UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /11 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[04:37] <ScottK> tsimpson: It's only because we now have a novel definition of Ubuntu that means "everything".
[04:41] <wgrant> ScottK: The Ubuntu CC recently decreed that the restriction must continue, FWIW.
[04:41] <ScottK> wgrant: I'm aware.
[04:42] <ScottK> I find it odd that Launchpad considers they are required to pay attention to the Ubuntu CC as well.
[04:42] <ScottK> I argued with the CC members at the meeting in question.
[04:43] <ScottK> If you decide everything is Ubuntu then that equally means nothing is.
[04:43] <wgrant> Indeed.
[04:43] <ScottK> In theory you can get Ubuntu membership now for doing kernel development because upstreams are part of Ubuntu.
[12:33] <alo21> hi all
[12:33] <alo21> i would like to submit a new accomplishment
[12:34] <alo21> but i did not understad at all how to do
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== jacob_ is now known as jacob
[17:29] <Atlantic777> Hi! Is there some material for presentation about launchpad? I would like to show it to my community. It's not so popular at the moment and there are just few folks who use it.
[17:55] <tsimpson> Atlantic777: I would think the tour would work: https://launchpad.net/+tour
[19:09] <s-fox> Hello, can someone assist with a link to a large version of the launchpad logo? We are updating the ubuntu installer and would like to list launchpad answers as a support avenue. :-)
[19:10] <Atlantic777> tnx tsimpson, that looks fine
=== wedtm is now known as wedtm|away
=== wedtm|away is now known as wedtm
[20:49] <hakermania> Hello there. I 'debuild'ed my project with the argument -S, then uploaded using 'dput' to launchpad for building and I got an email that 'The signer of this package has no upload rights to this distribution's primary archive. Did you mean to upload to a PPA?'
[20:49] <hakermania> What does that mean actually? I have the rights, I am using the same GPG key!
[20:52] <hakermania> Ah, I loled :P
[20:52] <hakermania> I had forgotten to specify the ppa :P Sometimes I wonder if I have something in my head or not, anyways :)
[21:52] <hakermania> Hey guys :( I am trying to upload a new ppa over here: https://launchpad.net/~wallch/+archive/ppa12.04 but dput resist to upload the orig.tar.gz file, resulting on getting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/879590/ as an email answer... What am I supposed to do?
[21:52] <hakermania> I am running debuild -S
[21:53] <hakermania> and then I manually do dput ppa:wallch/ppa12.04 *.changes
[21:54] <ajmitch> hakermania: 'debuild -S -sa' to include the orig.tar.gz
[21:54] <hakermania> ajmitch, if this will save me, If you ever come to greece i will shout you a beer, definitely
[21:56] <hakermania> you are the man
[22:04] <shnatsel> hello, my source builds in recipe fail with weird error:
[22:04] <shnatsel> dpkg-source: error: syntax error in recipe-{debupstream}-0~r{revno}+pkg{revno:packaging}/debian/control at line 26: continued value line not in field
[22:04] <shnatsel> here's the log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/96383645/buildlog.txt.gz
[22:05] <shnatsel> and the file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~audience-members/audience/deb-packaging/view/head:/debian/control
[22:05] <shnatsel> ah, it must be something wrong with my editor or branch or something...
[22:06] <shnatsel> sorry to bug you, I see my mistake now
[23:56] <thumper> bigjools: hello
[23:56] <thumper> bigjools, wgrant: why do PPAs strip debugging symbols?
[23:56] <thumper> and can we tell it not to?
[23:56] <bigjools> /o\
[23:56] <thumper> (debug symbol packages)
[23:57] <bigjools> you need to build a ddeb
[23:58] <bigjools> I can't remember how this fits together since it's been ages since I looked
[23:58] <thumper> ah... wut
[23:58] <thumper> ?
[23:59] <bigjools> ah it's an admin option
[23:59] <bigjools> want me to turn it on?
[23:59] <thumper> sure
[23:59] <thumper> bigjools: unity-team/staging and unity-team/ppa
[23:59] <thumper> plx
[23:59] <thumper> plz
[23:59] <bigjools> one sec