UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /10 /#ubuntu-cloud.txt
Initial commit
=== patrickw_ is now known as patrickw
[01:16] <bnjmn> hi, does anyone know why there's no Ubuntu 11.04 Natty instance-store AMI in the us-east-1 region? I see it's available in other regions.
[01:25] <SpamapS> bnjmn: amd64 or i386 ?
[01:25] <SpamapS> $ ubuntu-cloudimg-query instance natty us-east-1 i386
[01:25] <SpamapS> ami-c15994a8
[01:26] <SpamapS> bnjmn: does look like amd64 is missing
[01:31] <bnjmn> sorry, yes I meant amd64
[01:32] <SpamapS> bnjmn: looks like they were updated yesterday..
[01:32] <SpamapS> bnjmn: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/natty/current/
[01:33] <SpamapS> bnjmn: ami-d87ba6b1
[01:33] <SpamapS> bnjmn: its possible the query tool is broken
[01:45] <bnjmn> yeah, in fact on cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/ it has ami-c0f7c5b4 as eu-west-1 natty amd64 instance-store but on that url, it's ami-b7cef7c3...
=== EgyParadox_ is now known as EgyParadox
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates