08] <ashams> so, sinking there will return no good
[19:08] <thelinuxer> tayeb will think about your argument and you should think about my arguments
[19:08] <SySEnG> ican't understand
[19:08] <thelinuxer> and will bring this up in the meeting isA
[19:08] <SySEnG> so
[19:08] <ashams> ok, I promise
[19:09] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: about your BackTrac problem
[19:09] <ashams> SySEnG, what made it to stop working
[19:09] <thelinuxer> what is exactly happening ?
[19:09] <SySEnG> i'm open my group only for helping people
[19:09] <SySEnG> no thing
[19:09] <ashams> SySEnG, I'm sure of that, it's just a general rule :D
[19:09] <SySEnG> i'm new with backtrack
[19:10] <SySEnG> i was using SQL Injection , ETC
[19:10] <SySEnG> i'm like web hacking but
[19:10] <SySEnG> just ethic
[19:10] <ashams> cooool :D
[19:10] <SySEnG> when some i hack some one
[19:10] <ashams> ok
[19:10] <SySEnG> it is only for say the debug and solutions
[19:10] <SySEnG> get it
[19:10] <SySEnG> with out any money or any thing other
[19:11] <ashams> so, when it stopped?
[19:11] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: we really care about the technical problem :)
[19:11] <SySEnG> i just try
[19:11] <ashams> coool, keep working ya man :)
[19:11] <SySEnG> but it soesn't work with me
[19:11] <ashams> how?
[19:11] <SySEnG> is there any hacking Courses
[19:11] <ashams> what have you tried and didn't work
[19:11] <ashams> ?
[19:11] <thelinuxer> SySEnG: aiwa what's not working ?
[19:12] <SySEnG> WP Scan
[19:12] <SySEnG> SQL MAP
[19:12] <SySEnG> all i try didn't work
[19:12] <SySEnG> and all documents make attention for PC hacking
[19:12] <SySEnG> but i like web hacking
[19:12] <thelinuxer> ok we thought you had a problem like it doesn't boot or something
[19:12] <SySEnG> it is more fun :D
[19:13] <SySEnG> no
[19:13] <ashams> yeah, it's fun :D
[19:13] <SySEnG> it is working on PC
[19:13] <SySEnG> i have PC for it
[19:13] <SySEnG> i'm already have linux server
[19:13] <thelinuxer> you might want to ask your question in a backtrac related channel
[19:13] <SySEnG> WEB
[19:13] <ashams> cool, so the problem that there's no documentation enough
[19:13] <SySEnG> this is another reason to like WEB hack
[19:14] <SySEnG> i need to deffince my self
[19:14] <SySEnG> SQL MAP always have aproblem
[19:14] <SySEnG> and didn't show kind of DBS
[19:14] <thelinuxer> ok do the following command without the double qoutes "/j #backtrack-linux"
[19:14] <SySEnG> when try hacking some one say no DBS is it working without DBS
[19:15] <thelinuxer> this will open backtrack channel
[19:15] <thelinuxer> u'll find people with expertease there who can answer your question
[19:15] <SySEnG> command prompet
[19:15] <thelinuxer> or guide you to find the answer
[19:15] <thelinuxer> nope
[19:15] <thelinuxer> directly in the chat program
[19:15] <SySEnG> yes
[19:15] <SySEnG> IRC
[19:15] <SySEnG> yes yes
[19:15] <thelinuxer> yes IRC
[19:15] <SySEnG> mmm
[19:16] <ashams> SySEnG, I also, loved this site once: http://www.hackthissite.org/pages/index/index.php
[19:16] <SySEnG> is any courses on egypt for ethic hacker
[19:16] <SySEnG> but not material
[19:16] <ashams> I guess not
[19:16] <SySEnG> i need hacker to teach me
[19:16] <SySEnG> i'm not hacking from 2009
[19:16] <SySEnG> till now
[19:16] <SySEnG> :)
[19:17] <thelinuxer> there is an upcoming event related to security and hacking
[19:17] <thelinuxer> http://bluekaizen.org/sklabs.html
[19:17] <thelinuxer> you might want to attend it
[19:18] <SySEnG> yes sure
[19:18] <thelinuxer> yala gtg now
[19:18] <SySEnG> ok
[19:18] <thelinuxer> sorry for any misunderstandings
[19:18] <thelinuxer> and good to know you :)
[19:18] <SySEnG> no problem
[19:18] <SySEnG> i'm sorry
[19:18] <thelinuxer> salam
[19:18] <SySEnG> so sorry
[19:18] <SySEnG> salam
[19:19] <ashams> don't be sorry ya basha, it's ok :)
[19:19] <thelinuxer> :)
[19:20] <SySEnG> thnx
[19:20] <ashams> yw :)
[19:21] <SySEnG> WP SCAN now only show usernames
[19:21] <SySEnG> and you can't see Passwords
[19:21] <SySEnG> :)
[19:21] <ashams> haha, what is the need ba2a :D
[19:22] <ashams> but usernames can help alot too
[19:25] <SySEnG_> Some times we cna get passowrds and can't get users
[19:26] <SySEnG_> other times we get user and password but have firewall on link or we can't get link of admin panel
[19:26] <SySEnG_> :D
[19:26] <ashams> hehe, it's funny :P
[19:26] <ashams> epic linux systems :D
[19:27] <SySEnG_> i have linux server only for web
[19:27] <SySEnG_> i'm don't trust we of microsoft
[19:27] <SySEnG_> CENTOS 5.9
[19:27] <SySEnG_> CPANEL
[19:27] <ashams> yeah, dood for you
[19:28] <ashams> Centos is a good solution too
[19:28] <ashams> Cpanel is the best
[19:28] <SySEnG_> i'm always try to hack my self b4 some one hacked me :D
[19:28] <SySEnG_> yes CPANEL is the powerfull
[19:28] <SySEnG_> but it eat resources
[19:29] <SySEnG_> but my VPS on server have 8 CPU X Core i 7 2.66
[19:29] <SySEnG_> 8 MB CASH
[19:29] <ashams> you may ask someone else to hack you :P
[19:29] <SySEnG_> 3 GB RAM
[19:29] <SySEnG_> thnx
[19:29] <SySEnG_> big thnx
[19:29] <SySEnG_> :D :D :D
[19:29] <SySEnG_> you can try
[19:29] <SySEnG_> :D
[19:30] <SySEnG_> may i have some thing i can't see
[19:30] <ashams> 3 Gb Ram is damn powerful
[19:30] <ashams> what OS ba2a?
[19:30] <ashams> Centos bardo?
[19:31] <SySEnG_> Yes
[19:31] <SySEnG_> 5.9
[19:31] <SySEnG_> WHM/CPanel
[19:31] <SySEnG_> powered by VZ
[19:31] <ashams> that's tooooo good for a server, really
[19:31] <ashams> how much did it cost you?
[19:32] <SySEnG_> 3 GB i think it is alittle
[19:32] <SySEnG_> about 250 or 300 $
[19:32] <SySEnG_> Yearly
[19:33] <SySEnG_> But it is VPS
[19:33] <ashams> that's good pricing too
[19:33] <SySEnG_> not Dedicated
[19:33] <ashams> ok, it's good too
[19:33] <ashams> where did you get it?
[19:34] <SySEnG_> i'll tell you
[19:34] <ashams> thnx :)
[19:34] <SySEnG_> modelayer,com
[19:34] <SySEnG_> but i don't recommend
[19:34] <SySEnG_> bad manage
[19:34] <SySEnG_> nodes always have problems
[19:34] <SySEnG_> down alot
[19:34] <SySEnG_> but fast support
[19:34] <ashams> oh
[19:34] <SySEnG_> good price
[19:35] <ashams> yes
[19:35] <SySEnG_> uptime about 85 %
[19:35] <ashams> it can be good for personal work
[19:35] <ashams> not professional
[19:35] <Tux-Tn> <SySEnG_> uptime about 85 % | it's bad not?
[19:35] <ashams> so, I think I'll try it soon isA
[19:35] <SySEnG_> :)
[19:35] <SySEnG_> but i already pay
[19:35] <SySEnG_> so
[19:35] <SySEnG_> no i'm don't make personal site
[19:35] <SySEnG_> i must stay
[19:36] <ashams> Tux-Tn, bad for pro work
[19:36] <SySEnG_> no problem
[19:36] <SySEnG_> i can get you space
[19:36] <SySEnG_> to try them
[19:36] <SySEnG_> but with out hacking
[19:36] <SySEnG_> :D
[19:36] <SySEnG_> the great thing i do
[19:36] <ashams> thanks no need :), I like to stay stable ;)
[19:36] <ashams> what?
[19:36] <SySEnG_> i get External backup
[19:36] <SySEnG_> 100 GB
[19:36] <SySEnG_> weekly backup
[19:36] <SySEnG_> automated
[19:37] <ashams> that's great
[19:37] <SySEnG_> stable = lot of $$$$$$$
[19:37] <SySEnG_> :)
[19:37] <ashams> yeahm mana ba7awesh :D
[19:37] <SySEnG_> lool
[19:37] <ashams> :)
[19:39] <ashams> SySEnG_, I gtg, sorry for the misunderstanding, and really happy to get to know you :)
[19:40] <ashams> Salam :D
[23:39] <ashams_> !register
[23:39] <lubotu3> Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode
[23:39] <ashams_> !unity
[23:39] <lubotu3> Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity
[23:40] <ashams_> !notunity
[23:40] <lubotu3> Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic
[23:41] <ashams_> !art
[23:41] <lubotu3> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[23:51] <egyDev> !classic
[23:51] <lubotu3> The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity