UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /11 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[00:50] <dez4rk> Sup kubuntu'ers?
[00:52] <sluckxz> yoyo juzz chillin
[00:54] <redxii> i just installed kubuntu and ran the updater, it is hung at "Preparing to configure plasma-dataengines-workspace'
[00:55] <redxii> all the applications are gone in the launcher and made a shortcut to firefox on the desktop beforehand
[00:55] <redxii> can't close it or log off
[00:56] <sluckxz> does alt+2 work?
[00:56] <sluckxz> or ctrl+alt+f2?
[00:57] <sluckxz> i have had a couple updates hang for some reason as well.
[00:57] <redxii> yeah
[00:58] <sluckxz> i got past hung updates by killing the process deleteing lock files and redoing it with apt in a console
[00:59] <sluckxz> http://askubuntu.com/questions/89401/first-update-after-fresk-kubuntu-install-hangs-because-of-dpkg-now-what
[00:59] <redxii> where is the lock file located
[01:00] <sluckxz> i forgot try to run apt-get dist-upgrade and tell me the error and i can google it for you if you want
[01:01] <sluckxz> /var/cache/apt/archives/lock ?
[01:02] <sluckxz> nope thats not it
[01:02] <redxii> /var/lib/dpkg/lock
[01:07] <dez4rk> Package/Software Issue! I can't install any packages or remove, or anything.. I get this error no matter what command I run. And, I also can't use Muon because it errors out... How can I clear this error?
[01:07] <dez4rk> E: The package virtualbox-4.1 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.
[01:09] <sluckxz> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
[01:09] <sluckxz> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1841672
[01:09] <sluckxz> basically says grab the .deb and install it yourself
[01:10] <dez4rk> That's not the problem
[01:10] <dez4rk> I have virtualbox installed
[01:10] <dez4rk> I can't install anything else
[01:10] <EvilResistance> pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?
[01:11] <redxii> what commands do i run to install the updates again
[01:12] <dez4rk> http://pastebin.com/t0B4pmLN
[01:14] <redxii> got it
[01:14] <redxii> there was another lock file
[01:14] <sluckxz> cool!
[01:15] <sluckxz> yea i wasnt sure if you had to delete both or what. dont really remember that well.
[01:15] <redxii> i ran sudo apt-get update and install -f
[01:16] <redxii> well, dpkg --configure -a before that..
[01:16] <sluckxz> yea sounds familiar, im sure i'll have to google it again when it comes up. suppose i could right it down somewhere.
[01:17] <sluckxz> oh well alls well.. 4.8.1 is nice!
[01:17] <redxii> muon won't run anymore, crashes
[01:17] <redxii> still 53 packages to upgrade that's probably why
[01:18] <redxii> ok there it goes
[01:20] <redxii> everything's still fucked up
[01:21] <EvilResistance> !language
[01:21] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.
[01:24] <sluckxz> did you use muon again?
[01:24] <redxii_> getting this now http://pastebin.com/sjvFuyH3
[01:24] <sluckxz> after i cleaned it up i just used apt in a console to do my updates and it went fine for me.
[01:25] <sluckxz> sorry man... do it with apt.
[01:25] <redxii_> i turned my laptop off forcibly
[01:26] <redxii_> so i didn't see anything you typed in the last few minutes
[01:26] <sluckxz> im having a problem with muon where i have to alt2 kdesudo to get it to work
[01:26] <sluckxz> on another install it works fine
[01:26] <sluckxz> stop trying to update with moun, use apt. hopefully they are working on it as muon seems a bit buggy to me.
[01:27] <redxii_> no kidding
[01:27] <sluckxz> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/855793
[01:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 840306 in qapt (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #855793 Muon hangs when using etckeeper" [High,Fix released]
[01:27] <sluckxz> that was me too a t
[01:28] <sluckxz> i was using beta 1 and i didnt want to download another iso
[01:28] <sluckxz> started ignoring muon and used apt and it went away.
[01:28] <redxii_> brb
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[02:12] <ybit> last plug for the day
[02:13] <ybit> #kde-usa was created yesterday to help organize the american kde community, i hope to see some of you there
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[04:22] <dnivra> hello. I recently downgraded from kubuntu-backports and now graphic effects, window switcher and login screen are messed up-looks like neither from backports, nor from 11.10 official repo. i remember that KDE didn't get upgraded automatically when installing backports. is there a similar issue when downgrading?
=== savita is now known as tssvt
[04:33] <almoxarife> who used to use dnsmasq who knows how to make the changes needed to 12.04 to get dnsmasq running as previous?
[04:33] <almoxarife> I like the idea of builtin dnsmasq, I just want my old config back
[04:42] <ybit> dnivra: i'm sorry i can't help
[04:42] <ybit> don't want you to think you are being ignored
[04:42] <ybit> almoxarife: i never used dnsmasq
[04:43] <almoxarife> ybit: good util
[04:43] <ybit> i've never messed with dns configuratin
[04:43] <ybit> plus an "o" in that last word
[04:43] <almoxarife> ybit: its not really dns as much as caching
[04:43] <ybit> caching of?
[04:44] <ybit> i'm not informed when it comes to networking
[04:44] <almoxarife> ybit: it remembers x ip's of www's you go to, so the process is sped up
[04:45] <ybit> aha
[04:45] <ybit> didn't open dns do something like this
[04:45] <dnivra> ybit: that's quite alright. i've asked this question yesterday but yet to get an answer. i fixed the hideous login screen by changing the theme. but the window switcher and the graphics effects are still the same :(
[04:46] <dnivra> i'll check again in a while-maybe someone would have answered meanwhile.
[04:46] <dnivra> thanks ybit :).
[04:46] <ybit> dnivra: you might have better luck with the mailing list
[04:46] <ybit> or bugs.kde.org
[04:46] <almoxarife> ybit: open dns is a server somewhere in the internet, dnsmasq is your local cache, local will always be faster than a trip to a server and back
[04:46] <ybit> er.. whatever kubuntu uses
[04:47] <ybit> launchpad or something
[04:47] <almoxarife> dnivra: what was your question?
[04:49] <dnivra> almoxarife: I recently downgraded from kubuntu-backports and now graphic effects, window switcher and menu bar of windows are missing. i'm running kubuntu 11.10
[04:49] <dnivra> i'm just going to try something. be back in a bit.
[04:51] <dnivra> okay that didn't work. almoxarife i fixed my login screen by changing theme. but I can't enable graphic effects, see the windows I'm switching to in the window switcher and the menu bar of dolphin is missing.
[04:51] <almoxarife> dnivra: those backport updates you installed are now gone, meanwhile your confs are all depending on the updates, why did you revert?
[04:52] <almoxarife> dnivra: the menu bar of dolphin is a dolphin configuration
[04:52] <dnivra> two reasons-one the screen kept going blank when idle for short periods and two the userlist in quassel wasn't being displayed.
[04:53] <dnivra> i asked about issue one here and well the most obvious solution didn't work-i found that all relevant settings were disabled in the power management or energy management.
[04:54] <almoxarife> dnivra: screen went black because of the default power management settings, quassel I am not sure about, there is always 'pidgin' , does irc and a lot more
[04:55] <almoxarife> dnivra: I would restore the backports, those are upgrades/updates
[05:26] <dnivra> almoxarife: like i said, the defaults in power management settings didn't have "turn off the screen" option check. and I'm not using just quassel-i've an instance of quasselcore running on a server so that I am signed into IRC 24x7.
[05:27] <almoxarife> dnivra: good luck with the endevour
[05:28] <dnivra> almoxarife: thanks!
[05:28] <dnivra> does anyone know the package to which the window switcher belongs to? I'll try reconfiguring it-maybe that'll help.
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[05:29] <almoxarife> dnivra: I dabbled with quassel I never saw the nick list issue
[05:29] <dnivra> almoxarife: quasselclient in kubuntu backports?
[05:30] <dnivra> it works fine in the version available in the official 11.10 repo but not in the backports.
[05:30] <almoxarife> dnivra: kwin or plasma-desktop, got it , kwin, killing plasma still leaves me window switching
[05:30] <dnivra> great! kwin it is then.
[05:31] <almoxarife> dnivra: yes, had all the ppa's tagged, ran into a issue finally with broken dependencies with libc6
[05:31] <dnivra> almoxarife: thanks for the tip on the dolphin configuration! the menu bar was disabled in ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc
[05:31] <dnivra> got it back now.
[05:31] <almoxarife> dnivra: cool
[05:33] <almoxarife> dnivra: install 12.04, why fix the old one??? fix the new/last one from ubuntu
[05:33] <dnivra> but 12.04 isn't out yet is it?
[05:33] <dnivra> it's still in beta right?
[05:33] <almoxarife> dnivra: it is
[05:34] <dnivra> oh! okay. that's news. upgrade time then!
[05:34] <almoxarife> dnivra: yea, beta, but you got issues with 11.10 that are as close to beta as it can get
[05:34] <almoxarife> dnivra: and yes, I get lots of little crashes, nothing significant
[05:35] <almoxarife> lots is the wrong word, I get some
[05:35] <dnivra> so it's not officially released eh? then i better not recommend it to others.
[05:37] <almoxarife> dnivra: its not official release, it's the wild wild west version, after this its just a tool
[05:42] * dnivra is having second thoughts now.
[05:43] <dnivra> i think i'll upgrade after I finish my bachelor project-it doesn't work, I'm sunk. i guess i'll try troubleshoot the issues.
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[05:48] <phunyguy> is there a way to use smb shares in amarok?
[05:49] <phunyguy> besides mounting the traditional way? (like gvfs/smb)
[05:49] <phunyguy> i can browse the share in dolphin, but how do i get that to carry over into amarok?
[05:53] <dnivra> phunyguy: maybe you could mount the samba share during boot time by adding an entry to /etc/fstab and ask amarok to watch the directory where you mount the samba share?
[05:53] <phunyguy> dnivra: that was my question, a way to do it without the traditional fstab way
[05:54] <phunyguy> like in reg ubuntu, there is the ~/.gvfs folder
[05:54] <phunyguy> was wondering if there is something similar in kde
[05:55] <phunyguy> this is a laptop, and i want to access my main music library without copying it locally on the laptop
[05:55] <phunyguy> manage the collection, etc.
[05:56] <dnivra> just clarifying-you wanted to know alternative way to gvfs/smb. by this you mean, you want to know if you can mount the share in a method other than "smb://<host>/path/to/share" right?
[05:57] <dnivra> because AFAIK smb://host/path/to/share isn't attached to any directory under /.
[05:57] <phunyguy> right, i am trying out kubuntu after bein a regular ubuntu user for a while, and I liked gvfs...
[05:57] <phunyguy> in regular ubuntu if you browse a samba share without actually mounting it, it shows up as a folder in ~/.gvfs
[05:58] <dnivra> ah okay you want an alternative to gvfs :). no clues there-i know /etc/fstab can do it :)
[05:58] <phunyguy> like if you go to nautilus and in the location bar type smb://, it puts "share on" in ~/.gvfs as a folder.
[05:58] <phunyguy> suuuch a dealbreaker... lol
[05:59] <phunyguy> I am not always at home, and when at work if the entry in fstab isnt accessible, it seems to lock my system.
[06:04] <dnivra> and I can't connect to any samba share I use right now so can't help out now either :/
[06:06] <phunyguy> maybe my library management needs a rethink
[06:13] <dnivra> well well what do you know, purgin kde-window-manager fixed the problem with the window switcher and graphics effects
[06:14] <dnivra> ah i see. i guess kde-window-manager-gles wasn't installed and so no effects, eyecandy etc.
[06:46] <almoxarife> I can't find how to remove the lock-screen coming out of a suspend, any help?
=== vivek is now known as Guest8541
=== Guest8541 is now known as pvivek
[06:56] <redxii> i have a intel hd 3000 gfx card and i get a black screen
[06:56] <redxii> nomodeset is horrible and other kernel parameters make things worse, like no usb or other devices
[06:58] <bigbrovar> Hi guys
[06:58] <almoxarife> redxii: I assume your graphics drivers are current?
[06:58] <redxii> i installed and updated it
[06:58] <redxii> kubuntu 11.10
[06:59] <bigbrovar> since upgrading to the latest kde 4.8.1 updated backported to kubuntu 11.10 using the backport ppa, I found that I have to manually start akonadi
[06:59] <bigbrovar> I don't know what the problem is. Is anyone also facing similar issues?
[07:00] <redxii> my monitor turns off before kdm
[07:00] <redxii> it's not blank but completely off
[07:01] <almoxarife> redxii: would you say your install is still virgin or have you dabbled in fixes?
[07:01] <redxii> virgin
[07:02] <almoxarife> redxii: can you access the machine ?
[07:02] <redxii> im on it
[07:02] <almoxarife> so you have graphics
[07:02] <redxii> if use nomodeset i can't use anything other than 1024x768
[07:03] <redxii> if I use anyything like pci=noacpi or anything else, some functionality is lost
[07:03] <redxii> like right now i don't have usb support
[07:03] <almoxarife> want to try a few things? non aggressive
[07:03] <almoxarife> redxii: you need acpi
[07:04] <almoxarife> first, can you pastebin your xorg.0.log?
[07:04] <almoxarife> I can show you the simple way to get it into pastebin
[07:05] <redxii> i can do it
[07:06] <redxii> well hold on
[07:06] <redxii> i should boot without using any 'fixes' so i can get a proper log
[07:06] <almoxarife> redxii: true
[07:06] <redxii> brb
[07:06] <redxii> the .old log wouldn't have it either so i have to do it again
[07:11] <redxii> http://pastebin.com/nJh01nUi
[07:13] <redxii> http://pastebin.com/7iFJ3c3X
[07:15] <almoxarife> redxii: you have both onboard and a card for graphics, yes?
[07:15] <redxii> no
[07:15] <redxii> only the integrated one on the cpu
[07:15] <redxii> Intel HD 3000
[07:16] <almoxarife> redxii: ok, what type of monitor?
[07:16] <redxii> it's a laptop
[07:16] <almoxarife> redxii: ok
[07:16] <almoxarife> redxii: which?
[07:16] <redxii> lshw output in the other pastebin url
[07:18] <redxii> i'm guessing it is trying to use a mode that isn't compatible with the monitor
[07:18] <redxii> like a wrong refresh rate
[07:22] <almoxarife> redxii: would you like to update all your graphics to the current out on the street? I noticed my opengl issues went away once I did the same?
[07:22] <redxii> ok
[07:23] <redxii> well i tried seeing if there was an updated driver but got was '11.04/11.10 should work in intel hd graphics'
[07:23] <almoxarife> I will give you a ppa and you need to add it, you must allow it to update all the graphics it sees fit, don't pick and choose
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=== Guest3240 is now known as pvivek
[07:26] <redxii> ok
[07:26] <almoxarife> redxii: ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa
[07:27] <almoxarife> redxii: you know how to add a ppa?
[07:27] <redxii> yra
[07:27] <redxii> yea
[07:27] <almoxarife> redxii: ok
[07:27] <pvivek> In Kubuntu, i've somehow disabled the windows list showing in the bottom panel. In the sense if i open dolphin, chromium, i can't see their entries in panel using which i could minimize,maximize.
[07:27] <pvivek> i would be very glad if someone can help me out
[07:28] <almoxarife> pvivek: you are missing the 'task-bar' widget
[07:29] <pvivek> almoxarife: thank you, i'll add it now.
[07:29] <almoxarife> task manager.................. waitttttttttttt
[07:29] <almoxarife> too late
[07:30] <pvivek> almoxarife: thanks a lot, i fixed it
[07:30] <almoxarife> pvivek: I gave you the wrong name for the widget, its 'task manager'
[07:31] <almoxarife> pvivek: cool
[07:32] <pvivek> almoxarife: i was able to figure out that much, i knew i was missing a widget, i thought it was windows list :P
[07:32] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, I have disabled the task-manager-widget. :)
[07:33] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: nice. I just feeling having it is comfortable, not to minimize or shift tabs which i can do using alt+tab, but i can be aware of all the open applications
[07:34] <almoxarife> pvivek: does dragging the mouse to the top left corner do anything on your machine?
[07:34] <Graf_Westerholt> Pici, to me, it is more comfortable to us the „Present Windows“ that I have activated at the top of the deskotp.
[07:35] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek
[07:35] <pvivek> almoxarife: i haven't set anything for it, i can if i want to
[07:35] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, give it a try.
[07:36] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: sure, right now!
[07:36] <almoxarife> Graf_Westerholt: thought of moving the whole bar to the top? I like mine on top for some reason, don't like to look down maybe
[07:36] <Graf_Westerholt> almoxarife, I have the panel at the top, but no task-manager.
[07:37] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Present windows is not a widget?
[07:37] <almoxarife> Graf_Westerholt: I see, I like to see what's running at a glance
[07:37] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, of course it is not a widget.
[07:38] <Graf_Westerholt> You have to set it in system settings, pvivek
[07:38] <almoxarife> pvivek: present windows and desktop are two good features, I couldn't live without them
[07:39] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, go to the „Workspace“ settings.
[07:39] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: okay
[07:40] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek actually it is „screen edges“.
[07:40] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: you mean K>System Settings>Workspace Appearance?
[07:40] <Graf_Westerholt> No, „Workspace Behaviour“.
[07:41] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: oops, dumb me, got it
[07:41] <Graf_Westerholt> Press ALT+F2 and type in „screen edges“. That is more fast.
[07:42] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: yup i set the left top screen edge to present windows, and said apply. but it ain't working
[07:43] <Graf_Westerholt> Move your pointer to the left top screen edge.
[07:43] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: yup i did that :P , no it ain't working.
[07:43] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: should my graphic drivers be installed for this action to take place?
[07:44] <redxii> no luck
[07:44] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, it should work out of the box.
[07:45] <Graf_Westerholt> Did you move your pointer as far as you can to the edge?
[07:45] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: yes i did, i have used these settings in other comps, it doesn't seem to work. would it be disabled anywhere?
[07:45] <redxii> i bet if i recompile the kernel from vanilla sources it would work, because i had a similar problem on a really long time ago i had to compile a new kernel in Ubuntu to get video to work properly without parameters or settings changes, but i shouldn't have to do that
[07:46] <redxii> how about that
[07:47] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, do you have desktops effects turned on?
[07:47] <almoxarife> redxii: notice any diff?
[07:47] <redxii> every time i try to use ubuntu.. black screen, spending hours trying to fix it
[07:47] <redxii> no it still doesn't work
[07:47] <almoxarife> redxii: pastebin kern.log please
[07:50] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: yup my desktop effects is turned on. and the funny part is in screen edges, the other settings, switch desktop on edge is working properly
[07:50] <Graf_Westerholt> How many windows do you have at the moment at your desktops?
[07:51] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: 4 desktops
[07:51] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: sorry sorry , you asked for windows right. I have 5
[07:51] <redxii> too big for pasetbin
[07:52] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, it should work. :)
[07:53] <redxii> http://www.mediafire.com/file/ldkk6bjksk32lv5/kerlog
[07:53] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: i know it should , but it isn't :( and also i have one more problem. I have 4 virtual desktops. I have created shortcuts to navigate through them, and i have given the animation as slide. But it won't slide only
[07:53] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: in the sense, it'll just change suddenly, no sliding animation.
[07:55] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, maybe you need the driver from your manufacturer. With my system, it is working out of the box, with a NVidia-card.
[07:55] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: i also have NVidia-card, i think i haven't installed the drivers yet. Am searching for the driver i had saved in my system long ago :P
[07:56] <Graf_Westerholt> You do not have to need to do that.
[07:56] <Graf_Westerholt> Kubuntu can install them for you automatically.
[07:56] <Graf_Westerholt> Type „driver“ into the klauncher.
[08:00] <almoxarife> redxii: noapic option, tried it?
[08:01] <redxii> no
[08:01] <redxii> it might work but it may disable something else
[08:01] <redxii> that's why i want to fix it without parameters
[08:02] <almoxarife> redxii: you have a parameter already, the 'virt=7'?
[08:03] <redxii> i dunno i don't see it in the logs but X is running on 7
[08:04] <almoxarife> redxii: its in the kern.log
[08:04] <redxii> u mean vt.handoff=7
[08:04] <almoxarife> redxii: Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-12-generic root=UUID=97c6eaa2-4753-430a-97ea-26cec9c16cb6 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7
[08:06] <redxii> yeah
[08:06] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, what are you doing?
[08:06] <redxii> i could try noapic but i think that's the one that disables power management.. from prior experience a long time ago
[08:07] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: i found my driver. I tried to run it getting this error. Trying to fix it. http://pastebin.com/2XNQVCnD
[08:07] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek you should read what I write.
[08:07] <almoxarife> redxii: remove the 'quiet splash'
[08:08] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: oops, sorry. Got it.
[08:08] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek …
[08:09] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: I am not able to find Klauncher. I mean its neither opening in alt+f2 nor in synapse
[08:10] <Brently> i need help. wanting to install kubuntu 12.04. but wanting to use older versions of network manager and plasma network widget that worked better... how do i do that?
[08:10] <Graf_Westerholt> By pressing ALT+F2 klauner starts, pvivek.
[08:11] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: When i do that i can see run klauncher. When i click on it nothing happens :|
[08:11] <Graf_Westerholt> You have to type!
[08:11] <Graf_Westerholt> You do not know klauchner?
[08:12] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: unfortunately no :(
[08:13] <Graf_Westerholt> How do you manage to run with KDE?
[08:13] <Graf_Westerholt> Press ALT+F2 and type „driver“ and hit enter.
[08:13] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Sorry, didn't get you
[08:13] <Brently> isnt alt-f2 like the 'run' window in windoze?
[08:13] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: OMG! I am nuts, sorry sorry
[08:14] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: klauncher - alt+f2 (Didn't know the name of it)
[08:14] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, no klauncher is much more then „run“ from windows.
[08:15] <Graf_Westerholt> !klauncher
[08:15] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: got it. Thanks a lot. Its downloading and installing now. Why was i doing things in the wrong way :( i learnt now.
[08:15] <Brently> so, how do i use the nice newest kubuntu 12.04 but replace some buggy packages with older ones that worked?
[08:16] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek you did it wrong because you did not read anything about how to use KDE and Linux.
[08:16] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: yes, i haven't read. Will read it now :)
[08:16] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, with klauncher you can do a lot.
[08:17] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek you can use klauncher as calculator.
[08:17] <redxii> no good it went by way too fast
[08:17] <Brently> say for instance, in 12.04 I want to use network manager and bluedevil from 11.04??
[08:17] <Graf_Westerholt> You can use klauner to convert currencys or meter in inches.
[08:17] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: I have been using klauncher for many purposes, like execute commands, run applications, poweroff, reboot. Had forgotten the name.
[08:17] <almoxarife> redxii: what went by?
[08:18] <pvivek> even calculator ya
[08:18] <redxii> the terminal text
[08:18] <Graf_Westerholt> klauncher: „10°C in F“ try it :)
[08:18] <almoxarife> redxii: can you access the 'display' settings? which is set as the default?
[08:19] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: How did you give the circle on top of 10
[08:20] <redxii> it just shows settings.. it's stuck at 1024x768 because of nomodeset
[08:20] <Graf_Westerholt> Shift + 1, but I have the Neo2-Layout, pvivek.
[08:20] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, on QWERT is is left from the „1“.
[08:21] <almoxarife> redxii: you did not remove 'nomodset'?
[08:21] <Brently> in 11.04 I could pair my blackberru, and use it to tether over bluetooth and it worked great. seems to be broken in 12.04. must be a new kde 4.8 bug. four distros with the newest kde all have broken bluetooth and network managers.
[08:21] <redxii> my monitor turns off without it
[08:21] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Didn't get this point on QWERT is is left from the „1“.
[08:21] <redxii> i can't see anything
[08:22] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek QWERT is the normal keyboard-layout.
[08:22] <almoxarife> redxii: off or into power save when idle for some time?
[08:22] <redxii> it immediately turns off when kdm starts
[08:22] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, hit the key left from your „1“ with holding shift.
[08:24] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, did you get it?
[08:24] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Sorry, i didn't get this part „1“ . you mean shift+1+left. Sorry if the question seems too dumb
[08:24] <Graf_Westerholt> No!
[08:25] <Graf_Westerholt> The TAB-Key!
[08:25] <Brently> shift plus the key next to the 1 ~
[08:25] <Graf_Westerholt> The TAB-KEY is locatet left from the „1“-Key!
[08:25] <redxii> i'm gonna try something else
[08:26] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, it is not ~ at my keyboard. Seems there is another layout.
[08:26] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: you mean this symbol tilda "~"
[08:26] <Graf_Westerholt> Nope.
[08:26] <Graf_Westerholt> Your layout seems to be different from mine.
[08:27] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: okay the key below ~ is Tab
[08:28] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, I cannot tell you because your keyboard-layout is different from mine.
[08:28] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: i'll try to figure it out. Thanks, probably i'll start using a different layout from now on. thanks
[08:29] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, what layout would you use?
[08:30] <Brently> can i install 11.10, mark some packages to be kept, and then do a dist-upgrade?
[08:30] <Brently> i just want 12.04 with working packages for some things from 11...
[08:31] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: I haven't tried out any other layout other than the default one, i'll try out and choose the one which i like
[08:31] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: one more doubt, In additional drivers i can see 4 options. http://pastebin.com/xMua0CBe. Should i activate all 4 or just the last one?
[08:31] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, you you know why there are different kinds of layouts?
[08:32] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, I believed you had already installed the driver.
[08:32] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: By the way you're asking, i feel different layouts are used when you're doing differnt kind of work, probably one layout is suitable for normal use, one for calculation and stuff
[08:32] <Brently> keyboards from different manufacturers and different areas of the world..
[08:33] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: i did, i did the first option, i was thinking before restarting should i do others too.
[08:33] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, of course you should use „recommended“.
[08:33] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Ya got it.
[08:33] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, you cannot install different versions of the driver, of course.
[08:34] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: got it
[08:34] <Satisfied> hey guys, just installed kubuntu for the first time but when trying to run firestarter (firewall) it spits up a message that this kernel doesn't support iptables...... is that normal for a kubuntu cd install?
[08:35] <Brently> how do i install the latest kubuntu, and replace some packages with ones from an earlier release?
[08:36] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, and different layouts are for different keyboards. Of course in Germany we have keyboards with ä, ü and ö. You do not need that in other countries.
[08:36] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, it a silly idea to just use another layout!
[08:37] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: oh oh okay, i got it now.
[08:37] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, I use the Neo2-Layout which is for german. It is optimize for typing german.
[08:37] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: ya got that after you told me. Thanks a lot.
[08:38] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Will restart comp and will be back in 2 mins
[08:38] <Graf_Westerholt> ok
[08:38] <Brently> how do i install the latest kubuntu, and replace some packages with ones from an earlier release?
[08:40] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, I do not think that this is a good idea and I do not know if that is possible.
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[08:41] <redxii_> wel...
[08:41] <redxii_> how can i manually set the mode?
[08:41] <pvivek> Grap_Westerholt: WOAH!!! My desktop got new appearance now, thanks a lot. The effects are working :)
[08:41] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek great!
[08:42] <Brently> for example QT 4.8 has a bug. someone posts a patched version in their ppa. how do i replace the one installed with the patched one?
[08:42] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, what Kubuntu-Version are you using?
[08:42] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: 11.10
[08:43] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, ok
[08:43] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Present windows is now working, and yeah its a lot comfortable and nice ui.
[08:43] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, just wait, Kubutu will update automaticaly.
[08:43] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek :)
[08:44] <Brently> so just wait for the bug fix to trickle down stream?
[08:45] <Brently> so far the network manager bluetooth tethering is broken. and items remain in the task bar after closing still
[08:47] <Brently> when will 12.04 be finished and released?
[08:48] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, in 4.2012, of course.
[08:49] <pvivek> Brently : 4 refers to 4th month of the year , april . 10 refers to October.
[08:49] <Brently> ah
[08:51] <Brently> so i installed 11.10. and when i update the kde to 4.8 some things break like network manager. so how can i update to kde 4.8 but KEEP some packages older versions?
[08:51] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, I told you I do not think that you can do that.
[08:52] <Graf_Westerholt> KDE 4.8 depends on packages for 4.8.
[08:52] <Brently> so i should quit trying to have the latest kde and just wait for the work to be finished
[08:53] <Brently> wait until its included in the next official release...
[08:53] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: "how to use linux and kde" - google?
[08:53] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, why?
[08:54] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: No i am asking you, you pointed out that i was doing things wrongly because i didn't read it, where to find it?
[08:54] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, sure. But why that search string?
[08:55] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Where else can i find it?
[08:55] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, you know how to use a search machine?
[08:56] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Search machine == Search engine?
[08:56] <Graf_Westerholt> Right.
[08:56] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: well yeah i have basic knowledge
[08:58] <Graf_Westerholt> So you know that normally you will only get results with exact that string.
[08:58] <Graf_Westerholt> That means you will not get many results.
[09:02] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, if you want to know how to install the nvidia driver, I would search for 'kubuntu driver nvidia'
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[09:03] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek of course without the '
[09:03] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: got it , i instead searched for nvidia drivers for linux :( i mean yes i've to optimize the way i search.
[09:04] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek a search engine is no human who can understand a sentence.
[09:04] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek Instead you should use only keywords.
[09:04] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: ya ya i know. got it
[09:04] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek of course you can use other keywords like install
[09:05] <Graf_Westerholt> ok
[09:05] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: But if you want to learn to use kde. You have to type something like this only right. How to use kde.
[09:05] <Graf_Westerholt> There is a very good german wiki http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de
[09:06] <redxii> well thanks for your help
[09:06] <redxii> unless someone has any other ideas, i'm gonna say.. fuck linux
[09:06] <redxii> also sometimes takes several reboots to get the wireless to work
[09:07] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: So this could be a right place to start off http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de
[09:07] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: So this could be a right place to start off http://userbase.kde.org/Tutorials
[09:07] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek Yes, if you can understand german.
[09:07] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: *first one typed by mistake.
[09:08] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek, I think that is a good idea.
[09:08] <Graf_Westerholt> I never read this website.
[09:08] <Graf_Westerholt> I never read a complete tutorial. I read the part I want to know.
[09:09] <Graf_Westerholt> Of course I searched through all settings of KDE to know where to find something.
[09:09] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: I feel That's the right way when you want to get things done. Otherwise there are so many things to learn, it would take a hell lot of time. Just my opinion
[09:10] <Graf_Westerholt> Right, you need a lot of time. But later you are faster because you know already.
[09:11] <Brently> what kde version is in kubuntu 11.10?
[09:11] <Graf_Westerholt> 4.7
[09:11] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: Thanks a lot for all the help. I am very glad. I learnt a lot of stuff.
[09:11] <Graf_Westerholt> pvivek :)
[09:12] <Brently> will it eventually update to 4.8 in kubuntu 11.10?
[09:13] <Graf_Westerholt> Brently, I do not know.
[09:14] <Brently> have you seen the bug where things stay stuck in the task bar after being closed?
[09:14] <Graf_Westerholt> No, I have not.
[09:17] <Brently> open several applications. close them all. and sometimes they will still be in the task bar even after closing. then clicking on the kicker menu clears them from the task bar.
[09:17] <Graf_Westerholt> I do not use the task-bar.
[09:18] <Brently> i like the icon-only task widget for the panel.
[09:20] <Brently> anyone here testing out kubuntu 12.04??
[09:24] <redxii> can anyone else help me
[09:29] <redxii> kdm causes the monitor to turn off (black screen) unless i use nomodeset
[09:29] <redxii> but i am locked to 1024x768 if i use nomodeset
[09:29] <redxii> i need a true fix without using kernel parameters
[09:33] <redxii> piece of shit os
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[09:44] <pvivek> Graf_Westerholt: I somehow have disabled the time and date which is displayed in the panel. I am not able to figure out how to fix it
[09:48] <rork> pvivek: right click the panel (i.e. the toolbox at the right) > add widgets > digital clock
[09:57] <pvivek> rork: thanks a lot :)
[10:07] <almoxarife> ok, so now that everyone finds 'dnsmasq' the sexy answer to caching I was wondering where I am suppose to make the changes to dnsmasq.conf (does not exist)?
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[11:46] <Tm_T> &deop Tm_T
[12:10] <nirald70> hi newbie here have a simple problem in my kubuntu
[12:11] <nirald70> can anybody help me
[12:11] <Peace-> !someone | nirald70
[12:11] <ubottu> nirald70: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.
[12:11] <nirald70> @ubottu tenks ok
[12:12] <nirald70> does kubuntu have a problem in a lenovo g475?
[12:13] <Peace-> nirald70: wtf what problem
[12:14] <szal> nirald70: rule #1: BE SPECIFIC, for pete's sake
[12:14] <nirald70> Peace - i install it in my laptop but on the first tym it restart all i got is just a freeze of my system
[12:14] <nirald70> ok szal
[12:16] <nirald70> my problem is that i've install it as a dual boot to my windows7, but after i restart all i got is hang/freeze on my system nothing happens
[12:16] <Peace-> nirald70: choose the kernel recovery
[12:17] <Peace-> it will try to boot without graphics stuff
[12:17] <Peace-> see if it says something
[12:17] <Peace-> take a picture or paste a log
[12:18] <nirald70> ok will do that and will be back here.... another is that before i install kubuntu is that ive install other linux distros too, and have the same problem it just hangg/freeze after restarted
[12:20] <Peace-> nirald70: it's a kernel problem
[12:20] <Peace-> nirald70: your hardware is not recognized well
[12:21] <nirald70> so it means that linux have a problem in a dual core amd?
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[12:22] <Peace-> nirald70: i guess it's not the dual core
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[12:23] <nirald70> because in my old amd laptop any linux distros is working great
[12:23] <nirald70> so what it is?
[12:23] <Peace-> nirald70: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11330488&posted=1#post11330488:grin:
[12:23] <almoxarife> anyone else caught in the dnsmasq dilemma? can't configure it anymore in 12.04? if you have any info I would appreciate it
[12:24] <Peace-> !pangolin
[12:24] <ubottu> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1
[12:24] <Peace-> !pangolin| almoxarife
[12:24] <ubottu> almoxarife: please see above
[12:25] <almoxarife> Peace-: I am not using pang.... , I am using 'precise'
[12:25] <Peace-> 12.04 it's not supported it's beta
[12:26] <almoxarife> Peace-: I am not looking for help with the app, I am wondering if anyone else has seen the issue, and I got it, yes its 12.04
[12:27] <Peace-> almoxarife: so ask on #ubuntu+1
[12:28] <tsimpson> they have (now)
[12:29] <almoxarife> Peace-: I did, graci
[12:30] <Peace-> yw
[12:35] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[13:20] <phoenix_firebrd> kmix crashes after changing the number of channel
[13:22] <awake> useless chan, useless distro
[13:22] <awake> phoenix_firebrd, all things crashes in kubuntu
[13:22] <Peace-> awake: you are useless
[13:22] <phoenix_firebrd> awake: sorry, i want to differ
[13:23] <awake> Peace-, maybe
[13:23] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: tried veromix?
[13:23] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: btw run kmix on konsole
[13:23] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: that created a bigger problem
[13:23] <Peace-> and see wht it says
[13:23] <awake> best solution: format and install ubuntu :)
[13:23] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: after uninstalling it, amarok's volume control doesnt work
[13:23] <Peace-> awake: ok please dont' spam here
[13:24] <awake> oh, sorry
[13:24] <Peace-> awake: and btw kubuntu here works fine
[13:24] <awake> that's not spam
[13:24] <Peace-> yes it is
[13:24] <awake> that's reality :)
[13:24] <Peace-> awake: for you
[13:24] <awake> yes, for me an Canonical
[13:25] <bazhang> awake, do you have a kubuntu support question
[13:25] <Peace-> awake: of course...
[13:25] <awake> ops, sorry
[13:25] <bazhang> awake, do you have a kubuntu support question
[13:25] <awake> oh, not right now
[13:26] <bazhang> awake, this is NOT the channel for chit chat or rants
[13:26] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: i uninstalled and deleted even the config files of veromix, is there any other thing i can try?
[13:26] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: well you can use alsamixer -V all on konsole
[13:26] <awake> bazhang, okay
[13:26] <awake> copy that.
[13:27] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: but if your run kmix on konsole you can see why it's crashing
[13:27] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: what does that V for
[13:27] <Peace-> visibile all
[13:28] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: ok then what?
[13:28] <awake> anyway, I used kubuntu for months
[13:28] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: set the volume
[13:28] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: No, why does kmix crash?
[13:29] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: i tried the strace, i cant get anything
[13:29] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: i dunno untill you run it on konsole and get the crash
[13:29] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: you mean should start kmix from console?
[13:29] <Peace-> awake: kubuntu is rock solid here.
[13:29] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: +1
[13:30] <awake> Peace-, i'm so happy for you
[13:30] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: yes
[13:30] <awake> but my experience whit kubuntu was bad as hell
[13:30] <Peace-> awake: so comes here and say install ubuntu because kubuntu suck it's not a mature approach
[13:30] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: he he, if i had got the error message i could have tried to troubleshoot myself, but nothing
[13:30] <Peace-> awake: ok post your problem\ crash and do report
[13:31] <Peace-> !gdm
[13:31] <awake> Peace-, I've done it
[13:31] <awake> months ago
[13:32] <Peace-> ok link me the report
[13:32] <Peace-> i would like see it
[13:32] <awake> noone cared about
[13:32] <awake> bah, now is too late
[13:32] <Peace-> link me if you have done
[13:32] <Peace-> i guess you have not done and i guess you are not a canical guy
[13:32] <Peace-> that it's what i think
[13:33] <awake> sure that i'm not a canonical guy
[13:33] <Peace-> so or you write to solve your problem
[13:33] <Peace-> or just exit
[13:33] <Peace-> and get a life
[13:33] <awake> oh, I have a wanderful life
[13:33] <awake> :)
[13:33] <tsimpson> please try to stay on topic
[13:34] <awake> *O
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[13:35] <awake> ookay, so, enjoy your crashes
[13:35] <awake> see you later
[13:36] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: i got the crash report , do you want to see?
[13:36] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: you should report but if you want see me
[13:36] <Peace-> i will
[13:36] <Peace-> *you want to show me
[13:38] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: ya, you could also check if the crash report is complete. here it is http://paste.kde.org/437318/
[13:38] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: also i am using 64bit OS
[13:39] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: reading
[13:40] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: take your own time, i will wait
[13:40] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, does alsamixer open inside the terminal ?
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[13:41] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj:ya, without any problem
[13:41] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: the problem is only that kmix crashes when i change the channel example from stereo to 5.1
[13:41] <BluesKaj> ok, then alsa is ok ...could be a kde problem
[13:41] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: it should be only the kmix, i am sure about that
[13:42] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, analog or digital ?
[13:42] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: analog
[13:42] <BluesKaj> 5.1 that is
[13:42] <BluesKaj> ok
[13:42] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: ya
[13:42] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: creative soundblaster
[13:43] <BluesKaj> what abou the sound , does it crash ?
[13:43] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: pulseaudio is rock solid
[13:43] <BluesKaj> ok , good
[13:43] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: just to test removing pulseaduio you get the crash?
[13:44] <BluesKaj> then it's probly kde graphics thing
[13:44] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: removing pulseaudio? i dont understand
[13:44] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: apt-get remove pulseaudio
[13:44] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: ya maybe
[13:45] <BluesKaj> Peace-, doubt if it's a pulse problem
[13:45] <Peace-> BluesKaj: #19 0x00007f6036e68c1d in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpulse.so.0
[13:45] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: i get something in the konsole shall i paste?
[13:45] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: that removes pulse from your system
[13:45] <Peace-> you can reinstall then
[13:45] <Peace-> if you need it
[13:46] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: but veromix worked fine
[13:46] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: if veromix works fine just use it then...
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[13:47] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: for some reason i uninstalled it, wait
[13:47] <kpanic> bla
[13:47] <kpanic> who watching the foot
[13:47] <BluesKaj> Peace-, #30 0x00007f6038a71cc2 in kdemain () from /usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit/libkdeinit4_kmix.so
[13:48] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: check this out, you too BluesKaj http://paste.kde.org/437324/
[13:49] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: shall i purge and reinstall kmix?
[13:49] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: but if veromix works why you have to do this?
[13:50] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: i like the default kmix
[13:51] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: i guess it's better do a crash report
[13:51] <Peace-> phoenix_firebrd: or ask on #kde
[13:52] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: should i install the debugging symbols and produce a crash report again or this is fine?
[13:52] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: amarok volume problem is gone, now works fine
[13:53] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: omg, kmix is pulling the entire desktop
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[13:58] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, , no need to remove kmix , just hide it in the system tray . It's basically just a gui for alsa , anyway.
[13:58] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: ya
[13:59] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: where does the config file of kmix exists?
[14:00] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: what are those files in home/.pulse/?
[14:02] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, ~/.kde/share/config/kmixrc, but I wouldn't fool with it if i were you
[14:02] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: i will backup and try
[14:04] <BluesKaj> phoenix_firebrd, it's really not necessary , if the music plays , why worry about a gui crash that wiil eventually be fixed anyway
[14:05] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: i like to if it is a local error or a global one
[14:05] <BluesKaj> if it was global your music woyuldn't play
[14:07] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: i mean if the problem exists for others
[14:08] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: got some erros
[14:09] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: http://paste.kde.org/437330/
[14:09] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: http://paste.kde.org/437330/
[14:11] <BluesKaj> well, getting all tied up in knots over a gui crash is not my idea of a big problem...anyway i have to go do some errands ..BBL
[14:11] <phoenix_firebrd> BluesKaj: thank you
[14:12] <phoenix_firebrd> Peace-: thank you
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[14:46] <bmoez_> how to use kde without OpenGL and XRender ( in 2D)?
[14:47] <bmoez_> in kde configuration system or by commande line?
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[14:48] <tsimpson> as far as I know, just uncheck the "Enable desktop effects at start-up" box in System Settings -> Desktop Effects
[14:49] <bmoez_> that will not stop using of 3D
[14:49] <bmoez_> just some effects
[14:50] <tsimpson> then uncheck the other boxes
[14:54] <brian_> Hello. Does this work?
[14:56] <BluesKaj> brian_, yes , does what work ?
[14:57] <brian_> This program (like Xchat). I guess it does. I've just installed Kubuntu 64 bit. I have sound with Skype and the usual alarms but Amarok, VLC, Clementine do not play mp3s and/nor video files.
[14:58] <BluesKaj> brian_, install kubuntu-restricted-extras
[14:59] <brian_> I've done that and Medibuntu too
[14:59] <BluesKaj> have you relogged in
[14:59] <BluesKaj> ?
[14:59] <brian_> relogged?
[14:59] <brian_> Rebooted?
[15:00] <bmoez_> like i said that will not to stop using openGl or XRender
[15:00] <BluesKaj> n o ,just logout and back in
[15:00] <brian_> Ok, I've rebooted a few times since installed
[15:01] <BluesKaj> vlc needs a little bit of configuring under tools ,and amarok configure as well , altho i don't use amarok much
[15:02] <wabs> Morning everyone
[15:02] <BluesKaj> vlc>tools>preference>audio , brian_
[15:02] <brian_> I don't know Amarok but it's in this system. I do like Clementine however. But in Ubuntu, on the same machine, I've never had this problem.
[15:03] <locsmif> How can I open more than one file in Kate?
[15:03] <locsmif> Each time I open a file, it replaces the previous
[15:04] <brian_> locsmif, if you press CTRL+F, do you get another tab?
[15:04] <brian_> Sorry, +T
[15:05] <brian_> not +F (search)
[15:06] <locsmif> brian_: hmm nope
[15:07] <brian_> Ok, sorry.
[15:07] <locsmif> I can keep starting kate instances from ALT-F2, but when opening from Dolphin the current file edited by Kate is closed and the new file is laded
[15:07] <locsmif> loaded*
[15:07] <locsmif> brian_: np, thanks for the tip :)
[15:07] <brian_> When I use Dolfin I hit CTRL + T and get another tab
[15:08] <brian_> Maybe you have to get the tab before
[15:09] <locsmif> brian_: ah wait, no, Kate apparently works with the files currently open listed in the sidebar
[15:09] <brian_> ah, Kate is like Gedit in Ubuntu. Sorry, I was confused
[15:09] <locsmif> A bit unintuitive but if you click "Documents" you get the list
[15:11] <brian_> The only time I use KDE is in PCLOS. This is the first time I've been able to get a Kubuntu install to connect to the web. So far, with exception to my sound issue, I am quite impressed with Kubuntu.
[15:11] <tuv0k> does anyone using 4.8 have rt-click nfs filesharing available to them via kdenetwork-filesharing package?
[15:12] <locsmif> brian_: good stuff
[15:12] <locsmif> brian_: no driver for your sound card?
[15:13] <brian_> I have a driver cause I can use skype, I have my logind and alarms, but I cannot play any media files
[15:13] <brian_> neither mp3s nor video files
[15:13] <locsmif> brian_: try mplayer
[15:14] <brian_> hey, good idea
[15:14] <locsmif> Should have its own libs
[15:14] <locsmif> So no deps
[15:14] <brian_> vlc didn't work. That's a first
[15:15] <locsmif> mplayer might fail more verbosely
[15:15] <locsmif> heh
[15:15] <brian_> I like Kubuntu so far but I noticed it has a lot of demands on my graphics
[15:16] <locsmif> I wonder if you've got problems because of Skype rather than despite of it
[15:16] <brian_> Tomorrow I'm starting to build a new rig and I'm sparing no expense. I've been waiting 2 years for this. So Kubuntu should run very nicely
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[15:17] <brian_> strangely, skype was not included in the muon list. I installed it through apt-get
[15:17] <brian_> After installing it worked well. Then skype stopped working. I rebooted and it was fine again
[15:18] <brian_> brb
[15:20] <brian_> locsmif, after installing mplayer, vlc, dragon, audactiy, clementine, and amarok all work. :D. Ironically, Mplayer doesn't show up in my menu.
[15:22] <BluesKaj> brian_, type alsamixer in the terminal and check the audio chip , that will give us a clue about the audio driver
[15:23] <BluesKaj> mplayer is a cli app unless you use the gui version smplayer or the other, of which I've forgotten the name
[15:28] <brian_> BluesKaj, Kubuntu is very buggy and jittery on this rig. I've got everything working so far now. I'm just testing it a little to see if I'll use it on my new rig. But I'm surprised it is so buggy and jittery. The other OSs I use on this rig run fine.
[15:29] <brian_> So far I like the layout and the eyecandy. On a better rig it should be nice to run.
[15:30] <locsmif> brian_: it might have something to with the fact that mplayer installs libdvdcss2 etc.
[15:31] <brian_> I already installed that through Medibuntu
[15:31] <locsmif> Hmmm
[15:31] <brian_> But there could have been some sort of dependency thats in the mplayer package I guess
[15:32] <BluesKaj> brian_, I have a relatively old pc here 4yrs , and I'm running 12.04 with kde 4.8.1 ...had only one minor gui crash in the last week , so maybe a kde upgrade is inb order for your setup , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if you're feeling slight adventurous
[15:33] <locsmif> brian_: maybe libavutil or whatever, who knows
[15:33] <locsmif> sometimes you need a little luck
[15:33] <BluesKaj> anyway ...jamtime here ...gotta run .. have a good one
[15:34] <brian_> Ok, thanks BluesKaj
[15:34] <locsmif> The interwoven mesh of multimedia crap in Linux Distros usually has me banging my head on my desk
[15:35] <brian_> lol
[15:35] <brian_> How do I determine the version I have installed?
[15:36] <brian_> I just took BlueKaj's advice but it seems I'm already there
[15:36] <locsmif> see /etc/issue
[15:37] <locsmif> and /etc/lsb-release
[15:37] <locsmif> as well as /etc/debian_version
[15:38] <brian_> Hmmm, I don't have those folders
[15:39] <locsmif> It's quite unlikely you don't have them, but they're files, not folders
[15:40] <brian_> wheezy/sid
[15:40] <brian_> make sense?
[15:40] <locsmif> brian_: I'm the author of "infobash", see http://www.aptosid.com/debian/pool/main/i/infobash/
[15:40] <locsmif> brian_: yep
[15:42] <brian_> Ok, sorry, but I don't have a clue as to what that is
[15:42] <brian_> think 'noob' :D
[15:42] <locsmif> brian_: I run kubuntu these days, infobash runs in every irc client, on the shell, and detects your hardware, distro and displays it
[15:42] <locsmif> Maybe you'll want to use it for yourself or your friends at some point, just a tip
[15:43] <brian_> How do I use it?
[15:44] <locsmif> brian_: it's officially distributed with the Aptosid distro (Formerly Sidux), and if you want you can simply wget http://www.aptosid.com/debian/pool/main/i/infobash/infobash_3.45_all.deb and then do sudo dpkg -i infobash_3.45_all.deb
[15:44] <brian_> I see
[15:44] <locsmif> It has a man page, too, so... but as dumping your system info in this channel would be verboten, I'd run infobash as a normal user in the shell
[15:46] <locsmif> There are some forks too, with more features, like Harald Hope's "inxi" http://code.google.com/p/inxi/
[15:47] <brian_> btw, does 'wheezy' indicate my distro version?
[15:48] <locsmif> Since Ubuntu is closely tied to Debian, it also has a Debian release name
[15:48] <locsmif> http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/
[15:48] <locsmif> "Debian “wheezy” Release Information"
[15:48] <georgelappies> hi all, where would one turn of the popup showing when the mouse pointer is somewhere on a web page in firefox. the popup shows the name of the site but it is very distracting
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[15:52] <brian_> locsmif, thanks for all your input. I have just another question before I go. Between KDE and Gnome there are a set of programs I like. As for the GUI I like KDE. Is it safe to install Kubuntu and before updating simply remove the KDE programs I don't like, then update, then install the Gnome programs I like, and finally another update?
[15:54] <brian_> For example, I'd rather have Clementine than Amarok, VLC and Smplayer than Dragon, Empathy than Kapote, etc
[15:54] <locsmif> brian_: then depends if removing some KDE programs you don't like also involves removing libraries KDE needs
[15:54] <locsmif> s/then/that/
[15:54] <locsmif> Otherwise, you should be fine
[15:54] <brian_> I suspect this might be why the current install has been buggy
[15:54] <locsmif> apt-get get, aptitude, etc. will probably inform you what might break
[15:54] <Peace-> brian_: via terminal you can do what you want
[15:55] <brian_> and I'd much rather have synaptic than muon
[15:55] <locsmif> s/apt-get get/apt-get/
[15:55] <Peace-> brian_: sudo apt-get remove rekonq dragonplayer ; sudo apt-get install firefox vlc
[15:55] <Peace-> brian_: sudo apt-get remove rekonq dragonplayer ; sudo apt-get install firefox vlc ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
[15:55] <locsmif> brian_: Gnome's GTK libraries are present already anyway
[15:55] <brian_> Peace, will the OS sort out the dependencies automatically?
[15:56] <Peace-> brian_: apt does what you want
[15:56] <Peace-> autoamtically
[15:56] <brian_> OK, so it is safe then. Cool
[15:56] <locsmif> brian_: well, you do have to say 'yes' to some things sometimes, be mindful of what you say 'yes' to is all..
[15:56] <Peace-> the secondo line i have written just remove rekonq browser and dragon player install firefox and vlc and afte that upgrade the system with the latest stuff
[15:57] <brian_> I wasn't sure cause in the past I wanted to do a dual install (Kubu & Ubu) and share a /home partition. I was told I couldn't so I thought for the same reason I might cause problems by mixing up the programs within the distros
[15:57] <locsmif> if you remove a package which has a reverse depend on some library on which another key KDE element depends, apt-get will attempt to remove all of it, and warn you beforehand
[15:57] <brian_> locsmif, I hear you. I know it's not a perfect world. :D
[15:57] <Peace-> brian_: you can do that
[15:57] <Peace-> brian_: i have exatcly that configuration
[15:57] <locsmif> brian_: :)
[15:58] <brian_> Really?
[15:58] <Peace-> brian_: yes i have user1 and user2
[15:58] <Peace-> just to be sure
[15:58] <Peace-> but you can use only one user
[15:58] <brian_> That would be awesome. I'd love to have various OSs sharing a home partition
[15:58] <Peace-> brian_: i have opensuse and kubuntu
[15:59] <Peace-> sharing hte same home
[15:59] <brian_> It would suit my mood swings, lol
[15:59] <tsimpson> you don't need to dual-boot for Kubunt + Ubuntu (though I can see why you'd want to)
[15:59] <brian_> I tried with PCLOS and Ubuntu but it didn't work
[15:59] <Peace-> btwi use kubuntu because opensuse has not apt
[16:00] <brian_> tsimpson, I don't like bloated menus
[16:00] <Peace-> infact the problem is the menu
[16:00] <Peace-> brian_: btw kubunt can be set like unity
[16:00] <brian_> I find PCLOS 64 runs really smoothly, but I also like Ubuntu for certain workflows
[16:01] <brian_> I'm still getting used to Unity. Slowly but surely
[16:01] <Peace-> brian_: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/11/plasma-desktopnS1838.png
[16:02] <brian_> Peace, I like the bar
[16:03] <Peace-> brian_: you can get it in no time
[16:03] <Peace-> brian_: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/11/plasma-desktopgJ1838.png
[16:03] <Peace-> brian_: search plasma panel collection
[16:03] <locsmif> Peace-: sexy desktop
[16:05] <Peace-> brian_: => http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Plasma+Panels+Collection+?content=147589
[16:05] <brian_> I'm going to look into that later this week when I build my new rig
[16:05] <brian_> brb
[16:05] <Peace-> locsmif: :) it's mine
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[16:10] <locsmif> Peace-: I figured as much; I like the bar below and the relegation of the tray to the top
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[16:10] <Peace-> locsmif: well that is nowardev layout
[16:10] <Peace-> locsmif: that is my personal stuff
[16:11] <locsmif> If you can get a Linux box to look like a Mac, I'm sold
[16:11] <brian_> I wish I could devote more time to learning about this
[16:11] <Peace-> locsmif: of course you can
[16:12] <locsmif> Peace-: yours is pretty close
[16:12] <Peace-> locsmif: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/08/kde-kubuntu-mac-style/
[16:13] <stanley_robertso> hi all
[16:13] <brian_> I'm an Instructional Design Manager in an education group and I'm the Education Manager in the education group's flagship center. Our clients study via CALL (Computer Based Language Learning) and so we have thousands of computers. I've often dreamt of using a linux based system with a custom GUI.
[16:13] <locsmif> Peace-: ty :)
[16:14] <locsmif> brian_: lots is possible, I used to co-develop for Sidux, and one of the other developers had a managerial position in winery in Australia, and they all used LiveCD based desktops, and they didn't have much breakage for those boxes, as expected
[16:14] <brian_> I want a GUI to be so simplified that the client can simply click on plasma icons and nothing more
[16:15] <brian_> I'd like to see workstations running off one pc
[16:15] <brian_> We could reduce our equipment costs, energy costs, and heat production
[16:16] <locsmif> brian_: well, you'd need network booting
[16:16] <locsmif> Linux terminal server
[16:16] <brian_> I've played a little with LiveCds and use system remaster to create custom distros, starting with 'mini' versions.
[16:17] <brian_> Yes, a Linux Terminal Server. Thanks, I was missing the vocab
[16:17] <brian_> I played a little with Puppy. Incredibly fast, but bloated menus
[16:18] <brian_> I need to combine something like Puppy with a GUI like Peace's
[16:20] <brian_> I imagine a terminal server with 2 HDDs. One runs the system while the other is synchonistically backed up. In case of a system failure ti would take only minutes to switch HDDs and have the system up and running
[16:21] <brian_> But alas, I live in China and the Chinese very rarely touch anything other than Windows stuff
[16:22] <brian_> So finding someone who can do something as simple as install Linux, is difficult at best. All our IT guys have blank stares when you mention Linux.
[16:22] <brian_> My team runs Linux but I am the only one who maintains our systems
[16:24] <elkng> brian_: do they buy Windows they use ?
[16:24] <brian_> Lol, it is almost impossible to buy Windows here
[16:25] <elkng> brian_: did you say them Linux is free ?
[16:25] <brian_> I tell them it's free, but they still think Linux today is what Unix was 20 years ago
[16:25] <brian_> They are shocked when I tell them Mac is Linux, just made expensive.
[16:26] <elkng> Mac is FreeBSD
[16:26] <brian_> That would totally confuse them. It's still a unix foundation, isn't it?
[16:26] <elkng> "Mac is Linux", thats why they are shocked
[16:27] <brian_> Both FreeBSD and Linux share the same unix roots, don't they?
[16:28] <brian_> I might be wrong, but that's what I thought
[16:28] <DarthFrog> Same? No. Linux is more SysV than BSD.
[16:28] <elkng> there are free games for linux also
[16:28] <DarthFrog> FreeBSD/Darwin is obviously BSD, not SysV.
[16:29] <brian_> Ok, that's much deeper than I'm familiar with.
[16:29] <DarthFrog> But both are Unix-type systems.
[16:31] <brian_> As for games, I found I could make the games typically played on Windows run much much faster on WINE. I found the trick was to use the DSL files from a Windows install.
[16:31] <brian_> Without the dsl files, I couldn't even get the game to run
[16:33] <brian_> BTW, a trick I found that works well with the Chinese is to install a Linux distro and then use a Windows looking theme. It takes them a little time to figure out something is not the same. :D
[16:35] <brian_> Peace, are there any special tricks need to know to make 2 OSs share the same home folder (partition)?
[16:36] <henkka_> onko täällä ketään suomesta?
[16:36] <DarthFrog> brian_: Not really. Make sure you don't format the partition when installing the second OS. :-)
[16:37] <DarthFrog> !fi |henkka
[16:37] <ubottu> henkka: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)
[16:37] <brian_> How much space do I need for the root partition. I've been using 15Gb
[16:37] <DarthFrog> What's the machine going to be used for?
[16:37] <henkka_> ya
[16:37] <henkka_> thanks
[16:37] <brian_> Graphics and a/v editing
[16:38] <cancer> how to install Nvidia drivers on kubuntu (first time install).
[16:39] <DarthFrog> brian_: Hmm, might be a bit small if the graphics & A/V files are large, as they might use all the space in /tmp.
[16:39] <brian_> gimp, inkscape, scribus, Libreoffice, audactiy, avidemux, openshot, pitivi, wings3d, blender, winff, etc
[16:39] <DarthFrog> !nvidia | cancer
[16:39] <ubottu> cancer: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto
[16:40] <brian_> I see. I always install /home as a different partition. I thought that would make up for the smaller space. I hadn't considered a temp folder
[16:40] <brian_> My HDD is a 64Gb SSD
[16:40] <DarthFrog> You can always make /tmp its own partition. :-) There are advantages to that, too. It can then be mounted nodev,nosuid & noexec for security.
[16:42] <DarthFrog> Having a separate partition for /home is a good idea, I do it myself. For one thing, it makes re-installing the system much easier.
[16:44] <DarthFrog> brian_: Do you know how large the graphics & A/V files are? I think you'll be needing a couple of times larger space in /tmp to manipulate them. Can you check on a current system to see how much /tmp space is being used? And you'll need lots of RAM, of course, otherwise you'll grow a beard waiting for everything to swap in and out.
[16:46] <tsimpson> /tmp is cleared on boot anyway, so it's perfectly fine to leave it on / partition
[16:47] <DarthFrog> tsimpson: On boot, yes. But on a server, it's also a way to compromise the system from a poorly written web app. Thus the noexec, nosuid,nodev mount options.
[16:47] <DarthFrog> DAMHIKT. :-)
[16:47] <tsimpson> you can say the same about lots of places
[16:47] <brian_> On my new system I'll have a 120 Gb SSD HDD. The largest files I work with are about 6Gb but that's quite rare.My other HDD(slave) I use for storage is 2Tb. I'm also going to have 16Gb ram. This stuff is due to arrive tomorrow.
[16:47] <tsimpson> especially in /var for example
[16:49] <brian_> The Mobo I ordered is USB3
[16:50] <brian_> What I can get in China is pretty limited. If I lived in the states I could get higher-end stuff
[16:52] <brian_> Thanks for all the input and info. It's almost 1am here and I have an early start tomorrow.
[17:35] <juacom99> Hi, one question: i use WIcd network manager, and i can get it to detect when a network reconnect
[17:36] <juacom99> any sugessions?
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[17:40] <locsmif> juacom99: not my bailiwick but your question is probably too vague to be of much use to people wanting to assist you with this
[17:40] <juacom99> ok i'll try to explain
[17:42] <juacom99> i use WICD to manage my network connections, and from time to time my router stop working and i got to resetit, when the router restart the the network don't autoconnect again and i got to manualy connect it again, i was wondering if there is any way to solve that
[17:42] <locsmif> ah
[17:43] <juacom99> better?? :P
[17:43] <locsmif> juacom99: there is a #wicd channel too
[17:43] <juacom99> ok i didn't know that, here in freenode?
[17:44] <juacom99> locsmif: i'll ask there thanks
[17:46] <locsmif> juacom99: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/preferences.png
[17:46] <locsmif> There seems to be an option to "automatically reconnect on connection loss"
[17:47] <juacom99> locsmif: where?? :|
[17:47] <juacom99> found it
[17:48] <juacom99> i had it selected fron the begeaning
[17:48] <locsmif> juacom99: see the screenshot
[17:49] <locsmif> maybe it gives up reconnecting after a timeout
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[17:49] <phunyguy> my wireless keeps dropping to 1mbit after a few minutes on 12.04. any ideas? A reconnect fixes it temporarily, and its not my router as it does it at work also.
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[17:50] <juacom99> locsmif: let me try something
[17:51] <juacom99> locsmif: done i didn't got a default connection selected
[17:51] <juacom99> thanks
[17:55] <locsmif> cool
[17:55] <locsmif> np
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=== rafael is now known as moooog
=== atomix is now known as netco0m
[18:59] <netco0m> :D
[21:17] <cjae> Your default Bluetooth adapter is not visible for remote devices
[21:18] <cjae> keeps going back to hidden in kde control module
[21:19] * rob____ is new here.
[21:22] <volty> Hi, I'm with Kubuntu 11.10, kde-4.7.4, 686 platform, krename-4.0.7-1 known to segfault, why there isn't an update? And can / how I overcome this?
[21:23] <volty> it was fixed with krename-4.0.7-2
[21:26] <cjae> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-6723303.html where do I find the configuration file they talk about here?
[21:30] <szal> cjae: (1) where exactly? (2) remember that Gentoo is not *buntu..
[21:31] <cjae> szal: hci_setup_event_mask(hdev);
[21:31] <phunyguy> argh!!!! this is really frustrating. My wifi keeps slowing to a crawl.
[21:33] <szal> cjae: that's not a configuration file, that's the kernel source code
[21:33] <cjae> oh i see
[21:33] <cjae> so recompile
[21:34] <cjae> This is actually my exact issue http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?50993-cannot-save-bluetooth-settings
[21:37] <cjae> brb
[21:49] <cjae> ok so I figured out that I have a troublesome BT keyboard dongle unplugged it so that only broadcom BT dongle present and now BT will not even turn on
[21:50] <cjae> Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0a5c:2101 Broadcom Corp. Bluetooth Controller
[21:53] <cjae> ok now all of a suffen BT turned on and is working :/
[22:23] <cjae> ok so I can only send files to my phone via the bluetooth manager? I cant browse it?
[22:25] <cjae> bluedevil kde 4.7
[23:02] <phunyguy> is KDE partition manager not designed to be used on SD cards? Only my local HDD shows up in there.
=== styvy_afk is now known as styvy
[23:49] <new2net> If a file's owner:group are new2net:somethingElse, do I have the authority as the owner the change the group to new2net also using chown?