UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /16 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <david_j_r> I'm trying to set up Gvim in a "Programming" menu category, but can't get the right wording for the .desktop file - does anyone have an example from this category handy?
[00:07] <Unit193> Categories=Application;Development;
[00:07] <david_j_r> Ah! Lol - thanks! JUST this instant found this:
[00:07] <david_j_r> http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html#category-registry
[00:07] <david_j_r> thanks for checking - appreciated!
[00:08] <Unit193> Pulled from scite.
[00:08] <Unit193> And sure.
[00:13] <epictetus> any chicks in this chatroom wanna do it w/ me
[00:13] <Unit193> That is way out of bounds here.
[00:13] <Unit193> !guidelines | epictetus
[00:13] <ubottu> epictetus: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines
=== h4ckm3th32nd is now known as h4ckm3
[00:18] <epictetus> ubottu: but the guidelines for love are found only in the heart
[00:18] <ubottu> epictetus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
[01:04] <corvus_> Any idea why Wine isn't showing in the LXDE menu? I can see it in /usr/share/applications.
[01:05] <Unit193> Is there an "Only show in" in that desktop file?
[01:06] <corvus_> No. It's read and write.
[01:06] <Unit193> Also, you normally just get the windows application you need and double click on that.
[01:07] <corvus_> Ah, ok. It's my second go around with Lubuntu, and I just remember it showing in the menu before.
[01:07] <Unit193> Remember that you may need to mark the application as executable.
[01:08] <corvus_> Tried that...said "operation not permitted"
[01:08] <Unit193> Where is that file? CD?
[01:08] <corvus_> /usr/share/applications
[01:09] <Unit193> Ah, no. The exe file you want to run, that file is fine as is.
[01:09] <corvus_> It shows Winetricks and Wine Windows Program Loader.
[01:11] <corvus_> Hrm. I clicked on "Browse C:Drive"...now it's in the menu.
[01:11] <corvus_> Go figure.
[01:15] <Unit193> Heh.
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
[05:11] <Unit193> Kalidarn: I'll just ask you once more to disable changing nick on away.
[05:26] <Kalidarn> oh sorry Unit193
[05:26] <Kalidarn> did u ask me to do it previously?
[05:26] <Kalidarn> first time someone said something :P
[05:27] <Unit193> Yep, 5 or so times.
[05:27] <Kalidarn> lol sorry missed that.
[05:27] <Unit193> Can I assill?
[05:27] <Kalidarn> i shall fix it.
[05:28] <Unit193> That was supposed to be assist at all. (update is killing this.) :P
[05:33] <Unit193> Anywho, thanks.
[06:26] <JohnDoe_71Rus> this interfaces http://pastebin.com/iWBx9KGE from ubuntu 10.04. if use it on lubuntu 11.10 get "more then 60 second network start" and finaly not complete network support. what's wrong?
[06:33] <Unit193> Same computer?
[06:38] <JohnDoe_71Rus> no. but the same interface work on other ubuntu 10.04
[06:38] <Unit193> Are you sure there isn't an IP conflict?
[06:39] <Unit193> Also, the device may change.
[06:40] <JohnDoe_71Rus> 11.10 standalone. internet get gsm, connect after login
[06:40] <JohnDoe_71Rus> br0 is wirtual device
[06:41] <Unit193> I take it you have already checked the logs in /var/log?
[06:42] <JohnDoe_71Rus> whtat log file?
[06:43] <Unit193> syslog is a generic one to check, but it'll have more than just that.
[06:44] <Unit193> http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/ This look like your problem?
[06:45] <JohnDoe_71Rus> Unit193: lubuntu is new install
[06:46] <Unit193> What happens if you configure it via nm-applet?
[06:53] <JohnDoe_71Rus> part of syslog http://pastebin.com/uuNX7Xvb
[06:54] <JohnDoe_71Rus> nm-applet can't help. i need br0 to combine with wlan0 use hostapd
[06:55] <JohnDoe_71Rus> with nm-applet start AP no success
[06:58] <Unit193> Sorry, never used GSM and there doesn't seem like much I can help with here.
[07:00] <JohnDoe_71Rus> no. gsm not the reason, then i comment br0 system start normaly
[07:02] <Unit193> I got that, just that I haven't had anything like this setup.
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== h4ckm3th32nd is now known as h4ckm3
=== _h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3
[09:09] <UnknownArtists> hi, i have a problem updateing my system
[09:10] <UnknownArtists> everytime i try to download the packages, the donwload hangs anywhere
[09:10] <UnknownArtists> i changed the repository but it doesn't help
[09:11] <UnknownArtists> and why should i everytime i want to install something change my repo for every package
[09:11] <UnknownArtists> whats the mess with it?
[09:11] <UnknownArtists> i heared about it from several persons
[09:12] <UnknownArtists> did you expereince the same thing?
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
[14:58] <student1> hi lububtu
[15:01] <ptrkmj> I accidently deleted (xdg-desktop-menu uninstall) logout-lubuntu.desktop file (name=Shutdown) in /usr/share/applications. Can someone send me it or is it hosted somewhere maybe?
[17:30] <ptrkmj> Does lubuntu feature program to scale jpeg files from command line?
[17:31] <ptrkmj> (out-of-the-box)
[17:42] <iceroot> ptrkmj: no you have to install imagemagick
[18:13] <perkele> Hello ive installed lubuntu on USB drive using pendrivelinux wizard. It works alright but whenever I reboot my computer it resets desktop, settings, etc.
[18:14] <perkele> With Ubuntu it doesnt do that
[18:14] <ikonia> it's because you are not saving your settings anywhere
[18:14] <ikonia> it means it treats it the same as a livecd
[18:18] <perkele> I ticked the option persistent size so it should have somewhere to save them. That worked for regular Ubuntu
=== h4ckm3th32nd is now known as h4ckm3
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza