UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /11 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== dvestal_ is now known as dvestal
=== dvestal is now known as dvestal|away
[08:13] <alourie> good morning
[17:31] <nigelb> mhall119: Hey, can you join #developers on moznet
[17:31] <nigelb> somoene wants to fix the unity quicklist bug for firefox
[17:31] <nigelb> and is unsure what to do
[17:31] <nigelb> Jeffrey is who needs help
[18:42] <mhall119> nigelb: I pinged and ponged in there, no answer
[18:46] <nigelb> mhall119: I saw, can you comment on the bug?
[18:46] <nigelb> Possibly with more info on what to do.
[18:50] <pangolin> Ubuntu Devs. They make house calls!!!
[18:50] <mhall119> nigelb: link me
[18:51] <pangolin> what other community can you go to, ask the dev to join another network, and they do.
[18:51] <nigelb> pangolin: he's on the network already
[18:51] <nigelb> mhall119: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727335
[18:51] <ubot2`> Mozilla bug 727335 in Untriaged "Add Unity Quicklist to Firefox" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]
[18:52] <pangolin> nigelb : oh, never mind then. I take back my admiration :P
[18:52] <nigelb> lol
[18:52] <pangolin> you folks really do rock. Thank you all so much for the hard work you do.
[18:52] <mhall119> I wasn't in that channel though
[18:52] <mhall119> thanks pangolin :)
[18:53] <nigelb> that's the good thing about being in 2 communites
[18:53] <nigelb> I can always pokethe right people to help :)
[18:56] <mhall119> nigelb: what's the good thing about being in 4 communities then?
[18:58] <pleia2> great deals on buying caffeine in bulk
[18:58] * ejat pokes nigelb
[18:58] <ejat> 4 ? omg ..
[19:04] <mhall119> nigelb: commented on the bug
[19:04] <mhall119> pleia2: lol
[19:04] <mhall119> ejat: well, 4 networks, not heavily involved in all of them though
[19:05] <ejat> owh okie.... me only 3
[19:07] <s-fox> Hello :)
[19:07] <ejat> elo
[19:07] <mhall119> hey s-fox
[19:07] <s-fox> Hello ejat and mhall119 :-)
[19:08] <s-fox> How're you both?
[19:09] <czajkowski> pleia2: the https://friendly.ubuntu,.com has a insecure content warning
[19:12] <mhall119> pleia2: ^^ is from http://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/ubuntu/v4/_xyN3apAT_yRRDeqB3sPRg.woff
[19:12] <mhall119> should be able to just s/http/https/
[19:13] <mhall119> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu"> I think it causing it
[19:15] <nigelb> mhall119: thanks
[19:15] <nigelb> pleia2: lol
[19:15] <nigelb> ejat: heya
[19:16] <pleia2> huh, it was green (not insecure) for me just a few minutes ago
[19:17] <pleia2> now I refresh and it gives the warning
[19:18] <pleia2> insecure content is one of the more annoying ssl errors
[19:19] <pangolin> maybe it just needs a little positive reinforcement, boost its confidence.
[19:19] * pleia2 gives friendly a cookie and a pat
[19:20] <nigelb> did you guys see the pycon opening video?
[19:20] <nigelb> NAOs dancing!
[19:21] <czajkowski> COOKIES!!
[19:21] * pleia2 gives some to czajkowski too
[19:22] <pleia2> had some amazing ones for dessert last night, so nice when they come out warm :)
[19:23] <czajkowski> nyommy
[19:27] <pangolin> ñommy
[19:28] <nigelb> Ws 36
[19:28] <nigelb> gah
[20:10] <pleia2> nice broder submitted a bug about the ssl issue