UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /16 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[09:48] <ndec> ogra_: hi. do you mind if i cancel the call today?
[09:49] <ndec> if you think there is anything we need to discuss, let me know
[10:23] <ogra_> ndec, feel free, i dont have anything special
[13:05] <brax> is there anybody that has 5 minutes to help me with a xrandr issue?
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[16:26] <prpplague> ogra_: yea, package updates have fixed my desktop issues!
[16:26] <ogra_> awesome !
[16:27] <prpplague> ogra_: actually have to reload my box at home, i fudged up and hosed the permissions for /usr
[16:27] <ogra_> ouch !
[16:37] <danboid> Looks like I need to recompile my panda kernel just to get ALSA sequencer support so what kernel version would you guys recommend and why?
[16:37] <ogra_> the one your release has already
[16:38] <GrueMaster> danboid: What issues are you seeing? Precise Beta 1 works for both Panda/Panda ES ootb.
[16:38] <ogra_> danboid, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile
[16:39] <ogra_> just use the source package
[16:39] <danboid> GrueMaster, None of the current Linaro or Canonical omap4 kernels have ALSA sequencer support compiled in or as a module
[16:39] <GrueMaster> (which I just discovered is broken in the daily images...again.)
[16:40] <ogra_> right, who needs MIDI anyway :P
[16:40] <ogra_> as long as your mp3's play
[16:40] <ogra_> danboid, thats seriously worth filing a bug though
[16:41] <danboid> As I've said before, Panda could be quite attractive to Linux musicians due to its silent aspect (if you use a SSD )
[16:41] <ogra_> yeah, agreed, i was rather sarcastic above, not serious
[16:41] <danboid> I'm hoping to use if for music production anyway
[16:42] <ogra_> so a) file a bug, b) follow the wiki t recompile the kernel package with a config change
[16:42] <danboid> ogra_, jk- said this has been fixed already
[16:42] <ogra_> in the ubuntu package ?
[16:42] <ogra_> ppisati, ^^^ did you enable alsa sequencer support in the config ?
[16:42] <danboid> ogra_, I presume so but he's not been around today to give more info
[16:42] * ogra_ doesnt think so
[16:44] <danboid> If I want the pvr driver working am I best recompiling the standard kernel rather than going for the latest stable code?
[16:45] <ppisati> i'm here
[16:46] <danboid> ppisati, I was told the latest omap4 kernel configs have ALSA sequencer support enabled now?
[16:47] <danboid> ppisati, If so, can I get a package anywhere of such a kernel yet?
[16:50] <GrueMaster> danboid: I see CONFIG_SND_SEQ_DUMMY=m in the current precise kernel.
[16:50] <GrueMaster> And CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER=M as well.
[16:50] <ppisati> sorry, was in a phone call
[16:51] <danboid> GrueMaster, That'd do me but I expect I can't install a precise kernel under oneiric can I?
[16:51] <GrueMaster> So you should be able to get the kernel either from a daily image or from http://ports.ubuntu.com. ppisati can point you to the git tree if you really want to go deep.
[16:51] <ppisati> danboid: yes you can
[16:51] <GrueMaster> Why not?
[16:51] <danboid> Hasn't armel been killed off in precise?
[16:52] <GrueMaster> Just use the armel kernel variant (so as not to confuse dpkg).
[16:52] <GrueMaster> Only the image builds.
[16:52] <GrueMaster> Pool is still active, and I also regularly do netboot installs on my pandas for sanity checking.
[16:52] <ogra_> we dont build armel images and we dont massively care for armel pacvkages either
[16:53] <ogra_> the archive is still existing and wont go away
[16:54] <danboid> ppisati, I can get a package for 11.10 armel with the snd-seq compiled as a module?
[16:54] <ppisati> danboid: get the P kernel
[16:54] <danboid> ppisati, ? Link?
[16:55] <danboid> ppisati, please!
[16:57] <ppisati> danboid: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux-meta-ti-omap4/linux-image-omap4_3.2.0.1408.8_armel.deb
[16:57] <danboid> ppisati, Thanks v. much! Will be trying that tonight! :)
[17:04] <danboid> Thanks for your help guys!
[17:21] <prp_> does anyone know how to install minicom on pandaboard. I tried sudo apt-get install minicom but it says E: unable to locate package minicom. I enabled all software sources and restarted but it still doesnt work
[17:24] <GrueMaster> prp_: It should be there.
[17:24] <GrueMaster> ubuntu@panda3:~$ apt-cache search minicom
[17:24] <GrueMaster> cutecom - Graphical serial terminal, like minicom
[17:24] <GrueMaster> minicom - friendly menu driven serial communication program
[17:25] <prp_> thats exactly what i see
[17:25] <GrueMaster> ubuntu@panda4:~$ apt-cache madison minicom
[17:25] <GrueMaster> minicom | 2.5-2 | http://mirror.gruenet/ubuntu-ports/ precise/universe armhf Packages
[17:25] <GrueMaster> minicom | 2.5-2 | http://mirror.gruenet/ubuntu-ports/ precise/universe Sources
[17:26] <GrueMaster> Heh, local mirror, but should be identical to ports.u.c
[17:27] <prp_> i opened ubuntu software manager and tried to install 7zip and it gave a button to use universe source. i clicked it, now minicom works as well
[17:32] <GrueMaster> Note to self, don't run minicom in a remote screen session. Key bindings are the same.
[17:47] <steev_> GrueMaster: i normally use screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200, it gets confusing when i go a few screen sessions deep
[17:47] <GrueMaster> steev_: I was only testing minicom on panda to verify it ran.
[17:47] <steev_> ahh
[17:48] <GrueMaster> I use screen for all my serial consols.
[17:48] <steev_> i find it easier to use
[17:48] <steev_> my buddy keeps trying to get me to switch to socat
[17:50] <GrueMaster> I'm actually going to look for some kind of serial console app that can multiplex. I need to have screen running, but I also want some script to be able to interact with netboot installs when needed.
[17:51] <GrueMaster> Not sure if I can just attach to the screen session in python.
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[21:49] <xteejx_> Hi guys, anyone here that can answer 1 or 2 quick questions about Ubuntu for arm please?
[21:50] <xteejx_> The wiki states Ubutnu arm is for v7+, but I have an arm11 (v6). Is there no way I can get it on there?
[21:51] <GrueMaster> xteejx_: Sadly, no. But Debian is very similar and will support your hardware.
[21:51] <xteejx_> GrueMaster, Damn :(
[21:52] <xteejx_> I'll have a google around for debian related stuff then, thanks anyway for the pointer :)
[21:52] <GrueMaster> Good luck.
[21:53] <xteejx_> lol thank you :)
[22:53] <Riddell> on what mailing list can I ask arm issues?
[22:54] <pbuckley> heh
[22:54] <pbuckley> i wonder how many raspberry pi people we will see in the upcoming weeks asking why ubuntu doesnt boot
[22:55] <lilstevie> pbuckley, heaps no doubt :p
[22:56] <pbuckley> btw anyone know of a good eq (per frequency adjustments)?
[22:56] <pbuckley> thats system wide
[22:56] <pbuckley> alsamixer seems to have some built in filters
[22:56] <pbuckley> but couldnt figure out how to change em
[22:58] <GrueMaster> Riddell: What arm issues? What platform? There are quite a few choices.
[22:58] <Riddell> GrueMaster: the one where my pandaboard doesn't boot with a precise install
[23:00] <pbuckley> using the right image?
[23:02] <GrueMaster> Riddell: First, I would recommend going through the troubleshooting section at http://pandaboard.org/content/resources/troubleshooting to make sure your system works and your environment is set up correctly.
[23:03] <GrueMaster> If everything goes well there, we can work to figure out why Ubuntu isn't working on your pandaboard.
[23:03] <Riddell> it works fine
[23:03] <Riddell> it does not work with precise
[23:04] <GrueMaster> What exactly doesn't work with Precise? (note that I frequently test the daily precise images).
[23:05] <Riddell> the same thing as last time we looked at it http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/precice-arm-boot.txt
[23:05] <pbuckley> im running two pandaboards with precise
[23:05] <pbuckley> that looks like a bad sd card at first glance
[23:05] <Riddell> works fine with oneiric
[23:06] <pbuckley> well something is wrong with your setup
[23:06] <pbuckley> i assure you
[23:06] <pbuckley> sorry
[23:06] <pbuckley> bad day
[23:06] <pbuckley> ill be back later
[23:06] <GrueMaster> Which image is this?
[23:07] <GrueMaster> I'm not seeing this on today's daily image.
[23:08] <Riddell> armhf omap4 daily build from today for ubuntu-desktop, armhf omap4 daily build for when we last tested it, armel precise image from alpha 1
[23:08] <Riddell> I know you're not. you weren't when we tested it the other day either.
[23:09] <GrueMaster> Hmm. It is possible you have a defective board, but I can't verify that.
[23:09] <Riddell> got a copy of the validation image?
[23:09] <GrueMaster> This is on first boot?
[23:10] <Riddell> yes, also on boot after upgrade from oneiric
[23:10] <GrueMaster> Not on me. It is at http://pandaboard.org/content/resources/troubleshooting
[23:10] <Riddell> that link doesn't work
[23:11] <GrueMaster> Try http://pandaboard.org. Click on RESOURCES.
[23:11] <GrueMaster> Or is it the gforge.ti link that is broken?
[23:12] <Riddell> yes
[23:16] <GrueMaster> Let's try in #pandaboard.
[23:22] <GrueMaster> Riddell: Well, that would explain the broken link.
[23:22] <Riddell> mm hmm
[23:23] <GrueMaster> So, do you have a more recent copy of the daily builds, or at least Beta 1?
[23:30] <GrueMaster> Also, can you download and try the ubuntu-server daily as well? I doubt it will change anything, but it would be useful to test.
[23:40] * Riddell snoozes