UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /26 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[01:29] <Zeb> :-( help...
[01:29] <Zeb> the default desktop (ubuntu w/ unity) is screwed up after my computer went to sleep. the left side bar doesnt show up, the title bar w/ the clock time etc doesn't show up, and the windows key doesnt open dash
[01:29] <Zeb> its like unity crashed, and even after logging out and back in it doesnt work
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[12:59] <jemoh> Any one know of the most active pygtk or python programming language forums please help
[13:03] <Sidewinder1> jemoh, I guess you've tried here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=39
[13:17] <jemoh> ok thanx looks lyk it will be of great help
[13:18] <Sidewinder1> jemoh, My pleasure. :-)
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[14:13] <raydog45000> Hello all, I am trying to set up an ubuntu server, I checked the disc for defects and tested memory, after I choose a host name it fails at 43% of starting up the partition, how can I get it to complete?
[14:19] <holstein> raydog45000: i would test the hard drive... just to be sure. or just throw another in and see... there are some server distros that run live like http://www.turnkeylinux.org/
[14:19] <raydog45000> like test it from the BIOS
[14:19] <raydog45000> ?
[14:20] <raydog45000> I accidentally installed the desktop version first so IDK if that means the hard drive is good.
[14:22] <ltrojan> what exactly do you mean "it fails"? does the system boot?
[14:22] <holstein> raydog45000: ubuntu = ubuntuserver... if you get *any* buntu installed, you can just convert to ubuntuserver from there
[14:23] <mustmodify> Hi... I'm hoping you guys can point me to the appropriate channel for my question. I'm building a new box and want to set up multiple touch-screen monitors like this one http://bit.ly/H59Esd ... what hoops will I have to jump through to get this to work properly so I can tab on a window and have it become focused? If I put a KVM in, to switch back and forth to a windows machine, will I have problems with the touch-screen comin
[14:23] <raydog45000> it freezes at 43%
[14:23] <raydog45000> holstein: will it turn into command line and have LAMP?
[14:23] <holstein> raydog45000: "it" will do whatever you like it to do
[14:24] <raydog45000> j
[14:24] <raydog45000> holstein: ok guess I'll look into that thanks
[14:28] <holstein> raydog45000: lots of folks start with a minimal install on the server boxes.. like lubuntu or xubuntu or lighter
[14:28] <raydog45000> holstein: Hmm.. I think I made a stupid mistake
[14:29] <raydog45000> when I installed desktop version I said to created it using windows which partitioned fine
[14:29] <raydog45000> then when I realized I messed up I created the server disk using create with windows
[14:29] <raydog45000> when I already partioned and installed unbuntu
[14:30] <holstein> raydog45000: no worries... sometimes i use something like virtualbox to "play around"
[14:30] <holstein> i did that a lot in the beginning, when i was learning... not that you are a noob.. just that its an easy way to experiment
[14:30] <raydog45000> couldn't that be the problem, its trying to start the partition like it's windows instead of unbuntu
[14:31] <holstein> raydog45000: its hard to say... i was thining something with the disk though.. i always have spare hard drives laying around, and i just switch them in to troubleshoot
[14:32] <raydog45000> trial and error my favorite way to learn
[14:32] <holstein> hey, whatever works.. if i have the time, i like that method just fine :)
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