UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /24 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
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[01:10] <scar3crow> anybody have any luck with quake2? (runs fine on 11.10)
[01:29] <FernandoMiguel> Boa noite
[01:31] <glosoli> FernandoMiguel: hey
[01:47] <itaylor57> its amazing how if you use linux compatible h/w it works
[01:47] <glosoli> where can I see change log for UNity 5.8 ?
[01:48] <jbicha> glosoli: try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+changelog
[01:49] <glosoli> jbicha: thanks buddy
[02:07] <Belial`> nice. somewhere in these updates, they fixed a problem with certain compiz effects showing artifacts when in use. (minimize mostly)
[02:07] <Belial`> this has been a problem since i can't even remember when.
[02:44] <aguitel> how install startupmanager
[02:51] <quantumlemur> hmm. desktop environment just crashed, or something, and now it fails to load on boot/login. I get the wallpaper and nothing else. this is following an apt upgrade, but it was an hour or so after. any places I can start looking for troubleshooting?
[02:51] <Fyodorovna> aguitel, you may not want that app it will not follow kernel updates.
[03:05] <FernandoMiguel> nite
[03:06] <atpa8a> hmm
[03:07] <atpa8a> xen doesn't seem to work in precise...
[03:07] <aguitel> Fyodorovna: any app equivalent ?
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=== synaptix|TF2 is now known as synaptix|ubuntu
[03:30] <leftyfb> how do I enable indicators?
[03:30] <leftyfb> specifically, the weather indicator
[03:31] <Fyodorovna> leftyfb, sudo apt-get install indicator-weather
[03:31] <leftyfb> enable, not install
[03:31] <leftyfb> I got that part already
[03:31] <Fyodorovna> leftyfb, ah, in the terminal indicator-weather & exit
[03:32] <Fyodorovna> leftyfb, you can put it in startup if not there already.
[03:32] <leftyfb> zero documentation on that or any other indicators
[03:33] <Fyodorovna> leftyfb, a bit of the usual what to do after install cruft. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=things+to+do+with+12.04&btnG=&gbv=1&sei=dUBtT7KPI-WliQKXicS6BQ
[03:34] <leftyfb> yeah, I'm making that list
[03:34] <leftyfb> "how to make ubuntu usable again"
[03:35] <leftyfb> i'll be turning it into a script
[03:35] <leftyfb> ugh
[03:35] <leftyfb> looks like paste is broken as well
[03:35] <leftyfb> as in, highlight paste
[03:36] <leftyfb> i'm sure some developer somewhere though nobody uses this and it's obviously slowing everything down and confusing people so we'll remove it"
[03:38] <leftyfb> ok, anyone know how to re-enable the highlight paste?
[03:45] <ome> HOw many days ?
[03:46] <leftyfb> April 26th
[03:46] <ome> Duhh, like a month.
[03:46] <ome> leftyfb: how is it at the moment, buggy ?
[03:47] <leftyfb> i've spent 3 days making a list/script of things to fix it
[03:47] <share> !party
[03:47] <ubottu> Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Oneiric release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1186/detail/
[03:47] <leftyfb> so far, as expected and is the current theme in the computing industry, they have neutered almost every aspect of the OS
[03:48] <share> only 8 users @ #ubuntu-release-party
[03:49] <ome> leftyfb: cheers.
[03:49] <ome> so I think it's worth to wait then screw my system up. :)
[03:50] <leftyfb> you should never install a pre-release anything on a production machine
[03:50] <leftyfb> or a machine where you don't want to have issues
[03:51] <share> Is 12.04 out on April 26th?
[03:51] <leftyfb> 23:46:01 leftyfb | April 26th
[03:51] <share> sorry
[03:51] <share> :)
[03:52] <share> leftyfb: with Kernel 3.3 right?
[03:52] <leftyfb> 3.2.0-20-generic-pae
[03:52] <leftyfb> in beta 2
[03:52] <share> ok
[03:56] <ome> is there always some serious change in kernal minor version upgrades or something else stopping ubuntu to keep up with the kernal ?
[04:22] <leftyfb> got it
[04:22] <leftyfb> combination of running glipper on my synergy server and using synergy client on ubuntu 12.04
[04:50] <lsmagalhaes> Hello... I was trying to install JDK7 in my Ubuntu 12.04 (sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk -y --fix-missing), but there's an error =S http://pastebin.com/DsAN2Q6e
[04:52] <leftyfb> lsmagalhaes: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-ubuntu-12-04.html
[04:52] <leftyfb> use that to install java
[04:52] <lsmagalhaes> thank you!
[04:53] <lsmagalhaes> Will this bug be solved at Ubuntu 12.04 stable?
[04:53] <oconnore> ah, I found out my problem from yesterday. Disabling the HUD disables alt+tab somehow https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/962669
[04:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 962669 in unity "Alt+tab and Alt+F4 shortcuts do not work [5.6.0-0ubuntu4]" [Undecided,New]
[04:53] <lsmagalhaes> or is that the only way to install jdk7 in ubuntu, now?
[04:54] <leftyfb> lsmagalhaes: it's the way I suggest
[04:54] <leftyfb> openjdk/icedtea is crap
[05:19] <snadge> hmm.. fglrx 8.960 just got pushed as an update in precise
[05:20] <snadge> and i cant see any changelog.. is that catalyst 12.3? who did that wtf? :p
[05:55] <oconnore> arg, the HUD is so annoying and i can't turn it off or even remap the key :(
[05:57] <silv3r_m00n> which version of php is in 12.04 ?
[05:57] <leftyfb> silv3r_m00n: 5.3.10-1ubuntu2
[05:58] <spupuser1> is unity still in 12.04?
[05:58] <silv3r_m00n> hmm ok
[05:58] <oconnore> spupuser1: yes
[05:58] <spupuser1> ah...
[06:38] <jswagner> Hello, I am having difficulty assembling an array using mdadm. I build the array, mount it, mkfs it, add it to mdadm.conf, add it to fstab, reboot, and the system can no longer find it.
[06:40] <jswagner> 'mdadm --assemble --scan /dev/md0' completes without any output
[06:40] <jswagner> 'mdadm --detail /dev/md0' returns 'mdadm: cannot open /dev/md0: No such file or directory'
[06:41] <jswagner> 'mdadm -Es' returns this: ARRAY /dev/md/0 metadata=1.2 UUID=cfaa38f6:229f0e93:98d1af90:f84ef666 name=leech:0
[06:41] <jswagner> not sure how to proceed.
[06:41] <jswagner> this is all working as expected on my 10.04 fileserver, and I am testing this on 12.04 in a VM.
[06:43] <spupuser1> what bugs have you found?
[07:24] <jswagner> fdisk -l finds a /dev/md127
[07:25] <jswagner> mdadm --detail /dev/md127 returns the expected results for my array that I created as /dev/md0
[07:26] <jswagner> why would it change?
[07:28] <jswagner> should I file this as a bug, or am I overlooking something?
[07:43] <WarriorIng64> Hello...is this where I should come for help with an issue in Precise?
[07:43] <jswagner> yes
[07:44] <snadge> hmm.. ubuntu has just published a secret version of catalyst that doesnt exist
[07:44] <snadge> wtf :p
[07:44] <WarriorIng64> Ah, thank you! New to the whole IRC thing, so bear with me
[07:44] <snadge> the latest you can download from ati is 12.2 aka 8.950 .. and the repos just pushed a version 8.960
[07:44] <snadge> im trying to understand how thats possible :P
[07:45] <WarriorIng64> I'm on tonight because after the update to Unity 5.8, I get a solid black desktop in Unity 3D, but not Unity 2D nor GNOME Shell.
[07:45] <snadge> yeah.. the latest unity update.. does not work with this nonexistant version of fglrx
[07:45] <snadge> im using unity2d atm
[07:45] <WarriorIng64> I'm using Unity 2D too...in my case I have integrated NVIDIA graphics with Nouveau
[07:46] <snadge> luls
[07:46] <snadge> you tried the nvidia binary driver right?
[07:46] <WarriorIng64> Haven't tried that yet, but Nouveau was working well under 5.6
[07:46] <WarriorIng64> Are you having the same issue?
[07:47] <snadge> well.. im on an amd/radeon chip
[07:47] <snadge> and the symptom i get.. is a desktop with icons etc.. no launcher.. cant click on anything
[07:47] <snadge> but mouse moves around
[07:47] <snadge> no panel either
[07:48] <WarriorIng64> I also get a mouse cursor, but everything else is solid black...found I can still bring up a hidden terminal window with Ctrl+Alt+T and use sudo reboot to get out of it though
[07:48] <WarriorIng64> Maybe I can interact with other stuff, but it's hard to tell since obviously I can't see anything, lol
[07:49] <WarriorIng64> I contemplated grabbing a fresh daily build ISO and doing a full reinstall, but I wonder if that's overkill
[07:50] <snadge> it is.. an update just got pushed in the last day or so
[07:50] <snadge> it not working properly.. is somewhat to be expected.. for me.. the secret driver update is far more puzzling
[07:50] <snadge> no changelog or anything.. and no evidence that it even exists
[07:50] <snadge> im glad its affecting nvidia too though.. because that would then indicate its a problem with unity itself
[07:51] <WarriorIng64> I haven't updated my laptop yet, but I'm curious to see if the same thing happens there since that uses Intel graphics
[07:51] <snadge> you could try unity --reset
[07:51] <snadge> and deleting your settings etc.. i would do that.. but i cant be bothered
[07:52] <WarriorIng64> I thought of trying all that...btw, do you know how to log out via the terminal so I can avoid a full reboot everytime I trap myself in 3D?
[07:53] <snadge> yeah
[07:53] <snadge> sudo service lightdm restart
[07:53] <snadge> will get you back to the login prompt
[07:54] <WarriorIng64> Ah, thanks. I'll write that down and come back after trying some stuff
[07:54] <vibhav> Im currently upgrading to precise and some of the dash icons have been replaced by a "?"
[07:55] <vibhav> The upgrade is still in process
[07:55] <spY|da> then wait until the updated finished
[08:00] <snadge> im about to try gnome instead
[08:01] <WarriorIng64> Back with great news: Unity 3D works again for me! (For now)
[08:02] <snadge> how did you fix it
[08:02] <snadge> if you tell me you reset your settings.. im gonna get partially annoyed.. then just sigh :p
[08:02] <WarriorIng64> Logging in and doing a unity --replace only brought back the wallpaper...then yeah, I did a unity --reset, sry
[08:03] <WarriorIng64> But the funny part is that I can't remember messing with any settings prior to the upgrade...interesting
[08:03] <WarriorIng64> Now before we get all excited, I haven't even tried logging out and back in, or doing a reboot yet, so I'm not sure if it's fixed "for good"
[08:05] <WarriorIng64> Anyways, still going to give you a big thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)
[08:11] <snadge> ok im back in unity
[08:11] <spupuser1> unity is an eye candy
[08:12] <spupuser1> i prefer to work in the gnome
[08:13] <snadge> not really.. i find it quite practical actually
[08:14] <snadge> maximises screen real estate.. especially with the launcher set to autohide
[08:35] <WarriorIng64> Back again, @Snadge. Got the same issue on my laptop with Intel graphics and fixed the issue there in exactly the same way
[08:36] <WarriorIng64> Anyways, I've filed a bug here in case you or anyone else is interested: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/963633
[08:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963633 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity 5.8: Entire screen stays solid black except the mouse cursor when logged into Unity 3D, but can still "use" the desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[08:39] <WarriorIng64> I am thinking this is not a graphics issue personally, but it sure will be annoying to anyone who also does the upgrade, I figure. Anyways, leaving for tonight, might come back on tomorrow with a couple minor questions after some sleep. Thanks again!
[08:40] <snadge> dammit left too quickly :p
[08:40] <snadge> i'll say it affects me too.. what the hell
[08:41] <snadge> omg.. im famous, i was mentioned in the bug report ;)
[08:45] <sandGorgon> does anyone know how I can install gnome-shell 3.2 in 12.04 ? the default version - 3.3.92 - is screwing with my extensions
[09:11] <st1> can anyone try pageup/pagedown in evince, see if it's smooth scrolling?
[09:27] <smw> How do you use the hud in unity?
[09:31] <smw> nm, found it
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[09:43] <brenty> http://tinypic.com/r/14ay4o2/5 my cool desktop
[09:44] <snadge> anyone else using fglrx 8.960 that just got pushed in precise?
[09:44] <snadge> version comes up wrong for me
[09:46] <st1> still no anti-aliasing
[09:49] <snadge> where
[09:50] <st1> I meant brenty's screenshot
[09:51] <brenty> anti-aliasing seems to be working for me :) i changed the setting in fonts to medium hinting and they look better- to me..
[09:52] <smw> brenty, wth his that.
[09:52] <smw> brenty, I can't tell what DE it is...
[09:52] <brenty> kde 4.8.1 im on kubuntu 11.10 with kde backports ppa for 4.8.1
[09:53] <smw> xool
[09:53] <smw> ah, now I see it says ubuntu...
[09:53] <st1> brenty: I don't mean texts, I mean the desktop cube, look at the edges
[09:53] <brenty> got a circuit board wallpaper and the ghost window and plasma themes
[09:54] <brenty> new updates fixed the major problems i had like things sticking in task bar. now the laptop is ready for show-off
[09:55] <brenty> hmm
[09:56] <brenty> yeah the cube edges and text looks chunky. but when its not rotating the cube it all looks super smooth...
[09:57] <brenty> seems like i remember changing an opengl setting in desktop effects to make more fast less nice looking
[09:58] <st1> it always amazes me compiz can do that many crazy effects but no anti aliasing for window corner or curve lines
[09:59] <brenty> yeah while the window is wobbling around or the cube is rotating things can look a little off or crummy. but when a window is still it looks super
[10:00] <MCR1> Anyone experiencing mad flickering after the most recent (yesterday's) Compiz update, or is it just me ?
[10:00] <st1> you've never met this bug then :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/764330
[10:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 764330 in compiz (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[regression] Moving windows lags behind the mouse by 1-2 seconds; appear to freeze when dragging." [High,Fix committed]
[10:01] <st1> I mean how can it do scale window so smooth, but dragging can stutter...
[10:02] <MCR1> st1: you should be happy - it says fix committed
[10:03] <MCR1> I tried disabling all additional plugins - no effect.
[10:03] <MCR1> I tried changing workaround options, turning all of them on and off - no effect.
[10:03] <MCR1> I purged xorg edgers PPA (although I am on Intel and it never made problems) - no effect.
[10:03] <st1> I will be when they release it for oneiric or when I upgrade to precise
[10:03] <MCR1> Unity 5.8 now starts again here at least, but with that flickering it is impossible to do anything productive or passive (I could listen to music without problems though :P)
[10:04] <MCR1> it looks like every redraw anywhere on screen causes Compiz to clear and redraw the whole screen, so if I close everything the flickering will be triggered each second, because of the clock which updates :-/
[10:04] <MCR1> removing Unity and starting just with Compiz does not make the flicker disappear, so I am quite sure the problem has something to do with the last Compiz update on Precise 12.04.
[10:05] <st1> what happens when you remove unity on ubuntu now?
[10:05] <brenty> seems like i remember tinkering with a checkbox in compiz settings that caused the same thing back in ubuntu 9 or 10
[10:06] <brenty> yuv or something?
[10:06] <MCR1> st1: I would not recommend the update ;) removing Unity here means starting Compiz without Unity
[10:07] <MCR1> brenty: yuv ?
[10:07] <st1> so you log into unity session with no launcher or anything? does windows have any decorator ?
[10:08] <MCR1> st1: I had to log in without Unity, because 5.6 0ubuntu4 was crashing here - windows have deco then, because of gtk-win-decorator
[10:09] <MCR1> st1: I also use Docky and Synapse, so no problems to work without Unity (missing the tray then ofc)
[10:09] <st1> I thought unity is doing decorating now since there's a unity-window-decorator process
[10:09] <brenty> trying to remember the check box i checked, apply, unchecked, apply to fix a similar issue with compiz before
[10:09] <MCR1> not yet here
[10:10] <MCR1> I would personally like to see Emerald doing the decorations for Ubuntu as default
[10:10] <MCR1> but I guess that won't happen soon :'(
[10:11] <st1> yeah, at least emerald can do anti aliased corners
[10:11] <MCR1> brenty: please do remember, although I am pessimistic about a checkbox fixing my problem
[10:14] <brenty> you would be surprised. couldnt get folder directory preview to work. toggled checkbox off and on... works now
[10:16] <MCR1> st1: Emerald can do much more than that, but still it seems to get simply dropped - there is not even a possibility to install it on Precise yet, previous versions of Ubuntu have been supported via Emerald PPAs, but now it does not compile anymore :P
[10:16] <brenty> http://tinypic.com/r/sysdgm/5
[10:19] <st1> MCR1: I know, I'm just frustrated to see smooth round corner gets push and push from Canonical and gnome team
[10:27] <MCR1> I cannot file a compiz bug with "ubuntu-bug compiz" ?
[11:06] <sandGorgon> is anybody running gnome-shell in 12.04 ? how are u getting your extensions to work ?
[11:15] <paul123> is there a way to get java apps to automaticly run if i double click them instead of having to first do java -jar filename.jar
[11:37] <snadge> by java apps you mean minecraft? :p
[11:39] <Dr_willis> minecraft the new 'second life'
[11:39] <Dr_willis> :P
[11:39] <snadge> i start it with a shell script.. unfortunately precise has regressed somewhat with regards to minecraft
[11:40] <snadge> if you run it under unity.. performance is initially amazing.. but then it slows down over a period of time and becomes choppy.. unity2d, is slower overall.. but more consistent
[11:40] <snadge> it also crashes upon exit.. the best i can tell is that has something to do with lwjgl, display driver and/or xorg update
[11:41] <snadge> it works fine in oneiric
[11:43] <ironhalik> for me, minecraft works ok
[11:43] <ironhalik> except maybe the crappy nouveau performance
[11:44] <snadge> what happens when you exit from the menu
[11:45] <snadge> does it raise an exception?
[11:45] <snadge> i cant believe nouveau has gotten good enough for people to actually use it
[11:46] <snadge> sign of the times i guess.. i remember when it was just a joe
[11:46] <snadge> err joke
[11:48] <djbenny> morning
[11:49] <djbenny> just wondering, i updated ubuntu this morning now the unity dash and the menu bar along the top are going crazy
[11:53] <remoteCTRL> Medjai: i am here
[11:53] <Medjai> lol same
[11:54] <Medjai> ok well right now i'm currently on the same laptop with the ubuntu partition
[11:54] <Medjai> so i'll need to reboot for that
[11:54] <remoteCTRL> stop
[11:54] <remoteCTRL> nope you dont?
[11:54] <Medjai> i dont?
[11:54] <remoteCTRL> ubuntu partition? what do you mean?
[11:54] <remoteCTRL> two seperate partitions?
[11:54] <Medjai> i'm on windows atm
[11:54] <Medjai> dual boot
[11:55] <remoteCTRL> oh! in that case you will have to, yepp...
[11:55] <Medjai> but what does xorg control btw
[11:55] <remoteCTRL> as said, if you still have the file just delete it, or if you want to be ob the save side rename it
[11:55] <remoteCTRL> xorg is your graphics server
[11:56] <Medjai> so by renaming it it will just regenerate it correctly on next boot?
[11:56] <Medjai> well the config i mean
[11:56] <djbenny> ive just seen that others have posted in the forums with the same flickering issues
[11:56] <djbenny> after the round of updates this morning
[11:57] <Medjai> i don't have a flickering issue
[11:57] <Medjai> m problem is after i login
[11:57] <Medjai> all i see is my wallpaper
[11:57] <Medjai> it will stay there forever
[11:57] <Medjai> sometimes i'll see the 12.04 LTS splash on the bottom left
[11:57] <djbenny> did you update this morning?
[11:57] <Medjai> but it won't go past that
[11:57] <Medjai> this actually happened last night
[11:57] <djbenny> or earlier
[11:57] <djbenny> depending on your time zone i guess
[11:57] <Medjai> i guess
[11:58] <Medjai> i'm GMT -5
[11:58] <Medjai> US Eastern Standard Time
[11:58] <djbenny> ok... well i think some update has messed some graphics settings up majorly :/
[11:58] <Medjai> what are people saying on the forum djbenny
[11:58] <Medjai> has there been a solution?
[11:59] <djbenny> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1946138
[11:59] <djbenny> not as far as i can see
[11:59] <djbenny> though i think there is a launchpad report
[12:00] <djbenny> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/963093
[12:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963093 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Unity 5.8: Flickering and corruption on Unity UI elements" [Critical,Confirmed]
[12:00] <Medjai> yeah there is
[12:00] <Medjai> hmm i'm not having any flickering though
[12:01] <Medjai> i'm going to rename the xorg.conf and see if that solves my issue
[12:01] <Medjai> i'll be right back guys
[12:08] <djbenny> welli fixed it by doing unity --reset
[12:15] <quantumlemur> Medjai, I'm having the same problem you are
[12:16] <Medjai> Don't seem to have an xorg.conf located in /etc/X11
[12:16] <Medjai> What's happening to you exactly?
[12:17] <quantumlemur> after the login screen, all I get is the wallpaper
[12:17] <remoteCTRL> Medjai: did it do the trick?
[12:17] <remoteCTRL> Medjai: no xorg.conf?
[12:17] <Medjai> Nope
[12:17] <quantumlemur> interestingly enough, though, it first happened not after a reboot, but after the panel, menu, and desktop started flickering and flashing for a minute
[12:18] <Medjai> I'm in the recovery kernel as root but that shouldn't matter right?
[12:18] <remoteCTRL> Medjai: too bad... then i am afraid i have to recommend you to stick to the bugreport that djbenny mentioned...
[12:18] <quantumlemur> Medjai, are you also on intel graphics?
[12:19] <Medjai> Yep
[12:19] <remoteCTRL> of course not, the file system hierarchy and it contents stay the same
[12:20] <quantumlemur> what does unity --reset do? I don't want to lose my settings if possible
[12:21] <MCR1> I am experiencing heavy, mad flickering after latest Compiz update here (Intel GMA HD4500 gfx)
[12:21] <spupuser1> hd4500?
[12:21] <MCR1> already changed gfx driver, removed Unity - Compiz is the culprint and latest update did it is my guess
[12:21] <MCR1> spupuser1: yep
[12:21] <spupuser1> hd4000 and hd2500 are not out yet
[12:22] <quantumlemur> MCR1, that's what we're talking about. you were the one that had the same problem as me last time, right?
[12:22] <Medjai> You're saying it's the compiz package?
[12:23] <MCR1> spupuser1: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_x4500hd&num=1
[12:23] <MCR1> quantumlemur: not sure which one ;)
[12:24] <MCR1> Medjai: just a wild guess after removing the other possibilities ;)
[12:24] <MCR1> Medjai: I am pretty sure
[12:24] <quantumlemur> MCR1, I think unity had been removed in an update, or something? or some updates were released out of order?
[12:24] <Medjai> Where is the compiz config stored
[12:25] <Medjai> I'd like to back it up before I remove the package
[12:25] <MCR1> Medjai: open ccsm to back it up
[12:25] <snadge> im running the new unity :D
[12:25] <snadge> i have no idea whats new though
[12:25] <Medjai> But technically if I was to use ubuntu 2d to login it shouldnt start compiz up right?
[12:26] <snadge> correct
[12:26] <MCR1> quantumlemur: you have to be careful when doing a dist-upgrade that all needed packages have already been released and nothing gets removed
[12:26] <snadge> ubuntu2d works fine after the update.. a few users have reported having to unity --reset
[12:26] <snadge> to get unity working after the latest update
[12:26] <Medjai> Ah ok
[12:27] <Medjai> So then yes it maybe compiz
[12:27] <MCR1> unity-2d worx here
[12:27] <snadge> lol unity2d i meant before.. i've been drinking moonshine
[12:29] <Medjai> Yep 2d works too
[12:30] <Medjai> This is retarded I want my wobbly windows lol
[12:35] <c0rnel> hello all
[12:35] <snadge> Medjai: its workign for me.. did you try unity --reset ?
[12:35] <c0rnel> is there a way to set openbox as the default desktop manager in 1204?
[12:35] <c0rnel> this computer is too slow for unity ....
[12:35] <Medjai> Snadge does that reset your settings?
[12:35] <snadge> yeah it does
[12:36] <c0rnel> ah
[12:36] <c0rnel> i've just find out how :)
[12:36] <spupuser1> bsd is better for an old pc
[12:36] <snadge> you could also try xfce c0rnel.. i know you can just install that, and select it from the login manager
[12:36] <c0rnel> the selecting was my problem, but i've clicked on the ubuntu icon and there it was :)
[12:37] <c0rnel> thank you snadge
[12:37] <c0rnel> hmmm
[12:37] <c0rnel> no applications menu ....
[12:38] <c0rnel> spupuser1, thank you, but i don't really understand some concepts there, like partitions
[12:38] <c0rnel> also, i have no idea if i can add a bsd to the existing ~ 6 linux distros installed
[12:39] <snadge> broken slow design :p
[12:40] <c0rnel> apparently x eats a lot of resorces
[12:41] <snadge> yeah its a turd.. i remember running X on a 486 with 8mb of ram, back in the day
[12:41] <c0rnel> what's that application that starts at (text) login and says how many updates are available
[12:41] <c0rnel> yes, maybe even 486 sx with 4mb of ram :)
[12:41] <c0rnel> slackware 1.0
[12:41] <snadge> things have changed a tiny bit since then
[12:42] <c0rnel> just a little bit
[12:42] <c0rnel> mmm
[12:42] <c0rnel> it's not that, only the server has it
[12:47] <zpow> hi
[12:54] <MCR1> Submitted a bug report now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/963872
[12:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963872 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Precise 12.04: experiencing mad flickering after the most recent Compiz update to version" [Undecided,New]
[13:00] <zpow> 1396 upgraded, 509 newly installed, 46 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
[13:00] <zpow> Need to get 951 MB of archives.
[13:00] <zpow> 12.04 :-)
[13:00] <zpow> any reasons to press N?
[13:01] <MCR1> 46 to remove
[13:02] <zpow> ur right mayb i should scroll back and see what are those 46
[13:03] <zpow> skype ubuntu-desktop mysql* nothing _too_ serious
[13:03] <zpow> OH NO gnome-mahjongg!
[13:04] <jokerdino> you are upgrading to 12.04 from 11.10, i presume?
[13:04] <zpow> no 11.04
[13:04] <zpow> well i dont care everything is backed up and i got a recovery partition
[13:05] <zpow> pressed Y and here we go
[13:05] <jokerdino> good luck, let's hope everything goes well.
[13:06] <zpow> if not mayb i'll help the beta process
[13:07] <jokerdino> :)
[13:17] <spacebug-> I just read on omgubuntu about bugs and if the bugs one think of is important enough for this release or if it can wait for 12.10. They will not stop bugfixes for 12.04 just because they will be working on 12.10 will they? I mean there usually comes a 12.04.1 and .2 .3 and .4 also right?
[13:18] <bazhang> spacebug-, lts typically has point releases, yes
[13:18] <spacebug-> good
[13:19] <spacebug-> because from 12.04 and forward I was thinking about only sticking to LTS:es
[13:19] <arand> Well bugfixes happens continuously, point releases are just when they are stuffed onto a new liveCD right?
[13:20] <spacebug-> that was my thought also. Just that what was written on that site sounded strange
[13:20] <spacebug-> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/ubuntu-12-04-development-update-18/
[13:21] <jokerdino> when development for 12.10 starts, bug fixes primarily focuses on 12.10, while critical and security bugs will be backported depending on the seriousness of the bugs and the level of difficulty required in backporting.
[13:22] <spacebug-> ok
[13:23] <ironhalik> well, 11.04 never got the fix for missing gnome applets ;>
[13:23] <ironhalik> tfu, 10.04
[13:23] <arand> omgubuntu isn't always dead on the ball, I've noticed...
[13:24] <jokerdino> and regarding point releases, arand is pretty accurate.
[13:25] <spacebug-> the bugs I was thinking of is BAMF related and has HIGH or MEDIUM Importance state
[13:26] <ironhalik> btw, is anyone else missing the wallpaper-in-lightdm thingy?
[13:27] <jokerdino> ironhalik: there is a bug that prevents lightdm from showing the current wallpaper if you are using wallpaper slideshow.
[13:27] <jokerdino> or if you are using an encrypted home folder
[13:27] <ironhalik> yup, Im encrypted
[13:28] <ironhalik> well, Im encrypted on my lappy, but not on desktop, where the problem is too
[13:28] <ironhalik> and no slideshow either
[13:28] <ironhalik> ill try to move my wallpaper to /usr/share
[13:28] <jokerdino> hope it works out well.
[13:29] <arand> spacebug-: Importance matters less than if/if not someone feels like working on them ;)
[13:30] <spacebug-> yeah seems so ;)
[13:38] <ironhalik> jokerdino: yup, moving the wallpaper to /usr/share/background with proper permissions fixed the problem
[13:38] <ironhalik> next, I wonder if you can reenable the lightdm lock screen :)
[13:39] <jokerdino> nice to know.
[13:41] <ironhalik> shame it works currently for one user, for one wallpaper :)
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[13:46] <jo-erlend> hah, wow... _extreme_ regressions after todays upgrades! :)
[13:46] <zpow> don't say that... im updating atm
[13:46] <jo-erlend> Unity is completely broken. Unity 2D works fine, though.
[13:47] <jo-erlend> and I haven't tried Unity 2D in a little while, so that's fine. I'll just have to look into what broke later today.
[13:48] <spupuser1> in unity, i have to spend many clicks to run a simple app
[13:48] <spacebug-> It works for me
[13:48] <spupuser1> so i go back to gnome
[13:49] <jo-erlend> spupuser1, why do you have to do that?
[13:49] <jo-erlend> spupuser1, Ubuntu uses Gnome by default by the way.
[13:49] <jokerdino> jo-erlend: unity --replace doesn't fix the UI for you?
[13:49] <Belial`> alt+f2 still works in the same manor in unity.
[13:50] <jo-erlend> jokerdino, not even close.
[13:50] <Belial`> also, pinning apps to the launcher is a one click process from there on out.
[13:50] <Belial`> so...many clicks, i don't see it.
[13:50] <aguitel> how manage grub2 ? is possible to install startupmanager ?
[13:50] <Belial`> meta+a key shows all installed apps.
[13:50] <jokerdino> oh dear, i don't want to upgrade already.
[13:50] <Belial`> one click
[13:51] <jo-erlend> spupuser1, your 15-20 most used applications should require one click. 20-50 should require 2-3 clicks.
[13:51] <zpow> am i the only 1 still using alt-f2 to run my apps?
[13:51] <Belial`> i do it sometimes out of habit.
[13:52] <Belial`> but just hitting the meta key gets the job done too.
[13:52] <MCR1> CTRL-Space for Synapse here
[13:52] <spacebug-> the most frequently used I have made keyboard shortcuts to
[13:52] <jo-erlend> zpow, I very rarely use it, unless the application requires some special params. It requires exact typing, for instance, which makes it very slow to use. I much prefer the home screen.
[13:53] <jokerdino> jo-erlend: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/963633
[13:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963633 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[13:53] <jokerdino> he suggests a workaround.
[13:53] <jo-erlend> spacebug-, yes, you mean the ten most frequently used? But now, the home screen also displays the most frequently used applications that aren't on your launcher. That's great, I think.
[13:55] <jo-erlend> jokerdino, I'll capture a video. bbl
[13:55] <spacebug-> jo-erlend: Well I mean setting short cuts on sytstem settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> custom shortcuts
[13:55] <jo-erlend> oh, ok.
[13:55] <jo-erlend> spacebug-, ah! That's nice. How long has that been there ?:)
[13:55] <spacebug-> since like forever hehe
[13:55] <jo-erlend> I've missed that.
[13:56] <jokerdino> jo-erlend: it was there all along. :)
[13:56] <jo-erlend> spacebug-, no, it was removed at some point.
[13:56] <MCR1> return01
[13:56] <MCR1> ups
[13:56] <aguitel> how manage grub2 ? is possible to install startupmanager ?
[13:56] <spacebug-> I use it to launch a special file in libreoffice and other stuff
[13:56] <jo-erlend> bbl
[13:59] <itaylor57> !startupmanager
[13:59] <itaylor57> !info startupmanager
[13:59] <ubottu> Package startupmanager does not exist in precise
[14:04] <bazhang> !bum
[14:04] <ubottu> Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto
[14:06] <aguitel> grub-customizer are working under precise?
[14:10] <jo-erlend> wow. The software center startup speed has improved dramatically! That's nice.
[14:10] <MCR1> aguitel: yep
[14:11] <aguitel> MCR1, how install it ?
[14:11] <aguitel> i get packages have unmet dependencies
[14:15] <MCR1> aguitel: https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer
[14:15] <MCR1> worx here
[14:16] <aguitel> MCR1, thanks
[14:22] <jo-erlend> the 2d-launcher doesn't hide when set to auto-hide though.
[14:24] <jokerdino> and does the alt+tab work for you?
[14:27] <jokerdino> jo-erlend_: does alt+tab work for you in unity-2d?
[14:27] <jo-erlend_> jokerdino, alt+tab works. It's the old switcher that we've had for years though.
[14:28] <jokerdino> unity-2d only uses the old one, the new one is for unity-3d.
[14:28] <jo-erlend_> right. I know.
[14:28] <jokerdino> cool.
[14:28] <jo-erlend_> I thought maybe it's supposed to be a new one in 5.8 :)
[14:28] <jokerdino> why am i asking is that it doesn't work me in 5.6
[14:29] <jokerdino> ah, sorry for the confusion.
[14:29] <jokerdino> i am still upgrading...
[14:29] <jo-erlend_> oh, ok.
[14:29] <jo-erlend_> I don't think I've had any issues with that in 5.6
[14:34] <jokerdino> and well, grats on membership jo-erlend_. didn't get to congratulate you until now.
[14:42] <jokerdino> while we were discussing this application switcher in unity-2d, http://askubuntu.com/questions/115586/getting-old-gnome-style-alt-tab-switcher-in-ubuntu-12-04
[14:44] <jokerdino> reboot time, can't promise i will come back.
[14:53] <jokerdino> ok, i made it back.
[14:53] <jokerdino> unity-3d is ugly.
[14:54] <jokerdino> and alt+tab doesn't work in unity-2d
[14:54] <Daekdroom> unity-3d isn't ugly.
[14:54] <Daekdroom> Compared to unity-2d's cartoonish feel, that is.
[14:54] <jokerdino> Daekdroom: it is ugly, dear. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/963633
[14:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963633 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity 5.8: Login to blank screen (all black or just wallpaper)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:56] <jo-erlend_> jokerdino, thanks :)
[14:59] <jo-erlend_> Daekdroom, I'm uploading a video... Then you can see how ugly Unity 3D is :>
[15:00] <jo-erlend_> «Looks like the holodeck matrix is breaking down!» as they would say in Star Trek :)
[15:02] <jokerdino> haha
[15:02] <FernandoMiguel> since when don't we support android usb internet sharing?
[15:02] <FernandoMiguel> it was working at least in January
[15:02] <FernandoMiguel> I used it back then
[15:03] <jo-erlend_> damn. It's 200MB. I'll have to fix that. But pitivi is broken, so I'll have to find something else.
[15:03] <jo-erlend_> what other good choices are there?
[15:03] <jokerdino> for video editing?
[15:04] <jokerdino> novacut, openshot
[15:05] <jo-erlend_> ah! I forgot about openshot. I haven't looked at novacut yet.
[15:06] <jo-erlend_> novacut isn't in the repos either. I'll wait until then.
[15:06] <jokerdino> it is in active development.
[15:11] <zpow> ok 12.04 works
[15:11] <zpow> after a few tweaks im using it now and everything seems to work except my bluetooth mouse
[15:11] <zpow> any tips?
[15:12] <spupuser1> wait for the retail version?
[15:13] <zpow> isnt that at the end of april?
[15:13] <zpow> im not going to be using the touchpad till then
[15:14] <spupuser1> they should work harder
[15:14] <zpow> how do i configure BT devices in 12.04?
[15:15] <zpow> it shows my mouse isnt paired
[15:15] <zpow> works now
[15:18] <spupuser1> you can use a live ufd to bt. and everything is in the ram
[15:18] <spupuser1> it's much faster than a pathetic ubuntu install
[15:19] <zpow> i dunno i never installed ubuntu
[15:19] <zpow> it came preinstalled with the laptop and i just changed sources.list and upgraded
[15:19] <zpow> which failed completely
[15:19] <spupuser1> what do you like? mint or fedora or suse?
[15:19] <zpow> is debian an option?
[15:19] <zpow> or gentoo?
[15:19] <spupuser1> yes
[15:20] <spupuser1> i have tried debian live in a vm
[15:20] <zpow> centos and rhel enterprise are good for servers too
[15:20] <spupuser1> it's fast and it can play with youtube by default
[15:20] <spupuser1> the best part is.... it's gnash -- open source
[15:21] <spupuser1> i dislike redhat
[15:21] <zpow> linux is linux
[15:21] <zpow> i dont care what pkg manager it uses
[15:21] <spupuser1> it did bad things on my people
[15:21] <spupuser1> redhat = on my blacklist
[15:22] <zpow> i got an interview at redhat tommorow... im almost sure im gonna skip it
[15:22] <zpow> they want me to write python :-)
[15:22] <zpow> anyway everything works, laterz
[15:22] <Daekdroom> How do I use ubuntu-bug against a PID?
[15:22] <spupuser1> all local linux users boycott redhat
[15:23] <jokerdino> retail version?
[15:23] <Daekdroom> 'ubuntu-bug 2294' returns an error message for me.
[15:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 2294 in Baz (deprecated) ""baz mv" should move conflict markers, too." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2294
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[15:45] <thomas001> Hello, i run the latest update of 12.04, but my sound card is not visible in sound controls, though it is recognized by alsa..what may be wrong here? It did work in 11.10
[15:51] <spupuser1> let me guess... you are using a levono computer?
[15:51] <thomas001> no, using a desktop pc
[15:51] <thomas001> and sorry i was not precise, the sound card is visible, but only S/PDIF output, not analog out
[15:52] <spupuser1> you can open a console and run alsamixer
[15:53] <spupuser1> maybe you can get some clues
[15:53] <thomas001> hmm, in alsamixer the card is selectable and volume controls are available
[15:54] <spupuser1> is there any strange thing?
[15:55] <spupuser1> is pcm ok?
[15:55] <thomas001> what do you mean?
[15:55] <spupuser1> what sound chip do you have?
[15:56] <spupuser1> realtek?
[15:56] <thomas001> alsamixer says AV200, it's a xonar dx card
[15:56] <spupuser1> ...
[15:56] <spupuser1> i don't buy asus...
[15:57] <spupuser1> maybe you should go back to 10.10 then lsmod
[15:58] <spupuser1> then modprobe in 12.04
[15:58] <thomas001> so you would say the problem is alsa related and not say..pulseaudio?
[15:59] <spupuser1> pulseaudio is the top
[15:59] <spupuser1> you should troubleshooting from the bottom
[16:00] <spupuser1> kernel module -> alsa -> pulseaudio
[16:01] <spupuser1> i have made a gold pulseaudio config file for my ubuntu
[16:01] <spupuser1> hahaha
[16:01] <thomas001> when i point aplay to the right pcm device i get sound from the card
[16:02] <thomas001> so seems like alsa is not the problem?
[16:03] <spupuser1> is there a /dev/dsp something in the /dev directory?
[16:03] <thomas001> dsp ist good old OSS, isn't it?
[16:04] <spupuser1> my ubuntu can use both
[16:04] <spupuser1> alsa and oss
[16:04] <spupuser1> do you see and audio chip info in dmesg?
[16:05] <spupuser1> s/and/any
[16:06] <thomas001> i see the info in /proc/asound/cards
[16:06] <thomas001> and i have a bunch of device nodes in /dev/snd/
[16:07] <spupuser1> there are many apps for monitoring pulseaudio, they are in the package manager
[16:07] <thomas001> can you name one?
[16:07] <spupuser1> i forgot
[16:07] <spupuser1> i am not on ubuntu now
[16:07] <spupuser1> i used to installed them
[16:08] <spupuser1> install
[16:08] <astraljava> Daekdroom: Do you have that PID actually in the process listing? If yes, then is that process owned by your user?
[16:10] <thomas001> i think i will open a bug report for this, thanks for your help spupuser1
[16:11] <spupuser1> you are welcome
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[16:18] <Daekdroom> astraljava, yes and yes
[16:18] <astraljava> Daekdroom: What's the error, then?
[16:19] <Daekdroom> astraljava, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/898015/
[16:27] <astraljava> Daekdroom: My google-fu seems to suggest this being a problem where the executable in question has been removed, possibly due to a package upgrade or similar. Can you identify this as a reason for it?
[16:28] <Daekdroom> Which executable?
[16:28] <Daekdroom> apport-gtk?
[16:28] <astraljava> Daekdroom: The one for the PID in question.
[16:29] <Daekdroom> Well. I've tried to do this bug report for two days or so.
[16:30] <OneFix> My keyboard and mouse stop working when X11 is running. The keyboard works in grub and on the inital boot
[16:30] <OneFix> Any suggestions for how to fix?
[16:31] <astraljava> Daekdroom: What executable is the PID for? If you look into your dpkg logs, maybe there's been an update to the package that provides it? Two days is an eternity for a devel release. :)
[16:31] <Daekdroom> astraljava, unity-music-daemon
[16:31] <Daekdroom> part of unity-lens-music package.
[16:31] <Daekdroom> I want to report a memory leak, so I think I should do it against the process.
[16:32] <astraljava> Daekdroom: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/precise-changes/2012-March/013253.html seems to say there was an update just yesterday.
[16:33] <Daekdroom> But the executable is still at /usr/lib/unity-lens-music/unity-music-daemon
[16:33] <astraljava> Daekdroom: Yes, but not the same one that originated that PID.
[16:34] <astraljava> Daekdroom: You could head over to #ubuntu-bug and ask about reporting memory leak bugs, and whether they'd need to be collected from the specific PID. I'm not sure whether that's required.
[16:34] <Daekdroom> Kk. Will do that later. I'm currently late for something.
[16:37] <MCR1> Hey astraljava :)
[16:37] <astraljava> MCR1: o/
[16:37] <OneFix> I can say that I tried performing the upgrade over ssh...which I realize now was probably a mistake :)
[16:38] <MCR1> astraljava: we need you testing ufo:ai 2.4 - we branched already :)
[16:38] <astraljava> MCR1: Yeah, I haven't been around the machine on which I can test properly, hence I haven't been on the channel either.
[16:39] <astraljava> MCR1: But when I have more time on that comp, I'll test again and join ya guys. :)
[16:40] <astraljava> OneFix: Yeah, there's a chance you can't reconnect if something falls to pieces.
[16:42] <OneFix> Well, I was able to reconnect. but apt-get told me that dpkg was locked, so I performed a reboot...as it sits, everything works except for the keyboard and mouse in X11 now...actually, it all stops working (ctrl+alt+f1) stops working too
[17:12] <trippeh> Hmm. For some reason the unity dash has become super slow.
[17:12] <trippeh> Like 1fps.
[17:12] <trippeh> On a hexacore intel gulftown
[17:13] <cryptotheslow> trippeh - is it flickering and behaving otherwise weirdly for you?
[17:13] <trippeh> Not really.
[17:14] <cryptotheslow> OK. Just thought you might have hit this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/963093
[17:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963093 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Unity 5.8: Flickering and corruption on Unity UI elements" [Critical,Confirmed]
[17:15] <trippeh> task switcher and app switcher is still reasonably fast
[17:15] <trippeh> Its just the dash
[17:16] <trippeh> Not sure if its anything new, havn't run unity on this computer for a while.
[17:20] <astraljava> OneFix: I don't see how those are due to running the update over ssh, though.
[17:21] <OneFix> astraljava: Yea, me neither.
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[17:31] <Bluefoxicy> did somebody decide to eliminate the maximize and minimize buttons snow
[17:32] <Fyodorovna> Bluefoxicy, in gnome 3?
[17:35] <Bluefoxicy> yeah
[17:37] <Fyodorovna> Bluefoxicy, install gnome tweak in the shell tab is a button arrangement.
[17:37] <jtaylor> hurray the fglrx video issue has been fixed :D finally I can change to precise full time
[17:38] <Xunil> btw: is it possible for you guys to install wine (12.04, 64bit) or do you as well get the gettext-conflict-problem?
[17:38] <Bluefoxicy> better.
[17:38] <Fyodorovna> Bluefoxicy, gnome tweak will show as advanced settings in the menu.
[17:42] <Bluefoxicy> "Bluefoxicy, gnome tweak will show as advanced settings in the menu."
[17:42] <Bluefoxicy> -- Oscar Wilde
[17:44] <JontheEchidna> "The thing about quotes on the internet,is that they are hard to verify."
[17:44] <JontheEchidna> -- Benjamin Franklin
[17:45] <Bluefoxicy> hehe
[17:52] <trippeh> Hohum, its slow even when setting the dash blur to no blur.
[17:52] <trippeh> OpenGL is otherwise fast too.
[17:59] <trippeh> And now its suddenly beeing fast again! wtf
[18:00] <trippeh> I did clear the opened files history, not sure if that did it.
[19:04] <Belial`> is there a reason why i'm not being notified of updates? i usually have to check manually to see if any are available?
[19:04] <Belial`> minus the question mark on the end there.
[19:04] <jswagner> how often are you expecting to be notified of updates?
[19:04] <Belial`> well, there's probably about 20+ a day for the last few days..
[19:04] <Belial`> so i figured sooner or later.
[19:05] <Belial`> i haven't been notified at all is what i'm saying.
[19:08] <jswagner> both my server (in the motd) and desktop ('updates available' in the me menu, or whatever it's called) do a fair job of letting me know that updates are available, as long as they have been up and running
[19:09] <jswagner> it seems they check by themselves at least once a day
[19:09] <Belial`> ah. ok. so there isn't an actual libnotify message or maybe even a change in color in an icon to alert of updates?
[19:10] <Belial`> you have to click the me menu?
[19:11] <jswagner> to be honest, i'm pretty anal about applying the updates after i start up
[19:11] <jswagner> i believe the update manager window will open or popunder by itself when new updates are available, so it will appear in your unity menu
[19:13] <ironhalik> actually, I have yet to see an update prompt from the manager
[19:13] <ironhalik> but then, I usually do a manual update via terminal
[19:13] <ironhalik> at least once a day
[19:14] <jswagner> pretty sure if I boot the machine and don't immediately do and install all my updates, the update manager will just open by itself to let me know packages are ready to be installed.
[19:14] <jswagner> go and install*
[19:25] <jswagner> well, I filed a bug against mdadm regarding the /dev/md0 and /dev/md127 muckery from last night
[19:26] <jswagner> i reinstalled Ubuntu and used the guided partitioning to mount the array, and after installation, the array was assembled at /dev/md0, as I would expect it
[19:27] <jswagner> I'm not sure if it has something to do with mdadm or with init or something else entirely, but hopefully someone who knows more than me will redirect it as necessary
[19:28] <jswagner> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/964052
[19:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 964052 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "mdadm: created as /dev/md0, becomes /dev/md127 after reboot." [Undecided,New]
[19:32] <penguin42> 127 is a very round number
[19:33] <jswagner> it is actually
[19:33] <kpow> hey
[19:33] <penguin42> that's why I said it
[19:34] <kpow> upgraded 11.04 to 12.04 today, didnt go so smooth but eventually i got 12.04 works on dell v131
[19:34] <kpow> the only problem is that 3.2 takes alot more battery than 2.6
[19:35] <jswagner> i'm not terribly surprised to see it, but it is unexpected after i successfully created the array as /dev/md0
[19:36] <penguin42> jswagner: yeh, it's curious
[19:36] <penguin42> jswagner: 127 almost feels like it's on purpose
[19:37] <jswagner> it reproduced for me three times on three different installations, i'm calling it a bug.
[19:37] <jswagner> :)
[19:37] <penguin42> jswagner: I'd agree
[19:38] <jswagner> now that i have my array set up i can go ahead and complete the rest of my guide.
[19:38] <jswagner> hitting bugs sure does make writing documentation difficult
[19:39] <penguin42> jswagner: Is that the only raid you have?
[19:39] <jswagner> no, i have another, but it's in production
[19:39] <Daekdroom> How fair would it be to file a bug asking for a process to spend less RAM?
[19:39] <Daekdroom> I think unity-music-daemon using 59MiB is a bit outrageous.
[19:40] <Daekdroom> But I'm not sure whether that qualifies as a memory leak.
[19:40] <penguin42> Daekdroom: Does it keep going up or stick there?
[19:40] <Daekdroom> It sticks there.
[19:40] <penguin42> Daekdroom: So justify why it's too much (I probably agree...)
[19:41] <Daekdroom> Some full programs don't need that much. unity-music-daemon is part of a lens functionality.
[19:41] <penguin42> jswagner: You say that the mdadm.conf.txt included includes some changes - do you know what the automatically generated was like?
[19:41] <Daekdroom> But I think it'd qualify for 'wishlist', so I'll fille it.
[19:41] <Daekdroom> *file
[19:41] <jswagner> penguin42: yes
[19:41] <penguin42> Daekdroom: Nod; if you can figure out what the heck is using that RAM it would be better
[19:41] <penguin42> jswagner: Can you include an unmodified one in that bug?
[19:42] <davidcalle> Daekdroom, about unity-music-daemon, are you using rbox or banshee?
[19:42] <Daekdroom> davidcalle, rhythmbox
[19:42] <Daekdroom> banshee is uninstalled
[19:42] <davidcalle> Daekdroom, how many tracks in your music library (roughly)?
[19:43] <Daekdroom> davidcalle, 4500
[19:45] <penguin42> jswagner: I also thought there was something in mdadm to dump the raid-superblock on drives, that might have something usefuul on it? (again from the point when it still mounts as 127)
[19:46] <jo-erlend_> <Belial`> is there a reason why i'm not being notified of updates? <-- The default is to check for updates daily, display normal updates once a week and immediately show security updates. You can change that in Software Center > Edit > Sources > Updates.
[19:47] <ssfdre38> is beta 2 out or no?
[19:47] <davidcalle> Daekdroom, ok. Rbox doesn't have a db for music, just a xml file it stores in its own memory when it opens, so we must keep a lot of stuff in memory to have the music lens functionnality when rbox is closed. The Rbox scope has arrived quite late this cycle, so there is lot of room for improvements until the release.
[19:48] <davidcalle> Daekdroom, I hope it will be lighter in a few weeks.
[19:48] <Daekdroom> davidcalle, so it's still being worked on?
[19:48] <davidcalle> ssfdre38, nope, march 29.
[19:48] <davidcalle> Daekdroom, yes.
[19:48] <ssfdre38> hum cause the wiki is saying that its Beta2 now
[19:48] <penguin42> Daekdroom: How big is your music collection?
[19:48] <Daekdroom> penguin42, like I said earlier, almost 4500 tracks.
[19:48] <jo-erlend_> ssfdre38, url?
[19:49] <ssfdre38> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview
[19:49] <davidcalle> ssfdre38, it's Beta 2 "freeze", it means that the archive is frozen, no new features, just big bug fixes and stability before beta 2 is released.
[19:49] <jo-erlend_> ssfdre38, ah, no, you're looking at the week number.
[19:49] <Belial`> do you guys suggest reinstalling the final release once it's out, or just updating out of beta?
[19:50] <davidcalle> ssfdre38, this page is a work in progress.
[19:50] <jo-erlend_> Belial`, if you keep upgrading, you'll have the final product.
[19:50] <Belial`> jo-erlend_, right. i just wasn't sure if it's proper to just format and reinstall the final product. or is that just an ocd thing? haha
[19:51] <jo-erlend_> davidcalle, Beta 2 is released in Week 24. Today is the 24th. Easy to get it wrong.
[19:51] <davidcalle> jo-erlend_, indeed :)
[19:51] <jo-erlend_> Belial`, hehe. I usually do a fresh install after release, though I know it's not necessary. I like the feeling of going through the process :)
[19:52] <Belial`> jo-erlend_, yeah, i think i might do the same.
[19:52] <jo-erlend_> sort of like a can of "new car" smell. :)
[19:54] <ssfdre38> well do you know why http://images.ssfdre38.com/?v=7pEPR.png keeps on happening and im using a dual screen setup
[19:55] <jswagner> I'm always afraid that some apps have their own 'upgrade' paths that fallback on previous settings rather than applying new defaults. So, even though I'm running the "final" binaries, I'm afraid I have outdated configurations or defaults applied. So I typically do a clean install. Am I being irrational?
[19:56] <penguin42> jswagner: No, it sometimes happens
[19:56] <penguin42> jswagner: It's rare between beta and release though
[19:57] <OneFix> more info on my keyboard and mouse problem ... looks like booting into recovery mode works, but how do I "fix" X11???
[19:57] <jswagner> this dev cycle has been considerably less..chaotic than the last :)
[19:58] <ssfdre38> is the package import to apt frozen?
[20:08] <arand> Is /tmp on tmpfs by default in 12.04 by the way?
[20:18] <katsrc> hey, whats the minimal system requirement for Ubuntu Pangolin?
[20:20] <_d4vid> how stable is 12.04?
[20:20] <_d4vid> is ready to use?
[20:23] <Daekdroom> It depends on what you need to use it for.
[20:23] <ssfdre38> its really stable just a lot of updates
[20:23] <katsrc> Daekdroom: like the base install
[20:24] <katsrc> the users Canonical are targeting
[20:24] <Daekdroom> katsrc, That wasn't directed at you
[20:25] <Daekdroom> I don't think there's any requirement published specific for Pangolin, but they shouldn't be much different than Oneiric's
[20:25] <Daekdroom> !requirements
[20:25] <ubottu> Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu
[20:26] <SA-PM11> how do i switch between workspaces? control alt arrow key doesnt work
[20:27] <Daekdroom> SA-PM11, Try Super + ALT + Arrow Key
[20:27] <SA-PM11> super?
[20:28] <arand> Isn't it super+shift?
[20:28] <Daekdroom> 'Windows' logo
[20:28] <Daekdroom> Super Shift was for moving windows, iirc
[20:28] <arand> Not iirc :)
[20:28] <Daekdroom> But they changed it back to CRTL + ALT + Arrow, so it depends on when you last reset the configurations/installed.
[20:28] <arand> But it might've been changed around again
[20:28] <katsrc> Daekdroom: i guess the only way to determine it is to try it out
[20:28] <SA-PM11> doesnt work for me. im running the beta. does that work for anyone here?
[20:29] <Daekdroom> arand, I'm pretty sure that Super + Shift was for moving windows because people complained how awkward it was.
[20:29] <Daekdroom> and then something else for changing workspaces.
[20:29] <arand> Ah, ok
[20:29] <SA-PM11> it was control + alt + arrow key for a long time!
[20:29] <Daekdroom> SA-PM11, then they changed it, and then they changed it back to CRTL + ALT
[20:30] <SA-PM11> do i have to remove all of my old unity configurations then?
[20:30] <SA-PM11> i haven't made any changes
[20:30] <arand> Likely just run an upgrade..
[20:30] <Daekdroom> 'unity --reset' should give you all the (current) Unity defaults.
[20:30] <arand> maybe nuke the settings as per above, though I don't think it should be necessary
[20:31] <Daekdroom> Updates don't necessarily affect pre-existing configuration.
[20:31] <Daekdroom> (I think it's up to the packager)
[20:53] <jswagner> is anyone else missing aptitude on their Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop?
[20:53] <valdur55> jswagner, use: sudo apt-get install aptitude on terminal :)
[20:53] <spacebug-> jswagner: it is not installed by default in 11.10, 12.04.. maybe not 11.04 either
[20:54] <jswagner> wow. but it's present on server? strange choice
[20:54] <jswagner> OK, thanks
[20:54] <ssfdre38> hey do you think on this version that php5-ftp would be added
[21:06] <zzecool> It seems that only empathy telepathy etc is holding me back from the update
[21:06] <zzecool> is it normal or they are just late dependencies on the way ??
[21:07] <zzecool> anyone knows?
[21:08] <spacebug-> could be.. has been like that for me a few times when updating 12.04 packages
[21:08] <zzecool> yeah i know
[21:09] <zzecool> i was wondering if there is normal , like there is something that will take over telepathy
[21:10] <zzecool> but it looks like another dependency problem :)
[21:11] <spacebug-> ;)
[21:15] <zzecool> actually it looks like thay have dropped telepathy-butterfly from support :o
[21:15] <zzecool> let me check
[21:15] <Daekdroom> zzecool, spacebug-, some packages are being dropped in favor of others.
[21:15] <Daekdroom> a dist-upgrade might fix it
[21:15] <zzecool> Daekdroom: i just noticed that
[21:16] <spacebug-> ah ok
[21:19] <zzecool> because telepathy-butterfly lost the ubuntu star on the synaptic
[21:19] <zzecool> so it looks like they are replaced
[21:19] <zzecool> ok i continue with the update :)
[21:20] <Whiskey`Wonka> yofel:
[21:20] <yofel> Whiskey`Wonka: can you pastebin the full term.log?
[21:20] <Whiskey`Wonka> yup i can likely figure how to do that
[21:21] <yofel> !paste | Whiskey`Wonka
[21:21] <ubottu> Whiskey`Wonka: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[21:21] <Whiskey`Wonka> mm 4K lines in the log
[21:21] <Whiskey`Wonka> are you sure you want the entire thing
[21:21] <yofel> yes
[21:21] <Whiskey`Wonka> k
[21:24] <Whiskey`Wonka> mm does pastebinit require a user/password ?
[21:24] <Whiskey`Wonka> just slow
[21:24] <Whiskey`Wonka> http://paste.ubuntu.com/898399/
[21:25] <Whiskey`Wonka> yofel: ^
[21:26] <yofel> Whiskey`Wonka: that looks fine, so what does apt complain about?
[21:27] <Whiskey`Wonka> i haven ot used apt at all on this install, 100% muon
[21:27] <yofel> well, the error came from apt - does it work fine now?
[21:27] <Whiskey`Wonka> muon says 'package system is broken'
[21:27] <Whiskey`Wonka> no, muon still borks if i try to do what i was trying
[21:28] <yofel> can you run 'sudo apt-get install -f' in a terminal and pastebin what it tries to do?
[21:28] <yofel> without saying yes
[21:28] <Whiskey`Wonka> affirmitive
[21:29] <Whiskey`Wonka> it did nothing
[21:29] <yofel> o.O
[21:29] <Whiskey`Wonka> it read the packages, fixed nothing
[21:29] <Whiskey`Wonka> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 37 not upgraded.
[21:29] <yofel> k, back to jt
[21:30] <yofel> Whiskey`Wonka: just to make sure, muon still errors out?
[21:33] <Whiskey`Wonka> yofel: nope that time doing a reinstall on plasma-network-manager it did not error
[21:33] <yofel> and now?
[21:33] <Whiskey`Wonka> that was 'now'
[21:34] <yofel> then I'm clueless
[21:34] <Whiskey`Wonka> i wonder if it will do it again if i uninstall it then do it again
[21:36] <Whiskey`Wonka> mm what is the difference between plasma-widget-networkmanagment and plasma-widget-networkmanagement(i386)
[21:37] <yofel> first is your architecure, other is for 32bit
[21:37] <Whiskey`Wonka> then my brain hasnt totaly failed me
[21:37] <Whiskey`Wonka> why would i be allowed to see the 32bit one when its not for my arch ?
[21:40] <astraljava> Whiskey`Wonka: Foreign arch for multi-arch setup?
[21:40] <Whiskey`Wonka> ah right, network manager is ... not working right. trying to add a wpa wireless network and it says 'there is no agent ot handle the request' and clears the wpa password
[21:40] <Whiskey`Wonka> astraljava: ahh
[21:52] <jo-erlend> heh... I maximized the dash with Unity 2D, then restored it. Afterwards, it kept covering the entire screen, so I couldn't see anything. :)
[21:52] <jo-erlend> can someone see if they can reproduce that?
[21:56] <jussi> Hrm, Ive got lots of tearing happening on precise/unity 3d. HW is an intel card, any idea on what could be causing this?
[21:58] <jussi> and Im talking serious tearign and flickering
[22:01] <cryptotheslow> jussi, does it seem to match this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/963093
[22:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963093 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Unity 5.8: Flickering and corruption on Unity UI elements" [Critical,Confirmed]
[22:05] <jussi> cryptotheslow: it appears so, yes - though mine is much worse than his screencast
[22:05] <jussi> in anycase, sleep time.
[22:05] <cryptotheslow> mine was too unity --reset sorted it out
[22:07] <glosoli> good evening folks
[22:14] <aguitel> how upgrade 11.10 to 12.04 frm command line ?
[22:15] <cryptotheslow> aguitel, do-release-upgrade
[22:15] <aguitel> cryptotheslow, it say:Checking for a new ubuntu release
[22:15] <aguitel> No new release found
[22:16] <aguitel> cryptotheslow, i am in kubuntu 11.10
[22:17] <cryptotheslow> aguitel, do-release-upgrade "proposed" repositories in your sources first.
[22:17] <cryptotheslow> oops
[22:18] <cryptotheslow> I meant to say perhaps you need to enable proposed before do-release-upgrade will find the beta.
[22:18] <aguitel> ok
[22:22] <jbicha> you need to do do-release-upgrade -d
[22:22] <yofel> aguitel: install update-manager-kde and run 'sudo kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade'
[22:22] <yofel> although do-release-upgrade -d works too
[22:23] <aguitel> yofel, i am doing this ,thanks
[22:23] <yofel> hm, the kubuntu one without sudo
[22:30] <aguitel> ubuntu 12.04 are based in debian testing ?
[22:35] <yofel> aguitel: mostly yes
[22:36] <aguitel> thanks
[22:39] <scar3crow> anyone recommend a good guide to setting up myth tv?
[22:43] <captainfoobar> is anyone else experiencing a broken desktop since the latest update? unity only loads if i log in the second time, and then it flickers whenever i perform an action
[22:44] <yofel> captainfoobar: sounds like bug 963093
[22:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 963093 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Unity 5.8: Flickering and corruption on Unity UI elements" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/963093
[22:44] <captainfoobar> yofel, thanks!
[22:45] <captainfoobar> yofel, the date matches also
[22:45] <cryptotheslow> captainfoobar, unity --reset clears it up for some.
[22:46] <captainfoobar> cryptotheslow, ok, i'll try that
[23:22] <ratcheer> How do you stop lightdm? I went to a text console and "sudo service lightdm stop", but it never goes to status stopped, it remains stop/waiting.
[23:23] <ionte> hi. just did an update, rebooted, and i get a busybox prompt. i have two sata disks (no raid), and the one with the root partition does not show in /dev/. however, its found by bios, grub and when booting from a live cd. any ideas?
=== Guest22560 is now known as Gunni
[23:26] <mirko1> hi! two questions: a) As a Ubuntu/Linux online supporter, I sooner or later have to get familar with the Gnome3 gnome-shell/Unity stuff (I actually don't want to, sigh and grump). Since both need 3D acceleration, I can't just run it in VBox. Any hints from people in a similar situations?
[23:26] <mirko1> And b) I'm on 10.04, what happens to my Gnome2 desktop if would to a dist-upgrade?
[23:27] <yofel> ratcheer: stop/waiting is stopped
[23:28] <Daekdroom> mirko1, b) I don't think it's yet possible to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04, but after release, your GNOME 2 desktop will still be available through gnome-fallback-session package. However, you might lose your customization to the panel, and some applets won't work anymore.
[23:28] <ratcheer> Ok, thanks yofel . That is kind of confusing.
[23:31] <ActionParsnip> mirko1: you can use Unity2D and it doesn't require 3D accelleration
[23:32] <mirko1> Daekdroom: thanks. won't do an upgrade then. is there no way to run both (Gnome3/Unity and Gnome2) in parallel? hard-core geek tricks are would be ok.
[23:32] <ActionParsnip> mirko1: you would run either gnome3 or gnome2, you wiouldn't have both if I'm thinking this right
[23:32] <Daekdroom> mirko1, Gnome Classic session is meant to look like GNOME2, but is still a GNOME 3 install.
[23:32] <Daekdroom> and I haven't read of any way to install them side by side.
[23:33] <mirko1> ActionParsnip: thanks, will U2D be feature-equivalent to U3D (except fom the effects of cours)?
[23:33] <ActionParsnip> mirko1: its the same pretty much, just no 3D fluff (or compiz to ruin things)
[23:34] <Daekdroom> Feature-wise? Yes.
[23:42] <mirko1> ok, thanks, will vboxing this all then (found some tips to run unity3 in vbox