UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /24 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <SpamapS> bkerensa: ^^ Well done! :)
[00:02] <bkerensa> lol
[00:02] <bkerensa> SpamapS: Does that mean it passes muster?
[00:03] <SpamapS> bkerensa: yes, it also means it will be regularly tested by our automated testing system
[00:04] <SpamapS> bkerensa: and when the built in backend charm store is out, it will be available as 'juju deploy subway' (without a local copy)
[00:05] <bkerensa> SpamapS: Good stuff well I hope to make improvements on it in the future including upstart job handling and eventually a upgrade hook (if the author continues to add features)
[00:05] <SpamapS> bkerensa: fantastic
[00:06] <SpamapS> bkerensa: to make sure you have the latest, do 'bzr pull --remember lp:charms/subway'
[00:07] <bkerensa> SpamapS: :P I dont get to be maintainer of my charm? :P
[00:07] <SpamapS> bkerensa: after you push your changes into your own branch (lp:~bkerensa/charms/oneiric/subway/trunk) you can propose them for merging into the official charm with 'bzr lp-propose'
[00:08] <SpamapS> bkerensa: you can be the maintainer if you want. You just have to become a member of charmers... which is really easy.. you just ask, and 2 of us +1 you ;)
[00:08] <SpamapS> bkerensa: the trade off is, you are expected to also do charm reviews and bug triage. :)
[00:09] <bkerensa> uhh maybe after 12.04 release :P I am far to busy atm :)
[00:09] <SpamapS> bkerensa: we do it this way so that we can be sure that the charms are always up to date.
[00:10] <SpamapS> bkerensa: also your version of the charm will be available in the store at cs:~bkerensa/subway
[00:10] <bkerensa> nice
[00:10] <bkerensa> is this store web-based or does it ship in a gui or something?
[00:10] <SpamapS> bkerensa: we just want to keep the default set extremely high quality.. which means you have to seek our sponsorship for changes, or commit to being a full "charmer"
[00:11] <SpamapS> bkerensa: the store is just a backend service right now. Its undergoing live deployment right now.
[00:11] <SpamapS> bkerensa: notice if you type 'juju deploy subway' right now you get a DNS error ...
[00:11] <bkerensa> SpamapS: ahh yeah
[00:12] <SpamapS> bkerensa: there's also a readonly charm browser here http://charms.kapilt.com/~bkerensa/oneiric/subway
[00:14] <bkerensa> SpamapS: pretty neat browser
[00:15] <SpamapS> hazmat: ^^ another fan of your work. :)
[00:31] <hazmat> SpamapS, its also available now at jujucharms.com
[00:31] <hazmat> SpamapS, just put that together today after a request jcastro
[00:32] <SpamapS> sweeeeeet
[00:34] <SpamapS> hrm..
[00:34] <SpamapS> there seems to be a bug in "broken" hooks
[00:34] <hazmat> SpamapS, ?
[00:34] <SpamapS> http://paste.ubuntu.com/897196/
[00:35] <SpamapS> thats while inside db-relation-broken
[00:35] <SpamapS> happens not in debug-hooks as well
[00:35] <hazmat> SpamapS, what version?
[00:35] <hazmat> we put a broken hook context into place
[00:35] <SpamapS> ii juju 0.5+bzr494-1juju4~oneir next generation service orchestration system
[00:35] <hazmat> ugh
[00:35] <hazmat> oh.. that is the departed hook context
[00:35] <SpamapS> hazmat: breaks the mysql charm in an interesting way :-/
[00:36] <hazmat> SpamapS, so what would you expect it to tell you
[00:36] <hazmat> SpamapS, the relation has been broken, its not coming back
[00:36] <hazmat> there are effectively no members of the other side
[00:36] <hazmat> so relation-list returns what?
[00:36] <SpamapS> hazmat: I was using it to hack around bug #791042
[00:36] <_mup_> Bug #791042: *-relation-broken has no way to identify which remote service is being broken <juju:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/791042 >
[00:37] <hazmat> SpamapS, ah so you wanted to get the remote service name..
[00:37] <SpamapS> right, I'm sure there are other ways to do what I want, which is to note that it is broken so the next time around certain things happen
[00:37] <hazmat> hmm. we're doing some work right now to get relation-ids attached to relations.. and a relation-ids command.. to do relation cli api from any hook..
[00:37] <SpamapS> I can probably just use more predictable usernames, and remove the username.. and that will achieve what I want.
[00:38] <hazmat> that would still be available in a broken context, but its rather bespoke as a resource identifier
[00:38] <SpamapS> hazmat: as long as its the same during joined/changed/departed and broken :)
[00:38] <hazmat> it would be
[00:38] <SpamapS> I can use it as the username/pass
[00:38] <hazmat> it would look like db:42
[00:38] <SpamapS> well not the pass
[00:38] <SpamapS> but the username
[00:39] <SpamapS> hazmat: so relation-list is just not allowed in broken?
[00:40] <SpamapS> hazmat: also I still get '{}' when using juju-log in the local provider. Did we ever figure that out?
[00:41] <hazmat> SpamapS, yeah.. i did a have quick look at that one.. but its low on priority list to fix
[00:42] <hazmat> SpamapS, i think it should just return an empty list if invoked during broken
[00:42] <hazmat> its debatable
[00:42] <hazmat> its effectively useless then, and at least the error informs somewhat
[00:43] <hazmat> SpamapS, re juju-log its effectively printing its return value.. re the {}
[00:43] <SpamapS> ah
[00:44] <hazmat> anyways.. family time.. ttyl
[00:44] <SpamapS> hazmat: have a good weekend!
[00:44] <hazmat> SpamapS, you too!
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
[01:29] <_mup_> juju/relation-ids-command r501 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[01:29] <_mup_> Fixed tests
[01:35] <_mup_> juju/relation-id-option r499 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[01:35] <_mup_> Merge upstream
=== hspencer is now known as hspencer[afk]
[02:47] <_mup_> juju/relation-ids-command r502 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[02:47] <_mup_> JUJU_RELATION default
[03:03] <_mup_> juju/relation-id r493 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[03:03] <_mup_> Rework internal relation id parsing
[03:05] <_mup_> juju/relation-hook-context r500 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[03:05] <_mup_> Docstrings
[03:06] <_mup_> juju/relation-id r494 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[03:06] <_mup_> Merged trunk
[03:06] <_mup_> juju/relation-hook-context r501 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[03:06] <_mup_> Merged upstream
[03:07] <_mup_> juju/relation-ids-command r503 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[03:07] <_mup_> Merged upstream
[03:10] <_mup_> juju/relation-ids-command r504 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com
[03:10] <_mup_> Docstring
[03:23] <_mup_> Bug #963640 was filed: Implement external relation id support <juju:In Progress> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/963640 >
[03:24] <_mup_> Bug #963642 was filed: Implement child relation hook context with lookup by relation id <juju:In Progress by jimbaker> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/963642 >
[03:26] <_mup_> Bug #963643 was filed: Implement relation-ids hook command <juju:In Progress> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/963643 >
[06:19] * SpamapS pokes at the mysql charm
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
[09:55] <hazmat> jimbaker, rock the house
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
[14:36] <_mup_> Bug #963931 was filed: possibly non-deterministic test juju.unit.tests.test_lifecycle.UnitRelationLifecycleTest.test_join_hook_error <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/963931 >
=== mars is now known as Guest83177
[17:32] <arashbm> I'm trying to set up a local provider, How much time should it spend on 'Creating master container...' on a decent hardware but a slow connection? Is it trying to download something?
[18:38] <arashbm> How can I find out whats going in inside lxc when juju debug-log says 'Creating master container...'?
[21:16] <SpamapS> doh.. I just discovered help2man
[21:16] <SpamapS> and it works perfectly w/ argparse generated output
[21:16] * SpamapS does a little dance
[21:16] <SpamapS> yay, manpages for juju!
[21:20] <imbrandon> nice
[21:20] <jelmer> \o/
[21:20] * imbrandon is still trying to fight with it on OSX
[21:20] <imbrandon> ok gas station , brb
[21:20] <imbrandon> SpamapS: btw mentioned you in my blogpost , didnt think youd mind given the context
[21:23] <SpamapS> imbrandon: we're all public figures. :)
[22:17] <imbrandon> SpamapS: haha true
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
[23:33] <imbrandon> SpamapS: wanna know something else about nginx that makes it even more of a magic wand, and as i thought of it is gonna make a good case for a _only_ nginx charm
[23:33] <imbrandon> SpamapS: # server {
[23:33] <imbrandon> # listen localhost:110;
[23:33] <imbrandon> # protocol pop3;
[23:33] <imbrandon> # proxy on;
[23:34] <imbrandon> # }:)
[23:34] <imbrandon> :)
[23:34] <imbrandon> it speaks more than just http{,s} heh
[23:35] <imbrandon> often overlooked , but if you already knew my bad :)
[23:45] <marcoceppi> imbrandon: epic
[23:45] <marcoceppi> holy crap, just thinking about that actually
[23:51] <imbrandon> marcoceppi: heh
[23:51] <imbrandon> yea
[23:52] <imbrandon> its kinda epic and hard to wrap head arround all at once
[23:52] <imbrandon> takes a bit to sink in
[23:52] <imbrandon> but its not an after thought either, its fully suported and from the begning was there
[23:52] <imbrandon> brb afk a min